Navo Minority Over-Sampling Technique (Nmote) : A Consistent Performance Booster On Imbalanced Datasets
Navo Minority Over-Sampling Technique (Nmote) : A Consistent Performance Booster On Imbalanced Datasets
Navo Minority Over-Sampling Technique (Nmote) : A Consistent Performance Booster On Imbalanced Datasets
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Navoneel Chakrabarty
Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College,
Jalpaiguri, India
Sanket Biswas
Autonomous University of Barcelona,
Abstract: Imbalanced data refers to a problem in machine learning where there exists unequal distribution of instances for
each classes. Performing a classification task on such data can often turn bias in favour of the majority class. The bias gets
multiplied in cases of high dimensional data. To settle this problem, there exists many real-world data mining techniques like
over-sampling and under-sampling, which can reduce the Data Imbalance. Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique
(SMOTe) provided one such state-of-the-art and popular solution to tackle class imbalancing, even on high-dimensional data
platform. In this work, a novel and consistent oversampling algorithm has been proposed that can further enhance the
performance of classification, especially on binary imbalanced datasets. It has been named as NMOTe (Navo Minority
Oversampling Technique), an upgraded and superior alternative to the existing techniques. A critical analysis and
comprehensive overview on the literature has been done to get a deeper insight into the problem statements and nurturing the
need to obtain the most optimal solution. The performance of NMOTe on some standard datasets has been established in this
work to get a statistical understanding on why it has edged the existing state-of-the-art to become the most robust technique
for solving the two-class data imbalance problem.
Keywords: imbalanced data; machine learning; classification; data mining; over-sampling; under-sampling; SMOTe;
I. Introduction
With the proliferating growth and expansion of computational power, the availability of more and more
raw data has steered the surge of machine learning, as it emerged from a fledgling science to an applied
technology, bringing a new revolution in the world of industry, scientific research and business
development [1]. As more and more real world applications and open source frameworks unfolded, it
has resulted in the development of novel and more efficient machine learning approaches which can
beat the existing state-of-the-art methods [2]. Consequently, real world datasets tend to have their own
structure and distribution. In dealing with these problems, classifiers are often faced with imbalanced
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
data, which suggests that one of the destination classes contain much less number of instances than the
other classes. The ‘class imbalance problem’ is one such affair that has caused a deep concern among
machine learning practitioners for more than a decade now. It is indeed a serious obstacle for learning
classifiers as they are biased toward the majority class and tend to mis-classify the minor instances as
major ones. These real life applications in data mining include sentiment analysis [3], text mining [4],
target detection [5], industrial systems monitoring [6] and so on.
In all these problems, the correct recognition of minority class plays a key role. Several data-driven
approaches have been introduced in recent times which help to transform the original set of instances
through re-sampling to change class distribution. Although such specialized techniques have been
proposed but the identification of conditions for the efficient usage of those methods still remain an
open problem to all data mining experts.The degradation of classification performance can be
understood by examining the nature of more fundamental complexities of data distributions which has
already been established in some related works [7] [8] [9] [10] [11].
In this section, light is thrown on some of the specialized approaches that have been taken to find a
solution to the class imbalance problem. Most of these works can be categorized into four different
– Sampling-based methods
– Cost-based methods
– Kernel-based methods
Data-level approaches which modify the collection of instances in the training set to balance the
distribution among classes.
Algorithm-level approaches which directly reconstruct the existing learning algorithms and
mitigate the biases towards majority groups.
Hybrid approaches which precisely combine the advantages of both Data-level and Algorithm-
level approaches.
In sampling methods, the size of the classes is modified. Two kinds of sampling techniques exist in the
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
This refers to reducing the majority class samples to reduce data imbalance. This can be done either
randomly (called random under-sampling) or through an inference of some prior statistical knowledge
(called informed under-sampling) [12]
This method generates the minority class samples, which help to further add essential information to
the original data that may enhance the performance of the classifier.
In cost-sensitive methods, unlike sampling, we do not try to modify the original data and instead try to
derive the cost of mis-classification. If any minority sample gets mis-classified in majority class, then
the cost matrix returns a value higher than that of the majority class sample [13].
Although the sampling based methods and cost-sensitive methods have been the most popular, studies
have also been conducted on kernel based methods in order to tackle imbalanced data-sets.It is mainly
used to optimize the performance of sampling approaches by creating ensembles of classifiers (like,
over or under sampled SVMs) with asymmetric cost of mis-classification and help to overcome the
problem of generalization.
Active-learning based methods are mainly applied to a data pool containing both labeled and unlabeled
samples. To improve the performance of classification, active learning methods help to acquire labels
for those unlabeled data samples. The learner then selects the unlabeled samples that lie within the
vicinity of the decision boundary, and which are most uncertain. These data points with maximum
confidence are then labelled manually [14].
An insight is thrown into some standard sampling approaches that have been made in recent years to
find a solution to this data imbalance problem. Some of the previous state-of-the-art techniques have
been discussed in brief and a critical analysis of these methods is sketched, based on their self-
dependency and rigidity before introducing the novel technique to outshine them:
Chawla et al. [15] proposed a very powerful technique called Synthetic Minority Over-sampling
Technique (SMOTe) for balancing imbalanced data-sets. It also investigated to conclude that a hybrid
approach of both oversampling and under- sampling can actually exhibit better results, compared to
methods involving only under-sampling the majority class. This algorithm was indeed the first
successful stand-alone and rigid-in-formulation sampling approach to be accepted and used globally.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Chawla et al. [17] then combined SMOTe and Boosting for designing a new approach called
SMOTeBoost which augments the original data with artificial in- stances in minority classes by
updating weights assigned to mis-classified examples and balancing the skewed distributions. They also
experimented to show a marked improvement in prediction performance of learners on highly
imbalanced data-sets. But deploying this model is not an independent approach as it combines boosting
with stand-alone SMOTe and moreover, boosting performs poorly in case of noisy platform. So,
SMOTeBoost, though effective in its performance in the end, but is a Classifter dependent Over-
sampling Technique.
A few years later, Han et al. [16] then proposed two new synthetic minority over-sampling approaches
called borderline-SMOTe1 and borderline-SMOTe2 in which the minority instances near the borderline
were over-sampled for obtaining superior performance of model classifiers in terms of True Positive
Rate (TPR) and F-value than SMOTe and random oversampling methods. Since these methods
concentrate only on borderline examples and do not over-sample all the instances or any random subset
of the target minority class, it proves to be far more efficient with respect to time. However there is no
mention of the proper estimation of this borderline which can often lead to overlapping between two
adjacent classes and affect the overall results, making them unclear and flexible in their formulation.
Wang et al. [21] proposed an ensemble sampling algorithm called SMOTeBagging and applied them
for solving multi-class imbalanced datasets. Again, this approach is not stand-alone, depending on the
Bagging Classifier. Moreover it deals with multi-class data-sets while our main focus is on two-class
problem in this work. Chen et al. [22] proposed another adaptive novel technique called RAMOBoost
(Ranked Minority Oversampling in Boosting) which ranks minority class instances at each learning
iteration and adaptively shifts the decision boundary toward more such complicated majority and
minority instances by using a hypothesis assessment procedure. Although this is a very decent approach,
but it is not stand-alone in nature, depending on a Machine Learning Classifier (boosting).
Later, Dong et al. [18] proposed a new over-sampling technique called Random- SMOTe for learning
from imbalanced data where the minority examples were sparsely distributed in sample space against
an enormous amount of majority samples. They demonstrated Random-SMOTe to be more effective as
compared to other random sampling approaches. Also after SMOTe, Random-SMOTe emerged as a
highly-successful Stand-alone and Rigid Over-sampling Algorithm.
Seiffert et al. [23] proposed a faster alternative to the existing SMOTeBoost for enhancing learning
performance from skewed data. They named it as RUSBoost (Random Under-sampling Boost). This is
an under-sampling approach, which is again not Stand-alone as it involves Boosting.
Ertekin [20] devised a hybrid adaptive algorithm called VIRTUAL which combines the benefits of both
oversampling and active learning methods. It has also been demonstrated that it outperforms other
oversampling techniques on the grounds of generalization performance and computational complexity.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
However, this approach is not rigid-in-formulation and is quite similar to the borderline approach
already been proposed by Han et. al. [16].
Zheng et al. [19] highlighted some flaws of the standard SMOTe model and pro- posed a novel
technique called Sigma Nearest Oversampling based on Convex Combination (SNOCC), where the
number of seed samples were increased and ensured that the augmented samples were not enclosed
within the line segment between two seed samples. They have also demonstrated experiments to
showcase that SNOCC outperforms SMOTe and CBS (another SMOTe based algorithm). But deep-
down in the formulation of SNOCC, there is no Rigidity as no mention is made, regarding the number
of seed-samples to be taken.
Blagus et al. [25] applied classical SMOTe to largely imbalanced high-dimensional data. They also
investigated the properties of SMOTe from theoritical and empirical point of view.
Li et al. [24] applied the oversampling method of Random-SMOTe on five different UCI imbalanced
datasets and integrated it with Logit technique for achieving a significant improvement in the
performance of classifiers.
Shuo Wang et al. [26] proposed two new resampling-based ensemble methods called OOB
(Oversampling-based Online Bagging) and UOB (Undersampling-based Online Bagging) for the robust
detection of minority class instances in online class imbalance learning.
2. Proposed Work
This is the new Over-sampling technique introduced in this paper. It is a technique based on nearest
neighours decided by euclidean distance between data-points in feature space. There is a percentage of
Over-sampling which which indicates the number of synthetic samples to be created and this percentage
parameter of Over- Sampling is always a multiple of 100. If the percentage of Over- Sampling is 100,
then for each instance, a new sample will be created. Hence, the number of minority class instances will
get doubled. Similarly if percentage of Over-Sampling is 200, then the number of minority class samples
will get tripled. In NMOTe,
1) For each instance having minority label, k number of nearest neighbours are found such that they
also belong to the same class where,
k = (NMOTe%)/100
So, k number of euclidean distances are obtained for each minority instance.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
2) The k euclidean distances for each instance, are directly multiplied by a random variable between 0
and 1, excluding 0.
3) These k numeric distances, after being multiplied by the random number is added to all the features
of the feature vector of every instance, so considered at each iteration.
This is a 2-module-algorithm in which the module nearest neighbour() returns the additives for
each considered instance, x belonging to the minority class.
Number of features = n
euclidean() is a function that calculates the Euclidean Distance between 2 points in Feature Space.
1. nearest_ neighbour(X,x,f)
2. {
3. dis[N-1]
4. additive[f/100]
5. k=0
6 for j = 1 to N:
7. {
8. if X[j] != x:
9. {
10. dis[k] = euclidean(X[j],x)
11. k=k+1
12. }
13. }
14. dis = sort(dis)
15. fraction = random(0,1)
16. while fraction == 0:
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
17. {
18. fraction = random(0,1)
19. }
20. additive = dis[: , f/100] * fraction
21. return additive
23. NMOTe(X,f)
24. {
25. sampled instances[f*N/100][n]
26. k = 0
27. for i=1 to N:
28. {
29. additive = nearest neighbour(X, X[i], f)
30. for j = 1 to f/100:
31. {
32 sampled instances[k] = X[i] + additive[j]
33. k=k+1
34. }
35. }
36. return sampled instances
37. }
Algorithm 1. NMOTe
The NMOTe Algorithm is computationally efficient than SMOTe with less lines of code but takes
longer computation time than R-SMOTe. But, on the basis of Performance Analysis, NMOTe is proved
to outperform both SMOTe and R-SMOTe (in binary-class problems) in Experiments (Section 3),
taking 2 binary data-sets as exemplars.
The experiments are conducted for performance analysis of NMOTe against existing Stand-
alone and Rigid Over-sampling algorithms, SMOTe and R-SMOTe. 2 binary data-sets are used
for the purpose, having 2 different problem-statements and are discussed in Sections 3.1 and
3.2 respectively.
2.2.1 Dataset
The data-set was extracted from UCI-ML Repository [27]. It consists of 48,842 instances with
14 features and a binary label, income.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
The binary label, Income depicts whether a person’s income is greater than 50k dollars (=1) or
not (=0). So, the problem statement is to Predict the Income
Level of a person from the Census Data that whether it is greater than 50k dollars or not.
The missing values in the data are all present in categorical features.So, they are dealt using default
pointer, ?.This serves as a separate category in categorical features and hence, prevents information
Out of 14 attributes, 8 attributes are found to be categorical while 6 are found to be continuous as shown
in Table 1. Label Encoding is done for all the 8 categorical features.
Feature Selection
The whole data-set is trained using Extra Trees Classifier. After training, every feature gets a feature
importance score assigned by the Extra Trees Classifier. This is assigned depending upon the number
of times that feature got selected as the best split for a decision tree, predicting the majority vote.
All the features with their Extra Trees Classifier Feature Importance Scores are tabulated in Table 1.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Features F9 and F14 are dropped as they are having least feature importance values.
One-Hot Encoding is done for all the categorical features except feature, F10 as sex attribute has only
2 categories (male & female) present in the dataset.
Data Imbalance Removal or Data Balancing, Model Development, Training the Model
and Results
The number of instances with label 0 have been 24720 and on the other hand, only 7841 samples of
label 1 are there. Hence, there is a gross class-imbalance present in the dataset and is visually shown in
Fig 2 as bar charts
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Now, Over-sampling of instances with label 1 i.e., minority instances need to be done. This Over-
sampling is done in 3 strategies:
A. Now, the dataset is shuffled in a consistent way and split into Training and Validation Sets with 80%
of the instances in the Training Set and 20% of the instances in the Validation Set.
B. Gradient Boosting Classifier is used as a Learning Algorithm to construct the Binary Prediction
Model. It is an Ensemble and Boosting Algorithm in which series of Decision Trees are constructed and
always the decision tree in the succeeding step corrects the error in the decision tree constructed in the
preceding step.
The GBC Model is tuned with Grid-Search. After tuning the model with Grid-Search, 350 estimators
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
and maximum depth of 4 are obtained as the best set of hyper-parameters. The Grid-Search Summary
is shown in Fig 4.
Fig 4. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 100% SMOTe
C. Results
The Training Accuracy describes the number of instances correctly predicted in the Training Set.
The Validation Accuracy describes the number of instances correctly predicted in the Validation
Recall = TP/TP + FN
Precision is defined as the proportion of correctly predicted positive observations of the total
predicted positive observations.
Precision = TP/TP + FP
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (AUROC): ROC Curve is the plot of True
Positive Rate vs False Positive Rate. An Area under ROC Curve of greater than 0.5, is accept- able.
It is implemented using the decision function attribute of Gradient Boosting Classifier which
returns values that give a measure of how far a data-point is away from the Decision Boundary
from either side (negative value for opposite side). The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in Fig
Confusion Matrix based on the Validation set for the model is shown in Fig 6.
Fig 6. Normalized Confusion Matrix for the model after 100% SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
All the results for the model after 100% SMOTe are shown in Table 4.
A. The Dataset is shuffled and split as done previously in the model evaluation after 100% SMOTe.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 8. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 200% SMOTe
C. Results
The model performance is evaluated on the same set of metrics as used previously in the model
evaluation after 100% SMOTe:
– Training Accuracy
– Validation Accuracy
– Sensitivity or Recall
– Precision
– F1-Score
Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (AUROC) The corresponding ROC Curve is shown
in Fig 9.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 10. Normalized Confusion Matrix for the model after 200% SMOTe
All the results for the model after 200% SMOTe are shown in Table 7.
(b) Stage-wise Over-sampling using R-SMOTe: A stage-wise Over-sampling is done using R-SMOTe
in which,
The GBC Model is tuned using Grid-Search. After tuning, 450 estimators and maximum depth of 3 are
found to be the best set of hyper-parameters. The summary of the Grid-Search Tuning of GBC on the
basis of Mean Score is shown in Fig 11.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 11. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 100% R-SMOTe Results
Training Accuracy
Validation Accuracy
Sensitivity or Recall
Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (AUROC) The corresponding ROC Curve is
shown in Fig 12.
Fig 12. ROC Curve showing the Area under the Curve for the model after 100% R-SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 13. Normalized Confusion Matrix for the model after 100% R-SMOTe
All the results for the model after 100% R-SMOTe are shown in Table 4.
Fig 14. Grid-Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 200% R-SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
C) Results
The model performance is evaluated on the same set of metrics used for the model after 100% R-
The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in Fig 15.
Fig 15. ROC Curve showing the Area Under the Curve for the model after 200% R-SMOTe
Fig 16. Normalized Confusion Matrix for the model after 200% R-SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
All the results for the model after 200% R-SMOTe are shown in Table 7.
Stage-wise Over-sampling using NMOTe: A stage-wise Over-sampling is done using NMOTe in
I. 100% Over-sampling in the 1st stage
A. Shuffling and 80-20 Splitting
B. Gradient Boosting Classifier is used as Learning Algorithm
The GBC Model is tuned using Grid-Search. After tuning, 500 estimators and maximum depth of 3 are
found to be the best set of hyper-parameters. The summary of the Grid-Search Tuning of GBC on the
basis of Mean Score is shown in Fig 17.
Fig 17. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 100% NMOTe
C. Results
The model performance is evaluated on the following metrics:
– Training Accuracy
– Validation Accuracy
– Sensitivity or Recall
– Precision
– F1-Score
– Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (AUROC) The corresponding ROC Curve
is shown in Fig 18.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 18. ROC Curve for the model after 100% NMOTe
Fig 19. Normalized Confusion Matrix for the model after 100% NMOTe
All the results for the model after 100% NMOTe are shown in Table 4.
II. 200% Over-sampling is the 2nd stage
A. Shuffling and 80-20 Splitting
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
500 estimators and maximum depth of 3 are found to be the best set of hyper-parameters after applying
Grid-Search on the GBC model. The Grid-Search summary is shown in Fig 20.
Fig 20. Grid-Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 200% NMOTe
C. Results
The model performance is evaluated on the same set of metrics used for the model after 100% NMOTe.
The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in Fig 21.
Fig 21. ROC Curve for the model after 200% NMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 22. Normalized Confusion Matrix for the model after 200% NMOTe
All the results for the model after 200% NMOTe are shown in Table 7.
2.3.1 Dataset
The Flight data-set was extracted from US Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation
Statistics (BTS) [28] for the years 2015 & 2016 and the features associated with the dataset are tabulated
in Table 2. The binary label is Arr Del 15 with values, 0 and 1 where 0 means no Arrival Delay and 1
means Arrival Delay. After that data-set is filtered to include the Flight Data of American Airlines
serving the top 5 busiest airports of US. The resulting dataset contains 97,360 samples with 12 attributes
and 1 label.
Here, the Problem Statement is to Predict the Flight Arrival Delay of American Airline Flights serving
top 5 busiest airports of US, Hartsfteld-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Los Angeles International
Air- port, O’Hare International Airport, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and John F. Kennedy
International Airport.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Here, there are 76090 instances of label 0 and only 19668 instances with label 1 or flight delay instances.
Hence, there is gross class imbalance which is shown with the help of bars in Fig 23.
Fig 23. Bar Visualization showing the imbalance between the 2 labels in the dataset
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Now, Over-sampling of instances with label 1 i.e., minority instances need to be done. This Over-
sampling is done in 3 strategies:
Fig 25. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 100% SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
C) Results
The model performance is evaluated on the following metrics:
Training Accuracy
Validation Accuracy
Sensitivity or Recall
Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve: The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in
Fig 26.
Fig 26. ROC Curve for the model after 100% SMOTe
Fig 27. Confusion Matrix for the model after 100% SMOTe
All the results for the model after 100% SMOTe are shown in Table 6.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 28. Reductions in Data Imbalance after 100% and 200% separately
The Gradient Boosting Classifier Model is tuned using Grid-Search. After tuning the model with Grid-
Search, 500 estimators and maximum depth of 5 are found to be the best set of hyper-parameters. The
Grid-Search summary of the GBC model is shown in Fig 29.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 29. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 200% SMOTe
C) Results
The model performance is evaluated on the same set of metrics used for the model after 100% SMOTe.
Area Under Receiver Characteristic Curve (AUROC) The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in Fig
Fig 30. ROC Curve showing the Area Under the Curve for the model after 200% SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 31. Confusion Matrix for the model after 200% SMOTe
All the results for the model after 200% SMOTe are shown Table 8.
(b) Stage-wise Over-sampling using R-SMOTe:
A stage-wise Over-sampling is done using R-SMOTe in which,
I. 100% Over-sampling in the 1st stage
A. Shuffling and 80-20 Splitting
B. Gradient Boosting Classifier is used as Learning Algorithm
Grid-Search is used for tuning the GBC Model and after tuning, 250 estimators and maximum depth of
5 are found to be the best set of hyper-parameters. The Grid-Search summary is shown in Fig 32.
Fig 32. Grid-Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 100% R-SMOTe
C. Results
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Training Accuracy
Validation Accuracy
Sensitivity or Recall
Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (AUROC): The corresponding ROC
Curve is shown in Fig 33.
Fig 33. ROC Curve for the model after 100% R-SMOTe
Fig 34. Confusion Matrix for the model after 100% R-SMOTe
All the results for the model after 100% R-SMOTe are shown in Table 6.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
400 estimators and maximum depth of 5 are found to be the best set of hyper-parameters after applying
Grid-Search on the GBC model. The Grid-Search summary is shown in Fig 35,
Fig 35. Grid-Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 200% R-SMOTe
C. Results
The model performance is evaluated on the same set of metrics used for the model after 100% R-
The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in Fig 36.
Fig 36. ROC Curve for the model after 200% R-SMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 37. Confusion Matrix for the model after 200% R-SMOTe
All the results for the model after 200% R-SMOTe are shown in Table 8.
(C) Stage-wise Over-sampling using NMOTe: A stage-wise Over-sampling is done using NMOTe in
I. 100% Over-sampling in the 1st stage
A. Shuffling and 80-20 Splitting
B. Gradient Boosting Classifier is used as Learning Algorithm
The GBC Model is tuned using Grid-Search, which after tuning, 400 estimators and maximum depth of
5 are found to be the best set of hyper-parameters. The Grid-Search Summary is shown in Fig 38.
Fig 38. Grid Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 100% NMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
C. Results
The model performance is evaluated on the following metrics:
– Training Accuracy
– Validation Accuracy
– Sensitivity or Recall
– Precision
– F1-Score
– Area Under Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (AUROC): The corresponding ROC Curve
is shown in Fig 39.
Fig 39. ROC Curve for the model after 100% NMOTe
Fig 40. Confusion Matrix for the model after 100% NMOTe
All the results for the model after 100% NMOTe are shown in Table 6.
II. 200% Over-sampling is the 2nd stage
A. Shuffling and 80-20 Splitting
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 41. Grid-Search Summary on Mean Score for the model after 200% NMOTe
C. Results
The model performance is evaluated on the same set of metrics used for the model after 100% NMOTe.
The corresponding ROC Curve is shown in Fig 42.
Fig 42. ROC Curve for the model after 200% NMOTe
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Fig 43. Confusion Matrix for the model after 200% NMOTe
All the results for the model after 200% NMOTe are shown in Table 8.
3. Implementation Details
The Data Preprocessing and Model Development are done using Python's Scikit- Learn Machine
Learning Toolbox on a machine with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U processor, CPU @ 1.60 GHz 1.80
GHz and 8 GB RAM. The Visualizations are made using Python’s Plotting Libraries, Matplotlib and
– Fitting It refers to how close the Training and Validation Accuracies of a model are.
– Fitting = |Training Accuracy - Validation Accuracy|
– Validation Accuracy
– Precision
– Recall
– F1-Score
– Number of False Negatives
It refers to the number of those instances which are actually positive (having label 0) but are predicted
to be negative (with label 1). This is of extra significance in a Flight Arrival Delay Model as any
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
instance, which is predicted to be negative i.e., with label 1 or will be delayed is actually a flight on-
time, i.e., positive with label 0, is heavily misleading. This results in Model Performance and Preference
Degradation as such a model will be less preferred to be deployed. In Adult Census Data, this is of
significance but not of extra significance over other mis-classified instances unlike the case of Flight
Data. This number or count is obtained from the Confusion Matrix of the concerned model. So, less the
number of False Negatives, better the Model Performance.
Intuitively and from literature review of previous works, data balancing via over- sampling has always
resulted in better performance. The same is true for our experiments as well.
The 1st Experiment on Adult Census Data discussed in Section 3.1 has a state-of- art model developed
by Chakrabarty et al. [30] and the Results obtained by them are shown in Table 3.
Now, a Comparative Analysis of the Model Performance with the inclusion of 100% Over-sampling
before Model Training between the 3 Over-sampling Techniques, SMOTe, R-SMOTe and NMOTe is
tabulated in Table 4.
Table 4. Comparative Performance Analysis for 100% Over-sampling between SMOTe vs R-SMOTe
vs NMOTe on Adult Census Data
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
So, from Table 3 and Table 4, it is evident that Over-sampling has fetched better results in the
Experiment on Adult Census Data.
The 2nd Experiment on Flight Data discussed in Section 3.2 has the only model developed by
Chakrabarty et al. [31] and the Results obtained by them are shown in Table 5.
Table 5. The only Flight Arrival Delay Prediction Model for American Airlines serving only top 5
busiest airports of US
Now, the Comparative Analysis of the Model Performance with the inclusion of 100% Over-sampling
before Model Training between the 3 Over-sampling Techniques, SMOTe, R-SMOTe and NMOTe is
tabulated in Table 6.
Table 6. Comparative Performance Analysis for 100% Over-sampling between SMOTe vs R-SMOTe
vs NMOTe on Flight Data
So, from Table 5 and Table 6, it is evident that Over-sampling has fetched better results in the
Experiment on Flight Data.
Hence, it is therefore proved, that Over-sampling intended to Data-Balancing, improves model
performance and hence, yields better results
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
1. 100% Over-sampling
From Table 4, it can be easily interpreted that NMOTe is a clear winner, outperforming both SMOTe
and R-SMOTe. Among SMOTe and R-SMOTe, R-SMOTe has fetched better results.
Table 7. Comparative Performance Analysis for 200% Over-sampling between SMOTe vs R-SMOTe
vs NMOTe on Adult Census Data
2. 200% Over-sampling
From Table 7, it can be concluded that NMOTe outperformed both SMOTe and R-SMOTe being only
slightly behind R-SMOTe in Fitting, but leading in Validation Accuracy and Precision than R-SMOTe.
Among SMOTe and R- SMOTe, R-SMOTe yielded better results with nice fitting measure and higher
Validation Accuracy.
In this experiment, NMOTe proved to fetch better results than SMOTe and R- SMOTe.
1. 100% Over-sampling
From Table 6, many important interpretations can be drawn:
R-SMOTe leads in terms of fitting measure.
SMOTe yielded the highest Validation Accuracy
SMOTe and R-SMOTe fetched the highest Precision of 0.86 as compared to NMOTe yielding
0.85 SMOTe and NMOTe gave the highest Recalls of 0.84 as compared to R-SMOTe fetching
R-SMOTe gave the least number of False Negatives
So, all-in-all, SMOTe and R-SMOTe performed better than the newly introduced algorithm, NMOTe.
But as imbalance in data still exists, 200% Over- sampling has been done and termed as 2nd stage.
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Table 8. Comparative Performance Analysis for 200% Over-sampling between SMOTe vs R-SMOTe
vs NMOTe on Flight Data
2. 200% Over-sampling
From Table 8, the following conclusions are drawn:
Considering Table 6 and Table 8, it is observed that SMOTe results in performance degradation in
2nd stage of 200% Over-sampling, rather than boosting the performance as more the Over-
sampling percentage, more the data imbalance is reduced and better should be the performance,
which is not the case in 200% SMOTe on Flight Data.
Therefore, SMOTe is proven to be highly inconsistent over-sampling technique which does not
guarantee improvement in performance with reduction in data imbalance
R-SMOTe is 0.01% ahead in Validation Accuracy than NMOTe i.e., 85.73% in case of R-SMOTe
and 85.72% in case of NMOTe.
NMOTe establishes a clear lead in terms of Fitting measure and also results in least number of
False Negatives.
So, finally it can be stated that in 200% Over-sampling the Flight Data, NMOTe has outperformed R-
SMOTe and SMOTe. Also, SMOTe is proven to be highly inconsistent.
So, NMOTe is established to succeed as a better Over-sampling method in this experiment also.
Hence, NMOTe, from our experiments on binary data, can be called as a Consistent Performance
Booster and the most effective Stand-Alone and Rigid Over-sampling algorithm yet.
5. Conclusion
After having discussed comprehensively about the current research challenges that is often faced when
learning from imbalanced data, a novel oversampling approach called Navo Minority Oversampling
TEchnique (NMOTe) has been proposed in this work to find an efficient and consistent solution and
applied them in contemporary real-world applications. A thorough experimentation has been conducted
in this study to examine the effectiveness of this NMOTe algorithm over the existing state-of -the-art
standalone and rigid techniques, SMOTe and Random-SMOTe, that has been used over the last few
years. From our experiments, it has been observed that, NMOTe has boosted model performance over
SMOTe and Random-SMOTe, on some metrics most of the times: Fitting, Validation Accuracy and
Precision. Also, there is another point to be noted that, on special problems like Flight Arrival Delay
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Prediction, in which among mis-classified examples, the false negatives are considered to be the most
harmful, 200% NMOTe, resulted in the least number of false-negatives.
In future, the performance of NMOTe can be further evaluated on more extensively skewed data. Also,
this work is thoroughly focused on binary imbalanced data and can be further extended for multi-class
problems. And lastly, we have conducted this entire research based on some extensive experimental
evaluation but some mathematical modelling can be further incorporated to make this study more
justified and compact.
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ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)
Journal of Electronics and Informatics (2020)
Vol.02/ No. 02
Pages: 96-136
Authors Biography:
ISSN: 2582-3825 (online)