Artifacts in Diagnostic Ultrasound
Artifacts in Diagnostic Ultrasound
Artifacts in Diagnostic Ultrasound
Ammar Hindi 1 Abstract: Ultrasound artifacts are encountered daily in clinical practice and may be a source
Cynthia Peterson 2 of confusion on interpretation. Some artifacts arise secondary to improper scanning techniques
Richard G Barr 3,4 and may be avoidable. Other artifacts are generated by the physical limitations of the technique.
Recognition of artifacts is important, as they may be clues to tissue composition and aid in
Department of Radiology, University
Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, diagnosis. The ability to recognize and correct potential ultrasound artifacts is important for
Ohio, USA; 2Department of Allied image-quality improvement and optimal patient care. In this article, we review common ultra-
Health, Kent State University, Salem,
OH, USA; 3Department of Radiology,
sound artifacts that occur in B mode, spectral and color Doppler, and elastography.
Northeastern Ohio Medical Keywords: artifacts, ultrasound, Doppler artifacts, B-mode artifacts
University, Rootstown, OH, USA;
Radiology Consultants, Youngstown,
OH, USA Introduction
Ultrasound (US) artifacts are encountered daily in clinical practice and arise second-
ary to errors inherent to the US beam characteristics, the presence of multiple echo
paths, velocity errors, and attenuation errors. US imaging artifacts are commonly
encountered in clinical US and may be a source of confusion on interpretation. Some
artifacts arise secondary to improper scanning technique and may be avoidable. Other
artifacts are generated by the physical limitations of the technique. Understanding
the physical properties of US, propagation of sound in tissues, and the assumptions
used in image processing allow for a better understanding of US artifacts and why
they arise.1
There are a number of assumptions used to generate US images. These include that
sound travels in a straight line and at a constant speed, the only source of sound is the
transducer, that sound is attenuated uniformly throughout the scan plane, each reflec-
tor in the body will only produce one echo, and the thickness of the slice is assumed
to be infinitely thin. When these assumptions are not accurate, artifacts are produced
that display the tissue scanned inaccurately.
Recognition of artifacts is important, as they may be clues to tissue composition
and aid in diagnosis. The ability to recognize and correct potential US artifacts is
important for image-quality improvement and optimal patient care.
Correspondence: Richard G Barr
Radiology Consultants, Building B,
250 DeBartolo Place, Youngstown,
Gray-scale artifacts
OH 44512, USA Reverberation
Tel +1 330 726 2595
Fax +1 330 726 2349
Email Multiple equidistantly spaced linear reflections (Figure 1).
Ring-down artifact
A line or series of parallel bands extending posterior to a gas
collection (Figure 2).
When the transmitted US beam encounters a small air
20 bubble, the transmitted US energy causes resonant vibra-
B tions (resonance) of the air bubbles. These vibrations create
Figure 1 (A) Reverberation artifact in the anterior portion of the urinary bladder
(red arrow). (B) Diagram demonstrating reverberation artifact. The black arrows
represent the sound-wave path as expected. The red arrows demonstrate the
sound waves that reverberate between the two secular reflects. The red arrows can
repeat multiple times. The increased time taken by the reverberations is interpreted
as a similar structure more distal than the real object.
The US image algorithm assumes that an echo returns to the
transducer after a single reflection and that the depth of an B
object is related to the time for this round trip. In the pres-
ence of two parallel highly reflective surfaces, the echoes
generated from a primary US beam may be repeatedly
reflected back and forth before returning to the transducer for
detection.2,3 When this occurs, multiple echoes are recorded
and displayed. The echo that returns to the transducer after a
single reflection will be displayed in the proper location. The
sequential echoes will take longer to return to the transducer,
and the US processor will erroneously place the delayed
echoes at an increased distance from the transducer. In an
image, this is seen as multiple equidistantly spaced linear
Figure 2 (A) In this patient with acute emphysematous cholecystitis, the series of
linear spaced lines (arrows) behind air in the gallbladder wall represents ring-down
artifact. (B) Ring-down artifact arising from gallbladder wall (red arrow) in a patient
Artifact due to with adenomyomatosis. Reverberation of sound in the Rokitansky–Aschoff sinus in
Propagation assumption. this disease process leads to ring-down artifact.
a continuous sound wave that is transmitted back to the Where it commonly occurs
transducer. This phenomenon is displayed as a line or series Gas bubbles, gallbladder polyps, surgical clips.
of parallel bands extending posterior to a gas collection.
Artifact due to Appearance
Propagation assumption. Dark or hypoechoic band deep to a highly attenuating struc-
ture (Figure 4).
Where it commonly occurs
Posterior to collections of gas (eg, pneumobilia, portal venous
gas, gas in abscesses, bowel).
When the US beam encounters a tissue that attenuates the
Note sound to a greater or lesser extent than in the surrounding
The banding associated with the comet-tail artifact is not tissue, the strength of the beam distal to this structure will
seen. be either weaker or stronger than in the surrounding field.
Thus, when the US beam encounters a strongly attenuating
Comet-tail artifact or highly reflective structure, the amplitude of the beam distal
Appearance to this structure is diminished. The echoes returning from
Series of multiple, closely spaced small bands of echoes
(Figure 3).
Comet-tail artifact is a form of reverberation. In this artifact,
the two reflective interfaces and thus sequential echoes are
closely spaced. The sequential echoes may be so close together
that individual signals are not perceivable in the image. The
later echoes may have decreased amplitude secondary to
attenuation; this decreased amplitude is displayed as decreased
width.1,2 The result is an artifact caused by the principle of
reverberation, but with a triangular, tapered shape.
Artifact due to
Propagation assumption.
Figure 4 (A) Clean shadowing (white arrow) behind a large gallstone and dirty
shadowing (black arrow) from an adjacent loop of bowel. (B) The black object
Figure 3 Comet-tail artifact displayed as evenly spaced echogenic bands (red attenuates sound greater than the adjacent grey boxes. The resultant image has a
arrows) beyond a copper intrauterine device. hypoechoic area behind the black object compared to the adjacent areas.
structures beyond the highly attenuating structure will also Where it commonly occurs
be diminished. The hypoechoic or anechoic band occurring Behind calcifications and stones ,0.5 mm, behind fat-
deep to a highly attenuating structure is called shadowing. containing structures when surrounded by other soft tissues.
Refractive shadowing (edge artifact, trap the unwary into thinking there is a defect in the urinary
lateral cystic shadowing) bladder or diaphragm (generally only if there is fluid on
Appearance either side).
Shadow occurring at the edge of a curved surface (Figure 7).
Artifact due to
Physics Propagation assumption.
Because refraction (described above) is also accompanied
by defocusing and loss of beam energy, shadowing may also Where it commonly occurs
occur at the edge of cystic structures.1 Sound waves encoun- Cysts, urinary bladder (appearance of a defect in the bladder
tering a cyst wall or a curved surface at a tangential angle wall), diaphragm if there is fluid on either side (appearance
are scattered and refracted. The result is a lack of echoes of a defect in the diaphragm).
returning from the lateral cyst wall and anything in a direct
path posterior to it. This has an appearance of a linear shadow. Speed propagation
Sound waves encountering a cystic wall or a curved surface Appearance
at a tangential angle are scattered and refracted, leading to Artificial widening of a structure (Figure 8).
energy loss and the formation of a shadow. This artifact may
disappear when changing the angle of the US beam clarifying Physics
the nature of the artifact. Conventionally, US systems form images assuming the speed
One such clinical scenario one should be aware of is upon of sound in tissue is uniform at 1540 m/second.2,3 However,
imaging the urinary bladder. Refractive shadowing may give the speed of sound varies across tissue types and among dif-
a spurious appearance of a defect in the bladder wall. The ferent patients. For example, the speed of sound in muscle is
presence of this artifact can be definitively determined by about 1560–1600 m/second, while the speed of sound in fat
changing the angle of the US beam.3 Occasionally, it will is about 1430–1470 m/second.4 The default assumption of an
incorrect value for the speed of sound leads to broader US
beams, potential calculation inaccuracies, and poorer image
A quality, including degraded point and contrast resolution due
to increased acoustic clutter.5,6
US systems traditionally create images based on the
assumption that the speed of sound travels through all tissues
of the body at a uniform rate of 1540 m/second. US imaging
of the breast or any other tissue without a corrected speed of
sound clearly impacts the resolution of the image (Figure 8B).
Chen and Zagzebski reported that imaging at an incorrect
speed of sound setting not only causes misregistration of the
B position of a point target but also causes the dynamic receive
focus to miss the target.6 This ultimately leads to a significant
decrease in point and lateral contrast resolution. Anderson
et al7 claim that this decreased imaging quality is especially
important in tissue such as the breast, because the distortions
arising from speed-of-sound error are inversely proportional
to the imaging system’s frequency and wavelength. Addition-
ally, Anderson and Trahey8 reported that they expect sound-
speed error would degrade the quality of any image relying on
high spatial and/or contrast resolution, such as the visualiza-
tion of spiculation or capsules, the differentiation of lesions
Figure 7 (A) Edge-effect refractive shadowing emanating from the superior and
inferior edges of the testicle (red arrows). (B) Diagram depicting the cause of and cysts, and US-guided biopsy.7 All of these functions are
refractive shadowing. At the curved surface of the lesion, the ultrasound beam is
deflected. This leads to a rectangular area where no sound waves are returned to
extremely important in clinical sonographic imaging of the
the transducer, leading to an area of shadowing. breast. With the speed of sound corrected, lateral resolution is
Artifact due to
Measurement with improved Propagation assumption (incorrect speed of sound).
Most US phantoms are calibrated to 1540 m/second. If one
uses a speed-of-sound correction (common in breast imaging)
on a phantom, erroneous results will occur.9,10
H4.0 MHz 170 mm
Figure 8 (A) This pair of images taken in the same location in a patient with Long mid upper General
of sound, whereas the right image uses a corrected speed of sound for breast tissue. Store in progress
With correction of the speed of sound, calcifications are more discrete and less
artificially elongated. (B) This diagram depicts how the size of an object is affected
by the changes in lateral resolution with different speed-of-sound assumptions. The
measurement on previous images occurs when conventional speed of sound is used
in breast imaging, causing decreased lateral resolution. Measurement with improved
focus occurs when a corrected speed of sound for the tissue is used, improving
lateral resolution. (C) In this patient with a silicone breast implant, the speed of
sound through the silicone is significantly less than in breast tissue. The sound waves
distal to the implant therefore return to the transducer delayed compared to those
through normal breast tissue. The ultrasound system interprets the delay as the
object being deeper in the scan, leading to the apparent disruption of the underlying
muscle (arrow). Figure 9 Side lobe/grating lobe artifact (red arrow) seen in a mucinous ovarian
Abbreviation: PSF, Peak Systolic Velocity. tumor.
Every transducer has a main-beam axis along which the
main beams are transmitted parallel to the long axis of the
transducer. In linear array transducers, multiple other low-
amplitude beams project radially at different angles away
from the main-beam axis. These are termed side lobes.
Side lobes occur relatively close to the primary beam, as
opposed to grating lobes that have the same origin, but
are farther removed from the central beam. Side-lobe and
grating lobe beams may be reflected back (from a strong
reflector) to the transducer and sometimes detected. The
transducer/machine cannot differentiate between reflected
beams returning from the main beam versus those return-
ing from off-axis lobes. It considers any detected beam as B
originating from the main axis. Off-axis lobes are lower in
amplitude than the main axis beam, and therefore in order
to be detected by the transducer, they must be reflected by
a highly reflective (ie, highly echogenic) structure. Off-axis
lobe artifacts have the appearance of a hyperechoic object
within an anechoic or hypoechoic structure, such as the
urinary bladder or gallbladder lumen. Also, this artifact
may be seen with needle biopsy when the needle is a strong
reflector.11 Off-axis lobe artifacts can also be seen on color
and spectral Doppler imaging.11
Artifact due to
Figure 10 (A) Volume-averaging artifact demonstrated in a saline breast implant
(red arrow) due to lack of finite thickness of the beam slice. Increased through-
Where it occurs transmission is also demonstrated as increased echogenicity behind the implant.
Urinary bladder, gallbladder, needle biopsy. (B) In this schematic demonstrating volume averaging, the solid lines represent the
ultrasound beam transmitted and the dashed lines represent the received sound
waves. When the focal zone is placed at the depth of the lesions, only the circle is
Volume averaging (section insonated with the transmit beam leading to an image with only the circle. In the
image on the right, the lesions are distal to the focal zone and both the circle and
thickness, slice thickness) square are insonated, leading to the image having received signals from both the
circle and square in the image.
Appearance Abbreviation: TRVS, transverse.
False sludge or debris within anechoic cystic structures
(Figure 10). distal from the focal zone are more prone to artifacts resulting
from volume averaging between adjacent objects that both
Physics fall within the thickness of the beam. In other words, the
The thickness of the main US beam as it exits the transducer thicker the image slice, the more likely that two different
is equal to the thickness of the transducer array. The finite adjacent objects will fall within that image slice. This artifact
beam width creates a partial-volume artifact related to slice can be minimized by placing the focal zone at the level of
or section thickness. When the beam includes both a cystic the tissue/structure of interest.12
structure and a solid structure, the scan line consists of echoes
from both the cystic and solid structure. The accumulation Artifact due to
of scan lines of this nature produces filling in of the cystic Propagation assumption.
structure. As the beam propagates away from the transducer,
it narrows gradually until it reaches the focal zone. It then Where it commonly occurs
gradually widens again. Structures that are proximal to and Urinary bladder, gallbladder, and cysts.
Range ambiguity
Structures deep to the scanning range are depicted in the
The US system assumes that all received echoes are formed
from the most recent transmitted pulse. A short US pulse is
sent out from the transducer, and the transducer is silent for a
time to receive the returning echoes. All echoes received dur-
ing this sampling period are assigned a depth based on the time
interval between the transmitted pulse and the detected echo.
A second pulse is then sent out, and the transducer is again
silent to receive returning echoes. At high pulse-repetition B
frequency (PRF), echoes from deep structures interrogated by
the first pulse arrive at the transducer after the second pulse
has been transmitted. These echoes are interpreted as having
originated from the most recent transmitted pulse and are
incorrectly placed near the transducer in the image.13
Artifact due to
Improper scanning parameters.
Figure 11 (A) Mirror-image artifact demonstrating the appearance of a hepatic vein
Where it commonly occurs (red arrow) and IVC (dotted arrow) above the diaphragm. (B) Diagram demonstrating
Small parts, endosonography. the cause of the mirror-image artifact. The black arrows are the true path of the
transmitted and received sound waves. The red arrows are how the ultrasound
interprets the sound waves. In the image, the blue object is correctly placed and the
Mirror-image artifact red mirror image occurs on the opposite side of the secular reflector.
Abbreviation: IVC, inferior vena cava.
Duplicated structure equidistant from but deep to a strongly that produces a mirror image at the right lung base. A pulse
reflective interface (Figure 11). from the main beam travels through the liver and is reflected
off the diaphragm. This reflected echo reaches the liver lesion
Physics and reflects back to the diaphragm.14 From the diaphragm,
The depth at which each structure is displayed on a US image the echo finally reaches the transducer.12
is proportional to the amount of time it takes for a US beam Because color Doppler scanning creates images with
to return to the transducer from the time when it leaves the marked contrast between vascular structures and soft tissues
transducer. Normally, this amount of time would be primarily (ie, color vs gray scale), mirror-image artifacts are particu-
dependent upon the depth of a tissue from which the beam larly common on color Doppler scans. As with gray-scale
reflects. This would result in an image with an anatomically imaging, color Doppler mirror images occur most frequently
accurate depth. In mirror-image artifact, the return of sound around the lung. However, the increased contrast also allows
beams is delayed, and therefore the structures from which weaker acoustic interfaces, such as bone or even the back wall
these delayed beams are reflected are displayed at a greater of the carotid, to act as mirrors for color Doppler imaging.
depth than their true anatomic depth. This delay occurs
in the presence of highly reflective interfaces, such as the Artifact due to
diaphragm/lung base interface on a right upper quadrant Propagation assumption.
scan. The diaphragm/lung base interface is highly reflec-
tive because gas reflects almost 100% of the sound that Where it commonly occurs
hits it and is therefore the best acoustic mirror in the body.1 Diaphragm with liver lesions or the liver itself being dupli-
The prototypical example is in the setting of a liver lesion cated, trachea.
Physics Speckle
When spurious electronic signals are detected by the US sys- Appearance
tem, bands of noise are displayed in the image. This can occur The random granular texture that obscures anatomy in US
when there is not a dedicated electrical outlet that is appropri- images (noise) (Figure 13).
ately grounded. If a non-dedicated electrical outlet is used and
another piece of equipment is turned on, electric signals may
Speckle is created by a complex interference of US echoes
enter the US machine, eg, if the US machine is connected to
made by reflectors spaced closer together than the US
an outlet with a respirator and the respirator turns on.
system’s resolution limit. Speckle or acoustic noise occurs
Artifact due to throughout the image. Speckle degrades spatial and contrast
Electronic interference. resolution and obscures the underlying anatomy. Speckle is a
major cause of image degradation in US. Speckle interferes
Where it commonly occurs with the ability of a US system to detect low-contrast objects.
Use of a non-dedicated electrical outlet. Speckle can be reduced using techniques that reduce noise
(ie, higher-frequency transducer, real-time compounding,
Banding adaptive post-processing, and harmonic imaging).
A band of increased brightness. Artifact due to
Propagation assumption.
The focusing characteristics of the transducer may create Where it commonly occurs
a banding artifact, which is a band of increased brightness Everywhere; speckle is inherent in US images.
caused by greater intensity, usually in the focal zone. This is
more noticeable with systems with fixed transmit focusing
Beam-width artifact
and dynamic receive focusing. This artifact can also be cre-
Fine, grainy echoes distributed along the inside of cystic
ated by improper time-gain compensation settings.13
structures whose wall is struck obliquely by the US beam
(Figure 14).
Artifact due to
Improper scanning technique.
The origin of beam-width artifact is similar to that of side-
lobe artifact. The main US beam exits the transducer at
The different tissues a US beam encounters attenuate the
beam differently. If the attenuation coefficient for a mate-
rial is great, such as with fat, then the beam may not fully
penetrate the imaging field. In this situation, deep structures
may not be visualized. An appropriate frequency transducer
should be selected to optimize penetration. Attenuation is
also dependent on the frequency of the US. Attenuation
increases with increase in frequency. In soft tissues, the
relationship between attenuation and frequency is linear.
Figure 14 Images of the gallbladder taken with the focus in an appropriate
location (A) and deep in the far field (B). The increased echoes adjacent to the In bone and water, attenuation increases as the square of
gallbladder wall (arrow) are beam-width artifact.
the frequency.3
approximately the same width as the transducer, then nar- Artifact due to
rows as it approaches the focal zone and widens again distal Attenuation of sound.
to the focal zone.1 The distal beam may widen beyond the
actual width of the transducer. A highly reflective object Where it commonly occurs
located within the widened beam may generate detectable High-frequency transducers, in tissues which significantly
echoes.2 The transducer cannot differentiate between echoes, attenuate sound (fat, bone).
whether they originate from within the narrow imaging plane
or originate from a location within the widened beam. The Anisotropy
transducer falsely interprets objects located in the widened Appearance
beam to be located within the narrow beam. This can be Hypoechoic area in a structure that has anisotropy
minimized or eliminated by adjusting the focal zone, such (Figure 16).
that it is placed at the level of the target organ/structure that
is being examined. Physics
When a tendon (highly anisotropic) is imaged perpendicular
Artifact due to to the US beam, a characteristic hyperechoic fibrillar appear-
Propagation assumption. ance is displayed. In structures with anisotropy (having
properties that differ according to the direction of measure-
Where it commonly occurs ment) and when the transducer’s angle of incidence is not
Urinary bladder, gallbladder, and other cystic structures. perpendicular to the structure, fewer returning echoes to
the transducer results in a hypoechoic area. This can occur
Attenuation artifact when the US beam is angled as little as 5° relative to the
Appearance long axis of such a structure. This phenomenon can lead to
Nonvisualization of deep structures (Figure 15). misinterpretation and can be overcome by changing the trans-
ducer position (heel-to-toe movement to make the transducer
Tendon Tendon
Figure 16 In the image on the left, the ultrasound beam is perpendicular to the
Figure 15 Images of a liver obtained with a 4 MhZ (A) and 6 MhZ transducer tendon throughout its course. The tendon is uniformly hyperechoic. In the image on
(B) demonstrate the loss of signal in the far field with the higher-frequency the right, the tendon is curved. Where the ultrasound beam is perpendicular to the
transducer, due to the increased attenuation of the tissues with the higher-frequency tendon, the tendon is hyperechoic. Where the ultrasound beam is not perpendicular
transducer. to the tendon, the tendon is hypoechoic.
Propagation assumption.
Inv cm/s
Any spectral Doppler waveform in which the Doppler
(receiver) gain is too high. 40
3.6 sec
FR 7 HZ 60º M3 M6
RP +77.0
63% 20% M2 M3
C 48 WF 60 Hz FR 13Hz
P1 +16.0
P med SV2.0 mm
HGen M3
2.3 MHz 2D
CF 80%
6.9 cm
61% C 56
5500 Hz −77.0 P low
WF 247 Hz x Res
2500 Hz
11 WF 162 Hz
Med −16.0
240 x cm/s
6.6 sec
Figure 18 (A) Aliasing displayed on a spectral Doppler waveform (red arrow). When
the Nyquist limit is exceeded, the waveform “wraps around,” resulting in an inability
Figure 17 Artifactual display of flow beneath the baseline (arrow) in this image is to measure velocity accurately. (B) Aliasing displayed in color Doppler. Due to the
due to improper Doppler gain setting. Nyquist limit being exceeded, the “wrapping around” of velocity causes the fastest
Abbreviation: RRA DIST, right renal artery distal. flow (centrally in the vessel in laminar flow), displayed as blue in this example.
Tissue-vibration artifact is produced in nonflow areas by
bruits, arteriovenous fistulas, and shunts. Turbulence causes 14
Artifact due to
Noise generated in calcification. 15
IVC long
Where it commonly occurs Figure 21 Flash artifact (arrow) visualized due to motion of bowel gas anterior to
Urinary stones. IVC (inferior vena cava).
+19.3 +19.3
40% 40%
WF 120 Hz WF 120 Hz
SV7.5 mm SV0.5 mm
M2 M2
6.0 MHz 6.0 MHz
1.8 cm x 1.8 cm
−19.3 −19.3
cm/s cm/s
4.0 4.0
−120 −120
−80 −80
−40 −40
Inv Inv
cm/s cm/s
A 3.6 sec
40 B 3.6 sec
Artifact due to
FR 7 Hz M3 m6
RP +77.0
Improper scanning technique.
63% RRA
C 48
P med
Where it commonly occurs
5500 Hz
WF 247 Hz
High −77.0
Directional ambiguity
Doppler signal appearing both above and below the spectral
zero-velocity baseline.
Directional ambiguity occurs when the main US beam
Figure 24 Artifactual appearance of thrombosis in IVC (arrow) due to PRF/velocity intercepts a vessel at a 90° angle.11 The sound wave reflected
scale setting being too high to display low-velocity slow venous flow.
Abbreviations: IVC, inferior vena cava; PRF, pulse repitition frequency; RRA, right from flowing blood is neither moving toward nor away from
renal artery. the direction of the wave and does not undergo a Doppler
shift. Without a Doppler shift, the direction of flow cannot
Physics be deduced. In this situation, spectral Doppler information
Spurious thrombosis may be seen as a result of setting the is displayed as a tracing both above and below the spectral
velocity scale or wall filter too high or the gain too low. When zero-velocity baseline.11 This artifact is worsened by higher
the velocity scale is set too high relative to the blood-flow gain settings and is easily corrected when the beam direction
velocity in a slow-flow vessel, visualization of flow in such is shifted to an angle either side of 90°. When obtaining a
a vessel is decreased. Thus, such vessels may falsely appear sample volume in spectral Doppler imaging, one should avoid
thrombosed. the portion of a vessel that intercepts the interrogating beam
When the gain is set too low, some Doppler informa- at 90°; however, the Doppler angle should ideally be kept at
tion is lost, especially in vessels with slow flow. When the less than 60°. Note that electronic angulation, when available,
gain setting is too high, this produces random color noise can also be used to adjust the Doppler angle.11
throughout the display. The color gain should be increased
until noise is encountered, and then decreased until the noise Artifact due to
just clears from the image.11 Improper scanning technique.
A wall filter is a user-adjustable function of the US machine
that allows exclusion of color flow information above or Where it commonly occurs
below specified Doppler frequency levels. A high-pass filter When a Doppler beam is 90° to flowing blood.
includes higher Doppler frequency information (higher veloc-
ity) and excludes Doppler frequency information below the Elastography
user-specified level. A high-pass filter is used when imaging Bull’s eye artifact (strain)
higher-velocity vessels (arteries) and has the effect of remov- Appearance
ing artifacts related to vessel-wall motion, which is typically White central signal within a black outer signal and a bright
a low-frequency signal. Artifacts can arise when there is spot posterior to a lesion (Figure 25).
true slow blood flow in a vessel (which will produce lower-
frequency Doppler shifts). If these Doppler shift frequencies Physics
are below the level set for the filter, then this will produce a A characteristic elastogram is seen with benign simple
spurious appearance of lack of flow in such vessels (spurious and complicated cysts with some systems. This artifact is
thrombosis).11 Diagnostically significant information can also characterized by a white central signal within a black outer
be lost in the measurement of resistive index. Arterial diastolic signal and a bright spot posterior to the lesion.20 This artifact
flow is lower in velocity (producing lower-frequency Doppler has a high predictive value for the lesion being a benign
shifts), and therefore if the low-velocity diastolic flow is filtered simple or complicated cyst. If there is a solid component in
out, this will produce a spuriously high resistive index.11 the cyst, it will appear as a solid lesion within the pattern.
Figure 26 B-mode image and elastogram of a lipoma. Note the white ring (red
arrows) surrounding the lesion on the elastogram. This pattern is caused by the
lesion moving in and out of the imaging plane during the elasticity image acquisition
and is called the sliding artifact. Because this artifact usually occurs with lesions that
can move independent of the adjacent tissue, it is usually identified in benign lesions.
Keeping the lesion in the same field of view during elasticity image acquisition can
eliminate it.
Figure 25 (A) The image on the left in the dual-screen display is the B-mode
image, whereas the image on the right is the elastogram. The elastogram shows
the characteristic artifact, a black area (red arrow) with a central bright spot (green A white ring or group of waves around a lesion on the
arrow) and posterior bright spot (blue arrow). (B) A different artifact is seen in cysts
on the Hitachi system. This artifact has three-colored layers with a blue-green-red elastogram indicates the lesion is moving in and out of the
(BGR) pattern. imaging plane while the elastogram is being obtained. This
is called a sliding artifact.23 Having the lesion remain within
the imaging plane during the acquisition can eliminate the
This artifact can be used to decrease the number of breast artifact. Repositioning the patient, using less compression,
biopsies performed.20 In one series, 10% of complicated or having the patient hold their breath may help keep the
cysts appeared as solid masses on B-mode that could be lesion in the scanning plane. This artifact suggests the lesion
identified as complicated cysts with this technique. If core is freely moveable within the adjacent tissues and is most
biopsies are performed, notifying the pathologist the lesion likely benign.
is a complicated cyst as opposed to a solid mass will lead
to better pathology/imaging correlation. If the pathologist is
Artifact due to
told the lesion is solid, he may not mention that a cyst wall
Improper scanning technique.
is present and suggest the suspected solid lesion is not in
the specimen, leading to nonspecific diagnosis. This useful
artifact is seen with Siemens and Philips equipment and may Where it commonly occurs
not be seen in other manufacturers’ equipment.20 Lesions that can slip laterally under the transducer, eg,
The Hitachi system has a different artifact that occurs in fibroadenoma, lipoma.
cysts (Figure 25B). There is a three-color layering pattern of
blue, green, and red (chorine) identified in cystic lesions.21–23 Worm pattern (strain)
A detailed study evaluating the sensitivity and specificity of Appearance
this artifact has not been performed. A pattern of changing stiffness in the image (Figure 27).
Artifact due to
The artifact is vendor-specific.
If there is very little variability in the elastic properties of the
tissues within the Field of View (FOV), such as when signifi-
cant precompression is applied, a pattern of varying signals
is noted, representing noise. This has been named the worm
pattern.23 There is no clinical information in these images. This
artifact can be eliminated by the use of minimal precompres-
sion and including various tissues within the field of view.23
Artifact due to
Improper scanning technique.
In very hard lesions, such as invasive cancers, the shear
wave may not propagate normally. No results are therefore
obtained, and the area with no results is not color-coded. In
these areas, interpretation is not possible. Shear waves will
not propagate through simple cysts, and they will not be
color-coded either (Figure 26B). The shear wave is detected
by US echo signal. Therefore when areas in B-mode image
show extremely low signals, it indicates the echo signal
is too low for successful detection. These areas are not
color-coded. This will occur in areas with marked shadow-
ing, such as ribs, tumor with significant shadowing, and areas
with calcification.23
Artifact due to
Patient factors, lesion factors.
Amount of precompression Understanding the cause of the artifacts can help to eliminate
A x
unwanted artifacts.
RGB has received equipment and research grants from
Siemens Ultrasound, Philip Ultrasound and SuperSonic
Occational good
Imagine. He is on an advisory panel for Philips Ultrasound,
21. Itoh A, Ueno E, Tohno E, et al. Breast disease: clinical application of 24. Barr RG, Zhang Z. Effects of precompression on elasticity imaging of
US elastography for diagnosis. Radiology. 2006;239(2):341–350. the breast: development of a clinically useful semiquantitative method of
22. Ueno E, Ito A. Diagnosis of breast cancer by elasticity imaging. Eizo precompression assessment. J Ultrasound Med. 2012;31(6):895–902.
Joho Med. 2004;36(12):2–6.
23. Barr RG. Sonographic breast elastography: a primer. J Ultrasound Med.