Aditya: Forge
Aditya: Forge
Aditya: Forge
CIN: L27100GJ1992PLC017196
The Deputy General Manager,
Department of Corporate Services,
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai,
25th Floor, P. J Towers,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai-400 001.
Dear Sir,
Sub.:- Audited Financial results for the Quarter Ended 30111 Sept 2022-
We enclose herewith Un-Audited results for the quarter ended 30111 September 2022 in the
prescribed format along with Acknowledgement of uploaded the XBRL. We also enclose
Limited Review Report from Auditors.
Please acknowledge.
Yours faithfully,
For ditya Forge Limited
2 Expenses
a. Cost of Material Consumed 830.87 636.17 507.64 1467.03 636.91 570.35
b. Purchase of Traded Goods 3.99 0.00 0.00 3.99 0.00 0.00
C. Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and
48.25 -114.82 -133.61 -66.56 -123.44 100.19
stock -in-trade
d. Employee benefits expense 83.04 79.14 53.02 162.17 94.26 222.94
e. Depreciation and Amortisation expense 0.00 16.25 16.25 16.25 32.50 31.87
f. Other Exoenses 59.78 71.94 75.90 131.72 120.91 173.50
Total Expenses 1025.92 688.68 519.40 1714.60 761.15 1098.85
1 Public Share Holding
- Number of Shares 2992543 2992543 2992543 2992543 2992543 2992543
- Percentage of Shareholding 69.46% 69.46% 69.46% 69.46% 69.46% 69.46%
1. The above results have been taken on record in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 25-10-2022
2. Since majority of the assets are located iii one place and most of the expenses are of common nature, the management has decided
not to bifurcate the results and capital employed segment wise on the basis of estimations.
3 During the quarter ended 30/09/2022 , total NIL investors' complaints were received which were redressed during the quarter itself.
There was no complaint pending at the beginning or at the end of the quarter.
. 4 Provision for Taxation has not been made for the quarter ended
5 Figures are provisional and have been regrouped wherever necessary.
Place: Vadodara
B- 19, Kailashpark Society, B/h, Wadi Mahadev Talav, Waghodia Road, Vadodara- 390019.
E-mail: - Contact: +91 98795 11918
Acknowledgement No 1012202205100333 Date & Time : 10/12/2022 05:10:17 PM
Scrip Code 522150
Compliance Type Regulation 33 - Financial Results
Type of company
Class of security Equity
Date of start of financial year 01-04-2022
Date of end of financial year 31-03-2023
Date of board meeting when results were approved 25-10-2022
Date on which prior intimation of the meeting for considering financial results was infonned to the
18- 10-2022
Description of presentation currency INR
Level of rounding used in financial results Lakhs
Reporting Quarter Half yearly
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9 Deferred tax 0 0
10 Total tax cxrcnscs 0 0
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3 months/ 6 month ended ( dd- Year to date figures for current period
mm-yyyy) ended (dd-mm-yyyy)
A Date of start of reporting period 01 -07-2022 01-04-2022
B Date of end of reporting period 30-09-2022 30-09-2022
c Whether results are audited or unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
D Nature of report standalone or consolidated Standalone Standalone
Other comprehensive income [Absh·act)
I Amount of items that will not be nclassified to profit and loss
.Total Amount of items th:ot will not be reclassified to
profit and loss
In come tax relating to items that will not be
2 0 0
r eclassified t o profit or loss
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1 Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 156.765
Capital work-in-progress 0
lnves!Jnent property 0
Goodwill 0
Other intangible assets 0
Intangible assets under development 0
Biological assets other than bearer plants 0
Investments accounted for using equity method 0
Non-current financial assets
Non-current investments 16.25
Trade receivables, non-current 0
Loans, non-current 0
Other non-current financial assets 0
Total n on-cutTen! fina ncial assets 16.25
2 Current assets
Inventories 345.212
Current investments 0
Trade receivables, current 38.601
Cash and cash equivalents 12.442
Bank balance other than cash and cash equivalents 0
Loans, current 58.062
Other current financial assets 46.089
Total current financial assets 155.194
Current tax assets (net) 0
4 Regulatory deferral accoun.t credit balances and related deferred tax liability 0
Total liabilities 2215.862
Format for Repor tin g Segm en et w ise Revenu e, R esults a nd Capit al E m p l oyed a l ong with t h e c ompany results
3 months/6 month ended (dd- Year to date figures for current period ended
Particula rs
mm-yyyy) (dd-mm-yyyy)
Date of start of reporting period 0 1-07-2022 01-04-2022
Date of end of reporting period 30-09-2022 30-09-2022
Whether accounts lire audited or unaudited Unaudited Unaudited
Nature of report standalone or consolidated Standalone Standalone
I Segment Revenue (I ncome)
I N. A. 0 0
Total P r ofit before tax 0 0
i. Finance cost 0 0
ii. Other Unallocable Expenditure net off
0 0
Unallocable income
Profit before tax 0 0
3 (Segment Asset- Segmen t Liabilities)
Segment Asset
I N.A. 0 0
Tot:tl Segment Asset 0 0
Un-allocable Assets 0 0
Net Segment Asset 0 0
4 Segmen t Liabilities
Segment Liabilities
I N.A. 0 0
Total Segment Liabilities 0 0
Un- alloc:rble Li:rbilitics 0 ·o
Net Segmen t L iabilities 0 0
Disclosure of notes on segments
. . c.
Imerest received 0
Income taxes paid (refund) 0
Other inllows (outflows) of cash 0
Net cash flows from (used in) operating :tctivities 4.875 <~
!::: ~
.£ 0
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Repayments of borrowings 0
!f. ~~~~~
Dividends puid 0
!merest paitl
Income taxes paid (refund)
Other in !lows (outfl ows) of cash
I~ ~~ tt
<1 ~ ~~
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Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before effect of exchange rate changes 4.875
Effect of cxch:mge rate changes on cash and cash equivalents
Effect of exchange rate 'changes on cash and cash equivalents 0
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 4.875
Cash and cash equivalents cash flow statement at beginning of period 7.567
Cash and cash equivalents cash flow statement at end of period 12.442
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