Final MINUTES For 63rd ESC Meeting 17.03.2020
Final MINUTES For 63rd ESC Meeting 17.03.2020
Final MINUTES For 63rd ESC Meeting 17.03.2020
63rd Meeting
held at
Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW), Varanasi
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S Subject Group Proposed Item Page
N by No. No.
Members Present 3
General Proceedings of meeting 5-6
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(Technical Session)
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63rd Electrical Standards Committee (ESC) at Diesel Locomotive Works (DLW),
1. Inaugural Session
PCEE/DLW Address:
PCEE/DLW welcomed all the Members of Electrical Standards Committee (ESC). DLW, Varanasi
have taken all the efforts for the smooth conduction of ESC meeting and comfortable stay of
participants. However, if any lapses are noticed, the same may be brought to the notice for
corrective action. DLW successfully adopted to manufacturing of electric locomotives and met the
expected production target.
PED/SE/RDSO Address:
At the outset, PED/SE expressed hearty thanks to the team of officers and staff of DLW for making
excellent arrangements for meeting. Electrical Standards Committee is a highest forum of
electrical engineers for discussion on matters related to electrical engineering, as used in Indian
Railways. The first meeting of Electrical Standards Committee took place in Shimla in the year
1935 which was chaired by Mr. A.F. Wilson, Chief Electrical Engineer of Madras and Southern
Maharashtra Railway, as known at that time. Thereafter, this meeting had been held regularly.
The Electrical Standards Committee has contributed a lot by way of useful deliberations and
decisions, which helped the electrical engineers for improving the transportation system for Indian
Railways. During the Electrical Standards Committee meeting, the issues pertaining to reliability of
assets and its maintenance, technological upgradation or switching over to a new technology,
recruitment, training, standardisation of electrical assets etc. are discussed to provide better
services to our passenger as well as freight customers. For this meeting, total 42 items were
proposed by various Zonal Railways and Production Units. Out of that, total 20 items have been
included in the agenda for discussion. The items, which could not be included due to limited time,
are available in Part-III of agenda booklet. Some of these items may be discussed, if time permits
with the permission of Chair.
Consequent upon 100% electrification, expectation from Electrical Engineers to deliver in their
area of work has increased. The training of newly recruited ALPs should be ensured in electric
traction so that operation on newly electrified territories is taken over smoothly. Open access
should be utilized to reduce the energy cost. Outsourcing of the maintenance activities should be
adopted on need basis. AMC should be limited to items which are highly technical in nature and
where skilled manpower is not available with Railways. Maintenance in critical and safety area
should be done in-house. Ways and means for condition monitoring should be adopted for
predicting the failures and adopting need based maintenance. Passenger amenities like lifts &
escalators should be maintained in good fettle. IREEN has big responsibility for training Electrical
Engineers in various fields of electric traction including high speed. Field officers should be
advised to carry out more inspections in field to take care of asset maintenance. IRIEEN should
interact with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) regarding latest development in Energy area and
technology up gradation. They may also be in touch with DMRC, DFCCIL, NHSRCL, so that its
knowledge regarding use of modern technology gets updated.
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GM/DLW Address:
DLW/Varanasi extended a heart welcome to all the delegates. GM/DLW thanked Railway Board
for choosing DLW as a venue for Electrical Standards Committee meeting, which is the highest
forum of electrical engineers for discussion and deliberation on matters related to electrical
engineering for Indian Railways. In this meeting, future action plan will be decided to take Indian
Railways forward and making it capable of meeting the challenges.
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Technical Session
New Item
Item No. : 424
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
i) In a normal Multiple Unit (MU) operation, the wired communication is established between
the front and the rear loco through UIC control cables. The operational data are
communicated between the front and rear locomotives based on the established
communication protocol. However, in the concept of Push-Pull operation, the front and rear
locomotives are operated in Multiple Unit (MU) formation separated by the coaches in
between. Thus, the principle of working of Push-Pull is same as that exists in MU operation
but with rear loco at a distance and without connection of MR & BC equalizing pipes.
ii) To achieve Push-Pull operation, software logic and MU hardware installed in the
locomotive have been optimized. The scheme is as below:
iii) Indian Railways has started the operation of Train no. 22221/22222 Special Rajdhani
Express from CSTM to NZM on synchronized Push-Pull concept. In synchronized Push-
Pull concept, the locomotives are connected on the both ends of the rake and are operated
such that the tractive and electrical braking efforts are always synchronized.
iv) RDSO has prepared a modification sheet no. RDSO/2019/EL/MS/0477 (Rev.0) dated
18.06.2019 to elucidate the modification required to facilitate operation of WAP5/WAP7
locos in Push-Pull mode. PS&EMU Directorate issued the modification to be carried out in
coaches vide modification sheet no. RDSO/PE/MS/AC/0080-2019 (Rev. ‘0’).
v) Generic Speed Certificate has been issued vide RDSO letter no. MC/LHB/COACH/Push-
Pull-Gen dated 12.07.2019 for operation of Special Rajdhani Express & similar trains
comprising maximum 22 numbers of LHB AC EOG variant coaches (including two LHB
Generator Vans) in Push-Pull mode operation up to maximum speed of 130 kmph.
vi) Railway Board has also communicated sanction vide letter no. 2019/CEDO/Push Pull/0/1
dated 13.08.2019.
vii) RDSO has issued speed certificate for Special express trains comprising 24 LHB AC/non
AC (EOG) coaches for conducting coupler force including jerk, EBD and COCR trials.
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viii) For conducting COCR trial for operation of train above 120 kmph and upto 130 kmph,
Sanction of General Manager for conducting COCR based on the JSC signed by all
concerned departments will be required. Zonal Railways shall specify the train composition
and route details for conducting COCR trial.
ix) RDSO has issued a compendium (Report no. RDSO/2019/EL/RM/0188, Rev. 0) on push-
pull operation for better understanding of push-pull operation in short.
Based on satisfactory trials, generic speed certificate has been issued by RDSO vide
No.MC/LHB/COACH/push pull-Gen dated 12.7.2019. Thereafter, Railway Board have also
accorded sanction vide letter no. 2019/CEDO/Push Pull/0/1 dated 13.8.2019.PCEE/WR pointed out
frequent failures due to communication failures while working Rajdhani trains by using existing
cables meant for miscellaneous purpose like P.A. system etc. for the use of S&T department. It was
also felt necessary that reliable and redundant communication system is essential for reliable
operation of trains in Push-Pull mode. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the Coach Wiring as
per the modification sheet no. RDSO/PE/MS/AC/0080-2019 (Rev. ‘0’) issued by PS&EMU
Directorate of RDSO. This modification sheet is as per the scheme approved by Railway Board
vide letter no. 2007/Elect(TRS)/440/15 Pt. dated 09.05.2019. Members expressed that redundant
and reliable Coach wiring should be done to ensure proper communication in between front & rear
PCEE/ECR informed that the contract for the Coach Wiring has been awarded by ER and
work is likely to be completed by Oct’2019. Thereafter, ER will send the proposal for COCR to
RDSO duly complying with all the conditions as stipulated in Railway Board letter
2019/CEDO/Push Pull/0/1 dated 13.8.2019. A copy of compendium on Push-Pull operation was
given all the PCEEs for ready reference.
Members also pointed out for making suitable provision for indication of door
closing/opening if locos in Push-Pull mode are connected with rake comprising of the coaches
whose doors are operated by the guard of the train centrally. It was also pointed out to work on the
interchangeability among various types of propulsion system in Push-Pull mode. At present,
multiple operations of M/s Medha and M/s BHEL have already been tested. Similar efforts are to be
made for other makes also.
Use of DPWCS for push-pull operation was also discussed. It was pointed out that no where
in world, passenger operation is done with wireless communication in push–pull mode.
(i) Zonal Railways to plan and complete the coach wiring as per the modification sheet no.
RDSO/PE/MS/AC/0080-2019 (Rev. ‘0’) issued by PS&EMU Directorate of RDSO in
compliance to Railway Board guideline issued vide letter no. 2007/Elect(TRS)/440/15 Pt.
dated 09.05.2019
(ii) After comply with the conditions as per Railway Board letter no. 2019/CEDO/Push Pull/0/1
dated 13.8.2019. Zonal Railways may send the proposal for COCR for speed above 120
kmph and upto 130 kmph to RDSO.
(iii) RDSO/CLW should work and finalise the scheme for interchangeability among various
makes of propulsion system.
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Railway Board’s decision:
(i) (i) & (iii) may be accepted. Zonal Railways, all PUs (CLW, DLW, DMW, ICF, RCF, MCF)
to ensure compliance by 31.03.2020 under advice to this office.
(ii) It is a reliability improvement measure and should not be considered as mandatory
requirement for induction of push-pull trains. It may further be noted that very first train
(train no. 22221/22 CSMT-NZM Rajdhani Express) was introduced on 13th Feb’2019 and
still running with same rake without any operational difficulty.
(iii) RDSO to ensure compliance of directives advised in the meeting held on 30.10.19 at
Railway Board, with minutes circulated vide Railway Board letter no. 97/Elect(G)/114/Pt.1
dated 27.11.19. RDSO to examine and consider the option of utilizing both types of
connectors in locomotives and coaches for more flexibility in communication network.
RDSO to ensure compliance by 31.03.2020.
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New Item
Item No. : 425
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
1. The electric loco conversion training should be planned well in advance keeping with the
target date for commencement of electric traction.
2. Adequate numbers of instructors should be made available in Zonal Training Centres for
imparting training.
3. Special courses may also be arranged by Zonal Railways in training centres as per need.
1. Large numbers of ALPs have joined recently. Therefore, ALPs training has to be planned
properly. It was noted that duration of ALP training is different over Zonal Railways.
Moreover, there is inconsistency in policy of giving diesel and electric loco training to
ALPs. Since Electrification is planned for 100% routes, the training of ALP in electric
traction is now essential. Training in diesel traction should be decided by Zonal Railways as
per the local need. Duration of 36 working days training to ALP was considered adequate as
most of the Zonal Railways are following it.
2. Zonal Railways pointed out that psycho test is being conducted at entry level as well as
when LP is promoted to work Rajdhani/ Shatabdi type super fast trains. There is no need of
psycho test at any other stage.
3. Training Centre should be equipped with necessary models and facilities for electric loco
training. Adequate number of instructors should also be available in training centres for
training the ALP in electric traction. Zonal Railways were also requested to use existing
training centres of loco sheds for training the ALPs by deputing suitable number of
instructors in these training centres. It will enhance the training capacity.
4. Where ever engine km earned by electric traction is more than 50%, PCEEs should shift the
crew control to Sr.DEE/Operations in that division.
(i) Uniform period of 36 working days for initial training to ALPs should be followed by Zonal
(ii) All ALPs must be given training in electric traction during their initial training.
(iii) Zonal Railways may upgrade or create training facilities as per the need.
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Railway Board’s decision:
May be accepted. EDME (Tr.) may process the case for Board’s approval.
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New Item
Item No. : 426
Proposed by : RDSO
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
1. Introduction:
In a normal course the maximum TE generated by WAG9H is about 500 kN. TELS (Tractive- Effort
Limiting Switch) is a feature available in 3-phase electric locomotives to limit the tractive effort to 300 kN.
For the purpose of limiting the TE, a spring loaded switch has been provided on ‘C’ panel on the driver desk
of 3-phase electric locomotives. It has two stable positions namely ‘ON’ & ‘OFF’. The nomenclature used
for this switch is ZTEL. The location of ZTEL is given in fig-1 & fig-2 below:
ZTEL Switch
Fig1: Location of ZTEL on Driver Desk
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TE/BE meter for Bogie1 &2 ZTEL Switch
2. Function of TELS:
The main function of TELS is to limit the TE as per the operational requirements. Whenever the
Tractive Effort is to be restricted within 300 kN, LP operates the switch by bringing master controller to ‘O’
and putting ZTEL in ‘ON’ position. After the operation of ZTEL switch, if LP brings master controller to
max position the generated TE will be limited to 300 kN only. When this switch is in ‘OFF’ position there
will not be any limitation of TE. This TE effort limitation function is implemented in the software of 3-phase
electric locomotive. Whenever, the driver operates ZTEL switch a 110 V signal is generated and is sent to
VCU. The software application in VCU limits the maximum TE to 300 kN.
Engineering department has identified distressed bridges, where TE has to be limited to 30 T/loco.
Earlier Bridge manual (Para 224 of A&C Slip No.34 dated 04.10.2016) provided following guidelines for
operation of loco with higher TE on such distressed bridges as under-
(i) For allowing higher powered locomotives on old bridges, the TE may have to be limited
(30T/loco) for multiple loco operations.
(ii) TE may be limited by TELS (if provided) OR by controlling the TM current (If TELS is not
Caution indicator for TE limitation, Indicator for TE limit operation & termination indicator for TE
limitation shall be provided as under:
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Case-I: In case of multiple locos in front only X*= 100 m.
Case-II: In case where multiple locos are provided in mid or rear of train.
X*= Train length upto last Engine + 30 m.
As the operation of TELS is done by the LP, Engineering Department has contended on occasions if
system of TELS is entirely foolproof. They have questioned what if the LP forgets to operate the TELS
while negotiating the distressed bridge.
The solution to obviate such apprehensions is the provision of GPS enabled tractive effort limitation
In order to eliminate the possibility of overlooking the operation of TELS by mistake by LP the
entire system of tractive effort limitation can be made automatic by providing GPS enabled Tractive Effort
limitation system (GETELS).
a. GPS receiver
b. SSD memory containing the GIS location of the distressed bridge.
c. Requisite hardware and software to continuously compare the GIS locations of the distressed bridge
with the current location of the locomotive. It will generate a signal of 110 V DC in case the current
location is within 500 meter of the location (or any suitable programmable location) of the upcoming
distressed bridge.
d. This generated 110 V signal shall be interfaced with the VCU in place the existing TELS signal.
e. The existing application in the VCU shall limit the max TE to 300 kN. Thus, no changes in the VCU
software shall be required.
f. As the VCU shall be interfaced only with the hardwired 110 V signal, the proposed GETELS shall
be interoperable.
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In this way, whenever the locomotive shall be within a predefined location of the distressed bridge
the VCU will receive 110 V signal, which will be used to limit the maximum TE of the locomotive to 300
Some of the PCEEs pointed out that LP would follow the instructions as given in bridge
manual. There is no need to doubt that Loco Pilot would not obey the instructions displayed near
bridge meant to operate TELS to control the Tractive Effort of locomotives. However, there was
other school of thought for minimizing the human intervention to the extent possible. GPS enabled,
tractive effort control will not need any change in loco control electronics. Since arrangement is
simple, it can be provided in few locos on trial basis to see its efficacy.
RDSO shall prepare Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) for GETELS and based
on this CLW will provide it in 5 locos on trial basis for field trials. Based upon the performance,
decision will be taken for its proliferation duly consulting PCEEs of Zonal Railways.
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New Item
Item No. : 427
Proposed by : NR
At present there exist only TMW / NKRD for repair of 3 phase TMs which are quite
distant. With increasing 3-phase locos, there is need to increase workshops to four / five in
nos., which may take care of sheds nearer to them.
RDSO’s Note:
2. At present only TMW/NKRD is carrying out repairs of 3 phase traction motors and with
increasing loco holding of 3 phase locomotives, more workshops may be developed for
repair of 3 phase traction motors.
3. Railway Board had already allotted rewinding of 60 Hitachi TM and 100 3-phase TM to
DMW in 2019-20.
5. There is already one sanctioned work for ‘Extension of TM Shed Kanpur for rewinding of
Three Phase Traction Motors of Electric Locomotives’ (Pink Book item no. 500 of 2011-12,
Pink Book item no. 637 of 2017-18, Pink Book item no. 672 of 2018-19) at a cost of Rs.
14.07 Crore.
6. KPA & TATA may also be upgraded for repairs of 3-phase traction motors.
7. If arising exceeds the shop capacity, possibility of rewinding of three phase traction motors
through trade may also be explored.
Sufficient capacity is already available. Moreover, trade is also in a position to meet the
requirement of repair of TMs. Members were unanimous that there is no need to establish any new
workshop for TM repair of 3-phase locomotives.
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(i) NCR should expedite the development of repair facilities for 3-phase loco TMs as per
sanctioned estimate.
(ii) There is no need to develop any additional workshop for 3-phase TMs repair. However,
Kanchrapara and Tata Nagar may develop facilities for 3-phase TM repair as per the need.
(i) & (ii) may be accepted. Existing workshops to implement the review and streaming of
processes by removing bottlenecks to improve the productivity. Workshops to take steps for
commencing the repair of 3-phase traction of EMU/MEMU. Target date of implementation-
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New Item
Item No. : 428
Proposed by : NR
RDSO Ref. :
On-line transfer of DDS generated on three phase locos to PPIOs is possible through GPRS.
Since coaching three phase locomotives are being equipped with RTIS, which provides location of
the locomotive / train through satellite and the equipment has additional channel for transfer of
additional small data, DDS generated on 3-phase locos can be easily transferred on line for ease of
the sheds and operations.
RDSO’s Note:
There is possibility for online transfer of DDS messages on three phase locomotives
equipped with RTIS. The scheme requires suitable interfacing of DDS with RTIS which will be
evolved duly consulting the matter with CRIS. As per CRIS during meeting at ELS/GZB,
bidirectional flow of contextual messages is possible through RTIS but is restricted to control
stations. The scope of RTIS will be further enhanced to address the proposal.
At present about 2300 locos have been provided with RTIS. CRIS have indicated regarding
their willingness to develop the system for transfer of DDS data on their server by using existing
RTIS & GSAT-6 satellite.
For above, a detailed proposal from CRIS is required indicating the feasibility and its cost.
Thereafter, decision should be taken in this regard.
RDSO should interact with CRIS for getting the details for transfer of DDS data as proposed
by NR and apprise the Railway Board for needful action.
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Railway Board’s decision:
May be accepted. RDSO may formulate action plan for interfacing of VCU with RTIS and
on-line transfer of DDS data. Target date of completion- 31.03.2020.
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New Item
Item No. : 429
Group : T.I.
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
When Gatiman express was introduced in Palwal-Agra Section at 160 kmph, there were
several cases of Panto entanglement at turnout locations. RDSO report no.
TI/Report/OHE/2016/00114 on the rubbing marks on Pantographs during run of Gatimaan Express
at 160 kmph prepared by CEDE/NR, CEDE/NCR and EDTI (Co.ord.)/RDSO was sent to Railway
Board vide this office letter no. TI/OHE/HS/10/04 dated 08.06.2016.
Railway Board accepted the recommendation of the report and issued guideline for OHE
modification to the NR and NCR, vide letter no. 2003/RE/161/1 Vol-III/pt dated 13.06.2016. Based
on successful trial run of Gatiman express, Railway Board issued the guidelines to Zonal Railways
for running one or two trains on trial basis on Delhi-Mumbai & Delhi-Howrah Route.
Number of trains, which can be run at 160 kmph are limited by the OHE capacity of 600
Amp. For running more trains Up-gradation of OHE capacity will also be necessary. Number of
trains will depend upon type of signaling- Automatic or absolute block. One 24 coach train, at 160
kmph may require 10 MVA power. Hence more than one train will overload existing OHE of 600
A, 15 MVA capacity.
PSI Up-gradation:
• On the basis of the study for Power Supply requirements based on the calculations results,
following assessment is arrived at:
• The existing 2 X 21.6/30 MVA 25 kV system can cater maximum 4 (2 each in both lines)
nos. of HS trains through one TSS feed. The far end voltage in this condition will be 24.9
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kV. If the number of trains is increased beyond this the transformer current will exceed its
rated current.
• The power supply can be augmented by providing one additional 21.6 MVA transformer
and using the two 21.6/30 MVA transformer for feeding separately on both sides of PTFE,
while the third one will be stand by. In this condition the TSS can power maximum 10
trains (5 each in both lines) through one TSS and the far end Voltage in this condition will
be 22.7 kV.
• For further augmentation of the TSS 3X30/40 MVA transformers can be provided in place
of 3X21.6/30 MVA transformers. In this condition this TSS can power maximum 14 trains
(7 each in both lines) through one TSS and the far end voltage in this condition will be 22
It was decided that 150 copper feeder wire on new masts will be preferable for
enhancing the capacity of OHE instead of spider conductor. For power supply augmentation,
reduction in size of sub-stations and AT stations will be required, if 2x25kv system is to be adopted.
TSS capacity augmentation of 25 KV system can also be achieved by providing a 3rd transformer
of 21.6/30 MVA in the existing sub-stations so that separate transformers feed on both sides of
insulated overlap/PTFE and 3rd transformer can act as standby. Augmentation of infrastructure for
receiving required amount of power at each TSS will also have to be done depending upon the
requirements on case to case basis.
(i) RDSO to study the actual enhancement in capacity with provision of feeder.
(ii) RDSO to study & finalize layout for TSS & AT stations for 2x25 kV system with reduced space
(iii) Concerned Zonal Railways to submit details of power supply system, including transmission lines,
to RDSO.
May be accepted.
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New Item
Item No. : 430
Group : EEM
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
(a) EEM:
BMIS, SCADA, Smart Metering, smart Grid, Pump automation, Modern Switch Gears, packaged
type sub-stations, lifts escalators, green building, renewable energy-solar, wind etc.
(b) T.I.:
Standards & traction technology for high speed (200 kmph & above).
(c) Elect.(TRS):
End of train Telemetric (EOTT), Distributed Power Wireless Control System (DPWCS), Train
Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Train Protection Warning System (TPWS), Remote
Diagnostic System (RDS), procedure certifications for Introduction of new rolling stock and State of
art of electric loco technology.
(i) The Committee members were of the view that all the items related to new technology, current
development related to Energy Management and softwares being used for Indian Railways in its day
to day operation should be included in the course module of IRIEEN. Some of the topics in this area
are Electricity Act, Energy Conservation, Energy Audit, FOIS, CMS, Rail Saver, TMS package and
should be considered for inclusion in the new module.
(ii) Railway Board desired that experts from Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and other Institutes
may be called as Guest Lecturer for imparting training on current topics related to Energy
Management. The modules for Probationers and posted other officers should be updated separately.
(iii) Director/IREEN however pointed out that the response of the Zonal Railways in sending the
nominated officers for different trainings is very poor, although the matter is followed up regularly
before commencement of any course with the Zonal Railways. Sometimes, even the nominations are
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not made. Only a few Railways are particular about sending officers for training and many a times
the training is required to be cancelled, if the number of participants is less than three.
(i) IRIEEN should consider upgrading of training modules for Probationers and posted officers
separately based on the latest developments/technology in use on IR as mentioned above.
(ii) Zonal Railways should assist IRIEEN in development of training modules for new topics and send
their officers to IRIEEN for imparting training and generating more interest in the subject among the
trainee officers.
(iii) Outside experts/Guest Lecturers from BEE and other Institutes should also be called regularly by
IREEN on recent topics/subjects.
(iv) Simulators for 3 phase electric loco and other rolling stock may be procured and installed by
IRIEEN for giving hands on training to the trainee officers.
(iv) Models for 3-phase electric loco and other rolling stock may be procured and installed by
IRIEEN for giving hands on training to the trainee officers.
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New Item
Item No. : 431
Group : T.I.
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
• Railway Board Vide letter no. 2014RE/161/19/Vol.1 (FTS: 144644), New Delhi dated 31.12.2015
instructed that “RDSO may finalize the specification of spring type ATD and develop sources for the
• In compliance of the above, the specification no. TI/SPC/OHE/SPRING ATD/ 0110 (03/2012) for
Spring based Auto Tensioning Device has been finalized on 28.01.2016.
• Application: Applicable for places where space is constraint like tunnel/Viaduct.
• Two Firms, M/s D2 Engineering Seoul Korea and M/s Pfisterer Ltd. applied for manufacturing and
supply of Spring ATD, in which M/s Pfisterer Ltd. were rejected due to non submission of compliance of
documents as per ISO.
• Proto type test has been carried out of M/s D2 ENGINEERING Co. Limited Seoul, South Korea. Test
reports are under scrutiny.
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Development of Automatic Phase Switching Section (APSS) for 25 kV single phase 50 Hz AC
traction power supply system:
• The APSS has been developed to facilitate automatic changeover of supply coming from different
phases as soon as the electric loco/EMU negotiates the IOLs meant for phase separation. No neutral
section is required in APSS for separation of different phase supply at SP and hence, loco pilot can run
the train at desired speed without any hassle and stress and without worrying about DJ ON/OFF.
i) Development of copper magnesium catenary wire: CORE enquired about the locations for trial.
It was suggested that CORE may do trial at places near RDSO/LKO and ECoR may decide the
location of trial in areas having high corrosive atmosphere.
ii) Development of spring type regulating equipment:
The prototype test has been successfully carried out during 15th to 19 April’2019 and 17th to 19th
July’2019 for spring ATD of M/s D2 Engineering, Seoul, Korea. The field trial approval is in
(iii)Development of Automatic Phase Switching Sections (APSS) for 25 kV Single phase 50 Hz AC
traction power supply system:
The trial has been successfully completed. However, it was felt that ASPS should be installed
in some more locations to prove its utility and performance.
(i) The trial for 65 Cu-Mg catenary wire may be conducted by CORE/ ECoR as already
(ii) Ductability test should also be included in the specification, if not available.
(iii) Central Railway shall provide one set of Automatic Phase Switching Section (ASPS) in each
(i) The trial for 65 Cu-Mg catenary wire may be conducted by CORE/ECoR as already
advised. CORE & ECoR to conduct trial by Nov’2020.
(iii)Central Railway shall provide one set of Automatic Phase Switching Section (APSS) in each
division. CR to provide one set by Nov’2020.
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New Item
Item No. : 432
Group : T.I.
RDSO Ref. :
• It is not feasible to upgrade old SCADA to meet the requirement of OPEN access.
(i) Replacement of SCADA system may be taken up by the railways going in for open access,
on need basis.
(ii) A committee of ED/TI/ RDSO & ED/Tele/ RDSO has been constituted by Rly. Board for
looking into issues of availability of E-1 channel.
May be accepted.
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New Item
Item No. : 433
Group : EEM
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
1. Zonal Railways are procuring lifts & escalators through open tenders till development of
approved vendors by RDSO.
(i) RDSO informed that at present CPWD specification is being used for procurement of lifts by
Zonal Railways and for escalators, the existing practice is to procure as per RDSO
specification. Suggestions for eligibility criterion in tender specifications have been sent to
Railway Board.
(ii) Railway Board informed that eligibility criteria for lifts and escalators to be included in the
tender specification are under finalization and would be issued shortly.
(iii) The Committee members were generally of the view that we should use generic specification
for lifts and escalators and should not have a specification which is too restrictive in nature and
inhibits participation by prospective bidders.
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(i) The existing practice of procurement of lifts as per CPWD specification and procurement of
escalators as per RDSO’s specification may be continued by Railways. However, the
performance of these equipment by different suppliers may be monitored by Zonal Railways
and feedback given to RDSO regularly.
(ii) Zonal Railways may follow the eligibility criteria for procurement of these items once it is
notified by Railway Board.
(i) The existing practice of procurement of lifts as per CPWD specification and procurement of
escalators as per RDSO’s specification may be continued by Railways. However, the
performance of these equipment by different suppliers may be monitored by RDSO/Zonal
Railways and feedback given to RDSO regularly.
(ii) Zonal Railways may follow the eligibility criteria for procurement of these items.
Page 28 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 434
Group : T.I.
Proposed by : SWR
RDSO Ref. :
As per item 11.2 (e) of Appendix-VIII of ACTM Vol. II (Page no. 151) the height of top
member of height gauge shall not exceed 4.67 metre and further Pare 3 (iii) of Chapter V-A of
Schedule-I of IRSOD-2004 stipulates that minimum height of contact wire from rail level at LC
gates to be kept at minimum 5.5 metre.
At few places, State Authorities have seriously objected for erecting height gauge at 4.67
metre especially on highway roads, City suburbs, road leading to industrial belts etc. during
electrification and have demanded for higher height. Railway Board has also mentioned regarding
request received from Ministry of Commerce for raising height of the boom gauge at LC so that
trucks of height upto 4.75 metre can pass, vide letter no. 2008/Elect(G)/161/8 Punct dated
There have been cases where top member of the height gauge has got dislodged /damaged
because of the movement of container with height more than 4.7 metre.
As per the dimension given in ACTM, for contact wire height and height gauge, a clearance
of 830 mm (5500 mm – 4670 mm) is to be maintained between lowest OHE conductor and top
member of height gauge. In view of the revised long time clearance from 320 mm to 250 mm,
clearance of 830 mm can be further reduced by 70 mm, i.e. clearance of 760 mm can be adopted
instead of 830 mm.
Further, as per latest guidelines, height of the contact wire adopted in open section is 5.8
metre from the rail level. If this height is maintained even at LC gate, it gives a flexibility of further
300 mm for height of height gauge.
Therefore, it is proposed that the height of top member of LC gauge above the road shall be
maintained so that it will be lower by at least 760 mm from the contact wire i.e. it shall be between
5040 to 4740 mm, depending upon the locations where wire height is maintained between 5.80
metre to 5.50 metre. Even if height of contact wire is maintained at least at 5.50 metre as at present,
the height of LC gauge can be kept as 4740 mm.
Page 29 of 59
RDSO’s Note:
Vide RDSO’s letter no. TI/OHE/GA/2018 dated 06.08.2019, following proposal for changes in the
height gauge have been sent to Railway Board:
RDSO informed that recommendations have already been submitted to Railway Board vide
letter no. TI/OHE/GA/2018 dated 06.8.2019.
Railway Board has issued Advance Correction Slip no. 30. Same will be again reiterated.
May be accepted.
Page 30 of 59
New Item
Item No : 435
Group : T.I.
Proposed By : SECR
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
1. As per Addendum & Corrigendum slip no. 20 of IRSOD (BG), Revised 2004 & Addendum
& Corrigendum slip no. 27 to ACTM Vol. II Part II appendix-IV-1994, upto and including
11 kV, power line crossing should be by underground cable.
Further as per Para no. 7 of chapter no. 4 of AC Traction manual Volume II, Part II-
“Regulation of power line crossing of Railway Tracks” – All low, medium and high voltage
upto and including 11kV crossing(s) shall normally be done by means of underground
cable(s). While for voltage higher than 11kV, crossings may be overhead lines or
underground cables, the use of underground cable to the extent possible would be
advantageous particularly for 22 kV and 33 kV system.
Underground cable installation is expensive. There are large no. of existing 33 kV overhead
crossings. Replacement of these by underground cable will increase cost of electrification.
It is easier to detect and repair faults in overhead lines. The overhead lines are better suited
to carry higher voltages compared to the underground cables, which are limited by the
expensive construction and limited heat dissipation. For these reasons, the underground
Page 31 of 59
cables are mostly used for transmitting up to 33 kV. For 33 kV line protection system with
fast acting Relay & CB are mandatory.
Existing 33 kV overhead power line crossing can continue, if clearances are available as per IRSOD.
New power line crossings, upto 33 kV can be provided with underground cable instead of overhead
lines on case to case basis with the approval of PCEE of the Railway.
2. In power line crossing various clearances is checked for the compliance of IR SOD/ACTM. The
suitability of the Mono pole for the power line crossing should be checked in the light of guidelines
given in the annexure A.4.01 of Appendix IV of ACTM Volume II, Part-II. Mono poles have
following advantages over Tower.
RDSO to submit the draft A&C slip to include 66 kV overhead crossings also, as ‘desirable
to be converted into underground cable crossing’.
RDSO to collect data and study the impact on execution of on-going works. New 33 kV
overhead crossings, however, if laid by DISCOMs/SEBs should be of underground cable crossings.
Page 32 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 436
Group : EEM
Proposed by : NR
As on date the dimension of different size pole and different watt fitting is not standardised,
difficulty being faced at the time of replacement.
RDSO’s Note:
Several kinds of luminaires/ fittings are available in market & new fittings, etc. are getting
developed with technological advancements. Therefore, replacement by same luminaires or fittings
at the time of replacement will not be appropriate in most of the cases and earlier fittings will not be
available in the market itself in many cases.
Hence such standardization is not desirable. Furthermore selection of fittings has to take
local conditions into account like max / min temperature, wind condition, corrosion prone section
(costal region), proneness to theft etc.
Therefore, selection of luminaires/ fittings may be left to PCEE to suit local conditions.
(i) It was discussed and considered by the group that the technology for luminaires/fittings to
be used by Indian Railways is changing at a very fast pace and its requirement also depends
on the climatic conditions, geographical locations where they would be used. Therefore its
standardization may not be useful for the Railways. Each Platform, Yard, Washing lines,
Circulating areas, Railway Colony etc has its own peculiarity and design and uniform
specification may not help in such conditions.
(ii) Illumination levels in Lux have already been defined by Railway Board at important
locations/assets of Railways in its communication in February, 2019, which may be
followed by them.
Page 33 of 59
Railway Board’s decision:
Page 34 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 437
Group : EEM
Proposed by : NR
RDSO’s Note:
Board vide letter no. 2011/Elect(G)/150/3(Dup) dated 21.08.19 has advised Zonal Railways
to download the policy issued by MoP for setting up of e-charging stations at Railway Stations and
Railway Office complexes preferably near parking area.
Currently, there is no standard for defining design requirement of electrical vehicle charging
station. However, International Electro-Technical Commission has classified these charging
stations in four modes depending upon connection scheme and speed of charging. As per Ministry
of Power (MoP) circular no. 12/2/2018-EV dated 14.12.18 Public charging station shall have one or
more electric boards with installation of all the chargers models as follows:
Charger type Charger connectors* Rated voltage (V) No. of charging
points/no. of connector
guns (CG)
Fast CCS (Min 50kW) 200-1000 1/1 CG
CHAdeMO (Min 50kW) 200-1000 1/1 CG
Type -2 AC (min 22kW) 380-480 1/1 CG
Slow/Moderate Bharat DC-001 (15kW) 72-200 1/1 CG
Bharat AC-001 (10kW) 230 3/3 CG of 3.3kW each
Till these agencies prepare necessary technical requirements, the Zonal Railways may
identify suitable locations and density/penetration of charging. It is estimated that for two charging
stations minimum 200 kW additional load will be added. The capacity of existing transformer and
cabling requirement may be assessed for enhancement in order to connect these additional loads.
Page 35 of 59
Commercial vehicle charging place may be developed at Railway Station. The facility may
be developed by Railway and its operation may be outsourced with collection of usage charges
depending on energy consumption and fixed charges based on the expenditure incurred in
development of facility.
(i) RDSO informed that this being a new item, there is no specification for the same at present.
However, Ministry of Power and Department of Heavy Industry under Ministry of Heavy
Industry have issued certain guidelines and its specification is being developed by Bureau of
Energy Efficiency (BEE). Some Zonal Railways informed that contractors who have been
allotted parking area at Railway Stations have tied up with concerned State Government and
started providing the Electrical Vehicle charging stations at some places, where subsidy is
availed and Non Fare Revenue (NFR) also gets generated.
(ii) It was generally felt by the Committee Members that this item is a new item and we should
wait for some time before its specification can be developed by Railways.
(i) The matter will be pursued with BEE for finalization of specification by them. Zonal
Railways may be permitted to continue provision of EV Charging stations at vehicle
targeting locations and share their experience with RDSO/Railway Board.
(ii) Zonal Railways should develop adequate power supply arrangement for installation of this
(ii) Zonal Railways should develop adequate power supply arrangement for installation of this
equipment, as per requirement.
Page 36 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 438
Group : T.I.
Proposed by : NR
RDSO Ref. :
The number of OHE depots & Tower Wagons is going to almost double in near future due
rapid electrification. However, the Shed/Workshop presently nominated for POH for Tower
Wagons are already getting over loaded and are not able to meet the requirement of POH/ Major
repair of tower wagons. In the recent cases of axle breakage in two Tower Wagons in Northern
Railway, even the drawings of axle were not available in EMU Car Shed/GZB & RDSO.
EMU/Cars Shed/GZB as well as DMW Patiala have not been able to repair the same for past more
than one year. Therefore, ESC may deliberate on the future course of action.
RDSO’s Note:
In view of the mission 100% electrification, the population of Tower Wagons for attending
break down/maintenance of electrified routes will increase significantly. Considering
electrification of 65000 RKM of Indian Railway BG Network in the next few years there
will be approx. 1000 Tower Wagon in service. If periodicity of POH is taken as 6 years then
every year 167 Tower wagon will required to be POHed. Therefore, it suggested that a
diesel/electric loco shed may be nominated for POH of Tower Wagons. Review of
periodicity of POH is also under consideration at RDSO. However, even after review, the
no. of Tower Wagon is going to increase manifold.
USFD test on axles of Tower Wagons to be carried as per RDSO’s SMI no. TI/MI/0043
Rev.2 (for 8-Wheeler) & TI/MI/0052 Rev.’0’ (for 4-Wheeler).
As per RDSO’s Specification for 8-W DETC and 8-W DHTW, complete set of drawings to
be supplied by Tower Wagon manufacturer to the purchaser with Tower Wagon. Therefore,
required drawings may be obtained from Railways/manufacturer of tower Wagon.
It was discussed that due to sharp increase in the number of tower wagons as a result of
100% electrification, it is necessary to develop facilities for POH of tower wagon as the existing
system of using workshops and EMU sheds for POH of tower wagon is not able to cater to the
requirements. The practice of ‘safe to run’ examination by Mechanical Department is also required
to be reviewed. Periodicity of POH of Tower Wagon also needs to be reviewed.
Page 37 of 59
Page 38 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 439
Group : T.I.
Proposed by : SCR
RDSO Ref. :
With electrification of new sections there is an increase in TRD assets which calls for
creation of proportionate man power required for end to end maintenance. The proportion of
Electric loco hauled trains would increase, with corresponding reduction in Diesel loco hauled
trains. Railways have already started the exercise to take up maintenance of electric locomotives in
diesel sheds as per the Board guidelines vide lt. no.2016/Elec(TRS)/138/17 dated 17.1.17 and
28.9.2017 and RDSO Technical circular no. 0138.
Progressively with increasing electrification the infrastructure as well as the existing man-
power of diesel loco sheds will transform to a resource for electric locomotives and traction
distribution (TRD). As diesel locos in diesel shed are being replaced with Electric locos, there is a
reduction in the man power required for maintenance, as the electric loco requires less maintenance
compared to diesel loco, ultimately accounting to saving in men required for maintenance. Hence,
there is a saving in man power by the difference in number of men required for maintenance of
diesel loco vis-a-vis electric loco. This man power saved can be utilized as a man power bank for
creation of maintenance staff for TRD for the newly electrified sections.
For a clear understanding of the proposal, let us assume that the men required for
maintenance of a diesel loco is ‘A’, and the men required for maintenance of electric loco is ‘B’,
and also assuming that ‘N’ diesel locomotives are replaced with electric locomotives then:
Man power saving for ‘N’ diesel locomotives replaced with electric locomotives is say ‘S’,
‘S’ = (A-B)*N.
This surplus man power bank ‘S is proposed for utilization towards creation of manpower
required for maintenance of TRD assets.
The committee may deliberate on the proposal which accounts for creation of man power
required for TRD maintenance.
RDSO’s Note:
There is one school of thought to outsource all PSI activities and some OHE activities and the
yardstick to be revised suitably to reduce the requirement of posts to minimum.
Page 39 of 59
Yardstick for maintenance staff required for mainline OHE has been reduced from 0.45 staff
per TKM to 0.22 staff per TKM. Posts required as per latest yardstick are to be created after
adjusting the surpluses at other divisions/railways.
Page 40 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 440
Subject : Elimination of one power car from HOG compliant mixed trains.
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
As per decision of Rolling Stock Directorate of Railway Board, one of the power car has
been decided to be replaced by a SLRD equipped with HOG switch board cabinet but without DA
sets, from the mixed trains running on HOG system. One power car on other end will be retained.
Under emergent condition arising due to discontinuity in both the 750 V feeders & failure of
HOG loco/OHE will result into non-working of even ventilation system in AC coaches. (existing
battery-75 Ah is not adequate to feed blower motor for required period of time).
Non working of blower will lead to suffocation in AC coaches & consequent agitation from
the passenger.
To provide working of Air-conditioning for at least 3 hrs & ventilation for over 5 hrs.
Proposal to provide 1100/650 Ah battery & 2/1, 25 kVA inverters as stand by in EOG/HOG
AC coach is therefore agreed to keeping the passengers comfort in view.
Since in non AC coaches, 120 Ah battery is already available which can cater lighting & fan
load for over 3 hours, no changes are required.
Since this is an important technical issue hence comes under the ambit of Railway Board
order 2019/O&M/8/3 dated 18.07.19.
(i) Committee members were of the view that to avoid inconvenience to passengers even under
extreme exigency, it is desirable to provide one power car on each end. Number of DA set
per power car can however be one or two depending on the train hotel load.
(ii) Provision of power cars on each end can however be reviewed in case of train being hauled
by locos in push pull mode. In that case only one power car to take care of OHE failure for a
limited period of time.
(iii) In case, one of the power car is planned to be replaced by SLR, it would be necessary to
provide adequate battery backup for working partial AC for about 3 hrs in AC coaches. For
this standard capacity battery along with 25 kVA inverters can be provided.
Page 41 of 59
(iv) The trials with permanent magnet alternator developed for FIAT bogie up to 130 kmph may
also be pursued. It may be utilized for RAs on LHB platform.
(i) For mixed trains planned to be provided with SLR in place of one of the power car,
provision of adequate capacity battery & 25 kVA inverter may be made in AC coaches.
(i) It is recommended that one power car may be eliminated from HOG compliant LSLRD
(ii) A committee consisting of CESE/ER as Convener and CESE/NR, CESE/WR,
Director/TLAC system design/RDSO as members has been formed to frame guidelines for
working of such trains (TDC: 31.01.2020).
(iii) 25 kVA inverter may not be provided in AC coaches. In its place 300 Ah battery to be
provided for light/fan & blower motor for ventilation. RDSO should study & give its
feedback. This may facilitate removal of one power car also (TDC: 30.06.2020).
Page 42 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 441
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
Day by day more & more automated sub systems like automated door control, CCTV
surveillance, fire detection & suppression system etc. are being introduced on LHB variant of
coaches. Moreover, Railway is also working on push pull hauled trains.
To provide effective train communication for all automated systems and also to cater
requirements of push-pull mode operation, proposal to provide train communication with
appropriate redundancy and integrating all the existing and future requirements will be good step.
It is however, worth pointing out that with the adoption of TCN, flexibility of any coach
detachment/ attachment will be lost as it will require updation in TCMS, the modalites for which
will have to be worked out.
Since this is an important technical issue hence comes under the ambit of Railway Board
order 2019/O&M/8/3 dated 18.07.19.
(i) TCN may be developed for coaches with DDU/HMI placed in end coaches (SLR or power
(ii) Only safety related signals viz. all doors closed indication (if automated doors provided),
fire alarm, air spring failure indication etc should be interfaced with VCU of locomotive.
(iii) Provision of TCN will however reduce the flexibility of attachment /detachment of
individual coach.
(i) TCN may be developed for coaches with Digital Display Unit (DDU)/Human Machine
Interface (HMI) placed in power car or LSLRD.
Page 43 of 59
(ii) Safety related inputs like all doors close indication (if doors available), Fire alarm,
Passenger Chain pulling, air spring failure.
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New Item
Item No. : 442
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
It is therefore recommended that necessary amendment in the RDSO code of practices may
be authorized.
Since this is an important technical issue hence comes under the ambit of Railway Board
order 2019/O&M/8/3 dated 18.07.19.
(i) Any voltage higher than 110V AC/DC poses fire & Electrical safety hazard.
(ii) Even in inspection cars, all appliances/sockets should be 110 AC/DC operated.
(iii) No voltage higher than 110V AC/DC should be accessible to passenger/ human beings in all
type of coaches including inspection car & departmental coaches.
RDSO’s code of practices should be strictly followed for all type of coach including RAs &
departmental coaches.
(i) In all coaches carrying passenger should have 110 V DC/AC supply or less.
(ii) In coaches carrying Railway staff can have power supply upto maximum of 230 V AC.
Necessary precautions should be taken while using it.
Page 45 of 59
New Item
Item No. : 443
RDSO Ref. :
RDSO’s Note:
a) Door system
Different operating mechanism viz belt driven, pneumatic & Electric operated.
Different values of obstruction test gap.
Different door operating logics.
b) Brake system
Here too there is no standardization in respect of brake & compressor management.
d) Location of 3rd rail current collector shoe in rake equipped with Medha Electrics is just
below the door. This needs to be relocated to avoid any mishap.
e) The high speed circuit breaker with faster response time to be provided in the rake to avoid
tripping of TSS HSCB.
f) For traction simulation study & L/R measurement, Metro sought, RDSO authorization to get
study & measurement done through any of the IITs at their end.
(i) RDSO in consultation with ICF & respective manufacturers will make all out efforts to
resolve the problems highlighted by PCEE/Metro.
(ii) RDSO has no objection for Metro getting traction simulation study & L/R measurements
done through any of the IITs.
(i) RDSO should prepare specification for door mechanism of Kolkata Metro TDC:
Page 46 of 59
(ii) Brake system and compressor management should be standardized by RDSO for Kolkata
Metro (TDC: 31.03.2020).
(iii) PA/PIS & CCTV should be integrated with TCMS. This should be formed part of the
specification (TDC: 31.03.2020).
(iv) Shifting of TRCC depending upon platform should be studied by RDSO & detailed
comment may be given (TDC: 31.03.2020).
(v) RDSO should study & submit the detailed comments about TCCU bogie for traction
protection in BHEL AC rakes (TDC: 31.03.2020).
(vi) RDSO should study & submit the detailed comments about tripping of TSS HSCB (TDC:
(vii) Kolkata Metro should get traction simulation study L/R measurement done through any of
IITs as recommended by RDSO (TDC: One year from date of approval).
Page 47 of 59
Other Issues (Non agenda items) Discussed
1. PCEE/ECoR pointed out that adoption of Doppler Radar System of slip-slide control should
also be tried in electric locomotives since it is working satisfactorily in WDG4 loco. It was
pointed out by RDSO that this system was tried long back but could not be successful.
However, it was decided to try this again in some electric locomotives. CLW may give some
developmental orders for slip-slide control by Doppler Radar System for trials.
2. Orders of composite Converters should be expedited by CLW to accelerate its development and
3. MTR’s Points
i) Wherever there are less than 3 venders for any items, efforts should be made to develop
more sources for the same.
ii) RDSO & PUs should decide on the trial period of components of equipment and the
trials should not continue for a very long period.
iii) Vendor approval process should be stream lined and done in a time bound manner with
monitoring of each stage by officers. For this, check sheets for each stage need to be
iv) There were discussions about introduction and monitoring of energy consumption for
Traction and non-traction area as one of the KTIs of DRMs in the field, so that its proper
control can be exercised.
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(Review of Items of 62nd ESC)
Page 49 of 59
403 Battery Group is of opinion that this is a good development Accepted. WCR: ELS/TKD has already
operated cum for IR & will eliminate lot of problems in yards like converted one loco using one
25 kV shunting noise pollution, fuelling, air pollution etc. As the over aged WAM4 loco with 199
loco. group has also suggested that initially the Ah battery for shunting
development should be with 3000 Ah battery. Once operations inside shed. This loco
it is developed, better technology option for battery can be operated in 25kV AC as
like Li-Fe-Sulphate, fuel cell may be thought of. As well as battery mode.
far as battery rating is concerned, that will be further ELS/ET is indigenously
reviewed after development of prototype. There can converting one WAM4 loco into
be two versions –one with 3000 Ah battery & other battery operated cum 25 kV
with 1000 Ah. Both versions may be used as per shunting loco. It is in final stage
requirement. of commissioning.
404 Push Pull 1. Rajdhani/Shatabdi type trains should be operated Accepted. SWR:
operation of with push-pull operation equipped with EP The JSC is under preparation for
Electric assisted brake system to get more benefit in permitting push pull operation of
Locomotive. terms of time saving in Rajdhani over DMM-SBC
acceleration/deceleration. section. GM’s sanction is
2. Use of DPWCS may be tried during trial. expected to be obtained during
3. Manning of rear loco by a tech staff is also a May 2019.
necessity to take care of technical requirement NR:
which a guard may not be able to do properly. All 3-phase locos equipped with
MICAS based VCU and HOG
have been made fit for Push Pull
WCR: 04 locos (two pair) of
ELS/TKD shed have been
modified for push pull operation
so far.
Two locos 30620 & 30628 ABB
full propulsion with HOG
(working) have been made ready
for push pull. However software
yet to be released by ABB.
Hence locos working on line
with push pull circuit but without
loco no. 30645 & 30604 (Micas
VCU) with HOG have been
made compliant and released for
No other locos with Micas VCU
and HOG which can be made in
ECR: At present 04 nos. of
Gomoh based WAP7 locos are
equipped with Micas S-2 control
system. out of which, 03 nos. of
Page 50 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
407 Provision of 1. EP assisted brake system should be provided in Accepted. Railway In compliance to Railway
EP Assist 3-phase locomotives for faster Board vide letter no. Board’s letter no:
Brake System application/release of brakes. This will also 2005/Elect(TRS)/44 2005/Elect(TRS)/440/18/1 Pt.
in Electric ensure additional safety feature in train 0/18/1 Pt. dated dated 27.03.2018, RDSO
Locomotives. operations. 27.03.2018 has specification for EP assisted
Page 51 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
2. The JPO should be processed only after trial, so already advised brake system no.
that if any shortcomings are noted .Same will be RDSO to firm up RDSO/EL/Spec/2018/0138 Rev
addressed. ED/Carriage and ED/PS&EMU will specification and ‘0’, April 18 was issued. CLW
be consulted for JPO. The draft JPO will be sent CLW to provide EP has been informed to provide
to Zonal Railways for comments before assisted brake in 20 EP assisted brake system in 20
approval. locos. locos vide RDSO letter no
EL/3.2.19/EP Assist dated
408 Hosting, of RDSO should interact with RAILTEL for hosting Accepted.
Remote the remote diagnostic data for electric locomotives
Diagnostic with a provision for accommodating the proposed
System (RDS) GPS data from Electric Locomotives. The format
and GPS data for data display on RAILTEL server may be
of for Electric standardized in consultation with Zonal Railways.
locomotive on
Railtel portal
along with
failure portal
developed by
Railtel Server.
409 Creation of a Basic training centers of Zonal Railways in Electric Accepted. NR: Sheds themselves are
centre of Loco Shed & other places under control of facing crises of expertise &
excellence for Electrical Department should be upgraded for therefore, it may be prudent to
technical imparting training to supervisors as well as Artisan develop center of excellence at
know-how and staff in hardware as well as software used in Rolling CLW.
guidance on 3- stock as well as TRD installations. WCR: 3-phase loco related
phase locos. training facilities are being
developed in BTC of WCR
Sheds (ET & TKD).
ECR: At present there is no any
training centre for imparting
training to the supervisors &
staff of TRS/GMO is available in
the shed. However, a basic
training school for imparting
training to the Artisan staff of the
shed is under development stage,
which will be completed by end
of March’2020.
NCR: NCR has Electric
Training Centre, Kanpur to
impart training to LPs/ALPs,
supervisors, artisan staff as well
as TRD staff. The Training
centre has Computer Based
Training (CBT) system with 50
nos. computers for effectively
imparting training to running and
maintenance staff.
410 On-board CLW should provide RDS & CVVRS in Electric Accepted. SCR: CVVRS provided in
Surveillance locomotives. Any further up-gradation may be 32101 loco of ELS/KZJ is not
and Data taken after evaluating the performance of existing properly working since
Recorder arrangements. commissioning.
(OSDR) for Rear camera-2 and Panto-2
Page 52 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
Page 53 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
Page 54 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
Page 55 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
Page 56 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
Page 57 of 59
Item Subject Recommendation of ESC Decision of Board Present Status obtained from
no. RDSO and concerned
directorate of Railway Board
concerned Electricity
Authorities. However, recently
Uttar Pradesh State Regulatory
Commission has withdrawn this
for Railways.
The proposal for above referred
points is already in Railway
1. Details of 480 acre Railway
vacant land for harnessing solar
energy have been already sent to
Railway Board vide this office
letter no. ECR/ELE/G/201, dated
10.12.2014. Feasibility of these
lands will be examined
according to Railway Board’s
letter dated 18.04.2018.
2. To be injected at suitable point in
Railway Power supply network.
422 Enhancing The codal for wiring with copper conductor should With copper NR: As regards to codal life for
codal life of be as under: conductor life wiring: with copper conductor of
internal wiring i. 20 years for non-coastal areas. should be 25 years 20 years for Non Coastal areas
in buildings ii. 15 years for coastal areas. for internal wiring and 15 yrs for Costal areas is
from 10 years of buildings. appropriate.
to 25 years. ECR: Railway Board’s
directives for enhancing codal
life to 25 years for copper wiring
will be followed.
423 Diesel to Members expressed that conversion of WDG3A Accepted. NR: After conversion of 02
Electric loco and WDG4 loco should be done since it is diesel locos (WDG3A & WDG4)
conversion. beneficial to Indian Railways. into electric locos (WAG10 &
WAG11) respectively have been
received from DLW. WAG10
electric locos have been
introduced for revenue service
and Railway Board’s 1st sanction
for WAG11 is awaited from
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List of new items proposed by Railways/ PUs but not featuring in main Agenda
for discussion
SN Item description Proposed by
1. Requirement of LIs for Assistant Loco Pilots SWR
2. Review of TRD maintenance schedule NWR
3. Posting of Electrical Officer in Diesel sheds NWR
4. Broadening of vendor base for loco items and spares CR
5. (i) Holding of Push-pull loco by Zonal Railways CR
(ii) Feasibility of modification in conventional loco for Pull Push operation
(iii) Maintaining of spare push-pull compliant coaches at Coaching Maintenance Depot
6. Development of Fire Detection Unit (FDU) in conventional locomotives CR
7. Switching of administrative control of loco operation from Diesel to Electric NR,SCR
8. Re-homing TCN propulsion locos so as have not more than two makes in a shed NR
9. Review of the utility of undertaking POH of 3-phase locomotives in workshops NR
10. Umbrella sanctions for RSP & M & P items. NR,SCR
11. Infrastructural facilities to homed 300 electric locos in sheds. NR
12. Development of higher capacity compressors to fit on the existing footprints/ available NR
envelope for conventional and three phase locomotive
13. Development of AC to DC power converter for conventional locomotives NR
14. Design / Facilities on washing line for inspection for push- pull rakes. NR
15. Guideline for Provision of Lift & Escalator manning NR
16. Standardization of Electrical vehicle charging station at Railway station & their running policy NR
17. Emergency Telephone Socket NR
18. Power procurement under Open Access NR
19. Proliferation of C-DAC VCU DLW
20. Use of Doppler radar based Slip –Slide control in 3-phase electric locomotives DLW,ECoR
21. Integration of wired and wireless options for distributed power control DLW
22. Conversion of GTO based propulsion system to IGBT based propulsion system for WAG-9 in 2nd SCR
23. Linking of reliability parameter like FRPCPY for implementation of penalty in AMC SCR
24. Rescheduling IT schedule of WAG-9HC locos WCR
25. Out sourcing of OHE maintenance during Breakdown WCR
26. Improvement of OHE current carrying capacity SECR
27. Development of technical Institute for Training on OHE upkeep and maintenance SECR
28. Vendor approval of Traction Substation equipments including of Transformers according to the CORE
upper voltage rating
29. a) Use of PVC pipe at SP/SSP instead of Concrete cable trenches CORE
b) Use of pre-casted concrete trenches at TSS instead of in- situ casting of cable trenches
30. Bifurcation of Workshop Plan Head (4200) as Motive Power and Rolling stock. SCR
31. Authority of EIG SCR
32. Event Recorder with short and long term recording facility ECoR
33. Introduction of 2x25 kV OHE system in East Coast Railway ECoR
34. Introduction of Cylindrical foundations in OHE system for Electrification works ECoR
35. Withdrawal of engineering restrictions in Solar Plant Installation ECoR
36. Homing of Electric locos in Diesel sheds. RB
37. Uniformity in major schedule of WAP5 and WAP7 electric locomotives. RDSO
38. Use of TM speed sensors for speed indication. RDSO
39. Real time measurement of electric locomotive parameters. CR
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