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Note-Taking Proficiency in Interpreting Teaching: Putting the Note-Taking

Fluency Scale to the Test

Article  in  Theory and Practice in Language Studies · September 2022

DOI: 10.17507/tpls.1210.09


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3 authors, including:

Lili Han Zhisheng Edward Wen

Macao Polytechnic University Macao Polytechnic University


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The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language View project

Working memory as language aptitude View project

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ISSN 1799-2591
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp. 2024-2035, October 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17507/tpls.1210.09

Note-Taking Proficiency in Interpreting Teaching:

Putting the Note-Taking Fluency Scale to the Test
Lili Han
Faculty of Languages and Translation, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao SAR, China

Jing Lu
Faculty of Languages and Translation, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao SAR, China

Zhisheng (Edward) Wen

Faculty of Languages and Translation, Macao Polytechnic University, Macao SAR, China

Abstract—Note-taking skills are critical to consecutive interpreting. As an important construct of translation

competence and an essential skill of interpreting performance, note-taking merits rigorous and systematic
investigations as well as reliable and valid assessment instruments and procedures. In the present study, we
aim to further validate the note-taking fluency scale developed by Zhou and Dong (2019), focusing on four
dimensions, the coordination between listening and note-taking, the timing of taking notes, the systematic
nature of notes, and the use of notes. We evaluated the note-taking skills of a group of Master in Translation
and Interpreting (MTI) students majoring in Chinese-Portuguese interpretation in Macao. The fluency scale
was administered twice, at the beginning and the end of the training program respectively. The results
corroborated the development of note-taking proficiency along with note-taking training in three cognitively
less demanding dimensions, i.e., the timing of taking notes, the systematic nature of notes and the use of notes,
while the more “stagnant/attractor” aspect of the coordination between listening and note-taking remained
unchanged after several months' training. We conclude the paper by outlining specific pedagogical
implications tailor made for the four dimensions of note-taking skills for future Chinese-Portuguese
interpreting training.

Index Terms—note-taking skills, note-taking fluency scale, interpreting proficiency, interpreting training

When it comes to note-taking in interpretation, we normally think of actions to record the essential contents and the
respective logic to interpret properly the information heard from another language during interpreting. In the realm of
interpretation studies, there are several lines of research endeavors that are related to note-taking. Some studies
discussed its definition (Rozan, 2002; Pöchhacker, 2004; Gillies, 2017), others have explored its constituent parts
(Gillies, 2017; Jones, 2014). Still, there are studies that investigated its relationship with memory (Gillies, 2013;
Pöchhacker, 2015), while others have explored its roles in interpretation (Gile, 2006; Liu & Zhang, 2009; Gillies, 2013;
Setton & Dawrant, 2016), and its dynamic interaction with interpretation performance (Szabó, 2006; Gile, 1995/2009;
Gillies, 2013). In terms of pedagogy, some studies have discussed its importance in teaching interpretation (Dam, 2004,
2007; Liu & Zhang, 2009).
When all these lines of inquiry are put into perspective, there is still one obvious research gap that has not been filled.
This relates to the instruments and assessment procedures. In other words, there has been very little research aiming to
provide systematic measures for assessing the proficiency in note-taking. That was the background and rationale for the
note-taking fluency scale developed by Zhou and Dong (2019) who aimed to fill up this gap. According to the authors,
the scale was designed to describe, test and predict note-taking proficiency. Its validity and reliability were confirmed
among a group of year-3 students of a Chinese-English translation program.
In light of these developments, the present study intends to put the note-taking fluency scale proposed by Zhou and
Dong (2019) to test in interpreting practice, with a view to identifying its applications and utility in the real note-taking
situation. To achieve this goal, we administered the scale to a group of (N=8) Master in Translation and Interpreting
(MTI) students specialized in Chinese-Portuguese interpretation. The scale was administered respectively at the
beginning and the final phase of a consecutive interpretation (CI) training in one semester. Our purpose was to verify
the validity and reliability of the teaching and learning methods of interpretation in terms of four dimensions as
stipulated in the metric table. These include the coordination between listening and note-taking, the timing of notes, the
systematization of notes and the use of notes. We aim to better understand the dynamic interactions between the
proficiency of note-taking and the proficiency of interpretation.




Gilles (2017) defines the note-taking skill as a representation of the skeletal structure of the discourse. Note-taking
plays an important role throughout the interpretation process. According to Rozan (2002), effective note-taking in
interpretation should follow seven principles; (a) noting down the idea but not the verbatim word forms; (b) following
strict rules of abbreviations; (c) making effective links; (d) paying particular attention to negation; (e) knowing where to
add emphasis; (f) verticality; (g) shift. According to the widely cited Effort Model of consecutive interpreting (Gile,
1995/2009), the interpretation process involves two phases of cognitive tasks: the first phase happens during the speech
of the speaker and it implicates the coordination between comprehension, analysis, note-taking on the part of the
interpreter, all of which are subserved by his/her short-term memory operations. Then, the second phase arrives when
the interpreter needs to speak (interpreting). This involves recalling from reading the notes taken during the first phase
and the articulation or production of speech. Thus, it becomes clear that note-taking is actively engaged in both of the
two essential stages of interpreting, the input stage and the output stage, both when the speaker speaks while the
interpreter listens and analyzes the flow of information, and when the interpreter produces his or her own interpretation.
In addition to the active involvement of note-taking during the entire interpretation process, we can also expect a
close connection between note-taking and memory functions and skills. According to Andrew Gillies (2013),
note-taking can be considered as a tool that helps to recall the original speech and it thus becomes a technique of
memory per se. In interpreting, especially in consecutive interpreting during which process an interpreter provides
several rounds of interpretation, note-taking becomes an essential device to complement the limitation of short-term
memory, an external device to strengthen our limited working memory capacity by reducing the cognitive load placed
on the interpreting task (Dong et al, 2018; Wen & Dong, 2019). Above all, note-taking, as a skill and a memory
technique, plays an essential role in the two key stages of interpretation, namely, both in the understanding and the
production stages, permeating the entire interpretation activity and thus becomes the guarantee for a fluent and qualified
interpreting task to proceed smoothly. This intricate association between note taking and memory is also echoed by
Pöchhacker (2015) who describes their inseparable relationships as follows:
CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING of entire speeches presents major challenges to the interpreter’s
MEMORY. Faced with the need to render speeches lasting five to ten minutes or even longer, interpreters take
notes to avoid overburdening their memory during the initial processing phase (COMPREHENSION) and to
ensure the retrieval of content stored in memory during the second processing phase (production) (Pöchhacker,
2015, p. 283).
Therefore, note-taking contributes significantly to working memory capacity and the efficient recall of the contents
heard. In addition, according to Andrew Gillies, proficient note-taking can help ensure the quality of interpretation,
reduce the brain burden and increase the efforts of interpreters in the speech comprehension and analysis phase as well
as in the production phase:
[I]f you have a sound note-taking system, ingrained through a lot of practice, then you won’t need to put so
much mental effort into taking the notes, they’ll be better notes and you’ll have more mental capacity free for
listening and understanding the speech. You also won’t have to put so much effort into reading your notes in
the second phase of consecutive, so your presentation will be better (Gillies, 2013, p. 168).
In addition, Setton and Dawrant (2016) elaborate, in a more systematic way, the three functions of note-taking that
guarantee the quality of an interpretation, including the reinforcement of memory, the guarantee of information integrity,
and a more coherent and communicative rendition:
Note-taking has three valuable functions: as an activity that enhances analysis and therefore, memory; to
provide a record of items (or cues to them) that may escape our short or medium-term memory, ensuring
completeness; and as a speaking plan of what we are going to say and how, perhaps including some target
language elements, to make our rendition more coherent and communicative (Setton & Dawrant, 2016, p.
The contribution of note-taking to the quality of interpretation is also recognized by Liu and Zhang (2009, p. 77) who
designed a table exclusively for evaluating the interpreting performance of English course graduates in which the
sub-parameter – notes, included in the higher-level parameter – interpretation techniques, represents 5% of the total
assessment on a scale from 0 to 100. Other remaining five parameters include, Transfer of information accounting for
35%; Interpretation expression for another 15%; Linguistic use for 30%; Quality in general for 10% and Time control
with ±2% are also related to note-taking. These percentages allocated to the note-taking indicate that it is an essential
and relevant factor to the performance of consecutive interpretation, rendering it an inseparable element in the
assessment of interpretation performance.
Recent studies (Cai et al., 2015; Yu & Dong, 2021) also indicate that consecutive interpreting proficiency is
conditioned and predicted by language competence as well as by memory capacity, partly as a result of the
self-organization of the interpreting competence system of unbalanced individuals. Since note-taking and note-reading
are efforts to aid working memory as an integral part of the interpreting competence system, its measurement
contributes to the study of interpreting proficiency. As the level of proficiency in note-taking is usually not assessed
directly with the final products of the notes taken during interpreting, and the note-taking skill is idiosyncratic with
many individual traits of the interpreter, the metric table of note-taking fluency, developed by Zhou and Dong in 2019,
could serve to effectively measure note-taking proficiency.



The metric scale of note-taking fluency, entitled "self-description of note-taking in interpretation (in Chinese: 口译
笔记自我描述) ", is the outcome of a study by Zhou and Dong (2019) based on the notes from interpreters, records of
trainees and follow-up interviews with interpreters and several sessions of group discussions, with the intention to
measure precisely the fluency of note-taking in consecutive interpretation. The scale consists of a total of 21 questions
that fall into four categories, namely, the coordination between listening and note-taking, the timing of notes, the
systematic nature of notes, and the use of notes. According to Zhou and Dong (2019), with data statistics in their study,
the metric scale has a high level of internal consistency, high validity (also reviewed by experts in the field), and
convergent validity with other factors (e.g., number of note-taking exercises, interpreters’ learning motivation, and
interpreter performance). The results of the study by the two authors point to the potential link between note-taking
fluency and interpreting proficiency. That is to say, interpreters' fluency in note-taking may allow us to predict the
performance of interpreters, which in turn reflects their proficiency in interpretation.
When teaching note-taking principles and methods, interpreting trainers should pay attention to the development of
trainees' note-taking skills to improve their interpreting skills. Moreover, trainers should also know what aspects of
note-taking skills can be improved through training and what aspects may not develop as expected even after intensive
training. This metric scale of note-taking fluency can serve as a useful tool to further explore its reliability and validity
in terms of research replication and generalization, longitudinal effect, as well as other aspects such as skill
improvement after training. These became the motivation for the current study in the first place.
The present study aims to confirm the validity and reliability of this metric scale of note-taking among a group of
Chinese-Portuguese interpretation students, through a diachronic analysis of the results of two tests administered to the
same group of MTI students in the two phases of note-taking during consecutive interpreting, with a view to better
understanding the dynamic interactions between interpretation proficiency and note-taking proficiency. More
specifically, in this study, we aim to answer two research questions:
1) Are the previous results of the note-taking fluency scale replicable? That is to say when the scale works among the
note-taking by Chinese-English interpreting students, will it be equally effective among the Chinese-Portuguese
2) What are the longitudinal effects with this fluency scale? In other words, which aspect(s) of the scale will improve
and which will not after intensive training for a longer period of time (e.g., one semester)?


A. Participants
We conducted the survey among a group of first-year bilingual students (N=8) specialized in interpreting from the
Master's program in the Chinese-Portuguese Translation and Interpretation concentration in the academic year
2020/2021 at the Macao Polytechnic University (MPU), a tertiary education institution located in the Macao Special
Administrative Regions (SAR), China. All these students have passed the interpreting aptitude test organized by MPU
and Directorate General of Interpretation (DGI)1 before they entered the 2nd semester of year one. In the 1st semester of
the course, students have learned all the foundational subjects in translation and interpretation. Starting from the 2nd
semester of the course, those who passed the interpreting aptitude test could begin to take specialized classes in
interpreting. Among the eight bilingual students, three are coming from Chinese Mainland whose mother tongue is
Mandarin Chinese, and four are from Macao locally whose mother tongue is Cantonese, while the remaining one is
from Timor-Leste whose mother tongue is Portuguese. Instead of the heterogeneous mother tongues, all of them have
Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) and Portuguese as their A or B languages in interpreting. Three of them are males and 5
are females.
B. Measures
The present study uses the metric scale of note-taking fluency, entitled "self-description of note-taking in
interpretation (in Chinese: 口译笔记自我描述) ", designed and constructed by Zhou and Dong (2019). The detailed
content of the metric scale in question is in Table 1 as follows:

Directorate General of Interpretation has been providing pedagogical support to the Master’s Program in Chinese-Portuguese Translation and
Interpretation of Macao Polytechnic University since 2019.



Dimension N. Self-description
Coordination of listening and note-taking 3 I am not able to follow the speaker's logic while concentrating on taking
6 It is difficult for me to listen and take notes at the same time.
8 My notes are not good while concentrating on listening to speeches.
9 It is very difficult for me to listen and take notes.
17 I can listen and take notes at the same time and I don't feel
Timing of notes 1 My notes can keep up with the speaker's rhythm on the whole.
4 After the speech ends, I need some time to continue writing my notes.
13 I take notes very slowly, not being able to keep up with the speaker's
speech rhythm.
20 I almost finish the notes when the speech ends.
Systematic nature of notes 2 I do not know what should be written in the notes.
5 My notes are confusing.
10 I have to think while using symbols in note-taking.
12 I have some symbols that I use proficiently.
15 I do not know how to use symbols for note-taking.
Use of notes 7 I know what the symbols in my notes mean.
11 I understand what the notes mean when I look at them.
14 I can read my notes.
16 Looking at the notes, I can recall the content of the original speech.
18 Looking at the notes, I can recall the logic of the original speech.
19 Looking at the notes, I can easily recall the content of the original
21 I can easily identify my notes.

In this metric scale, there are a total of 21 self-descriptions, with the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 17th items belonging to the
dimension of the coordination between listening comprehension and note-taking; the 1st, 4th, 13th, and 20th items related
to the punctuality of notes; the 2nd, 5th, 10th, 12th, and 15th self-descriptions related to the systematization of notes; and
the 7th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, and 21st related to the use of notes. Among them, there are descriptions of positive
scores (including 1st, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st) and negative scores (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th,
10th, 13th, 15th). In our study, we administered the scales two times in the form of a survey, in which participants needed
to respond to all these 21 items.
The first survey was carried out in the 3rd week of the Consecutive Interpreting course (which lasted a total of 15
weeks of class sessions), in which the way how to take notes had been systematically introduced in the first two weeks
of classes. The second time was done in the penultimate class of another course in the same class, called "Consecutive
Interpretation Practices" (which also has, in its entirety, 15 weeks of classes), in which students put into practice what
they have learned throughout the semester.
The survey comprised 21 descriptions contained in the metric table mentioned above, which are organized, however,
in numerical order, with no indication of the dimension to which each description belongs. The eight students were
asked to rate, according to their actual situation, each of the descriptions on a scale of 1 to 6, in which "1" indicates
"completely does not match (to the real situation of the respondent)", "2” indicates "relatively does not match", "3"
indicates "somewhat does not match", "4" indicates "somewhat matches", "5" indicates "relatively matches", and "6"
indicates "completely matches". Therefore, on this scale, there are 3 classifications whose own sense is negative
("completely doesn’t match", "relatively does not match", and "does not match a little") and another 3 whose sense is
positive ("somewhat matches", "relatively matches ", and "completely matches"). In addition, to facilitate the
comparison of responses given in the two surveys, students are required to indicate their names and the date of
completion on the two surveys.
Having obtained the data from the two surveys, we carried out statistical analyses on the number of students with
various answers to each of the 21 descriptions in both surveys, and we elaborated four column graphs on the results of
the 1st survey in each one of the four dimensions in the metric scale in question, as well as four homologous graphs for
the 2nd survey. In addition, to observe the respective general situation more directly and straightforward, we calculated
the average points and standard deviation (SD) of the eight students at the four dimensions in the two surveys. For the
average points, we resorted to the 6 points Likert scale indicated by Zhou and Dong (2019), in which, concerning
responses to descriptions with negative sense (such as the 6th description: "It is difficult for me to listen and take notes
at the same time"), the points calculation is contrary to the one intended for answers to the descriptions with a positive
sense (such as the 1st description: "My notes can keep up with the speaker's rhythm on the whole."), with the choice
"completely does not correspond" getting 6 points, "relatively does not match" 5 points, then the "completely matches"
choice 1 point (Zhou & Dong, 2019, p. 930). As for the SD, it is calculated by the excel tool (STDEV) to verify the
statistical dispersion of the self-evaluation ratings at the four dimensions among the eight students in the two surveys.



Based on these data, we were able to make a comparison between the two surveys at the level of number of students
with different answers, average points and standard deviation points, thus allowing us to reveal the developmental
trajectories of note-taking skills of these students in terms of four dimensions.

In this part, we present the column graphs which show the number of respondents with each of the six choices
("completely does not match", "relatively does not match", "somewhat does not match", "somewhat matches",
"relatively matches" and "completely matches") in every description in each dimension. Statistics on averages and SD
of each dimension are also presented, followed by discussion.
A. Comparison of Statistics of the Coordination of Listening and Note-Taking
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the statistics of responses to each description in the dimension of the coordination of
listening and note-taking, respectively from survey 1 and from survey 2.

Figure 1 1st Survey’s Results

Figure 2 2nd Survey’s Results

Comparing the data of the two surveys, it is obvious that, for the 6th, 8th, 9th and 17th descriptions, the number of
respondents with the respective problems and difficulties in the 2nd survey is reduced. Regarding the 3rd description,
the number of students with negative self-evaluations (with the answers "relatively matches" and "completely matches")
decreased. This situation can be further contended in Table 2.



Dimension Description Average SD
coordination of 1st 2nd Difference 1st 2nd Difference
listening and survey survey survey survey
note-taking 3 3.63 4.13 +0.50 1.51 1.13 -0.38
6 2.75 4.25 +1.50 1.04 1.04 0
8 2.75 3.63 +0.88 1.28 1.30 +0.02
9 3.50 4.00 +0.50 1.51 1.07 -0.44
17 2.63 3.75 +1.12 0.92 0.89 +0.03
Overall 3.05 3.95 +0.90 5.39 4.20 -1.19

Based on averages, there is improvement in all of the abilities after training, especially the two abilities to listen and
take notes at the same time (6th description) and to listen and take notes at the same time without feeling uncomfortable
(17th description). However, the self-evaluation remains relatively unsatisfactory after training (3.95 points out of 6).
Based on SD, the self-evaluation regarding the abilities to follow the speaker’s logic while concentrating on taking
notes (3rd description) and to listen and take notes with ease (9th description) becomes more homogeneous.
Combing the averages with SD, the training benefits more students regarding the ability to follow the speaker’s logic
while concentrating on taking notes (3rd description) and the one to listen while taking notes at the same time (6th
B. Comparison of Statistics of the Timing of Notes
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the statistics of responses to each description in the dimension of the timing of notes,
respectively from survey 1 and from survey 2.

Figure 3. 1st survey’s results

Figure 4. 2nd Survey’s Results



Comparing the data of the two surveys, it is found that after training, there is an increase of students with positive
self-evaluations in all of the descriptions. This finding is further observed in Table 3.
Dimension Description Average SD
timing of notes 1st 2nd Difference 1st 2nd Difference
survey survey survey survey
1 4.25 4.88 +0.63 0.71 0.35 -0.36
4 2.13 3.50 +1.37 0.99 1.31 +0.32
13 3.50 4.38 +0.88 1.07 1.51 +0.44
20 3.25 4.25 +1.00 1.28 1.49 +0.21
Overall 3.28 4.25 +0.97 2.64 4.04 +1.40

Based on averages, there is an improvement in all of the abilities after training, especially the two abilities to reduce
the time needed for finishing the notes after the speech ends (4th description) and to almost finish the notes when the
speech ends (20th description).
Based on SD, after training, students’ self-evaluation regarding the abilities of this dimension becomes more
heterogeneous, except the ability to keep up the speaker’s rhythm when taking notes (1st description).
Combining averages with SD, the training benefits more students regarding the ability to keep up the speaker’s
rhythm when taking notes (1st description).
C. Comparison of the Systematic Nature of Notes
Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the statistics of responses to each description in the dimension of the systematic nature of
notes, respectively from survey 1 and from survey 2.

Figure 5. 1st Survey’s Results



Figure 6. 2nd Survey’s Results

With the comparison of the data from the two surveys, there is an increase of students with positive self-evaluations
in all of the descriptions after training, especially in the 2nd, 5th, and 10th descriptions, which is evidenced in Table 4
as follows.
Dimension Description Average SD
systematic 1st survey 2nd Difference 1st survey 2nd Difference
nature of notes survey survey
2 4.50 5.25 +0.75 1.31 0.46 -0.85
5 3.88 5.00 +1.12 1.25 0.53 -0.72
10 3.00 5.00 +2.00 1.07 1.07 0
12 5.13 5.50 +0.37 0.83 0.76 -0.07
15 4.88 5.38 +0.50 0.99 0.92 -0.07
Overall 4.28 5.23 +0.95 3.20 2.80 -0.40

Based on averages, there is improvement in all of the abilities after training, especially the two abilities to take
organized notes (5th description) and to reduce the time of thinking while using symbols in note-taking (10th
Based on SD, it is found that, after training, the self-evaluation regarding all the abilities of this dimension becomes
more homogeneous, except the one to reduce the time of thinking while using symbols in note-taking (10th
Combining the averages with SD, it is shown that the training benefits more students regarding all of the abilities of
this dimension, especially the ones to take organized notes (5th description) and to reduce the time of thinking while
using symbols in note-taking (10th description).
D. Comparison of Statistics of the Use of Notes
Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the statistics of responses to each description in the dimension of the use of notes,
respectively from survey 1 and from survey 2.



Figure 7. 1st Survey’s Results

Figure 8. 2nd Survey’s Results

Comparing these data from the two surveys, there is an increase of students with positive self-evaluations after
training in the 7th, 14th, 18th, 19th, and 21st descriptions. On the other hand, a phenomenon emerges that does not exist
in the previous dimensions, that is, regarding the 11th and 16th descriptions, there is an increase of students with
negative self-evaluations after training, which means that some students, despite having declared that they have no
problem using notes in the 1st survey, start to consider that they have it after the training and practice of interpretation.
Actually, after we verify the survey data, this unusual phenomenon comes from the same respondent. In addition, Table
5 illustrates more data that further explores this dimension.



Dimension Description Average SD
use of notes 1st survey 2nd Difference 1st survey 2nd Difference
survey survey
7 5.00 5.25 +0.25 0.76 0.71 -0.05
11 4.75 4.88 +0.13 0.46 0.99 +0.53
14 5.00 5.25 +0.25 0.76 0.71 -0.05
16 4.38 4.63 +0.25 0.52 0.92 -0.40
18 4.25 4.63 +0.38 0.89 0.74 -0.15
19 3.50 4.50 +1.00 0.93 1.07 +0.14
21 4.13 4.63 +0.50 1.25 1.06 -0.19
Overall 4.43 4.82 +0.39 3.82 5.20 +1.38

Based on averages, there is improvement in all of the abilities after training, especially the ability to easily recall the
content of the original speech when looking at notes (19th description). The comparison of SD of the two surveys show
that after training, the self-evaluation regarding items 11 and 19 becomes more heterogeneous, while the self-evaluation
regarding the other descriptions becomes more homogeneous. Combining the averages with SD, it is found that the
training benefits more students regarding the ability to clearly recall the content of the original speech when looking at
notes (16th description).
E. Discussion
From the comparison between the different choices of students, averages and SD of the two surveys, we arrive at the
following observations.
1) After interpreting training and practices, students believe that their note-taking skills of all the four dimensions
have improved.
2) Since the students evaluate more homogeneously their note-taking abilities at the dimensions of coordination of
listening and note-taking as well as the systematic nature of notes after training, the training benefits more students at
these two dimensions. On the other hand, the students evaluate more heterogeneously their abilities at the dimensions of
timing as well as the use of notes after training, which implies an increased difference of abilities among students at
these two dimensions.
3) The average points at the dimension of coordination of listening and note-taking is the lowest among those in the
four dimensions both in the 1st and 2nd survey. Thus, the “stagnation/attractor” (Larsen, 1997, 2005; Dong, 2018; Liu,
2022) state seems to occur in this dimension, which implies that coordination of note-taking and listening presents the
greatest difficulty to trainees among all the dimensions. This is because during note-taking and memorization, an
interpreter also has to process the information heard from the original speech at the same time, which adds to the
processing capacity requirements. The processing capacity requirements are increased with such factors as high
information density in the source language, reordering of information and differences between the syntactic structures
of the source language and the target language (Gile, 2006). Considering this, the coordination of note-taking and
listening requires more cognitive efforts than the other three dimensions.
4) As for the dimension of the use of notes, respondents’ self-evaluations are relatively positive both in the 1st and
2nd surveys. Nevertheless, we assume that this positive self-assessment does not necessarily imply a truly good level of
use of notes among the respondents, especially in consideration of the special case in which the positive self-evaluation
of one respondent becomes negative after training. It is possible that they do not correctly understand some descriptions
in this dimension, or they fail to carry out a self-assessment objectively and rationally. So further investigations need to
be conducted to clarify the findings about this dimension.
5) Considering the developmental paths of the note-taking capacities of the eight respondents, the metric scale is
effective in testing the note-taking proficiency in Chinese-Portuguese consecutive interpretation and its effectiveness
can be corroborated with longitudinal design.

The present study aims to further verify the validity and reliability of the metric scale of note taking during
interpretation, focusing on the four dimensions elaborated by Zhou and Dong (2019), namely, the coordination between
listening and note-taking, the timing of notes, the systematic nature of notes and the use of notes to better understand
the dynamic interactions between interpretation proficiency and note-taking proficiency. To achieve this goal, we used
the metric scale called “Self-Description of Note-Taking in Interpretation” designed and constructed by Zhou and Dong
(2019), which composed of 21 descriptions related to various note-taking abilities revealing four dimensions mentioned
above. We performed two surveys using the contents of this scale among a group of eight students specialized in
Chinese-Portuguese interpretation at MPI. With the results obtained from these two surveys, we compared these data by
drawing up eight statistical graphs and calculating the average points and the SD points of each description and each
dimension, in order to reveal the developmental paths of the note-taking capacity of respondents in terms of four
dimensions during interpretation.



With our diachronic analysis, we came to conclude that the metric scale in question serves as a useful and effective
tool to analyze the various note-taking skills in Chinese-Portuguese consecutive interpretation and it has practical value
for examining the note-taking ability of students of different language pair and different levels, thus providing specific
teaching and learning orientation to diverse students. The interpretation training contributes to all the dimensions of
note-taking proficiency, especially in the dimensions of coordination of listening and note-taking as well as the
systematic nature of notes. We also found an inseparable relationship between note-taking proficiency and
interpretation proficiency, with a good note-taking skill being the basis for a qualified interpretation, while the
accumulation of interpretation practice contributes to the improvement of the ability to take notes.
Last but not least, as we realize that the dimension of coordination between listening and note-taking constitutes the
greatest difficulty in training interpreters, it is necessary to pay more attention to this dimension not only during
teaching and learning for student interpreters but also throughout the professional development, including continuing
education. Thus, further investigation on “stagnation/attractor” would be necessary. In addition, it is also advisable to
pay attention to the increased difference of the ability of the timing of notes as well as the use of notes among the
students in the context of teaching and learning. On the other hand, concerning the special phenomena that arise in the
dimension of the use of notes, especially the fact that the overall positive self-assessment in both surveys, more detailed
interviews with these respondents may be carried out in the future to find out potential explanations for these
developmental trends in their note-taking proficiency.

The paper was supported by a Macao Polytechnic University research grant (Project Reference No.

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Lili Han (Ph.D.) is Director/Dean and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Languages and Translation of Macao Polytechnic
University, Macau. Over the last decade, Dr. Han has lectured and conducted research in interpreting studies, acting as trainer for the



Conference Interpreting (Chinese-Portuguese-English) course in partnership with the DG (SCIC) of the European Commission. Her
research interests include interpreting studies, intercultural studies, language and translation policy studies, interpreting testing &
assessment, and computer-aided interpreting. Email: hanlili@mpu.edu.mo

Jing Lu, is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Portuguese Studies at the Macao Polytechnic University. He holds a Bachelor's degree
from Macao Polytechnic University as well as a Master's degree from the University of Lisbon. His research areas include translation
and interpretation studies, foreign language education. Email: p1207613@mpu.edu.mo

Zhisheng (Edward) Wen, (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor at Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau. Dr. Wen has extensive
teaching and research experience in applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and cognitive science and translation studies.
He has authored and edited volumes and journal special issues on working memory and language aptitude with Cambridge
University Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge, John Benjamins and Multilingual Matters. Email: edwardwen@mpu.edu.mo


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