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The telecom industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. India has nearly 200 million telephone lines making it the third largest network in the world after china and USA. With a growth rate of 45%, India telecom-industry has the highest growth rate in the world. . History of Indian telecommunications started in 1851 when the operational landlines were laid by the government near Calcutta (seat of British power). Telephone services were introduced in India in 1881. In 1883 telephone services were merged with the postal system. Indian radio telegraph company (IRT) was formed in 1923. After independence in 1947, all the foreign telecommunication companies were nationalized to form the posts, telephone and telegraph (PTT), a monopoly run by the governments ministry of communications. Telecom sector was considered as a strategic services and the government considered it best to under states control. The first wind of reforms in telecommunications sector began to flow in 1980s when the private sector was allowed in telecommunications equipment manufacturing. In 1985 , department of telecommunications (DOY) was established. It was an exclusive provider of domestic and long-distance services that would be its own regulator (separate from postal system). In 1986, two wholly government-owned companies were created; the videsh sancher nigam limited (VSNL) for international telecommunications and mahanagar telephone nigam limited (MTNL) for services in metropolitan areas. In 1990s, telecommunications sector benefited from the general opening up of the economy. Also ,examples of telecom revolution in many other countries. Which resulted In better quality of services and lower tariffs, led indian policy makers to initiate a change process finally resulting in opening up of telecom services for the private sector. National telecom policy (NTP) 1994 was the first attempt to give a comprehensive roadmap for the Indian telecommunications sector. In 1997, telecom regulatory authority of india (TRAI) was created. TRAI was formed to act as a regulator to facilitate the growth of the telecom sector. New national telecom policy was adopted in 1999 and cellular services were also launched in the same year.
Telecommunication sector in india can be divided into two segments: fixed service provider (FSPs) and cellular services. Fixed line services consist of basic services national or domestic long distance and international long distance services. The state operators (BSNL and MTNL), account for almost 90 percent of revenues from basic services. Private sector services are presently available in selective urban areas, and collectively account for less than 5 percent of subscription. However ,private services focus on the business/corporate sector and offer reliable , high end services, such as leased lines, ISDN, closed user group and videoconferencing. Cellular services can be further divided into two categories: global system for mobile communications (GSM) and code division multiple Access (CDMA). The GSM sector is dominated by Airtel, Vodafone-Hutch, Idea cellular, while the CDMA sector is dominated by Reliance and Tata Indicom opening up international and domestic long distance telephony services are the major growth drivers for cellular industry. Cellular operators get substantial revenue from these services, and compensate them for reduction in tariffs on airtime, which along with rental was the main source of revenue. The reduction in tariffs for airtime, national long distance, international long distance, and handset prices
EVOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRY IMPORTANT MILESTONES YEAR 1851 1881 1883 1923 1932 1947 Description First operational land lines were laid by govt. near Calcutta(seat of British power) Telephone service introduced in India Merger with the postal system Formation of Indian Radio telegraph company (IRT) Merger of ETC and IRT into the Indian Radio and communication company (IRCC) Nationalization of all foreign telecommunication companies to from the posts, telephone and telegraph(PTT), a monopoly run by 1985 the government s Ministry of communication Department of telecommunications (DOT) established, an exclusive provider of domestic and long-distance service that 1986 would be its own regulator (separate from the postal system) Conversion of DOT into two wholly government-owned
companies: the videsh sanchar nigam limited (VSNL) for international telecommunications and Mahanagar telephone 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 nigam limited (MTNL) for service in metropolitan areas. Telecom Regulator Authority of India created Cellular Services are launched in India. new national telecom policy is adopted. Do T becomes a corporation, BSNL Mobile phone subscribes exceeded 5.5 million in April , representing an 80% penetration of the population Mobile phone subscribes exceeded 5.5 million in April , representing of thepopulation The number of broadband Internet customers exceeded one million in January Hutchison 3G HK Limited launched the fisrt third generation mobile (3G) services in Hong Kong in January Sunday 3G (Hong Kong) Limited Launched its 3G services in June The number of 3G subscribers exceeded 1 million in july. The number of household covered by at least two self-built customer access network increased 2007 to 76% of the total number of households in October The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance (UEMO) came into force on 1 June and was fully implemented on 22 December. Three Do-not-call Registers for faxes, short messages and pre2008 2009 recorded telephone messages were activated in phases. Complete withdrawal of mandatory Type II
interconnection at the telephone exchange level in July . THE 2.5-2.6 GHz band for broadband Wireless Access (BWA) was auctioned with a total spectrum utilization fee exceeding HK$1.5 billion in January
MAJOR PLAYERS: There are three types of players in telecom services: State owned companies (BSNL and MTNL) Private Indian owned companies (Reliance Infocomm , Tata Teleservices)
Foreign invested companies (Vodafone-Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures ,Escotel ,Idea Cellular, BPL Mobile ,Spice Communication) Indias mobile telecom sector is one of the fastest growing sectors. Unlike in
the 1990s when the mobile phone was an elitist product, mobile operators now tap a mass market with mass marketing techniques. Unified licensing rules allow basic and mobile operators into each others territory, and have ushered in perhaps the final phase of industry consolidation. It seems that only companies with deep pockets can effectively compete as primary operators mobile markets. Economics of scale, scope and end-to-end presence in longdistance as well as local telecom are desirable. There are, besides, new challenges. Operators have to find new growth drivers for the wire line business. There are problems of getting broadband to take off, of technology choice, of when to introduce new technologies and of developing a viable business model in an era of convergence.
GROWTH OF MOBILE TECHNOLOGY: India has the fastest growing mobile markets in the world. The mobile services were commercially launched in August 1995 in India. In the initial 5 to 6years the average monthly subscribers additions were around 0.05 to 0.1 million only and the total mobile subscribers base in December 2002 stood at 10.5 millions. However, after the number of proactive initiatives taken by regulator and licensor, the monthly subscribers additions increased to around 2 million per month in the year 2003 to 2004 and 2004 to 2005. Although mobile telephones followed the new telecom policy 1994, growth was tardy in the early years because of the high price of handsets as well as the high tariff structure of mobile telephones. The new telecom policy in 1999, the industry
heralded several pro consumer initiatives. Mobile sub-scribers additions started picking up. The number of mobile phones added throughout the country in 2003 was 16 million, followed by 22 million in 2004, 32 million in 2005, and 65 million in 2006. The only countries with more mobile phones then India with 156.31 million mobile phones are china- 408 million and U.S.A 170 millions India has opted for the use of both the GSM (global system for mobile communications) and CDMA (code division multiple access) technologies in the mobile sector. The mobile tariffs in India have also become lowest in the world. A new mobile connection can be activated with a monthly commitment of US $ 5 only. In 2005 alone 32 million handsets were sold in India. The data reveals the real potential for growth of the Indian mobile market.
Airtel is providing cellular services in Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Goa, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, UP, and West Bengal, Airtel is the number one cellular service provider in India using GSM technology, Airtel has 23% market share in India with a total sub scriber with base of 38 million.
Reliance has both CDMA and GSM networks and total sub scribers base of 29 million or 17% market share. It has GSM network in Assam, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Kolkata, north east Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, and west Bengal reliance has introduced
GSM network in Andhra Pradesh in 2008. Reliance has CDMA network in other state and cities.
BSNL is a state owned telecom company. Which has GSM presence in almost every cities and towns. BSNL has 27 millions sub scribers with a market share of 16%.
VODAFONE is another emerging GSM provider in India with coverage in Kerala, Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh with total sub scribe base of 27 millions.
TATA Indicom is a main CDMA provider in India with 16 million sub scribers all over India. TATA Indicom has every cities and state in India.
METHODOLOGY INTRODUCTION:Research Methodology is a method to solve the research problems systematically. It guides us in conducting the research scientifically. It consists of different steps that the generally adopted by the researcher to study the research problem along with logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to develop certain tests Weighted Average Method, Chi-Square Test, etc. In general the application of research methodology is wider than that of research methodology. We must inform why we are using a particular method. The research methodology adapted for the present study has been systematic and was done in accordance to the objectives set which has been detailed as below:
RESEARCH DEFINITION Research is a process in which the researcher wishes to find out the end result for a given problem and thus the solution helps in future course of action. According to Redman and Mory research is defined as a "Systemized effort to lin new knowledge."RESEARCH DESIGN Research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information needed to structure or to solve problem Research design is defined as:- A research design is the arrangement of conditions, for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure
The two main sources of data for the present study have been primary data and secondary data.
1. Primary Data:
Primary data consists of original information collected for specific purpose. The primary data for this research study was collected through a direct survey with the viewers guided by a structured questionnaire. The questions were structured and direct as to make viewers understand easily.
2. Secondary Data:
Secondary data consists of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for specific purpose in the study. The secondary data for this study collected from various books, company websites, and from company brochures.
It is free from the bias of the interviewer; answers are in respondent's Respondents have adequate time to give well thought out answers. Respondents, who are not easily approachable, can also be reached
own words. 2)
Large samples can be made use of and thus the results can be made
more dependable and reliable. The main demerits of this system can also be listed here:
Low rate of return of the duly filled in questionnaires; bias due to It can be used only when respondents are educated and cooperating. The control over questionnaire may be lost once it is given. There is inbuilt inflexibility because of the difficulty of amending
the approach once quest there is also the possibility of ambiguous replies or omission of replies altogether, to certain questions; interpretation of omissions is difficult. 5) It is difficult to know whether willing respondents are truly representative. Before using this method, it is always advisable to conduct 'pilot study' (Pilot Survey) for testing the questionnaires. In a big enquiry, the significance of pilot survey is felt very much. Pilot survey is in fact the replica and rehearsal of the main survey. Such a survey, being conducted by experts, brings to the light the weakness (if any) of the questionnaires and of the survey techniques. From the experience gained in this way, improvement can be effected, The term questionnaire refers to a self-administered process whereby the respondent himself read the questions and records his answer without the assistance of an interviewer. STATISTICAL TOOLS Statistical tools are Quantitative techniques. Percentage analysis Charts Chi - square test Interval estimation to obtain finding and average information in logical
sequence from the data collected. After tabulation of data, researcher used the following
The survey is limited to Twin Cities (Hyderabad and Secunderabad) Due to the Time constraint and Cost involved, the sample size is The data is collected from the opinion of the customers and any bias in
only. Hence the results attained by this study may not be universally applicable.
limited to 280 respondents. 3) their opinion will have an impact on the findings of the study.
The present study is conducted by keeping the following objectives in mind. To study the present status of telecom industry in India and to know about various telecom service providers. To understand about the concept of Distribution Channel setup and marketing activities and to know how it is important for a telecom industry. To identify various factors effecting Distribution Channel Setup for telecom services especially services of Airtel Limited.
It deals with introduction to Distribution Channel Setup and Marketing activities, need for study, and objectives of study, methodology and limitations of the study. CHAPTER-2: Is the overview of BHARATHI Airtel Pvt Ltd. It gives the information recording the history and growth of Airtel PVT Ltd., and different functional and organization structures of the BHARATHI Airtel PVT Ltd., CHAPTER-3: is the theoretical frame work of Distribution Channel Setup and Marketing activities. It gives in detailed concepts, types, determinants and objectives of Distribution Channel Setup. It also includes customer relationship management. CHAPTER-4: Is the data analysis of Distribution Channel Setup and Marketing activities of BHARATHI Airtel PVT Ltd., it consists of interpretations of the questionnaires at Airtel ltd., CHAPTER-5: This is the last chapter is the summary and sugges
The survey is restricted to very few areas because of which data was not comprehensive and may not be fully representative. The information provided by the customers was not perfect because of which accurate findings cannot be made. Because the time period for the project was limited to eight weeks I could not able to survey number of customers.
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Business Divisions Bharti Airtel offers GSM mobile services in all the 23-telecom circles of India and is the largest mobile service provider in the country, based on the number of customers. Know More
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Bharti Airtel Limited (NSE: BHARTIARTL, BSE: 532454), commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian telecommunications company that operates in 19 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. It operates a GSM network in all countries, providing 2G or 3G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the fifth largest telecom operator in the world with over 207.8 million subscribers across 19 countries at the end of 2010. It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with over 152.5 million subscribers at the end of 2010.[2] Airtel is the 3rd largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom.. Airtel also offers fixed line services and broadband services. It offers its telecom services under the Airtel brand and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve this Cisco Gold Certification. To earn Gold Certification, Bharti Airtel had to meet rigorous standards for networking competency, service, support and customer satisfaction set forth by Cisco.[3] The company also provides land-line telephone services and broadband Internet access (DSL) in over 96 cities in India. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. It is known for being the first mobile phone company in the world to outsource everything except marketing and sales and finance. Its network (base stations, microwave links, etc.) are maintained by Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Network and Huawei.,[4] business support by IBM and transmission towers by another company (Bharti Infratel Ltd. in India).[5] Ericsson agreed for the first time, to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front. This enabled the company to provide pan-India phone call rates of Rs. 1/minute (U$0.02/minute). Call rates have come down much further.[6] During the last financial year [2009-10], Bharti has roped in a strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the network infrastructure for the Telemedia Business.
History Sunil Bharti Mittal founded the Bharti Group. In 1983, Sunil Mittal was into an agreement with Germany's Siemens to manufacture the company's push-button telephone models for the Indian market. In 1986, Sunil Bharti Mittal incorporated Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL) and his company became the first in India to offer push-button telephones, establishing the basis of Bharti Enterprises. This first-mover advantage allowed Sunil Mittal to expand his manufacturing capacity elsewhere in the telecommunications market. By the early 1990s, Sunil Mittal had also launched the country's first fax machines and its first cordless telephones. In 1992, Sunil Mittal won a bid to build a cellular phone network in Delhi. In 1995, Sunil Mittal incorporated the cellular operations as Bharti Tele-Ventures and launched service in Delhi. In 1996, cellular service was extended to Himachal Pradesh. In 1999, Bharti Enterprises acquired control of JT Holdings, and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2000, Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai. In 2001, the company acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in 2002, and the company was listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were rebranded under the single Airtel brand. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan. In 2005, Bharti extended its network to Andaman and Nicobar. In 2009, Airtel launched its first international mobile network in Sri Lanka. In 2010, Airtel began operating in Bangladesh and 16 African countries. Today, Airtel is the largest cellular service provider in India and fifth largest in the world. Worldwide Presence Coverage map of BHARATHI Airtel across 19 countries Airtel is the 5th largest mobile operator in the world in terms of subscriber base and has a commercial presence in 19 countries and the Channel Islands. Its area of operations includes: The Indian Subcontinent: Airtel Bangle, in Bangladesh
Airtel, in India Airtel Sri Lanka, in Sri Lanka Airtel Africa, which operates in 16 African countries: Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. Bharti Airtel has about 207.8 million subscribers worldwide - 152.5 million in India, 50.3 million are in Africa, 3.2 million in Bangladesh and 1.8 million in Sri Lanka as of the end of 2010. The numbers include mobile services subscribers in 19 countries and Indian Telemedia services and Digital services subscribers. In May 2008, it emerged that Bharti Airtel was exploring the possibility of buying the MTN Group, a South Africa-based telecommunications company with coverage in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. The Financial Times reported that Bharti was considering offering US$45 billion for a 100% stake in MTN, which would be the largest overseas acquisition ever by an Indian firm. However, both sides emphasize the tentative nature of the talks, while The Economist magazine noted, "If anything, Bharti would be marrying up," as MTN has more subscribers, higher revenues and broader geographic coverage.[18] However, the talks fell apart as MTN group tried to reverse the negotiations by making Bharti almost a subsidiary of the new company. In May 2009, Bharti Airtel again confirmed that it is in Talks with MTN and companies have now agreed discuss the potential transaction exclusively by July 31, 2009.[20] Bharti Airtel said in a statement "Bharti Airtel Ltd is pleased to announce that it has renewed its effort for a significant partnership with MTN Group". Talks eventually ended without agreement, due to the South African government opposition.
In March 2010, Bharti struck a deal to buy the Kuwait firm's mobile operations in 15 African countries, in India's second biggest overseas acquisition after Tata Steel's $13 billion buy of Corus in 2007. Bharti Airtel completed its $9 billion acquisition of African
operations from Kuwait's Zain, making the firm the world's No. 5 wireless carrier by subscribers. Rebranding On 18 November 2010, Airtel rebranded itself in India in the first phase of a global rebranding strategy. The company unveiled a new logo with 'airtel' written in lower case. Designed by London-based brand agency, Brand Union, the new logo is the letter 'a' in lowercase, with 'airtel' written in lowercase under the logo. On November 23, 2010, Airtel's Africa operations were rebranded to 'airtel'. Sri Lanka followed on November 28, 2010 and on December 20, 2010, Warid Telecom rebranded to 'airtel' in Bangladesh.
On May 9, 2009 Airtel signed a major deal with Manchester United Football Club. As a result of the deal, Airtel gets the rights to broadcast the matches played by the team to its customers. Bharti Airtel signed a five-year deal with ESPN Star Sports to become the title sponsor of the Champions League Twenty20 cricket tournament. The tournament itself is named "Airtel Champions League Twenty20."
Signature tune
The signature tune of Airtel is composed by Indian musician A. R. Rahman. The tune became hugely popular and is the world's most downloaded mobile music with over 150 million downloads.[25] A new version of the song was released on 18 November 2010, as part of the rebranding of the company. This version too was composed by Rahman himself Timeline Logo used by Airtel till 2010 November The chronology of events since Bharti Tele-Ventures was incorporated in 1995
1995 1996
Bharti Cellular launched cellular services as "AirTel" in Delhi. STET International Netherlands NV, or STET, a company promoted by Telecom
Italia, Italy acquired a 20% equity interest in Bharti Tele-Ventures Bharti Telenet launched cellular services in Himachal Pradesh 1997 British Telecom acquired a 21.05% equity interest in Bharti Cellular
Bharti Telenet obtained a license for providing fixed-line services in Madhya Pradesh cirlce (and later Chattisgarh). Bharti Telecom and British Telecom formed a 51% : 49% joint venture, Bharti BT, for providing VSAT services 1998 Bharti Telecom and British Telecom formed a 51% : 49% joint venture, "Bharti BT Internet" for providing Internet services First Indian private fixed-line services launched in Indore in the Madhya Pradesh circle on June 4, 1998 by Bharti Telenet thereby ending fixed-line services monopoly of Department of Telecom (now BSNL). 1999 Warburg Pincus (through its investment company Brentwood Investment
Holdings Limited) acquired a 19.05% equity interest in Bharti Tele-Ventures Bharti Tele-Ventures (by acquiring a 63.45% equity interest in SC Cellular Holdings) acquired an effective 32.36% equity interest in Bharti Mobile (formerly JT Mobiles), the cellular services provider in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh circles New York Life Insurance Fund, or NYLIF, acquired a 3% equity interest in Bharti Cellular 2000 Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an effective equity interest of 40.5% in Bharti
Mobinet (formerly Skycell Communications), the cellular services provider in Chennai Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired a 30.2% equity interest of Telecom Italia in Bharti Telenet and 18.8% from Bharti Telecom thereby making Bharti Telenet a 100% subsidiary of Bharti Tele-Ventures SingTel (through its investment company Pastel Limited) acquired STET's 15.3% equity interest in Bharti Tele-Ventures
Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an additional effective 41.64% equity interest in Bharti Mobile (by acquiring the remaining 36.55% equity interest in SC Cellular) resulting in Bharti Tele-Ventures holding an effective 74% equity interest in Bharti Mobile. 2001 Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired NYLIF's 3% equity interest in Bharti Cellular
Bharti Telesonic entered into a joint venture, Bharti Aquanet, with SingTel for establishing a submarine cable landing station at Chennai Bharti Tele-Ventures issued additional equity for approximately US$ 481.30 million to SingTel, Warburg Pincus, AIF group, IFC, NYLIF, and Seejay Cellular and Bharti Telecom Bharti Cellular acquired a 100% equity interest in Bharti Mobitel (formerly Spice Cell ), the cellular services provider in Kolkata Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired 85% and 15% in Bharti Telespatial from Bharti Telecom and Intel, respectively Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired a 44% equity interest in Bharti Cellular from British Telecom, thereby making Bharti Cellular its 100% subsidiary Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an additional 49% equity interest in Bharti Mobinet from Millicom International and BellSouth International, thereby owning 89.5% equity interest in Bharti Mobinet, which was further increased to 95.3% following an issuance of additional equity shares by way of rights issue Punjab license restored to Bharti Mobile by the Department of Telecom (DoT) and migration to NTP - 1999 accepted Bharti Cellular entered into license agreements to provide cellular services in eight new circles following the fourth operator cellular license bidding process Bharti Telenet entered into license agreements to provide fixed-line services in the Haryana, Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka circles
Bharti Telesonic entered into a license agreement with the DoT to provide national long distance services across India Bharti Aquanet, Bharti Telesonic and Bharti Cellular entered into license agreements with the DoT to provide ISP services in India Bharti Telesonic launched national long distance services under the brand name of IndiaOne Bharti Telenet launched fixed line services in Haryana under the brand name of "TouchTel". 2002 Enters into a 5-year agreement with Escotel (now called Idea Cellular) and ETL
of the Escorts group to contract leased line connectivity for its cellular operations Mr. Ravi Akhoury ceases to be Director of Bharti Tele DoT grants ILD Telephony License to Bharti Telesonic, subsidiary of the company Signs MoU with Telia AB to buy out their 26% stake in Bharti MobileTies up with Secondary School Certification (SSC) Board, Hyderabad, where Bharti will announce SSC results to its customers on their mobile phones ICICI Bank ties up with Bharti for pre-paid mobile cards via ATMs Bharti forays into Mumbai with offers Alpine International Ltd. and ELM International Ltd. acquire shares of Bharti Tele-Ventures 2003 Airtel breaks interconnectivity with Tata Teleservices in Andhra Pradesh
Company accorded its approval for amalgamation of its subsidiary companies viz: Bharti Telenet Ltd, Bharti Telesonic Ltd, Bharti Broadband Networks Ltd and Bharti Comtel Ltd through scheme of Amalgamation. The merged entity would be renamed as Bharti Infotel Ltd. Airtel launches Local direct dialling facility in Chennai circle Bharti Cellular unveils "CareTouch" service Cellular brand "Airtel" unveils free multimedia messaging services (MMS) for its
customers. The company has also rolled out pan-India GPRS for its corporate subscribers Launches its `IndiaOne MeetXpress' audio-conferencing service Punjab, Haryana get free incoming calls from Airtel AirTel provides SMS facilities to hearing impaired in Chennai Goa, Maharashtra gets 'voice portal' services by Bharti Cellular Launches free additional connection to its new subscribers in New Delhi Mr Sin Hang Boon and Mr Wong Hung Khim have resigned from the Board of Directors of Bharti Tele Ventures Ltd with effect from February 27, 2003. Airtel launches its GPRS network in Chennai Airtel subscribers cross 3 million mark AirTel unveils RAD system Mr P M Sinha resigns from the Board of Directors of the Company with effect from March 31, 2003. Bharti TeleVentures announces the completion of merger with Bharti Mobitel Bharti Mobitel Ltd. merged with Bharti Cellular Ltd. "Airtel" and "Touchtel" jointly offer free Touchtel land line for post-paid Airtel connection Airtel rolls out voice mail service for pre-paid customers AirTel unveils new scheme for pre-paid customers giving away free talk time worth Rs 10 crore Airtel surpasses 4 lakh subscriber base in Karnataka Bharti announces new tariff plan AirTel 012 Offers 0-1-2, a new cellular package for the customers, which means zero charges on incoming calls, Re 1 on mobile-to-mobile outgoing calls, Rs 2 on mobile-to-mobile STD calls Rolls out Airtel messenger service AirTel offers bundled handset, connection package for Rs 5715 Airtel slashes SMS rates to 60 paise; excludes Delhi and Mumbai Bharti cellular, wholly owned subsidiary of Bharti Tele-Ventures, increases its stake to 100% in Bharti Mobile Signs distribution pact with Hathway Cable. With this alliance, Bharti is said to be the first telecom firm to step into television distribution services
Six cell operators move over from Bharti to VSNL Airtel augments cellular coverage in Tamil Nadu by including Arcot & Walajapet in its network Airtel ties up with Coke in Chennai to sell its "Magic" prepaid cards AirTel embarks on network expansion in Hyderabad Airtel unveils IndiaOne Long Distance Calling Card AirTel introduces unified tariff package in Tamil Nadu and Chennai Airtel becomes front runner in Karnataka's mobile services market Bharti Tele launches 'Always on' service to its subscribers State Bank of India and AirTel announce EMI offer at Rs 299 Bharti and MTV join hands to launch new SIM card AirTel unveils new post-paid scheme at zero rental AirTel launches `Happy Plan' in AP Airtel emerges as the highest selling pre-paid card Airtel join hands with Alcatel & Videocon to launch new scheme AirTel service provider touches 5 lakh customers in Punjab Airtel offers 5 new services for its customers in Mumbai Bharti launches first dual band network in Delhi Gets 14th place among top 25 Cos in India Bharti Mobile crosses 4 lakh mobile subscribers in AP Airtel holds top position in terms of dealer penetration Prof. V S Raju has been inducted on the Board of Directors of the Company. Touchtel launches SMS service in fixed line phones in Karnal and Panipat in Haryana. Airtel unveils special offers in Kerala AirTel launches InnoWest for the western region Bharti Tele-Ventures enters into an agreement with Telesystem (Mauritius) Pvt. Ltd Airtel slashes out going SMS price to 30ps On December 16, 2003, Airtel announced the launch of expense tracker service, which provides customers the option of tracking their day-to-day expenses on a daily or monthly basis. This service will allow a user to track expenses, while on the move by sending an SMS. AirTel introduces MTV Club Card in Chennai 2004 Bharti unveils new card for Mecca piligrims
AirTel enrolls 50,000 customers in its mobile service in 60 days Launches WAP enabled portal Service in Kerala Bharti Cellular's AirTel has extended its mobile connectivity to Karaikkal, Nagur, Mannargudi and Kovilpalayam in Tamil Nadu. Airtel customer base touches new high of 5 lakh mark in Andhra Pradesh On Pongal, Airtel is launching its first ever MMS downloads in Tamil. AirTel tie up with MAA TV Airtel launches Rs 50 pre-paids recharge AirTel launched a family pack for its post-paid customers in Chennai on January 29. Bharti Tele-Ventures enters into a three year service agreement with Ericsson Bharti Tele-Ventures (BTVL) has signed and received unified access service licence to provide GSM services in Uttar Pradesh (East), West Bengal & Andaman Nicobar, Orissa, Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir. The licence has been granted to Bharti Cellular Ltd (BCL), the cellular arm and subsidiary of BTVL. Airtel and Mobilink, the only GSM cellular service provider in Pakistan, sign the firstever bilateral roaming agreement between India and Pakistan Acquires switching systems from Tekelec Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd signed an information technology outsourcing deal with infotech major IBM, estimated to be in the range of 0-750 million for a ten-year period. Jayant Khosla, new chief executive officer, Mumbai Signs MoU to join the South East Asia - Middle East - Western Europe 4 (SEA-MEWE-4) consortium along with 15 other global telecom operators. Bharti Tele-Ventures has struck a deal with Shyam Telecom to buy out the latter's 67.5 per cent stake in cellular services company Hexacom for Rs 430 crore. Samsung India Electronics Limited has tied up with cellular operator Bharti for bundling its mobile handsets with a connection. The Bharti group finalised a Rs 500-crore deal to share its national long-distance (STD) network with VSNL in a first-of-its-kind accord between two top telecom service providers in a bid to optimise capacities in the NLD segment. Internet gateway and services provider, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd. (VSNL) has signed a Right to Use (RoU) agreement to deploy mobile telephony major, Bharti TeleVentures' existing National Long Distance (NLD) backbone. Airtel offers talktime transfer service Airtel has announced money-back guarantee offer in case of call drop or poor network
experience for its subscribers Bharti launches 2-in-1 card Airtel launched two-way international roaming and GPRS for prepaid customers in the Maharshtra and Goa circles Bharti Tele-Ventures has bagged the Asian MobileNews operator of the year award in India and the subcontinent Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd has awarded a million equipment contract to Swedish telecoms company Ericsson Bharti Televentures announced formation of a new strategic business unit to offer various telecom and IT services through a single contact Bharti Televentures unveiled a mobile portal featuring sports, entertainment and news among others Airtel ties up with Micro Tech to set up 'Mcops' vehicle security system Bharti Tele-Venture on July 19 launched "Caller Tunes" service, a personalized mobile music service where the caller hears songs and other sound clips instead of the traditional switchboard ring-ring tone Airtel, a private telecom services provider, has commissioned its first 24x7 customer service centre in Andhra Pradesh Airtel unveils Rs 199 pre paid card AirTel join hands with Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) to offer executive MBA programme AirTel introduces new scheme for hearing impaired in Maharashtra & Goa AirTel inks pact with JP Mobile Rolls out Enhanced Data Rate for Global Evolution (EDGE) network in Pune on September 9, 2004, Ties up with Nokia for sale of Nokia 6230, an EDGE-enabled handset. AirTel unveils first virtual calling cards in India BTVL rolls out EDGE services in Bangalore Airtel rolls out Full Talktime Advantage card Airtel rolls out wi-fi services in Mumbai BTVL launches new 'Airtel Broadband Friendly Offer' Airtel launches GPRS services for pre-paid customers Airtel partners with ITPO to set up Wi-Fi network in Delhi Airtel launches EDGE services and a new pre-paid plan for Chennai
Airtel introduces LAS in Karnataka 2005 Airtel launches video services for its GPRS customers on February 22, 2005 Airtel unveils new TV ad featuring Sachin Tendulkar and Shah Rukh Khan Bharti Tele-Ventures launches telecom network in Andaman & Nicobar BTVL unveil fixed line, broadband services Bharti inks 5-m deal with Nokia for rural network expansion Bharti Tele Ventures Ltd has announced that Airtel, ICICI Bank & VISA have joined hands to launch mCheq - a revolutionary new service - a credit card on the mobile phone Airtel introduces BlackBerry Connect in India Bharti Tele Ventures announces agreement with Vodafone Airtel unveils 'free flight' offer Bharti Tele-Ventures launches under sea cable system 2006 Airtel unveils Re 1 STD plans Airtel launches NetXpert. Airtel launches Post2Pre recharging service on April 04,2006. Airtel sets up customer centre Airtel announced the launch of `Save My Phone Contact' service for its pre-paid and post-paid customers in Delhi Bharti Tele Ventures bags 'Wireless Service Provider of the Year' & 'Competitive Service Provider of the Year' awards Cellebrum join hands with Airtel Airtel Mega unveiled in Coimbatore Bharti Airtel Ltd and Microsoft announced a strategic partnership that will offer a range of software and services for small and medium businesses (SMBs) in India. Bharti Airtel Ltd on Nov 8, announced a first-of-its-kind alliance with the Adani Group for establishing an end-to-end modern telecommunication network infrastructure for the latter's multi-sector special economic zone (SEZ), located near Mundra Port in Kutch district of Gujarat. 2007
Bharti Airtel has come out with a slew of initiatives including buying out SingTel's 50 per cent stake in joint venture under sea cable company Network i2i Bharti Airtel on Feb 11, has been awarded QCI-DL Shah National Award on Economics of Quality. Bharti Airtel Ltd has announces changes in the operational leadership structure and roles in the Company effective April 01, 2007. Bharti Airtel Ltd on April 01, 2007, has announces the reduction in ISD Tariffs for all its mobile customers in India. 8Airtel signs agreement with HTC for touch screen mobile. 2008 Nokia Siemens Networks on Jan 3 declared that it has been awarded a multi million euro contract from Bharti Airtel Ltd for deployment of a single interactive voice response (IVR) platform across 23 circles. The three-year turnkey contract comprises designing, planning, systems integration and optimisation services to raise overall customer experience. The new IVR solution will enable Airtel to deliver services such as voice SMS, televoting, call management services, caller ring back tone and voice portal on a faster time-to-market basis and, therefore, reduce OPEX costs. Bharti Airtel Ltd on February 13, 2008 has announced that it has achieved the 60 million mobile, fixed line and broadband customers. Bharti Airtel tied up with US-based Apple Inc to bring the popular GSM-based iPhone in the country. Bharti Airtel Ltd has forged a technology alliance with Infosys Technologies Ltd to launch its Direct-to-Home (DTH) television services. Infosys, through its digital convergence platform, will offer a suite of products including devices, application servers and interactive applications for Airtel's DTH services. 2009 Bharti Airtel signed a five-year managed services deal with Alcatel-Lucent for its fixedline and broadband operations. Bharti Airtel launched the 'Airtel Advantage' initiative. The initiative is aimed at offering the added advantage to Airtel customers to be in touch with each other at an affordable rate of 50 paise per minute, be it a national long distance call (STD) or a local call.
In order to create products and services for the small, medium and large enterprises, Bharti Airtel and Cisco announced a strategic business alliance. The alliance would combine the strengths of Airtel's network service and Cisco' Internet Protocol (IP) technologies. Airtel and mChek announce milestone of 1 Million users and introduce a broad range of new mCommerce services. 2010 On 14, February 2010, Zain Ghana issued a resolution to accept a $10.7 billion buyout offer from Bharti Airtel Limited (Bharti) to enter into exclusive discussions until 25 March 2010, regarding the sale of its African unit, Zain Africa BV. Bharti Airtel submitted its bid for 3G spectrum auction which starts from April 9, 2010. Bharti Airtel has partnered with US-based software maker VMware Inc. It has done this in order to focus on the cloud-based managed computer services market. On May 18, 2010, Airtel won 3G spectrum in 13 circles: Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh (West), Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, North East, Jammu & Kashmir for Rs. 12,295 crores. Bharti Airtel wins broadband spectrum in four circles: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab and Kolkata for Rs. 3314.36 crores. On 8, June 2010, Bharti Airtel completed a deal to Zain Telecom's businesses in 15 African countries for $10.7 billion. On August 11, 2010, Bharti Airtel announced that it would acquire 100% stake in Telecom Seychelles for US$62 million taking its global presence to 19 countries. On 20 September 2010, Bharti Airtel said that it has given contracts to Ericsson India, Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) and Huawei Technologies to set up infrastructure for providing 3G services in the country. On 18 November, 2010, Bharti Airtel announced a re-branding campaign wherein, they would be referred as airtel, with a new logo. On 20 December 2010, Airtel launched its new identity for Bangladesh subscribers. On 23 December 2010, Airtel opened its first underground terrestrial fibre optic cable built in alliance with China Telecom. 2011 On 23 February 2011, Bharti Airtel launched the Europe-India gateway cable system,
along with 16 other global telecom firms. A 15,000 kilometre long cable, between Mumbai and London. On 27 February 2011, Bharti Airtel launched its speech recognition based service, 'One Number, One Voice'
Bharti Airtel, formerly known as Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited (BTVL) is India's largest and world's third largest cellular service provider with more than 82 million subscribers as of December 2008. It also offers fixed line services and broadband services. SingTel owns over 30% of the Bharti Telecom. Vodafone is also a shareholder of Airtel with 4% of the shares. Thus making it a sister company of the brand
The Bharti Group has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in the telecommunication sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business. It has successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group to export fresh agric - products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has launched Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management. Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, Indias largest integrated and the first private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 telecom circles. Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology and has steered the course of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and services. The businesses at Bharti Airtel have been structured into three individual strategic business units (SBUs) - Mobile Services, Airtel Telemedia Services & Enterprise Services. The mobile business provides mobile & fixed wireless services using GSM
Mobil Airtel has nationwide presence and is the market leader with a market share of almost completely(as of May 2010). It is 6th most valued brand according to an annual survey conducted by Brand Finance and The Economic Times in 2010. [15] On 19 October 2004, Airtel announced the launch of a BlackBerry Wireless Solution in India. The launch is a result of a tie-up between Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited and Research In Motion (RIM). The Apple iPhone 3G was rolled out in India on 22 August 2008 by Airtel & Vodafone. Both the cellular service providers rolled out their Apple iPhone 3GS in the first quarter of 2010. However, high prices and contract bonds discouraged consumers and it was not as successful for both the service providers as much as the iPhone is successful in other markets of the world. The Apple iPhone 4 was introduced on 27 May 2011 by Airtel & Aircel. 3G
On May 18, 2010, 3G spectrum auction was completed and Airtel will have to pay the Indian government 12,295 crore (US$2.74 billion) for spectrum in 13 circles, the most amount spent by an operator in this auction. Airtel won 3G licences in 13 telecom circles of India: Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh (east), Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, North East,Jammu & Kashmir. On 20 September 2010, Bharti Airtel said that it has given contracts to Ericsson India, Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) and Huawei Technologies to set up infrastructure for providing 3G services in the country. These vendors will plan, design, deploy and maintain 3G-HSPA (third generation, high speed packet access) networks in 13 telecom circles where the company has won 3G licences. While Bharti Airtel has awarded network contracts for seven 3G circles to Ericsson India, NSN would manage networks in three circles. Chinese telecom equipment vendor Huawei Technologies has been introduced as the third partner for three circles. On January 24, 2011, Airtel launched 3G services in Bangalore, Karnataka - its largest circle by revenue. With this launch, Airtel became the third private operator (fifth overall) to launch its 3G services in the country following Reliance Communications and Tata Docomo. On January 27, 2011, Airtel launched 3G in Chennai and Coimbatore. Airtel plans to cover 1,500 cities across 13 circles by the end of March 2012. The company, which has 3G licences for 13 circles, is also in talks with other service providers to roll out the services in the remaining 10 circles as part of its roaming offerings. Airtel had about 3 million 3G subscribers as of May 2011.
Airtel Company
Rural area
Rural super
Rural distributor
Retail er
Distribution procedure and Margins: In Urban Areas Airtel directly supply its products to the distributors in Urban Areas through Territory Manager Territory Manager distributes the products as per demand for individual distributors, which is scheduled as per the target for the territory. In urban areas the Margin for the Distributor is 1.3%. Distributor distributes the products to the FSEs. Their job is to supply those products to the Retailers The Retailers margin is 2.7% (2.5% margin on RCV Rs.10/- and for all other RCVs the margin is 2.7%). In Rural Areas
Same procedure is followed in the rural areas but the distribution system is completely different from Urban Area and the Margin is also different Companys supply system to the territory manager is same procedure as per urban areas. The products at first distributed to the RS (Rural Super).They have a margin of 0.7%.Products are supplied from the RS to the RD (Rural Distributors).They have a margin of 1.1%.As per same Urban system few FSB works under each RD and they supply the products to the individual retailers. The retailers have a margin of2.5% and 2.7% ( 2.5% on RCV of Rs. 10/- and 2.7% on other RCVs) So, from this above analysis and distribution channel system, the outcomes are. The company is spending nearly 4% in Urban Areas. In Rural Areas the company is spending a margin nearly 4.5%.(So the company has been taken a great step in sales maximization in rural areas that they will be able to reduce the margin and will not have a loss in rural areas.) Stock system in distribution: The complete stock maintenance procedure is categorically divided in two parts. Stock to be Maintained by Distributor Stock to be Maintained by Retailer In the case of Distributor: The distributor has to keep the LAPU balance for minimum 7 days; Here 35% of the value must be in RCV. In the case of Retailer:
After Recruitment they are trained their employee for effective working and in this training period they guided employee. How, when, where, what and to whom we they can sale their product.
with your client, customer service is of vital importance. What follows are a selection of tips that will make your clients feel valued, wanted and loved.
a response to an email or phone call. It might not always be practical to deal with all customers' queries within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them back and let them know you've received their message and you'll contact them about it as soon as possible.
friendly, courteous and to make your clients feel like you're their friend and you're there to help them out. There will be times when you want to beat your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object - it happens to all of us. It's vital that you keep a clear
head, respond to your clients' wishes as best you can, and at all times remain polite and courteous.
customer service policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If a customer has a problem, what should they do? If the first option doesn't work, then what? Should they contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If they're not satisfied with any aspect of your customer service, who should they tell? There's nothing more annoying for a client than being passed from person to person, or not knowing who to turn to. Making sure they know exactly what to do at each stage of their enquiry should be of utmost importance. So make sure your customer service policy is present on your site -- and anywhere else it may be useful.
were a client of? Have you ever had a personalized sign-up confirmation email for a service that you could tell was typed from scratch? These little niceties can be time Consuming and aren't always cost effective, but remember to do them. Even if it's as small as sending a Happy Holidays email to all your customers, it's something. It shows you care; it shows there are real people on the other end of that screen or telephone; and most importantly, it makes the customer feel welcomed, wanted and valued.
Anticipate Your Client's Needs & Go Out Of Your Way to Help Them
Sometimes this is easier said than done! However, achieving this supreme level of understanding with your clients will do wonders for your working relationship.
Honor Your Promises It's possible this is the most important point in this article. The simple message:
when you promise something, deliver. The most common example here is project delivery dates. Clients don't like to be disappointed. Sometimes, something may not get done, or you might miss a deadline through no fault of your own. Projects can be late, technology can fail and sub-contractors don't always deliver on time. In this case a quick apology and assurance it'll be ready ASAP wouldn't go amiss
Out of 150 samples 60% of the customers are using airetel next 12% customers are using reliance,7% of the customers are using vodafone, 17% are using idea and 4% are using docomo. RELIANCE 18
88 6 25 11
2. How was the network of airtel in your area? a) Excellent b) average c) good d) bad
60% of the customers said that the network was excellent, 18% customers opted for average, 12% opted for good, 10% opted for bad.
excellent average
85 25
good bad
17 15
3. Comment on the availability of the recharge vouchers? a) Available b) not available c) rarely available
87% of the customers opted for available, 6% of them opted for not available, 7% of them opted for rarely available.
avilable 130 not avilable 10 rarely avilable 10
4. How often you recharge your mobile? a) Daily b) once in a week c) once in a month
Out of 150 samples 88 customers recharge their mobiles daily, 39 customers recharging once in a week, 23 customers opted once in month.
d aily 88 o n ce in a w e e k 9 3 o n ce in a m o n 23 th
5. Are you satisfied with the promotional offers providing by airtel? a) yes b) no
Out of 150 respondents 72% of the customer opted for yes which says that they ate satisfied with the promotional offers providing by airtel and 28% of the respondents are not satisfied with the offers providing by airtel.
ye s no
108 42
Out of 150 respondents 75 customers said that the advertisements of airtel are good, 25 respondents opted for bad and 50 respondents said that the advertisements are cache.
75 25 50
a) yes b) no
yes no
113 37
The customer service is the most important aspect in the telecom industry which laid a bridge between the company and the customer to solve their problems and to take their valuable suggestions. Out of 150 respondents in my survey 113 customers said that they are satisfied with the customer service, 37 customers opted that they are not satisfied.
8. Which offer you like most in the recent times? a) 1p/sec b) unlimited sms c) full talk time d) STD offer
45 70 25 10
This question analysis the offers and the different marketing developments of airtel in the current market scenario out of 150 respondents 45customers opted for 1p/sec,70 customers opted for sms offer,25customers opted for talktime offers,10 customers opted for std offers.
9. Which sector you want to improve in airtel? a) Offers b) network c) talk time d) customer care
78 43 20 9
This question gives the opinion of the customers in the sectors which they want to improve out of 150 respondents 78 customers opted for offers, 43 customers opted for network , 20 customers opted for talk time, 9 customers opted for customer care.
10. Which mobile service you like other then airtel? a) Reliance b) docomo c) idea d) Vodafone
59 25 25 41
This question helps us to find out the opinion of the customers on the other networks on which they are interested out 150 respondents 59 opted for reliance, 25 customers opted for docomo,25opted for idea,41 customers opted for vodafone.
11. Overall satisfaction on the services providing by airtel? a) Excellent b) good c) satisfied d) Un satisfied
91 28 22 9
This question explains the over all satisfaction of the customers on the services provided by airtel out of 150 respondents 60% customers opted for excellent, 19% customers opted for good, 15% opted for satisfied, 6% customers said that they are not satisfied with the services.
As part of its restructuring and repositioning exercise, Bharti unveiled a new brand architecture that replaced the three-tier architecture. The proposed two-tier architecture was categorized under two heads wired and wireless. All the wireless products were placed under the Airtel brand, which also included Tango, Free net and Magic. According to company sources, the objective of this new architecture was to establish Bharti as a global telecom company. The company reportedly allocated Rs 1 billion for media coverage and other brand building activities. Commenting on the new brand identity of Airtel, a Bharti spokesperson said, Airtel's brand identity and campaign will now have a new younger and international look and feel that builds on the earlier positioning of Touch Tomorrow,' injected with renewed energy and heightened optimism. According to a Cellular Operator's Association of India (COAI) report, the cellular market in India was one of the fastest growing markets of the decade. As per the report, there were over 8.17 million cellular subscribers in India and the number was expected to grow to over 12 million and 120 million by 2003 and 2008 respectively. With such high potential, almost all the players were seen focusing on their positioning, advertising and promotional efforts and on building strategic partnerships. Bharti was also making efforts to retain its position as the market leader (Refer Exhibit III for a note on Bharti's moves on the strategic level).However, it still remains to be seen whether the latest round of repositioning and the strategic partnerships would help
Airtel sustain the competition and retain its leadership in the market. The shift to Live Every Moment from Touch Tomorrow had nevertheless, proved that Bharti is consistently on the lookout for best marketing strategies for Airtel.
ARTICLE ON AIRTEL Bharti: We pay more for airwaves than others [Telecom] Times of India, the, Aug 6, 2010
NEW DELHI: Bharti Airtel has hit back at allegations that it was holding excess airwaves and told the communications ministry that it has provided best returns to government for the spectrum it held. The Sunil Mittal-promoted Telco has told telecom minister A Raja that other mobile phone firms such as Tatas and Reliance Communications hold same amount of spectrum but pay 5-6 times lower levies when compared to it. All telecom companies currently share between 2-6% of their revenues with the government as spectrum usage charges. Bharti said that in 2009-10, the company paid 1,265 crore towards spectrum usage charges as against 192 crore and 217 crore for Reliance Communications (RCOM) and Tatas, respectively. During the same period, Bharti, in its communication to Raja, claimed that it paid 152 crore for every MHz of spectrum that it had when compared to 20 crore/MHz and 30 crore/MHz paid by RCOM and Tatas, respectively Besides, Bharti has also added that based on current revenues and factoring a marginal 8% growth, in the next 10 years, it would pay about 20,000 crore towards spectrum fee as compared to 2,864 and 2,627 crore by Reliance Communications and Tata Teleservices, respectively.
SUGGESTIONS Following are the few suggestions to AIRTEL for improving the market share and image of the products concerned.
*Modification must be brought about in AIRTEL, in terms of quality. Its demand should be increased.
* The brands must be made available easily in, PCO &general stores.
*Company must undertake extensive promotional activities like advertisements must be released in different Medias to create brand awareness. *Free samples should be distributed among the prospects. Sales promotion tools like gifts, contests and coupons must be given to retailers as well as customers and prospects. * Catalogues should be distributed among customers.
*To ensure better customer satisfaction & maintain higher level of Customer relationship management, the billing department has to be more effective & efficient. *To retain existing customers means offering the best scheme. This would automatically attract new customers. Airtel need not spend on advertisement to attract new customers. *Airtel should continue to offer the best toppings to stay at the top. There no compromise in quality and the network facility should be
There are following suggestions for marketing strategies for Airtel BhartiAirtel
to maximize
potential adopting business-driven framework of integration, allowing it to implement and deliver new services rapidly. With competition intensifying in the Indian telecom services market, needed to find a way to focus on developing new services that could set it apart from the competition and strengthen its customer relationships.
Improved cross-selling and targeting and a more seamless, efficient total
capital expenditure
After analyzing the findings of the research, I can conclude that Airtel lagged behind its competitors as far as customer service and availability is concerned. The maximum no. of people who use the mobile is in the age group of 20 to 30. Cash cards are the most popular type of mobile connections, as they are consumer friendly and recharging the connection is not a problem. Maximum no. of people spends RS 500 on their connections. As Airtel is the only company having the maximum no of mobile connections so it must seriously look into the loop holes of the existing customer service department. As we know that now airtel has already launched its product with logo Aisi azaadi aur kahan has already became popular in market. So we can say that inspite of so many competitor in the market Airtel is having a good position just because every time, it tries its best to understand the need of its important customer.
a) Available b) not available c) rarely available 4. How often you recharge your mobile? a) Daily b) once in a week c) once in a month 5. Are you satisfied with the promotional offers providing by airtel? a) yes b) no 6. Comment on the advertisements of airtel? a) Good b) bad c) cache 7. Are you satisfied with the customer service providing by airtel? a) yes b) no 8. Which offer you like most in the recent times? a) 1p/sec b) unlimited sms c) full talk time d) STD offer 9. Which sector you want to improve in airtel? a) Offers b) network c) talk time d) customer care 10. Which mobile service you like other then airtel? a) Reliance b) docomo c) idea d) Vodafone 11. Overall satisfaction on the services providing by airtel? a) Excellent b) good c) satisfied d) Un satisfied 12. Would you like to give your suggestions to improve the satisfaction level Of customer? a) Yes b) no
www.airtelworld.com www.google.com www.india.com www.trai.gov.in www.hindustantimes.com