Review of Potato Research and Development in Ethio
Review of Potato Research and Development in Ethio
Review of Potato Research and Development in Ethio
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1 author:
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
I have been a researcher since 2004 on Potato Breeding, Agronomy and Seed Technology, at Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research View project
Development, adaptation, multiplication and promotion of potato technologies for different Agro-ecologies and purposes and analysis potato ware and seed
marketing View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Abebe Chindi Degebasa on 08 April 2020.
Root crops are good sources of food, cash and foreign exchange for the majority of smallholder farmers in
Ethiopia. Among root and tuber crops, potato is an important food and cash crop in Eastern and Central Africa,
playing a major role in national food and nutrition security, poverty alleviation and income generation, and
provides employment in the production, processing and marketing sub-sectors. In Ethiopia, potato production
has increased during the “Meher” season as a result of improved varieties, being tolerant to major potato disease,
late blight especially in the areas of major potato growing regions of the country. It is a short cycle crop with
three to four months cropping cycle, are well suited to double cropping particularly in rain-fed systems and has
significant advantage over grain crops which require relatively longer time to mature. Its short growing cycle
allows for flexible planting and harvesting times and also permits quick production of foods to augment “hunger
months” of August to October before grain harvests when people lack sufficient food to meet their basic caloric
and nutritional requirements. The potato crop is cheap but nutritionally rich staple foods that contribute
carbohydrates, protein, vitamin C, vitamin A, zinc, iron and minerals which alleviate the problem of malnutrition
in subsistence farming areas and towards the dietary demands of the country‘s fast-growing towns and cities.
Another advantage of this crop is that, it is largely traded locally and nationally, as opposed to internationally.
The crop is far less susceptible to large-scale market shocks and price speculations experienced by more widely
traded staples, such as grains, during international market crises. As such, it contribute to a more stable food
system, maintain nutritional and food security, and are a predictable source of income. To exploit the potential
benefit of this valuable crops as food and nutrition security, the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute (EIAR)
through its implementing federal and regional research centers has been conducting several research and
development activities on potato since its establishment in 1966. Since then several technologies have been
released, demonstrated and popularized for the larger farming community in the country. The objective of this
paper is, therefore, to review potato research and development outputs obtained so far, potentials and
opportunities as well as challenges and research gaps for potato production and productivity in the country.
Keywords: Potato; food & nutrition security; achievements; technologies; Ethiopia
DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-19-04
Publication date:October 31st 2019
Root and tuber crops are said to be one of the most efficient crops in converting natural resource, labor and
capital into a high quality food with wide consumer acceptance (Horton, 1980). The food potential of root and
tuber crops has not yet been fully exploited and utilized despite their significant contributions towards food
security, income generation, provision of food energy and resource base conservation (Gebremedhin et al., 2008).
According to Kolech (2019) potato is considered as a food security crop that helps to meet the rising food
demands in the tropical highlands of Sub-Saharan Africa. Due to the potato’s short cropping cycle and higher
production per hectare per day when compared to other arable crops (FAO, 2009); potato provides hope for
improving the lives of millions of poor farmers in the risk-prone highlands. Root crops are good sources of food,
cash and foreign exchange for the majority of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. The economic and nutritional
importance of root crops has been a factor for producing them both under rain-fed and irrigated conditions in all
root and tuber producing regions and growing the crops more than one time in a year (Mesfin, 2009). In Africa
the area under potato production is about 1.5 million ha with an average yield of 10.8 t ha-1 (FAO, 2008).
In Ethiopia, potato ranks first in the category of root and tuber crops (RTCs) in terms of area coverage and
total production. Crop production survey results of private peasant holding of the year 2015/16 indicated that of
the total land areas of about 496, 148.99 hectares covered by RTCs, 296, 578 hectare (~60%) and of over 7.21
million tons of RTCs produced over 3.67 million tons (~51%) was potato (CSA, 2016) with an average national
yield of 13.9 t ha-1 (CSA, 2017/18). Potato holds a huge (largely ignored) promise for improving the livelihoods
of hundreds-of-thousands of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia’s risk-prone highlands. Potato is a very important
food and cash crops, especially in the high and mid altitude areas of Ethiopia. It has a promising prospect in
improving the quality of the basic diet in both rural and urban areas of the country. Potato has high potential for
improving food security, increasing household income and poverty reduction as well as provides important
nutrients. It has a high content of carbohydrates, significant amounts of quality protein, and substantial amounts
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
Research has been conducted over years and a number of technologies have been selected, developed, released,
adopted, and popularized since the establishment of research system in the country. Among which variety
development for different agro ecologies, crop pest management technologies, crop husbandry, post harvest
management and food quality appraisals are the major ones.
Availability of Research Technologies: Potato germplasm of wider genetic base have been introduced annually
mainly from CIP and other sources since the inception of potato improvement program in Ethiopia since 1975.
And considerable achievements have been recorded improved varieties, agronomic and seed production
techniques, IDM, IPM to major diseases and insect pests in the different agro-ecological zones of the country
from researches carried in various disciplines. Numerous awareness creating and knowledge and skill upgrading
trainings have also been given to farmers and extension workers on the various techniques of potato productions.
Over 32 improved varieties were released and/or recommended for wider and specific production areas in
different parts of the country. The released varieties give as high as 25 to 40 tons ha-1 fresh potato yield (5.5-8.8
tons of dry matter) under improved management practices. Results of on-farm studies have also revealed that
under the farmers condition the yield range vary between 15 and 35 tons (3.3 to 7.7 tons dry matter basis/ha)
(Gebremedhin et al., 2001). This has been a big improvement compared to the national average tuber yield of
only 13.9 tons per hectare (CSA, 2017).
1. Available Germplasm
Germplasm enhancement: the germplasms source for potato is International Potato Centre and Hybrdiztion of
farmers’ varieties with improved one to exploit the potential of the crop. Currently a total of more than 2500
germplasm of potato available at Holetta and Adet research centers. As can be seen the available germplasms are
very narrow and this needs strong collaboration among international institutions for germplasm
introduction/exchange and strengthen the crossing activities to increase the germplasm pool of the country.
2. Varieties developed
A number of potato varieties have been developed and released in the country. The first improved variety was
released in 1987 (AL-624), since then more than 32 potato varieties were developed and released where as eight
potato varieties developed in Europe were also evaluated for their adaptation and yield and registered for
production in the country by agricultural research centers and Haramaya University (Gebremedhin, 2013).
The local varieties introduced earlier may be the same parentage (Haile-michael, 1979). This intensely
shows that the genetic base of the local varieties is narrow; making any progress in improving the productivity of
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
the crop is unsatisfactory. To make such a progress possible by widening the genetic base of potato, a selection
program with a large number of seedling populations was started in 1973 at the College of Agriculture in
Alemaya in cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural Research (IAR) and International Potato Center (CIP).
A more coordinated improvement work on potato was started in 1975. National potato research programs in sub-
Saharan Africa have continuously focused on selection of high-yielding varieties with resistance to late blight
(LB) disease (E1-Bedewy et al., 2005).
Introduction and evaluation of commercial varieties, introduction and evaluation of germplasm, generation
of local population and recently introduction of advance materials are some of the strategies what we have
followed to develop varieties widely adaptable, resistant/tolerant to different pests and stresses (Berga et al.,
1994). Accordingly a number of variety trials were conducted in different corners of the country to catch
different agro-ecologies of the potato growing areas. From these experiments widely adaptable, late blight
resistant and high yielder (25-40 tons/ha) potato varieties were released and under production. So far, about 32
improved potato varieties were released and recommended by the National Potato Improvement Program (MoA,
variety registry, 2018). Moreover, most of the potato genotypes that have been developed and released in Eastern
Africa before 2008 either have genes for vertical resistance to LB or have been developed for horizontal
resistance to LB in the presence of unknown resistance (major R) genes, thus named population “A” clones
(Landeo et al.,1997). A particular feature of this breeding population is that horizontal resistance was improved
in the presence of undesired, unknown major (R) genes for vertical resistance (population A). Their presence,
rather than contributing to the overall resistance, made the recognition of true horizontal resistance and effective
gene frequency upgrading more difficult (Landeo et al., 1997). Although the Ethiopian Potato Improvement
Program (EPIP) has shown progress over the years, further improvement is still needed, particularly in
accelerating varietal selection and release schemes and increasing adoption and diffusion rates (Gebremedhin,
2013). Diffusion of new varieties has been lengthy and limited; thus old potato varieties are still present in
farmer’s fields covering significant areas. One of the major factors attributed to the low productivity of potato is
access to improved varieties. The main constraints to accessing improved varieties are lack of availability of
healthy seed tubers and poor seed tuber quality (Hirpa et al., 2010; Gebremedhin et al., 2008; Berga and
Gebremedhin, 1994). Adoption of improved varieties is hindered by awareness of the availability and use of
improved technologies (Hirpa et al., 2010). In other words, new varieties are struggling to reach larger areas or
replace the old ones. Farmers would like to replace their old varieties with new ones because of diminishing
productivity, but they usually have not heard of the release of new ones. Even if they are aware, there is no seed
supply priced affordably. Therefore, the majority of potatoes growers in the country use local cultivars and poor
quality seed tubers which is the major limiting factor for varietal diffusion.
3. Agronomy
3.1. Agronomic Management
The production of potato seed crop can be equally affected by the various agronomic management issues and
practices of potato ware crop production. However, the effects of some of the agronomic practices may be more
important in the production of potato seed crop. Some agronomic practices in particular can have significant
influence on the quality, and yield of seed. Therefore, multiplication of seed crops should involve manipulation
of some important agronomic practices towards quality and high seed yield results.
In potato seed production, seed health and size are important seed qualities. Adjustment of plant density in
the fields is a good practice to produce a high proportion of medium size tubers. The cost of seed potato is
estimated to constitute up to 50% of the total cost of production. It may therefore not be economical to use large
size tubers as seed. Rouging and dehaulming are also important agronomic practices that can be used mainly to
minimize virus infection and bacterial wilt infestation in the field and obtain healthier seed tubers. Rotation, use
and application of fertilizers and pest management are conventional potato agronomic practices. However, they
can be more critical particularly in potato seed production and need to be properly administered to get high
quality potato seed tubers.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
biotic factors such as weeds, pests and diseases all many affect the sate of soil nutrient flux and use by the
growing crop. The extent of use of fertilizer may also be dictated by economic factors like market prices and the
economic status of a farmer (Gebremedhin et al., 2008). Considering this problem area specific and
economically feasible fertilizer rates were recommended by different research center for different potato growing
areas across the country. According to (Tesfaye et al., 2008) fertilizer rates of 108/69 and 81/69 kg/ha N/P2O5
are economically feasible in South Gondar and Gojam areas, respectively. Similarly, 110kg/ha nitrogen and
70.5kg/ha P2O5kg/ha are recommended for optimum potato tuber yield in nitosol and light vertisol of the high
land of North Shewa (Abdulwahab and Semagn, 2008). Berga et al., (1994) also reported that 165/90 N/P2O5
recommended as feasible rate for the central shewa area and this recommendation is still in use in the central and
southern part of the country as blanket recommendation. In the same fashion, 146/138 N/P2O5 were
recommended for the high lands of Hararghe. These recommendations may not work for the current market, soil
fertility status and other climatic variables. Therefore, considering the variability of the input-output market and
soil fertility status, detail soil test based fertilizer rate studies should be carried out.
Potato Ridging/Cultivation
Ridging, which refers to the practice of hilling or earthing up the soil around the potato plant, is a normal
practice in potato production. Riding is practiced to obtain sufficient earth or soil and form a well-shaped ridge
that helps to loosen the subsoil for good aeration and/or to cover the tubers with sufficient layer of soil. On
lighter soils ridging presents no difficulty, and it is very useful if the soil depth is shallow. However, on heavier
soils, ridging may present a problem unless it is done under suitable conditions and good timing in relation to
moisture content of the soil. Proper ridging increases tuber yield by creating favorable condition for tuber
initiation and development. Poor ridging in potato may expose the tuber to sunlight, high temperature, disease
and insect damage. Studies show that a yield loss as high as 8% is sacrificed due to poor ridging. The frequency
and optimum of ridging may depend on variety, soil structure and workable soil depth (Gebremedhin, 2013). The
highest yield was obtained from plots with the highest frequencies of four and three times ridging. Generally,
increasing ridging frequency substantially reduced green tubers from 53.3% in no ridging to 29.5% at four times
ridging. In a similar study conducted at Adet, ridging frequency had no significant effects on parameters like
tuber size, marketable and total yields. The results under Holetta conditions showed that yield and tuber quality
can be affected by ridging and at least twice ridging is very necessary. Light soil and heavy rainfall areas require
more frequent ridging. Whereas, in light red soils care has to be taken to reduce insect damage and greening by
modifying planting distance and increasing frequency of ridging. In ware potato production, good cover-up of
soil does substantially reduce unmarketable tuber yield due to greening (Gebremedhin et al., 2008).
Intercropping of potato
Intercropping of potato with maize is a common practice in northwest Amhara region. Consequently, an
experiment was conducted at Adet for two consecutive years (1997-1998) to identify economically feasible
intercropping pattern. The result of the experiment was also statistically analyzed using total monetary value
(TMV) of the system and economic yield of each component crop. Moreover, the land equivalent ratio (LER) of
each intercropping system is calculated. From this work intercropping of potato with maize in 2:1 and 1:1
(potato: maize) row spatial arrangement are found superior in their order and recommended for potato
production at Adet and its surrounding (Tesfaye et al., 2008). In addition, intercropping study of potato and
maize was mad at Bako for three cropping seasons. Maize and potato were arranged in 1:1 ratio alternating
within a row (15 x 75cm) and between rows (37.5 x 30 cm) including sole planting (75 x 30 cm). The yield of
potato in an intercropped field was as high as sole potato in one of the three study seasons. Intercropping was
found economically advantageous than sole cropping as the maize grower could get potato yield as bonus in
addition to maize yield (Gebremedhin et al., 2008).
4. Crop protection
4.1. Potato Disease Management
The potato is prone to many diseases caused either by bacteria, fungi, viruses or mycoplasma. Among major
potato disease, Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, remains the most devastating disease in potato and
worldwide losses each year to late blight are conservatively estimated at more than $6 billion (Haas et al., 2009).
Late blight is generally the most important disease wherever potatoes are grown in the country. Traditionally the
crop is grown during the off-season using the short rain that falls during February–April and sometimes with
supplementary irrigation when available. The main reason for not growing potato during the long rainy season,
despite the high yield potential of the main season crop, is the severe threat posed by late blight. The local
varieties do not cope with the disease pressure in the main rainy season and often are wiped out particularly in
the highlands. However, the use of resistant varieties is a powerful, viable and environmentally friendly
alternative or supplement for the current, commonly deployed chemical control strategies (Haesaert et al., 2015)
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
to control the diseases. Viruses and bacterial wilt are also very important diseases affecting potato production
(Bekele and Eshetu, 2008). Among these, late blight (LB), followed by bacterial wilt (BW), potato leaf roll virus
(PLRV), and potato virus Y (PVY) were the most important diseases. LB was widely distributed where the crop
is grown under rainfed conditions (Bekele and Yayinu, 1994). In this report, BW was detected and found
restricted to the mid-and low altitudes. Currently, however, it has also been recorded in high altitudes (>2400
masl); virus diseases were more prevalent in the mid-altitudes than in higher. Studies on host-plant resistance,
loss assessment, cultural control measures, and integrated management have been conducted on many diseases.
Promising results have been obtained. The level of economic loss of late blight has been determined for some
varieties. Furthermore, the use of integrated late blight management (ILBM) or integrated disease management
(IDM) in reducing blight damage has been emphasized. The result showed that early planting of moderately late
blight tolerant variety with one or two fungicide applications significantly reduced the disease, thereby, highly
increasing the tuber yield. Attempts have been made to determine the physiological races of Phytophthora
infestans. Results of chemical control trials indicated that a fungicide (Ridomil MZ 63.5% WP) containing
Mancozeb and Metalaxyl was very effective in controlling LB (Bekele and Yayinu, 1994). In a host resistance
study, potato varieties that are tolerant to late blight, early blight and bacterial wilt have been identified (Baye
and Gebremedhin, 2013).
An integrated bacterial wilt control research was conducted in a farmer participatory approach, where
different options were compared. The options were (a) an improved package (IP) that consisted of clean seed, a
less susceptible variety, and improved cultural practices, (b) a farmer package (FP), which consisted of a
farmer’s variety and farmers’ seed, planted under the farmers’ cultural practices, (3) clean seed of a less
susceptible variety planted in farmers’ cultural practices (CSFCP), and (4) farmers seed planted under improved
cultural practices (FSICP). All the options significantly reduced wilt incidence and increased potato yield as
compared to FP; with IP performing best. The options were all economically beneficial and resulted in marginal
rates of return of 1034% for IP, 805% for CSFCP and 634% for FSICP (Berga, 2001; Berga et al., 2005).
Potato is naturally infected by over 36 viruses. About 50% of these viruses are dependent on potato for their
survival and spread, while others usually have major hosts apart from potato. Viruses and virus diseases
constitute a major constraint to potato production in developing countries including those of SSA. The diseases
are often overlooked because the symptoms are usually not as striking as those incited by fungi and bacteria. The
virus diseases cause reductions in yield quality and quantity (Salazar and Accatino, 1990). Berhanu et al., (2011)
described that, evidence of the occurrence of potato viruses in Ethiopia was first reported in studies conducted in
central, south and southeast Ethiopia during the 1984 and 1985 crop seasons. The results of these consecutive
studies indicated the presence of Potato virus X (PVX), Potato virus S (PVS), Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV),
Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato virus A (PVA) and Potato virus M (PVM). Regarding viruses, their effect in potato
production is primarily due to their accumulation on seeds and cause degeneration with in short period of
production. There is a need to strengthen the tissue culture laboratory in order to supply disease-free seed to seed
producers and minimize the effect of viruses on potato yield. In addition, the existing sites for seed production
should be strengthened. It is also crucial to forge strong linkages between potato seed producers and the research
system. The potato plant can become systematically infected with viruses following transmission either
mechanically or through vectors. Whereas, nearly all of these viruses are transmitted vegetatively through seed
tubers. PVY and PLRV, the two economically most important potato viruses, are also horizontally transmitted
by aphid vectors under natural conditions. Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) is the most important vector of
these two viruses worldwide, while other aphids like potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbae) can act as less
efficient vector.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
factors, temperature, (minimum and maximum temperature in °C), rainfall (mm), and wind speed (km/hr). The
result showed that rain fall and minimum temperature had negative effects, whereas the influence of the other
two factors was non-significant.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
In the first phase, participatory seed multiplication was conducted over the last 10 years. At this stage,
researchers, Farmers’ Research Groups (FRG), development agents, subject matter specialists, development
project workers, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders were involved in planning, monitoring,
and evaluation. This was to promote awareness on better adoption of new technologies and quality seed for
further dissemination. In the second phase, before launching the actual activity, an inception workshop was held
with all stakeholders. Researchers played a catalytic role. On the basis of group consensus, the seed, which is
maintained during the evaluation and seed multiplication phase, was distributed to all members of the FRG. In
this way the potato technologies are diffusing to potato farmers. Currently, potato farmers are using almost all
components of the potato production package. Throughout the whole process of evaluation, seed multiplication,
and scaling-up of improved technologies, participation of farmers and stakeholders was useful to promote the
diffusion and adoption of improved technologies, knowledge, and skill of quality seed production, and
postharvest handling. This established the farmer-to-farmer seed exchange and information dissemination system.
In the process, a number of field days were organized to demonstrate the production, postharvest handling, and
utilization of potato. In general, technical backstopping and creating good public-private partnership and
technology transfer system are the most important issues that need more attention.
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.9, No.19, 2019
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