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DBMS Unit - 5

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Control methods of Database Security:

Database Security​ means to keep sensitive information safe and prevent the
loss of data. Security of the database is controlled by Database Administrator


Database security is the technique that protects and secures the database
against intentional or accidental threats. Security concerns will be relevant not
only to the data residing in an organization's database: the breaking of security
may harm other parts of the system, which may ultimately affect the database
structure. Consequently, database security includes hardware parts, software
parts, human resources, and data. To efficiently do the uses of security needs
appropriate controls, which are distinct in a specific mission and purpose for the
system. The requirement for getting proper security while often having been
neglected or overlooked in the past days; is now more and more thoroughly
checked by the different organizations.
We consider database security about the following situations:

● Theft and fraudulent.

● Loss of confidentiality or secrecy.

● Loss of data privacy.

● Loss of data integrity.

● Loss of availability of data.

These listed circumstances mostly signify the areas in which the organization
should focus on reducing the risk that is the chance of incurring loss or damage
to data within a database. In some conditions, these areas are directly related
such that an activity that leads to a loss in one area may also lead to a loss in
another since all of the data within an organization are interconnected.

What is a Threat?
Any situation or event, whether intentionally or incidentally, can cause damage,
which can reflect an adverse effect on the database structure and, consequently,
the organization. A threat may occur by a situation or event involving a person
or the action or situations that are probably to bring harm to an organization and
its database.
The degree that an organization undergoes as a result of a threat's following
depends upon some aspects, such as the existence of countermeasures and
contingency plans. Let us take an example where you have a hardware failure
that occurs corrupting secondary storage; all processing activity must cease until
the problem is resolved.

Computer-Based Controls
The different forms of countermeasure to threats on computer systems range
from physical controls to managerial procedures. In spite of the range of
computer-based controls that are preexisting, it is worth noting that, usually, the
security of a DBMS is merely as good as that of the operating system, due to the
close association among them.
Most of the computer-based database security are listed below:

● Access authorization.

● Access controls.

● Views.

● Backup and recovery of data.

● Data integrity.
● Encryption of data.

● RAID technology.

The following are the main control measures are used to provide

security of data in databases:

1.​ Authentication
2.​ Access control
3.​ Inference control
4.​ Flow control
5.​ Database Security applying Statistical Method
6. ​Encryption

These are explained as below.

Authentication :
Authentication is the process of confirmation that whether the user

logs in only according to the rights provided to him to perform the

activities of the database. A particular user can login only up to his

privilege but he can’t access the other sensitive data. The privilege

of accessing sensitive data is restricted by using Authentication .

By using these authentication tools for biometrics such as retina and

figure prints can prevent the database from unauthorized/malicious

users. It is the first step and done before authorisation. Also

referred to as Verification.


Authorization is a privilege provided by the Database Administer. Users of

the database can only view the contents they are authorized to view. The
rest of the database is out of bounds to them. It is done after
authentication. Also referred to as Validation.

The different permissions for authorizations available are:

● Primary Permission - ​ This is granted to users publicly and

● Secondary Permission - ​ This is granted to groups and
automatically awarded to a user if he is a member of the group.
● Public Permission - ​ This is publicly granted to all the users.
● Context sensitive permission - ​ This is related to sensitive
content and only granted to a select users.

The categories of authorization that can be given to users are:

● System Administrator - ​ This is the highest administrative

authorization for a user. Users with this authorization can also

execute some database administrator commands such as restore or
upgrade a database.
● System Control - ​ This is the highest control authorization for a
user. This allows maintenance operations on the database but not
direct access to data.
● System Maintenance - ​ This is the lower level of system control
authority. It also allows users to maintain the database but within a
database manager instance.
● System Monitor - ​ Using this authority, the user can monitor the
database and take snapshots of it.

Authorisation relates to the permissions granted to an authorised

user to carry out particular transactions, and hence to change the
state of the database (write item transactions) and/or receive data
from the database (read-item transactions). The result of
authorisation, which needs to be on a transactional basis, is a
vector: Authorisation (item, auth-id, operation). A vector is a
sequence of data values at a known location in the system. How this
is put into effect is down to the DBMS functionality. At a logical
level, the system structure needs an authorisation server, which
needs to cooperate with an auditing server. There is an issue of
server-to-server security and a problem with amplification as the
authorisation is transmitted from system to system. Amplification
here means that the security issues become larger as a larger
number of DBMS servers are involved in the transaction. Audit
requirements are frequently implemented poorly. To be safe, you
need to log all accesses and log all authorisation details with
transaction identifiers. There is a need to audit regularly and
maintain an audit trail, often for a long period.

Access Control :
The security mechanism of DBMS must include some provisions for
restricting access to the database by unauthorized users. Access
control is done by creating user accounts and to control the login
process by the DBMS. So, that database access of sensitive data is
possible only to those people (database users) who are allowed to
access such data and to restrict access to unauthorized persons.
The database system must also keep track of all operations
performed by certain users throughout the entire login time.

Inference Control :
This method is known as the countermeasures to statistical
database security problem.It is used to prevent the user from
completing any inference channel. This method protects the
sensitive information from indirect disclosure.
Inferences are of two types, identity disclosure or attribute

Flow Control :
This prevents information from flowing in a way that it reaches
unauthorized users. Channels are the pathways for information to
flow implicitly in ways that violate the privacy policy of a company
are called covert channels.

Database Security applying Statistical Method :
Statistical database security focuses on the protection of confidential
individual values stored in and used for statistical purposes and
used to retrieve the summaries of values based on categories. They
do not permit to retrieve the individual information.
This allows access to the database to get statistical information
about the number of employees in the company but not to access
the detailed confidential/personal information about specific
individual employees.

Encryption :
This method is mainly used to protect sensitive data (such as credit
card numbers, OTP numbers) and other sensitive numbers. The data
is encoded using some encoding algorithms.
An unauthorized user who tries to access this encoded data will face
difficulty in decoding it, but authorized users are given decoding
keys to decode data.

Why is access control important?

Access control​ regulates which users, applications, and devices can view, edit,
add, and delete resources in an organization’s environment. Controlling access is
one of the key practices to protect sensitive data from theft, misuse, abuse, and
any other threats. There are two levels of access control: physical and logical.

Access control helps to mitigate both insider and outsider threats. That’s why IT
regulations and standards — ​NIST​, ​HIPAA​, ​PCI DSS​, and ​others​ — enforce
strict physical and logical access control measures. In this article, we discuss
models of logical access control.

There are several logical access control models: mandatory, discretionary,

role-based, attribute-based, etc. The process of choosing and deploying an
access control model looks different for each organization. This choice depends
● The nature of the protected data
● IT requirements and industry standards
● The number of employees
● The cybersecurity budget

Let’s find out when to use mandatory and discretionary access control models.

What is discretionary access control


Discretionary access control​ (DAC) is an ​identity-based access control

model​ that provides users a certain amount of control over their data. Data
owners (or any users authorized to control data) can define access permissions
for specific users or groups of users.

Access permissions for each piece of data are stored in an ​access-control list
(ACL). This list can be generated automatically when a user grants access to
somebody or can be created by an administrator. An ACL includes users and
groups that might access data and levels of access they might have. An ACL can
also be enforced by a system administrator. In this case, the ACL acts as a
security policy, and regular users can’t edit or overrule it.

Gaining access in the DAC model works like this:

● User 1 creates a file and becomes its owner or obtains access
rights to an existing file.
● User 2 requests access to this file.
● User 1 grants access at their own discretion. However, user 1
can’t grant access rights that exceed their own. For example, if
user 1 can only read a document, they can’t allow user 2 to edit
● If there’s no contradiction between the ACL created by an
administrator and the decision made by user 1, access is granted.

Discretionary access control is quite a popular model because it allows a lot of

freedom for users and doesn’t cause administrative overhead. However, it has
several considerable limitations.

Pros and cons of DAC


● User-friendly​ — Users can manage their data and quickly access

data of other users.

● Flexible ​— Users can configure data access parameters without


● Easy to maintain ​— Adding new objects and users doesn’t take

much time for the administrator.

● Granular​ — Users can configure access parameters for each

piece of data.


● Low level of data protection ​— DAC can’t ensure reliable security

because users can share their data however they like.

● Obscure ​— There’s no centralized access management, so in order

to find out access parameters, you have to check each ACL.

When to use DAC

DAC allows for a lot of flexibility and decreases the load on system
administrators as users can manage access on their own. On the other hand, it
doesn’t provide a high level of security for several reasons:

● If user 1 shares access rights with user 2, there’s no guarantee
that user 2 needs this access to work or won’t steal or corrupt
data or grant access to a malicious user.
● It’s impossible to control information flows inside the network.
● It’s impossible to enforce the principles of least privilege, need to
know, and separation of duties.

Because of these limitations, DAC can’t be used by organizations that work with
extremely sensitive data (medical, financial, military, etc.).

At the same time, DAC is a good choice for small businesses with limited IT staff
and cybersecurity budgets. It allows for sharing information and ensures the
smooth operation of the business. This approach, when applied in an
organization with 10 to 20 employees, lacks the complexity and oversight
challenges associated with the use of DAC in organizations with hundreds or
thousands of employees.

What is mandatory access control


Mandatory access control​ (MAC) is a model of access control where the

operating system provides users with access based on data confidentiality and
user clearance levels. In this model, access is granted on a ​need to know
basis: users have to prove a need for information before gaining access.

MAC is considered the most secure of all access control models. Access rules are
manually defined by system administrators and strictly enforced by the
operating system or security kernel. Regular users can’t alter security attributes
even for data they’ve created.

With MAC, the process of gaining access looks like this:
● The administrator configures access policies and defines security
attributes: confidentiality levels, clearances for accessing
different projects and types of resources.
● The administrator assigns each subject (user or resource that
accesses data) and object (file, database, port, etc.) a set of
● When a subject attempts to access an object, the operating
system examines the subject’s security attributes and decides
whether access can be granted.

For example, let’s consider data that has the “top secret” confidentiality level
and “engineering project” security label. It’s available to a set of users that have
“top secret” clearance and authorization to access engineering documents. Such
users can also access information that requires a lower level of clearance. But
employees with lower levels of clearance will not have access to information that
requires a higher level of clearance

MAC brings lots of benefits to a cybersecurity system. But it has several

disadvantages to consider.

Pros and cons of MAC


● High level of data protection​ — An administrator defines access

to objects, and users can’t edit that access.

● Granular ​— An administrator sets user access rights and object

access parameters manually.

● Immune to Trojan Horse attacks​ — Users can’t declassify data

or share access to classified data.


● Maintainability ​— Manual configuration of security levels and

clearances requires constant attention from administrators.

● Scalability ​— MAC doesn’t scale automatically.

● Not user-friendly​ — Users have to request access to each new piece

of data; they can’t configure access parameters for their own data.

When to use MAC

MAC is used by the ​US government to secure classified information

and to support ​multilevel security​ policies and applications. This access
control model is mostly used by government organizations, militaries, and
law enforcement institutions. It’s reasonable to use MAC in organizations
that value data security more than operational flexibility and costs.
Implementing MAC in a private organization is rare because of the
complexity and inflexibility of such a system.

A pure MAC model provides a high and granular level of security. On the
other hand, it’s difficult to set up and maintain. That’s why it’s common to
combine MAC with other access control models.

For example, combining it with the role-based model speeds up the

configuration of user profiles. Instead of defining access rights for each
user, an administrator can create user roles. Each organization has users
with similar roles and access rights: employees with the same job
position, third-party vendors, etc. An administrator can configure roles for
these groups instead of configuring individual user profiles from scratch.

Another popular combination is MAC and the discretionary access control

(DAC) model. MAC can be used to secure sensitive data, while DAC allows
coworkers to share information within a corporate file system.

Role-based access control (RBAC) restricts network access based on a person's
role within an organization and has become one of the main methods for
advanced access control. The roles in RBAC refer to the levels of access that
employees have to the network.

Employees are only allowed to access the information necessary to effectively

perform their job duties. Access can be based on several factors, such as
authority, responsibility, and job competency. In addition, access to computer
resources can be limited to specific tasks such as the ability to view, create, or
modify a file.

As a result, lower-level employees usually do not have access to sensitive data if

they do not need it to fulfill their responsibilities. This is especially helpful if you
have many employees and use third-parties and contractors that make it difficult
to closely monitor network access. Using RBAC will help in securing your
company’s sensitive data and important applications.


Through RBAC, you can control what end-users can do at both broad and
granular levels. You can designate whether the user is an administrator, a
specialist user, or an end-user, and align roles and access permissions with your
employees’ positions in the organization. Permissions are allocated only with
enough access as needed for employees to do their jobs.

What if an end-user's job changes? You may need to manually assign their role
to another user, or you can also assign roles to a role group or use a role
assignment policy to add or remove members of a role group.

Some of the designations in an RBAC tool can include:

● Management role scope – it limits what objects the role group is

allowed to manage.
● Management role group – you can add and remove members.
● Management role – these are the types of tasks that can be
performed by a specific role group.
● Management role assignment – this links a role to a role group.

By adding a user to a role group, the user has access to all the roles in that
group. If they are removed, access becomes restricted. Users may also be
assigned to multiple groups in the event they need temporary access to certain
data or programs and then removed once the project is complete.

Other options for user access may include:

● Primary – the primary contact for a specific account or role.

● Billing – access for one end-user to the billing account.
● Technical – assigned to users that perform technical tasks.
● Administrative – access for users that perform administrative tasks.

Managing and auditing network access is essential to information security.
Access can and should be granted on a need-to-know basis. With hundreds or
thousands of employees, security is more easily maintained by limiting
unnecessary access to sensitive information based on each user’s established
role within the organization. Other advantages include:

1. Reducing administrative work and IT support.​ ​With

RBAC, you can reduce the need for paperwork and password
changes when an employee is hired or changes their role. Instead,
you can use RBAC to add and switch roles quickly and implement
them globally across operating systems, platforms and applications.
It also reduces the potential for error when assigning user
permissions. This reduction in time spent on administrative tasks is
just one of several ​economic benefits​ of RBAC. RBAC also helps
to more easily integrate third-party users into your network by
giving them predefined roles.
2. Maximizing operational efficiency.​ RBAC offers a
streamlined approach that is logical in definition. Instead of trying
to administer lower-level access control, all the roles can be aligned
with the organizational structure of the business and users can do
their jobs more efficiently and autonomously.
3. Improving compliance.​ All organizations are subject to
federal, state and local regulations. With an RBAC system in place,
companies can more easily meet statutory and regulatory
requirements for privacy and confidentiality as IT departments and
executives have the ability to manage how data is being accessed
and used. This is especially significant for health care and financial

institutions, which manage lots of sensitive data such as PHI and
PCI data.


Implementing a RBAC into your organization shouldn’t happen without a great
deal of consideration. There are a series of broad steps to bring the team
onboard without causing unnecessary confusion and possible workplace
irritations. Here are a few things to map out first.

● Current Status:​ ​Create a list of every software, hardware and

app that has some sort of security. For most of these things, it will
be a password. However, you may also want to list server rooms
that are under lock and key. Physical security can be a vital part of
data protection. Also, list the status of who has access to all of
these programs and areas. This will give you a snapshot of your
current data scenario.
● Current Roles:​ Even if you do not have a formal roster and list
of roles, determining what each individual team member does may
only take a little discussion. Try to organize the team in such a way
that it doesn’t stifle creativity and the current culture (if enjoyed).
● Write a Policy:​ Any changes made need to be written for all
current and future employees to see. Even with the use of a RBAC
tool, a document clearly articulating your new system will help
avoid potential issues.
● Make Changes:​ ​Once the current security status and roles are
understood (not to mention a policy is written), it’s time to make
the changes.
● Continually Adapt:​ It’s likely that the first iteration of RBAC
will require some tweaking. Early on, you should evaluate your roles
and security status frequently. Assess first, how well the
creative/production process is working and secondly, how secure
your process happens to be.

A core business function of any organization is protecting data. An RBAC system

can ensure the company's information meets privacy and confidentiality
regulations. Furthermore, it can secure key business processes, including access
to IP, that affect the business from a competitive standpoint.

Intrusion : ​A network intrusion is any unauthorized activity on a
computer network. Detecting an intrusion depends on the defenders
having a clear understanding of how attacks work.

In most cases, such unwanted activity absorbs network resources

intended for other uses, and nearly always threatens the security of
the network and/or its data. Properly designing and deploying a
network intrusion detection system will help block the intruders.

In relation to computers, an intruder is an individual or software
program that enters a computer system without authorization. An
example of an intruder would be a hacker. Another example would
be a software virus.

Types of Intruder:
Basically there are 3 types of intruder:

1. Masquerader or Outsider Intruder

2. Misfeasor or Inside Intruder
3. Clandestine user

1) Masquerader or Outsider Intruder:​ An individual who is not

authorized to use the computer and who penetrates a system’s access
controls to exploit a legitimate user’s account.

2) Misfeasor or Inside Intruder: ​A legitimate user who accesses

data, programs, or resources for which such access is not authorized or
who is authorized for such access but misuses his or her privileges.

3) Clandestine user:​ An individual who seizes supervisory control of

the system and uses this control to evade auditing and access controls or
to suppress audit collection

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

An ​Intrusion Detection System (IDS)​ is a system that monitors

network traffic​ for suspicious activity and issues alerts when such

activity is discovered. It is a software application that scans a

network or a system for harmful activity or policy breaching. Any

malicious venture or violation is normally reported either to an

administrator or collected centrally using a security information and

event management (SIEM) system. A SIEM system integrates

outputs from multiple sources and uses alarm filtering techniques to

differentiate malicious activity from false alarms.

Although intrusion detection systems monitor networks for

potentially malicious activity, they are also disposed to false alarms.

Hence, organizations need to fine-tune their IDS products when

they first install them. It means properly setting up the intrusion

detection systems to recognize what normal traffic on the network

looks like as compared to malicious activity.

Intrusion prevention systems also monitor network packets inbound

to the system to check the malicious activities involved in it and at

once send the warning notifications.

Classification of Intrusion Detection System:

IDS are classified into 5 types:

1. Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS):

Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) are set up at a
planned point within the network to examine traffic from all
devices on the network. It performs an observation of
passing traffic on the entire subnet and matches the traffic
that is passed on the subnets to the collection of known
attacks. Once an attack is identified or abnormal behavior is
observed, the alert can be sent to the administrator. An
example of an NIDS is installing it on the subnet where
firewalls are located in order to see if someone is trying to
crack the firewall.
2. Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS):
Host intrusion detection systems (HIDS) run on
independent hosts or devices on the network. A HIDS
monitors the incoming and outgoing packets from the
device only and will alert the administrator if suspicious or
malicious activity is detected. It takes a snapshot of existing
system files and compares it with the previous snapshot. If
the analytical system files were edited or deleted, an alert is
sent to the administrator to investigate. An example of
HIDS usage can be seen on mission critical machines, which
are not expected to change their layout.

3. Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System (PIDS):
Protocol-based intrusion detection system (PIDS) comprises
a system or agent that would consistently reside at the
front end of a server, controlling and interpreting the
protocol between a user/device and the server. It is trying
to secure the web server by regularly monitoring the HTTPS
protocol stream and accept the related HTTP protocol. As
HTTPS is un-encrypted and before instantly entering its web
presentation layer then this system would need to reside in
this interface, between to use the HTTPS.
4. Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection
System (APIDS):
Application Protocol-based Intrusion Detection System
(APIDS) is a system or agent that generally resides within a
group of servers. It identifies the intrusions by monitoring
and interpreting the communication on application specific
protocols. For example, this would monitor the SQL protocol
explicit to the middleware as it transacts with the database
in the web server.
5. Hybrid Intrusion Detection System :
Hybrid intrusion detection systems are made by the
combination of two or more approaches of the intrusion
detection system. In the hybrid intrusion detection system,
host agent or system data is combined with network
information to develop a complete view of the network
system. Hybrid intrusion detection systems are more
effective in comparison to the other intrusion detection
system. Prelude is an example of Hybrid IDS.

Detection Method of IDS:

1. Signature-based Method:
Signature-based IDS detects the attacks on the basis of the
specific patterns such as number of bytes or number of 1’s
or number of 0’s in the network traffic. It also detects on
the basis of the already known malicious instruction
sequence that is used by the malware. The detected
patterns in the IDS are known as signatures.
Signature-based IDS can easily detect the attacks whose
pattern (signature) already exists in the system but it is
quite difficult to detect the new malware attacks as their
pattern (signature) is not known.
2. Anomaly-based Method:
Anomaly-based IDS was introduced to detect the unknown
malware attacks as new malware are developed rapidly. In
anomaly-based IDS there is use of machine learning to
create a trustful activity model and anything coming is
compared with that model and it is declared suspicious if it
is not found in the model. Machine learning based methods
have a better generalized property in comparison to
signature-based IDS as these models can be trained
according to the applications and hardware configurations.

SQL Injection

SQL injection is a technique used to exploit user data through web

page inputs by injecting SQL commands as statements. Basically,

these statements can be used to manipulate the application’s web

server by malicious users.

● SQL injection is a code injection technique that might

destroy your database.
● SQL injection is one of the most common web hacking
● SQL injection is the placement of malicious code in SQL
statements, via web page input.

Exploitation of SQL Injection in Web Applications

Web servers communicate with database servers anytime they need

to retrieve or store user data. SQL statements by the attacker are

designed so that they can be executed while the web-server is

fetching content from the application server.It compromises the

security of a web application.

Example of SQL Injection

Suppose we have an application based on student records. Any

student can view only his or her own records by entering a unique

and private student ID. Suppose we have a field like below:

Student id:

And the student enters the following in the input field:

12222345 or 1=1​.

So this basically ​translates to :

SELECT * from STUDENT where

STUDENT-ID == 12222345 or 1 = 1

Now this ​1=1​ will return all records for which this holds true. So
basically, all the student data is compromised. Now the malicious

user can also delete the student records in a similar fashion.

Consider the following SQL query.

SELECT * from USER where


Now the malicious can use the ‘=’ operator in a clever manner to

retrieve private and secure user information. So instead of the

above-mentioned query the following query when executed,

retrieves protected data, not intended to be shown to users.

Select * from User where

(Username = “” or 1=1) AND

(Password=”” or 1=1).

Since ​1=1​ always holds true, user data is compromised.

Impact of SQL Injection

The hacker can retrieve all the user-data present in the database
such as user details, credit card information, social security numbers

and can also gain access to protected areas like the administrator

portal. It is also possible to delete the user data from the tables.

Nowadays, all online shopping applications, bank transactions use

back-end database servers. So in-case the hacker is able to exploit

SQL injection, the entire server is compromised.

Preventing SQL Injection

● User Authentication: Validating input from the user by

pre-defining length, type of input, of the input field and
authenticating the user.
● Restricting access privileges of users and defining as to how
much amount of data any outsider can access from the
database. Basically, users should not be granted permission
to access everything in the database.
● Do not use system administrator accounts.


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