Consequences of Climate Change: 4.1 Altered Ecosystems and Landscapes
Consequences of Climate Change: 4.1 Altered Ecosystems and Landscapes
Consequences of Climate Change: 4.1 Altered Ecosystems and Landscapes
4. Consequences of climate
Growing biofuel demand leads to mass forest conversion
The global demand for certain crops has been boosted in recent years by government
targets to replace a percentage of the fossil fuel used each year with biofuels. Globally,
CO2 levels are rising because our burning of coal, gas and oil is transferring carbon
– laid down by plants millions of years ago – into the atmosphere. In theory, power
stations fuelled by biomass and vehicles fuelled with bioethanol produced from corn
(Zea mays) or sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) and biodiesel from palm (Elaeis guineensis)
oil and rapeseed (Brassica napus) oil are considered to be less damaging to the
environment because, although they, too, produce CO2, they are made from plants that
are a part of today’s carbon cycle (i.e. their carbon has only recently been taken out
of the atmosphere by photosynthesis). Carbon accounting must, however, include all
emissions resulting from the production of biofuels – a task accomplished through the
Life-Cycle Assessment. Where natural forests have been destroyed to create plantations
for biofuel crops, it is estimated that the resulting emissions in the medium term are
many times greater than what would arise from burning fossil fuels. The replacement
time (the time taken to replace the carbon lost during plantation establishment) is
Box 9 continued
critical (UNEP, 2009a). For some ecosystems, a replacement time of 420 years has been
calculated before biofuels “repay” the carbon debt incurred by establishing them
(Fargione et al., 2008). The displacement of food to produce biofuels can further
intensify pressure on natural ecosystems and lead to food scarcity.
In the future, it seems likely that timber will become an increasingly important
feedstock for biofuels. If the forests being converted to plantations are located in peat
swamps, as with orang-utan habitat in parts of Indonesia, the resulting greenhouse gas
emissions are even more dramatic. Not only is most of the standing carbon in the forest
released, but as the peat is drained it decomposes thereby releasing thousands of years
of stored carbon into the atmosphere (Page et al., 2011). Emissions from these sources
are largely responsible for Indonesia being the third largest emitter of greenhouse
gases after the United States of America and China, despite having relatively little
industry. The UNEP concluded that “the production and use of biodiesel from palm oil
on deforested peatlands in the tropics…can lead to significant increases in greenhouse
gas emissions – up to 2 000 percent or more when compared with fossil fuels. This
is mainly as a result of carbon releases from the soils and land. However, a positive
contribution to greenhouse gas emissions can arise if the palm oil or soya beans are
instead grown on abandoned or degraded land” (UNEP, 2009a).
The economic pressure to increase the production of biofuels continues to lead to
forest conversion. In Sarawak, Malaysia, the Government is planning to double its oil
palm plantations to 2 million ha by 2020, with almost 1 million ha of tropical forest
already developed (Wong, 2010). The Malaysian State Land Development Minister,
Datuk Seri James Masing, states that the plantation land will come mainly from native
customary rights land, which covers an estimated 1.5 million ha, but has been a point
of conflict between industrial developers and traditional forest users like the Penan.
According to this report, the Government has already approved more than 720 000 ha
of native customary rights land for joint-venture development. But a new economic
study (Wich et al., 2011) concludes that the carbon value per hectare of orangutan
habitat is up to three times that of oil palm plantations.
BOX 10
East African high mountains – not only losing their glacier caps
East Africa’s mountains play a critical role in providing fresh, clean water, but several
are now compromised by climate change.
The upper catchment area of Mount Kenya comprises the afro-alpine zone, which is
protected by the Mount Kenya National Park (about 70 000 ha) and the Mount Kenya
National Forest Reserve (about 200 000 ha). This vast zone is one of Kenya’s five crucial
sources of freshwater and is home to biodiversity of national and global importance.
Six rare or threatened species of large mammals occur here: the African elephant
(Loxodontia africana), the country’s largest remaining forest population; the black
rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) – only a few individuals survive; the leopard (Panthera
pardus); the giant forest hog (Hylochoerus meinertzhageni); the mountain bongo
Box 10 continued
(Tragelaphus euryceros isaaci), a critically endangered African antelope; and the black
fronted duiker (Cephalophus nigrifrons hooki). There are many ungulates, primates,
carnivores and small mammals, along with 53 out of Kenya’s 67 African highland biome
bird species, including the threatened and little-known Abott’s Starling (Cinnyricinclus
femoralis; Kenya Wildlife Service, 2010; Bird Life International, 2011).
The protected areas of the upper catchment are separated from the middle
catchment by multiple-use “buffer” and “transition” zones along the outer perimeter
of the National Reserve. The integrity of the whole ecosystem has direct benefits
for the agricultural use of surrounding areas by protecting them against land
degradation and erosion with their severe negative impacts: siltation, landslides and
loss of soil fertility. Studies have calculated that the presence of the Mount Kenya
forest (Category II, 58 800 ha and Biosphere Reserve, 71 759 ha) alone has saved
Kenya’s economy more than US$20 million by protecting the catchment for two of
the country’s main river systems, the Tana and the Ewaso Ngiro (Emerton, 2001).
Climate change now affects the water catchment area of Mount Kenya, which is
witnessing the diminishment of ice caps and a reduction in rainfall. Mount Kenya glaciers
have lost 92 percent of their mass in the last century and their volume and extent have
shown a drastic decrease in recent years. In the recent past, melting snow contributed to
the rivers and kept the catchment humid, while moderating the dry seasons. Presently,
early and shortened snow-melt periods have implications for rivers and springs: dry-
season flows progressively decline and the land becomes drier and less productive. The
forest is affected because of more frequent fires and slower regeneration of vegetation.
Local farmers report that this process is exacerbating human–wildlife conflict, due to the
close proximity of human settlements to the protected areas. (UNEP, 2009b)
A lack of melt-water and degradation of the vegetation were reported to cause
wildlife to migrate downstream in search of water and food, placing wildlife conflict
at the top of the concerns expressed by the members of the Mount Kenya East
Environmental Conservation Forest Association living in the Meru South District.
(IFAD, 2009).
To respond to this situation, the International Fund for Agricultural Development
Mount Kenya East Pilot Project for Natural Resource Management and an associated
project financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) are promoting diverse
mechanisms for reducing human–wildlife conflict over resources and limiting
damages to agricultural crops. These measures include for the development of a
long-term strategy on wildlife migration corridors, the establishment of wildlife
barriers, for example using solar-powered electric fences, together with building
the capacity of communities to maintain them. Measures to rehabilitate certain
indigenous and plantation forest areas, accompanied by training Kenya Wildlife
Service staff to address conflicts, will further help ensure the peaceful interaction
between wildlife and the communities surrounding the protected area. (IFAD, 2009;
Global Environment Facility, 2004; Republic of Kenya, 2002)
In the neighbouring United Republic of Tanzania, the mountain forests of
Kilimanjaro are dominated by evergreen cloud forest vegetation, which through fog
Box 10 continued
interception and percolation into groundwater and/or streams plays a determining
role in providing water for downhill ecosystems. Over the past 70 years, Kilimanjaro
has lost more than one-third of its forest cover, mainly due to clearing in the lower
parts and burning in the upper parts of the mountain and fires due to climate change
led to the loss of nearly 150 km2 of forest over the past three decades. (Hemp, 2009)
A study of vegetation changes on the slopes of Kilimanjaro over the past 30 years
used the observation of fixed vegetation plots and analyses of satellite images to reveal
changing fire regimes. Fire alters the species composition and structure of the forests
and is affecting the Kilimanjaro ecosystem to a far greater extent than the well-known
melting of glaciers. In fact, under natural conditions the forests of Kilimanjaro above
1 300 m receive nearly 1 600 million m3 of water annually: 95 percent from rainfall and
5 percent from fog interception. As a result, about 500 million m3 of water (31 percent)
percolates into the groundwater or into streams. The changes in vegetation
composition and precipitation regimes have reduced fog precipitation to close to zero.
The loss of 150 km2 of forest since 1976 to fire corresponds to an estimated loss of
20 million m3 of fog water deposition per year. This is equivalent to the annual water
demand of the 1.3 million people inhabiting the Kilimanjaro region (13,209 km2) in
2002 (Hemp, 2009; National Bureau of Statistics, 2006).
Long-term meteorological data suggest that mean annual precipitation in the
area decreased by up to 39 percent over the past 70 years and mean daily maximum
temperatures increased at a rate of more than 2 ºC per decade. Together with the
enhanced solar radiation resulting from diminished cloud cover, these factors are
responsible for intensified fire activity. (Hemp, 2009)
Fire not only transforms land cover, it also maintains the newly established land
types, completely changing the composition of vegetal species and the role that
they play in the ecosystem. Caused by a decline in precipitation above the major
cloud zone, fire causes a natural sharp discontinuity in the composition and structure
of 20–30 m tall subalpine forests at 2 800–3 000 m. Non-native species (e.g. Erica
excelsa) become dominant, forming dense monospecific stands about 10 m in height.
It is clear that this decline in precipitation has significant implications for the native
wildlife, although it has not been well studied yet. Most fires occur through the
carelessness of humans (e.g. honey collectors or poachers), but they would not be so
devastating had the climate not become drier. (Hemp, 2009)
BOX 11
European and North American birds show similar northward shifts
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Thomas and Lennon
(1999) compared bird distributions between 1968–1972 and 1988–1991. They discovered
that southerly species had moved their ranges northwards by an average of 18.9 km
over this twenty-year period (i.e. 0.945 km/year). This shift was only true for southerly
species that increased in numbers: populations that decreased shifted their northern
margins southwards. For northerly species, there was no systematic shift either way.
Box 11 continued
Using the same method, Brommer (2004) compared bird distributions in Finland
between 1974–1979 and 1986–1989. He found that range margins of southerly birds
shifted polewards about the same distance (18.8 km) as in the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland in about half the time (12 years, i.e. a rate of
1.567 km/year). This different shift rate may indicate that northern, high-latitude
species – such as those in Finland – are more sensitive to climate changes than those in
Central Europe. As with the Thomas and Lennon study, northerly species showed no
significant range margin shifts.
A similar shift pattern can be seen in North America. Hitch and Leberg (2007)
compared bird distributions between 1967–1971 and 1998–2002. Here again, southerly
species were found to have significant northward shifts of 2.35 km/year. The bigger
margin shifts in North America may be because recent warming has been greatest
within continents. As with the British and Finnish studies, northerly species showed no
general trends in distributional changes.
A comparative study of the distribution of bird species in New York State, the
United States of America (Zuckerberg, Woods and Porter, 2009), between 1967–1971
and 1998–2002 is unique in that it is the only study that also found significant shifts
in northerly species. Of the 44 northerly species in the study, 22 shifted their southern
range boundaries polewards by an average of 11.4 km. These species include the pine
siskin (Carduelis pinus), the boblink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus) and the Nashville warbler
(Vermivora ruficapilla), the boundaries of which moved 57.5 km, 39.0 km, and 15.0 km,
In general, these studies document northward shifts in the distribution of southerly
bird species from distinct geographical regions. The shifts seem to be a common
phenomenon, regardless of habitat, migratory behaviour and feeding strategies. Given
that temperature influences the timing and success of breeding, migration and species
distribution, it is very likely that climate change is the driving factor behind these shifts.
(Brommer, 2004; Thomas and Lennon, 1999).
The changing food supply of wildlife species will also change species
distributions, stimulating some populations while depressing others. A decline in
caribou and reindeer (3BOHJGFSUBSBOEVT) in parts of the boreal region of the north
is consistent with predicted climate change impacts on their food supplies (Vors
and Boyce, 2009; see Box 25).
BOX 12
Flooding aggravates conflict between farmers and crocodiles
The southern regions of Malawi have been increasingly affected by floods that
have washed away rural settlements and crops. In January and February 2010, the
Department of Disaster Management Affairs reported that as many as 14 districts in
the country were affected by heavy rains and storms at the beginning of the year
(SADC and FEWSNET, 2006).
The Shire River, Lake Malawi’s only outlet, is the most convenient water source
for people living on its banks, but it is also home to a conspicuous population of Nile
crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus). Heavy rains enabled crocodiles to move into flooded
areas, close to inhabited villages. Floods from the Shire River inundated small villages,
turning them into swamps that became homes for crocodiles, making it impossible
for local people to go back and recover what was left in their flooded homes.
(Kalowekamo, 2000)
The crocodile presence in southern Malawi has long been a threat to humans. In
the past, Malawi authorities permitted culling about 800 crocodiles per year. After
becoming a signatory to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the culls have been restricted to 200 per
year. As a consequence, locals consider that the Government authorities are not
taking sufficient action to resolve this human–wildlife conflict. Now, following CITES’
Resolution Conf. 11.16 on the ranching and trade in ranched specimens of species
transferred to its Appendix II and the successful experience of crocodile farms in
the northern part of the country, Government authorities have encouraged the
Box 12 continued
establishment of new crocodile farms in southern Malawi. This could turn the threat
of crocodiles into an opportunity for local entrepreneurs. Two of four established
crocodile farms in Malawi – one in the Thyolo district, the other in the Chikwawa
district – expect to start exports in 2011. (CITES 2000; CITES, 2010; Semu-Banda, 2007;
Tenthani, 2001)
adapted to fire, these ecosystems will suffer greater and longer-lasting damage.
Annually, fires consume millions of hectares of the world’s forests, causing the
loss of biodiversity and human and animal lives (FAO, 2005a). While some forest
and grassland ecosystems have evolved positively in response to frequent fires
due to natural and human causes, maintaining their dynamic equilibrium and
high biodiversity, others are negatively affected, resulting in the destruction of
the forests or long-term site degradation (Goldhammer, 1998, 1999; FAO, 2005a;
Myers, 2006).
From 1960–2000, wildfires burned an average of 380 million ha/year (range 270–
570 million ha/year) globally (Schultz FUBM., 2008). This includes fires from natural
ignition sources, such as lightning, and human ignition sources, including burning to
clear fields for agriculture and accidentally escaped fires. Wildfires can also result in
regional climate change. In tropical evergreen forests, for example, a large percentage
of the canopy is often destroyed by low intensity fires (Barlow FUBM, 2003; Cochrane
and Schulze, 1999). Since water from transpiration makes up most, if not all, of the
normally high humidity in these tropical forest systems (Makihara FU BM, 2000),
significant tree mortality reduces the amount of transpired water and increases the
rate of drying in these forests (Holdsworth and Uhl, 1997) predisposing them to
even more fires. As much as 50 percent of the rainfall in the Amazon Basin can
be recycled from evapotranspired moisture (Salati and Vose, 1984). Fire-induced
vegetation mortality, therefore, may make regional weather drier. Smoke-borne
aerosols also interfere with normal precipitation and reduce rainfall (Ackerman
FUBM, 2000, Andreae FUBM, 2004; Rosenfeld, 1999), exacerbating this effect.
Some climatologists believe that El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
anomalies will become more frequent as long as greenhouse gases continue to
accumulate in the atmosphere (Timmermann FUBM, 1999; Trenberth and Hoar, 1997;
Hansen FUBM, 2006). Warm ENSO events cause wet years, increasing herbaceous
plant growth, which, in turn, causes large fires during dry La Niña years (Miller,
2007). These anomalies caused the 1998 drought and subsequent fires throughout
Indonesia and similar large fire events in the Amazon (Alencar, Nepstad and
Vera Diaz, 2006; Cochrane FU BM, 1999; Cochrane and Laurance, 2002). Forest
understory fires are likely to play an even more important role in the future in
fire-sensitive ecosystems, as more degraded forests interact with more extreme
climate events (Balch FUBM, 2008). These fires will also affect the hydrologic cycle,
the pollutant load in the atmosphere and the dynamics of atmospheric circulation
(FAO, 2005a). Little is known about the vulnerability of tropical and sub-tropical
ecosystems to anthropogenic changes in the climate and the atmospheres. A future
with more intensive and frequent severe droughts can create conditions for fire
spread and shorten the return interval of fire in these ecosystems, possibly leading
to even greater regional forest degradation.
The effects of wildfires on local wildlife can be severe. Slow-moving animals are
at the highest risk of mortality from flames and smoke. Escaping the fires is only
the first step to survival. If habitat changes mean that displaced animals can no
longer find food, compete for territory or access shelter, they will die of starvation
or predation (Cochrane, 2002). For example, in savannah fires, ants suffer little
direct impact from the fires due to their colonial structure and subterranean nests,
but they are highly sensitive to post-fire changes in habitat and microclimate
(Anderson FUBM, 2003). However, these fires and other disturbances act as selective
forces at the level of the individual organism, either directly, by affecting its ability
to continue vital life cycle processes, or indirectly, by altering its habitat conditions
(Gill, 1975, 1981; Noble and Slatyer 1980, 1981; Rowe, 1983; Ryan 2002). Wildfire
can be beneficial, detrimental or neutral to the individual. At the community
level, wildfire effects may be uniform in some ecosystem types or over small
regions. In many cases, however, the patchiness of fuels will create heterogeneity
in fire behaviour. This patchiness, in turn, results in spatially variable fire survival,
yielding heterogeneous post-fire recruitment, reinforcing the original patterns of
fuel patchiness (Bond and van Wilgen, 1996).
As a result, wildfire is one of several key drivers of ecosystems. If we are to
truly understand climate change, wildlife management, biodiversity conservation
and human health and safety, we need to improve and integrate our knowledge
of fire regimes, herbivory, climate and land use/resource economics. Gaining
such understanding for different ecosystems and geographical regions remains a
challenge. Failure to confront the wildfire–climate change adaptation challenge
in the near term may simply increase the threat to society and nature in years to
BOX 13
Disastrous fires in 2009 fuelled by climate change
Box 13 continued
Wildfires are common in Australia and are a factor that regulates the natural
ecosystems. The International Plant Protection Convention pointed out in 2007 that
fires in Australia were “virtually certain to increase in intensity and frequency”
because of steadily warming temperatures over the next several decades. The
Australian Government published a study indicating that an increase of up to 65
percent more “extreme” fire-danger days would be likely by 2020, as compared to
1990. Reduced rainfall in southeastern, southwestern and central Australia, changes
in wind speeds, continued warming and decreased humidity are conditions that
are very likely to be recorded in the near future. These conditions will probably
increase the fire danger indices and shorten the intervals between fires – especially
in southern Australia. In particular, the sclerophyllous vegetation and its associated
biodiversity in southeastern and southwestern Australia appear to be at higher risk
than vegetation in the savannah woodlands of northern Australia. (Steffen et al.,
2009; Walsh, 2009; The Wilderness Society Victoria, 2009)
A committee was established to investigate the causes of devastating wildfires.
The resulting report highlighted the need to update Australia’s national bushfire
policy, including improving fire detection systems and suppression techniques as well
as monitoring, early warning, prevention and preparedness (2009 Victorian Bushfires
Royal Commission, 2010). With regard to wildlife in southwestern Australia, one of
the report’s contributors concluded, “Changes in fire regimes and lower rainfall may
threaten particular species and functional types, especially non-sprouting serotinous
plant species…narrow range endemics in the diverse kwongan plant communities.” He
added, “Synergies among threats are likely to reinforce current declines in biodiversity
and lead to tipping points much sooner than hitherto realized” (Yates, 2009).
or spreading to new environmental niches. Climate change can also play a more or less
direct role in the changing dynamics and ecology of diseases in natural systems.
Both pathogens and their vectors depend on climatic factors, including temperature
and humidity, for reproduction and survival. Most pathogenic organisms and
ectothermic vectors, such as insects, do not develop or survive in extreme temperature
and have limited temperature and humidity ranges for optimal reproduction. There
is a wide variety of temperature tolerance for pathogenic organisms; some, like
influenzas, “prefer” cold and wet seasons and others warm tropical environments.
Changes in temperatures, seasonality and precipitation patterns may have a significant
impact, especially on vector-borne diseases at the pathogen and vector levels: abiotic
parameters regulate insect bionomic, lifecycles and home ranges (Harvell FUBM., 2002).
Warmer temperatures could increase the incidence of disease both by increasing the
vector population size and distribution and by increasing the duration of the season
in which infectious vector species are present in the environment.
Temperate and higher altitude zones often have cold winters, preventing the
survival of many pathogens and insect species throughout the year (Reiter, 2001).
Many newly emerging infectious diseases arise from tropical regions where
temperatures are warm and more suitable to the lifecycle of both pathogen and
vector. If global temperatures and/or rains or humidity rise, as is predicted by climate
change models, pathogens and vectors that are normally restricted to warmer and
lower altitude zones will be able to expand their range to previously inhospitable
latitudes and altitudes leading to the exposure of naive host populations.
Climate-driven change of ecotypes and the alteration of climate-dependent
resources, such as vegetation cover, may also force animals to adjust their
movements or migration patterns into new ecosystems where they may encounter
or introduce novel pathogens (Altizer, Bartel and Han, 2011).
Climate change will increase the frequency of extreme climatic events that
impact disease cycles and this could emerge as more important than the changes
in average climatic conditions (de La Rocque, Rioux and Slingenbergh, 2008).
As recently as 2010, in Africa, outbreaks of Rift Valley fever, a mosquito-borne
disease, have correlated with higher than average seasonal rainfall and have
even occurred with shorter heavy rainfall. Many insect vectors have population
booms associated with large amounts of rain, particularly after long periods of
drought. The flooding that accompanies heavy rainfall can increase the spread of
waterborne pathogens, exposing more animals to potential infections. Conversely,
decreased rainfall and drought can result in animals congregating around limited
food and water resources, thus increasing population densities and often resulting
in increased transmission of pathogens and parasites.
Climate change may also impact the immune status of host animals due to heat
or nutritional stress (Kelly, 1980). If increased temperatures or extreme weather
events limit the availability or abundance of food (e.g. a drought that reduces
the amount of grass available to grazers), animals may become more susceptible
to heavy parasite loads and increased exposure and susceptibility to pathogens.
Heavier than normal pathogen loads or co-infections with multiple organisms
can also cause a normally resistant host species to succumb to clinical disease, as
observed in Serengeti lions (1BOUIFSBMFPOVCJDB; see Box 14).
Many wild animal species exist in isolated small pockets or in restricted ranges,
where opportunistic pathogens can spread rapidly, causing large-scale losses and
even the local extinction of populations. This has occurred in many regions of the
world, including the amphibian extinctions from chytridiomycosis in the tropics
of the Americas (Pounds FU BM, 2006) and extinction of indigenous birds from
avian malaria (1MBTNPEJVNSFMJDUVN; see Box 15) in Hawaii, the United States of
America. Diseases such as rabies and canine distemper are also thought to have
played a role in the extinction of African wild dogs (-ZDBPOQJDUVT) from the Mara-
Serengeti ecosystem in East Africa (Ginsberg, Mace and Albon, 1995; IUCN/SSC
Canid Specialist Group, 1997).
One recent example is the pasteurellosis outbreak of 2010 in the saiga (4BJHB
UBUBSJDB) population of Kazakhstan. Over the course of one week, nearly 12 000
saiga (mostly females and calves) died in the Ural region; this represented a loss of
more than half of the local population and about 15 percent of the whole Kazakhstan
population (Telegraph Media Group Limited, 2010). Mortality recurred in 2011 in
the same region during the calving season, killing 441 saiga, although no diagnosis
could be determined. Pasteurellosis outbreaks may also have been implicated in the
saiga population declines of 1981, 1984 and 1988 (Lundervold, 2001). The bacterium
1BTUFVSFMMBIBFNPMZUJDBoccurs naturally in healthy saigas (Lundervold, 2001) and
it is not clear if unusual weather conditions such as the “extremely cold winter,
followed by an unusually hot spring” of 2010–2011 (Telegraph Media Group
Limited, 2010) could have played a role in this most recent mortality event. Toxicosis
and environmental contaminants were also considered as possible explanations for
the large-scale die-off but neither cause has been confirmed (Lillis, 2011).
By changing the conditions that affect the lifecycle, range and ecology of
pathogens, vectors and host species, climate change has the potential to significantly
alter the susceptibility of animal and plant populations to opportunistic infectious
agents. Climate change is undoubtedly an important co-factor influencing the
emergence of pathogens around the globe and it may play an even greater role if
changes in temperatures, weather and ecosystems reach projected levels.
BOX 14
African lions decimated by climate-influenced pathogens
African lions (Panthera leo) are now legally protected throughout their range, having
been subjected to uncontrolled hunting in the past. Their ecology is well studied and it
is known that some populations thrive in certain protected areas of Africa. Lion numbers
are, however, reported to be in decline in many areas, primarily due to the expansion of
agriculture, ensuing control of problem animals, and, in some areas, poorly regulated
sport hunting. Climate change brings new threats and exacerbates existing ones.
In 1994, an epidemic of canine distemper virus (CDV) decimated the lion
population in the Serengeti, causing the death of one-third of the resident
Box 14 continued
population. This unusual die-off was followed by another event in 2001 in the nearby
Ngorongoro Crater, the United Republic of Tanzania. A retrospective study was
undertaken to understand these exceptional events, as CDV is an endemic disease
in resident lion populations, but rarely causes mortality. In 1994 and 2001, analyses
of blood samples of Serengeti lions detected unusually high levels of the tick-borne
blood parasite Babesia leo. This parasite, among others, is usually detected at low
levels in lion samples and ordinarily does not affect the health of the animal. The
prevalence of this parasite was found to be at a very high level in prides suffering the
highest mortality, while it was moderate in prides suffering no increase in mortality.
This suggests that a co-infection with Babesia and the resulting lower immune
status most likely was contributing to deaths caused by other pathogens among lion
populations. (Dybas, 2009; Munson et al., 2008)
Both of these CDV mortality events were linked to environmental conditions in
1994 and 2001, which were particularly dry and favoured the propagation of ticks in
the Serengeti ecosystem. Tick (Ixodida spp.) levels on herbivores in the Serengeti were
unusually high during these years, as extended droughts had weakened the animals.
Lions feeding on this easily captured prey were very prone to high levels of infection
by Babesia, due to the unusually large concentration of ticks present on the herbivores.
Infection with Babesia triggered an immunosuppression, making lions more susceptible
to the normally nonfatal CDV. Droughts and the resulting ecological conditions that
led to these outbreaks are becoming more common in the Serengeti ecosystem.
Munson et al. (2008) conclude that if extreme weather events become more frequent
owing to climate change, mortality events caused by disruption of the ecological
balance between hosts and pathogens are likely to become more common and to have
devastating impacts on lion populations. (Dybas, 2009; Munson et al., 2008)
BOX 15
Avian malaria and climate change in the Hawaiian Islands
Avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum) arrived in what is now Hawaii, the United
States of America, in the early 1900s with the introduction of non-resident game
and exotic birds. This pathogen translocation was followed by a precipitous drop
in native bird species populations. Endemic Hawaiian birds were immunologically
naïve and, once exposed, rapidly became infected and died. In 1968, Warner noted
large populations of endemic Hawaiian birds in the Hawaiian mountains above
600 m, where no mosquitoes existed, and observed only a few native Hawaiian
species below this altitude. The mosquito vector for malaria, Culex quinquefasciatus,
has a range limited to the lower altitudes on the islands since it cannot reproduce
effectively at temperatures below 13 °C. Further studies have shown that the range
of Culex can extend to higher altitudes, but mosquitoes tend to concentrate in the
more hospitable lower altitudes and around water, where there are ample larval
production sites. The highest levels of avian malaria infection have been reported to
Box 15 continued
occur at mid-level altitude forests (1 500 m) where the mosquito vector and the range
of susceptible native bird species intersect (Atkinson and Utzurrum, 2010; van Riper
et al., 1986; Warner et al., 1986).
Following the introduction of avian malaria, many native species adapted their
ranges and foraging habits, with those species in higher altitude regions having
better survival rates. The species that continued to feed in lower altitude ranges
adjusted their feeding behaviour to account for the mosquito vector, feeding in the
morning and returning to higher altitudes in the evening when mosquitoes become
active. This adaptive behaviour has saved some endemic species from complete
extinction, although population sizes are still greatly reduced and limited to restricted
mountain ranges (Atkinson and Utzurrum, 2010; Benning et al., 2002; van Riper et al.,
1986; Warner et al., 1968).
Over the past decade, surveys have shown a dramatic increase in the prevalence
of avian malaria at all elevations across Hawaii. This can be attributed, in part, to
increased human activity creating more breeding grounds for larval development,
but climate change also likely plays a role. It has been predicted that a 2 °C rise in
temperature would cause radical losses in these protective high altitude areas for
endemic bird species. With an elevation in temperatures, Culex mosquitoes could
reproduce and survive in higher altitude regions, and, again, birds will either need
to adapt their behaviour to avoid mosquitoes or they will increasingly succumb to
malaria. With the combination of the removal of forest habitat for agriculture and
the rise in temperature, some islands are projected to lose up to 85 percent of the
avian malaria low-risk forest habitat, which will undoubtedly result in the extinction
of some native bird populations, especially those with limited population sizes due
to other anthropogenically derived pressures (Atkinson and Utzurrum, 2010; Benning
et al, 2002; van Riper et al., 1986; Warner et al., 1968).
BOX 16
Climate change affects migration routes and disease risk
Every year, billions of animals, ranging from butterflies, dragonflies and bees to bats,
birds, antelope and whales migrate across the globe. Flying species can cross continents
or oceans, terrestrial species cross mountains and rivers, while aquatic species can travel
upstream or move almost halfway across the world underwater. The movements of
migratory animals typically correspond with seasonal changes and the underlying objective
of migration is usually to find abundant food and an appropriate habitat to accommodate
life cycle needs, such as breeding, moulting or overwintering. (Newman, 2011)
For migratory birds, the timing of arrival in breeding territories and overwintering
grounds determines reproductive success, survivorship and fitness (Arzel, Elmberg and
Guillemain, 2006; Cotton, 2003; Ely et al., 2007; Laaksonen et al., 2006). Migratory
species time their spring arrival at breeding grounds and the chick-rearing period to
coincide with peaks in food abundance (Arzel et al., 2009). Changing climate patterns
Box 16 continued
can result in mistimed migrations that lower breeding success and decrease population
size (Both et al., 2006). Global climate fluctuations have been demonstrated to affect
adult survival and fecundity (Boyd and Fox 2008; Sillett, Holmes and Sherry, 2000), and
there is growing evidence that the timing of avian migration is affected by climate
change (Ahola et al., 2004; Both and te Marvelde, 2007; Macmynowski et al., 2007;
Parmesan, 2007; Saino and Ambrosini, 2008; van Buskirk, Mulvihill and Leberman,
2009). It is still too early to say in most cases what the long-term implications of these
effects will be for the survival of migratory species.
From Altizer, S., Bartel, R. & Han, B.A. 2011. Animal migration and infectious disease risk. Science, 331(6015):
296–302. Reprinted with permission from AAAS. Photographs: Chinook salmon: FISHBIO; green sea turtle:
M. Zinkova; Western toad: J. Kiesecker; Ruddy turnstone: N. Bacheler; flying fox: J. Epstein; green darner:
E. Zelenko; wildebeest: J. Rushmoore; Swainson’s thrush: D. Margeson; gray whale: SeaWorld San Diego.
Box 16 continued
More precise characteristics of migration, such as connectivity among subpopulations,
will influence the ability of migratory species to adapt to changing environmental
conditions due to climate change (Webster et al., 2002). If, for example, connectivity
among the bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) subpopulations is strong, then individuals
within each subpopulation have been subjected to similar selective pressures in both
wintering and breeding locations. This selective pressure may have resulted in local
adaptation that could limit the impact of large-scale climate change (Takekawa et al.,
2009; Webster et al., 2002). Studies conducted by FAO, United States of America
Geological Survey and other partners demonstrate that the alteration of habitats in
China, including the warming effects of climate change on glaciers increasing runoff to
Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau wetlands, may be changing goose migration patterns and timing.
With the exception of one individual, all geese from Qinghai Lake, China, wintered in the
southern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau near Lhasa, and their increasing numbers in that region
may be related to the effects of climate change and agricultural development (Takekawa
et al., 2009). From a disease risk transmission perspective, if geese are not making full-
distance flights to capitalize on broader expanses of overwintering wetlands habitat in
India at places such as Keoladeo and Chitwan National Parks, the increased concentration
of wild birds on the northern side of the Himalaya will lend itself to higher transmission
rates of avian viruses such as the highly pathogenic H5N1.
While migration ensures species survival, it must be recognized that when animals
move across large spatial expanses, they carry commensal organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi
or prions), which do not cause illness in their hosts, but have the potential to be introduced
into naïve hosts or other species. Changes in habitat use and migration patterns associated
with climate change, land use development or the expansion of farming systems can lead
to translocated pathogens (and vectors) contacting new potential hosts (including humans),
where the implications can be significant (Newman, 2011).
In the Arctic, where scientists believe that climate change is causing temperatures
to rise faster than in any other place on earth, there has been an invasion of southern
species, such as the grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), white-
tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) and killer whale
(Orcinus orca). These new arrivals are all showing up in areas traditionally occupied
by the polar bear (Ursus maritimus), Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), caribou and reindeer
(Rangifer tarandus), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpines) and beluga whale (Delphinapterus
leucas). In addition to causing Arctic species hybridization as a result of mating
between related northern and southern species, and the associated losses of genetic
diversity, invasive species from the south bring diseases for which Arctic mammals
have no immunity. Pathogens such as the parasitic roundworm trichinella (Trichinella
spp.), have invaded polar bears, Arctic fox and people. Brucellosis, a bacterial disease
sometimes found in cattle, dogs, wild animals and humans, has attacked baleen whales
(Mysticeti spp.). The threat that phocine distemper virus could be introduced into
immunologically naive narwhal (Monodon monoceros) and beluga whales looms large:
the migration of a single pilot whale (Globicephala spp.), harbour seal (Phoca vitulina)
or dolphin (Delphinus spp.) could serve as the source of virus introduction. (Struzik,
Note: After a worldwide campaign to obliterate the disease and with the last confirmed case
diagnosed in 2001, the United Nations declared rinderpest eradicated on 8 August 2011 (FAO, 2011a).
One example is the water hyacinth (&JDIIPSOJBDSBTTQJFT), which has long been
an invasive species in tropical areas of Africa and Asia and has now also invaded
the rivers of Italy and Spain. It is expected to expand over a much larger area
of Europe in the future as a consequence of the increase in temperature, which
is making many new areas suitable for this tropical plant. Many alien marine
organisms have entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal and are now
expanding through the basin because of the warming of the sea water. On land,
the displacement of human communities as a result of climate change is expected
to cause the movement of many more people and species, exacerbating the impacts
of invasions (Burgiel and Mui, 2010). For example, there are predictions that an
increase in invasive species due to climate change could fuel hot, cactus-killing
fires in the Sonoran Desert in the United States of America (Karl, Melillo and
Peterson, 2009).
Addressing biological invasions and climate change, as well as the combined
effects of these impacts, poses a great challenge to the global community.
BOX 17
The pine processionary moth conquers Europe
Box 17 continued
and thus successfully extend its range because pine processionary moth pupae can
enter prolonged diapauses of up to 7 years (Battisti et al., 2006)
Most authors focus on the effects of long-term, slow climatic changes when
forecasting the expansion of the range of this species. In view of the extensive and
consistent expansion of the pine processionary moth up the Italian Alps in the summer
of 2003, however, Battisti et al. (2006) argue that short-term climatic fluctuations must
also be taken into account when predicting the moth’s response to climate change.
BOX 18
Invasive species and human health
One effect of invasions that has so far received scarce attention is the impact they
can have on human health. There are many kinds of mechanisms by which alien
species can affect human health. Many arthropods, for example, bite and can transmit
diseases, including West Nile fever, Lyme disease and encephalmyelopathies; over
50 percent of the 47 alien nematodes introduced into Europe are endoparasites of
humans or cause zoonoses in cattle and game animals. (Vilà et al., 2010)
Some alien plants can also affect human health directly. For example, the common
ragweed (Ambrosia artemisifolia), a North American weed introduced in many areas
of Europe, produces large quantities of pollen that has a high allergenic potential. The
pollen induces hay fever and asthmatic reactions in an extremely high proportion of
the human population: 10 percent of people are sensitive to Ambrosia pollen and 25
percent may develop asthmatic reactions. The effects on the health systems in areas of
Europe where the ragweed has established are immense; costs in Germany alone have
exceeded €30 million in recent years. (Reinhardt et al., 2003; Vilà et al., 2010)
The giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is another alien plant that directly
affects human health. This plant, native to the Caucasus and Central Asia, has been
introduced in many countries for ornamental purposes and has become established
in the wild in large areas of western Europe and North America. The giant hogweed
produces a phototoxic sap that causes severe phytophotodermatitis (hypersensitivity of
the skin to UV radiation). Tens of thousands of people are affected every year, and, in
the worst cases, the skin burning can even be fatal. (Vilà et al., 2010)
The effects of alien species on human health can also be indirect. The Asian tiger
mosquito (Aedes albopictus), introduced in many areas of the world, is a vector for
at least 22 arboviruses, including the dengue virus, chikungunya virus, West Nile
virus, Japanese encephalitis and the eastern equine encephalitis virus. The spread
of the species in northern Italy has caused several outbreaks of chikungunya and
dengue fever. The dengue haemorrhagic fever complication is “a leading cause of
serious illness and death among children in some Asian countries” (World Health
Organization, 2011). Sometimes the effect of invasions can be subtler, such as through
the spread in East Africa of invasive shrubs, which provide shelter to the tsetse fly.
(Vilà et al., 2010)
Box 18 continued
Similarly, the common water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), which has invaded
many areas of Africa and Asia, is favouring the spread of schistosomiasis and malaria,
because the vectors for both these diseases (snail species, such as Biomphalaria
sudanica, and the Anopheles mosquito) find an optimal habitat in the rivers invaded
by the plant (Vilà et al., 2010).