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Oerlikon Skynex Air Defence System PBR EN B200e0721

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The Oerlikon Skynex® Air Defence System is Rheinmetall’s For more than a century, air attacks have posed a major threat
latest solution for short-range air defence. With its open and to ground forces and population centres as well as to vital
modular architecture, it sets new standards in terms of military and civilian infrastructure. This is unlikely to change
flexibility and expandability. The Oerlikon Skymaster® Battle in the near future. Today’s air threat ranges from fixed-wing
Management System is the control node and centrepiece of combat aircraft and attack helicopters to cruise missiles,
the system. Various sensors and effectors can be linked in unmanned aerial systems (UAS), precision-guided munitions
a modular way in order to fit mission requirements. One or and even ground fired rockets, artillery and mortars (RAM).
several medium range radars, such as the Oerlikon X-TAR3D® These air threats may persist by day and by night, irrespective
Tactical Acquisition Radar, provide the air picture, which is of bad weather, terrain and poor visibility and under severe
consolidated in the control node. From there, air targets are electronic countermeasure (ECM) conditions.
assigned to autonomous effectors via the Skymaster network.
Besides the high performance Oerlikon Revolver Gun® Mk3, The main trends to be expected in the near future are: an
the Oerlikon Twin Gun® GDF009 TREO, surface-to-air missiles, increasing use of UAS with high precision and density,
means for active and passive electronic warfare and future coordinated attacks, extensive use of electronic warfare
high-energy lasers can be integrated. Such a weapon mix techniques, exploitation of terrain masking opportunities
generates a highly effective layered protection shield against and all-weather operations, all resulting in reduced target
a wide spectrum of air threats and provides the necessary visibility and operated in a fully networked environment.
answer against saturation and swarm attacks in the future.
The Oerlikon Skynex® main characteristics are: As standoff weapons and UAS are getting cheaper and are
• Open and modular system architecture available in large quantities, the saturation resistance of a
• Increased saturation resistance modern air defence system becomes a crucial success factor.
• Functional composition of single effectors and sensors
according to the mission requirements Only reliable high performance air defence systems with
• Flexible command and control system advanced, automated command and control systems provide
• Capability to integrate existing Oerlikon Skyguard® and the affordable means to counter and defeat today’s symmetric
Oerlikon Skyshield® fire units and most other legacy and asymmetric threats in land and maritime or even hybrid
systems. conflict scenarios. The system architecture must be capable
In the following, the Oerlikon Skynex® Air Defence System is to seamlessly integrate new sensors and effectors to cope
presented from its basic configuration that exists today to with the emerging threat properties and various environmental
its future full-scale capability featuring new technologies conditions.
that will enhance the sensor and effector mix.
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The Oerlikon Skynex® Air Defence System is designed for high firepower, firing up to 1’000 rounds per minute. With
symmetric as well as asymmetric missions. Its open its own sensor unit, consisting of a tracking radar, a TV and
architecture allows a flexible adaption of the integrated an IR camera as well as laser range finders, the gun can take
sensors and effectors. over any in range air targets assigned by Skymaster and
autonomously track and engage such targets. Using the
The qualified basic configuration of the Skynex System programmable 35 mm Ahead ammunition, the gun is able
consists of a control node with the Oerlikon Skymaster to hit even the smallest targets.
Battle Management System, the medium range Oerlikon
X-TAR3D Search Radar and up to four remote controlled With this set up, the basic version of Skynex is capable to
Oerlikon Revolver Guns Mk3. Depending on the size of the engage aircraft, cruise missiles, small to large tactical drones,
defended asset the basic Skynex System can easily be air-to-ground-missiles as well as mortars and artillery rockets
expanded with additional sensors and effectors. up to distances of 4km. This makes Skynex the ideal solution
to protect high value stationary assets such as vital military
The X-TAR3D is a three-dimensional tactical acquisition radar and civil infrastructure like airfields, military bases,
and provides the local air picture up to an instrumented harbours, bridges or nuclear power plants against air strikes
range of 50 km. Besides classification and identification of in all-weather conditions, at day and at night.
air targets, the X-TAR3D delivers accurate 3D target tracking
data to the control node, where the target data is processed Combining high performance with fast reaction times, massive
based on automatic threat evaluation analysis and then firepower and maximum tactical and strategic flexibility, the
sent to the effectors. Oerlikon Skynex® is an extremely cost-effective and versatile
air defence solution.
Depending on mission requirements, up to four Revolver
Guns Mk3 form the basic effector layer. The unmanned
Revolver Gun Mk3 combines exceptional precision with
04 05
OERLIKON SKYNEX® CONTROL NODE 1 Operators work efficiently at configurable consoles with – Comprehensive air picture generation and display
role-based, state-of-the art user interfaces, minimizing stress – Control of all connected sensors
The Skynex Control Node 1 houses the computers and and maximizing efficiency. Consequently, the number of – Information exchange with air traffic control
operator consoles of the Skymaster Battle Management operators is kept at a minimum. – Support of air space control means
System in a 20 feet container equipped with power supply, • Tactical operator support
air conditioning, protection and communication systems. Built-in data processing and automation assists the operators – Centralized and decentralized battle management
in taking correct decisions quickly. Particularly the inherent functionality
It provides the operators with all command and control C-RAM (counter-rocket/artillery/mortar) capability relies on – Graceful degradation capability
functionalities required to conduct their air defence missions. automated procedures to deal efficiently with such threats. – Automated threat evaluation and weapon assignment
This includes control of the connected weapons and sensors, – Automated engagement recommendations for the
targeting and firing. The flexible interfacing capabilities allow a seamless targets based on the threat level
integration into the chain of command with existing (netted) – Manual or automatic weapon engagement control for
The Skynex Control Node is designed to be operated by four command and control infrastructure. Thus, the interoperability several weapons on one console
operators, an operations officer, two target operators and with higher echelon C2 systems or neighbouring forces is – High safety standards for friend protection
a technical operator. In order to increase the maximum assured. (including IFF functionality)
amount of simultaneous target engagements, two more • Operational support
target operator consoles can be installed. MAIN FEATURES – Mission planning system
– Data logging
The Oerlikon Skymaster® Battle Management Systems is a • Air defence system command and control – Integrated training system
versatile software solution that significantly enhances ground – Operation of tactical and operative air defence networks
based air defence operational capabilities. Its main operational – Total situational awareness on all command levels
benefits are the display of a common comprehensive air – Hierarchical cascadability of Skymaster control nodes
picture based on all available information sources, an effective – ‘Plug and fight’ capability for flexible system configuration
real time threat evaluation, smart weapon assignment – Digital network communication by means of land lines
algorithm and coordinated fire control. It is the optimal or radio links
C2-solution for the flexible Skynex Air Defence System and • Air picture compilation
guarantees the best possible system performance. It coordi- – Multi spectrum sensor data fusion
nates all networked air defence sensors and effectors. – Target identification
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The X-TAR3D is a three-dimensional multi-mission X-band The range performance of the X-TAR3D is appropriate to alert • 25 – 50 km instrumented range with 3 main operative
search radar. As a light and mobile tactical acquisition radar all weapon locations in a wide circle around the protected modes:
it is ideally suited for short and very-short range air defence object. Fast and early weapon alerting allows target – Combat (1.5 s/50°/35 km)
systems such as the Oerlikon Skynex® Air Defence System. engagement at the weapons’ maximum effective range. – Surveillance (3 s/25°/50 km)
The X-TAR3D performs specific signal and data analysis for – Sense and warn (1 s/70°/25 km)
The X-TAR3D performs the search, detection, acquisition, RAM classification and ballistic trajectory computation in • High detection capability of RAM targets
tracking and identification of high and low-altitude air targets, order to accurately determine the point of launch and the • X-band operation, excellent performance at low altitude
in order to provide the Skynex Control Node with a coherent point of impact of the RAM threat. • Vertical phased array antenna
three-dimensional air picture. • High accuracy in all three dimensions and short revisit
In the electronic warfare environment, the X-TAR3D shows time
The X-TAR3D is specifically designed for a wide range of state-of-the-art ECCM performance. Its high resistance to • Automatic target classification (aircraft, helicopter, UAS,
threats: fixed wing aircraft, helicopters (moving and hovering), stand-off jammers is achieved by very low antenna sidelobe missiles, RAM)
unmanned aerial systems (UAS), cruise missiles, rockets, levels, while its high angular discrimination allows excellent • State of the art ECCM capabilities
artillery and mortars (RAM) as well as low, slow and small performance against escort jammers. Track-on-jammer • New generation IFF integration (modes S and 5)
targets. The X-TAR3D is a fully coherent phased-array radar, function, adaptive logics for track initiation and netting • High mobility, compactness and search on the move
capable of simultaneously receiving from multiple antenna capability complete the X-TAR3D ECCM suite. capability
beams stacked in elevation, in order to measure precisely
the target elevation in addition to azimuth and range. The design of the X-TAR3D is based on a modular concept:
The narrow radiation beams result in outstanding angular it is constituted by a minimum number of modular elements
accuracy and resolution capability for both target-to-target and the main subsystems, like transmitter, receiver and
and target-to-jammer discrimination. signal processing are based on multiple identical units.
This architecture allows several advantages for the user, in
The excellent 3D target data accuracy, obtained also in terms of mission adaptability (several operative modes for
elevation by exploiting multiple narrow receiving beams and different mission requirements), availability (fault tolerant
the use of the Monopulse technique, allows a high target capability in case of failures of single units), maintainability
acquisition probability and a drastic reduction of acquisition and life cycle cost.
time for the associated effectors.
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This remote controlled, high precision 35mm air defence • Remote controlled 35mm air defence gun
gun with integrated radar tracker and electro-optical sensor • Effective combat range: up to 4,000m
unit is a powerful, autonomous shooter suitable for various • C-RAM capability
kinds of missions. • 35mm Oerlikon Revolver Cannon®
• Nominal rate of fire: 1,000rds/min
The Revolver Gun Mk3 can receive and process target data • Rapid single shot mode: 200rds/min
from 3D or 2D search radars or higher order control systems. • Ahead air burst ammunition
The tracking radar’s automatic search pattern makes target • Ready to fire ammunition: 252 rounds
handover simple, fast and reliable. The integrated gun control • Remote charge and discharge function
computer manages target tracking and engagement. The • X-band or Ku-band tracking radar
electro-optical sensor unit enables visual target identification. • Modular electro-optical sensor unit
Once the gun is deployed in the field, set up and ready for • Flexible target handover from 2D/3D search radars
operation, it is fully remote controlled via the target operator • Active and passive target tracking
console inside the Skynex Control Node. • Remote engagement supervision
• Simple handling and maintenance
The integrated 35 mm Oerlikon Revolver Cannon® provides • Integrated position locator and north direction finder
superior firepower and accuracy. Combined with the Oerlikon • No field alignment required
Ahead® air burst ammunition the gun achieves a high • Option: Integrated AESA search radar
effectiveness against a wide range of air threats, including low,
slow and small (LSS) targets, UAS, artillery rockets, mortars
and air-to-ground missiles. The cannon and ammunition
are fully qualified and in service on land and sea platforms.
The Revolver Gun Mk3 is based on an ISO 1D container
compatible platform with retractable hydraulic feet for easy
transport and deployment in the field. For a quick deployment,
it can also be mounted on a STANAG2413 compatible, hook-
liftable platform or fixed and fired directly from a suitable truck.
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Alternatively to the Revolver Gun Mk3, Skynex can also be • 35mm air defence twin gun
equipped with the Oerlikon Twin Gun® GDF009 TREO in its • Remote controlled or autonomous operation
latest configuration of the 35 mm Twin Gun family. Every • Effective combat range: up to 4,000 m
existing Oerlikon Twin Gun® can be upgraded to the GDF009 • Modern network capable gun computer
TREO configuration. The Twin Gun is combat proven and in • X-band tracking radar
use in numerous countries. The GDF009 TREO is fitted with a • Modular electro-optical sensor unit
modern network capable gun computer and can receive and • Autonomous target tracking and engagement
process target data from fire control units or 3D radars such • Target handover from fire control unit, search radar or
as the Oerlikon X-TAR3D®. The gun can be remote controlled optical target designator
from the Skynex Control Node or used for autonomous target • Remote engagement supervision
engagement by means of the integrated tracking sensor unit. • 2 x 35mm Oerlikon Cannon® KDC
Target handover is possible from the control node or an • Nominal rate of fire: 1,100 rds/min
external optical target designator. • Ahead multi-purpose ammunition
• Ammunition on gun/ready to fire: 280/112 rounds
The two integrated 35mm Oerlikon Cannon® KDC provide • Automatic reloading function
superior firepower and accuracy. Combined with the Oerlikon • Integrated battery-based power supply unit
Ahead® Air Burst Ammunition the gun achieves a high • Wheeled chassis with hydraulic supports on swivel arms
effectiveness against various kinds of air or ground targets. • Fast deployment and relocation time
• Simple handling and maintenance
The Twin Gun GDF009 TREO is based on a wheeled trailer
with hydraulic supports on swivel arms. The gun can easily
be transported and deployed in the field on flat or uneven
grounds. In the firing position, the wheels of the gun are
tilted and the gun is automatically levelled by the hydraulic
system integrated in the lower mount.
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The Revolver Gun Mk3 and the Twin Gun GDF009 TREO both • High precision programmable base fuze
rely on on the proven Oerlikon Ahead® Air Burst Technology • Tungsten sub-projectile payload
to achieve the highest possible kill performance for small • All payload kinetic energy is projected towards the target
air threats and in particular for RAM threats and drones. • Spin-stabilized sub-projectiles
The Ahead ammunition carries a payload of subprojectiles, • Self-destruction incorporated
which is ejected at a pre-determined distance ahead of the • Unprogrammed anti-armour mode
target, with the objective of achieving an optimal subprojectile • Qualified and in service
density for maximum effectiveness. • Inherently safe round
• No special maintenance needed
The optimal ejection point is programmed into the time fuse • More than 300,000 rounds delivered
of each shell. The fire control system calculates a fuse time
corresponding to the required target intercept conditions,
based on an assumed muzzle velocity.

The actual muzzle velocity of each round is measured by the

Ahead measuring and programming base at the end of the
gun barrel. The calculated fuse time is subsequently corrected
to correspond with the measured actual muzzle velocity of
each round. This value is then programmed into the Ahead
round in real time by an inductive coil at the end of the Ahead
measuring and programming base.

With the Ahead air burst ammunition, a cloud of subprojectiles

intercepts the attacking target. A short burst of Ahead rounds
produces a high density of subprojectiles ejected 10 to 40
metres in front of the attacking target, so that even the smallest
target is hit with a sufficient number of subprojectiles.

The spin-stabilized subprojectiles penetrate the target – even

at low impact angles – and inject a high level of kinetic energy
into it. This will damage or destroy the target and thereby
leads to a mission kill.
14 15

2.332 s

ht T

Ejection of
0.004 s Subprojectiles

2.332 s

0.000 s

Programmable Electronic Fuze

0.00 Programmable Fuze

Muzzle Velocity Fuze

Measuring Programming Outer Shell
Ejection Charge
Receiving Coils
1043m/s 2.332 s

Gun Computer
Distance Data Transmission
2000 m
Gun Control Unit

The Oerlikon Multi Sensor Unit is the next generation of short • Remote controlled sensor unit Looking into the near future, Rheinmetall will augment the
range air defence sensor unit for target search, acquisition • All-weather, day and night capability current Skynex capability in order to deal with a new type of
and tracking. The modular architecture allows a combination • Flexible open architecture and modular design threat. Cheap and small weaponized commercial of the shelf
of various functional modules and sensor technologies such • Stationary and rapid deployment configurations drones are easily and in large quantities available these days
as Active Electronically Scanned Array search radars. The • Performance scalability/graceful degradation and pose a significant threat to armed forces and also to
AESA radar suite is complemented with an electro-optical • Full azimuth coverage with AESA 3D search radar civil installations. Using electronic warfare measures, such
sensor package, holding an infrared and a TV camera as • Detection of fighter jets at 35km range threats can be successfully countered at relatively low cost.
well as laser range finders. The AESA search radar technology • Automatic guidance of SHORAD surface to air missiles For this purpose, Rheinmetall has a close cooperation with
provides 360° azimuth coverage and guarantees simultaneous • Simultaneous detection of different target types Elettronica from Italy. Their effector suite in the electronic
detection of different target types. • State-of-the-art ECCM features and clutter mapping warfare domain comprises communication, GPS and radar
• Advanced sensor data fusion and track generation band jammers as well as passive emitter locators and laser
The advanced multi sensor unit can seamlessly be integrated • EO tracking with HD cameras and laser range finders warning receivers. These effectors can easily be integrated
into the Skynex system and is remotely controlled from • Active and passive search and tracking function into the already existing Skynex configuration at low cost as
the control node. It will be fully compatible with the Skynex • Standard interface to C2 system no amendments to the sensors or the control node are
architecture and the future effectors. • Transport as stackable ISO 1D container allowing sensor necessary. Obviously, electronic warfare effectors do not
protection and system camouflage disperse any expensive ammunition and so an engagement
• Option: Identification Friend Foe (IFF) is very cost effective. This technology is already available
• Option: EO panoramic sensor for passive target search and can be integrated in a short period of time.
• Option: X-band or Ku-band tracking radar
• Option: EW sensors, e.g. RF detector
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For more than a decade, Rheinmetall has been working on Together with its partner company HALCON, Rheinmetall • All weather capability
new weapon technologies such as the high energy laser. Its is currently developing a new type of very short range air • Stationary and mobile application
scalable degree of escalation, the low cost per engagement defence missile in order to complete its effector portfolio. • 20 – 60 ready missiles per launcher
and the extended engagement range make it the ideal The SkyKnight counter PGM and counter RAM missile is • Up to 4 SkyKnight missile launcher units per tactical unit
weapon against unmanned aerial systems, in particular specifically designed to counter hard-cased targets such as • 360 degree coverage (vertical launch)
drones and other low, slow and small targets that come in precision guided munitions and large artillery shells. • Effective range up to 10 km (depending on target type)
masses. Integrated into the Skynex Air Defence System, With its extended range of up to 6 km against such targets • Effective against RAM, PGM, UAS, cruise missiles and
the high energy laser certainly adds a first level of saturation and its multi launch capability, Skynex will experience a fixed and rotary wing aircraft
resistance that is well required looking at the future threat significant performance increase against saturation attacks • Launch of up to 5 missiles per second to individually
scenarios. With the current status of the development, and enhance its target spectrum. One missile launcher assigned targets
Rheinmetall expects its high energy laser to be ready and containing up to 60 ready to fire missiles can launch up to • Up to 80 missiles in flight at the same time
fully operational by 2025. 5 missiles per second on individually assigned targets. • High saturation resistance
Furthermore, thanks to engagement ranges of up to 10 km • Protected area per launcher: at least 2.5km x 2.5km
MAIN FEATURES against soft-cased targets, the new missile significantly
increases the combat radius of Skynex and truly contributes
• Several mobile and stationary demonstrators to the approach of a layered air defence system. The
(10 kW – 60 kW) in ongoing tests are available SkyKnight missile is planned to be operational in 2026.
• Low cost per engagement at extended ranges
• Scalable degree of escalation
• Effective against various target types such as drones, UAS,
and fixed and rotary wing aircraft
• 100 kW power can be achieved by superimposing the
HEL beams of 2 HEL guns
• Simple integration into Oerlikon Skynex
• Available with its own EO sensor package (TV, IR, LRF)
and coarse tracking
• ITAR free
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We reserve all rights in connection with this document. Data, drawings and descriptions have only an information value. Modifications are reserved.
Oerlikon Skynex®, Oerlikon Skyshield®, Oerlikon Skyguard®, Oerlikon Skymaster®, Oerlikon X-TAR3D®, Oerlikon Revolver Gun®, Oerlikon Twin Gun®,
Oerlikon Cannon®, Oerlikon Ahead® and the Oerlikon Logo are registered trademarks of Rheinmetall Air Defence AG.

Rheinmetall Air Defence AG

Birchstrasse 155
8050 Zurich, Switzerland



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