Insects-borne diseases and gastrointestinal illnesses are some of the major health risks for travelers. Travelers should see a doctor immediately if They experience diarrhea and a fever 102 F or above. If traveling in a foreign country, travelers should Drink plenty of fluids.
Insects-borne diseases and gastrointestinal illnesses are some of the major health risks for travelers. Travelers should see a doctor immediately if They experience diarrhea and a fever 102 F or above. If traveling in a foreign country, travelers should Drink plenty of fluids.
Insects-borne diseases and gastrointestinal illnesses are some of the major health risks for travelers. Travelers should see a doctor immediately if They experience diarrhea and a fever 102 F or above. If traveling in a foreign country, travelers should Drink plenty of fluids.
Insects-borne diseases and gastrointestinal illnesses are some of the major health risks for travelers. Travelers should see a doctor immediately if They experience diarrhea and a fever 102 F or above. If traveling in a foreign country, travelers should Drink plenty of fluids.
29 th 29 th Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle AGING IS OPTIONAL 1 440 Wi nchester Ave. Mtbg. 1 440 Wi nchester Ave. Mtbg. 304-263-6565 304-263-6565 RED LIGHT THERAPY Not a Tanni ng Bed Reduces Fine Lines, Wrinkles, Scarring, Stretch Marks and Sun Damage Increases Circulation, Collagen and Elastin for More Youthful Appearance Creates More Skin Moisture Plus Many More Benefits! Call or Stop In Today www. i ndi ansunandsi l ver. com www. i ndi ansunandsi l ver. com What to do when sickness strikes while traveling Before going on vacation, few people consider what might go wrong. Instead, travelers are understandably preoccupied with all the exciting things that await them on their travels. For some travelers, however, what awaits is memorable for all the wrong reasons. Getting sick while traveling is something no traveler expects and, as a result, few are prepared for sickness when it strikes. Insect-borne diseases and gastrointestinal illnesses are some of the major health risks for travelers, particularly those visiting developing nations. Whether traveling for business or pleasure, travelers should heed the following advice, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, should an unexpected illness rear its ugly head while away from home. * Dont put off seeing a doctor. Some people simply refuse to see a doctor. While men and women might know their bodies well enough to make it through ailments at home without seeing a doctor, its best not to take any chances when traveling, especially when traveling in a foreign country. Travelers should see a doctor immediately if: - They experience diarrhea and a fever 102 F or above. - Fever or flu-like illness appears when visiting a malaria- risk area. - They are bitten or scratched by an animal. * Drink plenty of fluids. When experiencing diarrhea, travelers will lose a lot of body fluids. Travelers visiting such areas are, therefore, more susceptible to illness like diarrhea. If diarrhea does occur, replace fluid loss with an oral rehydration solution, or ORS. * Consult staff or crew immediately if illness strikes while in transit. Symptoms of illness dont always manifest themselves right away. Sometimes it happens when in transit. Travelers who are on a plane and suddenly stricken with illness should tell a crew member immediately. Respiratory illnesses or any illness characterized by lots of coughing might prompt the crew to request the ill passenger wear a surgical mask. This is to protect fellow travelers and the crew and should not be taken as an insult. If on a cruise ship or a boat, the ship will likely have a medical facility on board. It could just be seasickness, something the crew aboard the cruise ship will likely be adept at handling.
Britt Reed Law Offices 263-5000 INJURED? is in! D.P.M. Now Carrying a FULL Line of Diabetic Shoes Most Insurances Accepted Page 2 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Ruritan Hall The Tuscarora Ruritan Hall is available for a $150 donation- com- mercial $175 donation. Air conditioned. Seats 115. Call 304-263-3090 or 304-264-8411 for information. Ruritan Hall Tomahawk Rur i t an Club Rental. Donation for small dining hall $75 and $125 for large dining hall. $50 deposit upon r e gi s t r at i on. Whole hall $200. Also wedding, birthday par- ties and anniversaries. Catering also available. Please call 304-754- 3860. Bingo American Legion Bingo Wednesday Evenings. Doors open 5:30pm. Early Bird 6:30pm, reg- ular bingo starts at 7pm. Drinks, Food, and Tip jars! 18 or over to attend and play. Also, chair lift available. 125 W. Race Street, Martinsburg 304- 267-6100. Parking avail- able. **BINGO** To Benefit the Apollo Civic Haunted Theatre onSunday, August 14th, 2011. 20 games, Tips, Door Prizes, Raffles, and King Tut. Doors open at 1pm- Games start at 2pm, $20 in advance, $25 at door. Baker Heights Volunteer Fire Department, 2229 Charles Town Road, Martinsburg WV. Call 304-279-9386 for tickets and information or e-mail Must be 18 or older. 35th C.E.B. Hite Family Reunion Saturday, August 13, 2011. Falling Waters Presbyterian Church Pavilion 11-5 Group photo at noon with meal to fol- low. Please bring a cov- ered dish and drink to share. Please donate new, antique or gently used items, baked goods or fresh produce for the auc- tion. Look forward to see- ing you there! A S H T O N R e u n i o n : Decendant s of Dani el J a n n e y a n d Ma r i a h DeHaven Ashton will hold their 53rd annual reunion on Sunday, August 21st, 2011 at 1pm at the JOUAM (Junior Order of United American Mechanics) Hall in Ganotown, WV. Bring meat, covered dish and beverage. For more infor- mation call 304-754-8979. F R E N C H F a mi l y Reunion- August 7th, 2011 held at Munson River Lot. Details call David Munson at 304 745-3880 or 304-616- 8635. Kief Family Reunion will be held August 6th, 2011 at the Tuscarora Ruritan Club from 4pm to 9pm. On T u s c a r o r a P i k e , Martinsburg, WV. Ma r t i ns bur g Hi gh School Class of 1986 is pl anni ng thei r 25th Class Reunion. If you have not yet received information regarding the September 16-17, 2011 events please con- tact Cathy Decker at kteacherdecker@com- Pierce Family Reunion: Tuscarora Ruritain Club Sunday, July 31st meet at 12pm and eat at 1pm. Come and enjoy the day with family and friends. Bring your favorite cov- ered dish. Prepare your favorite dessert, well have a judging for the best dessert. Bring your lawn chairs and any games to play. Softball, horseshoes, basketball, volley ball, ect. Please bring 3 cans of food to be donated to the local C-Cap. Any question 304-263-2182 or 304- 671-5187. Saville Reunion-The descendants of Uriah & Robert Saville will be held August 7th at War Memorial Park in the State Farm Pavilion in Ma r t i ns b ur g , WV. Please bring a covered dish and a $1 gift for prize for games. Lunch at 1:00pm. Any ques- tions call 304-754-3651. Shi el ds, Ol i nger, Fi nk Family Reunion will be held at the Tuscarora Ruritan Club Martinsburg, Sunday, August 21st, 2011. Lunch will be served at 1pm. Plastic ware, plates, and cups wi l l be suppl i ed. Please bring and item or two for the auction. For more i nfor mat i on Cal l Linda French 304-754- 8691. T h e A n n u a l A d a ms R e u n i o n - T h e Descendents of the late John-Ivy Adams will be held on Saturday, August 13th, 2011 at Tuscarora Ruritan. Please bring a c ove r e d d i s h a n d a wrapped girft for the auc- tion. Food will be served at 1pm. Any questions please cal l Al l en or Car ol yn Adams 304-263-9282 or Ti na Kretzer 304-262- 0649. The decendant s of James Luther and Cora Ella (Byers) Small will hold their annual family reunion Saturday, Aug 27, 2011, 4: 30pm at F e l l o ws h i p B i b l e Church, 160 Daniels Road, of f Fl owi ng S p r i n g s Ro a d , i n Shenandoah Junction. Bring your own table- cloth, plates, cups, nap- kins, silverware, drinks and ice as nothing is furnished this year. Also bring any photos you would like to share. Informati on contact Mary Weakley 304-263- 7841. The family reunion for the relatives and friends of William and Mable Butts Myers will be held at War Memor i al Par k Mai n Pavilion on August 13th,12 noon. Please bring a cov- ered dish. Bring items for the gift table. For more info cont act Susi e Myer s Bonnet at 304-229-0931 or Bussy Myers at 304-267- 4785. The Hedgesvi l l e Hi gh School Cl ass of 2001 Reunion will be held from 6 : 0 0 9 : 4 5 p . m. o n Saturday, August 13th at The Barn at Poor House Farm Park. A reunion pic- n i c wi l l b e h e l d o n Sunday, August 14th at the Kester Pavi l i on at Poor House Farm Park. A tour of HHS is scheduled for August 13th; those interested should meet in front of the high school at 11:00 a.m. For more infor- mation call 304-579-4217 or to purchase tickets, please visit: http://hhsre- http://hhscookout.eventbri Reunions Southwinds Tanning- Open 7 days a week! Mon-Sat(8am-10pm) Sunday(10am-8pm). *1/2 off Hump Day! All lotion packets are 1 / 2 o f f e v e r y Wednesday. *Lotion i s 2 5 % of f r e a t i l Everyday. We are located in Inwood a c r o s s f r o m Anthonys Pizza on Rt. 51, next to Dollar Stretcher. Bingo Community Calendar T A X E S
T A X E S Friday, Aug. 5 - Sunday, Aug. 7 VIRGINIA VIRGINIA SALES TAX SALES TAX HOLIDAY HOLIDAY Total Image & Workingmans Store 325 W. Boscawen St. Winchester, VA 540-662-2263 Hours: Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 12-5 Workwear Large Selection of Boots Casual Clothing Western Apparel Carhartt No Tax, plus we take No Tax, plus we take an extra 5% Off an extra 5% Off Double Your Discount! ,QWURGXFLQJ:DVKLQJWRQ&RXQW\V 1HZHVW5HKDELOLWDWLRQ&HQWHU (301) 2237971 MD Relav 18007352258 15+ North Artizan $treet. Williamsport. MD 21795 Coming Fall 2011. Williamsport Retirement Village will be introducing the new addition to their rehabilitation and nursing center. This 3+.000 so. tt. wing will otter a state ottheart rehabilitation department. spacious rooms with mountain and courtvard views. and a varietv ot warm. homelike teatures to promote residents' comtort and choice POLE BUILDINGS 40 Years Of Quality Post Frame Construction Commercial Residential Agricultural Re-Roof & Re-Side Existing Bldgs. Serving WV, VA, MD, PA, NJ, NY, DE, CONN. LLC WV038517 304-754-5810 304-754-5810 800-842-0276 800-842-0276 Need Cash? Fraziers Pawn Shop 922 N. Queen Street, Martinsburg, WV 304.263.8511 Were Paying Top Dollar For Your Unwanted Gold, Diamonds, Jewelry... Regardless Of Its Condition!!! Community News, Meetings, Church News & More... Call for details at 304-267-9983 Visit us online at Advertise Your Car In The Buyers Guide $ 14 9 9 Up to 20 words. Limited to 1 item. Private Party Only! Must be paid at time of placement. NO refunds 304-267-9 9 83 for 13 Weeks For As Little As Need Childcare? Or have a childcare business? Let the Buyers Guide Help You With Your Advertising! 304-267-9983 Call For Current Rates! Visit us online at Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 3 THE Kief Family Reunion will be held August 6th, 2011 at the Tuscarora Ruritan Club from 4pm-9pm. Located on Tuscarora Pike, Martinsburg WV. The Kief Family Reunion will be held on August 6th, 2011 at the Tuscarora Ruritan Club on Tuscaroro Pike in Martinsburg, WV from 4pm-9pm. The Orsini, Piccolomni, Saladini Reunion will be held on Saturday, August 13th, 2011 at Shenandoah Sportsmans Club at Butler Farm, 2473 Arden Nollville Road, Inwood, WV. Social Hour will be 3pm-5pm and Dinner will be served at 5pm. One24 The Road to Ret i rement ! One24 Retirement Plan meets e v e r y 1 s t & 3 r d Wednesday of every month at 1314 Edwin Miller Blvd., Suite 100. Visit us at www.bog- to see how easy it is to retire in just 2 years! See how One24 is changing the lives of ordinary people on their journey to financial freedom, security and prosperity. Tel ephone Pi oneer Luncheon August 11th, 2011, 12 noon at Kings Pizza in Inwwod, Rt 51 East. All retired tele- phone employees are invited. REWARD for information on dark green Satur n stolen out of mans yard in month of July. (304)754- 9256 Arden United Methodist Church are having their annual Yard Sale on Saturday, August 13th f r om 7 : 3 0 a m- 1 pm. Arden U.M.C is located at 4464 Arden Nolville Road. Back Creek Valley Full Gospel Church will have Gary Winningham in concert on Sunday, August 14th at 6:00pm. Back Creek Valley Full Gospel Church will have The Cornetts in concert on Saturday, August 27th at 7:00pm. The church is located at 131 Norman Silver Drive, Hedgesville, WV 25427. If you have any ques- tions, please call 304- 702-1584 or 304-754- 3530. We hope to see you there! Bunker Hi l l Uni ted Methodist Church, 9863 Wi nchester Avenue, Bunker Hill announces the following Worship Services: 8:30 AM Praise & Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School for All 11:00 AM Traditional Worship. Pastor: Rev. C. Wayne Frum 304-229- 8508 or 301-988-7654. C a l v a r y U n i t e d Methodist Church 220 W. B u r k e S t r e e t , Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-267-4542 Pastor: Rev. Al Clipp 8:30 & 10:45am worship, Sunday School: 9:30am. Christian Community F e l l o w s h i p , 7 3 3 0 Ma r t i n s b u r g P i k e Shepherdstown, WV 25443. Back to school free used clothing give away Infants-Adults while supplies last. August 13th & 20th, 10am-2pm. CHURCH FESTIVAL- Mt. Carmel Bible Church will hold their Annual Festival on Saturday, August 6th, 2011 at 4 : 3 0 pm. Fe a t ur i ng Homemade Ice Cream, Chicken and Vegetable Soup, Country Ham Sandwichs and much more. Auction to follow. Come enjoy the evening. Free School Suppl y Giveaway on August 13th, 2011. Come to Charles Town Church of Christ building on Ol d Count r y Cl ub Road, located off Rt. 340 between Charles Town and Harpers Ferry. The event will start at 11am and will end when all 250 bags of supplies have been given out. There is a limit of 2 bags per fami l y and t he school aged child must be present. For more infomation or direc- tions, call 304-725-7730. The congregation is accepting donations of new school supplies for all ages. Drop off items at t he bui l di ng on S u n d a y s o r Wednesdays. Friendship Sunday will be celebrated this week, August 7, at Otterbein UMC, located at 549 N. Qu e e n t S t r e e t i n Ma r t i ns b ur g , WV. Sunday morning servic- e s a r e : 8 : 3 0 a . m. Contemporary Praise service and 10:50 a.m. Tradi t i onal servi ce. Sunday School classes for all ages is at 9:30 a.m. For more info., call the church office at 304- 263-0342. The Rev. Mark C. Mooney is pastor. All are welcome! Its a jungle in here at Big Jungle Adventure, the Vacation Bible School to be held 6:30-8:30 p.m., August 8-12, at Little Falls Presbyterian Church, 6788 Williamsport Pike, Falling Waters. Kids will meet friends, explore Bible sto- ries, do fun activities, sing great songs, make crafts, play games, and eat snacks. We expect a great response, so enroll your children today. Call 304- 274-1248 to register or leave a message at the church, 304-274-2923. Check us out at www.lit- K O R E A N S e r v i c e , Wi n c h e s t e r B a p t i s t Church, 2870 Middle Rd, Winchester, VA 22601, Room 247, Pator Dong Ho Ki m, 5 4 0 - 3 3 6 - 0 2 8 7 . Korean Services are every Sunday at 11am. Sunday Bible Study is 10am. Church News Lost & Found Meetings MARKET HOURS: Monday - Saturday 9am to 5pm DIRECTIONS: Rt. 9 to Ridge Road and travel 2. 5 miles. OR Take I-81 Exit 14 and travel 1. 5 miles West to 1793 Dry Run Road. Its Summertime & the harvest is in at Butlers Farm Market! Were pickin our tomatoes, sweet corn and peaches plus our fields are bursting with all your summer favorites. Theres nothing like homemade ice cream from Butlers on a warm summer day AND our fresh baked pies are perfect for all occasions. Come and visit our familys market and take home some of our bountiful summertime harvest! Corn on the Cob Vine-Ripe Tomatoes Freestone & Doughnut Peaches Plus All Your Summertime Favorites: Plums, Nectarines, Watermelon, Cantaloupe Zucchini, Squash, Green Beans, Cucumbers Butlers Best Fresh Baked Pies, Jellies and Jams Homemade Ice Cream, Farm-Fresh Milk, Eggs & Butter Large Selection of Amish Furniture 0JLHUK7YVWHUL;HUR9LSSZMVYNYPSSPU 304.262.9414 WARNING: Cigarettes Are Addictive. Beer We offer an extensive line of Cigarettes, Smokeless Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarette & Pipe Tobacco, and Beer 5078 Williamsport Pike, Suite F Martinsburg, WV (in the Spring Mills Ctr., adjacent to Reeds Pharmacy) (304) 274-6555 We Accept All Manufacturers Coupons State Minimum Beer Pricing Bud Coors Miller 30 Packs $ 19.33 plus tax RYO Cartons $ 20.99 + tax Gambler Tubes $ 1.99 + tax Premier Tubes $ 2.30 + tax EL Rey Tubes $ 2.30 + tax Sparrow Pipe Tobacco 16 oz. $ 8.89 + tax Ask about our Loyalty Card Program $ 2 00 OFF Wine with this coupon Bankruptcy $ 1200 Plus Filing Fee $ 1200 Plus Filing Fee 304.267.0904 Office Locations: Martinsburg Berkeley Springs We are a debt relief agency. We help people file Bankruptcy Relief under the United States Bankruptcy & sutton janelle attorneys at law, pllc Massage and Bodywork by Aura, LLC 305 Medical Court, Martinsburg Call Today for Your Appointment - Your Body is Waiting! 304-906-5251 20% OFF Stress Anxiety Stiffness Headaches Muscle Aches LAY IT ALL ON THE TABLE! LAY IT ALL ON THE TABLE! LAY IT ALL ON THE TABLE! 90 Minute Full Body Treatment Visit us online at Advertise Your Business! Inform The Community Of Your Church News Due Thursday At Noon Buyers Guide Church News 415 Wilson St., Martinsburg, WV FAX: 304-263-7106 EMAIL: Page 4 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Mi ddl eway Uni t ed Met hodi s t Churc h- 7435 Queen St reet , Middleway, WV. 304- 728-4770. mumc@fron- Duane & C a r o l S t r i c k l e r , Pa s t or s . SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 8 & 10:30 AM Worship- 9:15 AM Sunday School. MON- DAY, AUGUST 8, 7PM S / P P RC Me e t i n g . W E D N E S D A Y , AUGUS T 1 0 , 7 PM Prayer Meeting. FRI- DAY, AUGUST 12, 7PM Yout h Movi e Night. Orders are now being taken for St. Lukes Uni t e d Me t ho di s t Churchs frozen pies. Appl e , b l ue b e r r y, c he r r y, pe ac h and mince meat. To order t h e s e c o mmu n i t y favorites, call 304-263- 2755. Outdoor Gospel concert- Mi c h a e l s Ch a p e l Pavilion-Sun Aug 7-1:30 p.m Featuring The New Crossroads Quartet- Mollie Rebuck. Bring l awn c hai r s . Fr om Hedgesville follow Rt. 9 we s t 1 1 mi l e s t o Meridian Road-Turn right and go one-half mile. For more info call 304-258-2563. OUTDOOR GOSPEL CON- CERT: There will be and Outdoor Gospel Concert at the Johnsontown Church of the Brethren on August 20th at 6pm feat ur i ng The Keystone State Quartet from Edensburg, PA and Stoneycreek Bl uegrass from Hedgesville, WV. Bring your own lawn chair or blan- ket. A free-will offering will be taken. Rt. 9 W. of Hedgesville for approxi- mately 4 miles. Watch for sign, turn right onto Cherry Run Road. Call 304-754- 3752. REVIVE 2011 : A FREE Chri sti an Concer t and family day on Saturday, Au g u s t 1 3 , s t a r t i n g 1 2 p m - 7 p m a t Hagerstown Fairgrounds Par k l ocat ed 351 N. C l e v e l a n d A v e . i n Hager st own. Pl ease bring lawn chairs. Moon bounce and concessions will be available. For more info visit www.face-!/ReviveOutr each The Upright Men of E b e n e z e r B a p t i s t Chur c h, 6 1 5 We s t M a r t i n S t r e e t , Ma r t i n s b u r g , WV 25401. MENS DAY: Sunday, August 14th, 2011 at 3pm. All are We l c o me P l e a s e invite your family and friends. For further i nf ormat i on, pl ease c o n t a c t E b e n e z e r Baptist Church at 304- 267-6025. Upcoming Fellowship Services: Zion Baptist Church-Pastor Bishop Charles F. Cummings, Sr. 819 Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. Charles Town, West Va. (304) 725-3530. August 13th @ 3:00pm Zion Full Gospel Choir 2nd year Anniversary. August 7th @ 11:00am - Zion A n n u a l C h u r c h Homecoming, Bishop Charles F. Cummings, S r . w i l l b e t h e Preacher. August 20 @ starting @ 10:00am - J e f f e r s o n Co u n t y Af r i c a n Ame r i c a n Celebration, come out and support the Zion B a p t i s t C h u r c h , Charles Town. Youth Mi n i s t r y. B a k e S we e t s , Do n a t i o n $3. 00. August 21 @ 11:00am - Zion Annual M i s s i o n a r y Anni versary, Pastor Brooks wi l l be t he Preacher. Vacation Bible School, Hedgesvi l l e Bapt i st Church, 2710 Butlers Chapel Road, August 8 - 1 2 , 6 : 3 0 - 9 p m. Crafts, refreshments, music for ages pre-k thru 12th grade. For more info, visit us at www.hedgesvi l l ebap- Wi nc hest er Avenue Ch r i s t i a n Ch u r c h (Disciples of Christ) 400 Wi n c h e s t e r Av e , Martinsburg, WV. Rev. Curtis Wheeler, Minister. Sunday School 9:30, Morning Worship 10:45. Thursday 10:00-1:00- Clothing Closet. Church entrance and sanctuary are accessible to the hand- icapped. Everyone wel- come. YOUTHRevival- August 4th & 5th, 7pm nightly. Inwood Family Worship Center, 28 Lafayette Lane, Inwood, WV with speaker Josh Carter from North Carolina and Shout from Gateway Ministries in Williamsport, Maryland. For more information contact 304- 229-6716. This is not only for youth in out church its for youth in the community to come together as one in Jesus. 4th Annual Concert 4 Christ Fundraiser- Free Concert with Recording Artist Ash2Ash. Aug 5th,6:30pm,Memorial Pa r k, Ma r t i ns bur g. Canned Good donations accepted for Loaves & Fishes of Berkeley Co. American Red Cross Blood Drives. To be eligi- ble to donate, you must be 17 years of age, meet wei ght and hei ght requirements ( 110lbs or more dependi ng on height) and be in reason- ably good health. A per- son can give every 56 days, All blood types are needed, but especially O negative and O positive. Please bring your Red Cross Donor Card or pos- itive ID. Monday, August 1st, 12:30-6:30 at Harvest Community Church, 74 D u P o n t R o a d , Ma r t i n s b u r g WV. Monday, August 1st, 1:00- 6pm, Martinsburg Mall Community Room, 800 Foxcroft Ave, Martinsburg WV. Tuesday, August 2, 10am-4pm, Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races, 750 Hollywood Drive, Charles Town WV. Thursday, August 4th, 1pm-7pm, American L e g i o n , 5 2 7 N . Washi ngt on St reet , Berkeley Springs WV. Monday, August 8th, 11am-4pm, Walgreens, 1 0 1 For be s Dr i v e , Martinsburg WV. ATTENTION Sr. Citizens!! Have fun and get some exer- cise. Join our no-sanctioned Duck Pin league at Pikeside Bowling Alley. We start Wed. Aug 17th at noon. Come early to sign up or sign up anything at the Bowling Alley. For more information Call 304-267- 2042 or 304-725-4816. BERKELEY COUNTY MEALS ON WHEELS NEEDS YOU! Dont miss a wonderful opportunity to be a serving member of Martinsburg and touch the lives of many individ- uals that cant provide meals for themselves. If you have a car, you will be the perfect fit for our driv- er position. If you have a couple hours once a month to help us deliver a noon hot meal, please contact our director, Becky, at 304-263-6622 between the hours of 9am-12noon. Thank you for helping to make our program a success. GOL F To u r n a me n t - Sponsored by Star Lodge # 1 , t h e Pr i n c e Ha l l Masonic Lodge in Charles Town, WV on Fr i day, September 9th, 2011. The entry fee is $75. Prize given for 1st,2nd and 3rd place. For more information contact: Warren Stewart at Uni-Fest 2011: Unity in t he Communi t y. A FREE fun-filled event f o r We s t Vi r g i n i a P a n h a n d l e Communities. The sixth annual Uni-Fest will be held on Sunday, August 21st, 5pm-7pm(Rain or Shine) at Martinsburg High School Football Stadium, Bulldog Blvd., Martinsburg. Uni-Fest is a FREE outdoor event open to everyone in the West Virginia Eastern Panhandle. Last year o v e r 3 0 0 0 p e o p l e attended and this years event is going to be even bigger! For more information or to unite w i t h O n e H o p e Ministries International visit www.onehopemi- or e-mail unifest@one- hopeministriesinterna- or call 304- 261-4007. 2007 Maytag Gas Range 30, off white, excellent condition. $150. Call 304- 263-2222. FREE Electric Stove, bake element broken. Call 304- 279-9225. FRIGIDAIRE Front Load Washer, White, Energy Star Rated. Works Great! $200. Call 304-616-1399. Frigidaire Refri gerator White, Exellent Condition, Like New. $125.00. Call 304-725-1343. FRIGIDARE Sel f-cl ean oven, great shape, electric. $85/obo. Call Todd 304- 995-2181. HOT Point, no frost side freezer and fridge, water and ice. $80/obo. 304-995- 2181. KENMORE Mini-refrigera- tor, dorm size, chocolate brown,very good condi t i on. $40. (304)754-7560. MAYTAG sel f cl eani ng glass top stove, refrigerator & over range microwave, color bisque. $400.00. 304- 229-8078. MI CROWAVE Ov e n - Emer son 1100 wat t s, white, very good condition. $40. 304-754-7560. MO U N TA I N S TAT E APPLIANCES 304-263- 4612 Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, stoves. All major brands including: GE, Maytag, Kenmore, Frigidaire and more. Best prices anywhere with war- ranty. We service what we sell 304-263-4612. THE Newest & Cleanest Appliances in town. GE washer & dryer, heavy duty, like new, $375.00. Washer & Dryers $125.00 & up. Ref r i gerat ors & Stoves, white, $350.00 a set. Refrigerator side by si de $350. 00. Mayt ag Washer $200. 00 New. Under counter dishwasher $75.00. Gas dryer Maytag like new $100.00. All appli- ances come with warranty. Credit cards accepted. 304-263-5049, 8am-5pm. LEATHER motorcycle vests, black w/purple, black w/gray, ladies size M, like new.$35 each. call 304-582-8695. PAGENT dresses for Miss & Jrs. Just in Time for the Fair! Also new Clothing,acces- sories, hair bows, and name brand consignment. Call Donna at D & D Store locat- ed at 606 North Mildred St in Ranson, WV 304-725-3080. 5 / 8 Ca r a t Di a mo n d Solitaire Ring with 14k white gold band. Certificate of Registration.$500. 304- 283-3166. DESKTOP computer with monitor and security soft- ware. $30. 304-581-3992 WANTED PC/Apple com- puters, 2000 and above. Donating to kids for educa- tion. Call Roger 304-579- 8556. 2 Cameras, Ol ympus, Stylus, zoom. Call 304- 820-1695. 2 Olympus Stylus cam- eras. Call 304-820-7695. FREE 21 Philco TV. Call 304-671-2386. RCA Digital Home Theater System with 5 speakers & sub-woofers (600 watts). $100. Call 304-886-5551. SIRIUS XM Portable radio, receiver, and speakers. Ex c el l ent c ondi t i on. Subscription not included. $25 Call 304-263-9677. TV Panasonic 17 like new, VHS tape insert. $35 cash. Call 304-876-2144. 1 KEA black leather swivel chair with footstool. $45. Call 304-728-4304. BEAUTIFUL 3PC. OAK SET TABLES, W/OVAL COFFEE, 2/ROUND SIDE TABLES, EXCELLENT CONDI TI ON! $225. 00. 304-229-9785 Furniture Electronics/ Personal Computers/ Personal Jewelry Clothing Appliances COOKING Lessons in your home! Call Best Eats at 304-268-5181 and leave message. General News 7670 Martinsburg Pike Suite 2, Shepherdstown, WV (Next to Dollar General - Just outside of Shepherdstown) Hrs: M-F 9am-7pm Sat 9am-2pm Phone: 304-876-9966 Fax 304-876-6655 Specializing In Home Health Care Supplies! Accepting All Flexible Spending/HSA Cards Your new hometown pharmacy Kristine Knott, PharmD Kristine Knott, PharmD Kristine Knott, PharmD Owner Owner Owner Wait time of less than 15 minutes for your prescription Easy Prescription Transfer Delivery Available No drive-thru however ask about our walk-out service We are a compounding pharmacy Durable Medical Supplies such as Diabetic Supplies, Braces, Wheelchairs, Walkers, Lift Chairs, Medical Legwear (compression hose), Diabetic Shoes and Socks, Handicap Bathroom Accessories and Many More... Accessible consultation on your prescription medications Locally Owned and Operated If you can dream it, we can build it. Garages Farm Buildings Commercial Equine 3368 York Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 Call Us Today! 717-624-3331 Excellence Since 1903 Whether you need basic storage space, a large-scale, multi-use facility - or anything in between - Morton is abundantly qualified to construct a custom building uniquely yours. NRA HAND GUN CLASS NRA HAND GUN CLASS NRA HAND GUN CLASS for WV CONCEALED CARRY for WV CONCEALED CARRY for WV CONCEALED CARRY II II II V G alley uns 998 Arden-Nollville Rd Inwood, WV 25428 Mon - Thur 10-6 Fri 10-7 Sat 9:30-4 304.229.4411 304.229.4411 Now Booking For 2011 August 14 & September 11 Sign up in-store or online - Power Point Presentation - One Day Class - WV Carry Laws Discussed - Live FIRE with one on one instruction Service Just the Way You Like It 1217 Grazier Street Martinsburg, WV Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 304-267-6805 KNEISLYS Engine & Mower, Inc. Fast, Courteous, Affordable and Done Right the First Time Mowers Trimmers Chain Saws Tillers Engines Snow Throwers & Blowers Generators Locally Owned & Operated BERKELEY PLAZA 7 MARTINSBURG 304-263-9303 ADULTS $ 6 $ 4 ALL SEATS BEFORE 6 PM $4 OO CHILDREN SENIOR CITIZENS For Showtimes Call 304-263-9303 August 5-11, 2011 PG13 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:20 COWBOYS & ALIENS PG13 6:45 - 9:10 HARRY POTTER PG 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 THE SMURFS R 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 THE CHANGE UP PG13 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 - 7:15 - 9:20 CRAZY STUPID LOVE PG13 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 RISE OF PLANET OF THE APES PG13 1:00 - 3:30 - 6:45 - 9:10 CAPTAIN AMERICA PG 1:00 - 3:00 - 5:00 ZOOKEEPER Visit us online at Visit us online at Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 5 BEAUTIFUL Ashely dining set . Mapl e wi t h bl ack boarder. Seats 4-6 with designer chairs. $585.00. (304) 262-6323. BENTWOOD Rocker with cane seat/back. $40. Call 304-707-2905. CHILDS Bedroom Suite - Trundle bed with mattress- es, dresser, nightstand. Excellent condition! $600. Call 304-725-1343. CHINA Cabinet. $250. Call 304-886-9533. COFFEE Tabl e Pecan 64x30x18inch w/2 beveled glass inserts (28x25 inch) . Ex c el l ent Condi t i on! Asking $95 Call 304-279- 0327. COMPUTER Desk with hutch, sauder, cherry, very good condition. $75. Call 304-582-8695. DI NI NG ROOM SET, TABLE W/ 2 LEAVES, 6 CHAIRS, CHINA CABINET & HUTCH W/ LI GHT, VERY NI CE. $515. 00. 304-229-9785. EXPANDABLE Di ni ng Table that seats 10-14. $125/obo. Call 304-725- 2480 10am-2pm. FALLINGWATERS CAMP- SITE is the propane KING!! Tanks from Hank After- hour s ser vi ce and Cheapskat es pr i ci ng. Propane and propane accessori es. 7 days a week. Call 304-274-2791. HEAVY duty Twin size Bookcase Bed. No mat- tress included. $50. Call 304-728-4304. LEATHER Sectional Sofa- Tan, with recliner and pull out bed. $450. Call 304- 839-7417. LOVE Seat Sofa plaid in excellent condition, looks like new. $125. 304-728- 7861. NAVY blue ottoman foot- stool that is large enough for 2 sets of feet. $35/obo. Call 304-620-0869. SAMLL couch and chair, flowered, excellent condi- tion. $60. 304-279-3121. TOMSeely Oak Quilt Rack. Excellent Condition. Asking $80.00. Call 304-262-2849. WICKER Indoor (White) Fur ni t ure: Chai r, Sofa Table, & Two End Tables. Downsizing. $695. (304) 279-0327. 2 FREE Floor Model color TVs that work great!!! U pi ck-up. Cal l 304-725- 4532. 4 Capt ai n s t y l e bar stools, 24 high at seat. $30 each. Call 304-267- 8264. BIDETS - new in black, dark greeen or whi te. $100-$200 with or without fixtures. 304 535-2775. MADONNA- Lovely stat- ue 26tall. $100/obo. Call 304- 258-7804. S E A L Y S e a p o r t Posturepedic firm pillow- top mattress, boxsprings & frame. $550. Call 304- 279-3090. SET of drinking glasses (Brand New) Anchor 16 piece set never opened. $18/obo. Call 304-620- 0869. 8ft steel ladder rack for full size pick-up, meduim duty. $275. Call 304-279-9709. CRAFTSMAN riding lawn mower 50 cut. Asking $1345. Cal l 304- 279- 9225. ECONOMY Power King Mower, di sassembl ed- parts or repair. 304-258- 5057. FREE: pick up used lawn mowers, tillers, genera- tors, pressure washers a n d s n o w b l o we r s . Doesnt need to run. Call 304-258-0100. HAVE 5 Push Mowers. Nice shape! $60 each. Call 304-267-9660 or 304- 283-1104. HOS TAS Fo r S a l e ! Thousands t o choose from, 700 varieties, some new varieties are 1 of a kind, 50% off sale! Call 304-754-5271. I HAUL AWAY FOR FREE! Riding and push mowers, tillers, genera- tors, weed trimmers, snow blowers, chain saws, roto tillers, truck/car batteries, All gasoline related items. Call 304-267-4648 LM. JOHN Deere 316 Lawn Tractor. $700 or best offer. Call 540-974-2976. Lawn & Garden Household Items R ENT T O O WN W ITH L OW M ONTHLY P AYMENTS - No Credit Check - Interest Free Financing! *Local delivery is the first 20 miles **With approved credit 5029 Williamsport Pike, Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-274-5014 Authorized Distributor for Carolina Carports and Garages All Prices Include Free Local Delivery* Large selection of Lawn Furniture, Picnic Tables, Play Sets and Lawn Ornaments in stock Hurry In for Best Selection! See complete inventory with sale prices at: and click on Martinsburg, WV location or stop by today and take a look! Clearance $ 1799 Grey Vinyl Mini Clearance $ 2299 Grey Vinyl Peak with Workbench Clearance Price $ 3099 Arlington Garden Shed $ 5416 Dutch Garage $ 250 OFF On This Model With This Ad Reg. $2600 Clearance $ 1920 Vinyl Playset Gotta Go! $ 1699 Duratemp Peak $ 1589 Navajo Chicken Condo holds up to 25 chickens with many special features (Available in 21 Colors) Only $ 66.98 Per Mo. $ 1359 8x8 Madison Reg. $2212 Clearance $ 1699 8X12 Vinyl Mini $ 4799 Vinyl Carriage $ 1819 Madison Dutch 10x10 $ 2699 10x12 Cape Cod Vinyl Sale Price Reg. $ 3,460 Reg. $ 7,598 Clearance Carolina Carports & Garages SUPERCENTER See Us at the Berkeley County Youth Fair 4pm-11pm July 31st - Aug. 6th 10x12, workbench, skylight & 9 windows. Was $3592 Clearance Clearance Reg. $2519 $ 695 Regular Style Carport 18x21 Locust Hill Golf Course Great Deals Great Course 278 St. Andrews Dr. Charles Town, WV 304-728-7300 2 Golfers for 1 Tuesday - Thursday Expires 9/30/11 Eagle Plaza 3790 Hedgesville Rd., Hedgesville WV 304-754-6123 15% OFF Tanfazia All Tanning Packages (Excludes VIP Packages) Dont Let the Dog Days of Summer Get You Down... Come On In & GET BROWN! AUGUST SPECIAL AUGUST SPECIAL AUGUST SPECIAL 1-800-734-0260 1-301-432-6425 Hours Thurs. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. 7 a.m. - Noon We accept Mt. State & Independence Cards USDAINSPECTED
W O O D L A W N F A R M S 4233 Harpers Ferry Rd., Sharpsburg, MD Custom Slaughtering & Processing We Accept Fair Animals - Call for Appt. G RILL O UT G RILL O UT W ITH U S W ITH U S T HIS S UMMER ! T HIS S UMMER ! Hot Dogs Ground Chuck Spare Ribs Pork Chops Steaks of your choice Sausage Bacon & Baked Country Ham b g - 0 0 7 5 - 3 1 1 1 Inform The Community Of Your Church News Due Thursday At Noon Buyers Guide ~ Church News 415 Wilson St., Martinsburg, WV 25401 FAX: 304-263-7106 EMAIL: Page 6 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Car pet Cl eani ng Phone 304-263-9500 Home Pro Carpet Cleaning of West Virginia Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning We do Carpets & Upholstery FREE ESTIMATES Serving the Eastern Panhandle www.relylocal/ DONT MISS OUT! LIST YOUR BUSINESS TODAY! DONT MISS OUT! LIST YOUR BUSINESS TODAY! DONT MISS OUT! LIST YOUR BUSINESS TODAY! D Drywall & Repairs 30 Years Experience Reasonable Rates 30 4.725.5409 Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES Dr ywal l WV041836 SC O TT S ELEC TRIC O VER 20 YEA RS EXPERIENC E 229- 8816 LIC ENSED & INSURED M A STER ELEC TRIC IA N WV026307 El ec t r i c i an Home Improvement & Remodeling Additions Decks Basements Roofing Siding Replacement Windows Mobile Home Repair WV033726 5572 Specks Run Rd. Bunker Hill, WV 304-229-5288 304-261-8397 Licensed & Insured H A R L E Y Const r uc t i on C O N S T R U C T I O N Business & Service Directory CBP ENTERPRISES Serving Tri-State For 35 Years Asphalt, Sealcoating & Repairs Landscaping Designs, Lawn Care Patios, Decks, Fencing & Retaining Walls FREE ESTIMATES 304-267-2430 or 304-671-9057 Licensed & Insured Asphal t YARD SALE RATES 30 Words for Only $ 9 30 each additional word. Deadline: 11 AM Monday Buyers Guide, 415 Wilson St. Martinsburg WV 25401 Phone: 267-9983 Fax: 263-7106 E-mail: Exc avat i ng/Haul i ng 3042677745 30+ Yrs. Exp. FREE Estimates No job too large or small! Homes Additions Remodeling Decks, etc... FREE Estimates COE CONSTRUCTION Licensed & Insured WV032927 304.754.5978 304.676.6861 Cell Const r uct i on DONT MOVE ... IMPROVE! Kitchens/ Baths / Additions Garages / Porches / Decks Windows / Doors / Siding Roofs / Basement Finishing Call Us For Info Tyson Homes Construction Co. LLC (304)229-0401 General Contractor WV033715 bg-0009-1709 Home I mpr ovement s DONT MOVE...I MPROVE! Kitchens/Baths/Additions Garages/Porches/Decks Windows/Doors/Siding Basement Finishing Call Us For Info Tyson Homes Const r uc t i on Co. LLC (304)229-0401 Central Contractor WV033715 (304) 274-0142 Major Credit Cards Accepted Out Of Area Toll Free: 877-274-0150 Fax: (304) 274-1276 Kitchens Baths Siding Windows Decks Specializing in Roofing Painting Guttering Carpentry P.O. Box 577 Falling Waters West Virginia 25419 B OB D AVIS H OME I MPROVEMENT C O . Home I mpr ovement s Haul i ng/Law nc ar e O.W. H auling We Haul It All 5 Tons at a Time Screened Topsoil Mulch Stone Aged Manure Sand Compost Firewood Delivered Junk & Debris Removed 304-264-5966 - FREE ESTIMATES - WV Lic#043347 CHECKS Handyman Basements Bathrooms Painting Fences Decks Bob Cat Services & More! Give Us Your To Do List, Well Get It Done! FREE ESTIMATES 304-279-1949 Licensed & Insured Accepting Major Credit Cards H andyman Labor Services No Job Too Small Leveling, Leveling, Clearing, Grading, Clearing, Grading, Driveways/Hauling, Driveways/Hauling, Commercial/Residential, Commercial/Residential, Up To 10 Tons (Gravel, Shale, Topsoil) Bobc at Wor k Faircloths Bobcat Bobcat Work Work 304.676.4975 304.676.4975 o r 304.579.8195 304.579.8195 Mower Repai r s Fast & Friendly Service 304-229-3608 FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured Daves Lawn Mower Repairs Lawn Mowers Generators Welding Work Chain Saws Wood Splitters Parts & Services Zero Turns Pick-Up and Delivery Available A DL S AFFORDABLE & DEPENDABLE LAWN & LANDSCAPI NG SERVI CE - OVER 16 YEARS OF EXPERI ENCE! - Commercial/Residential Licensed and Insured Mow i ng Tr i mmi ng Edgi ng Power Washi ng Snow Removal Mul ch and St one Del i ver y 304-728-4428 Law n Car e Handyman Darrell 304-676-3127 GET R DONE RIGHT! Handyman Senior Senior Spirit Spirit Reserve Your Advertising Space Today! 267-9983 A Special Supplement From Berkeley County Senior Services and Your Buyers Guide! Appl i anc es Call Us For All Your Service Needs: Refrigerators Dishwashers Ranges (Gas & Electric) Washer & Dryers Microwaves Dishwashers Garbage Disposals Water Heaters (Repair & Replace) Water Softeners Air Conditioners Dehumidifiers Small Plumbing Jobs The Panhandles Service Leader!! Let our factory trained service technicians take care of all your appliance service needs 2 Great Locations to Serve You 304-267-7251 304-724-7251 Martinsburg Charles Town Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 Visit us online at Appl i anc es OGDENS Appliance Repair Service, LLC Licensed & Insured All Brand Service 304 582-4802 Big Ls Lawn & Garden Lawn & Garden Down Trees Down Trees Stump Removal Stump Removal Mulch Landscaping Mulch Landscaping Hardscapes & More! Hardscapes & More! 304-261-9840 FREE FREE ESTIMATES ESTIMATES Licensed Licensed & Insured & Insured Law n & Gar den Chauf f eur I Drive 4 U I Drive 4 U $ 60 00 Airport Runs Call For More Info: 304-839-2640 BWI, Dulles, National Concerts, Sporting Events, Dr. Appts., etc... All Occasions - Any Destination! Br ushhoggi ng Todds Brushhogging 304-582-6070 or 304-676-7909 Reasonable Rates! Mowing (high grass) Brushhogging Trimming Hauling & More! Berkeley & Jefferson Counties FREE Estimates! Locally Owned & Operated Licensed & Insured 304-267-1634 All Major Brands Also,Water Softner Services Service Fee Only $ 60 00 Appl i anc e 25 Years Experience BOBCAT SERVI CES LG RILEY T RUCKING & E XCAVATING 304-676-2911 FREE ESTIMATES! Retaining Walls Demolition Barn Pad Grading Leveling Driveway Clearing Back Filling Retaining Walls 10-20 Tons Per Loads Stone Shale Topsoil Conc r et e 304-267-5999 Cline Industries, LLC All Types of Concrete Work Sidewalks Patios Driveways Pool Decks Re-Deck Distributor & Authorized Installer Commercial & Homeowners - 25 Yrs. Exp. - FREE Estimates WV License #043885 & Insured We Now Accept Major Credit Cards Nai l Sal on Phone 304-263-9500 Henrys Nails Located Inside Shear Power 600 N. Mildred Street Ranson, WV 304-725-4062 $ 20 Full Set of Acrylics Must Present Coupon Expires 9/15/2011 Inform The Community Of Your Church News Due Friday At Noon Buyers Guide ~ Church News 415 Wilson St., Martinsburg WV 25401 FAX: 263-7106 EMAIL: 3 miles North of Long Meadow Shopping Center Since 1966 20354 Leitersburg Pike, Hagerstown, MD 1-800-833-9316 Hours: Tue.-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-2 CAROLINA CARPORTS, INC. Quality Metal Buildings Carports Garages Barns RV Carports Utility Buildings Custom Applications Car por t s PEN-MAR SALES Conc r et e 304.671.1932 M.A. Concrete , LLC For All Your Concrete Needs Sidewalks, Patios, Driveways, Foundations Call For FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured Senior Citizens Discount 10% OFF Const r uc t i on New Homes Additions Garages Siding Decks & Porches Roofing Windows & More! 304-671-3997 Licensed & Insured WV033600 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 7 MULCH- double shredded, chocolate colored hard- wood mulch, 10 yds $240 + t ax del i vered. Smal l er amounts available. Call O.W. Hauling 304-264- 5966. PROPANE @ FALLING WATERS CAMPSI TE! ! See Hank for a tank. Filling tanks 7-days a week-even after regular hours. Never run out with us. Call 304- 274-2791. RIDING Mower. $100. Call James 540-328-6017. ROTOTILLER - Troybuilt older tiller that still works, yours for $75. 304 535- 2775. TOPSOIL Screened topsoil with 20% screened com- post added. 5 cubic yds del i ver ed. Cal l O. W. Hauling 304-264-5966. COLLECTORS: 20 331/3 albums mostly 50s & 60s country. Never opened! Presley, Denver, Haggard, Rogers, Pride, Arnold. $20 each, all for $300. 304-229- 3535. FOR Sale- Spinet Piano with maple finish. Call 304- 263-3776 for more infor- mation. FRANCIS Bacon, New York piano and organ,with OLD sheet music-$350 (304)728-4623;(304)279- 1028. GIBSON Les Paul Studio guitar, excellent condition with hard case. $1000/obo. 304-283-8694 before 7 p.m. GUITAR- FENDER VG St r a t o c a s t e r , bl a c k , Excellent condition, rarely played. Hard case includ- ed. $750/firm. Call 337- 378-7627. Item located in WV, buyer pays S&H. GUITAR-Ovation Celebrity acousti c-el ectri c, great condition with hard shell case. $250. Item located in Eastern Panhandle of WV. Buyer pays S&H. 338-378- 7627. RADIO Shack Keyboard Organ/Piano- Light keys portable with stand and seat. $200. 304-268-9765. 2 Climbing Tree Stands bought from DICKS. $75 each. Call 304-886-9533. 8 Santa Fe Pool Table everything included even lighting, great condition. $1700/obo. Call 304-676- 4672. BICYCLE 7100 Mutitrack TREK. $150. Call 304-283- 5532. Sporting Goods Musical Items RAILROAD ties, excel- lent condition $8.00/each pickup, 30 delivered for $300, 50 delivered for $450, 100 delivered for $800, 10-$135 and 15 for $180. 304-267-4083. YARD SALE RATES 30 Words for Only $ 9 30 each additional word. Deadline: 11 AM Monday Buyers Guide, 415 Wilson St. Martinsburg WV 25401 Phone: 267-9983 Fax: 263-7106 E-mail: Web Si t e Ser vi c es Tr ee Ser vi c e One Step Above the Rest 304-754-9590 Licensed & Insured FREE Estimates Trimming Topping Removal Stump Grinding 24 Hour Storm Damage P aul R ankins T ree S ervice Tr ee Ser vi c e SHELTONS TREE SERVICE Customer Satisfaction Keeps Us Climbing 16 years Experience 304-262-4105 Licensed & Insured FREE ESTIMATES All Phases of Tree Work Voted Best of the Best 2010 Business & Service Directory Uphol st er y OLDE CHARLES TOWN UPHOLSTERY We Upholster: Furniture Antiques 304-724-7258 14 Years Serving This Area FREE Local Estimates 131 W. Washington St. Charles Town, WV Pr essur e Washi ng 304-263-7167 Is Your Siding Dirty? WE ALSO CLEAN & SEAL SUNDECKS & PATIOS Group Discounts Available - 10% off w/mention of this ad Your siding should be cleaned every 2 to 3 years to prevent staining & oxidation SINGLE FAMILY HOME From $ 1 50 Exterior Windows FREE Precision Powerwash Since 1996 Pool Suppl i es 237 Eagle School Road - Martinsburg, WV Updike Family Owned & Operated 304-267-2000 Johns Pool Supplies Johns Pool Supplies Johns Pool Supplies OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Pool Closing Time Is Coming! Call to Schedule Yours Today! Need A New Mesh Cover? Call Now To Order! Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-12 3 Tabs... $ 1 25 each Pai nt i ng Painting Plus T
D & Interior & Exterior Painting Drywall Repair Carpentry Vinyl Siding Decks Deck Staining Replacement Windows Home Remodeling Cheapest Rates Around! Give Us A Call, We Do It All! Free Estimates! Call 304-279-7392 Licensed & Insured SE HABLA ESPANOL Tax i Ser vi c es Coast & Valley Taxi in Martinsburg, WV 304-616-8560 304-843-8897 Serving Berkeley & Jefferson Co. Trips: Casino, Dulles Airport, BWI, Bars, Clubs, Shopping Centers, Hospitals, Hotels & More! HOURS: Mon-Sat.: 9:30-5:30 Sun.: 10-5 TOLL-FREE: 1-877-847-6653 W E CARRY OVER 40 POPULAR AND BARGAIN BRANDS 13 Brands Under $30.00 per carton WARNING: Cigarettes Are Addictive. I-81 S. Exit 321 Kingdom Farm Shopping Center, Clearbrook, VA ROLL YOUR OWN....... as low as $ 10 00 carton Only 20 Minutes from Martinsburg carton $ 25 59 Pyramid $ 23 99 Galaxy carton Prices subject to change carton $ 37 45 Marlboro G REG J ANES Custom Homes & Renovations A NAME YOU KNOW & TRUST! WV Lic#039909 Roofing Garages Kitchen & Bath Plumbing & More! Replacement Windows From Floor To Roof 100% Satisfaction! Free Estimates 304-671-9752 Check Out Our Work! 199 Monroe Street, Martinsburg, WV 304.263.1771 Mon-Sat. 10am-8pm Sun. 11am-6pm and Grooming Dog Gone Pets The Heat Is On SUMMER SPECIAL 20% OFF (excludes flea treatments, dog & cat food, feeders & grooming) Pets & Supplies Best Friend Hurry! Limited Time Offer! With This Ad! Original Pricing Only $ 707 00 19X31X4 Includes: Deck, Ladder, Filter & Fencing. FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE CALL: 800-581-3765 FREE Pool Light with every Pool Ordered by August 31st ALL POOLS MUST GO!!! SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE (Complete Line Of Above and Inground Pools) No Payments Til Next Year! B u y e r s Gu i d e P U B L I C A T I O N S Contact the Buyers Guide Classifieds via fax to make an announcement, sell your stuff, post a job or offer a service today! Fax the Classifieds. FAX ONLY: 304-263-7106 or phone 304-267-9983 25 WORDS FOR ONLY $ 8.00 Rates may vary, depending on the classified section. Rates do not apply to free family classified ads. Page 8 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 BOWFLEX Ultimate with leg attachment, great shape. $550. Located in Eastern Panhandle of WV. Buyer responsible for freight costs. 337-378-7627. BUSHNELL Laser Range Finder yardage pro 1 year old. Paid $179, sell $125/firm. Call 304-279-0255. FOR Sale- New Horton CrossBow used camo. $375/firm. Call 717-294-3328. LIFE Gear exerciser, never used, excellent condition. $110 cash takes it.. Call any- time or LM 304-258-5772. NORDICTRAC Treadmill. $20. Call 304-279-4308. PROFORM activator V7 vibration/ weight platform. i ncl udes vari abl e hand weights - Google for picture. $175. 304-267-8264. STEPPER Exerciser. $10. Call 304-263-8949. TREADMILL- Many fea- tures, good condi ti on. $100. 00. Hedgesvi l l e area. 304-754-7793. WEIGHT Pulley System plus weight lifting set. $100. 304 754 6137. AIR Hockey table- $40.00. Call 304-263-8858 after 4pm. F OOSEBAL L Ta b l e - $15.00. Call 304-263-8858 after 4pm. POWER Wheel s Jeep Wrangler- Battery operat- ed, good condition. $50. Call 304-229-8981. 100 gal fish tank with pump and island. $200. Call 304- 886-9533. 20 Childrens VHS movies. Disney & more. $30 for all. Call 304-754-5977. 220 window AC 20,000 BTU cooled entire upstairs, used 1 year. $150/obo. Call 304-279-0995. 55 Gallon metal barrels, new condition, great for burning or feed storage. $10 each. Delivery extra. 304-267-4648. 8 piece, 20ft long, 1in. rigid plastic pipe (160ft). $50. Call 304-876-6706. ADULT Wheelchair, potty chair, shower chair usedd in good condition. $175. 304-725-2480 10am-2pm. BRUCE Flooring- New still in boxes (13 total). $700. Gunstock Style. Call 304- 707-2905. CAR Ramps. $150. Call 304-886-9533. CHAIR Caning-cane, split, & rush. Call for prices 304- 263-3964. CHANDELIER Pink Citron Swag Plug-In Style Brand New in Box, Never Used. $125. 304-728-7861. ECO-Quest Air Freshener, almost new. $100. 304- 258-7804. ENDEN Pure quartz infrat- ed portable heater, used couple times. Works. great. $300.00 304-258-6695. FALLINGWATERS CAMP- SITE is the propane KING!! Tanks from Hank After- hour s ser vi ce and Cheapskat es pr i ci ng. Propane and propane accessori es. 7 days a week. Call 304-274-2791. FOR Sale- Kids wagon with rubber tires. Bigger than most! $40. 304-671-5080. FREE Boulder Rocks ideal for subdivision or driveway entrance. You load, You haul. 304-263-2763. FREE clean used Motor Oil in 5qt containers, approx. 100 gallons. Call 304-263- 2861. FREE Willow Tree to be cut down for firewood. Not responsible for accidents. Call 304-263-2156. FREE: Two 4 x 8 sheets of 3/8 luan. You pickup. Call 304-725-3783. FURNITURE quality lum- ber for sale. Walnut, Cherry, Red Oak & White Oak. Call 304-725-4816. GETTING DIRECTV? If you order choice package you earn $100 credit to your account and I recieve $100 credit on my account. Call 304-268-6545 for info. GO Cart with Honda motor, single seat, good shape. $350. Call 304-268-9765. GO-Cart Like new, garage kept, only 3 tanks of gas ran through it. $400/obo. Call 304-582-2199. GOING out of business- 8 types of Freeon. $200 Call 304-582-2460. HACK 2X4s. $375. Call 304-279-2980. JOINTER - Shopsmi th Mark V accessory, 4x26 cast iron bed, 3-knife, NIB. $300. 304-582-3427. K-4 classroom materials: all subject matter resource includes pictures/posters, bulletin board display, craft, manipulative. Great collec- tion. $200. 304-582-8652. LARGE Bubbl e Gum Machine that holds 3000 gumballs(with key). $275. Call 717-294-3328. METAL window fan meas- ured 29wide, 27tall, blows in/out, made by Hunter Zephair, Heavy duty. Only $40. 304-267-4648. MILITARY ammo cans. $10 each. 304-676-4574. NATIONAL two spool trea- dle sewing machine cabi- net rough, machine works. $100. 304-263-2222. NEVER used basketball heavy duty pole, back- board, rim, screen doors, Furniture and many other items. Call 304-728-4623 or 304-279-1028. NE W A MI S H MA DE SWING SET (MAKE AN OFFER). CALL 304-279- 9709. NEW Carrier made 2 1/2 ton AC for $1,300, 2 1/2 ton Heat Pump $1,600 and 3 ton 15 seer Heat Pump $2,500. We have more good deal s! Boi l er & Furnace also. 304-279- 1606. OFFICE file cabinets, all different sizes. $150 for all. Call 304-264-0003. OUTDOOR sink. $20. Call 304-876-0863. PELLET Stove- 2 years old, good condition, floor- p l a t e , p i p e k i t . Pa i d $ 2 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 , A s k i n g $700.00. 304-283-0437. POOL Ladder. $100. Call 304-886-9533. POOL Liner & Net/ Cover . $100. Call James 540-328- 6017. SOAP Box Derby Car super stock. Owned by Tomahawk Ruritan Club. $450. 304-754-3860. S WF E MB R O D E RY MACHINE: 1501 single (15) needle head with soft- ware and accessories. Has n e v e r b e e n u s e d . $7,000/obo. 301-478-3343 USED but useable lumber, approximately 75 2x4x8 and a dozen 2x10x8. $1.00 per piece. 304-876- 6706. VIDEOS(VHS) featuring Christian comedians: Mark Lower y, Ken Davi s & Chonda Pierce. 13 videos for $20. Call 304-725-8509. BUYING milk bottles (all s t a t e s ) , a n d s ma l l antiques-cash paid. Also bot t l es t o t rade. Cal l Danese Donaldson 304- 582-6070. DEWALT Radi o wi t h charger. Cal l 304-671- 5080. WA N T E D - P r e s t o Pressure Canner (small) in good condition. Call 304- 267-7851. WE are looking for a free or cheap femal e Engl i sh Bulldog, or Boston Terrier puppy. She will be taken good care of. Please call or text 304-283-7399. Thank you! WOODEN & Glass butter churns, White House jugs & jars, old crocks & jugs, ol d pocket wat c hes, Masonic watches & rings, old license plates, old fish- ing/hunting licenses, any small farm items, old stan- l ey pl anes & wooden planes, military items, old iron & tin toys, old guns & pistols, old paper money and coins, old trains any make, ol d swords, ol d flags, old hunting/fishing items, and small antiques. Cash. 304-262-9155. YOUNG mom looking for a kitchen butcher block or island center. Reasonably priced. Call 304-267-2893. 24ft Werner Ladder. $75. Call 304-279-4308. 8hp Walkbehind Conceret Saw in good condition. $275. Call 304-267-7636. HAND truck (Dolly) 42 hi gh can hol d 250l bs. Ex c el l ent c ondi t i on. $25.00. 304-725-8509. NEW 5000 watt Coleman Generator. $450. Call 304- 261-1581. NEW Grill, table top, char- cole. $10. Call 304-263- 8949. TRACTOR- 1970 Satoh S650G, 25hp, 1055hrs with 6ft Woods Belly Mower, good condition. $3200. Call 304-754-8015. REMOVAL of dead live- stock call for prices 304- 671-2220. HAY for sale. Square bales $2.50 each. You pick up out of field! Call 304-671-4269. ACK Black Lab Pups- $ 2 5 0 Ma l e s , $ 3 0 0 Females. They have been vet checked, had shots and dewormed. Call 304-258- 0100. Dogs Farm Products Livestock Farm Equipment Tools I buy unwanted cars, trucks, and vans! Top prices offered. Call 304- 596-7097. Wanted To Buy ELECTRI C Ci r c ui t Breaker: New with 10 new breaker switches. $300. Cal l 304-707- 5050. Misc. Toys & Games Inside Advertising Account Representative The Buyers Guide, the Eastern Panhandles most read publication is seeking full or part time Advertising Sales Representative. Position entails assisting customers in developing advertising programs that suit their needs and help their businesses grow. Job requires developing new business while working with an existing set of accounts. We are looking for a team player who enjoys sales - experience a plus, but not required. Must be a well organized individual. Good pay with base salary, commission/bonus plan, benefits and a great team of people to work with. Must be dependable. If this sounds like the job for you... Send your resume to Equal Opportunity Employer We offer many Lawn Care Services Equipment & Operators Available for Landscaping Average Lawn - $ 35 to Mow - $ 15 to Weedeat Large Lawns - $ 70 an acre to Mow As Auto Mart Buy Here - Pay Here RT 9 KEARNEYSVILLE, WV 304.876.1006 A S L AWN C ARE Call for your free estimate 304.676.3107 Discounts For Large Lawns 4627 Winchester Ave, Martinsburg WV. C ALL 304-267-8177 Truck Rentals Climate Control Storage, RV and Boat parking available, Military Discounts, Senior Citizens Discounts TABLER STATION SELF STORAGE Open 7 Days A Week Open 7 Days A Week Open 7 Days A Week Your Dollar goes farther with us! H OURS M ON -S UN 9 AM -7 PM All Indoor Storage Secure Facility 1744 Shepherd Grade Rd., Shepherdstown Mon-Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-4 Call 304-876-8686 Shepherdstown Specialty Storage Shepherdstown Specialty Storage We Just Expanded! 40% OFF All Units 40% OFF 40% OFF W HAT IS THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN J EFFERSON COUNTY ? Place Your Ad In Print and On The Web! Buyers Guide 304-267-9983 Apply today at EOE ASST SALON MANAGERS & STYLISTS! Hiring now! WV Cosm. Lic. Reqd. Dont miss out on this great opportunity with Hair Cuttery! Competitive pay, 401K, Health Benefits Packages, Paid Time Off & MORE! To See Your Ad In The Employment Section... Call us for details at 304-267-9983 D.O.T. & Sports Physical. Same Day Exam 304-263- 4927. DRI VERS: Re g i o n a l Fl atbed $2K Si gn-On Bonus. Home Daily. Full Benef i t Package. Pai d Holidays! CDL-A, 6mos recent Flatbed exp. Hauling building materials. 800- 992-7863 x160. H E L P W A N T E D : Uphol sterer needed i n Hedgesville Area. Must be experienced and depend- able. Call 910-231-0939. Help Wanted Visit us online at Visit us online at Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 9 BEAUTI FUL Puppi es: Martinsburg, WV. See Our P u p p y P i c s A t : OFF I-81 exit 16E. OPEN: Fri, 12-6pm, Sat, 11-7pm & Sun,12-6pm. ALSO: Mon thru Thurs taking private appoi nt ment s Yor ki es, S h i h t z u , S h i h - Po o , Mal t ese, Mal t i - poos, Shorkies, Puggles, Pugs, Bost ons, Chi huahuas, Shorki es, yorki e-Poos, Morkies, & many more! 59 East Rd. Martinsburg, WV. $100 off w/ad. 304- 904-6289 . CUT E f e ma l e 2 l b. Chi huahua puppy, 10 weeks old, dark brown, shots & dewormed, good with other dogs, great with kids. $200. Call 240- 375-9919. FREE Puppies to a good home, to busy to take care of small dogs. Call 304-886-8780. Purebred registered short hai r mi ni at ure dachs- hund, 2 mal es wi t h papers and health certifi- cate from vet. First shots and wormed. Parents on pr emi ses. Ready 8/ 3. 304-274-0185. WE are going out of busi- ness. 1 male stud dog and 2 females all red short hair Dodsons. 304- 274-0185 FREE Kittens- 4 orange/2 calico/ 1 black. Call 304- 995-7221 or 304-728- 5009. FREE to a good home! N e u t e r e d M a l e orange/white cat, 1 year old. Owner moved and left him. Call 716-946-5949. REGISTERED Rag Doll Kittens, 12 weeks old. $300 each. Call 304-754-3219. FERRET Breed Marshal white with 3 level condo cage. Gentle & Playful. $250/obo. Call 304-839- 7417. FERTILE Duck eggs/ fer- tile Guinea Eggs, Rhode I sl and Red Chi ckens, Guineas and Ducks 1 year old and baby Peacocks and ducks. Call 304-258- 3521. WANTED- Your unwanted house birds, goats, sheep, c h i c k e n s , r o o s t e r s , pigeons, ducks, geese & more. Further details call Big Ben 304-267-4648 LM. H O R S E B o a r d i n g . Beautiful country setting and laid back surround- ing.Trainer available. Field board $150 month, stall keep $275 month. Also available round pen for training and arena. For more details please call 304-263-3873. HAPPY GOERS TRAVEL- September 24th, Ocean City Sunfest, Music, Arts & Crafts and Food. October 23rd-24th, Atlantic City Tropicana Casino, Buffet. Rebates $30. Call 304- 267-8723. A Loving Family Daycare wi t h an exper i enced provider in Falling Waters. CPR first aid certified. Meals and snacks provided 304-274-0689. CHILDCARE in home. Day hours 6: 30am-5: 30pm. Fal l i ng Wat er s ar ea. Summer care FT/PT and by the day. Excellent refer- ences. Please call Ms. Tracy at 304-671-0056. CHILDCARE in my home day and evening care. Ages infant to 2 years. 304-728-8407. CHILDCARE Services in a Beautiful home/neighbor- h o o d . L o v e / Ca r e & Attention in a Clean & Wonderful Environment. Nights/Weekends/Overnig hts/Before/After School. D H H R S t a t e Certified/Mountain Heart Approved. References. School Districts: Rosemont Elementary and Orchard View Intermediate. Call 304-263-3836. DAY CARE Fa c i l i t y / Preschool has openings for infants-5yrs. Will assist with potty training. Food and baby wipes provided. For more information call 304-279-7305. L OV I N G C h i l d c a r e 6weeks-4yrs., 20+ years exp. Martinsburg/Spring Mills/Falling Waters area. Look for Gail on or call 304-582-6971 or e m a i l m e : NEED an occasional sit- ter? Cer ti fi ed Daycare provider will sit with your child by. Must be 1 year old and over. By appointment only. Call Debbie 304-725- 4637. NEED Childcare? I dont just babysit, I show them at t ent i on. Reasonabl e price that you will like. I know CPR. Special needs care available. Call 240- 876-3013. PROPANE!! and propane accessories. Come see the r eal pr opane ki ng @ FA L L I N G WAT E R S CAMPSITE!! Open 7 days until 5 PM. FREE after- hours service. Call 304- 274-2791. COMPUTER problems? We can help! Well come to you and fix your PC! Competitive rates! Call Berkeley Geek @ 304-579- 4604. HAVE fun and play WV Lottery at Piggys NIte Club in Ridgeway, WV. Our club has al l of the Lotter y games; Mega Mi l l i ons, Powerball, Keno, Cash 25 and Hot Lotto. Open Monday thru Saturday 7am til 3:30am. Sundays we open at 1pm. Take the White Hall Exit off I-81 go approx 1/2 mile on Rt 11. 20 years experience in home repairs, remodel- ing, shingles, siding, drywall, trim & exterior pa i nt i ng. Ca n a l s o i nstal l doors & wi n- d o ws . Re a s o n a b l e rates. No job too small. Max 304-582-1310. A. Handyman Service- 3 0 4 - 2 7 9 - 0 1 8 2 . J u n k r emoval , I nt er i or and Exterior repairs, roofing, repl acement wi ndows, chimney sweeps, finish baths/ basements, land- s c api ng, l awn c ar e, plumbing, and cleaning service. A . J L a w n C a r e & Ha n d y ma n Se r v i c e - A f f o r d a b l e & Dependable. No job too small!!! Free Estimates. Cal l 304-263-1408 or 304-261-0666. Lic. D O C S H a n d y ma n Service. 25 years experi- ence. Additions, repairs, guttering, retaining walls, fencing Painting, etc. I n s u r e d / B o n d e d . Available 24hours/365. Call 304-283-8305/540- 327-2029. F&K Pr oper t i es LLC Ha n d y ma n s e r v i c e . Specializing in ceramic tile of all kinds, laminate floor- ing, painting, power wash- ing, and other odd jobs. Licensed and insured 304- 725-1790 or 304-725-2771 free estimates. MOBILE Home Service- Skirting, Deck, Roof paint- ing, Plumbing, Sidewalks, Patios & General Hauling. Call 304-279-4369. BUYI NG scrap met al , large quantities and junk vehicles. Call for pricing 304-754-8072. HAULING of anything. R e s o n a b l e p r i c e . Handyman will do a little of everything. Call any- time 304-283-3955. I WILL PAY $225 AND U P F O R C A R S , TRUCKS, AND VANS. $250 AND UP FOR FULL SIZE TRUCKS AND VANS. Pick-Up 24/7! Call 304-725-0688 OR 304-671-4373. Hauling PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN SERVICE Lic & Ins-25 years experi- ence in all phases of h o me r e p a i r s a n d r est orat i on. Dr ywal l , paint, trim, tile, bath- room/basement finishing, windows, doors. Free Est. Call 304-261-3149. Handyman Entertainment Computer Childcare Bus Trips Boarding Misc. Pets Cats 6 4 t h A n n u a l Berkeley County Youth Fair For Complete Schedule Go To: Harry D. Shelley Park No Pets Or Alcohol Permitted On Fairgrounds BULL RIDING Thursday, August 4, 2011 - 7:30 pm FIGURE EIGHT DERBY & FLAT TRACK ENDURO August 5th - 7:30 pm DEMOLITION DERBY August 6th - 7:30 pm Now through Aug. 6, 2011 TRUCK AND TRACTOR PULL Monday August 1st Tuesday A ugust 2nd Starting at 7:00 pm JAMES WESLEY Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Starting at 8:00 pm Carnival Special Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 6 pm - 11 pm Ride all night for $20 Tuesday from 6 pm - 11 pm Ride all night for $15 Saturday 4 pm - 11 pm Ride all night for $20 Admission: 13 & up $ 5 00 - 12 & under Free Monday, August 1st through Saturday, August 6th, Gates open at 12:00 noon daily Ice Cream Eating Contest . . . . . 8/2 - 5:00pm Cow Chip Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/2 - 8:00pm Chicken BBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/3 - 4:00pm Donut Eating Contest . . . . . . . . . . 8/3 - 6:00pm Mini Tractor Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/3 - 7:00pm Watermelon Eating Contest 8/4 - 6:00pm Kiddie Pedal Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/4 - 6:30pm Pretty Animal Contest . . . . . . . . . . 8/4 - 8:00pm Triple R Bull Riding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8/4 - 7:30pm - Fun Filled Events - Visit us online at Visit us online at Page 10 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 MULCH/ Top soi l mi x. Delivered 10 mile radius. $150 single axle,$275 Tandem load. Stone, shale & top soil delivered. Call for pricing. 304- 754-8072. O.W. Hauling- screened top- soil, mulch, gravel delivered. Junk and debris removed. Call 304-264-5966. OPEQUON Hauling- we haul- shale, stone, topsoil, asphalt, and millings call 304-229- 9191 or 304-270-7073. SHALE, TOPSOIL, GRAVEL, FILL DIRT. Approx. 20 ton load. Call for pricing. 304-676- 9331. WE Will Pay Top Dollar for Junk Cars and Trucks & Any Kind of Unwanted Scrap Metal. Call 304-754-7505. 304-261-4899, or 304-268- 4096. I feel like a NEW me and I recommend this product for the NEW you! I am now a distributor of Herbalife products and I know you will be as impressed as I am. You wont only lose weight in the process, but you will feel the energy needed to get through daily tasks and challenges in a healty and NATURAL way! Call me today and start seeing the results after! Contact me at (877)896- 5415 or (304)754-6667. DENNYS Landscaping and General Contracting. Mowing and Mulching, Trimming and general yard maintenance. Call 304-283- 8103. MARK Wal den-cust om decks/roofing and siding. Super Roofing Specials Now! 20+ years experience. L i c e n s e d / I n s u r e d #WV043822. Top notch qual- ity thats custom, affordable, and guaranteed 304-725- 3935 markwaldenhomeim- PERMA-CRETE concrete repair and re-surfacing, side w a l k s , d r i v e w a y s , garages/basements, basic to beautiful call Don 304-754- 8316. R / R C o n s t r u c t i o n : Sunrooms, garages, addi- tions, ceramic tile, laminate flooring, bathrooms, pavers, patios, kitchen and painting. Quality that will last a life- time. Call 304-754-7041. WV 004871. Let me help you with your Summer projects! Home Improvement Healthcare $ 5.99 Meat Sauce $ 6.99 Meatball 130 N. Raleigh St., Martinsburg 304-263-1191 Bobs Carryout Enjoy our Full Menu for Lunch & Dinner 72 Pedal Car Drive Inwood, WV (304) 229-3443 www. the4cornersclub. com Great Entertainment... Karaoke is over for now! Back in September! DJ Vern - 1980s Party! Saturday, August 20 8 til 12 No Cover Charge! Games, Trivia, Prizes for most original 80s attire! Saturday, August 13 FREE JUKE BOX 8pm til 11pm BUCKET TUESDAY! Get a bucket of 5 of your favorite beers for $7.00 7-11pm every Tuesday night! Wed. Night Shrimp Special A pound of large steamed shrimp for just $8.75. Served warm with cocktail sauce and crackers Eat in only from 6pm til 8pm Prime Rib Special Fri & Sat $15.75 - 12oz. of tender prime rib with au jus, baked potato and tossed salad. Eat in only from 6pm-8pm Were all about sports! Thursday Night is Ladies Night. 7pm-10pm Ladies Drink Cheap Tuesday Night is Margarita Night. 5pm-9pm Margaritas Only $ 2 00 Wednesday Night is Bucket Night. 6pm-10pm All Domestic Beer. 5 for $ 10 00 Mon-Sat 7am-3:30am Sun 1pm-3:30am 304.262.1470 Located across from Ryans in Martinsburg OPEN DAILY NOW ACCEPTI NG 5 LARGE Screen TVs! $ 7 00 F O R
O N L Y NOW SERVING HOMEMADE SOUP, 8 SUB & SOFT DRINK MADE FRESH DAILY Early Morning Happy Hour 7:00 am - 10:00 am Happy Hour: Mon-Fri, 4 - 7pm We have MLB Package watch all your favorite baseball teams on our BIG SCREEN TVS! $ 5.00 OFF of a $ 25 00 purchase Offer valid for Dine In or Carry Out only. Not valid with any other offer. Must present this Ad. Minimum purchase of $25. Expires 9/3/11. NOW SERVING Salad Paninis Pasta Subs Italian Specialties Pizza Brothers Pizza 603 Winchester Ave Martinsburg Watch Your Favorite Teams Here! BREAKFAST Daily 7am-10:30am Eat In Delivery Carryout 304.263.3322 New York Style Fresh Dough Pizza 2518 Williamsport Pike, Martinsburg, WV We Deliver - $10 Minimum OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! See our full menu @ Phone: 304-262-5056 Order 50 Wings Of Your Choice Get A Free 2 Liter Of Soda Of Your Choice 40
WING DEAL Try our new Pork BBQ sandwich w/coleslaw and a bag of Lays for $ 4.75 Treat yourself to the best food in town! A Very Special Thanks to our loyal customers for your patronage! NEW HOURS Starting Monday, August 8 th , 2011 OPEN 7 Days A Week! 8am-2pm - Fresh Country Sausage - Homemade Breakfast Gravies Breakfast Served All Day 55 Meadow Lane Plaza Martinsburg, WV DAILY SPECIALS! Family Restaurant (304) 262-4646 HOMEMADE Soups & Salads Authentic Mexican Cuisine Closed Mondays Tues-Sun: 10:30am-10:00pm $ 3 00 OFF Purchase of $ 20 00 or more *Not Valid With Any Other Offer Expires 8/12/11 55 Meadow Lane Pla za Martinsburg, WV (304) 262-9990 Thirsty Thursdays - $ 1 99 Margaritas Daily Lunch Specials Starting At $ 5 50 Now Serving Alcoholic Beverages! b g -0 0 4 2 -0 8 1 1 Pizza Oven Pizza Oven Pizza Oven Special 5pm-9pm 5pm-9pm 5pm-9pm Pizza & Salad Buffet $ 99 $ 99 $ 4 99 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT Wednesday Night Wednesday Night Wednesday Night Buy One Beverage- Get One Free! Foodl i on Pl aza Inwood, WV Sun. - Th. 11am - 9pm Fr i . & Sat . 11am - 10pm 304.229.6701 304.229.6701 304.229.6701 Guide Dining and Entertainment NAME BRAND QUALITY INSTRUMENTS At Prices You Can Live With! Shop Adjusted Set - Up and Ready To Play GUITARSAMPS VIOLINSMANDOLINS AUTOHARPSBANJOS PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS MICROPHONES &
ACCESSORIES OVER 20 YEARS IN SALES & SERVICE All Major Credit Cards Accepted MARTINSBURG 4 Miles North of Martinsburg on Rt. 11 Just 1/2 Mile Off Rt. 11 574 Railroad Drive 304 - 263 - 1847 OPEN EVENI NGS WEEKDAYS 10 - 8 P.M. WED. & SAT. 10 - 5 P.M. Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 11 SPITZERS Construction- For all your Homes Needs, Inside & Out! Reliable Service & Responsible Rates! Call for a Free Estimate today! Specializing in Residential Contracting: Baths, Kitchens, Cabinets, Home Repairs, Carpentry, Rails/Stairs, Trim, Tiling, R o o f i n g , D e c k s , Doors/Windows & Concrete Resurfacing. Call 304-283- 5532. Licensed & Insured. VI NYL Repl ac ement Windows. Quality, energy efficient vinyl windows at affordabl e pri ces. Al so decks, siding, additions, and more. American Building Contractors 304-274-0465. I clean things and in places others dont. Reasonable rates, weekly and bi-week- ly, monthly. Free Estimates. Call Sherry at 304-702- 1242. GARDENING By Christy! Spring cleanup, weeding, transplanting, maintaining flower beds. Mulch installa- tion and deliver. Topsoil, hauling, and more. Free estimates! Call anytime 304-582-3381 or 304-582- 8276. PAI NTI NG Resi dent i al Specialist. Interior/Exterior. 25 years experience. Very affordable prices, refer- ences furnished. Free esti- mates. Call Jack at 304- 933-4664. BRICK, block, and stone! Quality work at the best rates. No job too small 304- 820-9276. DRIVEWAYS: Patchwork, Paving & Sealing. Call 304- 754-8072. FA L L I N G WAT E R S CAMPSITE is the propane KING!! Tanks from Hank After-hours service and Cheapskat es pr i ci ng. Propane and propane accessori es. 7 days a week. Call 304-274-2791. MINI Van Service to/from Dul l es/ BWI Ai r por t s. Martinsburg to Dulles $60, Martinsburg to BWI $80 Cal l 304- 268- 6545 or e m a i l Justmeairportrides@yaho NANA S A n s we r i n g Service- I will take mes- sages for you or run your o wn b u s i n e s s l i n e , address/stuff envelopes, sort out receipts and put them in order. For more information call Debbie 304-725-4637. PETSITTING in our home. Excellent care with house on 2 acres. Lots of room to run! References call 304-582-6070/304-676- 7909. PRESSURE/Power wash- ing: Let me thoroughly clean your exterior home or driveway. From $150 for single family home and d r i v e w a y s . F R E E Estimates. Licensed and Insured. 304-268-6545. Secr et ar i al Ser vi ces: 15+yr Adm. Asst. will pro- vide from my home using Office 2010 Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Price based on piece. Call Nadine 304- 433-7498 for info. SPORTS Phy s i c al & D.O.T. Same Day Exam 304-263-4927. 20 Acre Ranch FORCLO- SURES! Near Booming El Paso, TX. Was $16,900. Now $12,900. $0 Down, t ake over pay ment s $99/mo. Beautiful views, owner financing. FREE map/pictures. 1-800-755- 8953. A D O P T I O N - P R E G - NANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? You choose from families nationwide. L I V I NG E X P E NS E S PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413- 6292, 24/7. AUTOMOTIVE-WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCY- CLES KAWASAKI,1970- 1980, Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, H2-750, H1-500, S1-250, S2-250, S2-350, S3-400. CASH PAID. 1- 800-772-1142. 1-310-721- 0726. A U T O S WA N T E D - DONATE YOUR CAR. FREE TOWING. Cars for Kids. Any condition. Tax deductible outreachcen- 1-800-597-9411. AUTOS WANTED-TOP CASH FOR CARS, Any Car/Truck, Runni ng or Not. Call for INSTANT offer: 1-800-454-6951. EARN $1000S WEEKLY Receive $12 every enve- lope Stuffed with Sales ma t e r i a l s . 2 4 - h o u r Informati on 1-800-682- 5439 code 14. ELECTRONICS- DIRECT TO HOME Satellite TV $24.99/mo. FREE installa- t i on, FREE HD/ DVR upgrade. New customers- NO ACTIVATION FEE! Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-795-3579. EMPLOYMENT- MYS- TERY SHOPPERS! Earn up to $150 daily. Get paid to shop pt/ft. Call now 800-690-1272. E M P L O Y M E N T - PROCESS Mai l ! Pay Weekly! FREE Supplies! B o n u s e s ! Ge n u i n e ! Hel pi ng Homewor ker s since 1992! Call 1-888- 302- 1522. www. how- Generic VIAGRA 50mg, 100mg. 60 pills only $149 6 f r ee pi l l s. Gener i c CIALIS (Tedalafil) 20 mg, 40mg, 90 pills only $199 15 free pills. 888-225- 2146. HELP WANTED- 2011 Postal Positions $13.00- $36. 50+/ hr. , Feder al hi re/ f ul l benef i t s. Cal l Today! 1-866-477-4953 Ext. 150. H E L P W A N T E D - A C T O R S / M O V I E EXTRAS - $150-$300/Day depending on job. No expe- rience. All looks needed. 1- 800-281-5185-A103 MISCELLANEOUS-AIR- LINES ARE HIRING: Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA a p p r o v e d p r o g r a m. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Call Av i at i on I ns t i t ut e of Mai ntenance. 866-453- 6204. MI S C E L L A N E OU S - AT T E N D C OL L E GE ONLI NE f r om home. Me d i c a l , B u s i n e s s , Paral egal , Accounti ng, Cr i mi nal Just i ce. Job pl acement assi st ance. Comput er Avai l abl e. Financial aid if qualified. Ca l l 8 0 0 - 4 9 4 - 3 5 8 6 . MISCELLANEOUS-DISH NETWORK PACKAGES start $24.99/mo FREE HD for life! FREE BLOCK- BUST ER mo v i e s ( 3 months) Call 1-800-915- 9514. REAL ESTATE- TEN- NESSEE CLOSEOUT S A L E - S m o k e y Mt n / Ch e r o k e e L a k e Properties. 1/2 acre-1.18 acre. Preview 8/13-8/14. Sale 8/20-8/21. Financing. 1-877-644-4647; 865-599- 6550. REAL ESTATE-***FREE Forecl osure Li sti ngs*** OVER 400,000 properties nationwide. Low down pay- ment. Call now 800-250- 2043. REAL ESTATE-Available Now! ! ! 2- 4 Bedr oom h o m e s Ta k e O v e r Payment s No Money Down/No Credit Check. Call 1-888-269-9192. REAL ESTATE- St o p Renting, Lease option to buy or Rent to Own, No money down, No credit check. 1-877-395-0321. WANTED TO BUY- WANT- ED DI ABETES TEST STRIPS Any kind/brand. Unexpired-Up to $18.00. Shipping Paid 1-800-266- 0702 www.sel l di abeti c- ATTENTION Diabetics with Medicare Join Americas Diabetic Savings Club and receive a FREE diabetic bracelet. Membership is FREE. Qualify for meter upgrades, prescr i pt i on delivery and free give- aways. Call 1-888-474- 3420. AUTO DONATI ONS- DONATE YOUR CAR, Truck or Boat to HER- ITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation. Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care of. 1-888-475-1825. A U T O S WA N T E D - CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! PayMax pays the MAX! One call gets you a TOP DOL L AR o f f e r ! An y year/make/model. 1-888- PAYMAX-5 MacNet CadNet Misc. Services Painting Lawn Care House Cleaning Compare our 90 Day Supply Prices! As Low As $10 Call Today! We Now Carry... Diabetic Shoes and Medical Legwear Ask your Doctor & See Us For More Info. 2 Locations To Serve You! Hedgesville Spring Mills Pharmacy Pharmacy & Coffee Cafe 304.754.5800 304.274.6655 304.274.6966 FAX 71 Cowardly Lion Drive - Hedgesville (Located in front of FoodLion, Hedgesville) 5078 Williamsport Pike (Rt.11) Suite A - Martinsburg Easy Prescription Transfer from other Pharmacies Fast, Friendly Service Convenient Drive-Thru Window Consultation on prescriptions Consultation on OTC medications Home Health Care Needs Diabetic Supplies with Consultation Easy Prescription Transfer from other Pharmacies Fast, Friendly Service Convenient Drive-Thru Window Delivery Available - Call for details Consultation on prescriptions Consultation on OTC medications Home Health Care Needs Diabetic Supplies with Consultation After Hours Drop Box also Available We Now Carry... Diabetic Shoes and Medical Legwear Ask your Doctor & See Us For More Info. FREE Wi-Fi Available Spring Mills is now accepting all Flexible Spending/HSA Cards Now Available- Allegra OTC Charlie Browns Store 15949 Charles Town Rd Charles Town, WV 304-725-7861 Hours 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! NRA Membership Recruiter Hunting/Fishing Supplies Firearms, FFL/class 3 SOT Smoking Accessories Cold Beer Groceries Seasonal Live Bait bg-0017-5110 Start your career today as a Cosmetologist, Esthetician, or Nail Tech! Financial aid is available to those who qualify. Classes Starting Now. bg-0030-3211 $ 00 $ 00 $ 30 00 20% OFF SUPERSTYLE SUPERSTYLE SUPERSTYLE CUT, STYLE & CUT, STYLE & CUT, STYLE & COLOR COLOR COLOR Bring this coupon Bring this coupon and receive and receive any service. any service. Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers Offer Expires 8/10/11 Must present coupon. Not valid with any other offers Offer Expires 8/10/11 INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY SCHOOL ~ 201 WEST KING STREET, MARTINSBURG ~ 304-263-4929 ~ WALK-INS WELCOME ~ For Class Info Phone (301)717-7668 All services performed by supervised students. RICKS WELDING AND MACHINE Complete Driveshaft Repairs All Types New Driveshafts While You Wait Authorized Splicer Drive Line Service Complete Line Hydraulic Hoses 304-258-352 7 Rt. 2 Berkeley Springs, WV bg-0036-1307 BEAVERS BEAVERS Home Repair Home Repair Specializing In: - Manufactured Housing - Heating & Air Conditioning - Electrical Service & Repair - A Full Line Of Other Services FREE ESTIMATES 304-267-7694 Licensed & Insured WV#007299 754-9031 Call Today! We Service Most Brands C ra ig B la irs New York Yankees & Baltimore Orioles August 28 John Loves Mary at Rainbow Dinner Theatre September 8 Tangier Island Cruise September 17 Fall Extravaganza at Green Dragon Market September 23 Ocean City Sunfest September 24 Baltimores Inner Harbor September 28 A Day in New York City October 1 800-336-3953 GO >>> MULTI-DAY TOURS DAY TRIPS CRUISES Alaska CruiseTour on Princess May 2012 The Grand Mediterranean September 25, 2012 15 days Canada & New England October 4, 2012 9 days 800-336-3953 Pack Your Bags! Your 2011 Vacation Awaits Call today! Summer Fun at the Beach, Ocean City, MD August 18 - 21 New England Fall Sampler October 2 - 7 Fall for the Ozarks Branson, MO October 12 - 19 Renfro for the Holidays November 10 - 13 Nashville Country Christmas November 16 - 20 A Holiday Season of Lights Virginias Coastal Celebration November 25 - 27 Visit us online at Page 12 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 AUTOS WANTED- CASH FOR CARS: Cars/Trucks Wanted! Running or Not! We Come To You! Any Make/ Model . I ns t ant offer- Cal l : 1-800-596- 0003. BUI LDI NG MATERI - ALS/MISC. FOR SALE- HAS YOUR BUILDING S HI F T E D? Co n t a c t Woodford Bros., Inc. for strai ghteni ng, l evel i ng, foundat i on, and wood frame repairs at 1-800- OLD-BARN/ www. wood- f or dbr os. com MDHI C #05-121-861. Buri ed i n Credi t Card Debt? Over 10,000? We can get you out of debt qui ckl y and save you thousands of dollars! Call Credi t Card Rel i ef for your free consultation 1- 866-767-5932. BUSI NESS TO BUSI - NESS REACH CUS- TOMERS IN THE MID- AT L ANT I C STAT ES! Place your ad in over 5.2 million households in free community papers for 5 weeks and get the 6th We e k F R E E . V i s i t www.macnetonl i for more details or call 800-450-7227. HEALTH/ MI SCELLA- NEOUS- ATTENTI ON SLEEP APNEA SUFFER- ERS with Medicare. Get FREE CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infec- tion! Call 888-440-8352. HELP WANTED- NOW HIRING: Employees need- ed to assemble products at home. No sel l i ng, any hours. $500 weekly poten- tial. Info. 1-985-646-1700 Dept. MAC-6811. LAWN & GARDEN- MAN- TIS TILLER. Buy DIRECT from Manti s and we`l l i ncl ude Bor der Edger attachment & kickstand! Lightweight, Powerful! Call for a FREE DVD and Information Kit 888-436- 8807. LOTS & ACREAGE- FARM LAND LIQUIDA- TI ON! 2 Upst at e NY Farms! 2 days only! Aug 6th & 7th! 7 acres- woods- $19,900 10 acres - views- $29,900 Many forclosure priced parcels to choose from! Free gas and closing costs! (888) 738-6994 www.NewYorkLandandLak MI SCELLANEOUS & NOTICE-SOCIAL SECU- RITY DISABILITY BENE- FITS. You WIN or Pay Us N o t h i n g . C o n t a c t Di sabi l i t y Gr oup, I nc. Today! BBB Accredited. Call For Your FREE Book & Consultation. 866-983- 3264. MISCELLANEOUS- ACR METAL ROOFING - GO GREEN - tax credits agri- cultural, commercial, resi- denti al . Bui l di ng pack- ages, top qual i ty, l ow cost , FREE l i t erat ure., 800-325- 1247. MI S C E L L A N E OU S - DISH Network delivers more for less! Packages star ti ng at $24.99/mo, Local channels included! Free HD for life! Free BLOCKBUSTER movies. 1-888-691-3801. MI S C E L L A N E OU S - DIRECT to home Satellite TV $19. 99/ mo. FREE Instal l ati on FREE HD- DVR Up g r a d e . Ne w Customers - NO ACTIVA- TION FEE! Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800- 795-5319. MUS I CAL I NS T RU- ME N T S - C L A R I N E T, FLUTE, VIOLIN, Trumpet, Tr ombone, Ampl i f i er, Fender Guitar $70. ea. Cel l o, Upr i ght Bass, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $190. ea. Tuba, Baritone, Others. 1-516- 377-7907. S C H O O L S - H I G H S CHOOL DI P L OMA FROM HOME. 6-8 weeks. Accredited. Get a diplo- ma. Get a j ob! FREE Brochure. 1800-264-8330 www.diplomafromhome.c om TRAVEL or VACATIONS- FREE CAMPING! Get 2 FREE nights at out popu- l a r G E T T Y S B U R G resort. Amazing Location, Moder n Ameni t i es & Family Fun! Call 800-841- 4895 to Discover More! Offer endsAugust 15th. WHEN YOU CALL PATTERSONS You Always Have a Real Live Person Answer the Phone. Not a Recording that Puts You on a Merry-go-round of Pushing Buttons. 24 Hour Emergency Service FREE Pick-up and Delivery 10% Senior Citizen Discount We Honor All 3rd Party Insurance Cards and We Can Also Care For Your Loved One in Assisted Living or Nursing Homes. PATTERSONS DRUG STORES Locally Owned & Operated For Over 80 Years...The Difference is Service. Your Co-Pay stays the same anywhere...Only the friendly, professional service is different 134 S. Queen St., Martinsburg 304-267-8903 Mon.-Fri. 9-8 Sat. 9-3 Inwood Center, Inwood, WV 304-229-2929 Mon.-Fri. 9-6:30 Sat. 9-1 2 1 4 5 8 4 Gutter Helmet 20%Off (minimum 75 ft.) Expires 3/31/11 *Not Valid with any other offers. *Good at first presentation only. Spring Special Class A Lic ~ VA #2701006389A WVA#000554 Relieve the Pain. G G e e t t 2 2 0 0 % % o o f ff f n n o o w w ! ! Protect Your Home and Put on the Helmet. Clogged gutters can cause big problems. Wood rot, mold, and wet basements are all caused by water seeping into places it shouldn't. Gutter Helmet is the first, original, and number one gutter protection system. Call now for a free estimate! Expires 8/31/11 Experience Experience Counts Counts Divorce Custody Support Chapter 7 & 13 Bankruptcy Small Business Representation Limited Liability Companies Free Initial Consultation Brian J. McAuliffe Attorney at Law 114 S. Maple Ave. Martinsburg, WV 25401 304-596-6036 We Are A Debt Relief Agency. We Help People File For Bankruptcy Relief Under The Bankruptcy Code. FOR QUALI TY MEATS, SEE A LOCAL BUTCHER! From the barn to the freezer - WE DO IT ALL! Hours: M-F 8am-6pm Sat 8am-12 NO SUNDAY SALES or CALLS 717.729.1521 or 717.762.8406 We accept: MC, VISA, DISCOVER, AM.EXPRESS, ACCESS, SNAP Benefits Country Foods Country Foods 6032 Buttermilk, Rd., Waynesboro, PA 17268 Custom Beef or Pork Processing! Our Animal or Yours! Steaks, Roasts, Ground Meat, Sausage, Patties, Bologna & Snack Sticks, Jerky, Dried Beef, Hams, Bacon, Pork Roll, Scrapple, Pudding, Lard, Cracklings, Hot Dogs & More! Call For Pricing & Scheduling Locally Grown Beef & Pork - - Ask About Our Tenderlean Beef! Order NOW Before Further Price Increase! ESHS STORAGE BARNS Located between Newburg & Roxbury on Otterbein Church Rd. 10016 Otterbein Church Road, Newburg, Franklin Co., PA 17240 Phone (717) 423-6129 or 1-866-313-SHED (Leave Message) Barn Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm; Sat 8am-12Noon NO SUNDAY BUSI NESS Out Right Purchase or Rent To Own Advantages to Rent-to-Own: Have your own storage in your own back yard Order size, style & color to fit your needs 36 Payments Total & Building Is Yours No Credit Check (must have 3 monthly payments when ordering building) Call for FREE Brochure & Information Storage Barns Buil t To Order - Available with Painted or Vinyl Siding Customized to Your Needs Keep Your Keep Your Treasures Treasures Close To You! Close To You! Quality Buildings At Low Prices The Battery Experts Rt. 11 1 Mile South of Martinsburg in front of Safe Store Self Storage 304-267-7033 Winchester - 540-665-0065 Hours: M-F 8-6 Sat. 9-3 Shop online at Buy with Confidence For a Long, Long Life DEPENDABLE AFFORDABLE Replacement Batteries & Chargers for Wheelchairs All Brands & Manufacturers Why Settle For Less Than 1/2 Of What You Deserve? Buyers Guide Yard Sales Reach 2x The Number Of Readers For Less $$$ INCLUDES FREE RAIN INSURANCE PREPAYMENT REQUIRED $ 1 3 0 0 Up to 30 words ONLY Includes Includes Includes A Yard A Yard A Yard Sale Kit Sale Kit Sale Kit Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 13 VI AGRA 100MG and CIALIA 20MG!! 40 pilss 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. Only $2.70/pill. Buy the Blue Pill NOW! 1- 888-418-6450. WANTED TO BUY - WANTED YOUR DI A- BETES TEST STRIPS. Unexpired Any Kind/Brand. Pay up to $18.00 per box. Shipping paid. Hablamos espanol. 1-800-267-9895 o r m 20 ACRE LAND FORE- CLOSURES. $0 Down, Take over $99/mo. Was $16,900 Now $12,900! Near Growing El Paso Texas. Beautiful Views, Owner Financing, Money Back Gaurantee. Free col or brochure. 1-800- 843-7537. AUTO DONATIONS- A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR! Breast Cancer Research Foundation! Most highly r at ed br east s cancer charity in America! Tax Deduct i bl e/ Fast Free Pick Up. 800-771-9551. www. car donat i onsf or - AUTO DONATI ONS- CARS/TRUCKS WANT- ED! Top $$$$$ PAI D! Running or Not, All Years, Make, Model s. Fr ee Towing! Were Local! 7 days/ Week. Cal l Tol l Free: 1-888-416-2330. AUTOMOBILES WANT- ED- DONATE A CAR- Free Next Day Pick-Up. Help Disabled Kids. Best Tax Deduction. Receive 3 F r e e V a c a t i o n Certificates. Call Special Kids Fund 7 day/week. 1- 866-448-3865. BUSINESS OPPORTU- NITY- Frac Sand Haulers with complete bulk pneu- matic rigs only. Relocate to Texas for Tons of work. Great Company/Pay. Gas cards/Qui ck pay avai l - able. 817-926-3535. CASH FOR CARS: All Car s/ Tr ucks Want ed. Running or not! Top dol- lar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model . Call for instant offer: 1- 800-864-5960. DONATE YOUR CAR To t he Cancer Fund of Amer i ca. Hel p Those Sufferi ng Wi th Cancer Today. Free Towing and Tax deducti bl e. 1-800- 835-9372. E L E C T R O N I C S - D I R E C T V S u m m e r Specials! 1 Year FREE Showt i me! 3 mont hs F R E E HBO/ St ar z / Ci nemax ! NFL SUNDAY TICKET. F R E E C h o i c e U l t i m a t e / P r e m i e r P a c k a g e s f r o m $29. 99/ mo. 800- 906- 9155. ELECTRONICS- FACTO- RY DIRECT SATELLITE TV! Why pay retail when you can buy at Factory Di rect pri ci ng! Lowest monthl y ser vi ce pl ans available. New callers get FREE setup! Call NOW 1-800-935-8195. E M P L O Y M E N T - A C T O R S / M O V I E E X T R A S N e e d e d . Immediately for upcom- ing roles. $150-$300 per day dependi ng on j ob requirements. No experi- ence, All looks needed. 1-800-561-1762 Ext A- 104, for casting times/loca- tions. HEALTH & MEDICAL- Buy the Blue Pill. VIA- GRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg!! 40 pills+ 4 FREE for only $99. #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shi ppi ng. Sat i sfact i on Guaranteed. Save $500 NOW! 1-888-796-8870. HEALTH & MEDICAL- Li pi t or Save $500 a Mont h! 90 pi l l s/ 10mg. Onl y $99 +$20, Pl us Shipping. Discreet, safe, & s e c u r e. Ava i l a bl e immediately. Buy Lipitor Now! Cal l 1-888-797- 9025. HEALTH & MEDICAL- Save $500 a Month! 90 p i l l s / 1 0 m g . O n l y $99+$20, Plus Shipping. Discreet, safe & secure. Avai l abl e I mmedi at el y. Buy Lipitor Now! Call 1- 888-797-9025. HEALTH & MEDICAL- TAKE VIAGRA/ CIALIS? SAVE $500! Get 40 100mg/20mg Pills, for only $99! Call now and Get 4 BONUS Pills FREE! Your st ai sfact i on of Money Ref unded! 1- 888- 757- 8646. HELP WANTED- **ABLE TO TRAVEL** Hiring 10 people. Free to travel to all states, resorts areas. No experience necessary. Paid training & Transportation. Over 18. Start ASAP. 1- 888-853-8411. HELP WANTED- Bl ue Jean Job! Hiring Sharp/Fun people! Free to travel the United States. Company p a i d Lodgi ng/Transpor tati on. Great pay + Bonuses. Get hired today. Work tomor- row! 1-888-853-8411. HELP WANTED- Make $1, 500 Weekl y* NOW ACCEPTING!!! AT HOME computer work. Start mak- ing money today by simply entering data for our com- pany. No Exper i ence Needed, training provided. HELP WANTED- Up to $ 2 , 1 4 3 T O $4,286/MONTH. Part/Full Time Simply Processing Refunds of Uncl ai med Money for our Company. No Exper i ence & No Special Computer Skill R e q u i r e d ! www.UnclaimedMoneyPro HOME SALES- Available Now 2-4 Bedroom Homes. Take Over Payments. No Money Down, No Credit Check. Cal Now 1-866- 343-4134. I T E MS F OR S AL E - DIRECTV Lowest Price! ALL FREE: HBO/CINE- MAX/Starz/Showtime for 3mo + FREE NFL Sunday Ticket w/Choice Ultimate + HD/DVR Upgrade! From $29.99/mo 800-705-0799. NANI Get A Yard Sale Kit For Only $ 4.00, With Purchase Of A Yard Sale Ad... Call 304-267-9983 116 Parasol Trail (Pikeview West), August 5th & 6th, 8am-3pm. Corning, clothes some free, movies, toys, Corelle, small appliances, crystal sheets, curtains, books, j ewel r y, Home Interior, Record player plays 45, 33 1/3 records, CDs, cassettes, AM/FM radio, flower arrangements & more. 2043 Butlers Chapel Road, August 5th & 6th. Matching couch & chair, kitchen table w/ 4 chairs, 2 matching love seats w/ ottoman, toddler & adult clothes and much more! BRIARWOOD Subdivision, 1802 Honey Suckle Drive, Martinsburg, Friday 8/5 and Saturday 8/6, 7am-12pm. B i k e s , e l e c t r i c scooter(RAZOR), girls St. Joseph uniforms, jewelery, clothing, furniture, ect. C O N T I N U E D Downsizing/Moving Sale! August 5th & 6th, 9am-?, Rt. 11 S. of Bunker Hill onto Happy School Ave. Home Interior/Christmas, Lots of valuable discontinued items (1987-1993). HONEYWOOD Community Yard Sal e, Fri day and Saturday, August 5th and 6th, 7am til 2pm. Located off of Vineyard Road in Falling Waters, WV. HUGE Yard Sale on Friday 8/5 and Saturday 8/6, 8am- ?, 48 Teague Lane i n Hammonds Mill Subdivision, Martinsburg off Rt. 11. Large assortment of infant, chil- dren and adult clothing and several misc. items. LARGE INDOOR YARD SALE- August 5th & 6th, 8am-3:30pm. Potomic Park Camp, Activities Building, Falling Waters ,WV (Rt. 11 N.). Soup, Sandwiches, Baked Goods, Furniture, Books, Dishes & Misc. MARTINSBURG-Yard Sale, August 5th & 6th, 8am-3pm, 566 Railroad Drive, Beside Guitar Room. Name brand purses like new, nice chil- drens clothes, large size womens clothes, tires and household items. MULTI-Family Downsizing Yard Sale- 704 Rock Cliff Drive, Martinsburg, Friday, August 6th and Saturday, August 7th. Some furniture, electronics, small appli- ances, collectibles, home decorations, exercise equip- ment and lots of miscella- neous. MULTI-Family Yard Sale on Saturday August 6th, 9am- ?. Cotta Lane from Moler Ave., make a ri ght at ROCS onto Jenny Wren, make a left onto Cotta Lane to dead end. MULTI-Family Yard Sale- Friday 8/5 & Saturday 8/6 from 8:00 - 3:00. Summer Hi l l Subdi v i s i on, 98 Huttons Vireo Drive. Follow signs. Longaberger bas- kets, clothes, lots of misc items at great prices. St. Leo Yard Sale, 2109 Sul phur Spr i ngs Rd. , Inwood WV 25428. August 12th and 13th. Vendor Spaces available $15.00 for both days. You provide tables. Rain or Shine. Many i t ems pl us bake sal e, chicken dinner. Large com- munity event. Call Shelley (540) 667-6246 for more information. S T O N E B R I D G E Communi t y Yar d Sal e August 6th, 8am-3pm. From Rt. 45 Blairton Road to Golf Course Road and Insbrook and From Rt. 9 to Needy to Hogan. 304-262- 6986. YARD Sale Multi family- 916 Strobridge Rd. (end of Nadenbousch Lane). Aug. 5, 6, & 7. 9am- 2pm. Household, linens, toys, g a m e s , b o y s /girls/ladies/men clothing. YA R D S A L E - 7 5 7 Mont mor enc y Dr i ve, Bunker Hill WV, Friday August 5th & Saturday August 6th, 8am-3pm. Baby items, lots of girls clothes newborn-18month, strollers, baby equipment & toys. YARD SALE- August 5th & 6t h, 67 Bar on Dr i ve, Pikeside, 7am-4pm. Jean Cave House. YARD SALE- Fri. 8/5 and Sat. 8/6, 7am-3pm, Rain or Shine! 73 Stockade Ct, Hedgesvi l l e. Fur ni ture, clothes, shoes, toys, books and canoe. YARD SALE- Saturday August 6th from 8am-?, 57 Kimberly Drive off Eagle School Road. Watch for signs. YARD SALE- Saturday, August 6th beginning at 7am-?, 120 Martha Drive (Rt. 11 S. before Bowling Alley, look for signs) Plenty of Great things at Great prices! See you then!! YARD SALE- Saturday, August 6th, 2011, 8am-?, 3 3 3 O a k S t r e e t , Martinsburg, WV. Lots of nice things. AHA! Chi l dr ens and Educational Games. 1816 Ge r r a d s t o wn Ro a d , Gerradstown, WV. Outside spaces available June- September, Friday-Sunday, 9am-5pm. Call for Details 304-702-3686. M O V I N G ? C a l l Rockwells. Local & long d i s t a n c e . Household/Commercial, Packing/Packing Material F o r S a l e . Insured/Bonded Since 1982. Call 304-263-move, 304-725-move, 800-992- 9805. Moving Sales T H I S a n d T h a t C o n s i g n m e n t clothing/furniture/house- hold items and more! Check our store for week- ly Specials! A little bit of this and a whole lot of t hat . Leet own Rd. , Kear neysvi l l e, Thur s- Sunday 10am-6pm, 304- 724-3066. MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE - August 5th & 6th, 500 N. Mildred Street, Ranson. Boyd Thomas Home Interior, Mower s and much more!!!! Yard Sales TRI-COUNTY RENTALS 1730 WINCHESTER AVE., MARTINSBURG,WV 304-267-2974 HOURS: MON.-SAT. 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Spring Is Here Do It Yourself & Save! Spring Projects Lawn & Garden Tools Skid Steers Power Tools Tillers Chain Saws Grass Trimmers Party Events Wedding Receptions Tables Chairs Canopies Graduations WANTED! 10 DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! Gold $ Silver $ Diamonds Pocket Watches $ Paper Currency Musical Instruments $ Coins Military Items $ Antiques Gold & Diamond Exchange, LLC 540-247-4328 email: I s your PC, or Lapt op sl uggi sh, unr esponsi ve or dyi ng a sl ow pai nf ul deat h? We c an hel p! Di amond PC Repai r Phone 304.279 .2425 Free estimates and QUICK turnaround. buc kydi amond@yahoo.c om Power Wheel Chair starting at $ 1,500 176 Hack Wilson Way Route 9 Martinsburg (Next to Biedlers) 304-676-5463 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm BIG or SMALL We have t hem all! Now installing Reese & Drawtight Hitches Full Line of Batteries & other medical supplies Accepting Medicare, B.C.B.S. & most other 3rd party Ins. was $ 100 Lift Chair starting at $ 499 Scooters from
$ 589 Rentals NOW $ 50 Rentals Now Only $ 100 Week Stair Lifts Installed $ 3,500 plus tax Standard Vehicle Lifts Now Only $ 100 Week 304.676.5463 Locally Owned & Operated Bowers Mobility MID-TOWN AUCTION Fri., Aug. 12 th , 2011 In the Auction Room of Crim de la Crim b g -0 0 1 3 -3 2 11 137 N. Queen St., Martinsburg, WV 304.260.9394 Not responsible for accidents. Luncheon rights reserved. Announcements at sale take precedence. J.W. Mauck, Jr. WV1494 Michael T. WV1704 VIRGINIA ESTATE 5 P.M.: BOXES, BOOKS, LOTS OF SCI FI BOOKS 6 P.M.: STAR WARS/TREK ITEMS, 100 BOXES PLUS FURNITURE AND SMALLS MANY ITEMS TO BE PICKED UP & UNPACKED SEE NEXT WEEKS AD! GO TO AUCTIONZIP.COM FOR FULL LISTING B u y e r s Gu i d e P U B L I C A T I O N S Contact the Buyers Guide Classifieds online to make an announcement, sell your stuff, post a job or offer a service today! Online with the Classifieds. or phone 304-267-9983 25 WORDS FOR ONLY $ 8.00 Rates may vary, depending on the classified section. Rates do not apply to free family classified ads. Page 14 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Seen By More People In The Area Than Any Other Publication... Call 304-267-9983 1 9 8 4 1 4 x 7 2 , 2Bedroom/1Bath on rented lot with fenced yard. $6000. Call 304-616-0104. FREE Mobile Homes need moved. Call 304-676-3903. 1992 14x70 3Bdrm/2 Full Baths with new furnace, central air, new refridgera- t or, new i nst al l at i on, front/rear decks, new water heater on 1/2 acre rented lot. $9,500/obo. Must Sell! Call 304-274-9187. 2005 Doublewide 28x80, 4-bdrm, 2ba. Excellent Condition! Large rented cor ner l ot next t o VA Hospi t al . Reduced for Quick Sale $65,000. Call 304-261-2943. I NWOOD- Wel l kept 3Bdrm/2Bath Rancher, full f ur ni shed basement , fenced backyard, detached garage, AG Swi mmi ng Pool, Private lot. Convient to 81 & 51E. $119,900. Call 304-582-7889. 1986 3 BDRM Mobi l e home, 14x70 $4000/OBO. Must be moved. Contact Jim, 304-240-7456 2Bdrm/1Bath Singlewide for sale in Harpers Ferry. Asking $21000/OBO. Call 703-728-9103 for more information. 4Bdrm/2Bath Doublewide on 3 acres with C/A well and public sewer. I mile S. of Bedington Crossroads off Rt. 11. 7 additional a c r e s a v a i l a b l e f o r $145,000. Call 240-217- 3269. A very nice Doublewide on a wooded 10 acres near Romney, WV. Very nice, lays good, lots of wild ani- ma l s , v e r y p r i v a t e . $125,900 with 10% down owner financed. 843-283- 8398. DOUBLEWIDE on perma- n e n t f o u n d a t i o n i n Martinsburg, 1.72 acres, 3bdrm, 2bath, two tier deck with 24 above ground swimming pool, $129,900. Call 304-263-4656. EMERGENCY MOBILE HOME SALE! Terminally Ill! 2000 model, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, hardwood floors, A/C and all appliances. Very nice home. $15,000. 304-229-1473. IN Points near Romney, WV 3bdrm Doublewide (last model) on 3 acres wi t h a i r / h e a t , l a r g e s c r e e n e d p o r c h . Doubl ewi de has great view with 25 heads shed for hoses that is partly fenced. $107,900 wi th $ 6 0 0 0 d o wn o wn e r f i n a n c e d . $ 7 0 0 p e r mont h. 843-283-8398. Ot her pl aces for sal e also. ROMNEY, WV- New 3bdrm Mobile Home fur- nished, air/heat, never l i ved i n. Reduced t o $59,900, $3,500 down. Approx. $600 per month. 843- 283- 8398. Ot her places for sale also. 2 1/2 acres building lot, South Berkeley, Thorn Hill. Owner Financing. $49,900, 10% down. Call 304-261- 0278. LARGE Rented lots for manufactured homes with River Access. Available Now! Call for details 304- 279-2835. LOT For Sale, Approx. .25+ Acre Building Lot in Forest Hills Sub-division off Shepher dst own Road. Water & Sewer Available. $25,000. 304-283-9000. PROPANE @ FALLING WATERS CAMPSI TE! ! See Hank for a tank. Filling tanks 7-days a week-even after regular hours. Never run out with us. Call 304- 274-2791. 2 bd 1 bth apartment in South Berkeley. $550 + dep. No pets. Call 304-839- 2330. 221 West Martin, 2nd floor rear, 1 bedroom, $500 + electric + deposit. Call 304- 671-8003. 2BR Trailer & Efficiency Ap a r t me n t - De p o s i t required, w/s furnished. One year lease. Located in back of Bunker Hill Post Office. 304-229-4988 or 540-974-4870. APARTMENT for rent, 2bdrm/ 1 1/2 bath, eat in kitchen, stove, fridge, water, garbage, sewer included, walk to train. $500. 304-267- 0779. FOR Rent 1bdrm apartment in rural area, Rt 11 north. Call 304-229-5435/leave mes- sage. LARGE 1 bedroom apart- ment plus utilities. $695 a month plus $500 deposit. Office Space for rent in Spring Mill area near Wal-Mart. Call Al Boyce 304-671-0712. L I N D S E Y Te r r a c e Apartments has 2 bedroom apartments available NOW for qualified applicants. Income guidelines and basic rents apply. Equal Housing Opportunity call 304-264-8554 for informa- tion TDD-800-982-8771. This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Emp l oy e r . Ha n d i c a p Accessible. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, gas h e a t , C e n t r a l a i r , refridgerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer, $850, $600 securi ty deposi t, utilities not included. No pets. Credit check. 304- 263-1103. 2 Bedroom/ 1 1/2 Bath, water, sewer and garbage included, washer/dryer. $650 monthly, security deposit and credit check required. No pets. 304- 263-3377. 2 Houses for Rent: cot- tage with carport 1bedrm, 1bath furn, ele, included. $650.00 a month plus sec deps. House: 3bedrm car- port 3bath, living room, di nni ng r oom, f ami l y room. $1100.00 plus sec deps Call 304 -224-4953. 3Bdrm House for rent in Pi kesi de wi t h f enced b a c k y a r d , d e t a c h e d garage and unfi ni shed bas ement . $850 per month + $850 deposit required. Calll 304-676- 2078. 3Bdr m/ 1bat h for rent . $650 a month. No pets! In Martinsburg, 124 S. High St r eet . Cal l 304- 279- 1606. 3Bdr m/1Bath Rancher, Like New on 1/4 acre lot, one smal l dog al oud. $915 per mont h pl us deposit. 304-263-0894 8am-5pm weekdays and 8am-12pm on Saturdays or 304-820-8765. ADORABLE 2bdrm Brick Bungal ow, Basement , Garage, Large Yard. No pets! Tuscarora Pike,(2 mi l es west , exi t 13) Martinsburg. $900 a month plus security deposit. 304- 267-7851. BEDINGTON- country set- ting 1BR house. No sec- tion 8, no pets, no smok- ing, no children, S-W $550 plus electric, sec deposit, suitable for 1 mature work- ing adult 304-279-4535. FOR Rent- 1266 Loop Road, 3Bdrm/1 1/2 Baths with full basement finished. $800 monthy w/ deposit. Call 304-267-2893. HEDGESVILLE - 2 story, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, CAC, electric heat, stove, refrig- e r a t o r , wat er / sewer / gar bage, large yard, no smoking/no pets. Deposi t + $850/ month 304-754-7489. HOUSE for Rent- Cherry R u n S p l i t f o y e r , 3bdrm/3baths. $1300. Call for details 304-676-1896. MARTINSBURG 4BR, 2BA, quiet location. Freshly pai nt ed & remodel ed. Incl udes water, sewer, trash. Only $845/mo. + Sec. Dep, 102-B Lights Addition Drive. Call Lisa 717-486-7867. RENT with option to buy! Cozy 2-bedrooms/ 2-full baths. Fireplace/Screened- Porch Located upscale community-Hedgesville. Some owner f i nance. Available immediatly. Showing appointment only. 571-344-8611. O N L Y S E R I O U S INQUIRIES PLEASE! FOR Rent, Townhouse. Comepletely furnished, washer/dr yer i ncl uded. Charles Town. 304-754- 8160. TOWNHOME FOR RENT- 3 BR/1.5 BA 2 story end unit townhouse for rent located in Tabler Station Ma n o r I n wo o d WV. $950/mo OBO. Small pets allowed. 540-532-8486. 2 Doubl ewi de Mobi l e Homes in Inwood area on large lots. Call for details. 304-279-2835. 2BDRM mobile home $400 and up. Includes water and weekly trash pick up in Jefferson County area. 304-728-4100. 2Bdrm/1Bath Trailer for Rent- Airport Road area. $500/mo, water & sewer included. Will work with deposit. Call Steve 304- 283-3642. MOBI LE HOME, l at e model, 14x50, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, central air, electric heat, W/S/G included, utili- t y b a r n , n o p e t s . $590/month +deposit. Exit 8, 1/2 mile off I-81. Call 304-754-8979. MOBI LE HOME: 2004 Fl eet wood- Ent er t ai ner 28x60, 3bdrm, 2 bath, CA, FP. All appliances, 8x10 shed, large corner lot in park, Bunker Hill, WV. $34,900 serious inquiries only. 304-671-7259. NEWLY remodeled mobile home 2 bd/1bth. $550 + dep. No pets. Call 304-839- 2330. 28ft x10ft. Bays in big- garage for Storage only. Call 304-263-9732. Berkeley Springs share house. Private room coun- t r y set t i ng, Phone, TV/Inter net & uti l i ti es. $300/mo. Call 304-258- 0480. ROOMS for rent ranging from $450-$600. Inwood area. Furnished and all util- i ti es i ncl uded. Cal l for details 304-676-1896. REDUCED $12,500 3Bdrm on South Queen Street n o w $ 8 2 , 5 0 0 * * * * REDUCED $6,000 3Bdrm o n I l l i n o i s Ave n ow $126,500. Call Imogene 304-267-7851. Coldwell Banker Premier Properties, Steve DuBrueler Broker. WANTED- Private Lot for Mobile Home, must have electric, well & septic or water & sewer hook-up. Call 304-229-1467. Rooms For Rent For Rent-Garage For Rent- Mobile Homes For Rent- Townhouse For Rent-Homes Roberts Gardens Apartments Available now 2 BR units, pet friendly community. For details, contact site manager at 304-264-8593 or TDD 1-800-982-8771 This institiution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Joshua Gar den Apar t ment s Thi s i nst i t i t i on i s an Equal Oppor t uni t y Pr ovi der and Empl oyer. c ur r ent l y has 2 bedr ooms avai l abl e and a 2 bedr oom handi c apped uni t . Pet f r i endl y, c al l 304-263-1831 or TDD 1-800-982-8771 t o speak w i t h Manager f or det ai l s, hour s M.W.F. 9am-5pm. For Rent- Apartments Wanted To Buy Lots & Acreage Mobile Homes For Sale Homes For Sale Manufactured Homes EASTERN HOMES INC. 231 Valentine Drive, Martinsburg, WV 25405 304-229-1311 or 304-229-2600 FINANCING ARRANGED PARK APPROVAL REQUIRED $ 29,999 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Bank Repo Special Single Family Home, Brick Front 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms 2 Car Garage, All Appliances Easy commute from Hagerstown/Frederick Call: Jim 304-279-1826 For Rent bg-0041-2109 304-264-8888 Call for Details! Ron Catlett DISH, INC. Your Local Dealer $ 24 99 60 Top Channels with Locals mo. for 12 months Reg. $ 34.99 Need Cash? Fraziers Pawn Shop 922 N. Queen Street, Martinsburg, WV 304.263.8511 Were Paying Top Dollar For Your Unwanted Gold, Diamonds, Jewelry... Regardless Of Its Condition!!! Advertise Your Car In The Buyers Guide for 13 Weeks For As Little As $ 14 9 9 Up to 20 words. Limited to 1 item. Private Party Only! Must be paid at time of placement. NO refunds Cal l 304-267-9 9 83 Mon.-Fr i . 8:30am - 5:00pm Visit us online at Need Childcare? Or have a childcare business? Let the Buyers Guide Help You With Your Advertising! 304-267-9983 Call For Current Rates! Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 15 ITEMS FOR SALE- DISH Network delivers more for less! Packages starting at $24.99/mo. Local channels included! FREE HD for life! Fr ee BLOCKBUSTER movies for 3 months. 1-888- 459-3929. ITEMS FOR SALEMEMO- RY FOAM THERAPEUTIC NASA VISCO MATTRESS- ES WHOLESALE! T-$299 F- $349 Q- $399 K- $499 ADJUSTABLES-$799 FREE DELIVERY 25 YEAR WAR- RANTY 90 NIGHT TRIAL 1- 800-ATSLEEP 1-800-287- 5337 WWW.MATTRESS- DR.COM. LEGAL- ACCIDENT VIC- TIMS. Cash Advances for personal injury cases. CASH NOW-before you settle. No payment until you win. Fast Approval. Cash Next Day! www. Ca s h - Now- Fo r - 1-888- 522-8360. MI SC- OLD GUI TARS WANTED! Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Martin,Prairie State, E u p h o n o n , L a r s o n , D Angel i co, St romber, Rickenbacker, and Mosrite. Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1930s thru 1970s. TOP CASH PAID! 1-800-401- 0440. MISCELLANEOUS- ACCI- DENT VICTIMS. Need Cash? Get a cash advance for your personal injury case. Pay nothing until you win. Fast Approval. Cash next day! www. c a s h - No w- Fo r - 1-888- 544-2154. MISCELLANEOUS- CASH PAID for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS- up to $17/box! Most brands, Shipping prepaid. FAST pay- ment. Ask for Emma 1-888- 776-7771. www.cash4diabet- MISCELLANEOUS- DISH Network, more for less! Packages st ar t i ng at $24.99/mo. Local channels included! FREE HD for life! Fr ee BLOCKBUSTER movies for 3 months. 1-888- 679-4993. MI S C E L L A N E OU S - DONATE A CAR- Help Disabled Kids. Free next day pick-up. Receive 3 Free Vacation Certificates. Tax Deductible. Call Special Kids Fund 7 days/week. 1-866- 448-3865. MI S C E L L A N E OU S - REDUCE YOUR SATELLITE or CABLE BILL! Confused by all these other ads, buy DI RECT at FACTORY DIRECT Pricing. Lowest monthly prices available. FREE to new callers! CALL NOW 1-800-795-1315. MISCELLANEOUS- WANT t o S A V E $ 5 0 0 o n Vi agra/ Ci al i s? Get 40 100mg/20mg Pills, for only $99! No office visit. Money Back Gaurantee. 4 Bonus Pills Free! CALL 1-888-757- 8646. MISCELLANEOUS-AIR- LINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Housing avail- able. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 686-1704. MI S C E L L A N E OU S - ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE f r om Home. *Medi cal , *Busi ness, *Paral egal , *Accounti ng, *Cri mi nal Justice. Job placement assis- tance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 8 0 0 - 5 1 0 - 0 7 8 4 MISCELLANEOUS-GET YOUR DEGREE ONLINE * Medi cal , * Busi ness, *Paralegal, *Accounting, *Criminal Justice. Job place- ment assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qual- ified. Call 800-510-0784 MISCELLANEOUS-HANDS ON CAREER Train for a hi gh payi ng Avi at i on Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified Job placement assistance. Call AIM today (866)854-6156. MISCELLANEOUS-Reach over 28 million homes with one ad buy! Only $2,795 per week! For more information, contact this publication or go to OUT OF AREA REAL ESTATE- TENNESSEE L A ND DE V E L OP E R CLOSEOUT: Cherokee Lake/Smokey Mountains. 1/2 Acre-1.18 acre home- sites, large selection. Lake views & access, amenities. Preview August, 13-14, Sale August 20-21 starting at $10,000. 1-877-644- 4647; 865-599-6550. TIMESHARES- Ask yourself, what is your Timeshare wor t h? We wi l l f i nd a buyer/renter for CASH. NO GIMMICKS JUST RESULTS! Call 888-879-7165. TRAVEL/RESORTS/VAC ATIONS- Bring the family! Sizzling Summer Specials at Floridas Best Beach, New Smyrna Beach. Stay a week longer. Plan a beach wedding or family reunion. or 1- 800-541-9621. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Brought to you this week by: CLUES ACROSS 1. Plant louses 7. Breezed through 11. A native of Africa 12. Goidelic 13. External 14. __ Lilly, drug company 15. Fence entrance 16. Enclosed yard 18. Drug company 20. Food consumers 21. Strongly disinclined 23. Small goose 24. Launched Apollo 25. Soft stem center 26. Longest river in Ayrshire 27. Sodium 29. Lion sign 30. Southwest Airlines (abbr.) 31. Kilometers per hour 33. Of, French 34. Atomic #50 35. Body of poetry 37. Spanish cubist painter Juan 39. Grandmothers 41. City of The Un. of the Punjab 43. A roll of parchment 44. What a ghost does 46. Looked intently 47. Swedish rock group 48. Dont know when yet 51. Hostelries 52. Golf ball holders 53. With a sincere intent 55. Alicantes 7th largest city 56. A disorderly crowd CLUES DOWN 1. A later idea 2. Jabs 3. Hello 4. Frost a cake 5. Decaliter 6. Genus Gallinago birds 7. Auspices 8. A short-lived fashion 9. This (Spanish) 10. Bambi and her mom 11. Emphasized a syllable 13. Limit the inheritance of a property 16. 2nd month (abbr.) 17. Wyatt __, OK Corral 19. Given with gold & muhr 21. In any manner at all 22. Large tropical carnivorous lizards 26. Up and out of bed 28. Readily seen or understood 32. Respects 36. Clearance, fire or garage 38. A list of names 40. Sealed (abbr.) 41. Lubricated 42. Squash bug genus 43. Sales line 44. Feel aversion toward 45. Cains brother 49. The cry made by sheep 50. An arbitrageur 54. Atomic #41 Look for the answers somewhere in this edition of the Buyers Guide! To Sponsor The Weekly Crossword Puzzle, Call 304-267-9983 Heatman Heat Pump Specialist WV HVAC 046621 304-262-6969 *Completely Installed. Direct Replacement. INSTALLED INSTALLED Furnaces as low as $ 1,299* A/C as low as $ 999* Heat Pump as low as $1,199* Tell A Friend Tell A Friend 304-754-4410 2477 Hedgesville Road (Rt. 9) Martinsburg Mulch - Decor at ive St one Bulk St one - PAVESTONE Bagged Cement - Sand We deliver and load on site so stop in and see our huge selection! TAYLORS STONE YARD Dealer Network Need Great Distribution Center Location! Vehicle Boats Trailers RV Parking Variety of Inside Storage units for your personal items. 24 Hour Access w/ Security System, fenced, gated, lighted complex PSI Storage (304) 263-3390 Located at the intersection of Rt. 9 West & Rock Cliff Drive STORAGE SPACE or Rental Truck? Commercial & Residential STORAGE SPACE Harry D. Shelley Park Golf Course Road July 30 - Aug. 6 Advance Tickets $5.00 each or 7 Tickets for $30.00 12 and Under Free Advanc e Ti cket s Avai l abl e At The Fol l ow i ng Loc at i ons: All Youth Fair Officers Jefferson Security Bank, Edwin Miller Blvd. and Inwood All City National Bank Locations Arden Equipment Mumaw and Vickers CPA, Charles Town, WV BERKELEY COUNTY YOUTH FAIR No Pet s Or Al c ohol Per mi t t ed On Fai r gr ounds Visit us online at Call Today! Page 16 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 1974 Supper Beetle, 98% complete. $6500. Call 304- 264-4099. 1988 Olds Cutlass Calais. $1200/OBO. Call 304-620- 0605 or 304-671-2025. 1991 Toyota Celica GT 5-speed, needs wi nd- shield, under 200K miles, runs good. Call 304-616- 0104. 1993 Ford Probe, red, 147K miles. $2000/obo. Call 304-886-4082. 1993 Mer cur y Gr and M a r q u i s L S , 8 0 K , leather, garage, smooth COL D A I R. $ 4 5 0 0 . ( 3 0 4 ) 7 2 8 - 4 6 2 3 o r (304)279-1028. 1995 Chevy Lumina LS. $1000/obo. Call 304-264- 9718. Leave message. 1996 Chevy Camar o, V6,T-top, black in color, 5 s peed manual , r uns g o o d . A s k i n g $3, 300/ OBO. 304-676- 9821. 1996 GMC Jimmy 4X4 $1800/OBO, lots of new par t s. Cal l 304- 274- 6380. 1 9 9 7 M e r c u r y Mo u n t a i n e e r , 1 4 5 K miles, runs & looks good. $2, 800. Cal l 304-754- 7266. 1999 Saturn, 4-cyl engine, 5-speed, 4-door. Runs great. $1500. Call 304-596- 7097. 2000 Saturn 4 door sedan, runs great. $3,300/OBO. 631-255-2419 or 2415. 2001 Ford Windstar, runs and l ooks good, hi gh mileage. $2000. Call 304- 754-7266. 2004 Chrysler 300M sil- ver / bl ack l eat her, al l options, excellent condi- tion, garage kept, non smoker, 100K mi l es. $5500. 304-676-8315. 2007 Mercury Marquis. 42, 700 mi l es. Ar i zona car. No salt, smoking, or pet s. Book $13, 500. Aski ng $12, 500. 304- 947-7339. 99 Nissan Altima for sale $1500/ obo. 304- 821- 2353 Ask for Donald or Tammy. CORVETTE 2000 Auto, Convertible, Nassau Blue, Great Condi t i on, onl y 25,000 miles. $22,900. Call 304-274-2742. FA L L I N G WAT E R S CAMPSITE is the propane KING!! Tanks from Hank After-hours service and Cheapskat es pr i ci ng. Propane and propane accessori es. 7 days a week. Call 304-274-2791. FOR Sale- 2000 Lincoln LS, VS, 104K, AC, Leather Memor y Seat . Aski ng $3,200 Neg. Call 304-261- 2565. FULLY Loaded Crown Vic: 57,251K actual miles. All Power, V8, cloth interior. Have Car Fax. 304-582- 4588. WE buy unwanted/salvage cars, trucks and scrapmet- al and we pick it up 304- 671-0800. 1973 Ford Triaxle Dump Tr uck. 304- 229- 9474. Leave message. 1984 Chevy Si l verado 3/4 ton, 8ft bed, 350 motor, 6in lift/M/T Rims, cap available. $2500/obo. Call 304-274-6116. 1987 Ford F-150 auto- mati c, 6cyl , fi bergl ass cap, good brakes/tires, new bat t er y / s t ar t er . $1800. 304-754-3127. 1988 GMC truck good tires, good body, good trans and rearend needs motor work, 4 speed. $500.00. Call 304-725- 8631. 1989 Chevy Black Blazer for sale. New motor, body not great. Asking $1000 OBO. CAll 304-279-0995. 1991 GMC Tr uck 4x4 aut omat i c, 4. 3 mot or, ext ended cab. $1700. Call 304-596-7097. 1 9 9 8 F o r d E - 3 5 0 , cages/cab petition w/keys. High top, 88000 miles. $2500/obo. Call 304-274- 1551. 1998 GMC Ext. cab fully loaded 4x4, leather 3rd door, cap, running boards, 109K miles, good shape. $8000. 304-229-5587. 1999 Ford F350 V8 Diesel Dually Truck Lariat Super Duty Power Stroke, 88K miles. $15000/OBO. 304- 725-6633. 2003 Chevrolet Silverado 250 4x4, 6.0, automatic, 35 tires, dual exhaust, cust omer t ai l l i ght s, 113,000 mi l es. Aski ng $14, 500. Cal l 304-229- 5288. Trucks I Buy Unwant ed Car s, Tr uc ks, Vans! Top Pr i c es Of f er ed! Same Day Pi c kup FAI R, HONEST DEALS! CASH MONEY! Cal l / Text Anyt i me 24/ 7 304.676 .8287 USED Tires all size start- ing $20. Call 304-263- 0 2 4 7 S E H A B L A ESPANOL. I WILL PAY $225 AND U P F O R C A R S , TRUCKS, AND VANS. $250 AND UP FOR FULL SIZE TRUCKS AND VANS. Pick-Up 24- 7! CALL 304-725-0688 OR 304-671-4373. CASH for junk cars or unwant ed vehi cl es. Pa y i n g $ 1 0 0 - $ 6 0 0 depending on vehicle and location 304-263-0247. 1999 VW Beet l e w/ remote keyless entry, CD, Air, Bra/Dashboard cover, new tires, low miles, clean, excellent condition, perfect for students. $6000. Call 304-707-7992. A Lincoln Towncar 1994 excel l ent condi t i on, garage kept, no children, non-smoker, all options work, new battery and good tires, 123K miles. $3000/obo. Call 304-274- 1550. Cars The Eastern Panhandles Automotive Source... To place your ad call 304-267-9983 304-258-2282 90 Good Times Drive (Just off Rt. 522), Berkeley Springs Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm Sat. 9am-3pm Ridersville Ridersville Honda Honda 1-866-766-1495 or 51 Industrial Park, Romney, WV 26757 Ridersville CYCLE Route 522S , 75 Good Times Drive, Berkeley Springs, WV Monday-Friday 9am-7pm Saturday 9am-4pm (304) 258-1449 Advertise Your Car In The Buyers Guide for 13 Weeks For As Little As $ 14 9 9 Up to 20 words. Limited to 1 item. Private Party Only! Must be paid at time of placement. NO refunds Cal l 304-267-9 9 83 Mon.-Fr i . 8:30am - 5:00pm Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 17 2005 F150 STX: Crew cab, 4.6 L V-8 engine, mileage 89,300, Bed liner, AM/FM Stereo w/ CD player, Rear Sliding Window, Class III Reese Tow Package, Energizer III Trailer Brake Control. Asking $12,500. Call 301-514-3729. 2007 GMC Canyon Truck, 4-door, 4wd, pw, bed cover, 58, 000 mi l es. Aski ng $17,550/FIRM. Call 304- 262-7470. PROPANE @ FALLING WATERS CAMPSI TE! ! See Hank for a tank. Filling tanks 7-days a week-even after regular hours. Never run out with us. Call 304- 274-2791. PROPANE @ FALLING WATERS CAMPSI TE! ! See Hank for a tank. Filling tanks 7-days a week-even after regular hours. Never run out with us. Call 304- 274-2791. 1990 S15 Jimmy 4x4, 4.3 liter V-6, 171,000 miles. $500.00/obo. Call 304-229-0270. FORD Expedition, 2001- 2002. 189,000 Miles, Tires good, cd player w/lots of extras, Red. Factory Tow pkg. $5200/OBO. Call 304- 995-2053 PROPANE!! and propane accessories. Come see the r eal pr opane ki ng @ FA L L I N G WAT E R S CAMPSITE!! Open 7 days until 5 PM. FREE after- hours service. Call 304- 274-2791. 1995 Honda Oddessy Van- Needs some work. Call 304-261-1581. 2 Rebuilt 350 Chevrolet Engines. Call 304-263- 9732. 4 Michelin P245/65R17 a n d 4 M i c h e l i n P225/50R17. $130 a set. Call 301-706-6917. 4-P-195/65/R-15 inch tires. $80. Call 304-596-7097. CAMPER Top- Aluminum, white, fits 71/2ft bed, good condition. $50/obo. Call 304-229-2079. CHEVY Engine 283 w/ manual t r ansmi ssi on; Manifold is for 4 BBL Carb. complete w/ Generator & Starter. Carburetor miss- ing. Engine turns over. $175. 304-263-2763. FIBERGLASS truck cap measured 62wide, 8ft long with clamps even with cab, red with sliding glass on side and front. Only $100. 304-267-4648. MOTORS- 87 Chevy 2.8 motor, 96 Pontiac V-6 3100 motor, 89 Chevy 350 motor with 4-speed transmission, 95 Chevy 4.3 motor, 92 Saturn 1.9 motor. Call 304- 596-7097. PROPANE!! and propane accessories. Come see the r eal pr opane ki ng @ FA L L I N G WAT E R S CAMPSITE!! Open 7 days until 5 PM. FREE after- hours service. Call 304- 274-2791. RADI O for 1946-1948 Chevy Car. $40. Call 304- 263-2763. BESAW Salvage and Auto Repai r. Open Monday- Saturday. All types of repair done. Guaranteed work at reasonable prices. Also buying junk autos. 304- 754-8371 or 304-754- 8531. U P H OL S T E RY L o w Pri ces, Fast Ser vi ces, Qual i ty Craftsmanshi p. Seats, Headliners, Tops, Complete Interior, Original Custom. Call Expert 304- 2 6 1 - 0 2 7 8 9 a m- 5 p m, Monday-Friday & Saturday 9am-12pm. 1980 Yamaha Motorcycle for Sal e- 850 Engi ne. $500/obo. Call 304-820- 8147. 1989 CR 250 2-Stroke Power Band. $1000/obo. Call 304-229-1628. 1991 Kawaski Ninja 600, 30K miles. $1200/obo. Call 304-886-4082. 1992 Harley softail custom air ride, 6-speed transmis- sion, totally customized front/back. Asking 15,100. Call 301-331-2378. 2003 Suzuki Marauder 800, 4K miles w/ shield, backrest, garage kept. $3200. Call 304-754-8845. 2005 Prostreet Chopper, 121 TP-motor, softail, 6- speed, open primary, 330- back tire. Asking $15,000. Call 301-331-2378. 2 0 0 6 E c o - R y d e r Motorcycl e 175cc wi th Kohler motor, electric start, front/rear racks, oversized tires. $1800 w/title. 304- 268-9765. 2008 Harley VROD coop- er/black Vances & Hines Fuel Pack sissybar, 11K. Asking $12,500. Call 304- 263-7980/304-886-4965. 2008 kawasaki vul can 1 6 0 0 b l a c k u n d e r 11,00/miles vance and hi nes pi pes. As k i ng $8200/OBO. Call 304-274- 3653. 83 Yamaha 1200 XYZ Venture, dresser, shaft driven. $1500/FIRM. Call 304-283-5532. MINI Bike- Baja 98cc, good condition. $195/cash. Call 304-267-8360. MOTORCYCLE Helmet (L) Nitro touring. $50. Call 304- 876-0863. S E AT S R e p a i r e d , Recover ed, Rest or ed Original and Custom. Low Prices, Fast Service. Call Expert Upholstery 304- 2 6 1 - 0 2 7 8 9 a m- 5 p m, Monday-Friday & Saturday 9am-12pm. SUZUKI MC: 2006 C-90 1500cc Boulevard Cruiser, EC, garaged,4400 miles, wi n d s h i e l d , e x t r a s . $6,700/BO. 304-582-3427. YAMAHA- 2006 YZ 85. New top and bottom end. $1400.00/obo. 540-532- 5624. 4-wheeler 110, new bat- tery, runs great, garage kept. $500. Call 304-839- 9775. ATV- 05 Honda Rancher 4x4 auto ESP with/without wi nch & bl ade, green, garage kept, owner by sen- ior citizen, well kept. 304- 263-3422. 1987 Star duel axel, 25ft, new appliances, everything works, excellent condition. $2200/obo. Call 304-676- 9340. 1987 Sunline Camper 25ft, good condition, sleeps 7. $2500/obo. Call 304-839- 9775. 2002 Sunline Solaris Delux Model T2975. Front queen bedr oom, r ear bat h, CD/ A M/ F M s y s t e m, microwave, AC, outside shower, sleeps 6. $9,500. Call 304-582-4206 or 304- 283-1393. 2003 31 Motorhome- Ford 450 Gulfstream, 30K miles, 1 slideout, A1-Condition, new inspection. Call 304- 707-4963. 2007 Keystone Copper Canyon, 33ft, excellent condition, used only 2 years, 1 super slide, sleeps 6, 30K BTU furnace, A/C, aluminum framing, fiber glass outside, cold weather installation, many extras. $18,500. Call 304-283- 7190. RVs/Campers ATVs Motorcycles Auto Service 1979 Olds 350 Engine and Transmission. Asking $375. Call Benny at 304- 725-4532. Auto Parts Vans SUVs 2098 Ber r yvi l l e Pi ke Wi nchest er, VA (800) 276-2036 9DO9QK O=9J 9@=DE=L$ =Q= HJGL=;LAGF9F< HJGL=;LAN= ;DGL@AF?& F=N=J JA<= MF<=J L@= AF>DM=F;= G><JM?K GJ 9D;G@GD$ 9F< F=N=J MK= L@= KLJ==L9K 9J9;=LJ9;C& G:=Q L@= D9O9F< J=9< QGMJ GOF=JKE9FM9D L@GJGM?@DQ& *Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) excludes destination charge. Visit to view applicable destination charge amount. Offer good while supplies last. Check with Dealer for complete details. For rider training information or to locate a rider training course near you, call the Motorcycle Safety Foundation at 1-800-446-9227. CBR1 is a trademark of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 2011 American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (07/11) 2009 Metropolitan MSRP* $2049. SAVE $170! NOW ONLY $1879 2011 CBR600RR MSRP* $11,199. SAVE $2000! NOW ONLY $9199 2010 Stateline MSRP* $11,799. SAVE $2100! NOW ONLY $9699 2009 CRF250X MSRP* $7149. SAVE $2150! NOW ONLY $4999 We Take Trades! Opequon Motors 838 E. Moler Avenue Martinsburg, WV 25404 304-267-9955 Sales Professionals Needed BOOMING! Business is and we need to increase our Sales Staff! If You Are Looking For A Career, Not Just A Job, Then This Is A Great Opportunity! We Offer: Apply In Person Only To Craig Blythe One of the Areas Top Pay Plans 401 K Paid Vacation Demo Allowance Health Insurance Great Work Environment & Management Support Cadillac, Buick, GMC & Pre-Owned bg-0052-1110 Our Tech has over 35yrs experience in tranmission work. We Now Rebuild Transmissions! (304)263-6664 Eagle School Rd Martinsburg, WV CALL US TODAY! & Service Financing Available on Some Models Financing Available on Some Models Financing Available on Some Models 304-931-4978 304-579-8731 4089 Winchester Avenue, Martinsburg, WV Pre-Owned Vehicles 4089 Winchester Avenue Motor Homes & Campers Drastically Reduced! 2000 BMW 323i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,800 1992 Buick Regal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 2002 Buick Rendezvous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,900 2001 Cadillac DTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,800 1992 Chevrolet S10 Pick Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 1990 Chevrolet Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 2002 Chevrolet Impala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,750 1998 Dodge Durango . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 1998 VW Jetta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 1999 Dodge Stratus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,600 1998 Dodge Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,900 2001 Mazda 626, High Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,400 1996 Dodge Ram 4x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 1997 Ford Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 1999 Ford Contour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2001 Ford Taurus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200 1998 GMC Yukon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 1998 Honda Accord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200 1999 Jeep Cherokee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200 2002 Ford Windstar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 2000 Kia Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,800 2003 Mercedes Convertible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,900 1992 Pontiac Bonneville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,600 1986 Toyota Pick Up 4x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500 2 Boats with Motors and Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your Choice - $1,500 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 261.2696 201 Wilson St. Martinsburg, WV 267-2280 201 Wilson St. Martinsburg, WV 267-2280 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 7 pm; Sat. 8 am - 6 pm HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 7 pm; Sat. 8 am - 6 pm AUTOMOTIVE 267-2280 Limited Time Areas largest automotive facility Complete computer diagnostic center Pennzoil quick lube center Hunter front end alignment specialist Tire repair service available STATE INSPECTION STATION Protect tire wear, improve performance, check for wear, check tire pressure, computer balance. Excludes any other special offers. With Coupon FREE BRAKE CHECK $ 22 95 4 Wheel Rotation & Balance If interested, please call 304.263.3344 Ext. 145 or ask for GREGG ALBRIGHT @ P arsons Ford Lincoln Mercury We Buy Used Cars! We Buy Used Cars! Page 18 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 RV 1987 Pr owl er 5t h wheel , 36 1/ 2f t , f ront bedroom, queen bed, full bath (shower and tub), living room, sleep sofa with two rocking chairs & table. Kitchen has two bench seat s & t abl e. Trailer nice enough to live in permanently on r i v e r o r t r a v e l . $3500/obo. Call 304-754- 9206. STORAGE f or R. V. s, Boats, Trailers, Trucks, etc. Ful l y secured. Spaces starting at $30 per mth on Rt 11 near Spring Mills. American Storage 304- 274-0465. WILL pay $$ for your unwanted vehicles, also will remove your unwant- ed metal. Call 304-676- 9769. Tommys Auto. Automotive Wanted $ 19,260 Stk#11219 Stk#11498 Sale Ends 8/9/2011 10 Point Preowned 10 Point Preowned Auto Sales Auto Sales 1999 Ford F150 F150, Reg. Cab, 4x4, 5 Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,988 2001 Chrysler PT Cruiser Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,988 Ford Taurus SE, Gold, 109K, Local Trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,988 1998 Toyota Camry LE, AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,988 2001 Ford Taurus SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,998 1999 Honda Accord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,588 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 Ext Cab, 4x4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,900 2001 Mazda Millenia, Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,988 2001 Chrysler 300M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,988 2001 GMC Sonoma SLS, 5 Spd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,988 1999 Nissan Pathfinder SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,988 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan, 101K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,988 2005 Ford Focus 2x3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,988 2002 Ford Explorer XLT, 3rd Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,988 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,988 2004 Dodge Caravan SXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,988 1999 Ford F-150 Lariat Ext. Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,688 2001 Dodge Dakota Ext. Cab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,988 2005 Toyota Camry SE, 65K Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,988 2005 Ford F250 Crew Cab Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,988 Next to Reeds Pharmacy in Spring Mills 304-274-1011 5006 Williamsport Pike Martinsburg, WV See our inventory... Exit 20 off I-81 Turn on 901 West Take 2nd Left 1st Building On Right Spring Mills Tire, Truck & Auto Repair 304-274-1611 b g -0 0 4 5 -3 7 1 0 1295 & 2174 St. Andrews Drive, Hedgesville, WV Hours: M-F 8am-5pm Saturday 8am-1pm F ULL L INE O F A UTO & L IGHT T RUCK R EPAIR Let Us Get You Ready For Summer Vac at i ons! Stop in & Well Check Your A/C, Brakes, Fluids & Belts to make Sure Youre Ready for the ROAD! N OW 2 L OCATIONS T O B ETTER S ERVE Y OU WV Inspections Sponsored by The Buyers Guide P U Z Z L E
S O L U T I O N (304) 274-9114 (800) 700-4RVS I-81, Exit 23 Falling Waters, WV SALES SERVICE PARTS STORAGE PROPANE SALES S E R V I C E
P R O P A N E Since 1994
17 Years Serving Four State Region PARK in style... All Park Trailers All Park Trailers O N S ALE ! $ 39,900 Was $ 51,242 Now $ 29,900 Was $ 38,792 Now $ 23,900 Was $ 31,613 Now NEW Wildwood 408 Loft NEW Wildwood 422 2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath 3 Slides, Sleeps 7 NEW Wildwood 372 FLFB 1 Bedroom - 2 Slides Lots of Windows! B u y e r s Gu i d e P U B L I C A T I O N S Contact the Buyers Guide Classifieds online to make an announcement, sell your stuff, post a job or offer a service today! Online with the Classifieds. or phone 304-267-9983 25 WORDS FOR ONLY $ 8.00 Rates may vary, depending on the classified section. Rates do not apply to free family classified ads. Need Childcare? Or have a childcare business? Let the Buyers Guide Help You With Your Advertising! 304-267-9983 Call For Current Rates! Inform The Community Of Your Church News Due Thursday At Noon Buyers Guide Church News 415 Wilson St., Martinsburg, WV FAX: 304-263-7106 EMAIL: Visit us online at Wednesday, August 3, 2011 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Page 19 Page 20 Buyers Guide 267-9983 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 838 E. Moler Ave., Martinsburg, WV 25404 or Call Us Toll Free: 1-866-267-9955 Craig Blythe Mike Williams Keith Barrow Bob Dolan * All prices after rebates & incentives 0% + 1.9% With Approved Credit www.Opequo WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE MARK OF LEADERSHIP THE NEW CLASS OF WORLD CLASS Buy American, Buy Local, Buy Opequon 2006 Honda CRV EX Stk#32111A Only $ 14,991 5 Speed, Gray New Tires, Sunroof 2007 Buick Lucerne CXL Stk#11652E Only $ 18,491 49K Miles, Leather, New Tires, Certified Pre Owned 5 year Warranty, 2 Year/30K Mile Maintenance Included 2010 BMW 328xi Wagon AWD Stk#11589C Only $ 38,991 Black, 21K Miles, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Navigation 2009 GMC Canyon Ext. Cab Stk#31711A Only $ 22,991 4x4, Blue, 21K Miles, Like New! Certified Pre-Owned 5 Year/100,000 Miles Warranty, 2 Year/30K Mile Maintenance Included 2011 CTS Sedan Stk#2611 Only $ 35,991 O R 0% - 60 months 2011 Buick Lucerine CX Only $ 27,991 27 HWY MPG Equipped, Not Stripped! Outstanding Fuel Economy! 2011 GMC Yukons Stk#317511 2011 Sierra Crew Cab 4x4s Stk#316011 2011 Sierra Ext Cab 4x4s Stk#37611 up to $ 6,000 OFF O R 0% - 60 months up to $ 7,500 OFF O R 0% - 60 months from $ 26,991 O R 0% - 60 months 2006 Mercedes R350 Stk#3311A Only $ 24,991 Black, 60K Miles, Sunroof, Navigation, New Tires - SHARP! 2011 Escalades Stk#23411 up to $ 9,000 OFF O R 0% - 60 months Lowest Prices of the Year! BLOWOUT! 2011 Buick Lacrosse Stk#122411 Only $ 26,883 30 HWY MPG Affordable Luxury! Save Today! Hurry! Wont Last Long! We Have Terrains 2007 Chevy Impala SS Stk#32811A Only $ 17,991 Sport Red, V8, Leather, Sunroof, New Tires, Xtra Clean!