Application To Substitute A Party
Application To Substitute A Party
Application To Substitute A Party
(Under Section 3A of the Civil Procedure Act, Order 1 rule 10 and 14 and Order 24, rule 1 – 3
of the Civil Procedure Rules 2010)
LET ALL PARTIES concerned attend the Honourable Court on the……………… day of
………………………….2019 at 9.00 O’clock in the forenoon or so soon thereafter as the
Counsel for the 1st & 2nd Applicants may be heard on an application for ORDERS: -
1. THAT leave be granted to the 1 st and 2nd Applicants to substitute James Moibe, the
Deceased Applicant in terms of the Notice of Motion hereto attached.
a) THAT the substitution is necessary in view of the fact that the Applicant is since
deceased and thus can no longer execute these proceedings.
b) THAT an Order for Grant of Letters of Administration was to be issued in the High Court
to the deceased Applicant, the same have been long overdue and subsequently the
applicant has since then passed away necessitating that PAMELLA MOIBE and
SERETSE MOIBE to succeed into this application of the deceased applicant for Grant
of Letters of Administration.
c) THAT the substitution is further necessitated by information relevant for the fair and just
determination in this matter.
d) THAT it is necessary to seek leave of court to substitute the deceased Applicant to avoid
the suit abating.
WHICH APPLICATION is further based on the annexed Affidavit of SERETSE MOIBE
reasons and arguments to be adduced at the hearing hereof.
I,SERETSE MOIBE of National ID number 32891700 make oath and state as follows :-
1. THAT I am an adult of sound mind and disposition hence competent to swear this
affidavit and
2. THAT I have received the written consent of PAMELA MOIBE, the 1 st Applicant herein
enabling me to swear this affidavit on her behalf. (Attached herewith and marked”SM-
1”is a true copy of the written consent signed by the 1st Applicant)
3. THAT the initial Applicant herein JAMES MOIBE (DECEASED) to whom these
proceedings relate died on the 25/03/2019 at Brain Center, South Point, Durham, North
Carolina, USA.( Annexed herewith and marked “SM-2” is a true copy of the deceased’s
certificate of death).
4. THAT I am related to the deceased applicant being his son. (Annexed herewith and
marked “SM-3”is a true copy of my birth certificate).
6. THAT we are now requesting this Honorable Court to grant us an Order to substitute the
Deceased Applicant with PAMELLA MOIBE and myself in the application for a
Confirmed Grant of Letter of Administration, that if granted by this honorable Court,
they will be in the names of PAMELLA MOIBE and myself.
7. THAT it is in the interest of justice that this application be granted and orders sought be
8. THAT I make this oath in support of our application.
9. THAT what is deponed to herein above is true to the best of my own knowledge,
information and belief, save where expressly stated.
I, PAMELLA MOIBE, the 1st Applicant herein do hereby give CONSENT to my son
SERETSE MOIBE to act on my behalf in these proceedings.