Lab 3
Lab 3
Lab 3
Part 1: Exploring Nmap
Part 2: Scanning for Open Ports
Background / Scenario
Port scanning is usually part of a reconnaissance attack. There are a variety of port scanning methods that
can be used. We will explore how to use the Nmap utility. Nmap is a powerful network utility that is used for
network discovery and security auditing.
Required Resources
• CyberOps Workstation Virtual Machine
• Internet access
What is Nmap?
What is nmap used for?
d. While in the man page, you can use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the pages. You can
also press the space bar to forward one page at a time.
To search for a specific term or phrase use enter a forward slash (/) or question mark (?) followed by the
term or phrase. The forward slash searches forward through the document, and the question mark
searches backward through the document. The key n moves to the next match.
Lab - Exploring Nmap
Type /example and press ENTER. This will search for the word example forward through the man page.
e. In the first instance of example, you see three matches. To move to the next match, press n.
Record the IP address and subnet mask for your VM. Which network does your VM belong to?
b. To locate other hosts on this LAN, enter nmap -A -T4 network address/prefix. The last octet of the IP
address should be replaced with a zero. For example, in the IP address, the .19 is the last
octet. Therefore, the network address is The /24 is called the prefix and is a shorthand for
the netmask If your VM has a different netmask, search the Internet for a “CIDR
conversion table” to find your prefix. For example, would be /16. The network address is used in this example
Note: This operation can take some time, especially if you have many devices attached to the network. In
one test environment, the scan took about 4 minutes.
[analyst@secOps ~]$ nmap -A -T4
Nmap is a powerful tool for network exploration and management. How can Nmap help with network security?
How can Nmap be used by a threat actor as a nefarious tool?