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Industrial Crops and Products 33 (2011) 63–66

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Industrial Crops and Products

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Sugarcane bagasse whiskers: Extraction and characterizations

Eliangela de Morais Teixeira a , Thalita Jessika Bondancia a,b , Kelcilene Bruna Ricardo Teodoro a,b ,
Ana Carolina Corrêa a , José Manoel Marconcini a , Luiz Henrique Caparelli Mattoso a,∗
National Nanotechnology Laboratory for Agriculture (LNNA), Embrapa Agricultural Instrumentation, P. O. Box 741, CEP: 13560-970, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Chemistry Department, P. O. Box: 676, CEP: 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work evaluates the use of sugarcane bagasse (SCB) as a source of cellulose to obtain whiskers. These
Received 15 June 2010 fibers were extracted after SCB underwent alkaline peroxide pre-treatment followed by acid hydrolysis
Received in revised form 13 August 2010 at 45 ◦ C. The influence of extraction time (30 and 75 min) on the properties of the nanofibers was inves-
Accepted 28 August 2010
tigated. Sugarcane bagasse whiskers (SCBW) were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM),
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in air atmosphere. The results showed
that SCB could be used as source to obtain cellulose whiskers and they had needle-like structures with
an average length (L) of 255 ± 55 nm and diameter (D) of 4 ± 2 nm, giving an aspect ratio (L/D) around 64.
Sugarcane bagasse
Sugarcane bagasse whiskers
More drastic hydrolysis conditions (75 min) resulted in less thermally stable whiskers and caused some
Acid hydrolysis damage on the crystal structure of the cellulose as observed by XRD analysis.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the production of nano-sized cellulose-like microfibrils, such as

banana residues (Zuluaga et al., 2007) and wheat straw (Alemdar
There has been increasing interest in cellulose based-materials and Sain, 2008) and nanofibrils from cassava bagasse (Teixeira et al.,
due to the abundance, renewable and eco-friendly nature of cel- 2009). Bhattacharya et al. (2008) obtained microfibrils from sugar-
lulose (Hubbe et al., 2008). Currently, by diversifying the use of cane bagasse by acid hydrolysis through the use of sulfuric acid at
cellulosic fibers, a new research trend has been seen for obtain- 60 ◦ C for 2.5 h, after bleaching the sugarcane bagasse with sodium
ing whiskers from several cellulose sources, whether from animal chlorite and glacial acetic acid.
origin (such as tunicin) (Anglès and Dufresne, 2000), cotton plant The aim of this work was to isolate and characterize cellulose
fibers (Dong et al., 1998), sisal (De Rodriguez et al., 2006; Morán et whiskers from sugarcane bagasse pre-bleached with alkaline per-
al., 2008; Siqueira et al., 2009a) and capim dourado (Siqueira et al., oxide solution (free-chlorine reagent) by acid hydrolysis conditions
2009b). at a mild temperature (45 ◦ C), and to investigate the influence of
One way to obtain such whiskers is by acid hydrolysis where extraction time (30 and 75 min) on the morphology, crystallinity
the cellulose is exposed to sulfuric acid for a controlled period of and thermal stability in air atmosphere of the resulting whiskers.
time and temperature. This process removes the amorphous parts
of the cellulose, leaving single and well-defined crystals in a stable 2. Experimental
colloidal suspension. The negative sulfate groups on the surface of
the nanofibers guarantee the stability of this suspension due to the 2.1. Materials
electrostatic repulsion (Lima and Borsali, 2004; Dufresne, 2006).
The whiskers’ high stiffness, surface area and crystallinity are suit- Unpurified sugarcane bagasse (SCB) containing about 43.6, 27.7
able for applications in polymeric matrices, acting as reinforcing and 27.7% of cellulose, lignin and hemicelluloses, respectively, were
elements (Gardner et al., 2008). kindly supplied by Edra Eco Sistemas (Ipeúna-SP, Brazil). Hydrogen
Sugarcane bagasse (SCB) is a residue from the refining process peroxide (Nuclear) and NaOH (Qhemis) was used for bleaching the
of sugarcane that contains about 40–50% of cellulose in its compo- bagasse. The cellulose was hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid (Synth)
sition (Sun et al., 2004). This characteristic suggests the possibility and the cellulose membrane (Sigma–Aldrich: D9402) was used to
of using the SCB as a source of cellulose fibers for the extraction dialyze the products.
of whiskers structures. Agroindustrial residues have been used for
2.2. Purification of cellulose from sugarcane bagasse

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 1621072804. The sugarcane bagasse (used as received) was submitted to a
E-mail address: mattoso@cnpdia.embrapa.br (L.H.C. Mattoso). bleaching process. This process was adapted by Sun et al. (2004)

0926-6690/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
64 E.d.M. Teixeira et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 33 (2011) 63–66

Fig. 1. Images of SCB (a) before and (b) after the bleaching with alkaline peroxide solution.

and is describes below. About 5 g of SCB were sonified in 300 mL of 2.6. X-ray diffraction (XRD)
distilled water for 30 min. Next, the SCB was filtered to remove the
excess of water. Then, this pre-washed material was put in a flask The X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained in an X-ray diffrac-
containing 100 mL of NaOH 5 wt% solution at 55 ◦ C. Next, 100 mL of tometer (VEB Carl Zeiss-Jena URD-6 Universal Diffractometer),
hydrogen peroxide solution (11%, v/v) was added to the flask. The ´ at 40 kV and 20 mA. Scattered
using CuK␣ radiation ( = 1.5406 Å)
system was vigorously stirred for 90 min. After that, the SCB was radiation was detected in the range of 2 = 5–40◦ , at a scan rate of
filtered and washed with distilled water until neutral pH. The SCB 2◦ /min. The extent of crystallinity (CI% ) was estimated on the basis
was dried at 50 ◦ C until constant weight. This product was sub- of areas under crystalline and amorphous peaks after an appropri-
mitted again to the same bleaching process for a more effective ate baseline correction and the applying of a devolution technique
discoloration. through the use of the Origin 7.5 software and a Gaussian line shape
to the peaks.

2.3. Determination of residual lignin 2.7. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

The residual lignin content of bleached SCB was analyzed by Dried whiskers were subjected to TGA in a TA Q500 ther-
reaction with sulfuric acid, using a standard method as recom- mal analyzer (TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). The samples
mended by TAPPI-T222 om-88. (10.0 ± 1.0 mg) were heated in a Pt crucible from 25 to 600 ◦ C in air
flowing at 60 mL min−1 . The heating rate was 10 ◦ C min−1 .

2.4. Preparation of the cellulose nanofibers from SCB 3. Results and discussion

About 5.0 g of bleached SCB were dispersed in 100 mL of 6 M Fig. 1 shows the physical aspect of the original SCB and after
sulfuric acid at 45 ◦ C and vigorously stirred for 30 min or 75 min. the bleaching with alkaline peroxide solution. The great effective-
Next, 500 mL of cold distilled water was added to stop the reaction. ness of the process was observed because a white colored SCB was
The sulfuric acid was partially removed from the resulting suspen- obtained. The lignin content after the bleaching was calculated to
sion by centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 10 min. The non-reactive be 5.8 wt%, indicating that a great part of the initial lignin was
sulfate groups were removed by centrifugation followed by dialy- removed, resulting in a purer cellulose, hence more suitable for
sis in tap water with a cellulose membrane, until the pH reached extracting whiskers.
6 to 7. The neutral suspension was ultrasonicated for 5 min and The resulting suspensions and the morphology of whiskers are
stored in a refrigerator after adding chloroform drops. The cellulose shown in Fig. 2. After acid hydrolysis, the suspensions were sta-
whiskers were labeled SCBW30 or SCBW75 depending on the time of ble but the sample hydrolyzed for 75 min (SCBW75 ) presented a
extraction. The yield of whiskers was determined by weighting an brown coloring in the suspension, indicating some level of cellulose
aliquot of 10 mL of the supernatant of the suspension after standing degradation. TEM micrographs presented needle-like whiskers,
overnight to dry. The yield (%) was calculated from the difference especially sample SCBW30 . The dimensions were calculated with
between the initial and final weight. For XRD and TG analysis an the ImageJ software. Both whiskers had a length (L) of around
aliquot of 25 mL was dried at 35 ◦ C for 12 h in an air-circulating 255 ± 55 nm and the diameters (D) of 4 ± 2 and 8 ± 3 nm for SCBW30
oven. and SCBW75 , respectively. No significant difference in length or
diameter among the whiskers could be detected by STEM among
the whiskers, if the standard deviation of each value is taken
2.5. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) into account. A slight larger diameter for SCBW75 sample could
be due to some small agglomerations of whiskers. The diame-
The whiskers samples were examined by TEM in a TecnaiTM ters measured were similar to the nano-sized structures derived
G2 F20 equipment. The images were acquired in STEM (scanning from other sources of agro-residues such as nanofibrils from cas-
transmission electron microscopy) mode, with a bright-field (BF) sava bagasse (2–11 nm) (Teixeira et al., 2009) and banana residues
detector. A droplet of diluted suspension was deposited on a car- (5 nm) (Zuluaga et al., 2007) and smaller than microfibrils from
bon microgrid (400 mesh) and allowed to dry. The grid was stained wheat straw (10–80 nm) (Alemdar and Sain, 2008) and sugarcane
with a 1.5% solution of uranyl acetate and dried at room tempera- bagasse (30 nm) (Bhattacharya et al., 2008). The yield was 58% for
ture. SCBW30 and 50% for SCBW75 .
E.d.M. Teixeira et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 33 (2011) 63–66 65

Fig. 2. Suspensions of SCB whiskers: (a) extracted at 30 min (SCBW30 ) and (b) extracted at 75 min (SCBW75 ).

The X-ray diffraction patterns of the bleached SCB and their

respective nanofibers are shown in Fig. 3 and the crystallinity val-
ues are shown in Table 1. The diffractograms display a mixture
of polymorphs of cellulose I (typical peaks at 2 ∼ 15◦ and 22.6◦ )
and cellulose II (peaks at 12.3◦ and 22.1◦ ) (Klemm et al., 2005).
An increase in crystallinity of SCBW30 with respect to bleached SCB
was observed, indicating that the hydrolysis was effective. The sam-
ple SCBW75 presented a decrease in crystallinity and a little change
in the diffractogram profile, with the disappearance of the peak at
2 = 15.3◦ . This observation, added to the physical aspect of SCBW75
suspension (brown coloration, Fig. 2), suggests that the extraction
time of 75 min was severe enough to remove not only the amor-
phous phase but also to destroy part of the cellulose crystalline

Table 1
Crystallinity index (CI% ) and initial temperature of thermal degradation (Tid , air
atmosphere) for SCB bleached and their whiskers.

Sample CI% (%) Tid (◦ C)

SCB bleached 76.0 270.0

SCBW30 87.5 255.0
SCBW75 70.5 210.0
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction patterns of bleached SCB, SCBW30 and SCBW75 .
66 E.d.M. Teixeira et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 33 (2011) 63–66

the environment reagent (alkaline peroxide solution). SCB whiskers

were obtained at a mild temperature (45 ◦ C) and at a shorter
extraction time (30 min). The SCB whiskers presented a length
(L) of around 255 ± 55 nm and average diameter (D) of 4 nm, and
good thermal stability (255 ◦ C) and high crystallinity (87.5%). SCB
whiskers obtained by a longer extraction time (75 min) damaged
the crystalline structure of cellulose, resulting in a decrease of their
thermal stability.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support pro-

vided by FAPESP (Process No. 07/50863-4), FINEP, MCT, CNPq and


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