Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
Muhammad Atif & Sadia Mumtaz. (2022). Smart sustainable cities (1)
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)
increase in resource consumption. The achieving this goal. There is great emphasis
health lifestyle of people residing in cities is on reducing energy input by smart cities,
significantly influenced by how people also water, and food in addition to
utilize and organize the resources that are drastically reducing garbage, global
available to them. Urban sprawl is being warming, emission of gases, and marine
accompanied by mounting environmental pollution. The aim of a sustainable city
strains and rising demand for land, includes self-sufficiently fuel itself with
affordable housing, infrastructure, renewable energy sources and to have long
employment, and basic rights, particularly life span by also avoiding causing any harm
among the 1 billion urban slum-dwelling to its surroundings and nature. (Lazaroiu and
community. Due to the growth of urban Roscia 2012; Lee et al. 2014; Jong et al.
infrastructure, housing, and economic 2015.
activity, specifically cities are at risk to the People do not realize the importance
consequences of climatical changes and of energy and the environment in the
natural calamities. for the protection of the beginning. Underestimating environmental
environment, reducing disaster risk, and damage and excessive energy use destroyed
mitigating climate change, building urban health, economy and environment and future
resilience is significant. it also affects generations have to pay for our mistakes.
human, social, and economic costs. In cost- These problems got traction and concept of
effective cities, increased productivity and green buildings took birth which focuses
innovation are complemented by lower costs on energy efficiency and waste reduction.
and reduced carbon emissions leading to a Sustainable architecture aims to reduce
more sustainable lifestyle. carbon footprint and overall impact of the
An intelligent metropolis using ICTs building and its construction process.
(information and communications
technology) and many different resources to MAIN BODY:
improve the way of living, enhances the The first thing to consider is that
effectiveness of civic activities and since construction almost always destroys a
amenities, and competitiveness along with site, it is best to not build at all. The second
also satisfying the economic, social, approach asserts that every design should be
environmental, and cultural necessities for as minimal as possible. The third criterion is
today and for upcoming generations is to refrain from expanding, even if the most
referred to as a smart sustainable city eco-friendly and energy-efficient building
(Yigitcanlar 2006). it focuses on efficient techniques have been used. Urban infill sites
urban activities and services considering the are favored above Greenfield suburban
triple bottom line (people, planet and profit). plots. The sustainable construction
a smart city provides a durable and movement was motivated by the necessity
resourceful lifestyle for the current and urge for more environmentally
population without jeopardizing the ability responsible and energy-efficient designs.
to come coming generations to experience Building sustainably has several benefits,
the same. Maintaining a sustainable rate of including those for the environment, the
economic growth yet also promoting economy, and society. On the other hand,
opportunities for everyone is key to
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)
It's an area blessed with many natural
resources and perfect climatic
conditions for sustainable
development yet the smart city
development isn't implying it.
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)
Atif and Sadia/Smart Sustainable ities(2022)
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