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Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)


Muhammad Atif & Sadia Mumtaz. (2022). Smart sustainable cities (1)

University of the Punjab, College of Arts and Design.

Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

ABSTRACT tables, and rising air pollution. Climate

Smart cities emerge as a solution for change causes coastal flooding,
sustainable problems we are facing due to complicating access of water and food
rapid urbanization of cities. the idea of smart supplies, and escalate hurricanes.
cities initially was first used in Los Angeles Urban infrastructure and services
for an urban project in 1970’s. Following have been enhanced by cities around the
research is done through quantitative globe for the past 20 years in an effort to
methodology, using narrative reviewing of provide improved social, economic, and
previous researches and case studies. For environmental conditions (Lee et al. 2008;
this different database were used including Jong et al. 2015), emphasizing the necessity
Research Gate and Academia. This paper's of smart cities (Komninos 2002)
object is to assess and investigate the current In this urbanizing world,
issues cities are facing due to swift urban sustainability creates a consciousness about
sprawl and suggest different approaches for the supply and consumption of raw materials
planning and maintaining sustainability in necessary for household, manufacturing,
smart cities. transit, trading, or recreation operations.
(Yigitcanlar et al. 2007; Pietrosemoli and
Keywords: Smart community, Smart Monroy 2013; Goonetilleke et al. 2014;
city, Environmental sustainability, Yigitcanlar and Kamaruzzaman 2014, 2015)
Sustainable city, Sustainable urban
Architects have struggled to design
INTRODUCTION cities that are bustling with commercial
the Smart Cities notion has been activities and yet also fulfills public's needs
known since Proto literate period. Sumerian for interactive green spaces and public
city, later included in Babylonia empire, was parks. starting with Hippodamus of Miletus,
the most noteworthy city of Mesopotamia. the "First City Planner," and continuing with
the smart cities expedition started since Le Corbusier, the Architect of the "City
1970's, through big data project of Los Beautiful", urban planners have great impact
Angeles known as: “A Cluster Analysis of on our daily life activities. "A cluster study
Los Angeles”. The first smart city in modern of Los Angeles", urban initiative on a global
world perhaps was Amsterdam by level, was established in 1970 which laid the
presenting the design for virtual digital city foundation for smart cities. after
in 1994. Things got accelerated quickly Amsterdam's, in 1994 digital city, IBM and
when in 2000's cisco and IBM initiated other Cisco started their own campaigns in 2000's,
separate works. the opening ceremony of which accelerated the process. Barcelona
Smart City Expo World Congress was hosted the opening ceremony of Smart City
inaugurated in Barcelona in 2011, since then Expo World Congress in 2011. It became a
yearly smart city charting happens. yearly happening that follow ups the smart
Why the need of sustainable smart cities developments.
cities? Urban life is significantly impacted Cities are dealing with a wide range
by environmental problems, particularly of problems as a consequence of the rapid
climate change, declining groundwater increase in urban population and the ensuing
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

increase in resource consumption. The achieving this goal. There is great emphasis
health lifestyle of people residing in cities is on reducing energy input by smart cities,
significantly influenced by how people also water, and food in addition to
utilize and organize the resources that are drastically reducing garbage, global
available to them. Urban sprawl is being warming, emission of gases, and marine
accompanied by mounting environmental pollution. The aim of a sustainable city
strains and rising demand for land, includes self-sufficiently fuel itself with
affordable housing, infrastructure, renewable energy sources and to have long
employment, and basic rights, particularly life span by also avoiding causing any harm
among the 1 billion urban slum-dwelling to its surroundings and nature. (Lazaroiu and
community. Due to the growth of urban Roscia 2012; Lee et al. 2014; Jong et al.
infrastructure, housing, and economic 2015.
activity, specifically cities are at risk to the People do not realize the importance
consequences of climatical changes and of energy and the environment in the
natural calamities. for the protection of the beginning. Underestimating environmental
environment, reducing disaster risk, and damage and excessive energy use destroyed
mitigating climate change, building urban health, economy and environment and future
resilience is significant. it also affects generations have to pay for our mistakes.
human, social, and economic costs. In cost- These problems got traction and concept of
effective cities, increased productivity and green buildings took birth which focuses
innovation are complemented by lower costs on energy efficiency and waste reduction.
and reduced carbon emissions leading to a Sustainable architecture aims to reduce
more sustainable lifestyle. carbon footprint and overall impact of the
An intelligent metropolis using ICTs building and its construction process.
(information and communications
technology) and many different resources to MAIN BODY:
improve the way of living, enhances the The first thing to consider is that
effectiveness of civic activities and since construction almost always destroys a
amenities, and competitiveness along with site, it is best to not build at all. The second
also satisfying the economic, social, approach asserts that every design should be
environmental, and cultural necessities for as minimal as possible. The third criterion is
today and for upcoming generations is to refrain from expanding, even if the most
referred to as a smart sustainable city eco-friendly and energy-efficient building
(Yigitcanlar 2006). it focuses on efficient techniques have been used. Urban infill sites
urban activities and services considering the are favored above Greenfield suburban
triple bottom line (people, planet and profit). plots. The sustainable construction
a smart city provides a durable and movement was motivated by the necessity
resourceful lifestyle for the current and urge for more environmentally
population without jeopardizing the ability responsible and energy-efficient designs.
to come coming generations to experience Building sustainably has several benefits,
the same. Maintaining a sustainable rate of including those for the environment, the
economic growth yet also promoting economy, and society. On the other hand,
opportunities for everyone is key to
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

modern sustainable approaches demand SINGAPORE

for a holistic and harmonious design REASON OF SELECTION
approach to both new construction and
It was city without any natural water
renovation of existing structures. (Demery,
2010) resources, yet they achieved
Construction of sustainable building sustainable smart city title through
requires a vast set of skills, techniques and proper techniques and integrated
practices, in order to minimize and planning.
eventually eliminate the negative impact of a
building on its surrounding. (Al Tuma,
The following tables (table-:1.1 and
2021) Sustainable buildings usually
highlight passive heating and cooling 1.2) elaborate comparative analysis of
techniques, rain water harvesting and use of two case studies of rapidly developing
solar panels as the energy generating source cities with one blindly chasing after
for the building. Different approaches and modernism and other implying
technology evolve though the time passage sustainability and moving with
but some key points must be considered
such as: Efficiency in Site Selection and
Structural Design effectiveness in regard to Following table shows pre
energy consumption and water, materials development conditions:
capabilities, improving the quality of indoor Features and elements Hunza
air, organized functions, and less garbage. before smart
(üksek, 2017) development
The idea of developing a building
that is in harmony with the nature and also
population 80,000
being context-responsive is part Thermal mass 50% increase (fig-:2)
of sustainable design. For such sustainable Water sources Its own
structures, there is a need for choosing sustainability No awareness
environmentally friendly building materials
from regional suppliers, reduce loads, Table-:1.1 pre development conditions
enhance systems, and produce renewable
energy on-site.

It's an area blessed with many natural
resources and perfect climatic
conditions for sustainable
development yet the smart city
development isn't implying it.
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

Fig-:2 graph showing 50% increase in properties

thermal mass to
Following table shows post construct
development conditions: more
SR NO. Smart Hunza Outcome hotels
developme hence
nt destroying
1- Water Atta bad Caused natural
Bodies lake more fabric
pollution 7- Energy Change in Excessive New
resources infra use of oil, build
structure water and stand
2- New Massive Reduction electricity
projects constructio in green to provide
n of cover huge
guesthouse number of
s and tourists and
hotels hotels there

Table-:1.2 post development conditions

3- Roads Karakorum Removal
of trees to
build roads

4- goal Prioritized Environme

economy ntal
over degradatio
environme n
nt Fig-:1 graph showing commercial
5- Thermal More More development
mass commercia carbon
lization footprint

6- Land Excessive Flattening

conservatio hotel of lands
n constructio and selling
n of private
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

not only conserved its natural fabric but also

adopted the technology in such a way that
DISCUSSION: they are rapidly advancing in IT but also not
Hunza's built form has transformed prioritizing it over environmental protection.
beyond recognizable in terms of scale and They are implying technology in their daily
character. Hunza once had compact life but in a healthy way like for sensory
clustered settlements called "Khun" that has lighting of streets to reduce the electrical
now become a stretch of suburban pattern. load and traffic control. Their government
The traditional home's-built form has also and the civilians work side by side to
evolved, shifting from a single roomed, achieve this success and smooth flow of
closed, and compact unit to a multi-roomed, living.
open home built alone on fields. In addition, Their advances in technology lead to
cement and block have replaced the them having improved way of living and
materials like stone and soil. rapid increase in their economy that led to
Environmental degradation has been them having an edge over the other
so bad it can even be seen visually now. countries.one of the reasons behind all their
Rushing vehicles, jeeps, buses, and trucks, success is also the spirit of a dying nation to
which are a major source of pollution as a rise again. They created their own
result of emissions, oil spills, car horns, independent defense mechanisms and
lights, etc., have ruined the pristine, and adopted techniques that were being
serene environment of Hunza. Due to neglected by other countries. They have now
extensive valuation of properties near almost zero corruptions, stable political
Karakorum Highway people have used all of status and very trusted and safe institutions.
it for commercial construction, causing the Their integrated way of working is the
destruction of trees and precious agricultural reason.
land. As a result, huge, out-of-scale We usually tend to work in
buildings have already spoiled the conventional manner where the work is done
spectacular views of the valley's grassy sequential but by different individual
slopes. without discussions at different steps. While
On other hand Singapore moved Singapore adopted integrated planning
towards smart city development through method that is considered very sustainable
proper channeling and planning. Even because in this method different individuals
though they were before deprived of many skilled in different fields come together to
natural resources unlike Hunza and many bring out the best outcome for a project. In
other cities that are getting degraded by this way you achieve 90% of success in
blindly following the idea of smart city project as you review different issues and
development. It's not just about planning but discuss it with the required skilled person.
also their integrated process management These conclusions led to the failure of
and unity lead them to where they are today. conventional planning since it's not very
Its working as a module for other under sustainable. Just like how it's necessary for
developed cities and countries like UAE and parents to cooperate to bring the best out of
Saudia Arabia for sustainable smart city their child it also necessary for the
developmental projects in future. Singapore development of sustainable cities since it’s
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

the only way to harmonized the growth a

city and the conservation of natural RECOMMENDATIONS/CONCLUSIONS

Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)

Komninos, N. (2002). Intelligent cities: Innovation, knowledge systems, and digital
spaces. New York: Taylor & Francis
Lazaroiu, G. C., & Roscia, M. (2012). Definition methodology for the smart cities model.
Energy, 47(1), 326–332
Lee, S. H., Han, J. H., Leem, Y. T., & Yigitcanlar, T. (2008). Towards Ubiquitous City:
Concept, Planning, and Experiences. Igi Global, 2, 148–169.
Yigitcanlar, T., & Kamruzzaman, M. (2014). Investigating the interplay between
transport, land use and the environment: A review of the literature. International journal of
Environmental Science and Technology, 11(8), 2121–2132. Yigitcanlar, T., & Kamruzzaman,
M. (2015). Planning, development and management of sustainable cities: A commentary from
the guest editors. Sustainability, 7(11), 14677–14688
Yigitcanlar, T. (2006). Australian local governments’ practice and prospects with online
planning. URISA Journal, 18(2), 7–17.
üksek, I. a. (2017). Energy-Efficient Building Design in the Context of Building Life Cycle.
Al Tuma, M. a. (2021). Effects of Construction Materials to Achieve Sustainable Buildings.
Demery, I. (2010). Sustainable Architectural Design: Reviving Traditional Design and Adapting
Modern Solutions.

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