Falk 1130T10b
Falk 1130T10b
Falk 1130T10b
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................... Page 1
Lube Fittings.............................................................. Page 1
Limited End Float....................................................... Page 1
Lubrication............................................................ Pages 1-2
Installation & Alignment Instructions.................... Pages 2-4
Annual Maintenance, Relube & Disassembly........... Page 4
Installation & Alignment Data.................................... Page 5
The use of general purpose grease requires re-lubrication of
Parts Identification & Parts Interchangeability.......... Page 6 the coupling at least annually.
TROUBLE FREE SERVICE. The high centrifugal forces encountered in couplings separate
the base oil and thickener of general purpose greases. Heavy
Introduction thickener, which has no lubrication qualities, accumulates
in the grid-groove area of Steelflex couplings resulting in
This manual applies to Sizes 1020T thru 1170T and 20T premature hub or grid failure unless periodic lubrication
thru 170T20 Falk SteelfIex Tapered Grid Couplings. Unless cycles are maintained.
otherwise stated, information for Sizes 1020T thru 1170T
applies to Sizes 20T thru 170T respectively, e.g. 1020T = 20T, Falk Long Term Grease (LTG) was developed specifically for
1100T = 100T, etc. These couplings are designed to operate couplings. It resists separation of the oil and thickener. The
in either the horizontal or vertical position without modification. consistency of Falk LTG changes with operating conditions.
As manufactured it is an NLGI #1/2 grade. Working of the
CAUTION:Consult applicable local and national safety lubricant under actual service conditions causes it to become
codes for proper guarding of rotating members. Observe semifluid while the grease near the seals will set to a heavier
all safety rules when installing or servicing couplings. grade, helping to prevent leakage.
During assembly, seal keyways of vertical couplings to
prevent leakage. LTG is highly resistant to separation, easily out performing all
other lubricants tested. The resistance to separation allows the
WARNING: Lockout starting switch of prime mover and lubricant to be used for relatively long periods of time.
remove all external loads from drive before installing or
servicing couplings. Steelflex couplings initially lubricated with LTG will not require
re-lubrication until the connected equipment is stopped for
servicing. If a coupling leaks grease, is exposed to extreme
Lube Fittings temperatures, excessive moisture, or experiences frequent
Depending on coupling size, cover halves have 1/8 or 3/8 NPT reversals, more frequent lubrication may be required.
Iube holes. Use a standard grease gun and Iube fitting as
Although LTG grease is compatible with most other coupling
instructed on Page 4.
greases, the mixing of greases may dilute the benefits of LTG.
Rexnord 428-210
5555 S. Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-7953 March 2003 (9-05 Pdf revision)
Telephone: 262-796-4060 Fax: 262-796-4064 www.rexnord.com Supersedes 11-00
Falk Steelflex Couplings • Installation and Maintenance
(Page 2 of 6) Type T20 • Sizes 1020–1170 & 20–170
428-110 Rexnord
March 2003 (9-05 Pdf revision) 5555 S. Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-7953
Supersedes 11-00 Telephone: 262-796-4060 Fax: 262-796-4064 www.rexnord.com
Falk Steelflex Couplings • Installation and Maintenance
Type T20 • Sizes 1020–1170 & 20–170 (Page 3 of 6)
4 — InsertGrid
Insert gasket thru the gap and hang it on either hub. Pack
gap and grooves with specified lubricant before inserting
grid. When grids are furnished in two or more segments,
install them so that all cut ends extend in the same
direction (as detailed in the exploded view picture above);
this will assure correct grid contact with non-rotating pin
in cover halves. Spread the grid slightly to pass over the
coupling teeth and seat with a soft mallet.
Rexnord 428-210
5555 S. Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-7953 March 2003 (9-05 Pdf revision)
Telephone: 262-796-4060 Fax: 262-796-4064 www.rexnord.com Supersedes 11-00
Falk Steelflex Couplings • Installation and Maintenance
(Page 4 of 6) Type T20 • Sizes 1020–1170 & 20–170
Periodic Lubrication
428-110 Rexnord
March 2003 (9-05 Pdf revision) 5555 S. Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-7953
Supersedes 11-00 Telephone: 262-796-4060 Fax: 262-796-4064 www.rexnord.com
Falk Steelflex Couplings • Installation and Maintenance
Type T20 • Sizes 1020–1170 & 20–170 (Page 5 of 6)
Type T Coupling Installation & Values may be combined for an installation or operating
Alignment Data
Example: 1060T max. operating misalignment is .016"
Maximum life and minimum maintenance for the coupling parallel plus .018" angular.
and connected machinery will result if couplings are
accurately aligned. Coupling life expectancy between NOTE: For applications requiring greater misalignment, refer
initial alignment and maximum operating limits is a function application details to the Factory.
of load, speed and lubrication. Maximum operating values Angular misalignment is dimension X minus Y as illustrated
listed in Table 1 are based on cataloged allowable rpm. below.
Values listed are based upon the use of the gaps listed, Parallel misalignment is distance P between the hub center
standard coupling components, standard assemblies, and lines as illustrated below.
cataloged allowable speeds.
End float (with zero angular and parallel misalignment) is the
axial movement of the hubs(s) within the cover(s) measured
from “O” gap.
Rexnord 428-210
5555 S. Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-7953 March 2003 (9-05 Pdf revision)
Telephone: 262-796-4060 Fax: 262-796-4064 www.rexnord.com Supersedes 11-00
Falk Steelflex Couplings • Installation and Maintenance
(Page 6 of 6) Type T20 • Sizes 1020–1170 & 20–170
428-110 Rexnord
March 2003 (9-05 Pdf revision) 5555 S. Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-7953
Supersedes 11-00 Telephone: 262-796-4060 Fax: 262-796-4064 www.rexnord.com