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Applsci 12 07270 v2

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Numerical Investigation of Plastic Deformation of Flat Plate for
Slamming Impact by Coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian Method
Young IL Park , Su-Hyun Park and Jeong-Hwan Kim *

Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan 49315, Korea;
parkyi1973@dau.ac.kr (Y.I.P.); shpark8450@naver.com (S.-H.P.)
* Correspondence: jhkim81@dau.ac.kr

Abstract: Ships and offshore structures are subjected to impact loads, such as slamming and sloshing.
High impact pressures can cause permanent hull deformation by a single impact event. In addition,
significant fatigue damage can be accumulated via repeated impact pressures. In this study, the
plastic deformation behavior of flat plates under slamming impact is numerically investigated using
a coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian method. The dynamic impact pressure of the flat plates by weight
and drop height is investigated under the assumption of viscous and compressible fluids. To evaluate
the plastic deformation of the plate, contact between water and the plate is removed after a certain
duration after dropping, and then the remaining deformation is measured. Optimized finite element
models for drop simulations are selected via a mesh sensitivity study, and the simulation results are
calibrated and compared with experimental data. Results of the simulation and the experiment show
good agreement in general in terms of deflection range. However, because the initial condition of the
plate is not reflected in the simulation, some discrepancy is observed in maximum deflections. Finally,
a discussion is presented for a more accurate fluid impact analysis model based on the comparison
results with the experimental data.

Keywords: slamming; permanent deformation; coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian method; flat plate

Citation: Park, Y.I.; Park, S.-H.; Kim,
J.-H. Numerical Investigation of
Plastic Deformation of Flat Plate for
Slamming Impact by Coupled
Eulerian–Lagrangian Method. Appl. 1. Introduction
Sci. 2022, 12, 7270. https://doi.org/ Ships and offshore structures are subjected to impact loads such as slamming and
10.3390/app12147270 sloshing. High impact pressures can cause permanent hull deformation in a single impact
Academic Editor: Jacek Tomków
event [1,2]. In addition, significant fatigue damage can be accumulated via repeated impact
pressure events [3,4].
Received: 7 July 2022 For decades, researchers have experimentally investigated structural damage due to
Accepted: 19 July 2022 fluid impact [5–9]. Chuang [5,6] performed a series of wet drop tests on rigid and elastic
Published: 19 July 2022
flat-bottom plates to estimate peak pressure values. Based on the experimental results,
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral a design load evaluation method that can reveal the plate thickness of the ship hull was
with regard to jurisdictional claims in presented. Shin et al. [3] investigated slamming impacts on flat bodies. They dropped a flat
published maps and institutional affil- steel box onto water and investigated the deformation of the box.
iations. Recently, numerous studies have been performed to evaluate plate slamming via
numerical analysis techniques. This is because numerical analysis is less expensive and
less time consuming than experiments and can be implemented to efficiently evaluate
various situations [4,10,11]. Typically, numerical analysis for evaluating the soundness
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
of a structure after slamming impacts is performed in two primary stages: fluid analysis
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
and structural analysis. In fluid analysis, the slamming pressure exerted on the structure
This article is an open access article
is calculated via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation [12–14]. Liao et al. [15]
distributed under the terms and
investigated the slamming behavior of a trimaran in oblique regular waves using the CFD
conditions of the Creative Commons
method. The analysis model was based on the unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
method combined with the realizable k – ε turbulence model, and the results obtained were
compared with those of conventional monohull ships.

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12147270 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 2 of 15

Seo et al. [16] predicted slamming loads in large container ships via CFD simulation.
They compared the slamming pressures obtained numerically with those obtained using
an empirical formula provided by the Classification Society. Once the slamming pressure
for a specific situation is determined numerically, the structural integrity can be evaluated
by applying pressure to the target structure [17,18]. Yu et al. [19] proposed an analytical
model to estimate the hydro-plastic response of beams and panels subjected to water
slamming. They solved the proposed equation in a numerical way based on the fourth-
order Runge–Kutta method and analyzed the results. Kim and Choung [20] evaluated the
shock-resistance response of Frigate equipment caused by underwater explosion. They
predicted the structural response to shock using a one-dimensional finite element model.
Farhangi and Karakouzian [21] applied rehabilitation techniques to improve the structural
resistance against slamming impact in a corrosive environment.
As the fluid flow field is affected by the solid boundary that is to be deformed in real
time, the deformation of the solid boundary should be considered in CFD simulations.
Therefore, two-way coupled fluid–structure interaction (FSI) analyses have been performed
increasingly recently. Jang et al. [22] performed FSI analyses to analyze vortex-induced
vibrations for ship rudder applications. They simulated the fluid flow on the rudder using
an open-source CFD program and investigated the structural behavior using the finite
element method (FEM). Hwang et al. [23] investigated the impact of thruster jet flow for
ultra large container ships using the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method. The
ALE method combines the advantages of Lagrangian algorithms, which are typically used
in solid mechanics, and Eulerian algorithms, which are primarily used in fluid dynamics.
In the ALE method, the nodes of a mesh can be moved arbitrarily to manage significant
distortions with high resolution [24].
Additionally, the coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian (CEL) method can be used for FSI
applications [25–27]. The CEL method analyzes the structural behavior of a Lagrangian
domain fluid flow in the Eulerian domain like the ALE method. However, the CEL method
is different from the ALE method in that the fluid node and Euler mesh remain stationary
while the material moves based on the Euler volume fraction. As the fluid mesh does not
deform nor does it require remeshing, the computational cost can be reduced, and the fluid
element distortion problem can be avoided. As the CEL method is based on an explicit time
integration scheme based on operator splitting, its accuracy is relatively low compared with
that afforded by conventional CFD simulations; however, it is gaining wide acceptance
owing to the simplicity and efficiency of its numerical calculations [28].
There are many previous studies that calculate the sloshing pressure or evaluate
the structural behaviors for a given sloshing impact pressure level; however, there are
very limited studies available to deal with sloshing pressure and structural assessment
simultaneously in single simulation. As it is very difficult to find a relevant method that
satisfies analysis accuracy with time efficiency, it is necessary to find the strength and
weakness of each method based on studies through various numerical analyses techniques.
The CEL technique used in current study is particularly rare for sloshing simulations due to
relatively less accuracy than conventional CFD for the fluid domain application; however,
it is worthwhile to use the CEL method for structure design purpose.
In this study, the plastic deformation of a flat plate for a slamming impact was nu-
merically investigated using the CEL method. The dynamic impact pressure of the flat
plates by weight and drop height was investigated under the assumption of viscous and
compressible fluids. To evaluate the plastic deformation of the plate, contact between water
and the plate was removed after a certain duration after dropping, and then the remaining
deformation was measured.
Optimized finite element models for the drop simulations were selected via a mesh
sensitivity study, and the simulation results were calibrated and compared with the experi-
mental data. Finally, a discussion is presented for a more accurate fluid impact analysis
model based on the comparison results with the experimental data.
experimental data. Finally, a discussion is presented for a more accurate fluid impact anal-
ysis model based on the comparison results with the experimental data.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 3 of 15
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experiments
2. Materials
In this and Methods
study, numerical analysis was performed under the same shape and condi-
2.1. Experiments
tions as those used in an experiment by Shin et al. [3], and the results were compared with
the In this study, numerical
experimental data. In theanalysis
study bywas performed
Shin et al. [3],under
a 2 m the same
× 1.2 shapebox
m steel andwas
those used in
heights ofan experiment
1 and 2 m into by
a 3 Shin
m ×et4al.m [3], and the results
rectangular wereas
water tank, compared
shown inwith the1.
experimental data. In the study by Shin et al. [3], a 2 m × 1.2 m steel box was
To fix the top of the open-section box, six beams were attached to the top of the box, as dropped from
shownof in1Figure
and 2 m1b.into
They m × 4three
a 3tested m rectangular water
different steel boxtank, as showni.e.,
thicknesses, in Figure 1. To
3, 5, and fix
8 mm.
Thetop of the open-section
principal dimensions of box,
thesix beams
steel boxeswere
used attached to the top ofare
in the experiments thelisted
box, asin shown
Table 1.
Figure 1b. They
details testedthe
regarding three different are
experiment steel box thicknesses,
available in previous i.e.,publications
3, 5, and 8 mm. Theet
by Shin
al. [3]. dimensions of the steel boxes used in the experiments are listed in Table 1. More
details regarding the experiment are available in previous publications by Shin et al. [3].

(a) Rectangular water tank (b) Flat-bottom steel box

Figure Wetdrop

Table 1. 1.Principal
Principal dimension
dimension ofof steel
steel plate
plate used
used inin current
current study
study [3].

ModelModel Steel Steel

Dead-rise angle (°) 0
Dead-rise angle (◦ ) 0
Length (m) 2
Length (m) 2
Width (m) 1.2
(m) (m) 1.2 0.3
(m) (kg) 0.3 340
Mass (kg) (mm) 340 3, 5, 8
Thickness (mm) 3, 5, 8
2.2. CEL Method
2.2. CELTheMethod
slamming simulation of the steel plate included the significant deformation of a
fluid, the stress analysis
The slamming of theofstructure,
simulation the steel and
platethe contactthe
included between the fluid
significant and structure.
deformation of a
Modeling a fluid region using the classical traditional Lagrangian formulation,
fluid, the stress analysis of the structure, and the contact between the fluid and structure. which is
Modeling fluid regionfor using
solid mechanics
the classicalapplications,
traditional is almost impossible
Lagrangian owing
formulation, to ex-
cessive distortion in the fluid element. Therefore, the fluid region
is generally applicable for solid mechanics applications, is almost impossible owing to is typically modeled
using thedistortion
excessive Eulerian formulation, which can
in the fluid element. express the
Therefore, the flow
fluidof matter
region is within a fixed
typically mesh
system. A Lagrangian formulation, in which the nodes are fixed to
using the Eulerian formulation, which can express the flow of matter within a fixed mesh the material and the
element deforms against material deformation, is typically applied
system. A Lagrangian formulation, in which the nodes are fixed to the material and the to calculate the stress
and strain
element levelsagainst
deforms for a steel plate.deformation,
material In Eulerian analysis,
is typicallya material
applied to is expressed using
calculate the the
and technique,
strain levels for and the
a steel plate. elementsanalysis,
In Eulerian do not deform the material.
a material is expressed In the Lagran-
using the
gian method, the
volume-of-fluid governing
technique, andequation is based
the elements do noton momentum conservation.
deform the material. In the Lagrangian
method, the governing equation is based on momentum conservation.
The principle of virtual work in finite element methods for this study can be expressed
as shown in Equations (1)–(3).
ρ xδxdV = Fext − Fint (1)
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 4 of 15

Fint = σ : δεdV (2)
Fext = ρbδxdV + τδxdS (3)
V Sτ

where V is the volume of the domain, ρ the density, σ the stress, and ε the strain, b the body
force, τ the shear stress, S the surface, Fint the internal force, and Fext the external force.
In the FEM, the displacement, velocity, and acceleration are assumed to be interpolated
from nodal values using the interpolation function NA , which is associated with node A, as
expressed in Equation (4).
x = ∑ A NA x A ,
. .
x = ∑ A NA x A ,
.. .. (4)
x = ∑ A NA x A ,
δx = ∑ A NA δx A .
The inertial term in Equation (1) and external force in Equation (3) can be obtained
using Equation (4), and the internal force in Equation (2) can be obtained by evaluating
the virtual strain. One can refer to any standard text regarding the FEM for a detailed
calculation process.
Three fundamental Lagrangian conservation equations, i.e., the conservation equations
of mass, momentum, and energy for fluid motion, are presented in Equations (5)–(7),
respectively. To translate the equations to Eulerian formulations, the relationship between
the Lagrangian and Eulerian time derivatives should be determined using Equation (8) [29].

+ ρ∇ · v = 0 (5)
ρ = ∇ · σ + ρb (6)
= ∇ · (σ · v) + ρb · v (7)
Dϕ ∂ϕ
= + v · (∇ ϕ) (8)
Dt ∂t
where v denotes the material velocity; σ denotes the Cauchy stress; E denotes the total
energy per unit volume; ϕ is an arbitrary solution variable; Dϕ/Dt and ∂ϕ/∂t are the
material and spatial–time derivatives of ϕ, respectively.
Equation (7) can be simplified using the strain rate tensor R, as shown in Equation (9),
because the internal energy is obtained by subtracting the kinetic energy from the total
energy. Subsequently, the conservation equations with Eulerian time derivatives can be
obtained, as shown in Equations (10)–(12).

=σ:R (9)
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0 (10)
+ ∇ · (ρv ⊗ v) = ∇ · σ + ρb (11)
+ ∇ · (ev) = σ : R (12)
To solve this problem, Equations (10)–(12) can be written in the general conservation
form, as shown in Equation (13).

+∇·Φ = S (13)
+ ∇⋅Φ = S (13)
where Φ is the flux term, and S is the source term. In the CEL method, the operator
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 split method is adopted to solve partial differential equations. This method 5separates
of 15
Equation (13) into two equations, i.e., Equation (14) for the Lagrangian step involving the
source term, and Equation (15) for the Eulerian step, which involves the convective term
where Φ is the flux term, and S is the source term. In the CEL method, the operator
split method is adopted to solve partial differential equations. This method separates
Equation (13) into two equations, i.e., Equation= (14) S for the Lagrangian step involving (14)
the source term, and Equation (15) for the Eulerian step, which involves the convective
term [21].
∂ϕ = S
∂t + ∇ ⋅ Φ = 0 (15)
+∇·Φ = 0 (15)
Figure 2 shows the operator split ∂t method for each step of the CEL method. The de-
mesh 2based
shows onthe operator(14)
Equation splitis method
remapped for each
to thestep of theposition
original CEL method.
in the The
deformed mesh based on Equation (14) is remapped to the original position in the Eulerian
fixed mesh based on Equation (15). The Lagrangian solution variables, such as mass, mo-
fixed mesh based on Equation (15). The Lagrangian solution variables, such as mass,
mentum, and energy, are adjusted for material flow between adjacent elements [30].
momentum, and energy, are adjusted for material flow between adjacent elements [30].

Figure 2. Schematic
Figure 2. Schematicrepresentation of operator
representation of operatorsplit
split method
method adapted
adapted fromfrom

the hydrodynamic
hydrodynamic response of water,
response a constitutive
of water, equation
a constitutive based onbased
equation the on
governing equations shown in Equations (10) to (12) is required. The constitutive
the governing equations shown in Equations (10) to (12) is required. The constitutive equation
of water assumed in this study is shown in Equation (16).
equation of water assumed in this study is shown in Equation (16).

σ = − P ( x, t ) I + 2 μ R
σ = − P( x, t) I + 2µR (16)
where P( x, t) I is the pressure at location x and time t, µ the dynamic viscosity of water,
where ( xstrain-rate
and RPthe , t ) I is the pressure at location x and time t, 𝜇 the dynamic viscosity of wa-
The hydrodynamic properties of water can be described using an equation of state
ter, and R the strain-rate tensor.
(EOS). ABAQUS/Explicit uses the Mie–Gruneisen EOS, as shown in Equation (17), with
The hydrodynamic properties of water can be described using an equation of state
the linear Us − U p Hugoniot form, as shown in Equation (18).
(EOS). ABAQUS/Explicit uses the Mie–Gruneisen EOS, as shown in Equation (17), with
the linear Us − U p P − Pas
Hugoniot form, H = Γρ( Emin−Equation
shown E H ), (18). (17)

where P denotes the pressure stress, which is defined as positive in compression; Γ = Γ0 ρ0 ,


where Γ0 is a material constant, and ρ0 is the reference density; Em is the internal energy per
unit mass, where PH and EH are the Hugoniot pressure and specific energy, respectively;
P η ρ
EH = 2ρH0 , with η = 1 − ρ0 .
A typical fit to the Hugoniot data is shown in Equation (18).

ρ0 c20 η
PH = (18)
(1 − sη )2

where c0 and s relate the linear shock velocity Us and particle velocity U p , as shown in
Equation (19).
Us = c0 + sU p (19)
By combining Equations (17) and (18), the linear Us − U p Hugoniot form can be written
as shown in Equation (20).

ρ0 c20 η Γ0 η
P= 1− + Γ0 ρ0 Em (20)
(1 − sη )2 2
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 6 of 15

Equation (20) is simplified to Equation (21) by setting Γ0 = 0 and s = 0 [30].

2 ρ0
P = ρ0 c0 1 − (21)

Hence, the steel plate is modeled in the Lagrangian domain, whereas water is mod-
eled in the Eulerian domain based on the Mie–Gruneisen EOS with the linear Us − U p
Hugoniot form.

3. Numerical Analysis
3.1. Finite Element Model
In this study, the CEL method was adopted to simulate the deformation of a plate
against free fall into water using ABAQUS, which is a commercial finite element analysis
program. The dynamic explicit solver of ABAQUS was applied for the simulation [30].
Figure 3 shows the computational domain and boundary conditions of the finite element
model. Water, which undergoes a significant deformation, was modeled in the Eulerian do-
main, whereas the steel box, whose deformation was relatively insignificant, was modeled
in the Lagrangian domain. Water was assumed to be viscous and compressible fluid. Air
was not modeled separately, and the empty space was set to the initial void region. The
displacement and rotation of the wall of the water tank were all fixed. The initial deforma-
tion condition of the steel plate was not considered in the simulation. In the simulation, to
enable efficient calculations, the steel box was placed 0.001 m from the free water surface,
and the secondary velocity considering the actual drop height, i.e., 1 or 2 m, was applied in
the simulation. Both the water and steel box meshes were constructed with an optimized
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 size via a mesh sensitivity study (see Section 3.2). The steel box was modeled using shell 7 of 1
elements. The penalty contact method between the Lagrangian elements and the Eulerian
elements was used in Abaqus.

Figure Computational domain
domain andand boundary
boundary conditions.

multilinearplasticity model
plasticity modelwaswasapplied to thetomaterial
applied model model
the material of the steel box,
of the steel box
as shown in Figure 4 with Table 2, to calculate the amount of plastic deformation on the
as shown in Figure 4 with Table 2, to calculate the amount of plastic deformation on th
bottom plate due to impact after its fall onto the water tank. The material properties of
each plateplate
baseddue to impact after
on thicknesses of 3, 5,its fall
and ontowere
8 mm the obtained
water tank.
et al. [3]. properties o
each plate based on thicknesses of 3, 5, and 8 mm were obtained from Shin et al. [3].
Figure 3. Computational domain and boundary conditions.

The multilinear plasticity model was applied to the material model of the steel b
as shown in Figure 4 with Table 2, to calculate the amount of plastic deformation on
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 bottom plate due to impact after its fall onto the water tank. The material
7 of propertie
each plate based on thicknesses of 3, 5, and 8 mm were obtained from Shin et al. [3].

Figure 4. Multilinear plasticity model for steel box.

Figure 4. Multilinear plasticity model for steel box.
Table 2. Material properties for steel box [4].
Table 2. Material properties for steel box [4].
Thickness Elastic Modulus Poisson Yield Strength (σy ) Ultimate Strength (σT ) Ultimate Strain
(mm) (MPa) Thickness
Ratio (MPa) Yield
(MPa) Ultimate
(εT )
Elastic Modulus Ultima
3.00 299.5Poisson Ratio Strength
( ) Strength ( )
(mm) (MPa) Strain (
5.00 205,800 0.3 312.4 (MPa)
455.0 (MPa)
8.00 280.8 433.2 0.2151
3.00 299.5 448.7 0.1894
5.00 205,800 0.3 312.4 455.0 0.1959
8.00 Us − U p EOS was used to simplify the properties
280.8of water in terms
433.2of density 0.2151
and dynamic viscosity, as shown in Table 3. Furthermore, it was used to simulate the
Navier–Stokes flow without considering turbulent flow. As the primary force component
should Us U for
be pressure p EOS
waterwas used
impact, to simplify
a suitable the properties
approximation of waterusing
can be obtained in terms
this of den
EOS [27].
and dynamic viscosity, as shown in Table 3. Furthermore, it was used to simulate the
vier–Stokes flow without
Table 3. EOS parameters for waterconsidering
[19]. turbulent flow. As the primary force compon
should be pressure for water impact, a suitable approximation can be obtained using
Density (ρw ) Dynamic Viscosity (η) Speed of Sound (c0 )
EOS [27]. Γ0 s
(kg/m3 ) (kg·s/m2 ) (m/s)
1000 0.001 1450 0 0

The parameters for the speed of sound of water (c0 ), constant coefficient(s) of the
impact velocity equation, and material constant (Γ0 ) of the Gruneisen EOS are provided in
Table 3 [27].

3.2. Mesh Sensitivity Study

In finite element analysis, a suitable mesh size must be determined as it significantly
affects the analysis result. In particular, because the mesh size significantly affects the
pressure exerting on the steel box, the stress, and the corresponding permanent deformation
on the steel box, the optimal size must be determined via a sensitivity study.
In this study, a mesh sensitivity study was performed on water and steel box, as shown
in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. For the water model, the 25 and 12.5 mm meshes showed
similar results.
As the number of Eulerian elements significantly affects the overall calculation time,
element size 25 mm was used in consideration of the calculation efficiency. Meanwhile,
similar results were obtained for plate mesh sizes of 25 and 12.5 mm. The plate mesh did
not significantly affect the overall analysis time; hence, 12.5 mm was selected as the mesh
size for an accurate stress analysis. The deformation of the plate is indicated by the relative
mation on the steel box, the optimal size must be determined via a sensitivity study.
In this study, a mesh sensitivity study was performed on water and steel box, as
shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. For the water model, the 25 and 12.5 mm meshes
showed similar results.
As the number of Eulerian elements significantly affects the overall calculation time,
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 element size 25 mm was used in consideration of the calculation efficiency. Meanwhile, 8 of 15
similar results were obtained for plate mesh sizes of 25 and 12.5 mm. The plate mesh did
not significantly affect the overall analysis time; hence, 12.5 mm was selected as the mesh
size for an accurate stress analysis. The deformation of the plate is indicated by the relative
displacement, with
with bothboth edges
edges of theofplate
the plate
fixedfixed at The
at zero. zero.overall
The overall finite element
finite element model model is
shown inin Figure

Appl. Sci.2022,
7270 99 ofof 16

Figure 5. Mesh
5. Mesh sensitivity
sensitivity studystudy for water
for water model.model.

Figure 6.6.6. Mesh
Mesh sensitivity
sensitivity study
study for box
for steelsteel box model.

Finite element
Finite model
element forwet
model wet drop
fordrop test. test.
wet test.

This sectionpresents
simulationsand andaacomparison
tween thenumerical
Figure 88 shows
Figure shows images
images of
the water–steel
water–steel box
interaction as
as time
time progresses
progresses for
drop height(h)
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 9 of 15

4. Analysis Results and Discussion

This section presents the results of the numerical simulations and a comparison
between the numerical and experimental results.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 Figure 8 shows images of the water–steel box interaction as time progresses 10 for
of 16a
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 10 of 16
drop height (h) of 2 m and a plate thickness (t) of 3 mm. Figure 9 shows the pressure
value at each stage shown in Figure 8a–d, i.e., the pressure exerting on the center of the
bottom plate.

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure8. Images
interaction in CEL analysis (h: 22 m;
m; t: 3 mm).
Figure 8.8. Images of water–steel box interaction in
in CEL
CEL analysis
analysis (h:
(h: 2 m;t:t:33mm).

Figure 9.9. Pressure

Figure9. time
Pressuretime history
timehistory for
historyfor center
forcenter of
center of bottom plate
of bottom
bottom plate (h: m; t:33mm).
(h: 22 m; mm).
Figure Pressure plate (h: 2 m; t:
t: 3 mm).
Two peak pressures were observed in the wet drop test of the flat plate owing to
The primarypurpose
purposeof ofthis
this study
study was
was toto examine
examine thethe plastic deformation
deformation of
of aaplate
the air pocket effect immediately after immersion at the water In general, the
during slammingimpact
impact event.
event. The
The plastic
plastic deformation
deformation of of the
the plate
plate was
was investigated
second peak pressure was higher than the first peak pressure owing to the air pocket effect.
after thedynamic
water on on the
the plate
plate had
had disappeared.
However, only one peak pressure response was observed in this study because no air pocket
Figure 10 shows the plastic deformation contour in the
the vertical
vertical (plate
(plate thickness)
thickness) di-
was Figure 10 shows the plastic deformation contour in
considered. di-
rection. For comparison with the experimental results, the relative displacement was
rection. For comparison with the experimental results, the relative displacement wascal-cal-
culated byfixing
both ends
ends of
of the
the plate
plate centerline
centerline to
to zero,
zero, as
as shown
shown inin Figure
Figure 11.11. The
formula used to calculate the relative deformation is shown in Equation
formula used to calculate the relative deformation is shown in Equation (22). (22).
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 10 of 15

The primary purpose of this study was to examine the plastic deformation of a plate
during a slamming impact event. The plastic deformation of the plate was investigated
after the dynamic impact of water on the plate had disappeared.
Figure 10 shows the plastic deformation contour in the vertical (plate thickness)
direction. For comparison with the experimental results, the relative displacement was
calculated by fixing both ends of the plate centerline to zero, as shown in Figure 11. The
formula used to calculate the relative deformation is shown in Equation (22).

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 X 0 = cos α( X − X0 ) + sin α(Y − Y0 ) 11 of 16

Y 0 = − sin α( X − X0 ) + cos α(Y − Y0 )

(a) h: 1 m; t: 3 mm (b) h: 1 m; t: 5 mm

(c) h: 1 m; t: 8 mm (d) h: 2 m; t: 3 mm

(e) h: 2 m; t: 5 mm (f) h: 2 m; t: 8 mm
Figure 10.Plastic
contour in
in vertical
vertical direction.
7270 12 of 16
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 11 of 15

Figure 11. Calculation of relative

Figure deformation.
11. Calculation of relative deformation.

Figure 12 shows a comparison of the simulated relative deformation results derived

using Equation
X   (22)
cos with  
 Xtheexperimental
X 0  sin results. 
Y  YIt0is observed that the plate deformation
becomes increased as drop height is higher and plate thickness is thinner. In addition,
Y    sin patterns
various deformation 
X  Xwere 0   cos 
observed Y 
for Y 
works; whereas simple
deformation patterns were found in FE simulations.
Figure 12 shows aFigure 12c,e,f show
comparison of theexcellent
relativein terms of deformation
deformation results between
derived the simu-
using Equation (22) with the experimental results. It is observed that the plate deformation show
lation and experimental results, i.e., one deformation peak, whereas Figure 12a,b,d
discrepancies between the simulation and experiment, i.e., different numbers of deforma-
becomes increased as drop height is higher and plate thickness is thinner. In addition,
tion peaks.
various deformation patterns weredeformed
The different observed for experimental
shapes works; whereas
shown by the experimental simple de-
and numerical results are
formation patternsthought
were found in FE simulations.
to be attributable to the initial deformation, which was not reflected in this study.
Figure 12c,e,fAs show excellent
the current agreement
test specimen inunstiffened
is an terms of deformation between
flat plate, the initial the simu-
imperfection mode and
shape significantly affect the dynamic structural behaviors.
lation and experimental results, i.e., one deformation peak, whereas Figure 12a,b,d show
discrepancies betweenIfthe the initial imperfection
simulation mode of the test
and experiment, i.e.,specimen
numbersa three-half-wave
of defor- cycle
pattern, then better simulation results can be expected by applying a similar initial imper-
mation peaks.
fection pattern. However, the simulation results agreed well with the experimental results
The different for
deformed shapesa shown
cases involving low amountby the experimental
of initial imperfection andor numerical
a one-half waveresults
cyclearepattern of
thought to be attributable to the initial
the initial imperfection. deformation, which was not reflected in this study.
As the current test specimen
an unstiffened
is required to flat plate, the
accurately initial
reflect theimperfection
initial shape of mode and plate
the bottom
before performing the simulation.
shape significantly affect the dynamic structural behaviors. In addition, the air pocket effect, which is primarily
observed in the wet drop of a flat plate, is attributable
If the initial imperfection mode of the test specimen shows a three-half-wave cycle to the difference between the
experiment and simulation [31]. Generally, when a flat plate is dropped, an air pocket is
pattern, then bettergenerated
simulation results can be expected by applying a similar initial imper-
in the middle, and the edges of the plate establish contact with water, which
fection pattern. However,
may change the the
deformation results
of theagreed
plate. well with thethe
In particular, experimental
presence of air results
pockets can
for cases involvingsignificantly
a low amount affectoftheinitial imperfection
deformation or a one-half
of the plate, wavean
which exhibits cycle pattern
initial imperfection.
of the initial imperfection.
In this study, an air pocket was not implemented because air was not considered in
Further studythe is simulation.
required toAdditional
accurately numerical
reflect the studies are shape
initial required of to
bottom an air
platepocket by
considering air, which is a compressible fluid.
before performing the simulation. In addition, the air pocket effect, which is primarily
observed in the wet drop of a flat plate, is attributable to the difference between the ex-
periment and simulation [31]. Generally, when a flat plate is dropped, an air pocket is
generated in the middle, and the edges of the plate establish contact with water, which
may change the deformation of the plate. In particular, the presence of air pockets can
significantly affect the deformation of the plate, which exhibits an initial imperfection. In
this study, an air pocket was not implemented because air was not considered in the sim-
ulation. Additional numerical studies are required to realize an air pocket by considering
air, which is a compressible fluid.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12,
Sci. 2022, 12, 7270
7270 12 of
13 of 15

(a) h: 1 m; t: 3 mm (b) h: 1 m; t: 5 mm

(c) h: 1 m; t: 8 mm (d) h: 2 m; t: 3 mm

(e) h: 2 m; t: 5 mm (f) h: 2 m; t: 8 mm
Figure 12.
Figure 12. Comparison
Comparison of
of relative
relative plastic
plastic deflections
deflections between
between experiment
experiment and
and simulation.

The different deflection

deflection patterns
betweenthe theexperiments
experimentsand andsimulations
simulations shown
shown in
in 12a,b,d
Figure areare
12a,b,d attributable to the
attributable to different initial
the different imperfection
initial shapes;
imperfection however,
shapes; a com-
however, a
parison of the
comparison ofmaximum
the maximum deflection ranges,
deflection i.e., the
ranges, i.e.,difference between
the difference the maximum
between the maximum and
and minimum
minimum deformation
deformation for for each
each case,
case, indicates
indicates consistencybetween
consistency betweenthe thesimulation
simulation and
experimental results, as shown in Figure 13a. Figure 13b shows the distribution of error
rates for each case using a Box-Whisker plot. The mean and median of the error rates are
approximately 22%, and the 75th percentile is 32%. However, all cases with a large error
rate are the
valueofof deflection
deflection range
range is small,
is small, i.e.,i.e.,
the the error
error is
is less
4 mm.4 mm. It can
It can be be seen
seen that
that thethe error
error rateisisvery
rate verylow
relatively large
large deflection
range. The effect of the initial deformation is considered to be larger when the amount of
deformation is is small
small due
due to
to the
the low
low drop
drop height.
Better predictions via simulations for slamming impact events are expected when the
precise initial imperfection measurement and air pocket are considered.
Appl. Sci.Sci.
Appl. 2022, 12,12,
2022, 7270
7270 1413ofof16

(a) Bar plot (b) Box-Whisker plot

Figure 13.Comparison

5. Conclusions
Better predictions via simulations for slamming impact events are expected when the
preciseIninitial imperfection
this study, measurement
the plastic deformation and
of air pocket
a flat plateare considered.
under slamming impact was in-
vestigated numerically. To simulate fluid–structure interactions, the CEL method, which
the advantages of Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations, was applied, and the
In this study,
permanent the plastic
deformation deformation
in the of a flat plate
plate was measured under slamming
and compared impact experi-
with previous was in-
vestigated numerically.
mental results. To simulate
The following fluid–structure
conclusions interactions, the CEL method, which
were obtained:
 the to
Similar advantages of Eulerian
the experiment, and Lagrangian
the simulation formulations,
result showed that the was applied,
relative and the
of the deformation
plate increasedin as
drop was measured
height increasedandand
the platewith previous
thickness experi-
mentalInresults. The following
the experiment, various conclusions
patterns ofwere obtained:were observed, while the simula-
• Similar to theall
tion results experiment, the simulation
showed deformation of theresult
shape. that the relative deformation
 ofAthe plate increased
comparison betweenas the
thedrop height increased
CEL-based simulationand andthe plate thickness
experimental decreased.
results indicated In
the experiment,
good agreementvarious
between patterns
them inofterms
deformation were observed,
of the maximum deflection while the simulation
range. Two cases
(h: 1 m,all t:showed
5 mm and deformation
h: 1 m, t:of8 the
mm) same
show shape.
relatively large differences, where the
• Aamount
comparison betweenwas
of deflection the small.
CEL-based simulation
The result of thisand experimental
study presents that results indicated
the CEL tech-
nique agreement
is suitablebetween them slamming
for analyzing in terms ofimpacts
the maximum
and thedeflection range. Two cases
resulting deformation on a
(h: 1 m, t: 5 mm and h: 1 m, t: 8 mm) show relatively large differences, where
 the amount
Various shapeof deflection
deformations,was i.e.,
small. The result
deformed shapesof this
one orpresents
two peaks,thatwere
the CEL
served in is suitable
the for analyzing
experiment, whereasslamming
the simulation impacts andprimarily
results the resulting deformation
indicated defor-
on a plate.with only one peak. The difference in the maximum deformation might be
• Various
due to the shape deformations,
difference i.e., deformed
in the deformation shape. shapes with one or two peaks, were
 observed in the experiment,
Two additional studies can whereas the simulation
be performed in the future.results
Oneprimarily indicated
is to accurately defor-
the initialwith only one peak.
deformation of the The
before an in the maximum
experiment deformation
and apply might be
it to a simulation
due to the
study. Thisdifference in thevarious
would allow deformation
modesshape.of deformation to be observed in the simu-
• Two additional
lation. The other studies
is to can be performed
consider air pockets,in the future.
which areOne is to accurately
primarily caused by measure
the slam-the
of flat plates,ofinthe
theplate before an
simulation. experiment
In this andwhich
regard, air, apply isit atocompressible
a simulation fluid,
must would allow various
be included in the modes of deformation
analysis. By performing to be
two studies in the simulation.
above, The
the defor-
mationis toof consider air pockets,
the flat plate which arecan
due to slamming primarily caused
be predicted moreby accurately.
the slamming of flat
plates, in the simulation. In this regard, air, which is a compressible fluid, must be
Author Contributions:
included Conceptualization,
in the analysis. By performingJ.-H.K.;
two studies J.-H.K.;
above, validation, Y.I.P.; formal
the deformation of the
analysis, S.-H.P.;
flat plate due investigation,
to slamming S.-H.P.; writing—original
can be predicted more draft preparation, Y.I.P.; writing—review
and editing, Y.I.P.; visualization, S.-H.P.; supervision, J.-H.K.; project administration, J.-H.K.; fund-
ing acquisition, J.-H.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Dong-A University research fund.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7270 14 of 15

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.-H.K.; methodology, J.-H.K.; validation, Y.I.P.; formal

analysis, S.-H.P.; investigation, S.-H.P.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.I.P.; writing—review
and editing, Y.I.P.; visualization, S.-H.P.; supervision, J.-H.K.; project administration, J.-H.K.; funding
acquisition, J.-H.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was supported by the Dong-A University research fund.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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