07a ReviewedWithComment BAR2021 Carpenter-Hill KorCity Part1-Notes-to-FS Corrected
07a ReviewedWithComment BAR2021 Carpenter-Hill KorCity Part1-Notes-to-FS Corrected
07a ReviewedWithComment BAR2021 Carpenter-Hill KorCity Part1-Notes-to-FS Corrected
Province of South Cotabato
Barangay Carpenter Hill
Barangay Carpenter Hill was created on January 9, 1952 by virtue of RA 2370 in honor of
the late Lieutenant Carpenter. It is 7 kilometers away from the city. It has a total land area of
1,390.57 hectares. Brgy. Carpenter Hill has a total population of 7,738 with 1,769 total
number of households. The barangay exercises the functions and responsibilities necessary
for the efficient and effective provision of the following basic services: agricultural support
services; health and social welfare services; services and facilities related to general hygiene
and sanitation, beautification, and solid waste collection; maintenance of katarungan
pambarangay; maintenance of barangay roads and bridges and water supply systems;
infrastructure facilities; information and reading center; and satellite or public market.
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with and comply with the
International Public Sector Accounting Standards. The financial statements are
presented in Pesos and the figures are rounded to the nearest pesos.
The financial statements are prepared on the basis of historical cost. The cash flow
statement is prepared using the direct method. The Statement of Comparison of
Budget and Actual Amounts is presented according to the classification adopted for
budgeting purposes.
a. Revenue Recognition
b. Expenses
c. Inventories
Inventories are initially recognized at cost. The cost comprises all costs of
purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories
to their present location and condition. The cost of inventories is assigned
following the moving average method and measured at the lower of cost and net
realizable value as at every reporting date. Inventories acquired thru non-
exchange transactions are recognized at its fair value at the time of transfer.
d. Recognition of Liabilities
Liabilities are recognized at the time goods and services are accepted or rendered.
Property, plant and equipment are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Major repairs, which extends the life of the asset are capitalized and depreciated
together with the asset.
PPEs are derecognized upon disposal. Any gain or loss arising from the
derecognition is recognized in the surplus or deficit.
f. Public infrastructure
Note 4. Receivables
2021 2020 2019
Other Receivables - - 79,309.00
Due from Local Government Units 56,500.09 301,990.62 275,466.07
Advances to Officers and Employees 51,236.00 66,111.00 66,111.00
Total 107,736.09 368,101.62 420,886.07
2021 2020 2019
Information and Communication 24,000.00 24,000.00 58,170.00
Technology Equipment
AD – Information and (22,800.00) (22,800.00) (55,261.50)
Communication Technology
Communication Equipment 143,390.00 143,390.00 -
AD – Communication Equipment (114,629.28) (108,309.84) -
Construction and Heavy Equipment 745,000.00 745,000.00 139,460.00
AD – Construction and Heavy (143,235.20) (42,128.00) (120,053.02)
Sports Equipment 565,469.34 565,469.34 592,469.34
AD – Sports Equipment (477,594.20) (451,853.60) (450,143.00)
Motor Vehicles 575,375.00 575,375.00 575,375.00
AD – Motor Vehicles (546,606.30) (546,606.30) (546,606.30)
Furniture and Fixtures 22,204.00 22,204.00 15,600.00
AD – Furniture and Fixtures (2,285.14) (175.78) (14,820.00)
Other Property, Plant and Equipment - - 6,000.00
AD – Other Property, Plant and - - (5,700.00)
Total Property, Plant and 23,416,619.86 22,161,963.86 3,985,661.50
Total Accumulated Depreciation (3,460,918.90) (2,115,071.60) (1,992,430.59)
Net Book Value 19,955,700.96 20,046,892.26 1,993,230.41
2021 2020 2019
Trust Liabilities - Disaster Risk Reduction and 455,389.20 387,029.14 543,483.94
Management Fund (DRRMF)
Total 455,389.20 387,029.14 543,483.94
Note 8.1 Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund (BDRRMF)
The BDRRMF represents the amount set aside by the BLGU to support its disaster
risk management activities pursuant to R.A. No. 10121 otherwise known as the “Philippine
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010”. The details of the amount are as
Particulars Balance
Available Utilized
Current Year Appropriation
Quick Response Fund (QRF) 119,296.00 1,970.00 117,326.00
Mitigation Fund (MF)
MOOE 198,358.00 115,740.00 82,618.00
Capital Outlay 80,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00
TOTAL - CY 2021 397,654.00 157,710.00 239,944.00
Particulars Balance
Available Utilized
Special Trust Fund
CY 2016 31,292.00 31,292.00 -
CY 2017 51,159.00 51,159.00 -
CY 2018 9,404.00 9,404.00 -
CY 2019 1,217.20 1,217.20 -
CY 2020 219,257.00 3,811.80 215,445.20
CY 2021 239,944.00 - 239,944.00
TOTAL - CY 2021 552,273.20 96,884.00 455,389.20
Other Payables amounting to 516,611.68 represents the balance of SK Share pending for
transfer as of December 31, 2021. The total SK Share for CY 2021 amounts to 795,307.00
and the actual amount transferred is 278,695.32, thus the balance of 516,611.68 is due for
transfer in January of CY 2022.
2021 2020 2019
Total 516,611.68 - -
Tax Revenue – Property represents the 30% share of the barangay from the City’s collection
of the basic real property tax and its penalties.
Tax Revenue – Goods and Services represents the taxes levied by the barangay on stores or
retailers with fixed establishments and the share of the barangay from taxes imposed on
quarry resources extracted within the barangay area.
This represents the share of the barangay from the 40% allocation for the local governments
from the national internal revenue taxes.
2021 2020 2019
Miscellaneous Income - 120.00 -
Garbage Fees 216,125.00 - -
Total 315,645.00 80,170.00 61,140.00
This represents the honoraria, year-end bonus, cash gift, Other Bonuses and
Allowances and Terminal Leave Benefits of the agency’s key management personnel.
2021 2020 2019
Fidelity Bond Premium 9,375.00 8,925.00 8,565.00
Insurance Expense 2,824.11 - -
Membership Dues and Contributions to - 4,000.00 -
Other Maintenance and Operating 604,099.80 243,900.00 207,596.28
Total 2,940,777.26 2,098,925.20 2,188,381.60