Aramaic Language Grammar
Aramaic Language Grammar
Aramaic Language Grammar
Biblical Hebrew (BH) and Biblical Aramaic (BA) share many words in common, and more with
slight differences in vocalization (vowel pointing) or in single letters.
While there are many common roots, plurals and constructs in BA look very different from BH.
An emphatic form can represent the vocative (“O, King”) or definiteness (“the king”).
The word yD1 is used frequently. It stands in the place of rv3a9 and serves as a relative pronoun
(who, that, which), a conjunction (so that, because…), and the sign of the genitive (of, from).
The key demonstrative pronouns are
The Perfect and Imperfect tenses are found as expected.
However, the derived stems that indicate voice and intensity, while still named after
forms of the verb li5P6 , have different names because the stems are pointed differently than BH,
and may have different prefixes.
BA has no parallel forms to the BH Niphal or Pual.
Statives will have variant vowel pointings as in BH.
Stem Use BH Perfects BA Perfects
Simple Active Qal Pe-al lf5q4
Simple Passive Niphal Pe-il lyf1q4
Simple Reflexive Hithpiel Hithpe-el lf2q4t4h1
Intensive Piel Pa-el lF2q5
Causative Hiphil Haphel lf2q4h5 Shaphel lf1q4v5 Aphel
Causative Passive Hophal Hophal lf5q4h6
Causative Reflexive X Hishtaphal lf5q4T5v4h1
The simple (Pe-al) imperfect and imperative forms have a qibbuts in the second position of the
root: bT7ky4 1 / bt7K4