Fish Biodiversity and Fishing Methods of Some Waterbodies in Katsina State of Nigeria
Fish Biodiversity and Fishing Methods of Some Waterbodies in Katsina State of Nigeria
Fish Biodiversity and Fishing Methods of Some Waterbodies in Katsina State of Nigeria
ISSN: 2347-5129
IJFAS 2014; 1(6): 218-221 Fish biodiversity and fishing methods of some
© 2013 IJFAS waterbodies in Katsina State of Nigeria
Received: 11-05-2014
Accepted: 13-06-2014
M. Ahmad, F.U. Shagari and A.N. Sani
M. Ahmad
Department of forestry and fisheries,
Usmanu Danfodiyo University
Sokoto, Nigeria.
Knowledge of the fishing methods and the fish stock of some major water bodies in Katsina State is
important for use in appraising the fisheries potential in the areas and similar ecosystem subject to similar
F.U. Shagari ecological pressure. The study was carried in three water bodies: Ajiwa dam, Ajiwa; Jibiya dam, Jibiya
Department of forestry and fisheries, Local government and Zobe dam, Dutsinma Local government. During the study, the fishermen’s catches
Usmanu Danfodiyo University and fishing activities were recorded. The fish species at the landing site were identified using keys by
Sokoto, Nigeria. Reed et al., (1967) and some pamphlets (species summary). Fish species composition recorded in Ajiwa
dam belongs to 5 families: Bagridae (17.8%), Claridae (19.4%), Cichlidae (28.9%), Momyridae (13.8%)
A.N. Sani and Schilbedae (20.0%). In addition to the 5 families of fish species in Ajiwa dam, the catches in Jibiya
Department of forestry and fisheries, dam composed of Characidae (3.0%), Cyprinidae (1.0%) and Mochokidae (7.5%), while those of Zobe
Usmanu Danfodiyo University dam composed of Characidae (2.5%). In all, the water bodies, Cichlidae made up the highest percentage
Sokoto, Nigeria. of the composition accounting for 28.9%, 34.4% and 38.2% in Ajiwa dam, Jibiya dam and Zobe dam
respectively. The fishing activities in the water bodies revealed that the gears being used were
predominantly gill nets, cast nets, traps and hook and line. For sustainable management, enforcement of
restriction should be adopted.
Keywords: fishing methods, fish species, gears, Ajiwa dam, Jibya dam, Zobe dam.
1. Introduction
An estimation of the species composition is important to the study of a stock’s dynamics and
in the management of species. Densities indices of stocks are often used in stock assessment
in multi-species assessment, ecosystem studies and in studies of economically and
environmentally important fish species, it is often necessary to the absolute size of the stock.
Thus, there is a strong need to develop methods of reasonable cost for estimation of absolute
fish numbers (Auvnen and Juha, 1994) [1]. Fisheries stock assessment is primarily used for
some decision making process, and as the process becomes more quantitative, the demand
for on stock assessment is increasing (Hilborn et al., 1994.) [4].
Several methods to estimate current stock size and potential productivity of exploited
population have been developed. The most commonly used model is that developed by
Schaefer (1957) on catch biomass and indices of abundance. Since aquatic resources are
fundamentally important for some community, careful study must be made of their biology
and ecology (Gulland, 1983) [3]. The objectives of this study are to find out the fishing
methods practiced in the water bodies, to find out the fish species diversity of the water
bodies and to find out the management tools used by the government in managing the water
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
zones are 300-400 m, 600-800 m and 900-1100 m collection of primary and secondary data. The primary data
respectively. Rain fall lasts from April to September were collected through field survey, administering of 45
depending on the zone. questionnaires-15 questionnaires to each of the three water
bodies (Ajiwa dam, Jibiya dam and Zobe dam). In
2.1.2 Ajiwa District administering the questionnaires, the fishermen were
Ajiwa is in the eastern part of Katsina State and lies randomly selected. The secondary data were collected using
between latitude 12.98̊ north and 12̊ 58̍ east and longitude textbooks. The specimens (species) were identified using
7.75̊ north and 7̊ 45̍. Fish and Fisheries of Northern Nigeria by Reed et al.
(1967) and some pamphlets (species summary). The fish
2.1.3 Jibiya Local government were counted and measured using measuring board
Jibiya sits along with the Nigeria border with Niger graduated in centimeters.
Republic. It lies between latitude 13̊ 05̍ north and 7̊ 13̍ east The data collected were analyzed in terms of mean,
and longitude 13.09̊ north and 7.23̊ east It has a total land frequency and percentage (descriptive statistics).
area of about 1,037km² and estimated human population of
169,748. 3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Fishing Methods Practiced in the Water bodies
2.1.4 Dutsinma Local government The periods during which the fishermen of the water bodies
Dutsinma lies between latitude 12̊ 27̍ north and 7̊ 29̍ east fished are shown in table 1. In Ajiwa dam and Jibiya dam,
and longitude 12̊.46 north and 7.49̊ east. It has a total land majority (75.3% and 66.7%, respectively) of the fishermen
area of about 527km² and estimated human population of fished in the morning, while most (53.3%) of the fishermen
i69, 671. in Zobe dam fished both in the morning and in the evening.
Fishing at these periods may be because of the fishermen’s with diversity indices of 1.0, 0.6 and 0.4 respectively as
experience that the fish at these periods tend to swim at a shown in tables 2, 3 and 4.
level within the range of their net settings. During these
periods. Photosynthetic activities are limited. So, the fishes
swim to the surface where atmospheric oxygen seems to be Table 2: Composition of catch in Ajiwa dam.
The gears that were predominantly used gears in all the Mean Length (TL;
Family/species No. %
water bodies were gill nets, cast nets, hooks and line and cm)
Bagrus bayad 58 17.8 26.0
traps. Hence, netting, lining and trapping were the mainly
employed methods of fishing in the water bodies. The
Clarias garipienus 53 16.3 14.5
predominant use of these gears is because they are the
Clarias anguillaris 10 3.1 9.0
cheapest and less sophisticated types of gears requiring Cichlidae
little financial inputs in obtaining them and little effort in
and skills in using them. Canoes (planked and half dug-out) Oreochromis niloticus 55 16.9 17.0
were the main water fishing crafts used in the water bodies. Sarotherodon galilaeus 12 3.6 8.5
The fishermen of the water bodies were found to be using Tilapia zillii 27 8.3 8.5
nets with undersized mesh size. This may be due to the Momyridae
reluctance of the government to the enforcement of
restrictions. Using nets with undersized mesh size leads to Marcusenius
45 13.8 8.5
the exploitation of smaller fishes that will make up the brachiystius
stocks in future. Schilbidae
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
Diversity index = Number of species in a water body composition making up 28.9%, 34.4% and 38.2% in Ajiwa
Number of species in all the water bodies dam, Jibiya dam and Zobe dam respectively. The least
composed species were Momyrids (13.8%), Cyprinids
In all the three water bodies, cichlids dominated the catch (1.0%) and Characids (2.5%) in Ajiwa dam, Jibiya dam and
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
Zobe dam respectively. The dominance cichlids in the (Coregonus albula) stock density estimation methods
water bodies compares favorably with other Nigerian in a Lake. Fisheries Research 1994; 19:31-50.
lakes/reservoirs such as Kainji, Tiga and Bakalori where 2. Balogun JK. Fish distribution in Kainji Lake. Nigeria J
cichlids are known to dominate (Ita and Balogun, 1982 and Fish Biol 1986; 29:489-498.
Balogun, 1986) [5, 2]. Seemingly, cichlids are the most 3. Gulland JA. Fish stock assessment: A manual of basic
targeted species because they are the most bought species methods. New York: John Wiley, 1979, 223.
by the fish mongers. The averagely biggest fishes caught in 4. Hillborn R, Walters CJ. Quantitative fisheries Stock
all the water bodies were bagrids measuring more than assessment and management: choice, dynamics and
20cm (Tables 2, 3 and 4). The catch of unrecommended uncertainty. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1994, 570.
size of some fish species indicates that growth over fishing 5. Ita EO, Balogun JK. Report of pre-impoundment
is practiced in the water bodies. fisheries Survey of Goronyo Reservoir, Sokoto State,
Nigeria. A report submitted to Sokoto Rima Basin
3.3 Extinct species of the water bodies Authority, 1982, 86.
According to the Ajiwa dam fishermen, the extinct species 6. Reed W, Burchard J, Hopson AJ, Yerd I. Fish and
of the water body included carp and Synodontis spp. In fisheries of Nothern Nigeria. Kaduna, Nigeria: Govt,
Jibiya dam, as responded by the fishermen, the extinct Printers, 1967, 5-10.
species were Malapterurus spp and Protopterus spp, while 7. Schaefer MB. Some aspects of the dynamics of
the extinct species of Zobe dam, according to the fishermen population Important to the management of
were Synodontis spp, Polypterus spp, Protopterus spp and commercial marine fisheries. Bull Inter American
Malapterurus spp. This may be because of rampant over- Tropical Tuna Commission 1957; 1:27-56.
fishing and/or lack of fishing regulations.
5. Acknowledgement
I wish to thank my parents for their financial assistance
until the completion of this research work. I express also
my gratitude to the Head of Forestry and Fisheries
Department, Professor J.K. Ipinjolu, under whose guidance
this research was conducted. I also appreciate the concern
and support given by my lecturers, relatives and friends.
6. References
1. Auvien H, Juha J. Comparison of pelagic vendance
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