Obs Final MCQ
Obs Final MCQ
Obs Final MCQ
The gestation
period for the last month is 20 weeks. From the anamnesis it is established that the woman suffered
ARVI with a high fever at the beginning of pregnancy and took treatment (antibiotics, antipyretic
drugs). In screening ultrasound, microcephaly was diagnosed. Determine the tactics.
*A. Abortion.
B. Observation in dynamics, ultrasound in 1 month.
C. Conduct amniocentesis.
D. A placenta biopsy should be done.
E. Perform a cordocentesis.
2. Persorodilla 20 years old with bagohydrates is in labor for C hour. Generic activity is active. Fruit
alone, in the head presentation. Palpitation of the fetus does not suffer. Cicatrix of the cervix is 4 cm.
Fetal bladder of tension is out of contractions. Define the tactics of labor management:
A. Stimulation of prostaglandin.
B. expectant management.
With Cesarean section.
B. Dream-rest.
*E. Amniotomy.
3. A 37-year-old woman turned to a gynecologist with complaints about bloody smearing of the
nature of vaginal discharge from the last 2 weeks, pain in the abdomen. 3 months ago there was an
artificial abortion. Objectively: the uterus is increased to 12 weeks of pregnancy, mild at palpation,
moderately painful, on both sides of the uterus tumor formations are defined, with dimensions of
5x6 cm, sensitive for palpation. The serum level of chorionic gonadotropin is more than 1000 mmol
/ l. Your diagnosis?
A. Myoma of the uterus.
B. Ovarian cancer.
* C. Trophoblastic disease.
D. Pregnancy 12 weeks.
E. Ectopic pregnancy.
4. Pregnant woman was admitted to the Department of Pregnancy Pathology at the age of 38 weeks.
Twins are diagnosed. The first fruit is in the leg presentation, the second - in the transverse. Define a
delivery plan.
A. Assign corrective gymnastics.
B. Births through natural birthmarks.
C. The removal of the 1st fetus by the foot, the 2nd - the external internal obstetric turn.
D. To lead an external turn for Arkhangelsk.
* E. Routine cesarean section.
5. A pregnant woman with a complaint about spotting from the genital tract addressed the women's
consultation. The gestation period for Stann by menstruation is 12 weeks. Upon examination, it is
established that the uterine base is defined by 2 transverse fingers below the navel, parts of the fetus
are not palpable, the fetal heart beat is not listened. At ultrasound examination, the fetal egg is
poorly visualized, in the uterus the picture of a "snow storm". What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Late spontaneous miscarriage.
B. placenta previa.
C. Premature detachment of the normally located placenta.
* D. Bubble skid.
E. Ectopic pregnancy.
6. Multiple, 34 years old, entered the maternity hospital with full term pregnancy and
polyhydramnios, with whole amniotic fluid. Belly circumference - 112 cm, VDM - 38 cm, uterus
strained, there is a sign of fluctuations, parts of the fetus are palpable poorly. The palpitation of the
fetus is muffled. Contractions are regular. When vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the
edges are thin, the opening is up to 4 cm, the fetal blister is intact, strained, the presenting part is the
head, movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. What tactics of labor management?
A. Obstetric sleep before amelioration of amniotic fluid.
B. Cesarean section.
* C. Amniotomy, complete labor through the birth canal.
D. Amniotomy followed by extraction of the fetus behind the pelvic end.
E. induction with the introduction of prostaglandins.
7. Pregnant 30 years old she entered the maternity ward. In the ultrasound study, twins were
identified, gestational age 37-38 weeks. Both fetuses are in transverse position. The amniotic fluid
went away. What tactics of labor management?
A. Post-stimulation.
* B. Cesarean section.
C. Anticipatory tactics.
D. Obstetric forceps.
E. Rotation of the fetus on the stem.
8. Pregnant S., 26 years old, the second pregnancy in the period of 14-15 weeks. The first
pregnancy ended with an abortion in 11-12 weeks. In the woman, 0 (I) Rh (-), in the husband, 0 (I)
Rh (+). What kind of tests are necessary for a woman?
A. Coagulogram.
B. Determination of group antibodies.
* C. Determination of antiresusive antibodies.
D. Biochemical analysis of blood.
E. Cordocentesis.
9. Antibodies to Rh are found in a pregnant woman with Rh (-) blood belonging, which is in a
second marriage, when tested at 4 to 5 weeks of gestation. During the previous pregnancy
antibodies to Rh did not manifest, and therefore anti-D immunoglobulin was not administered. The
first child Rh (+) is positive. How to explain the appearance of antibodies to Rh during this
A. Sensitization occurred during the first pregnancy.
* B. Sensitization occurred in the first birth.
C. Sensitization occurred with the onset of this pregnancy.
D. Sensitization is due to repeated rejection.
E. Diagnostic error.
10. When a pregnant woman was examined at the gestational age of 30 weeks, she was diagnosed
with a second pregnancy (in the anamnesis of 1 artificial abortion), blood group A (II), Rh (-),
hepatosplenomegaly, cardiomegaly, ascites and hydrothorax in the fetus, thickening of the placenta.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Placental insufficiency.
B. The threat of premature birth.
C. maternal - fetal infection.
* D. Hemolytic disease of the fetus.
E. Acute distress of the fetus.
11. In the first-born 22 years with Rh (-) blood belonging to the person Rh (+), up to 32 weeks of
gestation antibodies to the Rh factor were not detected. At 35 weeks of gestation, antibodies to Rh
were not found upon repeated determination. What is the frequency of further detection of
A. Once a month.
B. Once in two weeks.
C. Once every three weeks.
* D. Once a week.
E. Further determination is impractical.
12. Pregnant 28 years old with Rh-negative blood accessory registered in the antenatal clinic for 10
weeks. The man has Rh-positive blood. In the anamnesis, one birth is a full-term fetus, two medical
abortions in 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. How often should I determine the anti-Rhesus antibody titer
in a given woman?
A. Once a month.
* B. When registering and at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
C. Daily.
D. With deterioration of the fetus.
E. When registering and at 30 weeks of pregnancy.
13. re-pregnant 28r., With Rh-negative blood type is under the supervision of an obstetrician-
gynecologist. In the anamnesis: in previous sorts the manual separation of the placenta was carried
out concerning the bleeding in the III-rd period. At 36 weeks of gestation, antibody titers increased
from 1:16 to 1:64. With ultrasound, thickening of the placenta and slowing of the fetal movements.
How often in the future is it necessary to conduct a blood test for Rh-antibodies?
A. 1 time in two weeks.
B. Once a week.
* C. Daily to delivery.
D. 1 time in three weeks.
E. Before giving birth.
14. In re-pregnant with blood group B (iii) Rh (-) at 24 weeks of gestation, a titer of Rh antibodies
was detected: 1: 8. The first pregnancy resulted in an antinatal fetal death due to Rh-conflict. The
general condition is satisfactory. Uterus in normotonus. Fetal position longitudinal, there is a head,
fetal heartbeat 146 beats / min. Edema is absent. Your tactics?
A. Assign a consultation to an immunologist.
B. Conduct urgent gologozerezennya.
C. To appoint a therapist's consultation.
* D. Send to hospital for the treatment of Rh-conflict.
E. Dynamic observation in a female consultation.
15. A pregnant 25 years old entered the hospital at 34 weeks. There are no complaints. From the
anamnesis: the first births passed without complications, there were three artificial abortions, this
pregnancy is the fifth. Up to 30 weeks of pregnancy, the women's consultation did not attend. At 30
weeks of pregnancy, the examination showed: the blood group of the pregnant woman - A (II) Rh-
negative, her husband - B (III), Rh-positive. An antiresus antibody titre of 1:16 was established,
after 2 weeks the titer was 1:64. What is the main link in the pathogenesis of this pathological
* A. Hemolysis of erythrocytes of the fetus of antiresus antibodies produced in the body of a
pregnant woman.
B. Autonomous hemolysis of fetal erythrocytes.
C. Deterioration of placental and fetal blood circulation due to
increased thrombogenesis.
D. Fetal intoxication of indirect bilirubin in pregnant women.
E. Fetal intoxication with its own direct bilirubin.
16. A pregnant woman turned 30 years into a women's consultation at the time of 12 weeks. There
are no complaints. Pregnancy is the fifth. Childbirth - 2, artificial abortion - 2. In the second child
after birth, jaundice and anemia were diagnosed, as a result of which blood transfusion was carried
out. both children have Rh-positive blood. Mother - blood type O (I), Rh-negative. 17. The blood
test for antibodies was found to have a titer of 1:32. Blood group of male O (I), Rh-positive. What
diagnostic procedure is the most informative for determining the fetus in this case?
A. Determination of antiresus antibody titer in dynamics.
* B. Determination of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid.
C. Biophysical profile of the fetus in dynamics.
D. Dopplerometry of fetal placental and fetal blood circulation.
E. Ultrasound examination (fetometry, placentometry) in dynamics.
18. With the help of a pregnant 24 years later after a car accident. At the time of the examination,
the pregnancy is 29 weeks. He does not complain. The wiggling of the fetus feels good. When
examined on the skin of the thighs, the trunk is hemorrhages. At inspection the uterus is increased
according to the term of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is normal. Palpitation of the fetus is
rhythmic, 146 in 1 min. From the exchange card of the pregnant woman is established: blood group
A (II) Rh (-). Antibodies to Rh-factor up to 26 weeks did not turn out. What needs to be done to
prevent hemolytic disease of the fetus?
A. Determination of antibodies to Rh.
B. The introduction of rhesus anti-D immunoglobulin with the growth of antibody titres to Rh.
C. Carrying out desensitization.
* D. Enter 300 μg of antiresusin D-immunoglobulin.
E. Carrying out magnesia therapy.
XII. Situational problems
Task 1. Pregnant K., 30 years old, entered the hospital with active labor. On admission: two clear
heartbeats are heard, active activity is active, cervical dilatation is 8 cm. After the birth of the first
fetus, the second fetus is found in the transverse position, the first position, in the rear view.
Palpitation of the fetus is 135 in 1 min. The fetal bladder of the second fetus is intact. Establish the
diagnosis. Physician's tactics?
Answer: Multiple pregnancy, 39-40 weeks. Urgent childbirth, II period. The transverse position of
the second fetus.
Amniotomy, externally the internal rotation of the fetus on the foot and further maintenance of
classical manual help.
Task 2. Pregnant M., 22 years old, entered the hospital with active labor. Pregnancy 2, term. During
pregnancy on the account in a female consultation did not stand. An hour later, a live girl with a
body weight of 2800 was born. The uterus is large, one more fetus is determined in the transverse
position, the head is the case, the buttocks on the left. The palpitation of the fetus is heard at the
navel level (130 beats per 1 minute). Diagnosis? Tactics of birth management?
Answer: Multiple pregnancy, 39 weeks. Immediate delivery, II period of labor. The transverse
position of the second fetus.
Amniotomy, externally the internal rotation of the fetus on the foot and further maintenance of
classical manual help.
Task 3. Pregnant S., 40 years old, entered the hospital at the age of 36-37 weeks. Pregnancy And it
is desirable. Pregnancy has come as a result of extracorporeal zaplidennya.Pid time of urgent birth
of twins after the birth of the first fruit weighing 2800 g have passed amniotic fluid. In the process
of vaginal examination, a pulsating umbilical cord of the second fetus was found in the vagina. The
fetal head is pressed against the terminal line, it is repulsed easily. Attempts to fill the umbilical
cord are unsuccessful. Palpitation of the fetus is 160 beats / min .. The estimated weight of the fetus
is 2500 g. What should be the tactics of the doctor?
Answer: Laparotomy in the n / m segment, cesarean section.
Task 4. A 36-year-old woman, in an anamnesis of 5 pregnancies: 2 deliveries, 1 frozen pregnancy, 2
induced abortions. The last pregnancy was 5 years ago. Complains of the presence of uterine
bleeding, not associated with the cycle, does not stop hemostatic drugs. Recently, he coughs,
sputum is stained with blood. The pregnancy test with urine is positive, including after urine culture.
During ultrasound of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity and in the small pelvis it was not found.
What is the most likely diagnosis? Methodology of diagnosis of the disease?
Answer: Horionapithelioma. Gynecological examination, in which the doctor performs a visual
examination, collection of anamnesis and the appointment of further procedures. CT, MRI,
ultrasound (the organs of the abdominal region are subject to examination), hysterosalpingoscopy,
radiography, lumbar puncture, laboratory diagnostics (extensive blood analysis, biochemistry,
detection of oncomarker presence (B-chryiogonin)).
Task 5. On the account in the women's consultation is a woman with a second pregnancy in the
period of 35-36 weeks and Rh-negative type of blood. The first pregnancy ended with the birth of a
child with Rh-positive blood type, immunization after birth was not performed. When tested,
antiresus antibodies were detected in a titer of 1: 2, the titer is stable. When an ultrasound is
performed, the examination of the fetus is satisfactory. Your diagnosis? Tactics of delivery?
Answer: Pregnancy 2, 35-36 weeks. Isoimmunization by the Rh factor (antibody titer 1: 2). Carry
out delivery within 38-40 weeks through the natural birth canal.
Task 6. At the examination of a woman with a third pregnancy in the period of 30-31 weeks,
antiresonant antibodies were detected in a titer of 1: 132 with Rh-negative blood. In ultrasound,
there were determined: polyhydramnios, in fetus - hepatosplenomegaly, cardiomegaly, ascites,
hydrothorax, double contour of the head , decreased motor activity of the fetus. Your diagnosis?
Answer: Pregnancy 3, 30-31 week. Isoimmunization by the Rh factor (antibody titer 1: 132).
Hemolytic disease of the fetus, edematous form.
Hospitalization. Carry out an early delivery.
Task 7. On the account in the antenatal clinic about pregnancy, a woman arose in the period of 11-
12 weeks. Pregnancy is second, the first one ended with an artificial abortion in the early term.
When the test revealed a Rh-negative type of blood, a person - Rh-positive. No antibodies. Your
diagnosis? Tactics of pregnancy management?
Answer: Pregnancy 2, 11-12 weeks. Rhesus-negative type of blood.
Determine antibodies at 20 weeks, then every 4 weeks. In the absence of antibodies in the period of
28-32 weeks or earlier, when symptoms of the threat of termination of pregnancy occur, preventive
administration of 300 μg of anti-rhesus immunoglobulin (D) should be performed.
Task 8. In a woman with Rh-negative blood type, a child with icteric skin color was born as a result
of second childbirth. During pregnancy, Rh antibodies were found in a titer of 1: 16-1: 32. When
examining the blood of a newborn, it was revealed: hemoglobin 120 g / l, indirect bilirubin 350
μmol / l, hourly bilirubin increase more than 5 μm / l. What is the diagnosis? Tactics?
Answer: hemolytic disease of the newborn (hemolytic anemia with jaundice).
To carry out a replacement transfusion of single-group blood, phototherapy, infusion therapy.
9/9/21, 7:12 PM Topic 1. Female pelvis. Fetus as an object of delivery.: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
Question 1
a. 10.5 cm.
b. 8.0 cm.
c. 8.5 cm.
d. 9.5 cm.
Question 2
Question 3
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9/9/21, 7:12 PM Topic 1. Female pelvis. Fetus as an object of delivery.: Attempt review
Question 4
What layer of muscles of the perineum are m.transversus perinei superficialis from?
Question 5
a. 9.5 cm.
b. 8.0 cm
c. 10.5 cm.
d. 10 cm.
e. 12 cm.
Question 6
a. the ratio of the longitudinal axis of the fetus to the longitudinal axis of the uterus
b. the ratio of the back of the fetus to the right or left side of the uterus
c. according to the location of the fetus in the left or right half of the uterus
d. the ratio of the fetus to the upper or lower half of the uterus
e. the ratio of the back of the fetus to the anterior or posterior side of the uterus
Question 7
a. One.
b. Two.
c. Three.
d. Four.
e. Five.
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9/9/21, 7:12 PM Topic 1. Female pelvis. Fetus as an object of delivery.: Attempt review
Question 8
A full-term baby was born. The midwife performs anthropometry. What is the small oblique diameter of the head?
a. 9.5 cm
b. 13 cm
c. 10 cm
d. 11 cm
e. 12 cm
Question 9
a. 8 cm, 24 cm
b. 9.5 cm, 28 cm
c. 11 cm, 31 cm
d. 12 cm, 33 cm
e. 13 cm, 35 cm
Question 10
Question 11
a. Subtract 3 cm.
b. Subtract 9 cm.
c. Subtract 7 cm.
d. Subtract 1.5–2 cm.
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9/9/21, 7:12 PM Topic 1. Female pelvis. Fetus as an object of delivery.: Attempt review
Question 12
a. 10,5cm.
b. 13cm.
c. 9.5 cm.
d. 12cm.
e. 11cm.
Question 13
Specify the dimensions of the plane of the narrow part of the pelvis in the sequence - straight and transverse:
Question 14
a. 11.5 cm.
b. 13.5 cm.
c. 10.5 cm.
d. 12cm.
e. 13cm.
Question 15
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9/9/21, 7:12 PM Topic 1. Female pelvis. Fetus as an object of delivery.: Attempt review
Question 16
a. Straight
b. Small oblique.
c. Vertical
d. Medium oblique
e. Large oblique
Question 17
What suture on the fetal head is separate the frontal and the parietal bones?
a. Frontal
b. Coronal.
c. Sagittal.
d. Lambdoidal.
Question 18
Pregnant woman, 10 weeks of pregnancy. The principal dimensions of the pelvis: 26-29-31-20 cm. Michaelis Rhombus dimensions: vertical
-11 cm, horizontal – 9 cm. Diagonal conjugate 13 cm. What is dimension of c.vera ?
a. 10 cm.
b. 11 cm
c. 12,5 cm
d. 12 cm
e. 8 cm
Question 19
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9/9/21, 7:12 PM Topic 1. Female pelvis. Fetus as an object of delivery.: Attempt review
Question 20
a. The middle of the internal surface of the symphysis, the middle of the acetabulum, articulation of II and III sacral vertebrae.
b. The middle of the internal surface of the symphysis, articulation of II and III sacral vertebrae.
c. The lower margin of the pubic symphysis, the nameless lines, the top of the promontory.
d. The lower margin of the pubic symphysis, sacrococcygeal articulation.
e. The upper margin of the pubic symphysis, nameless lines, the tip of the promontory.
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Methodological recommendations: Physiology of pregnancy. Methods of examination of pregnant women. Perinatal protection of the
fetus. ►
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
/ Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy. Methods of examination of pregnant women. Perinatal protection of the fetus.
Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.
Question 1
The position of the fetus longitudinal, the head is a small segment at the pelvic inlet. The heartbeat of the fetus clear, rhythmical, 140 BPM,
auscultated to the left and below the navel. Sagittal suture in the right oblique size, small fontanel is to the left closer to the pubis. Specify
the position and the view of position of the fetus?
Question 2
A 26-year-old woman who gave birth 7 months ago, 2 weeks worried about nausea, vomiting in the morning, drowsiness. Breastfeeding, no
menstruation. Pregnancy was not prevented. Which of the methods should be used to clarify the diagnosis?
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Question 3
The 21-year-old pregnant woman is in the first period of childbirth. At vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the cervix
is 4 cm. There is no amniotic sac. The breech and foot of the fetus are presented. What is the presentation of the fetus?
a. Mixed breech
b. Incomplete foot presentation
c. Complete foot presentation
d. Pure breech
e. The knee presentation
Question 4
The height of the uterus is midway between the symphysis pubis and umbilicus. What is the term of pregnancy?
a. 30th week
b. 20th week
c. 16th week
d. 24th week
e. 12th week
Question 5
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Question 6
Woman 20 years old, first labor. At internal obstetric examination: the cervix is smoothed, the opening of the cervix is 10 sm, the amniotic sac
is absent, the head is presented, a large segment in the plane of the entrance to the pelvis. The small fontanel on the left is closer to the
womb. The sagittal suture in the right oblique size of the plane of the entrance to the small pelvis. What is the position and type of position
of the fetus?
Question 7
Question 8
At vaginal research, the front corner of a big temple is palpated on the left, on the right - superciliary arches and a root of a nose. Frontal
suture in the transverse size of the entrance to the small pelvis. What is the presentation of the fetus?
a. Lobes
b. Rear view of the occipital
c. Forehead
d. Rear view of the face
e. Front view of the front
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Question 9
a. X-ray examination
b. Determine the PH of amniotic fluid.
c. Determining the ratio of lecithin to sfingomielin.
d. Determination of fetal blood PH.
e. Ultrasound examination and CTG.
Question 10
What special methods of preparation for the ultrasound (2-3 trimester) is required:
Question 11
Question 12
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Question 13
The best place listening to the heartbeat of a fetus in the first position, front view of cephalic presentation:
Question 14
a. Ultrasound.
b. Biological.
c. Radiological.
d. Immunological.
e. Radiological.
Question 15
Question 16
a. 50 -100 ml.
b. 500 – 1500 ml.
c. 2000 – 3000 ml.
d. 3200 – 3250 ml.
e. 300 – 400 ml.
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Question 17
External obstetric examination revealed: the shape of the uterus is elongated in the transverse direction, the gestation period is 40 weeks, the
head is palpated on the left side of the uterus, the pelvic end of the fetus is palpated on the right, and the anterior part is absent. The fetal
heartbeat is most clearly heard at the level of the navel. What is the position and presentation of the fetus?
Question 18
First pregnancy. First day of last periods - may 29, the first fetal movements October, 20. The first visit to female consultation on 24 July,
uterine pregnancy 7 weeks was diagnosed. What is probable date of delivery?
a. 17 Apr.
b. 29 March.
c. 15 March.
d. 5 March.
e. 17 Feb.
Question 19
Full-term pregnancy. Body weight of pregnant 76 kg. Longitudinal position of the fetus, the head of the fetus in the pelvic inlet. The
circumference of the abdomen is 100 cm, height of the uterine fundus 36 cm What is the approximate weight of the fetus?
a. 4 kg 500 g.
b. 4 kg.
c. 2 kg 500g.
d. 3 kg.
e. 3 kg 600 g
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9/9/21, 7:13 PM Topic 2. Physiology of pregnancy.: Attempt review
Question 20
a. From 14 to 15 weeks.
b. From 18 weeks.
c. From 21 -22 weeks.
d. From the 20th week.
e. From 16 to 17 weeks.
◄ Workbook Physiology of pregnancy. Methods of examination of pregnant women. Perinatal protection of the fetus.
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9/9/21, 7:20 PM Tests. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor.: Attempt review
/ Topic 3. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor. / Tests. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor.
a. Duncan.
b. Schulze.
c. Mikeladze.
d. Crede – Lazarevych.
e. Abuladze.
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9/9/21, 7:20 PM Tests. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor.: Attempt review
A few days prior to the onset of labor, cervix becomes ripe. A ripe cervix is (all true, EXCEPT):
What will be the result of compression of the fetal head in the narrow part of small pelvis:
a. Arrhythmia.
b. None of the above.
c. Changes in the cardiac activity of the fetus is absent.
d. Tachycardia.
e. Bradycardia.
What size of the pelvis is most important for the prognosis of delivery flow:
Point of fixation on the fetal head in the front view of occipital presentation:
a. Eyebrows.
b. Occipital protuberance.
c. Upper jaw.
d. Suboccipital fossa.
e. Small fontanel.
After performing an amniotomy in the active phase, labor in the first 30 minutes:
a. Remains unchanged.
b. Become stronger.
c. None of the above.
d. Become weaker.
e. Completely stops.
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9/9/21, 7:20 PM Tests. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor.: Attempt review
a. Crede – Lazarevych.
b. Schultze.
c. Duncan.
d. Mikeladze.
e. Abuladze.
a. Glabella.
b. Suboccipital fossa.
c. Small fontanell.
d. Lower jaw
e. Big fontanell.
Anna, 20 years old, full-term pregnancy, labor pains lasts 3 hours. Labors active. One fetus in cephalic presentation. The heartbeat of the
fetus does not suffer. The opening of the cervix 4 cm, the amniotic bladder is intact. Determine the tactics of labor:
a. Sleep-rest.
b. Provide the normal labor through the vagina.
c. Stimulation of birth with prostaglandins.
d. Cesarean section.
e. Amniotomy.
How many points of fixation on the fetal head in posterior view of occipital presentation?
a. Four.
b. Two.
c. One.
d. No one.
e. Three.
a. 1-2 hours.
b. 15-30 minutes.
c. 30-60 minutes.
d. 2-3 hours.
e. 4-5 hours.
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9/9/21, 7:20 PM Tests. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor.: Attempt review
What is called merging of amniotic fluid “at time”- merge of them when cervical dilatation is:
a. To 5cm
b. Upon full disclosure of the cervix.
c. Until 7cm.
d. To 6cm.
e. More than 6 cm .
a. 6-12 hours.
b. 16-20 hours.
c. 12-16 hours.
d. 2-3 hours.
e. 4-5 hours.
Vaginal examination 6 hours after the onset of labour is determined: the cervical dilation is up to 5 cm, presentative part - is fetal head
pressed to the pelvic inlet. Sagittal suture in the transverse size of the pelvic inlet, small Fontanelle on the left side. What moment of the
biomechanism of the delivery is it?
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Methodological recommendations: Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period ►
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9/9/21, 7:20 PM Tests. Physiology of childbirth. Pain relief in labor.: Attempt review
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9/9/21, 7:18 PM Tests. Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period.: Attempt review
/ Topic 4. Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period. Curation of the patients.
A 20-year-old woman (gravida 1) has just delivered. After expression of the placenta a red raw surface is visualized in the introitus of the
vagina. Simultaneously, the nurse states that the patient is pale and her BP is 70/40 mm Hg. External bleeding has been of normal
amount. What would be the most likely diagnosis?
a. second twin;
b. uterine inversion;
c. ovarian cyst;
d. vaginal rupture;
e. rupture of the uterus;
A 16-year-old patient delivered a term infant yesterday. She is placing the child for adoption and is not going to breast-feed. She asks
for something to suppress lactation. What is simplest and safest method of lactation suppression?
On the occipital part of the newborn's head, which has a dolichocephalic shape, a birth tumor with a center in the area of the small
fontanell is determined. At what variant of head presentation was the fetus delivered?
a. In brow presentation
b. In the posterior view of the occipital presentation.
c. In face presentation
d. In the anterior view of the occipital presentation.
e. In biparietal presentation
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9/9/21, 7:18 PM Tests. Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period.: Attempt review
Which criteria for assessing the condition of the newborn are not included in the Apgar scale?
a. Heartbeat.
b. Color of the visible mucous membranes.
c. Breathing.
d. Muscle tone.
e. Reflex excitability.
Within 1 hour after delivery of the fetus Mothers state is satisfactory: the uterus is dense, its fundus at the level of the navel, bleeding is
absent. The clip imposed on the cord is on the same level, with a deep breath and pressed the edge of the palm above the symphysis
the umbilical cord retracts into the vagina. There is no bleeding from the genital tract. What should be done?
A patient presents 1-week postpartum with complains of her right breastbeing engorged, hot, red, and painful. She reports a fever
38.5oC. If her breast were cultured, which of the following is the most likely organism to be found?
a. Staphylococcus aureus;
b. E. coli;
c. anaerobic Streptococcus;
d. Neisseria;
e. aerobic Streptococcus;
During childbirth classes, a patient should be told which of the following regarding breastfeeding?
Five infants are admitted to the newborn nursery after uncomplicated vaginal deliveries. Which of the following newborns would be
classified as high-risk and merits closer monitoring?
During the inspection of the placenta, which has just been born, we see the defect 2х3сm. No bleeding. What tactics are most justified?
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9/9/21, 7:18 PM Tests. Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period.: Attempt review
After the delivery of the baby, during the third stage of labor, the doctor pressed the edge of his hand over symphysis and marked
retraction of the umbilical cord in the vagina. The sign was used by the doctor to determine the separation of the placenta is?
a. Alfeld
b. Schroeder
c. Chukalov-Kustner
d. Crede- Lazarevich
e. Genter
An infant is born and at 5 minutes it has a vigorous cry, a heart rate of 105, movement of all four extremities, good muscle tonus,
grimacing with stimulation, and has bluish hands and feet. What is the Apgar score of this infant?
a. 10
b. 7
c. 9
d. 6
e. 8
A patient calls to your clinic complaining of continued heavy vaginal bleeding. She had an “uncomplicated” vaginal birth 2 weeks ago of
her second child. What is the most likely diagnosis from the following differentials?
a. coagulopathies;
b. uterine atony;
c. uterine rupture;
d. vaginal lacerations;
e. retained placental fragments;
Immediately after the completion of a normal labor and delivery, the uterus should be which of the following?
a. immobile;
b. discoid
c. at the level of the symphisis pubis;
d. firm and rounded;
e. boggy;
Where is the fundus of the uterus on the 2nd day of physiological postpartum period?
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9/9/21, 7:18 PM Tests. Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period.: Attempt review
What is the most common cause of bleeding in the early postpartum period?
A 20-year-old woman (gravida 1) has just delivered. After expression of the placenta a red raw surface is visualized in the introitus of the
vagina. Simultaneously, the nurse states that the patient is pale and her BP is 70/40 mm Hg. External bleeding has been of normal
amount. What would be the emergency treatment?
a. immediate hysterectomy;
b. delivery of the second infant;
c. immediate replacement of the fundus;
d. massive blood transfusion;
e. exploratory laparotomy;
The postpartum nurse calls about the patient who had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery 12 hours ago. She is concerned that the
patient has the following findings. Which of them should be of most concern to you?
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9/9/21, 7:18 PM Tests. Physiology of the postpartum period. The physiology of neonatal period.: Attempt review
Anna 25 years, the second delivery. Delivery was lasted for 14 hours. Baby girl was born with a mass 4500 g. In 10 minutes after the birth
of a child separated placenta with all parts and membranes. The birth canal without damage. Bleeding is started. The uterus is soft, the
fundus is 2 cm above the navel. After an external massage of the uterus separated clots of blood. What is the cause of the bleeding is
most likely?
a. Coagulative disorders
b. Violation of placenta separation
c. Defect of the placenta
d. Violation of the contractile activity of the uterus
e. Trauma of the birth canal
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Methodological recommendations: Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development ►
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
/ Topic 5. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development
Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development
Question 1
30-year-old woman gave birth to a child at the second labor with anemic jaundice form of hemolytic disease. A woman's Blood Type A (II) Rh
Negative, Blood Type of the newborn is in B (III) Rh +, the parent of the newborn is also in B(III) Rh +. What is the most probable cause of the
immune conflict?
a. antigen B conflict
b. Rhesus conflict
c. antigen A conflict
d. antigen AB conflict
e. AB0 conflict
Question 2
25-year-old woman is in labor for 16 hours. Contractions are ineffective, continuing for 1.5
hours. Fetal head in the pelvic cavity. The fetal heartbeat suddenly became deaf, arrhythmic 100 / min. On vaginal examination: the opening
of the cervix is complete, the amniotic bladder is absent. Head in the cavity of the small pelvis. What are the next obstetric tactics?
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 3
a. Anemia
b. Preeclampsia
c. Infectious diseases
d. Kidney diseases and hypertension
e. Age of the pregnant 25-30 years
Question 4
Nulliparious woman, 36 years old, labor lasts for 5 hours. The labor is in term. Contractions lasting for 35-40 seconds. after 5 minutes.
Meconial amniotic fluids has poured. Fetal heartbeat-90 beats per minute. During a vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the
dilatation of the uterine os is 6 cm. What actions are the most appropriate?
a. Obstetric forceps
b. Medical sleep
c. Caesarean section
d. Introduction of antispasmodics
e. Introduction of uterotonics
Question 5
Into the obstetrics pathology department was admitted a multiparious woman at 37 weeks of gestation, who complains that she doesn't feel
the child's movements well. From the anamnesis, it is known that at 11-12, 16-18 weeks of gestation she was treated in a hospital for the
threat of termination of pregnancy. At 32 weeks placental dysfunction was diagnosed by ultrasound. During auscultation – heartbeat is
muffled, heart rate up to 120 per minute. Performed amnioscopy – amniotic fluid are greenish. Determine doctor's tactics:
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 6
A patient at 34 weeks' gestation in a low-risk pregnancy who reports decreased fetal movement over the preceding hour should be
instructed to:
Question 7
M., 29 years old, delivery III at 40 weeks of gestation. A boy weighing 2500g was born, 50 cm long, with an Apgar Score of 7-8 points.In the
third stage of labor the placenta was born with multiple petrifications, greenish amniotic membranes. Establish probable diagnosis.
Question 8
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 9
Question 10
According to estimates biophysical profile of the fetus pathological condition of the fetus is:
a. 6 points or less
b. 3 points or less
c. 4 points or less
d. 7 points or less
e. 5 points or less
Question 11
The time during which it is necessary to separate a child born in asphyxia, from mother:
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 12
Repeated delivery in a 30-year-old woman. The duration of labor is 14 hours. Fetal heartbeat is muted, arrhythmic 100 beats / min. Vaginal
examination: complete opening of the cervix,
the fetal head is in the plane of the exit from the small pelvis. Sagittal suture in straight size, small fontanel near the symphysis. Determine
the further tactics of labor.
Question 13
Nulliparious, 36 years old, labor lasts 5 hours. The delivery is urgent. Contractions lasting 35-40 seconds in 5 minutes. The meconium-colored
amniotic fluids have poured. Fetal heartbeat is 90 beats per minute. During vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, dilatation of the
uterine os - 6 cm. What actions are the most appropriate?
a. Introduction of antispasmodics
b. Obstetric forceps
c. Caesarean section
d. Introduction of uterotonics
e. Medical sleep
Question 14
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 15
The use of what medications during pregnancy does not contribute to the development of fetal dystress:
a. Magnesium sulfate
b. Reserpin
c. Narcotic drugs
d. Antidepressants
e. Antispasmodics
Question 16
Question 17
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 18
22-year-old woman in labor is in a maternity house with active labor activity. Merged
amniotic fluid, lost umbilical cord. Fetal position longitudinal, breech presentation. Vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the opening
is 6 cm; there is no amniotic bladder; the buttocks are presented, squeezed to the entrance to the small pelvis. The vagina contains a
pulsating umbilical cord. What should be the management strategy?
Question 19
30-year-old woman in labor, somatically healthy. II period of labor. Estimated fetal weight 3100 g. Fetal heartbeat is deaf, 90 / min., rhythmic,
head on the pelvic floor, saggital suture in the straight size of the plane of exit of the small pelvis, front view. What tactics of the doctor is the
most appropriate in this case?
a. Labor stimulation
b. Vacuum extraction
c. Obstetric forceps
d. Treatment of intrauterine fetal distress
e. Caesarean section
Question 20
a. 100-140 beats/min.
b. 120-150 beats/min.
c. 120-180 beats/min.
d. 110-170 beats/min
e. 110-190 beats/min
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 21
Nulliparious woman, 30 years old. Head in the plane of exit of the pelvic cavity. The fetal heartbeat began to slow down, an arrhythmia
appeared. What should be done?
a. Obstetric forceps
b. Perineotomy
c. Vacuum extractor
d. Skin-head forceps
e. Caesarean section
Question 22
Pregnant woman,33 years old, smoking, not registered in marriage. Somatic anamnesis -
as a child, she had pyelonephritis. At 16 weeks of pregnancy there was a threat of termination of pregnancy, she was treated in the hospital
for 2 weeks. Gestation period 33 weeks, last 2 weeks fetal movements are weak. To assess the state of the fetoplacental complex of a
pregnant woman ultrasound is recommended. Which of these signs are characteristic of placental dysfunction?
Question 23
Repeated delivery in a 30-year-old woman. The duration of labor is 14 hours. Fetal heartbeat is muffled, arrhythmic 100 beats / min. Vaginal
examination: the dilatation of the cervix is complete, the fetal head is in the plane of the exit from the small pelvis. Sagittal suture in straight
size, small fontanel is near the symphysis. Determine the further tactics of labor.
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 24
a. Narrow pelvis
b. Mothers heart disease
c. The entanglement of the umbilical cord
d. Post-term pregnancy
e. Anomalies of labor activity
Question 25
23 year old pregnant woman with low localization of the placenta was admitted to the Department of obstetric pathology with a gestation
period of 34 weeks. During complex examination, it was revealed that there are signs of placental dysfunction. What fetoplacental complexe
disorders can be considered diagnostically significant in this situation?
Question 26
Pregnant woman, V., 23 y.o., pregnancy 36 weeks of gestation. She was hospitalized with complaints of increased movement of the fetus for
3 days. Objectively: the size of the abdomen corresponds to 34 weeks of gestation, conclusion of ultrasound: the size of the fetus
corresponds to 34 weeks of gestation., signs of the placenta aging (petrifications, lacunae). What additional tests should be made?
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9/9/21, 7:15 PM Tests. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development: Attempt review
Question 27
Woman, 25 years old, is in labor for 16 hours. 2nd period of labor. Contractions are ineffective, last for 1.5 hours. Fetal head is in the pelvic
cavity. Fetal heartbeat is deaf, arrhythmic 100 beats per minute. During vaginal examination: the dilatation of the cervix is complete, the
amniotic bladder is absent. What is the subsequent management?
Question 28
a. Essentiale-Forte
b. Vitamin E
c. antibiotics
d. hyperbaric oxygenation
e. glucose solution
◄ Workbook. Placental dysfunction. Distress of the fetus. Delay of the fetal development
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Lecture ►
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
/ Topic 6. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.
Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.
Question 1
Secundipara with Rh (-) blood is in a second marriage, the examination at 4 - 5 weeks of pregnancy revealed antibodies to Rh factor. No
antibodies to Rh were detected during previous pregnancies, so anti-D immunoglobulin was not administered. The first child is Rh (+)
positive. How to explain the appearance of Rh - antibodies during this pregnancy?
Question 2
In a 22-year-old woman with Rh (-) blood belonging to a man Rh (+), up to 32 weeks of pregnancy antibodies to Rh-factor were not
determined. At 35 weeks of gestation, re-detection of antibodies to Rh was not found. What is the frequency of further detection of
a. Once a week
b. Once every three weeks
c. Once every two weeks
d. Once a month
e. Further definition is impractical
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.: Attempt review
Question 3
a. 250-300 ml
b. 500 - 600 ml
c. 600-1500 ml
d. 300 - 400 ml
e. 1600-2000 ml
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.: Attempt review
Question 7
Examination of a pregnant woman at 30 weeks of gestation revealed: second pregnancy (history of 1 artificial abortion), blood group A (II),
Rh (-), during ultrasound scan the presence of hepatosplenomegaly, cardiomegaly, ascites and hydrothorax in the fetus , thickening of the
placenta. Which diagnosis is most likely?
Question 8
a. AB (IV)
b. 0(I)
c. B (III)
d. all
e. A (II)
Question 9
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.: Attempt review
Question 10
What is an ultrasound criterion for a monochorial biamniotic twins in the first trimester?
a. Two embryos
b. T-sign at the base of the interfetal septum
c. One amnion
d. Two yellow bags
e. Thin inter-fetal partition
Question 11
Pregnant woman was admitted to the Department of Pregnancy Pathology at the age of 38 weeks. Twins are diagnosed. The fetus is in the
leg presentation, the second - in the transverse. Define a delivery plan.
a. The removal of the 1st fetus by the foot, the 2nd - the external internal obstetric turn.
b. To lead an external turn for Arkhangelsk.
c. Births through natural birthmarks.
d. Routine cesarean section.
e. Assign corrective gymnastics.
Question 12
Re-pregnant 28 years old, with Rh-negative blood type is under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. History: in previous births,
manual separation of the placenta was performed due to bleeding in the third period. At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the antibody titer increased
from 1:16 to 1:64. At ultrasound - thickening of the placenta is increased and slowing of fetal movements is observed. How often should a
blood test for Rh antibodies be performed in the future?
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.: Attempt review
Question 13
An Rh-negative mother delivers an Rh-positive infant, and alloimmunization (production of Rh antibodies in the mother) occurs. In this case,
the risk of hemolytic disease is greatest in:
Question 14
A 25-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital within 34 weeks. No complaints. From the anamnesis: the first
childbirth - without complications, there were three artificial abortions, this is the fifth pregnancy. She did not attend a women's clinic until 30
weeks of pregnancy. At 30 weeks of pregnancy, the examination revealed: blood group of the pregnant woman - A (II), rhesus-negative, her
husband - B (III), rhesus-positive. The titer of anti-rhesus antibodies was 1:16, after 2 weeks the titer was 1:64. What is the main link in the
pathogenesis of this pathological process?
Question 15
a. to make cordocentesis
b. to determine the blood group of the husband
c. to determine the RH factor of the husband
d. to determine blood group of woman
e. to find out the obstetric anamnesis
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.: Attempt review
Question 16
Pregnant S., 26 years old, the second pregnancy,14-15 weeks. The first pregnancy ended in an abortion at 11-12 weeks. Women has 0 (I) Rh
(-), father of the baby - 0 (I) Rh (+). What tests should a woman have?
◄ Workbook. Abnormalities of the ovum. Multiple pregnancy. Isoantigen incompatibility of blood of mother and fetus.
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.: Attempt review
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Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.
Question 1
A woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy complains of headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium. Objectively: pale skin,
jaundice of mucous membranes, AT-180/110 mm Hg. on both hands, swelling of the lower extremities and anterior abdominal wall, bleeding
at the injection site. Palpation reveals sharp pain in the epigastric region, liver + 4 cm. Blood parameters: increase in the level of liver enzymes
by 6 times, platelets 80 g/l, hemoglobin 65 g/l, total bilirubin 120 μmol/l. What is the diagnosis?
a. Eclamptic status
b. HELLP syndrome
c. Eclampsia
d. DIC syndrome
e. Rupture of the liver
Question 2
a. Atenolol
b. Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors
c. Methyldofa
d. Telmisartan
e. Furosemid
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.: Attempt review
Question 3
Question 4
In pregnancy-indused hypertension
Question 5
A pregnant woman in the period of 8-9 weeks complains of vomiting up to 11 times a day, significant salivation. In 2 weeks the body weight
decreased by 3 kg. Blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg, pulse 100/min. The skin is dry, pale. The pregnant woman is mentally unstable. Diuresis is
reduced. What is the probable diagnosis?
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.: Attempt review
Question 6
Pregnant, 39 years old. Pregnancy II, 10 weeks. Complaints on nausea and vomiting up to 8 times a day. She lost 5 kg. What is the most likely
preliminary diagnosis?
a. Exacerbation of gastritis
b. Hernia of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm
c. Food poisoning
d. Malignant neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract
e. Gestosis of I half of pregnancy
Question 7
Pregnant 27 years at 37 weeks of pregnancy is diagnosed with mild pre-eclampsia.. What is the preferable start treatment for a patient?
Question 8
Pregnant, 20 years old. Pregnancy I, term 28 weeks. Delivered by an ambulence with sudden complaints of severe low back pain, general
weakness, fever up to 38.5oC. Pasternatskiy's symptom is positive on both sides, more on the left, torso tilts are little painful. In blood:
protein 1.2 g/l. BP 130/90 mm Hg, PS 85beats per min. Nephrological history is not burdened. Make a preliminary diagnosis?
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.: Attempt review
Question 9
A 28-year-old woman, pregnant for the third time. Previous 2 pregnancies ended in abortions at 7 and 10 weeks. The term of this pregnancy
is 38 weeks, received with complaints of headache, epigastric pain, drowsiness, swelling in the legs. Blood pressure - 180/120 mm Hg Prior to
pregnancy, she did not suffer from hypertension. The position of the fetus is longitudinal, the main presentation, the heartbeat of the fetus
145 beats/min, clear, rhythmic. In urine protein 4.2 g/l. What complication occurred during pregnancy?
a. Severe preeclampsia
b. Hypertension of pregnant women.
c. Mild preeclampsia.
d. Moderate preeclampsia
e. Eclampsia.
Question 10
A pregnant woman was taken to the maternity hospital with complaints of epigastric pain and severe headache. Pulse 110/min, blood
pressure 180/100 mm Hg, edema in the abdomen, legs. The size of the uterus corresponds to the term of full-term pregnancy. The uterus
becomes toned, painful on palpation. The heartbeat of the fetus is deaf, bloody discharge from the vagina. Obstetric tactics?
Question 11
Pregnant in the period of 37 weeks, the condition is severe. Complains of severe headache, blurred vision, flashing "flies" before the eyes.
Objectively: generalized edema, BP -200/140 mmHg. Suddenly, fibrillar twitching of the facial muscles, tonic convulsions, and then apnea.
After 1 minute, breathing resumed. There is a considerable amount of foam from the mouth. Amnesia. In the clinical analysis of urine: protein
9 g/l. What is the likely diagnosis?
a. Severe preeclampsia
b. Severe craniocerebral trauma
c. Epilepsy
d. Complicated hypertensive crisis
e. Eclampsia
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.: Attempt review
Question 12
a. Magnium ions
b. Methyldofa
c. Vitamin B6
d. Infusion of Ringer-Lokk solutions
e. Ginger extract
Question 13
Primary 32 years old, at 35 weeks came with complaints of headache, swelling of the legs and face, impaired fetal movements. The woman's
condition is severe, blood pressure 180/105 mm Hg. Protein in the urine - 4.5 g/l. Fetal heart rate 160 beats / min. On vaginal examination:
the cervix is "immature". After treatment, blood pressure dropped to 160/90 mm Hg, but CTG results indicate fetal distress. What are the
obstetric tactics?
Question 14
a. Thirst
b. Epigastric pain
c. Swelling of tissues
d. Hypertensia
e. Oliguria
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Question 15
Pregnant is 19 years old. Pregnancy for a period of 10 weeks. Disturbs nausea and vomiting 5-8 times a day. Has lost in weight of 6,5 kg.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 16
Caterina with her first-pregnancy, 23 years. The gestation period is 35 weeks. There are no complaints. Over the past two weeks she gained 2
kg. There are swelling of the lower extremities. Arterial pressure 140/95 mm Hg. In the urine there are traces of protein. What is the likely
a. Mid pre-eclampsia
b. Moderate preeclampsia
c. Swelling of the pregnant
d. Hypertensive disease of pregnant women
e. Pyelonephritis of pregnant women
Question 17
A pregnant woman is delivered by an ambulance on a stretcher. Pregnancy is the third, the term is 10 weeks. The two previous pregnancies
were interrupted due to early gestosis. Pregnancy is welcome. The pregnant woman is exhausted, the skin is dry, and the smell of acetone is
from her mouth. Vomiting up to 20 times a day. Treatment did not receive. What is the most likely diagnosis?
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9/9/21, 7:16 PM Tests. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia.: Attempt review
Question 18
A 27-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to the department at 9–10 weeks of pregnancy with complaints of vomiting during the day (up
to 15-20 times). Objective examination: dry skin, pulse 110/120 beats / min, blood pressure 90/60 mm Hg, odor of acetone in the mouth, the
woman is exhausted, restless, dry tongue with whitish layering, tachypnea (up to 30 respiratory movements per minute), decreased urine
output. Blood glucose level - 5.2 mmol/liter. Diagnosis?
Question 19
First-pregnant 24 years, in the second period of labor. Complains of intermittent pain in the back of the head, forehead and epigastric region.
Swelling of the face, legs and genitals occurs. Blood pressure on both arms 190/115mm.Hg. The head of the fetus in the pelvic cavity. What
are the further obstetric tactic?
Question 20
Primary 26 years old, the first urgent delivery. The contractions started 12 hours ago. At hospitalization: contractions every 5 minutes. for 30
s, complaints of headache and impaired vision ("grid" in front of the eyes). AT 140/100 mm Hg. 4 hours after hospitalization, contractions
began, amniotic water poured. Suddenly, the mother had convulsions with short-term fainting. At vaginal research: cervical dilatation is full, a
head on a pelvic floor, an arrow-shaped seam in the direct size of pelvic outlet, a small fontanell under the pubis. Obstetric tactics?
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3 / Topic 8. Miscarriage.
Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor
Question 1
A 19-year-old woman was admitted to the gynecological department in the direction of a women's clinic, where a discrepancy in the size of
the uterus during pregnancy was established. Last menstruation 3 months ago. Vaginal examination: cervix up to 2 cm long, dense, uterine
body is enlarged up to 8 weeks of pregnancy. Which diagnosis is most likely?
a. Incomplete abortion
b. Abortion that has begun
c. Abortion in progress
d. Missed pregnancy
e. Threatened abortion
Question 2
In the obstetric hospital there is a pregnant woman in the period of 26-27 weeks with the threat of premature birth. Receives tocolytic
therapy, prevention of respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn. In case of development and completion of childbirth to what type they
should be attributed?
a. Premature birth
b. Late miscarriage
c. Extremely early preterm birth
d. Early premature birth
e. Timely delivery.
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 3
Pregnant 30 years, pregnancy 35 weeks. At hospitalization the complaint of cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen. It is established: the tone
of the uterus is increased, the fetal heartbeat is rhythmic, 110 beats / min. The cervix is closed. Diagnosis:
a. Placenta previa.
b. Embolism of amniotic fluid.
c. Premature detachment of the normally located placenta.
d. Threat of uterine rupture.
e. Threat of premature labor.
Question 4
Question 5
A 26-year-old pregnant woman is registered in the LCD. No complaints. History of one medical abortion and two miscarriages at 18 and 21
weeks. At vaginal examination at 17 weeks: cervix up to 1.5 cm, soft, cervical canal passes one finger. Tactics of the LCD doctor?
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 6
The first pregnant woman within 20 weeks complains of pain in the hypogastric area, smearing bloody discharge from the genital tract. The
tone of the uterus is excessive, the mobility of the fetus is felt. At bimanual research: the uterus is increased according to gestational age, the
cervix is shortened to 0,5 cm, the external os is opened on 2 cm. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Abortion in progress
b. Missed pregnancy
c. Incomplete abortion
d. Abortion that has begun
e. Threat of abortion
Question 7
A 26 y.o. woman complains of a mild bloody discharge from the vagina and pain in the lower abdomen. She has had the last menstruation
3,5 months ago. The pulse is 80 bpm. The blood pressure (BP) is 110/60 mm Hg and body temperature is 36,60C. The abdomen is tender in
the lower parts. The uterus is enlarged up to 12 weeks of gestation. What is your diagnosis?
a. Incomplete abortion
b. Missed abortion
c. Complete abortion
d. Threatened abortion
e. Disfunctional bleeding
Question 8
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 9
A 27-year-old pregnant woman was taken to the maternity hospital with a pregnancy of 35 weeks and complaints of bright bloody discharge
with clots that appeared after the act of defecation. The head of the fetus at the bottom of the uterus. Fetal heart rate - 150 / min. There is no
labor. Vaginal examination: the cervix is 2.5 mm long, the external os passes the fingertip, everywhere the vault of the vagina is felt a massive
formation of soft consistency, bloody discharge, bright. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 10
Patient 30 years old, taken to the hospital with complaints of cramping pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge from the genital tract
with clots, weakness. AT 100/60 mm Hg Ps-95 / min, body t 36.7°C. The last menstruation was 8 weeks ago. Per vaginum: the cervix is conical,
the external os passes the finger. The uterus is enlarged to 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, not painful. The appendages are not palpable on both
sides. The arches are deep, not painful. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Question 11
a. genital infantilism
b. hormonal insufficiency of the ovaries and placenta
c. hypothyroidism
d. immunological conflict
e. isthmic-cervical insufficiency
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 12
A woman complains of having slight dark bloody discharges and mild pains in the lower part of abdomen for several days. Last menses were
7 weeks ago. The pregnancy test is positive. Bimanual investigation: the body of the uterus indicates for about 5 weeks of pregnancy, it is
soft, painless. The ovaries without features. What examination is necessary for detection of fetus state?
a. Chromohydrotubation
b. Colposcopy
c. Cystoscopy
d. Hysteroscopy
e. Ultrasound
Question 13
The patient is 25 years old, complains of significant bloody discharge from the genital tract, significant abdominal pain of a convulsive nature.
Last menstruation 4 months ago. In bimanual examination: a large number of blood clots in the vagina, the cervix passes one finger, in the
cervical canal - the elements of the fertile egg, the uterus is enlarged to 14 weeks of pregnancy, the appendages are not defined. Which
diagnosis is most likely?
Question 14
A pregnant woman, 28 years old, came to a women's clinic with complaints of aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The
gestation period is 12-13 weeks. History of 2 artificial abortions. At vaginal examination: the cervix is 2.5 cm long, the external os is closed,
the uterus is enlarged according to the term of pregnancy, on palpation comes into tone. Discharge is mucous, light, insignificant. Diagnose:
a. Undeveloped pregnancy
b. Spontaneous miscarriage that has begun
c. Abortion in progress
d. Threatened miscarriage
e. Hydatidiform mole
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 15
a. dexamethasone
b. atosiban
c. alcohol
d. hexoprenalin
e. indomethacin
Question 16
a. multiple pregnancy
b. low socio-economic class
c. cervical incompetence
d. placenta praevia
e. congenital uterine abnormalities
Question 17
A 24 years old primipara was hospitalized with complaints about discharge of the amniotic fluid. The uterus is tonic on palpation. The
position of the fetus is longitudinal, it is pressed with the head to pelvic inlet. Palpitation of the fetus is rhythmical, 140 bpm, auscultated on
the left below the navel. Internal examination: cervix of the uterus is 2,5 cm long, dense, the external orifice is closed, light amniotic waters
discharge out of it. Point a correct component of the diagnosis:
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 18
A 29-year-old woman went to a women's clinic with complaints of lower abdominal pain and blood in the genital tract. Diagnosed with
pregnancy 7-8 weeks, pregnancy 4, 1 ended in abortion within 9 weeks. During the abortion, there were difficulties with opening the cervix.
The next two pregnancies ended in miscarriages at 20-21 weeks. Rh - negative blood type without isosensitization. What is the most likely
cause of miscarriage in this case?
Question 19
Question 20
A 27 y.o. gravida with 17 weeks of gestation was admitted to the hospital. There was a history of 2 spontaneous miscarriages. On bimanual
examination: uterus is enlarged to 17 weeks of gestation, uterus cervix is shortened, isthmus allows to pass the finger tip. The diagnosis is
isthmico-cervical insufficiency. What is the doctor's tactics?
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 21
A 22-year-old woman was taken to a gynecological hospital with uterine bleeding and cramping pains in the lower abdomen within 10-11
weeks. Per vaginum: the vagina is filled with blood clots, the cervix is open by 2 cm. A fertile egg is defined in the canal. The uterus is
enlarged to the size of 10-11 weeks of pregnancy, tense. The discharge is bloody, very abundant. What measures should a doctor take?
a. Prescription of progesterone
b. Instrumental revision of the uterine wall
c. Conducting tocolytic therapy
d. Extirpation of the uterus with appendages
e. Conducting blood transfusion
Question 22
Topic 8
a. Immunologic incompatibility
b. Isthmicocervical insufficiency
c. Plasental dysfunction
d. Pregnancy indused hypertension
e. Trisomies, triploidies
Question 23
Pregnant 28 years old, hospitalized with the threat of premature birth at 28-29 weeks of pregnancy. It was found that she was in the
gynecology department at 7-8 and 13-14 weeks of pregnancy due to the threat of miscarriage. Which of the methods of pathogenetic
therapy are most reasonable in pregnant women?
a. Progesterone
b. β-adrenomimetics
c. Magnesium therapy
d. α-blockers
e. Glucocorticoids
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9/10/21, 12:22 AM Tests. Miscarriage. Preterm labor: Attempt review
Question 24
Lower abdominal pain in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy may be due to all, except
a. acute appendicitis
b. spontaneous abortion
c. acute salpingitis
d. big sizes “luteoma”
e. an ectopic pregnancy
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9/14/21, 12:18 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
/ Topic 10.Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
/ Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Which of the uterotonic drugs should not be used to prevent bleeding in the third stage of labor in women with severe pre-eclampsia?
a. Insaprost
b. Methylergometrine
c. Deaminooxytocin
d. Oxytocin
e. Cerviprost
Primigravida, 33 weeks of gestation. The fetus is alive. Pelvis 26-28-31-20. 2 days ago in the absence of labor activity, spotting from the
genital tract appeared in the amount of 50-60 ml.
A day later, the bleeding has repeated. Per vaginum: the cervix is shortened, the cervical canal skips a finger. Behind the internal os the
spongy tissue is determined. Fetal head is movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. After the examination, the bleeding
significantly increased. What is the probable diagnosis?
a. Cervical cancer
b. Placental abruption
c. Hypotonic uterine bleeding
d. Threating uterine rupture
e. Placenta previa
In a woman in labor with moderate preeclampsia on opening of the cervical os by 4 cm, there were signs of placental abruption. BP -
130/80, 120/70 mmHg. Pulse-100 beats/min., rhythmic. Fetal heartbeat-95 beats/min. What should be done?
a. Caesarean section
b. Use tocolytics
c. Apply skin-head forceps according to Ivanov
d. Introduce antispasmodics
e. Stimulation of labor with prostaglandins
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9/14/21, 12:18 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Immediately after the birth of the fetus, moderate bleeding began, blood loss exceeded physiological and continues. There are no signs
of placental separation. What are the doctor's tactics?
10 minutes after the birth of the baby, the placenta independently separated and delivered. After birth, bleeding has started. On
examination – the placental lobules and membranes are intact. On speculum examination no ruptures were found in the birth canal. The
uterus is soft, flabby, poorly contoured, its bottom is located on 3 transverse fingers above the navel. The bleeding doesn't stop.
Uterotonic agents were administered intravenously, and an external massage of the uterus was performed. The bleeding stopped, but
after 15 minutes it resumed, within 20 minutes the woman in labor lost 700 ml of blood. What complication did a woman in labor
develop in the postpartum period?
a. Perineal tears
b. Uterine rupture
c. Anaphylactic shock
d. Coagulopathic bleeding
e. There are no complications
Multigravida, 28 years old. In the third stage of labor bleeding appeared without signs of placental separation. Manual separation of the
placenta revealed an ingrown placenta in the myometrium. Doctor's tactics.
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9/14/21, 12:18 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of spotting from the genitals that appeared unexpectedly
during the rest. She doesn't feel any pain. Gestation period 38 weeks. During the examination, the fetal position is oblique, the
heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 156 beats/min. On the internal obstetric examination (with a detailed operating room): cervix is open by 4
cm, spongy tissue is determined behind the internal os. What the diagnosis is the most appropriate?
a. Cervical pregnancy
b. Uterine rupture
c. Rupture of umbilical cord vessels
d. Placenta previa
e. Placental abruption
Multigravida, 36 weeks of gestation. The fetus is alive. Pelvis 26-28-31-20. One days ago in the absence of labor activity, spotting from
the genital tract appeared. Per vaginum: the cervix is shortened, the cervical canal skips a finger. Behind the internal os the spongy
tissue is determined, covering the full palpable surface. Fetal head is movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. After the
examination, the bleeding significantly increased. What is futher management?
a. Obstetric forceps
b. Delivery through the natural birth canal
c. Caesarean section
d. Fetus-destroying operation
e. Vacuum extraction
Pregnant woman, 20 years old, appealed to antenatal clinic with complaints about the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina
of a bright color during pregnancy, 33 weeks. With suspected placenta previa she was admitted to the hospital. To confirm the
diagnosis, it is possible to conduct internal obstetric examination in the conditions of:
The integrity of the placenta has no doubt. The birth canal is intact. Blood loss in the early postpartum period is 300 ml, the bleeding
does not stop. The uterus is soft, flabby, poorly contoured, its bottom is 2 transverse fingers above the navel. After a number of
measures, the bleeding stopped, however, after 2-3 minutes the uterus relaxed again, the bleeding resumed, and a large blood clot was
released. What is the most likely cause of bleeding?
a. Hypotonic bleeding
b. Placenta previa
c. Coagulopathic bleeding
d. Placental abruption
e. Atonic bleeding
Bleeding in the first period of labor, the doctor diagnosed marginal placenta previa. The amniotic bladder is intact. Blood loss 150 ml.
What should be done first?
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9/14/21, 12:18 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
a. External
b. Periodic
c. Mixed
d. Simultaneous
e. Internal
With the beginning of the first period of labor, bleeding began, reaching 400 ml. The doctor, after examining the patient, made a
diagnosis placenta previa. What are the doctor's actions?
A 24-year-old woman in labor, weighing 80 kg, in 15 minutes. after the birth of a fetus weighing 4000 G and 53 cm long, self-released
after birth 100 ml of blood. The uterus contracted, after 10 min bleeding appeared again, blood loss reached 300 ml. How much of
blood loss is considered acceptable for this woman in labor?
a. 650ml
b. 1000ml
c. 300ml
d. 500ml
e. 400ml
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9/14/21, 12:18 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Multiparous woman was admitted to the maternity ward for significant bleeding from the vagina. Per vaginum: cervix is shortened to 1.5
cm, opening of the cervical canal 4 cm, above the inner os spongy tissue is palpated, and membranes are determined next to it. There
are no pathological changes on the side of the walls of the vagina and cervix during speculum examination. What kind of pathology can
be suspected?
The family doctor during a patronage visit to a pregnant woman at 30 weeks, based on the relevant complaints and anamnesis,
suspected placenta previa. Which of these methods is the most informative for establishing this diagnosis?
◄ workbook. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
/ Topic 10.Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
Question 1
A 24-year-old woman in labor, weighing 80 kg, in 15 minutes. after the birth of a fetus weighing 4000 G and 53 cm long, self-released after
birth 100 ml of blood. The uterus contracted, after 10 min bleeding appeared again, blood loss reached 300 ml. How much of blood loss is
considered acceptable for this woman in labor?
a. 300ml
b. 500ml
c. 400ml
d. 1000ml
e. 650ml
Question 2
The family doctor during a patronage visit to a pregnant woman at 30 weeks, based on the relevant complaints and anamnesis, suspected
placenta previa. Which of these methods is the most informative for establishing this diagnosis?
a. Colposcopy
b. Ultrasound
c. Complete blood count
d. All these methods are equal
e. Amnioscopy
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 3
Pregnant woman was admitted to the maternity hospital with complaints of spotting from the genitals that appeared unexpectedly during
the rest. She doesn't feel any pain. Gestation period 38 weeks. During the examination, the fetal position is oblique, the heartbeat is clear,
rhythmic 156 beats/min. On the internal obstetric examination (with a detailed operating room): cervix is open by 4 cm, spongy tissue is
determined behind the internal os. What the diagnosis is the most appropriate?
a. Placental abruption
b. Placenta previa
c. Cervical pregnancy
d. Uterine rupture
e. Rupture of umbilical cord vessels
Question 4
Question 5
10 minutes after the birth of the baby, the placenta independently separated and delivered. After birth, bleeding has started. On examination
– the placental lobules and membranes are intact. On speculum examination no ruptures were found in the birth canal. The uterus is soft,
flabby, poorly contoured, its bottom is located on 3 transverse fingers above the navel. The bleeding doesn't stop. Uterotonic agents were
administered intravenously, and an external massage of the uterus was performed. The bleeding stopped, but after 15 minutes it resumed,
within 20 minutes the woman in labor lost 700 ml of blood. What complication did a woman in labor develop in the postpartum period?
a. Cervical rupture
b. Hypotonic bleeding
c. Retention of parts of the placenta in the uterus
d. Bleeding from varicose veins of the vagina
e. Incomplete uterine rupture
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 6
a. Anaphylactic shock
b. There are no complications
c. Coagulopathic bleeding
d. Uterine rupture
e. Perineal tears
Question 7
Multigravida, 36 weeks of gestation. The fetus is alive. Pelvis 26-28-31-20. One days ago in the absence of labor activity, spotting from the
genital tract appeared. Per vaginum: the cervix is shortened, the cervical canal skips a finger. Behind the internal os the spongy tissue is
determined, covering the full palpable surface. Fetal head is movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. After the examination, the
bleeding significantly increased. What is futher management?
Question 8
a. Mixed
b. Internal
c. Simultaneous
d. External
e. Periodic
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 9
Primigravida, 33 weeks of gestation. The fetus is alive. Pelvis 26-28-31-20. 2 days ago in the absence of labor activity, spotting from the
genital tract appeared in the amount of 50-60 ml.
A day later, the bleeding has repeated. Per vaginum: the cervix is shortened, the cervical canal skips a finger. Behind the internal os the
spongy tissue is determined. Fetal head is movable above the entrance to the small pelvis. After the examination, the bleeding significantly
increased. What is the probable diagnosis?
a. Placental abruption
b. Hypotonic uterine bleeding
c. Placenta previa
d. Threating uterine rupture
e. Cervical cancer
Question 10
Immediately after the birth of the fetus, moderate bleeding began, blood loss exceeded physiological and continues. There are no signs of
placental separation. What are the doctor's tactics?
a. Lazarevich method
b. Perform manual separation of the placenta
c. Intravenously methylergometrine with glucose
d. Make an instrumental revision of the uterine walls
e. Perform uterine tamponade
Question 11
In a woman in labor with moderate preeclampsia on opening of the cervical os by 4 cm, there were signs of placental abruption. BP - 130/80,
120/70 mmHg. Pulse-100 beats/min., rhythmic. Fetal heartbeat-95 beats/min. What should be done?
a. Caesarean section
b. Stimulation of labor with prostaglandins
c. Use tocolytics
d. Introduce antispasmodics
e. Apply skin-head forceps according to Ivanov
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 12
Question 13
The integrity of the placenta has no doubt. The birth canal is intact. Blood loss in the early postpartum period is 300 ml, the bleeding does
not stop. The uterus is soft, flabby, poorly contoured, its bottom is 2 transverse fingers above the navel. After a number of measures, the
bleeding stopped, however, after 2-3 minutes the uterus relaxed again, the bleeding resumed, and a large blood clot was released. What is
the most likely cause of bleeding?
a. Hypotonic bleeding
b. Placental abruption
c. Atonic bleeding
d. Coagulopathic bleeding
e. Placenta previa
Question 14
Which of the uterotonic drugs should not be used to prevent bleeding in the third stage of labor in women with severe pre-eclampsia?
a. Insaprost
b. Oxytocin
c. Methylergometrine
d. Deaminooxytocin
e. Cerviprost
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 15
Pregnant woman, 20 years old, appealed to antenatal clinic with complaints about the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina of a
bright color during pregnancy, 33 weeks. With suspected placenta previa she was admitted to the hospital. To confirm the diagnosis, it is
possible to conduct internal obstetric examination in the conditions of:
Question 16
Question 17
With the beginning of the first period of labor, bleeding began, reaching 400 ml. The doctor, after examining the patient, made a diagnosis
placenta previa. What are the doctor's actions?
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 18
Multigravida, 28 years old. In the third stage of labor bleeding appeared without signs of placental separation. Manual separation of the
placenta revealed an ingrown placenta in the myometrium. Doctor's tactics.
a. Blood transfusions
b. Prevention of postpartum inflammation of the uterus
c. Use of uterotonic drugs
d. Instrumental delivery of the placenta
e. Laparotomy, uterine extirpation
Question 19
Multiparous woman was admitted to the maternity ward for significant bleeding from the vagina. Per vaginum: cervix is shortened to 1.5 cm,
opening of the cervical canal 4 cm, above the inner os spongy tissue is palpated, and membranes are determined next to it. There are no
pathological changes on the side of the walls of the vagina and cervix during speculum examination. What kind of pathology can be
a. Placental abruption
b. Rupture of the marginal sinus
c. Complete placenta previa
d. Partial placenta previa
e. Amniotic fluid embolism
Question 20
Bleeding in the first period of labor, the doctor diagnosed marginal placenta previa. The amniotic bladder is intact. Blood loss 150 ml. What
should be done first?
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9/14/21, 12:37 AM Tests. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.: Attempt review
Question 21
a. Uterine rupture
b. Development of DIC syndrome
c. There is no correct answer
d. All of the above can happen
e. Amniotic fluid embolism
◄ workbook. Obstetric hemorrhages during the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
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9/16/21, 11:35 AM Tests. Operative obstetrics. Maternal and child injuries during delivery.: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
/ Topic 12. Operative obstetrics. Maternal and child injuries during delivery.
Tests. Operative obstetrics. Maternal and child injuries during delivery.
Question 1
Question 2
If you leave the cervical rupture unstitched, a late complication (a few months after delivery) may be:
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9/16/21, 11:35 AM Tests. Operative obstetrics. Maternal and child injuries during delivery.: Attempt review
Question 3
During an attempt to detach the placenta, the doctor found its increment. What are the next steps?
a. Blood transfusion
b. All answers are correct
c. Baloon tamponade of the uterus
d. Conservative management
e. Uterine extirpation
Question 4
Primigravida, gestation period 40-41 weeks. Longitudinal position of the fetus, vertex presentation. Pelvic dimensions: 23-27-30-19,
abdominal circumference is 104 cm, high of uterine fundus is 40 cm. First period of labor lasts for 10 hours. Fetal heartbeat is 150 beats/min.,
clear, rhythmic. Oblique contraction ring, on the level of the navel, Vasten's sign is positive. Vaginal examination: full opening, head is pressed
against the entrance to the small pelvis, the fetal bladder is absent, the small fontanel is on the left of the symphysis. Which one is the
appropriate management?
a. Caesarean section
b. Fetus-destroying operation
c. Increase labor activity
d. Obstetric forceps
e. Managing labor through the natural birth canal
Question 5
Primigravida, 32 years old, hospitalized with severe preeclampsia. Pelvic dimensions: 26-28-31-20 cm. The position of the fetus is
longitudinal, vertex presentation, fetal head is located in the pelvic cavity. The fetal heartbeat is absent. An attack of eclampsia. Vaginally:
opening of the uterine os is full, the head is in the narrow part of the pelvic cavity. What are the tactics of labor management?
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Question 6
Multigravida, at the time of delivery, with regular labor activity. In the Anamnesis - caesarean section 2 years ago due to fetal distress. During
contractions she felt a diffuse pain in the area of the postoperative scar. Fetal heartbeat is rhythmic, 150 beats per minute. Per vaginum:
opening of the cervix is 4 cm. The fetal bladder is intact. Obstetric tactics?
Question 7
In a woman after labor, 23 years old, on examining the birth canal in the early postpartum period the following findings were detected: the
cervix is intact, there is damage to the posterior wall of the vagina, skin and muscles of the perineum. Muscle-sphincter of the anus and rectal
mucosa are not damaged. What kind of birth injury is mentioned?
Question 8
In the second stage of labor, internal bleeding occurred due to premature placental abruption. Fetal distress, heartbeat 100 in 1 min. Head in
the pelvic outlet. How should the labor be completed?
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Question 9
In the second period of labor, a 27-year-old woman had an attack of seizures. BP - 190/120 mm Hg. Fetal heartbeat -152 beats/min., muted.
Sagittal suture in a straight size of pelvic outlet. What actions of the doctor are the most appropriate in this case?
Question 10
Primigravida, 26 years old, was admitted to the hospital with an excessive labor activity. Pelvic dimensions: 23-26-29-18 cm. The Henkel-
Vasten sign is positive. The woman is nervous, uterus is tense, painful in the lower parts. Contractile ring at the level of the navel is located
obliquely. The fetal head is pressed against the pelvic inlet. Fetal heartbeat is 150 beats/min. What complication has occured in labor?
Question 11
Primigravida in labor. The contractions started 15 hours ago, 2 hours later amniotic fluid spilled out. In the emergency department of the
maternity hospital seizures occured, blood pressure 190/110 mm Hg, significant swelling of the extremities, arms, and anterior abdominal
wall. Proteinuria - 5.0 g/l, cylindruria. On vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the opening is complete, the fetal bladder is absent, the
head is presented, in the plane of the exit from the small pelvis. What are the tactics of labor management?
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Question 12
Primigravida, 22 years old, 38-39 weeks of gestation. The condition of patient is severe. She had an attack of eclampsia at home. BP 190/120
mmHg, pulse 108 beats/min. Generalized edema. Consciousness is unclear. Determine the tactics of managing this pregnant woman.
Question 13
The woman in labor was found to have damage to the integrity of the posterior commissura. Diagnosis?
Question 14
a. In all cases
b. In the case of acute heart failure during childbirth
c. In the case of circulatory insufficiency of Stage II B-III
d. In septic endocarditis
e. In none of the cases
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Question 15
What tactic will be correct if, after examining the placenta the doctor found a defect in the placental lobule, but there is no bleeding?
Question 16
a. Revision of the uterine walls and examination of the outer surface to exclude the "Couvelaire uterus”
b. Amniotomy preceding surgery
c. In the case of diagnosis of "Couvelaire uterus" - extirpation of the uterus
d. All this should be taken into account
e. Cesarean section in this pathology has no special features
Question 17
Primigravida, 23 years old. II period of urgent labor. The fetal head is located in the narrow part of the pelvic cavity. An attack of eclampsia
began. What are the tactics of further management of labor?
a. Caesarean section
b. Complex intensive care and continuation of conservative labor management
c. Conservative management of labor followed by episiotomy
d. Vacuum extraction of the fetus
e. Obstetric forceps
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Question 18
What way should the fetus be delivered if in the first period of labor there was a premature placental abruption, and the fetus died?
Question 19
Primigravida, 23 years old, with active labor, complains of a headache, visual impairment. Blood pressure 180/100 mmHg, distinct edema of
the extremities, anterior abdominal wall. Fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 170 beats/min. On internal examination: full dilatation of the cervix,
fetal head in the pelvic cavity. Which one is the appropriate delivery tactics?
a. Caesarean section
b. Operation of applying mid obstetric forceps
c. Conservative delivery with episiotomy
d. Stimulation of labor activity
e. Fetus-destroying operation
Question 20
How to stop bleeding caused by a rupture of the soft tissues of the birth canal?
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9/16/21, 11:54 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the contractile activity of the uterus. Postpartum septic diseases.: Attempt review
Dashboard / My courses /
Module 2 (5 course) Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 3
/ Topic 13. Abnormalities of the contractile activity of the uterus. Postpartum septic diseases.
Tests. Abnormalities of the contractile activity of the uterus. Postpartum septic diseases.
Question 1
Pregnant woman, 30 years old, labor lasts 20 hours. 2 hours ago, throws have started. Fetal heartbeat is clear, rhythmic 140 beats/min. Per
vaginum: opening of the cervical os is 10 cm, fetal head in the plane of pelvic outlet. Sagittal suture in straight size, small fontanel is near the
symphysis. The diagnosis was made: primary uterine inertia. Determine further tactics.
Question 2
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Question 3
Multigravida, 23-year-old, labor lasts for 22 hours. 3 hours ago, throws started. Fetal heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic 100 beats/min. Vaginal
examination: opening the cervix is full, the fetal head is in the plane of the exit from the small pelvis. Diagnosis?
Question 4
Labor occurred three days ago, complicated by bleeding in the third stage of labor, in this connection, the operation of manual examination
of the uterine wall was performed, the additional placental lobule was removed. The total blood loss was 400 ml. On the third day the body
temperature rose to 38oC, the uterus is painful on palpation, its fundus is 4 cm below the navel, the discharge is purulent. What is the
a. Metrothrombophlebitis
b. Postpartum peritonitis
c. Lochiometer, 3 days of the postpartum period
d. Postpartum period, 3 days, metroendometritis
Question 5
a. Anaerobic infection
b. Septic shock
c. Sepsis
d. Metritis, parametritis, pelvioperitonitis
Question 6
a. Large fetus
b. Polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy
c. Intrauterine interventions in labor
d. The use of oxytocin in labor
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Question 7
A 30-year-old woman was admitted to an obstetric hospital due to the beginning of a regular labor activity, early merge of amniotic fluid. At
the end of the first period of labor contractions have slowed down and last for 20-25 seconds., every 5-6 minutes. For the last 4 hours of
opening the cervix is 1 cm. What complication had occurred?
Question 8
On what day does the peritonitis after cesarean section develop if the barier bowel functions are violated?
a. 1-2 days
b. 2-3 days
c. 8-9 days
d. 4-5 days
e. 6-7 days
Question 9
After 12 hours from the beginning of labor, when the uterine os was fully opened, the light
amniotic fluid has poured. After that, labor activity become sharply weakened: the contractions are short, irregular, weak, the fetal head does
not move. What is the diagnosis?
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9/16/21, 11:54 PM Tests. Abnormalities of the contractile activity of the uterus. Postpartum septic diseases.: Attempt review
Question 10
In what case during bacteriological examination from an infected focus in the postpartum period, can the presence of an anaerobic infection
be assumed?
Question 11
Question 12
Multipara, 38 weeks of gestation, was admitted to the hospital with contractions that last 10 hours, the amniotic fluid has poured 4 hours
ago. Contractions are weak, short, rare after 12- 15 min for 15-20 sec. Fetal heartbeat is 150 beats/min, rhythmic. Per vaginum: the cervix is
smoothed, opening 5 cm, there is no fetal bladder, the fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis. What is further
management of labor?
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Question 13
Woman has a regular 28 - day menstrual cycle. The last menstruation was from 8 to 12 April 2020. What is the date of expected delivery?
Question 14
The first stage of postpartum septic diseases includes all of the above, except:
a. Postpartum endometritis
b. Uterine bleeding
c. Postpartum ulcer
d. Postpartum ulcer on the cervix
Question 15
Peritonitis after cesarean section occurs due to all of the above, except:
Question 16
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Question 17
Question 18
Primigravida woman was admitted to the hospital. She was found to have a third degree of pelvic narrowing. Installed premature rupture of
amniotic membranes, as well as primary uterine inertia. The fetus is alive. What is further management of labor?
a. Vacuum extraction
b. Caesarean section
c. Fetus-destroying operation
d. Obstetric forceps
e. Delivery through the natural birth canal
Question 19
Pregnant woman, 30 years old, at 39 weeks of pregnancy was admitted to an obstetric hospital due to the beginning of regular labor.
Amniotic fluid poured 10 hours ago, at the end of the first period of labor, contractions slowed down, lasting 25-30 seconds., every 7-8 min.
Opening of the cervical os is 6cm. In the last three hours, the opening of the cervix has increased by 0.5 cm. What complication has occurred?
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Question 20
Primigravida, labor lasts for 8 hours. Contractions last for 25 seconds. after 5-6 minutes. They are accompanied by pain that spreads from the
lower part of the uterus to the fundus. Fetal heartbeat is rhythmic 165 beats/min. On vaginal examination: the cervix is smoothed, the uterine
os is opened by 4 cm, during labor it narrows, its edges become tighten. Fetal head is above the entrance to the small pelvis. What is the
a. Uterine inertia
b. Discoordinated labor activity
c. Dystocia of the cervix
d. Excessive labor activity
e. Threatened uterine rupture
◄ Workbook. Abnormalities of the contractile activity of the uterus. Postpartum septic diseases.
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