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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province

Quarter 1
Areas of Proposed Corrective Time Frame to Proposed Preventive
CIGP/s Cause of Occurrence
Concern Action Resolve/Address Measure/s
1.1 Curriculum  Unbalanced quantity of MELC in  Nature of MELC  Unpack and  Within the  Review of MELC
Management Science  Target competencies did combine MELC school year  Have initiative to
 Science 7 competencies are too not meet the learners’ ask TA from the
broad in every quarter ability and skills because school head or
 Science 8 competencies are too they were too broad or senior/ seasoned
many too many teachers

1.2 Learning  Unmotivated learners who are too  Transition from modular  Virtual  Within the  Conduct of
Delivery used to modular learning tend to instruction to F2F. monitoring school year periodic PTA
slack off and spent too much time  Learners need further  Consistent meetings and/or
in a single activity. explanations and communication re-orientation
 Learners now rely too much on discussions on the with the home  Immediate
the answer key and resort to topics because not all tutors and conduct of
copying them or copying from key concepts are reminding them remediation and
their classmates. presented in the of their roles interventions
 Learners learn mostly through modules  Conduct of
rote learning  Lack of facilities and periodic PTA
 Arrangement of the content of the equipment provided by meetings and/or
books do not coincide with the the school to aid and re-orientation
MELC support the learners in  Provide remedial
 Transition period between from their modular learning activities
modular to F2F greatly affects  Lack of HOTS questions,
learners’ ability to retain concepts but if teachers provide
of topics discussed. HOTS, learners do not
 Some learning areas barely meet answer them because
75% in MPS they assume it is
 Lack of books for Grade 7 learners. difficult.
1.3 Learning  Lack of updated books for some of  Teachers have sluggish  Provide students  Within the  Register all
Resources the subjects. Other books were internet connection and with Learning school year Teachers in
also destroyed during Typhoon outdated gadgets Activity Sheet LRMDS portal
Odette.  Lack of rooms. (LAS) and DepEd
 Lack of support given to learners  Carry out Commons
for their gadgets and internet remedial  Create FB page
connection to explore OER, DepEd activities and for DepEd
Commons, LRMDS Portal etc provide learning Resources to
 No proper laboratory rooms for interventions share
Science and TLE  Home visits and  Ask LGU and
monitoring other agencies
 Intensive training for support in the
for teachers on provision or
how to procure rooms.
learning  Procurement of
resources from books.
trustworthy sites
1.4 Assessment  Some learners got too used to the  Poor study habits  Strict compliance  As the  Parents or home
of Learning mode of assessment during  Unmotivated learners of the Learners’ need arises tutors should be
modular learning and they rely too and unsupportive home Schedule encouraged to
much on the answer sheets and tutors  Constant guide and
scanning the web.  Learners are Communication facilitate their
 Most of the learners are unable to overburdened by the with the home children instead
finish the quizzes, tests, and other amount of modules in tutors of doing all the
forms of assessments on time. some subjects  Consistent work
 Learners got low scores in the  Low/Poor reminder given  Consistent
summative tests. comprehension to home tutors of monitoring by
 Some learners cannot submit  Lack of comprehensive their roles and both the teacher
performance tasks. They reason discussion from the responsibilities and the home
that they forget or they do not SLMs tutor
know how to do it.  Remind learners of the  Advise/ Remind
 Creating or adapting learning proper utilization of home tutors to
assessment tools that are technology and to avoid keep the answer
appropriate, fair, and easily abusing it keys and only
understood by both teacher and give it once the
students. learners are done
ming the
 Teachers should
always be open
for questions and
queries coming
from the learners
and the home
2. Learning  The mean performing scores of  Learners’ behavior  Provide students  Within the  Conduct
Outcomes for some subjects did not meet the towards modular with Work Week school year monitoring
the 1st quarter of expected target which is 80% instruction Plan through home
the School Year  Learners’ are still in the  Encourage visitations and/
adjustment period of students to have or through chats,
shifting from physical study habits and texts and calls
learning to distance to take down  Review of the
learning notes for future least learned
references competencies/
 Supply remedial skills with the use
activities and of LAS and
learning supplementary
interventions activity sheets
3.  Only few parents, guardians,  Uninterested parents/  Home visitation  Whole year  Have a one- on-
Partnership/Link home tutors attend the scheduled home tutors  Periodic re- one talk with
ages orientation and PTA meetings  Hesitant and doubtful orientation and parents thru any
despite constant reminder and parents/home tutors PTA meetings digital platforms
encouragement or face-to-face

4. LARDOs  Learner’s lack of interest due to  Some learners are  Home visitation  As the  Call the attention
lack of home tutors at home to working while studying  Constant follow need arises of the parents
explain difficult lessons  No practice or remedial up using any and
 Low/Poor comprehension reading to develop and digital platforms  Create a
 Child-labor improve comprehension monitored GC
 Balancing school work and house  Feeling of isolation due through any
chores to disconnection with platform
 Lack of peer support and their peers available to
socialization most, if not all,
learners and
have them
socialize once in
a while
5. Other related  Lack of classrooms  No budget  Allot budget for  Within the  Seek financial
activities building school year assistance from
classrooms LGU’s or any
public and

6. Best Practices which ought to be replicated and adopted (this may be verbally done during FGD or during LAC sessions)
6.1 Classroom Management (emphasis on physical environment/ classroom plant, classroom routine - supervised recess/lunch break, getting in and out of the classroom for
flag ceremony and participation in any school-initiated activity, orderliness and cleanliness of the classroom, good grooming and personal hygiene, etc.)
Improve Gulayan sa Paaralan and maintain the cleanliness of the classroom vicinity.
Arranged the classroom for easy access during distribution/retrieval but still adhering to health protocols
Structured distribution and retrieval of modules to maximize efficiency
Organize the returned modules accordingly
Constant presence on the group chat to make the learners and parents feel connected despite having distance learning
Provided graphic GC rules and regulations on the group chats as well as learners’ and home tutors roles and responsibilities
Participate in every school undertaking
6.2 Teaching Strategy (emphasis on critical content, preparation of LP/DLP/iPLAN for newly hired)
Send supplementary learning materials from DepEd-approved and reliable resources through digital platforms
Designing performance tasks suited for learners’ needs and skills
6.3 Forging stakeholders
Tap stakeholder for donation through social media and text messaging
Give recognition to parents who are present and punctual in getting and returning of modules
Encourage them to always show up during meetings
Extensive monitoring of 4Ps beneficiaries
6.4 Student Discipline
Recognition of learners through online platforms
Positive discipline is utilized in group chats
6.5 Other related activities to support attainment of the desired learning outcomes. (Newly hired teachers -preparation of records and forms of the learners, computation
of grades, supplies and materials, etc.)


Address: Angilan National High School
Telephone Nos.:
Email Address: angilannhs03@gmail.com

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