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ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Hawaii Cooperative Fishery Research
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James Cook University Department of Zoology
Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia University of Hawaii
2538 The Mall
Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A.
CAVALCANTE, G.H.; KJERFVE, B.; FEARY, D.A.; BAUMAN, A.G., and USSEGLIO, P., 2011. Water currents and
water budget in a coastal megastructure, Palm Jumeirah Lagoon, Dubai, UAE. Journal of Coastal Research, 27(2), 384–
393. West Palm Beach (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Palm Jumeirah is the most completely developed of several man-made coastal island megaconstructions in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates. The palm-shaped island, surrounded by an elliptical breakwater, was developed 7 y ago, has an overall
footprint of 23 km2, of which the constructed island surface area is 7.9 km2, and is connected to shore via a 5-km-long
spine from the mainland to the crescent tip. Time-series observations of hydrographic variables and currents within the
interior of the development (Palm Jumeirah Lagoon) during 30 d in April–May 2008 were utilized to examine current
flow, tide variability, water budget, vertical mixing, and turnover time within this megastructure. Currents within Palm
Jumeirah Lagoon varied between stations; however, similar water temperatures and salinities were apparent
throughout all the stations. Palm Jumeirah Lagoon tides were mixed and mainly semidiurnal, with spring and neap
tidal ranges measuring 116 and 56 cm, respectively, and no difference in amplitude or phase throughout Palm Jumeirah
Lagoon. There were substantial differences in water discharge between the east and west entrances, with high discharge
on average exiting the eastern entrance and low discharge exiting the western entrance. These results indicate that the
eastern and western halves of Palm Jumeirah Lagoon are flushed unequally and show differences in residence times (1.2
and 42 d, respectively), due to differences in tidal currents, wind influence, and variability of the bathymetric contour.
Previous numerical modeling studies of water residence time within Palm Jumeirah Lagoon did not capture this
difference, which could be associated with the exclusion of bathymetric variability in the previous modeling. Due to the
strong shear and weak saline stratification, the water column throughout Palm Jumeirah Lagoon remained instable,
with vertical mixing present during the spring-neap tidal cycle and well-mixed conditions predominating throughout the
lagoon system.
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Circulation, residence time, vertical mixing, tides, winds, semi-enclosed system.
Figure 1. Map of study area in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and the megareclamation development projects currently under construction in Dubai.
The Palm Jumeirah is the oldest and most complete of the system to withstand eutrophication processes, but also the time
megastructures within the Dubai coastline, and it has been lag between management improvements and ecosystem im-
designed to house approximately 75,000 people. The majority of provements (Dettmann, 2001; Monsen et al., 2002).
the residential development within this man-made structure Microtidal systems (i.e., within lagoonal systems) have low
has occurred throughout the system of fronds, which have been mixing capacity, which, within coastal systems, predominantly
built out from a main spire (Figure 1) that is intersected by a will depend on input (e.g., riverine input) and external
large, semi-enclosed lagoon (hereafter called Palm Jumeirah movement mechanisms (i.e., wind direction and strength).
Lagoon [PJL]). Semi-enclosed systems and coastal waters are Along the shallow shelf of the Dubai coastline, although there is
intensely affected by pollutants released into the environment no riverine discharge, this region is subject to strong wind-
by wastewater and industrial discharges or storm-water generated currents and large incident wave forcing (Smit et al.,
overflow discharges (Beer, 1997). Throughout PJL, predicted 2008). Wind stress can be a major causal factor responsible for
increases in the residential and commercial population may substantial vertical mixing and local current variability, as
have substantial effects on lagoonal water quality. Increased well as tidal forcing. In the semi-enclosed system of PJL, the
disposal of brine from local desalination plants and heated geometric design of the development suggests that tidal-driven
effluent from cooling plants are expected to increase within the and wind-generated currents will control buoyancy, time of
area, while trapping of sediment and organic and inorganic residence, stratification and gravitational circulation, salinity,
materials will also increase in the lagoon as residents utilize and bottom oxygen depletion. Because the response of these
agrichemicals for gardening, and automotive and boat traffic parameters to the tide and wind forcing can be strongly
increases. Increased chemical load within the lagoon may have nonlinear, oceanographic measurements together with regres-
a substantial effect on the health risk for marine life and sion modeling are necessary to estimate the importance of
residents, with increased potential for algal blooms, fish kills, different forcing factors in material exchange into and out of
and substantial eutrophication (Howarth et al., 1996; Nixon, the lagoonal system. In addition, due to the asymmetric bottom
1995; Peierls et al., 1991). Such detrimental changes to the topography of PJL, interior currents and water exchange are
lagoonal system will depend, however, not only on local nutrient expected to vary substantially throughout the system. Stronger
load, but also on a range of physical factors predominantly currents and greater material transport, as well as lower water
influenced by tidal and wind processes, including mixing and temperature and salinity, can be expected to occur in areas
transport processes. In regions of restricted water exchange ‘‘close’’ to the breakwater entrances during peak ebb and flood
(i.e., lagoonal systems), knowledge of the timescales for tides. Also, stagnant water close to the inner sections of the
transport and removal of materials that enter the water body fronds may lead to increased nutrient buildup and elevated
will be especially important for estimating not only the system turbidity.
response to nutrient input, and therefore the ability of the The aim of this study was to examine currents, water budget,
The marine system of the southern Persian Gulf (termed
‘‘gulf’’ hereafter) is an environment characterized by physical
extremes (Coles, 1997, 2003; Feary et al., 2010). Due to
evaporation in excess of river runoff and precipitation, the gulf
exhibits a reverse estuarine circulation. A lateral geostrophic
balance explains the inflow of Indian Ocean Surface Water
(IOSW) along the Iran coast and outflow mostly (at depth)
following the coastline of UAE (Johns et al., 2003; Reynolds,
1993; Swift and Bower, 2003). Salinity is relatively high
throughout the gulf (38–42), though it fluctuates seasonally Figure 2. ADCP moored location sites and transect areas in Palm
due to the inflow of IOSW, strengthening in late spring and Jumeirah Lagoon are marked with a dotted line and labeled. EE 5 east
entrance; WE 5 west entrance; AM 5 Atlantis monorail; TB 5 trunk
summer as it moves into the gulf and along the coast of Iran
bridge. Rotation angles are shown with Ox axis oriented positively toward
(Reynolds, 1993; Swift and Bower, 2003). This leads to the the mouth in PJL.
formation of a pronounced summer salinity front in the gulf
with the 39 isohaline following the 40 m isobath (Reynolds,
1993). During winter months, the salinity front retreats
,200 km toward the Strait of Hormuz (Swift and Bower, experiment ran from 27 April to 27 May 2008, which
2003), resulting in hypersaline waters along the coast of Dubai. corresponded to 118–148 in Julian days. The Northern
Along the Dubai coastline, the natural sediment drift is Hemisphere spring was chosen for the experimental time
primarily wave driven, and net movement is from southwest to period because the strongest currents into and out of the PJL
northeast (Smit et al., 2008). Tides in Dubai are semidiurnal, occur during this period due to the prevalence of shamals
with a range of 0.7 (neap) to 1.8 m (spring). Coastal tidal within the region. Time is given in year days, according to the
currents reach speeds of 0.2–0.3 m/s and do not contribute convention that 12.00 UTC on 1 January 2008 5 year day 0.5,
significantly to sediment movement along the shore; wind- and that 12.00 UTC on 31 December 2008 5 year day 365.5.
generated waves are the major contributor to sediment Bottom-moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs)
transport (Smit et al., 2008). Dubai’s wave climate is character- were positioned approximately 100 m seaward of the west
ized by calm periods interspersed with energetic waves during entrance (WE, 25.10208u N, 55.11363u E), approximately 100 m
‘‘shamal’’ events (northwesterly wind) from November to July. seaward of the east entrance (EE, 25.13743u N, 55.14908u E),
The man-made coastal island megaconstruction Palm Ju- under the bridge trunk entrance (BT, 25.10355u N, 55.15279u
meirah measures 5.2 km west to east and 5.0 km from the coast E), and inside PJL under the Atlantis Monorail (AM, 25.12789u
to the crescent tip along the spine (Figure 1). This man-made N, 55.12096u E). WE and EE ADCPs were installed in a water
development encompasses both a central spire (termed ‘‘trunk’’) depth of 9.5 m, BT in 4.5 m, and AM in 12.0 m (Figure 2).
and several extensions off the main spire (termed ‘‘fronds’’). The A fifth towed ADCP was utilized to measure vertical current
water depths on the shelf at the seaward and landward profiles in the cross sections of the four locations. Cross-
extremes of the development are 12 and 4 m, respectively. sectional measurements during a spring tide were undertaken
The Palm Jumeirah constructed land area measures 7.9 km2 during three sequential days, 6–8 May 2008; 13 sequential
(GHD, 2004). The lagoonal system encapsulated by the PJL hours were allocated for measurements at each entrance.
measures 15.1 km2 and is connected to the coastal waters Cross-sectional measurements were made every 30 min for 13 h
through four passages (145–180 m long). The widths of these on the hour and half-hour to cover an entire tidal cycle in each
openings vary from 137 to 165 m across the island crescent and channel cross section. Cross-sectional neap tidal measure-
440 m at the base of the trunk on either side of the causeway ments were similarly performed 14 d later during three
(Figure 2). The bathymetry of the PJL is symmetric along its sequential days, 20–22 May 2008. The cross-sectional towed
main axis with an 18-m-deep zone in the main semicircular ADCP measurements were augmented with conductivity-
channel and 5–10 m depth inside the fronds (Figure 2). temperature-depth (CTD) casts from surface to bottom in the
middle of each channel every 30 min.
METHODS Since it was not possible to monitor the in-out flow through
the PJL entrances for the entire lunar month, detailed cross-
Experimental Design
sectional flow measurements were correlated with the simul-
This study assessed the water budget of PJL by quantifying taneous vertical current profiles from the moored ADCPs.
total inflow and outflow during one lunar month. The Subsequently, a regression model was developed for each
Quality Control
Instrument Specifications
Figure 3. Wind speed time-series measurements obtained at Dubai Four 600 kHz RD Instruments Workhorse Sentinel ADCPs
International Airport April–May 2008. (a) Wind data plotted as stick were mounted to a stationary tripod on the seabed in an
diagrams, and (b) 12 h averaged current and wind speed measured at EE upward-looking orientation fixed in a flat square aluminum
and WE stations between April 27 and May 27.
steel frame having a square base of 2 3 2 m. The transducers
were approximately 50 cm above the benthos and located
within the center area. The central long axis of the frame was
location to allow an estimation of the month-long flow parallel to the axis through transducers 3 and 4. The ADCP was
exchanges to allow calculation of the water budget. placed under four pipes forming a ‘‘cage.’’ The mooring frame
weighed 30 kg out of the water. It was fixed to the seabed
through drilled holes in two sides and hollow concrete blocks to
Measurements the others sides; a mooring buoy was attached to one of the
The moored ADCPs were 600 kHz RD Instrument Work- blocks. Using this setup, the ADCP was fixed in space to within
horse Sentinels mounted to stationary tripods attached to the the resolution of the internal tilt sensors (, 0.01u) and compass
seafloor in an upward orientation with the transducers 0.5 m (, 0.01u). The ADCP beam angles were slanted 20u from the
above the seafloor and located in the center of the tripod vertical with a beam of 1.5u (half-power level), and the relative
(Figure 3). The ADCPs were programmed to sample every 0.5 m energy loss was 30 6 40 dB in directions 620u off the main
vertically, with the first bin 1.65 m above the head and the last beam (first side lobe) (Gordon, 1996).
bin depending on water depth but always yielding more than 10 At each station, a CTD survey was conducted with a SBE
bins at BT, 15 bins at WE and EE, and 18 bins at AM. The exact 19plus CTD measured at a fixed resolution to the high-salinity
number of bins used was computed from the depth of water water; conductivity resolution was (S/m) 0.00007, with a range
above the ADCP at the time of measurement and the cosine of 0–9, temperature had a resolution of (uC) 0.0001 and a range of
the beam angle; this computation avoided the incorporation of 25 to +35, while pressure had a resolution of (m) 0.0025% at
bins with interference from acoustic reflections off the water full-scale range (600 m).
surface (Simpson and Oltman, 1993). Recorded data for each
bin consist of a 2 min average, made up of 120 pings at 1 Hz for
Calibration and Intercomparisons
each bin. Sampling was repeated every 10 min. Before instrument deployments, the bottom and towed
The cross-sectional current measurements made in a towed ADCPs were calibrated in the laboratory for compass magnetic
mode from the boat utilized a 600 kHz RD Instrument corrections, alignment offsets, pressure sensor, and to enter the
Workhorse Marine instrument facing down. To maximize salinity at the measurement site. In addition to the ADCPs, the
sampling resolution, ADCP data were continuously recorded CTD sensor, which was used for in situ measurement of
along the boat transect from surface to bottom. The ADCP data dissolved oxygen, was also calibrated priory the field survey. To
were acquired at a vertical resolution of 0.5 m and 2 s sampling ensure correct readings during field use, the CTD was
ensembles. stabilized by taking sustained measurements during 3 min at
The hydrographic measurements in the PJL cross sections a fixed depth (just below the water surface) and then slowly
were made with a profiling SBE 19 plus CTD instrument, lowered down the water column.
measuring vertical profiles of conductivity, temperature, Wind speed data (from the Dubai International Airport) was
pressure, and dissolved oxygen, with salinity, density, and compared to recorded current data (measured by the bottom-
depth calculated. While profiling, the CTD made internal mounted ADCPs at EE and WE stations). Wind speed and
measurements at a rate of 0.25 Hz, allowing detailed resolution current data were averaged over 12 h to compare correlation
of the vertical variability of each parameter. The CTD coefficients. In order to verify the results from the WL|Delft
measurements were converted to salinity (S) and sigma-t Hydraulics numerical model reports, the simulated results
were compared to the experimental currents for EE and WE comparing a measure for the stratification with a measure of
stations, looking at typical ebb/flood currents and estimated the vertical current shear and is defined as
residence time.
g dr
r dz
Error Bars and Anomaly Estimation R i ~ 2 :
To identify the variability of the mean along the time series, dz
the inferential error bar known as standard error (SE) was
pffiffiffi Here, g is gravity, r is density, and u is the velocity. The
used. SE is defined as SE 5 SD= n, where SD refers to
vertical density gradient dr/dz measures the stratification,
standard deviation, and n is the sample size. The 12-h-averaged
while the vertical change of velocity du/dz gives the current
current and wind speed data cover a 29 d period. The current
shear. For larger values of Ri, the relative role of stratification
and wind speed anomalies (CWSA) were estimated from the
is larger, and the presence of active turbulence is less likely.
bottom-mounted ADCPs at EE and WE, and winds from Dubai
For smaller values of Ri, the relative role of current shear is
International Airport. The CWSA 5 CWS 2 CWS, where CWS
larger, and the presence of turbulence is more likely.
represents an average over a 12 h period of current and wind
speed, and the bar represents a mean over the 29 d period. The
anomalously large values were recorded only for less than
30 min, and then we decided to remove them from the original Tidal Analysis
time series for graphical purposes but mention them here.
The water-level measurements showed that there was
Cross-Section Velocity, Discharge Estimation and almost no variability in the main diurnal and semidiurnal
Richardson Number tidal constituents at the four locations in and around PJL.
These measurements were corroborated with a 6 mo hourly
Current flow vector time series were decomposed for each water-level time series from Jebel Ali Port (JAP, 24.9933u N,
moored ADCP location into along (u) and cross-channel (v) 55.0316u E), located 16 km southwest of PJL. The main
components with the x-axis at each station oriented into PJL, constituent amplitude and phase data are presented in Table 1.
resulting in different decomposition/rotation angles at each site The tidal range during the experiment varied from 0.8 m
(Figure 2). A 13 h time series of flow discharge (Qmeasured, m3/s) during neap tide to 1.95 m during spring tide. Tidal constituent
was calculated for each cross section during spring and neap amplitude changes between the four locations and the JAP
tides based on the towed ADCP transects, using location were largely nonexistent, and, similarly, tidal phases
ð ð between all five stations (four experimental stations and JAP
Qmeasured ~ u( y, z, t) dydz, location) were at most a few minutes out of phase. The tidal
y z
form-number, (defined by A. Courtier in 1938: Defant, 1960), to
where u is the velocity in or out of PJL, y indicates lateral classify the tidal type as a ratio of the main diurnal and
position across the channel, and z indicates depth. A single semidiurnal amplitudes (K1 + O1)/(M2 + S2), was likewise
discharge measurement was computed every 0.5 h from the almost identical, 0.65–0.70 (Table 2) among the five measured
cross-sectional measurements as the boat was traveling across locations, indicating that the tide along the Dubai coast is
the channel and then returning. For the moored ADCPs, a mixed mainly semidiurnal. In PJL, the estimated phases for
vertically integrated discharge per meter (m2/s) normal to the M2, K1, S2, and O1 were 0u, 157u, 44u, and 18uG (Greenwich
cross-section some 200 m away was calculated, Phase), respectively, for the entrances and interior areas of the
ð lagoon, showing good agreement with results of Lardner,
QADCP ~ uðz, tÞ dz, Belen, and Cekirge (1982). The dominant M2 component tide in
PJL was very similar to the results obtained from Lardner,
and regressed QADCP on Qmeasured for each location and 13 h Belen, and Cekirge (1982). However, our results yield slightly
sampling period to calculate a 30 d time series of cross-sectional higher amplitude for K1 as compared to Elshorbagy, Azam, and
discharge, Qtransect (m3/s) for the entire lunar month for each Taguchi (2006).
cross section. In theory, summing the three Qtransect time series The relative importance of the constituents varied somewhat
at EE, WE, and BT over the 30 d experiment would be expected from month to month, influenced by the daily heating cycle and
to yield the overall water budget. random weather events. If the tidal wave were purely
semidiurnal, the two high waters each day would be of equal
Residence Time and Richardson Number height, as would the two low waters. In PJL, inequality varies
from D 5 102u to 104u, implying that the inequality is exhibited
Residence time (tq) is a measure of the mean amount of time a in both high and low waters. Similarly, inequality also showed
parcel of water will remain within a volume, and it was the same variation at JAP (D 5 105u) (Table 2). The mixed,
calculated as the ratio of the water volume of PJL (Vf) to the mainly semidiurnal tides, in which M2 is the predominately
water discharge (Qf). constituent, indicate a mean range of 95–99 cm at the four
In addition, the gradient of the Richardson number (Ri) was stations and at JAP (Table 2). The spring tide range, 2(M2 + S2),
estimated at each entrance. This is a nondimensional number measured 116–122 cm and 124 cm, respectively, and the neap
that quantifies the tendency for the formation of turbulence by tide range, 2(M2 – S2), measured 56–58 cm and 54 cm in PJL
Table 1. Summary of tidal water-level harmonic constituents, amplitude (H, cm) and Greenwich phase (Gu), calculated from four water-level time series
measured by the bottom-moored ADCP current meters for 30 d in May 2008 at Palm Jumeirah stations and for 6 mo at Jebel Ali Port from Valeport tide gauge
maintained by the Dubai Ports Authority.
Atlantis Monorail
East Entrance (EE) West Entrance (WE) Bridge Trunk (BT) (AM) Jebel Ali Port (JAP)
Name of Partial Tide Symbol (h) H (cm) G (u) H (cm) G (u) H (cm) G (u) H (cm) G (u) H (cm) G (u)
Long-term components
Solar semi-annual Ssa 2191.43 – – – – – – – – 4.4 282
Lunar monthly Mm 661.30 – – – – – – – – 1.7 169
Diurnal components
Elliptical lunar Q1 26.87 3.1 83 2.9 83 2.8 79 3.1 80 3.5 77
Principal lunar O1 25.82 18.4 101 18.4 99 18.8 99 18.8 100 17.0 101
Luni-solar K1 23.93 20.7 157 21.1 157 21.4 156 21.6 157 27.0 153
Semidiurnal components
Larger lunar elliptic N2 12.66 9.9 334 9.6 335 9.8 330 9.9 333 9.8 335
Principal lunar M2 12.42 44.2 0 43.1 0 45.0 358 44.8 0 44.8 359
Principal solar S2 12.00 15.5 44 15.0 42 16.3 43 15.6 44 17.6 47
Luni-solar K2 11.97 4.2 48 4.1 49 4.4 47 4.3 48 5.2 30
Shallow water
First M2 over-tide M4 6.21 2.6 0 2.4 358 2.6 354 2.5 1 1.9 359
and JAP, respectively. There was little difference in the phase BT stations, which all showed maximum current speeds on day
and amplitude of tide constituents between the different tide 127 (1.10, 1.20, and 1.10m/s at EE, WE, and BT, respectively)
stations, signifying that the PJL system is small compared to (Figure 3b). Overall, however, there was little correlation
the tidal wavelength, and there is little modification by the between wind direction and velocity and current movement
topographic and lateral boundaries of this system on the overall for PJL throughout the experimental time period as indicated
propagation of the tidal wave (Table 2). by the coefficients at EE (R2 5 0.01) and WE (R2 5 0.4)
(Figures 4a and b). Such low correlation between wind and
Winds tidal movement at both locations may be associated with their
close proximity to the PJL entrances, where they may be more
Throughout the experimental time period, there was likely to be influenced by ebb/flood cycles.
relatively high variation in wind direction and speed. Hourly
mean wind speed at both EE and WE stations during the 30 d Currents and Water Discharge
study was 7.9 m/s (Figures 3a and b), mainly originating from
210u. However, predominant wind direction changed to 180u on All four moored ADCPs yielded typical inflow current
6 May (day 127) and reached a relatively high maximum speed velocities (ranging from 0.25 m/s to 0.40 m/s). In comparison,
(20 m/s). Wind velocities again increased to 18 m/s, originating the same pattern in current flow was not shown in outflow
from 150u–210u, during days 147–148. Such high wind events events, with 0.20 and 0.15 m/s typically recorded at EE and WE
were also mirrored in current direction and speed within PJL, stations, respectively, while current flows of 0.20 and 0.60 m/s
as indicated by the anomalously large values at EE, WE, and were apparent at AM and BT stations, respectively. Through-
Table 2. Summary of tide statistics from Palm Jumeirah stations and Jebel Ali Port based on the harmonics constants from four ADCP current meters for
30 d in May 2008 and 6 mo at Jebel Ali Port from Valeport tide gauge.
Form number (K1 + O1)/(M2 + S2) 0.65 0.68 0.66 0.66 0.70 Mixed mainly semidiurnal tide
Mean tidal range (cm) 2.2 (M2) 97 95 99 99 99 Average tidal range
(semidiurnal and diurnal)
Spring tidal range (cm) 2.0 (M2 + S2) 119 116 122 120 124 Average range during spring
tide (semidiurnal)
Neap tidal range (cm) 2.0 (M2 – S2) 57 56 57 58 54 Average range during neap
tide (semidirunal)
Tropic range (cm) 2.0 (K1 + O1) 78 79 80 81 88 Average range during tropical
tide (diurnal tide); moon at
maximum northern or
southern declination)
Equatorial range (cm) 2.0 (K1 – O1) 5 5 5 6 20 Average range during
equatorial tide (diurnal
tide); moon above equator
Figure 4. Correlation coefficients of currents vs. wind speeds for both EE (a) and WE (b) for the 12 h averaged measurements.
out all four stations, differences in current velocity from surface current strength would reach 0.60 m/s between the village
to bottom were minor, indicating a lack of any significant shear center and the trunk. In comparison, within the present study,
throughout the water column. the simulated peak currents at BT (equivalent to the WL|
There was relatively high directional variability in current Delft Hydraulics station modeled) were 0.60 m/s. However, the
movement throughout all four locations. At WE, current results from the WL|Delft Hydraulics (2004) modeling of Palm
direction differed between the surface and bottom due to high Jumeirah overestimated overall peak flow through the PJL
exposure to wind and tidal currents at this location. Surface entrances, while they underestimated by up to 50% both flood
currents at WE moved oceanward towards 315uT at 0.25 m/s and ebb peak current strength at both EE and WE (WL|Delft
and coastward toward 140uT at 0.20 m/s, while bottom currents Hydraulics, 2004).
predominantly moved lagoonward toward 5uT at 0.20 m/s and There was a pronounced difference in net water discharge
coastward toward 210uT at 0.25 m/s (Figure 5a). At EE, both between entrances during both spring and neap tidal cycles. The
surface and bottom layers showed enhanced movement ocean- residual water discharge for the 30 d experimental cycle,
ward, with surface waters moving toward 205uT at 0.30 m/s, integrated across all entrances, indicated a greater net water
while bottom layers moved toward 30uT at 0.55 m/s and showed influx at WE as compared to EE (+26 m3/s as compared to +0.7
a high synchronization to the local ebb/flood cycle (Figure 5b). m3/s), varying from +29 to 26 m3/s in WE and from +46 to 222
At the AM station, current fluctuations were dominated by m3/s in EE (where inflow is denoted positive and outflow
tidal reversals; stronger currents were observed during spring negative).
tide on the surface at 0.50 m/s toward 10uT, and 0.30 m/s
toward 30uT on bottom. This pattern was mirrored during neap Hydrography
tide but showed less variability in current speed between
surface and bottom layers, with averaged current of 0.20 m/s The water temperature at all four sampling stations
and 0.15 m/s both towards 10uT, respectively (Figure 5c). Both remained at 30.9uC throughout the experimental period, with
surface and bottom currents were similar in both direction and no recorded diel temperature oscillation. Similarly, there was
speed at BT. Water movement was predominantly parallel to no vertical salinity stratification throughout the lagoon during
the coast, with the strongest surface and bottom currents the tidal cycles, and well-mixed conditions occurred for most of
reaching 0.75 m/s toward 225uT, indicating a bidirectional the stations (Table 3), indicating a constant value of 40.0 6 0.3
current flow throughout the water column (Figure 5d). This for salinity within the water column (Table 3 ) and little
station was located in a relatively shallow, narrow area of the temporal variability as indicated by minimum and maximum
PJL, which resulted in a relatively high pressure gradient values of 39.0 and 40.9, respectively (Table 4). Lastly, oxygen
throughout the entire water column. was found to be close to saturation and homogeneously
The results from this experimental time period were distributed within the lagoon, with little vertical variability
compared to numerical simulations of current and material among the stations (Table 3). Dissolved oxygen (DO) was high
dispersion throughout Palm Jumeirah during 2002 and 2005 throughout the lagoon, varying from a minimum of 90.2% to a
(obtained from WL|Delft Hydraulics). Although the raw data maximum of 107.7% of saturation. At EE and WE stations, the
were unavailable for comparison, the technical results of the Richardson number (Ri) remained at unstable conditions below
WL|Delft Hydraulics (2004) work were available and showed the theoretical stability threshold of 0.25 throughout the
relatively high correlation to the present study’s results. WL| majority of the experimental time period (Figure 6), varying
Delft Hydraulics showed that during normal spring tides, peak between 1021 and 1025.
Figure 5. ADCP time-series current measurements obtained in the Palm Jumeirah entrances, main channel, and under bridge during April–May 2008
experiment. The stick diagrams represent 12 h averaged currents on surface and bottom layers (a) at west entrance, (b) at east entrance, (c) Atlantis
monorail, and (d) bridge trunk D. Error bars represents the standard error.
DISCUSSION the inner lagoon. Once inside the lagoon however, tidal
currents substantially decrease due to the complex array of
Current Variability, Water Budget, and Residence Time
boundaries and physical resistance from the numerous frond
The results show that currents adjacent to and inside the structures. In addition, within the lagoonal complex, although
PJL are predominantly forced by tides, although they can be there are substantial differences in bathymetry, this work
strongly modified by local winds and waves. The PJL forms a found that this has little effect on the strength of the tidal
substantial obstruction to the tidal flow along the coast, forcing currents along the main channel. In contrast, outside of the
coastal waters to accelerate through its narrow entrances into inner lagoon of the Palm Jumeirah (station BT), although
alongshore northeastward tidal influences are important in PJL is significant longer; this is in disagreement with results
water movement, wind pressure gradients also had a substan- from the WL|Delft Hydraulics numerical simulation, which
tial effect on water movement. indicated similar residence times in the areas adjacent to the
There was asymmetry in discharge from PJL between east and west entrances. Delft estimated complete flushing of
entrances, with estimated residence times of 1.2 and 42 d for the water body in 7 d in the east portion of PJL, as compared to
the east and west portions of PJL, respectively. These results 1.2 d from our data. However, more significantly, WL|Delft
indicate that, during the experimental period, the eastern PJL Hydraulics estimate for residence time in the west portion of
water mass was flushed quicker than the western portion, PJL was 14 d, whereas the present study indicated a 42 d
which was relatively poorly flushed. The alignment of the turnover time within this station. Such differences in computed
entrances and the interaction between wind and tide effects at residence times between this study and the results of the WL|
each station, might offer an explanation for this spatially Delft Hydraulics study may be due to differences in model
unbalanced net transport in PJL. At WE, this work has shown parameters between studies. The present study utilized an
that both wind and tidal forces play an important role in asymmetric bottom contour for the PJL (using the most up to
residence times and flushing of the water body. In comparison, date bathymetry data for the area). In comparison, the WL|
at EE, the tidal cycle is the most important force, with little Delft Hydraulics modeling work utilized a symmetric bathym-
influence of wind stress. In addition, the wide asymmetry etry for the PJL. The WL|Delft Hydraulics modeling did not
between eastern and western residence times may also be take into account the dredging activities both within PJL and
partly due to the asymmetric bottom contour within PJL. surrounding the Palm Jumeirah since 2004 and the substantial
Bottom bathymetry will determine the areal volume that will natural changes to the benthos due to artificial sediment
accumulate within an area, due to deeper areas retaining a remobilization and any erosional or accretion process occurring
large water volume and therefore needing a longer time to within the PJL.
renew the accumulated mass of water during ebb/flood cycles. Differences in currents and bathymetry throughout the inner
This study used the most up to date bathymetric data for this area of the PJL are expected to play a key role in the degree of
region (performed in 2007), and these showed an average depth water flushing between different sections of the PJL. Within
of 216 m and 212 m at WE and EE, respectively. Such PJL, critical areas with longer residency time (i.e., the western
differences in the bathymetry between stations will have been portion of the PJL) are expected to form ‘‘dead ends’’ due to
important in the different residence times found between EE reduced water flow and concomitant mixing within the water
and WE. column. It can then be expected that problems with water
Residence times for PJL had previously been numerically quality will likely occur within this area of the PJL, possibly
modeled by WL|Delft Hydraulics (WL|Delft Hydraulics, resulting in high risk of local eutrophication due to nuisance
2004), which estimated the residence time of PJL to vary from algae blooms, depletion of dissolved oxygen, and reduced water
7 to 14 d, depending on location within the PJL. Comparing our transparency. Such differences between the present research
results to the simulations from the Delft model, this work and WL|Delft Hydraulics (2004) measurements for the PJL
showed that water residence time in the western portions of show the importance of comparing modeling results with
ground-truth data and highlight further work needed to
Table 4. Summary of salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen for examine the role of flushing processes throughout PJL.
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Vertical Mixing
Temperature Oxygen DO Saturation
Salinity (uC) (mg/L) (%)
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Min 39.0 29.2 4.0 90.2 mixed, as indicated by vertically isothermal conditions through-
Max 40.9 32.9 6.3 107.7 out the lagoon. Spatially, there was little variation in water
Mean 6 std 40.0 6 0.3 30.9 6 1.2 5.1 6 0.8 101.1
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