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Boundary Layer

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“In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful”

Prepared By:
Mohamad Mazwan Bin Mahat

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP)

Lab Instructor:

Lab Location:
Thermo Fluids Laboratory

Lab Objectives:

By the end of the semester, student should be able to:

• Determine the speed distribution for flat plate

• Determine the boundary layer thickness of a flat plate subjected
to longitudinal flow for smooth and rough surface

Sudent Name Student ID Section


Total marks 100

BMM 3521 Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lab_09_Boundary Layer

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1.0 Introduction and theory

That portion of a fluid flow, near a solid surface, where shear stresses are significant and
the inviscid-flow assumption may not be used. All solid surfaces interact with a viscous fluid
flow because of the no-slip condition, a physical requirement that the fluid and solid have equal
velocities at their interface. Thus a fluid flow is retarded by a fixed solid surface, and a finite,
slow-moving boundary layer is formed. A requirement for the boundary layer to be thin is that
the Reynolds number of the body be large, 103 or more. Under these conditions the flow outside
the boundary layer is essentially inviscid and plays the role of a driving mechanism for the layer.

Figure 1 : Boundary layer on a flat plate

Measurement for Reynolds No:-

Re critical = w ¥
Measurement of speed:-

2 Pdyn
Measurement total pressure:-
Ptotal = P stat + Pdyn

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2.0 Experimental Apparatus

Using the HM 225.02 Boundary Layer Apparatus in combination with the HM 225 Air
Flow Bench, boundary layers can be experimentally investigated. The experimental set-up is
fitted to the nozzle using quick action fasteners. The plate to be investigated with a longitudinal
flow is slid into the unit. The plate has two different surface finishes for performing experiments.
A thin Pitot tube is used to measure the dynamic pressure in the boundary layer; the Pitot tube is
moved towards the plate using a micrometer adjustment bolt..

1 laboratory trolley, 2 switch box, 3 bench top, 4 manometer panel (not supplied), 5 flow straightener, 6 nozzle, 7 receptacle for the accessory
modules with measuring glands, 8 thermometer, 9 regulator flap, 10 feed pipe, 11 outlet pipe with hood, 12 radial fan

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3.0 Experimental Procedure

1. Determine the current air density by measuring the ambient temperature and air
2. Push the plate to the position x=0 mm and secure it with the knurled screw.
3. Read the reference level for ambient pressure from the manometer.
4. Run the wind channel up to the desired speed (setting on precision regulator 7-
5. Move the Pitot tube close up to the plate and read off the first measured value for
pdyn. As a result of the tube diameter of 0.7 mm, this value corresponds to a
height of y=0.35 mm.
6. Recording additional measured values: To a height of 1.5 mm every 0.25 mm; up
to 5 mma measured value every 1 mm is sufficient.
7. Repeat the procedure for other positions (e.g. x=5 mm, 10, 20, 50, 100 mm).

Figure 3 : Measuring the flow speed

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4.0 Data Analysis:

a) Experimental data sheet

Table 1: Data experiment for smooth surface

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Table 2 : Data experiment for rough surface

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b) Plot a graph of speed distribution for smooth surface

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b) Plot a graph of speed distribution for rough surface 20

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5.0 Discussions:
a) Explain about the boundary layer thickness in the boundary layer of both surfaces

b) What is the distance in the plate before the flow become turbulent? What phenomena
could be the reason of this changes?
c)What are the differences in term of result for smooth and rough surface?

6.0 Conclusion:


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7.0 Reference

BMM 3521 Engineering Fluid Mechanics Lab_09_Boundary Layer

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