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Columbia Book PF Yarn 1910

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The Columbia Book
of Yams



Sixteenth Edition

Published by the Manufacturers of Columbia Yarns

Copyright, 1915


MAY 22 J9I3

The Manufacturers of Columbia Yarns present with

pleasure, this, the latest edition of

The Columbia Book of Yams

EVERYBODY knits, nowadays! One sees the flashing
needles not only in the home and the social circle,
but at public gatherings, in trains and trolley cars,
everywhere Women are knitting as they never

knitted before,— for pleasure, for profit, for charities on both

sides of the ocean.

With such widespread enthusiasm, this new edition of the

Columbia Book of Yarns is particularly welcome. It answers
the great need of the hundreds of women who wish to learn

Knitting and Crocheting, such fascinating and useful pur-
suits! It is the ideal teacher,— ready, patient and practical,—
teaching the important early steps by means of clear, graphic
illustrations and accurate directions.

It answers, too, the demands of experienced knitters who

always want new stitches and new garments on which to try
their skill. Many new articles are shown.
One lesson repeated on every page, because of its im-

portance. It is Always use [Columbia Yarns

: The best!

knitter cannot overcome the handicap of poor yarn, and on

the other hand, the veriest amateur takes courage from the
soft rich beauty of Columbia Yarns, which even poor knitting
cannot disguise. Columbia Yarns have "life," fullness,
elasticity, depth and variety of color. These are the points
that count in knitting, and wear, and washing,— that make
the difference between true and false economy. Think of
them when you are selecting yarns, and you will be sure to get
the genuine " Columbia."
On the Choice of Yam
THE beauty of the articles in this book comes of two things— hand
work, and a fine yarn. A hand worker, with proper materials,
will give her work a delicacy, a fineness of finish, a character that
no machine-made work ever possesses. But she must look to her
yarns to do it. She must find a lofty, elastic, even thread, soft and thin to
the touch made of a wool sensitive to the slightest gradation of shade and
color. The COLUMBIA YARNS were used in making all the articles in
this book, and they meet the requirements. With them work in yarns
becomes an art, and good results are easier and surer.
Stamped by public opinion as the best among
yarns recognized as good,^
COLUMBIA YARNS cost in the beginning a more than some others

—otherwise they could not be what they are. In the end they are the
cheapest of all. For the cheapness of a yarn is determined not alone by what
you pay for a hank of it, but also by what the hank will do in quality, and quan-
tity of work. The coarse, unelastic thread of a common yarn will not reach
as far as a yarn of a finer texture, and besides, the COLUMBIA YARNS
contain, pound for pound, more yards than common grades. In the finished
piece of knitting or crocheting COLUMBIA YARNS mean not only quality
but economy.
The brilliancyand shading in COLUMBIA YARNS is unsurpassed.
There are no crude, dead colors among them, partly because of the

way they are dyed, and partly because of the quality of their thread. A fine
wool receives a color and retains the brilliancy of it, where an inferior wool
dyes into a lifeless, displeasing shade.

BLACKS in COLUMBIA YARNS are guaranteed fast.

In preparing for your work, therefore, you should get COLUMBIA

YARNS. They are standard, even in qualily, and when you get to using
them you find they demand less of your patience because they do not vary
from package to package. They are sold by the best retail stores throughout
the country, with but a few exceptions. Should your dealer not handle
them, write to us and we will refer you to the nearest store that handles the
complete assortment.

Manufacturers of COLUMBIA YARNS


Explanation of Terms Used in Knitting

and Crocheting
111 the following pages are found the first references are abbreviated. Thus, " work Sg.

stitches ill knitting and crocheting, tlie more C or D C" means "
work a single crochet or a
ciiuiplex stitches are made by various repeti- double crochet " the method of working these

tious ;iiiil eomlnnations of the simple ones al- is explained on pages 11 and 12. The following
rcud.v irivt'ii. Therefore you will tiiid refer- is a list of the ablireviatioiis used, with the ex-
i'lici's (•ontimially to the first steps, and the planation of them :

Ch. — Chain stitch. Explained on page 11.

SI. — Slip
St. a stitch. Explained on page 11
(crocheting) or page 9 (knitting).

Sg. — Single crochet. Explained on page

C 11.

D — Double crochet. Explained on page

C! V2.

L C— Long crochet. Explained on page 12.

T C or Tr. C—Treble crochet. Explained on

page 12.

I'— Picot.
C— Crochet.
Th. O— Throw over.

Stars, thus work de-

* *, mean that the
scribed between them
They is to be repeated.
save unnecessary description where a row is
the same as a preceding one.

Wrap — Moans to tlirow yarn over needle.

The Instructions for every article shown or are inclined to knit or crochet tight to use a
referred to in this book were written from the larger size needle or hook: and if loose a
original garment worked out with the size smaller size needle or hook, otherwise .vour

Needle or Hook mentioned therein. garment will not work out in size according to

We caution all Knitters ami Ci-ocheters who iiistructi<iiis.


Illustrations Showing Numbers and Actual Sizes of Crochet

Hooks and Knitting Needles, Called for in this Book
5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 inches KNITTING NEEDLES KNITTING NEEDLES
8, 10, 12 and 14 inches 7 and 8% inches
5 and 8 inches In 8% inches only


9 inches 14 and 18 inches
Also size 5 and 7
Also double end hooks, 14 and 20 inch
C (» LU 51 B I A YARX S

Illustrations Showing Numbers and Actual Sizes of Amber

Celluloid Hooks and Knitting Needles, Called for in this


5% inches long DOUBLE HOOKS
Also sizes 3, 6 and 8 12 and IS inches long


10 and 14 inches long
Also sizes 4. 6, 7 and 10


8% inches long
Also sizes 2, 3. 4 and 7

First Stitches: Knitting


First Stitches: Knitting


TakL' thf stitfh fnim the left-haml to the i-iy;ht-h;iiid needle withdut knitting it.



First Stitches: Knitting


Like jilain kiiittiii- cxcciit thjit tlic needle must be init in tlie liack of the stitch. Then knit
as usual.

Slip the stiteli t'roui the left-hand to the rii;ht-hand needle without knlttin.:^. Knit the next
stitch, then pass the slipped stitch over the knitted one.

Note. Sometimes the slipped stitch is passed over 2 and even over 3 stitches knitted to-
fiether, where it is necessar.v to decrease the number of stitches.


Knit the first 2 stitches. ]iass the first stitch liack over the second stitch, knit 1 stitch, pass
the stitch on the ridit-haud needle over It. and repeat until but 1 stitch lemains. Draw yarn
through and break off.

First Stitches : Crocheting


Make a series uf lodjis. (Irawiiiu each Idop thrduu'li the iireceiliii^ mie.


Skip first stitch of eliain. Insert tlie lionlc in next stitcli. tlirow yarn over hook and draw
through both loops on needle.


Insert hook, draw yarn through, pass yarn around the liool;. and dr.iw it tIiron;;li lioth
loops on the hook.

First Stitches: Crocheting


Pass the yaru around the hook, insert the hook, draw yarn through : pass the yarn
arouud the liook and draw yarn through 2 loops and again through 2.


Pass the yarn around the hook, insert hook, draw yarn through pass the yarn around

the hook and draw it through 1 loop, then through 2, then again through 2.


Pass the yarn around the hook twice, insert the hook, draw yarn through pass the yarn

around the hook, draw through 2 loops, again through 2 loops, and again through 2.

Infant's Crocheted Hood

Columbia Superfine Wool
1 liall Whiti-

and Columbia Pompadour Wool

1 ball Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2
3 yards of Ribbon No. .")

Size to 12 uioiiths

With white .varn make a <-hain of 4 stitches. Row 13 — 10 D C between each puff.
.ioiii a rini;. work 16 D (' in rini;. .ioiii, chain
ill Row 14 — Same as row 13.
."!at the end of every row.
Row 15 — 12 IJ C between each puff.
Row a^AVork 2 D
C in first space, * yarn
Row 16 — Same as row 15.
ovor hook insert hook in hack of next L) C draw
up a loop, yarn over draw up a loop In same Now draw in the crown by working 1 slip
place, yarn over draw up a loop in same place, stitch in every other stitch of crown.
.\arn over draw through all loops on hook, chain Band —With 2 strands of colored yarn work
1, 2 1) ( in next space repeat from * all around. a chain of SO stitches.
Iiavini; 111 i)uft"s with 2 D C between each puff.
Row — In second stitch from hook work D
I 1

Row 3 2 1) C in centre of 2 D C and work ('. * 1 Sg. C in same stitch, skip 1 stitch. 1 DC
imff aninnd puff of preceding row. in next stitch repeat from * to end of row. chain

Row 4 — Same as row 3. 1. turn.

Row 5 — Work 2 D C in centre of 2 1) C and
Row 2—1 n C in first stitch taking up liotli
1 1 ) C each side, having 4 D C between eai'h puff. loops, * 1 Sg. C in same stitch, .skip 1 stitch,
Rows 6, 7 and 8— l^ike row 5. 1 1 > C ill next stitch repeat from * to end of row,
Row 9- Work D C between each puff chain 1, turn.
ahvays working the 2 D C in centre of 2 I) (' Heiieat row 2 until band measures 3 inches.
and the e.xtra 1) C each side. Fit the crown into the band, leaving 3 sections
Row 10 Same a.s row !t.— fur the back, sew in place, with colored .varn

Row II 8 T) C between each puff. work a r<iw of picot all around hood.
Row 12 Same as row 11. — Line' with silk and finish with ribbon bows.

Infant's Knitted Hoods

3 Fold Columbia Saxonj-
1 liank White
1 hank Color
4 Steel Knittini; Needles .\o. 14
:i yards of rlbl

Size 1 to 2 years
Note 2 rows form a rib.

Cast ( Ill 24 stiti-lies, kiiil ].l:iin for 4 rib; now

iiicr<>;ise 1 end e\cr.\ other row un-
stitch at eacli
til there are 44 stitches on needle, knit 20 ribs on

this leii,i;th then decrease In the same manner as

you increa.sed until 22 stitches remain, now with
2 extra needles pick up .5(! stitches on each side,
liaviiiK 1:j4 stitches in all. knit 30 ribs on the
lliree needles, bind off.

Border — With colored .\arii jiick u]! 70 stitches

• back work alternately 1 rib color. 1
icross the
ribwhite until there are ;> ribs of each, bind off,
now with colored ,varn pick up all the stitches
No. I across the front, work alternately 1 rib color, 1
rib white until there are 7 ribs of each, bind off.
Trim with ribbon bows.
4 Fold Columbia Saxony
- liauUs
4 Boue Kiiittiiif.' Xceillcs Xo. -
11/2 yards Hibli.ui X,.. 12


Size, r, to !l Jldiiths

('list oil IS stitclU'S.

Pattern is knit 2, imi-] L" fur 1' i-ows. tlu-ii imrl
'2. l;iiit - fur L' ruws.
.\t eiKl (if each row add 1 stitfh until there
are 30 stitches on needle tlien continue up liack
for 72 ro\vs.
Xow iiicl< u\> eacli side .".s stitches. Work
4S rows.
Pick \\\i stitches around bottom, knit 8 rows
^'arter stitch, bind off.
Work across front, iiickini; nji the stitches
just made across back, then make knit rib of 4
rows, purled rid?;e of 4 rows, knit ridge of 4
rows, imrlcd rid;;e of 4 rows, knit ridjre of 4
rows, turn these ridf;es b.-ick an<l on the riglit
side knit and purl liack 7 rows, then yaru over.
knit 2 to.i,'etlier. work 7 i-ows more, turu hem
Trim witli rililiim liow.s.
CO I> U M P. I A Y A R N S

Infant's Crocheted Hoods

Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool, 1 Ijall White
Columbia Pompadour Wool, 1 ball Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2. ;j yards of Ribbon
Size, (! to 12 Mouths
With Supertine wool work a chain of 100
Row I— In third stitch of chain work 6 D C
* Yarn over hook, in the fourth stitch from
shell draw up a loop, yarn over liook, draw up a
loop in same stitch, yarn over draw through
all 5 loops on hook, skip .3 stitches in the fourth
stitch, work 6 D C, repeat from * to end of
row, break off yarn.

Row 2 Same as row 1, working shell in
centre of shell and jiuff around the puff of pre-
ceding row, break off yarn at end of each row.
Work 20 row.s.
With Pompadour wool work 20 Sg. C on side
of piece just made 1 Sg. C in every 4th stitch
across bottom and 20 Sg. C on the other .side,
work o rows of Sg. C taking up the whole stitch.
With Supertine wool double work a chain of 14
stitches, work Ijand in plain afghan stitch until
it measures 12 inches, embroider band in cross
stitch design using pompii'lour wool. With
pompadour wool work a border around band as
follows, join yarn chain 2, ? 1) C in same stitch
MATERIAL where yarn was joined * skip 2 stitches, slip
3 Fold Columbia Saxonv stitch in next .stitch, chain 2, 2 D C in same
1 hank Wliitc stitch with .slip stitch repeat from * all around.
1 hank Coldi- Sew band to hood, finish bark same as band,
3 varils of Ilibbon No. 7 line with silk, sew on riblinn bows.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2

Size, G to 12 Jlonths
Make a chain of 21 .stitches, work 20 Sg. C
on chain.
Row 2 —
1 Ss. C in each of the fir.st 2 stitches
of preceding row taking up the back loop, * 1
Sg. C in next stitcli taking up the front loop. 1
Sg. C in each of the next 2 .stitches taking up
the back loop, repeat fiKJin * to end of row.
<hain 1, turn. Repeat 2d row for all the work.
Work 10 rows, then increase 1 stitch at each
end ever.\' 4th row until tliere are 2(1 .stitches
across, work 7 rows on this length then decrea.se
in the same manner as .you increased until 20
stitclies remain, work 2 more rows, break off
Work 34 Sg. C on each side and IS across the
top,now work 28 rows of pattern.
Work 56 Sg. C across bottom of cap, skip-
I)ing e\'er.v otlier stitch across centre of back,
now work 4 rows of pattern. Pick up OS .stitches
around face of cap, work 10 rows of Afghan
stitch for turn liiu-k. Witli pink yarn em-
lii-oider turn back in bow knot design,
Finisli with Ribbon P.ows.

Infant's Crocheted Hood

Columbia Superfine Wool
1 ball White
1 ball Color
3 yards of Ribbon No. 5
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2

Size 6 to 12 months

With 2 strands of colored yarn make a chain stitches. * 3 D C in the next stitch. in IDC
of S2 stitches, lu the third stitch of chain draw each of the next 3 stitches, repeat from * to
up a loop. * yarn over hook draw through 1 loop, end of row, break off yarn at end of each row.
yarn over draw through 2 loops, draw up a loop
Row 2— Work 1 D C in each of the first 3
in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row. chain stitches, * 3D C around the next stitch, skip 2
2. turn.
stitches, 1 D C in each of the next 3 stitches,

Row2 —
Draw up a loop in the first space, * repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn.
yarn over draw througli 1 loop, yarn over draw Repeat row 2 until you have 20 rows. Pleat in
through 2 loops, draw up a loop in the next the sides of piece just made to fit tlie band, now
space, repeat from * to end of row. chain 2, turn. with 2 strands of colored yarn work 1 Sg. C in
Repeat row 2 until work measures 4% inches, every other stitch, work 4 rows always working
break off colored yarn. With 1 thread of 1 Sg. C in every other stitch, work 1 row with-
white varn work 1 D C in each of the first 3 out decreasing. Finish with ribbon bows.

Infant's Crocheted Hood Infant's Knitted Band

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 hank
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14

This baud knit 2
is and purl 2 in rounds.
Cast on each of 2 needles 47 stitches, and
46 on the odneedle (140 stitches in all).
Knit 2 and purl 2 to a depth of s inches, then
knit 8 stitches, bind off 30 stitches for back,
knit s stitches, bind off the rest (04 stitches).
For the shoulder straps knit each of the 8
stitches back and forth in plain knitting for 5
inches, bind off.
For the pinning piece at the lower edge of
the front iiick up 12 stitches, knit back and
forth in plain knitting for 1 inch, then de-
crease 1 stitch at beginning of every needle
until 8 stitches are left, bind off.
Pin the shoulder straps with a safet}' pin at
the front.
No. I

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
2 banks White
3 ^ards colored Ribbon No. 9
% yai'd colored Ribbon No. 5
1 Amber Crocliet Hook No. 2


8ize, 1 to 2 Years
Make a chain of 2.5 stitches, skip 1 stitch,
make 24 Sg. C on chain, chain 1, turn.
Row 1 —
1 T) C in first stitch takins up both
loops of preceding row, 1 Sg. C iu .same stitch,
* skip 1 stitch, 1 D
C in next stitch, 1 Sg. C
in same stitch. Repeat from * to end of row,
chain 1, turn. Repeat 2d row for all the work.
Make lU rows then iucrea.se by adding IDC
and 1 Sg. C at each end, make 4 more rows,
then make a second increase same as first, work
S rows on this length then decrease the same as
you increased having 3 decreases.
Work 36 Sg. C on each side and 24 across the
top. now work the pattern back and fortli until
you have 26 rows.
Work 64 Sg. C around the bottom of cap, work
4 rows of pattern.
Work a row of Vieading around the face as
follows: IDC first stitch. * ch.ain 2. skip 2
stitches. 1 D C in tliird stitch repeat from * to
end of row. chain 1. turn, work 10 rows of
pattern. This completes hood. Draw No. r>
ribbon through beading, and trim with ribbon

Infant's Crocheted Hood

4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool
.-, balls
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2
3 Yards of Ribbon No. 12

Size, 2 to 3 Y'ears

Chain 3. join, wort 7 Sg. C in riu.i;. do not :;, work 3 D C in same stitch where chain was
join, work around. made, skip 3 stitches, work Sg. C in next

Row 2 —2 Sg. C
each stitch, taking up the
in stitch, repeat from * around, leaving IC stitches
whole stitch in preceding row. for the back, chain 3, turn.

Row 3—2 Sg. in first stitch * 1 Sg. C in Row 2 — * Work 3 D C in same stitch where
next stitch, 2 Sg. C in next stitch, repeat from chain was made, 1 Sg. C in the loop formed by
* around, having 7 widening spaces. the 3 chains of preceding row, cliain 3, repeat

Row 4 — 1 Sg. C in first 2 stitches, * 2 Sg. C

from * to end of row. Repeat second row until
in next stitch, 1 Sg. you have 4 rows, now work the 5th row all
C in next 2 stitches, repeat
from * to end of row. Continue working in this around cap, break off yarn.

way, always having 1 more Sg. C between each Row 6 —Join shell from end
yarn to the 4th
widening, and working the 2 Sg. C in centre of and work 1 row across the front to within 4
2 Sg. C of preceding row, in this way keeping shells from the other end, break off yarn.
the 7 widening .spaces straight, until there are
1.5 Sg. C between each widening, now work 14
Row 7 — Join yarn to the 7th shell from end,
work 1 row across the front to within 7 shells
rows without widening, this completes crown.
of the other end. This completes the hood.
Face — Work crazy stitch as follows : * chain Trim with Ribbon bows.

Infant's Crocheted Hood

4 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 hiink White
and Columbia Pompadour Wool
1 ball Color
3 yards Ribbon Xo. 7
1 Amber Crochet Hook Xo. 2

INSTRUCTIONS Row 9 — Increase every Tith stitch.

Size, 1 to 2 Years Xow repeat Sth and 9th rows until circle
With white yarn make a chain of 3 stitches, measures 12 Inches around, then work 4 rows
join in a ring, work 4 Sg. C in ring, join, chain without increasing. Work to within 4 stitches
1, turn. of the joining, chain 1, turn work back leaving

Row 2 Work with slip stitch, always taking 4 stitches at the other end, chain 1, turn, work
the front loop of preceding row, increase ever.v back and forth on this length until you have
stitch by adding 1 chain between 2 slip stitches, 44 rows.
join, chain 1, turn at end of each row. With Pompadour Wool work a row of Sg. C
Row — Same as 2d row, increasing every 2d
3 across the bottom, skip 4 stitches in the centre
stitch. of back, chain 1, turn.

Row 4 — stitch in every stitch of pre-

1 slip Row 2 —Work with Sg. C taking up the whole
ceding row without increasing. stitch of preceding row, chain 1. turn.

Row 5 — Increase every 3d stitch. Repeat 2d row until you have 6 rows.
Row 6 — Same as 4th row. Work 16 rows of Sg. C around the face of
Row 7 — Increase every 4th stitch. hood for turn back.
Row 8 — Same as 4th row. Trim with ribbon bows.
: :


Infant's Knitted Sacque

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
3 hanks White
1 hank Color
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 13
1 yard Ribbon No. 2

Size to 12 months
With white yarn cast on 32 stitches, knit 15 over knit corner stitch, yarn over knit to end of
ribs (or 30 rows), now with extra needles work row. Work second half to correspond, now
a second piece like first, work across the 32 finish the flap in the back by laying the left side
stitches on piece just made, cast on 10 stitches, of border over the right side and sewing care-
now work the 32 stitches on the first needles fully in place.
off onto the second needle havinfc in all 74
stitches on needle, this completes the flap in the

Collar With white yarn pick up the stitches
around the neck including the border, work 1
back, now work 45 ribs on the entire Iciiiitli.
rib, work a rowof holes for ribbon as follows
Slip the first 22 stitches off on a spare needle * knit yarn over needle knit 2 together, repeat
for shoulder, bind off the next 30 stitches for
from to end of row, knit 1 row, then bind off
neck and on the remaining 22 stitches start
10 stitches at each end, now with colored yarn
work 10 ribs on this length, bind off.

Front Work 8 ribs then cast on 12 stitches

Sleeves With white yarn cast on 30 stitches,
toward the front work 60 ribs on this length,
bind off. Work
second front to correspond. increase 1 stitch every other row at one end only
Sew up 5 inches under each arm leaving the re- until there are 50 stitches on needle, work 20
mainder for armholes. ribs on this length then decrease in the same
manner as you increased until 30 stitches re-

Border With colored yarn work a border main, bind off.
around one-half of sacque as follows Pick up

60 stitches on front edge, with second needle —

Cuffs With white yarn pick up the stitches
pick up all the stitches on the bottom of sacque, at the straight edge of cuff, on the next row *
and with third needle pick up the stitches on the knit 12, knit 2 together, repeat from * to end of
flap in back, work 10 ribs for border increasing row, work 8 ribs on this length, then with
at the corners on every other row as follows colored yarn work 10 ribs, bind off. Sew up
work to within one stitch of the corner, yarn sleeves and sew Into armhole seam to seam.

Infant's Knitted Sacque

Infant's Knitted Sacque

2 Fold Columbia Saxony
2 luiiiks
("olluloid Knitting' Xt-edles 10 inch No.
1 Ci'lluloid Crcicliet Hook Xo. 2

12 Mouths
Cast on 75 stitches. Sew across 4 double ridges on each side for

Row 1 — Knit 45. imi-l 1. knit 2, imrl 1. knit shoulders.

2, imvl 1. knit 2. iinrl 1. knit 2, purl 1. knit 2, Sleeves — Cast on 5.j stitches.
purl 1. knit 14. Row I —Knit i)lain.

Row 2— Knit jilain. Row 2 — Knit >j. purl 1. knit 2. purl 1. knit 2,

Row 3 Purl. purl 1, knit 2. purl 1. knit 2. purl 1, knit 2,

Row 4 — Knit iilain. liurl 1. knit 2.

Row 5 — Same as 1st low. Row 3 — Knit iilain.

Row 6 — Knit plain. Row 4 — Same as row 2.

Repeat rows fur all the work, ccjn-

tlie.sc fi Row 5 — Knit plain.
tiuue knitting until you have 10 douljle ridws.
Row 6— I'url.
In the centre of the 11th double ridge bind off
2S stitclies on the opposite end of work from Continue these rows until .vou have 14
double ridges, liind off after knitting a plain
border, and on tlie next row cast on 2S stitches,
tliis forms tlie armhole, now worlc 16 double
strii)e, sew up sleeves and sew into armhole.

ridges for back and bind off 28 stitclies in the Crochet a row of holes for rililion round the .-i

centre of the 17th row, and cast on 28 stitclies neck and finish with a row of shell having 5
on the next row for second armhole, work 10 r> C in each shell and fasten shell down witli
double ridges, bind off. Sg. C all around.

Infant's Crocheted Sacque

2 Fold Columbia Saxony
2 hanks White
Columbia Pompadour Wool
3 balls White
21/2 yai'ds Ribbon No. 3
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2

Size 1 to 2 years

Back — With Saxony make a chain of 66 second front to correspond, now work across one
stitches. front, chain 12, join to the back, work across
Row I — In the 4th stitch from hook work 5 the back, chain 12, join to the second front, work
DC* chain
skip 2 stitches work 1 Sg. C in next
skip 2 stitches, work 5 D
C In
across the front on the next row make 2 shells

on each chain under the arm, work on this

stitch, 3,
next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, ending length until sacque measures 11 inches from
with 1 Sg. C. Break off yarn at end of every shoulder. Work 1 row of beading for ribbon
row. around the neck, by working 1 D C in every
other stitch with 1 chain between each D C with
Row 2— Fasten Pompadour wool in last Sg. Pompadour wool, work a row of shell having 5
C of preceding row, chain 3, work 5 D C in same D C in each shell fastened down with Sg. C all
stitch, * skip 4 stitches of shell of preceding
around sacque, finish with picot edge.
row, work 1 Sg. C in next stitch, chain 3. wofk
5 D C in next Sg. C of preceding row, repeat —
Sleeves Chain IS, work 3 shells on chain,
from * to end of row. now increase by adding 1 shell at each end every
Repeat second row for all the work, working other row until there are 9 shells across, work
alternately 1 row Saxony 1 row Pompadour on this length until sleeve measures 5 inches on
until you have 11 rows. Now with Saxon,y start under arm seam, finish with a row of shell and
on the original chain (or shoulder), work 4 picot edge, sew up sleeves and .sew into arm-
shells, work 5 rows on this length then add a hole. Draw ribbon through the sleeve about 1
chain of 12 stitches toward the front work 2 inch from the bottom and finish with ribbon
shells on this chain, work rows more. Work bows.
C (> LU M !'• I A YAUN S 25

Infant's Crocheted Sacque

Columbia Pompadour Wool
3 balls White
1 ball Color
1 Boue Crochet Hook Xo. 3
2 yards Ribbon Xo. 3

INSTRUCTIONS Row 9 — Make 13 shells, widen 1 shell, make

1.'! shells, widen 1 shell, make 13 shells. Break
Make a chain of 70 stitches, turn. off yarn.
Row I — In the 4th stitch from hook make Row lo —
Make 6 shells, 2 D
C in next stitch,
a D C. 1 D
C in the next 2 stitches, 3 I> C IDC in next stitch, 2 D
C in next stitch,
in the next stitch, * 2 D C in the next stitch, 3
D C in the next stitch. Repeat from * to end make 7 shells, 2 D
C in next stitch, in IDC
of row, makins 1 D C in tlie last 3 stitches.
next stitch, 2 D
C in next stitch, make 15
(ol shells.) Break off yarn.
shells, 2 I) C in next stitch. 1 D
C in next stitch,

2 D
C in next stitch, make 7 shells. 2 C in D
Row —
2 Fasten yarn on the 3d stitch of pre- next stitch, 1 D
C in next stitch. 2 C in next D
vious row, IDC
in the next 2 stitches. * skip stitch, make 6 shells. Bi-eak off yarn.
2, 3 D C around the next stitch, in next IDC Row II — Make 6 shells, chain 5, .skip 7 shells
2 stitches. Repeat from * to end of row.
Break off yarn. and fasten to Sth shell (these are for the
sleeves). Make 15 shells, then again chain 5,
Row 3 — Fasten yarn on the 3d stitch, 1 D O make 6 shells. Break off yarn.
in 2d stitch, * skip 2 stitches, 3 E> C in the next
stitch, 1 D
C in the next stitch, 2 D C in the —
Row 12 Make 6 shells. 1 D C in the next
next stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. 2 stitches of chain, 3 D C In the next stitch. 2
Break olT yarn. D C in the next stitch, make 15 shells and
work other side to corre.spond. Break off yarn.

Row 4 Fasten yarn on 3d stitch, 1 P C in Continue until there are 18 rows of white
next 2 stitches. * skip 2 stitches, 3 D C in next from the top of jacket. JIake 1 row of color.
stitch, IDC In next 3 stitches. Repeat from 1 row of white. 1 row of color.
* until .vou have 7 shells, widen 1 shell, make 1
shell, widen 1 shell, make 1.") shells, widen 1 Border — Startins on the right front of neck,
shell, make 1 shell, widen 1 .shell, make 7 shells. work with white. 4 chain, * skip 1. 1 Tr. C in
Break ofif yarn. the next 3 stitches. 1 Tr. C in the skipped
Repeat from * to end of row. (This

Row s Fasten yarn in 3d stitch. 1 D C in
is for ribbon.) Break off yarn. Start on the
the next 2 stitches, * skip 2, 3 D C in the next front with white, making a shell of 5 D C.
stitch, 1 D C in the next 3 stitches. Repeat
Fasten with an Sg. C in every other row along
from * to end of row. Break off y.irn. the front, and at the bottom an<l the left front.
Row 6 — Like 5th row. With color yarn make a picot edge all around.
Row 7 — Make 5 shells, widen 1 shell, make —
Sleeves Work over 7 shells and make 12
7 shells, widen 1 shell, make 11 shells, widen i-ows of white from top of jacket, then tini.sh
1 shell, make 7 shells, widen 1 shell, make 5 sleeve with border like the jacket. Draw rib-
shells. Break off yarn. bon through the Tr. C at neck and bows OD
Row 8 —Like 5th row. the top of sleeves at shoulder.

Infant's Crocheted Sacque


Infant's Crocheted Sacque

Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool
2 balls White

Columbia Pompadour Wool

1 ball Color
1 Olliiloid Ci-ofliPt Hook No. 2
1 yard Ribbon

Size, (5 to 12 Months
Make a chain of 05 stitches. instead of4. To jioint sacque start on left

Row I In third stltcli of chain work i D C work
down with
(! shells across fasten the sixth shell

* Yarn over hook, in the tliird stitcli from shell slip stitch, continue in this manner
draw u]) a loo]), yarn over draw up a loop in decreasing 1 shell on each row until 1 shell re-
same stitch, yarn over draw tliroush all 5 loops mains, skip 1 shell under the arm work 11 shells
on hook, skip 2 stitches, in the tliird stitch work across the back, decrease 1 shell at each end
4 I) C repeat from * to end of row, break off every row until 1 sliell remains, work second
yarn. There shouUl be 11 shells across. front same as tirst front. Now work a row of

Row 2 Same as row 1. working shells In D C with 2 chains between each I> C around
the neck for ribbon, w<irk a row of shell having
centre of shell and i)nfC around the puff of pre-
8 D C in each shell fastened down with Sg. C
ceding row, break off yarn at end of each row.
all around sacque.
Work 10 rows, and start right front. On the
original chain, work 4 shells and 3 puffs, work 3 —
Sleeves Work 13 shells with 1 puff between
rows add a chain of 12 stitches toward the neck, each shell around armhole having 4 I) C in
work 2 shells and 2 puffs on chain, work 7 rows each shell, work 7 rows around and anmnd. now
on this length. Work second front to corre- decrease 1 sliell at each end until 1 shell re-
spond. mains being careful to have the point on the
Now starting on the left front work across, top of sleeve, work a row of shell having 6 D C
chain 9, join to the back work across back chain in each shell around sleeve. With I'ompadour
9, join to right fi-ont work across front, on the Wool finish sacque and sleeves with a row of
next row work 1 shell and 2 puffs on each chain, Si;. C having 1 Sg. C in each stitch with 1 chain
work 9 more rows having 6 D C in each shell between each Sg. C.

Infant's Crocheted Sacque

Columbia Superfine Wool
1 balls White
1 ball Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo.
1 yard of Ribbon

Size 1 to 2 years

With 2 strands of colored yarn make a chain C, around the first D C of next shell, repeat
of 75 stitches, in the 5th stitch of chain work 1 from * to end of row.
D C, * chain 1, skip 1 stitch work 1 D
C in next Repeat row 2 for all the work, on the next row
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, work (> shells with 3 D C between eacli shell,
turn (35 D
C in row). work 2 rows on this length, this is for one front,
Row 2 — Draw up a loop in yarn
first stitch, * work second front to correspond, now work 11
shells with 3 I) (' between each shell across the
over hook draw through 1 loop, yarn over draw
tlirough 2 loops, draw up a loop in next stitch, back, leaving the remaining stitches on each
repeat from * to end of row (70 stitches in side for the shoulders, worli 2 rows. X^ow work
row), chain 2, turn. across the front, chain 11 stitches, join to the
back, work across the back, chain 11 stitches,

Row 3 1 stitcli in each of tlie first 14 spaces, join to the front, work across the front, work 12
2 in the next space, 1 in each of the next 4
rows on the entire length working 2 shells witli
spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 iu each of the next
3 U C between eaeli shell on the chains under
30 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each of the
the arm, now worlv 1 row color, 1 row white, 1
next 4 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each of
row color, 1 row white, 1 row color. With white
the remaining 14 spaces. Repeat row 3 until yarn work a row of shell having 6 D C in each
there are 12 rows having 114 stitches in the hist
shell fastened down with Sg. C all around
iciw. Xow start the body of sacque. sae(|ue. with colored yarn finish with picot edge.

Row I With 1 thread of white yarn work 3 Sleeves— Work 10 shells with 3 D C between
D C in first stitch, * 1 D C in each of the next each shell around armhole, work 12 rows.
3 stitches, 3 D C in next stitch, repeat from * —
Cuffs Witli 2 strands of colored yarn using
to end of row, brealv yarn off at end of each row. the same stitch as used iii .voke. work .36 stitches
Row 2— AVork 3 1) the first D C of
C around around the bottom of sleeve, work 7 rows, with
first shell of preceding row, * skip the next 2 D white yarn work a row of shell around cuff,
C of shell, work 1 D C in eacli of tlie next 3 D finish with picot edge.
co r. r M n i a yarn s 29

Infant's Crocheted Sacque

MATERIAL up a loo]i, yarn over, draw up a loop in same

stitch, yarn over, draw
up a loop in same stitch,
Columbia Superfine Wool yarn over, draw through all 7 loops on hook,
2 lialls White chain 1. skip 1 stitch work 2 I) C in next stitch,
repeat from * across front, chain 0, join to the
Columbia Pompadour Wool back, using the same stitch work across the
J halls Color back, chain G, join to the second front, work
across front. Break yarn off at end of each
1 Ci-lluloiilCrochet Hook N... 2
2 .varils Kihbon
Row 2— Work 2 I) C in centre of first 2 C D
of preceding row, * yarn over hook, insert hook
INSTRUCTIONS in back of putt' of preceding row, draw up a
loop, yarn o\er, draw up a loop in same place,
Size <1 to I'J months yarn over, draw up a loop in same place, yarn
Yoke — With I'diuiiadour wool make a chain
over, draw through all 7 loops on hook, chain
1. 2 I) C in centre of next 2 D C, repeat from *
of 55 stitches.
to end of row, working 2 puffs and 2 D C be-
Row I— Work IDC
in first stitch. * 1 .Sg. C tween each puff on chain under each arm. Re-
in same stitch, skip 1 stitch. 1 C in uext D peat row 2 for all the work, work 3 rows, on
stitch, repeat from * to end of row. chain 1. turn. the next row increase by working the 2 D C in
Row2 1 — D
C In tirst stitcli taking up botli centre of 2 DC and IDC each side having 4
loops, * 1 Sg. C in same stitch, skip 1 stitch. 1 D C between each puff, work 8 rows on this
D C in next stitcli, repeat from * to end of row. length, then increase again by working 2 D
C in
chain 1, turn. centre of 2 D C and 2 D C each side having G
Repeat row 2 for the work, work IS rows
D C between each puff, work on this length until
for the back, then work across IS stitches for bod.v of sacque is as long as tab. Sew neatl.v to
shoulder, work 8 rows on this length, now In- tab and finish the bottom of sacque with picot
crease 1 stitch toward the front every row tintil edge of Pompadour wool.
there are 30 stitches across, work 4 rows with- —
Sleeves Work 13 puffs with 2 D C between
out increasing, then work 14 stitches from the each puff' around the arm hole, work 14 rows,
front edge for tab, work on this length until tab join, chain 3 at end of each row.
measures 8 inches.
Work second front to cor- —
Cuffs With I'ompadour wool work 36 Sg. C
aroun<l the sleeve use the same stitch as in yoke,

Body With Sujierfine wool, starting at the work 5 rows, join and turn at end of each row,
front work 2 D C In first stitch, * skip 1 stitch, riiiisli with picot edge. Work picot edge across
yarn over hook, insert hook in next stitch, draw the back of neck.
— :


Infant's Crocheted Filet Sacque

MATERIAL D C in next stitch, repeat from * across ending

with 12 D C, chain 3, turn.
2 Fold Columbia Saxony
Repeat the last 2 rows alternately for 21 rows,
3 hanks White this completes the back, leave 13 M in the centre
Columbia Pompadour Wool of back for the neck, start one front, work 6
1 ball Color rows being careful to follow border at the end
3% yards of Trimming of sleeve, add a chain of 43 stitches toward the
1 yard of Silk front, work front as follows
Row 1—12 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 39 M, 8 D C,
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1
chain 3, turn.
Row 2—3 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 38 M, 4 D C, 3 M,
INSTRUCTIONS 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, chain 3, turn.
Size 1 to 2 years Row 3—12 D C, 2 M, 7 L) C, 39 M, 8 D C,
chain 3, turn.
M stands for mesh. Row 4 i n C, 1 M. 4 D C, 37 M, 7 D C. 1 M,

Back Make a chain of 114 stitches, work 112 4 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, chain 3, turn.
D C on chain, chain 3, turn. Row 5-12 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 39 M,
Row 2—1 D C in each of the first 3 D C of 5 D C, chain 3, turn.
preceding row. * chain 2, skip 2 D C, 1 D C in Row 6^ D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 39 M, 7 D C, 3 M,
each of the next 4 stitches, repeat from * to end 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, chain 3, turn.
of row. chain 3, turn. Row 7—12 D C, 3 M, 4 D C, 38 M, 8 D C,

Row 3 1 D C in each stitch having 112 D C chain 3, turn.
in row. chain 3, turn. Row 8—4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 39 M, 4 D
C, 3 M,

Row 4 Same as row 2. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, chain 3, turn.

Row 5 1 D C in first stitch, * chain 2, skip Row 9—12 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 3S M, 8 C, D
2 stitches, 1 D C in next stitch, repeat from * to chain 3, turn.
end of row having 37 mesh in row, chain 3, turn.
Make 32 more rows like row 5. 4
D C.

10 1 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 37 M, 7 D V. 1 M.
2 M, 12 D C, chain 3, turn.

Row 37 Work a chain of 72 stitches at each These 10 rows form the pattern for the front,
end of work for sleeves. having 21 rows for the second half of sleeve,
Row 38~Work 12 D C in each of the first now leave off the 72 stitches that were added for
12 stitches, chain 2, skip 2 stitches, 1 D C in
* the sleeve, finish front in pattern working a
next stitch, repeat from * across ending with 12 border at the bottom same as bacK, work second
D C in the last 12 stitches, chain 3, turn. front to correspond, sew up the under arm leav-

Row 39 1 D C, chain 2, skip 2 stitches. 4 D
C, * chain 2, skip 2 stitches, 1 D C in next stitch,
ing it open about 1% inches at the bottom.
Work a row of holes at the neck for ribbon, now
repeat from * across, ending with 4 D C, chain work a row of shell all around sacque and
2, skip 2 stitches, 4 D C in the remaining sleeves having GDC
in each shell fastened down
stitches, chain 3, turn. with Sg. C. With Pompadour wool finish with

Row 40 12 D C. * chain 2, skip 2 stitches. 1 picot edge and sew trimming in place.

Infant's Crocheted Chest Infant's Crocheted Sacque

Protector MATERIAL
3 Fold Columbia Saxony
4 hanks White 1 hank Color
1 Amber Crochet Hook Xo. 2
2';. .vards Ribbon Xo. ?,

This sacque is madein the apple seed stitch
.•IS follows : Sg. C in 1st stitch from front, next
stitch from back. Make a chain of 65 stitches.
Xow make 2;; rows api)le seeil stitch. Break
off the yarn.

Begin at the shoulder with 20 stitclies. make

:; rows i)lain, increase toward the front 4
stitches every other row until you have .32
stitclies. Make s rows plain, then increa.se
1 towards the liack 6 times. Make the other
front to correspond, then join back and 2 fronts
and make 25 rows under the arm. One row of
MATERIAL holes for ribbon.

Lady Jane Wool or 3 Fold Columbia Saxony —

Border Make 24 shells with C, stitches in
hunks Wliito
L' 1 hank Blue each shell with 2 double crochet (taken lii one
1 Biiue Trochet Hook Xo. J stitch between each shell), make 5 more rows
3 .variks Blue Klbbon of shells with 8 .stitches in each shell. A shell
of S stitches all around the Sacque. Edge with
any color desired.
Make chain of 45
chain with a Sg. C.
stitclies. take up each —
Sleeves Begin with 13 stitches, increase be-
ginning and ending of each row until you have
2 —
Turn ami Ss. C. takin.s up the 4(5stitches, then make .32 rows. Make i row Sg.
back stitch to form the ril) or slipper stitch, C. skip every other stitch, making 2.3 stitches,
crochet back and f(irth in this, initil you have 2 rows of shells of G stitches e<lgcil with color.
25 ribs, wliich forms tlie
back. Then take up 17
stitclies. and crochet
back and forth on these
until .von have 25 ribs,
which forms tlie front.
Then count
off 10
stitclies the neck,
taking up the remain-
ing 17 stitches for the
otlier front, and make
25 ribs. Finish with
a border all around of
Sg. C, taking up the
whole stitch, alternat-
ing thecolors. 1 row
Blue and 1 row White,
until .vou liave 4 Blue
and 4 White finish the:

whole with a Blue picot.

Cut the ribbon into 12
jiieces. sew 2 on eacli side
of the fronts to close
the protector, and 2 on
each of the outer edges
to form the armhole.
32 C()I>U MP. I A YA UXS

Infant's Crocheted Kimono

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
a hanks Whito
1 hank Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 2
1 yai'd Rihbon Xn. 5

Size, G to 12 Months

With white yarn make a chain of 54 stitches, From the frt)nt work back 32 stitches, worlc 36
worli 53 Sg. C on chain. rows on this length for front. Work second
front correspond leaving 7 stitches across
Row 2 —1 C in each of the first
Sg. stitelies
centre of back for neck.
of preceding row taking iiii the back loop. * 1
Sg. C in next stitch taking up the front loop, Border — I'ick up 118 stitdies around bottom
1 Sg. in each of the next 2 stitches taking up of sacque, worli 10 rows of afghan stitch, pick
tlie back loop, repeat from * to end of row, up SO stitches on each front, work 10 rows of
chain 1, turn. Repeat 2d row for all the work. afghan stitch.
Work 36 rows, then add a chain of 31 stitches Witli wrong side of work toward .\ou, pick up
for sleeve, work across and add .31 stitches at 44 stitches around sleeve,work 10 rows of
other end for second slee^e, work back and afghan stitch. Xow
with pink yarn embroider
forth on this length for 20 rows. bow knot down each
design around each sleeve
From the end of sleeve work back 53 stitches, front and around bottom of sacque.
now work 6 rows on this length for shoulder, Work a row of beading around neck for rib-
add a chain of 10 stitches toward the front for lion and finish with 1 row of shell with 5 D C in
nock, work 20 rows, this completes the sleeve. each shell, fasten down with Sg. C.

Infant's Crocheted Kimono

MATERIAL for neck, make the second side of sacque like

first side. Sew up under the arm.
CoJumbia Pompadour Wool —
Border Starting at the neck worli down both
sides and around the bottom using Star Stitch,
4 balls White 2 balls Color
with colored yarn chain 2, draw yarn up in
IV2 yards Ribbon No. 7 first chain, draw yarn up where yarn was
1 Amber Crochet Hook Xo. 3 joined, skip 1 stitch, draw yarn up through
next stitch, yarn over needle, draw through all
4 loojis on needle, chain 1,* draw yarn through
INSTRUCTIONS eye just made, draw yarn through last stitch of
With white yarn make a ohain of 53 stitches, preceding star, skip 1, draw yarn ui> in next
work 52 Sfi. C on chain, chain 1, turn work at stitch, yarn over needle, draw through all 4
loops, chain 1, repeat from * all around, widen-
end of each row.
ing at corners by putting an extra star on each
Row —
2 1 Sg. C in first stitch, taking up both side of star which is directly on the corner.
stitches of preceding row,* draw loop up in same Break off yarn.
stitch, draw looj) up in next stitch, yarn over
needle, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw

Row 2 Chain 2, draw yarn up in 2(1 chain,
draw yarn up where yarn was joined, draw
through last 2 loops, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, re-
yarn through e.ve of star of preceding row. .yarn
peat from * to end of row. Repeat 2d row for
over, draw through all 4 looiis. chain 1.* draw
all the work.
yarn through e.ve just made, draw yarn through
Work 30 rows then add a chain of .30 stitches last stitch of i>receding star, draw yarn through
for sleeve, work across and add ,3!) stitches at e.ve of star of preceding row, .varn over, draw
the other end for second sleeve, work back and tlirough all 4 loops, chain 1, repeat frt)m * to
forth ou this length until you have is rows. end of row, increasing at the corners same as
From the end of sleeve work back 60 stitches, in first row. Repeat the second row until you
now work 8 rows on this length for shoulder, have 5 rows, work a row of beading around the
then add a chain of stitches toward the front
for neck, work 18 rows more this completes the
neck by making IDC in every other stitch
with 1 chain between each D C. Mak«> a shell
sleeve. of 5 D C in the eye of first star, fasten with slip
r^eave 38 stitches, work 34 rows on tlie re- stitch in next e.ve, continue in the same way all
maining stitches. Beginning at the oiiposite around .sacque. Work a cuff like border, hav-
side leaving 8 stitches across the centre of back ing 5 rows of Star Stitch and 1 row of shell.

Infant's Crocheted Kimono

MATERIAL stitch, jarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch,

yarn over, draw through all 7 loops on hook,
Columbia Superfine Wool chain 1, skip 1 stitch, work 2 D C in next stitch,
3 balls White repeat from * across front, chain 13, join to the
Columbia Pompadour Wool back, using the same stitch work across the
back, chain 6, join to the front, work across
2 balls Color
front. Break yarn off at end of each row.
1 Celluloid Croeliet Hook Xo. i:

2 yards Ribbon Row 2— Work 2 D C In centre of 2 D C of

preceding row, * yarn over hook insert hook in
back of puff of preceding row, draw up a loop,
INSTRUCTIONS yarn over, draw up a loop in same space, yarn
Size to 12 months over, draw up a loop In same space, yarn over
draw through all 7 loops on hook, chain 1, 2 D
— AVith Pompadotir wool make a
Yoke oliain of C in centre of next 2 D C repeat from * to end
55 stitches.
of row, working 2 puffs and -DC between each
Row —Work 1 D C
I in first stitch. * 1 Sa. C puff on chain under each arm. Repeat row 2
In same skip 1 stitch, 1
stitch, D
C in next for all the worK, work 3 rows, on the next row
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. increase by working 2 D C in centre of 2 D C
Row 2 1 D— C in the tirst stitch taking up and IDC each side, thus having 4 D C between
both loops. 1 Sir. C. in same stitch, skip 1 stitch. each puff, work 8 rows and then increase again
1 D C in next stitch, repeat from * to end of by working 2 D C in centre of 2 D C and 2 D C
row, chain 1, turn. each side having 6 D C between each puff, work
Repeat row 2 for all the worn, work 18 rows 8 rows increase as before having 8 D C between
for the back, then work across IS .stitches for each puff, work on this length until body of
shoulder, work 8 rows on this length, now In- sacque is as long as tab. Sew ueatl.v to tab and
finish the bottom of sacque with picot edge of
crease 1 stitch toward the front ever row until
there are 30 stitches across, work 4 rows with- Pompadour wool.
out increasing, then work 14 stitches from the —
Sleeves Work 13 puffs with 2 D C between
front edge for tab, work on this length until tab each puft" around the armhole. work 14 rows,
measures 16 inches. Work second tab to cor- join, chain 3 at end of each row.
respond. —
Cuffs With Pompadour wool work 36 Sg. C

Body With Superfine wool starting at the around the sleeve, use the .same stitch as in
front work 2 D C in first stitch, * .skip'l stitch, .\oke, work 5 rows, join and turn at end of each
.varn over liook, insert hook in next stitch, draw row, finish with picot edge.
up a loop, yarn over, draw ui) a loop in same Work picot edge across the back of neck.
C () 1. 1' M P. I A YARNS

Infant's Knitted Kimono

Columbia Lady Jane
5 Uauks of Color
Columbia Pompadour %\'ool
2 bulls of Color

2 Celluloia Knitting Xeedles Xo. G

1 yard of Riblxm Xo. 7

Note — A rib is over and back or two rows. you have 50 stitches on needle, work on this
Back —With I-ady Jane ca.st on 90 stitches, length until front is as long as back on under-
knit plain until you have 2(1 ribs, then decrease arm seam, bind off loosely. Work 2d front to

1 stitch at each end of needle every 5th rib correspond.

until you have 00 stitches left on needle, now Sleeves — Pick up 40 stitches around the arm-
decrease 1 stitch at each end every other rib hole work 2S ribs, then with 1 strand of I.ady
until you have 52 stitches left, work 12 ribs on Jane and 1 of Pompadour Wool work 5 ribs for
this length, sliji 20 stitches off on a spare needle, cuff, bind off. Sew up the sleeves and under-
bind off 12 stitches for the neck, on the remain- arm seam.
ing 20 stitches start front. —
Border With 1 strand of Lady Jane and 1 of

Front Work 4 ribs, then increase 1 stitch Pompadour Wool pick up the stitches across the
toward the neck every other rib luitil you have bottom, knit 9 ribs, bind off. Pick up the
30 stitches, work 2 ribs on this length then stitches on the right front around the neck and
cast on stitches for underarm, now increase 1 on the left front, knit 9 ribs, bind off. Trim
stitch everv 5th rib toward the underarm until with Ribbon P.ows.

Infant's Knitted Kimono

4 Fold Columbia Saxony
3 hanks White
1 hank Color
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 10 inch No. 2
j4 yard of Ribbon

Size C to 12 months

Two rows form a rib. until front is as long as back on underarm seam,
With white yarn cast on 60 stitches, work 45 bind off. Work second front to correspona.
ribs, then cast on 40 stitches at each end of With colored yarn pick up 50 stitches around
needle for sleeves, work 22 ribs on this length, the sleeve, now work alternately 1 rib of color

then work 63 stitches off on a spare needle, bind and 1 rib white until you have 5 ribs of each.
off 14 stitches for neck, on the remaining 63 Sew up sleeve and underarm, now with right
stitches start the front. Work 8 ribs then in- side of work toward you and colored yarn pick

crease 1 stitch toward the front every 3rd row up stitches around bottom of sacque, work 5
until there are 69 stitches on needle, work C ribs of each color, now with wrong side of work
more ribs then bind off 40 stitches for sleeve, toward you pick up stitches on fronts and
work 2 ribs on the remaining stitches, then in- around neck, work 5 ribs of each color, turn
crease 1 stitch toward the underarm every 6th front border back and finish with ribbon bows.

row until 3 stitches have been added, now work



Infant's Knitted Newport Spencer

MATERIAL over needle twice, knit 2 together, knit 2. Re-

peat from * to end of row. With white yarn
Columbia Lady Jane knit 2, purl 2 for V) rows, bind off loosely.
2 hanks Blue 1 hank White Waist Band — At bottom of Spencer pick up
2 Bone Knittnif; Needles No. 2
all .stitches. Knit 1 row pl.-iin. Now form bead-
ing then knit 2, purl 2, for 10 rows. Bind off
-V2 yards Ribbon Xo. 2 loosely.

Sleeve Cast on IS stitches, increase 1 stitch
INSTRUCTIONS at beginning of 1st row, 1 stitch at lieginning
and end of 2d row, 1 stitch at beginning of
Note — This
garment is knit lengthwise. f!d row, 1 stitch at Ijeginning and end of 4th
With blue yarn cast on 4.*; stitches and knit row. Continue in this manner for 10 rows.
pattern as follows Now at toj) of sleeve only, or at end where

Row I Knit 1. luul 1. always endint; with the least increasing has been done, increase 1
stitch every other row for 1.3 rows. Now knit
knit 1. Repeat this row for 41 rows. Add 14
41 rows without increasing, then at same end
stitches for shoulder. Knit pattern for 18 rows.
Bind off 14 stitches for ariuhole, and decrease 1 of row where increasing was done, decrease 1
stitch every other row at top of row for 7 rows
stitch every other row for 13 rows. Now de-
to make .slope for ariuhole. Knit 2 rows without
crease 1 stitch at beginning and end of row,
decrea.sing. Now increase at same end of needle then 1 stitch at beginning.
for 7 rows. Cast on 14 stitches for armhole, Next Row — 1 .stitch at beginning and end.
and knit pattern for IS rows. Bind off 14 Next —
Row 1 stitch at beginning, the same
stitches for yoke, and knit pattern for 60 rows. way that you increased sleeve in starting. Con-
Add 14 stitches for other shoulder, knit 18 rows. tinue tliis for 10 rows. Bind off loosely. Pick
bind off 14 stitches for ariuhole, decrease and np stitches at straight edge of sleeve for cuff.
increase as before and make right front to cor- JIake beading, then with white yarn knit 2,
resiiond. Pick up all stitches around yoke and purl 2, for 12 rows.
knit pattern for 14 rows, miterlng corners by Finish with plcot at bottom of Spencer, Cuffs,
knitting 2 together every other row. and around neck. Draw Ribbon through bead-
ilake beading as follows : Knit .3, * yarn ing at neck, Waistband and Cuff's.

Infant's Crocheted Bootees

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
luink White

Columbia Pompadour Wool

1 ball Color
2 yards Ribbon Xo. 2
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 2

With white yarn make a chain of .3(5 stitches,
join to a ring. Work 1 D C in each stitch of
With ci>lored yarn work 3 rows of Sg. C, with
white \arn woik 1 row of star stitch as fol-
U)ws :

chain 3, draw a loop up in second chain,
draw a loop up in first cliain, * draw a loop up
in next 2 stitches, .\arn over hook, ilraw through
all .5 loops on hook, chain 1, draw loop in e.ve
just made, draw loop through last stitch of pre-
ceding star, repeat from * around, with color
work 3 rows of Sg. C, with white 1 row of star
stitch, with color 3 rows of Sg. C, with white
1 row of D C, with color 3 rows of Sg. C, with
white 1 row of star stitch, with color 3 rows of
Sg. C. \C\\\\ white work 1 row of shell having
Columbia Lady Jane I) C in e.icli shell and fasten down with Sg. 0.
1 liank White —
Instep With wliite picli up 10 stitches across
2 Celluloid Knittins Needles No. .'! the front work 10 rows of Afghan stitch.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1

Sole Starting at the back working roimd and
round with Sg. C, 3 rows white, 3 rows color,
11/2 yards Ribbon Xo. 2
finish with 4 rows white, join on wrong side.
Buttons Draw Ribbon through beading.

Cast on -11 stitches.

Row 1 — Knit yarn over needle, slip 1. knit


2, together, take the stitch you slipped and draw

it over tlie 2 knit together, * yarn over knit 1.
.\ arn over sliji 1, knit 2 together, take the stitch
you slipped and draw it over the 2 knit to-
gether, repeat from * to end of row.

Row 1 — Knit plain.

Repeat these 2 rows until work measures 2^2
inches, bind ofif 24 stitches, on the remaining 17,
work 1 Inch more for Instep, bind off. .Toin the
leg at lower edge.

Now crochet 54 Sg. C around for foot. Work

10 rows of Sg. C decreasing 1 stitch at the toe
and every other row to shape
1 stitch at heel
foot. Crochet foot together. Finish at top
with 1 row of Sg. C. Sew on buttons and trim
with rosettes.

Infant's Bootees

Knitted Crocheted
4 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 hank
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14


(Xnte —A rib is over and back, or two rows)

Cast on 64 stitches, knit 6 ribs.
Knit across 30 stitches, narrow, knit 2 centre
stitches,knit last 30 stitches. I'url 2 centre
stitclies every other row.
Narrow on right side for 7 ribs.
Knit 1 row of beading. * .varn over needle,
knit 2 together. Repeat from * to end of row.

Next Row — * Knit 2. purl 2, rejieat from *

for 2 rows.
Next Row — * Purl 2. knit 2. rt>|icat from *

for 2 rows.
Repeat these 4 rows until there are 12 rows.
Now knit 1 row plain. 1 row purl. 1 row
increase ever.v 0th stitch after the purled rib of
4 rows, then knit rib of 4 rows, another jiurled
rib of 4 rows, knit 4 rows plain.

Next Row — Tarn over needle, knit 2 together,

knit 7 rows plain, bind off.
Sew in hem and sew up back. MATERIAL
Run ribbon aroiuid ankle.
3 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 hank Whiti^
and Columbia Pompadour Wool
1 ball Color 1 yard Ribbon
1 Amber Crochet Hook No. 2

Make a chain of 4 stitches with white .varn.
Work in plain Afghan stitch increasing 1
stitch at each end ever.v row until you liave 44
stitches across, tlieu decrease 1 stitch at each
end every other row initil you Iiave ."iO stitches
left, tlien work S rows on this length. Join
(k)wn the back.

Instep rick up 10 stitches across the front,
work 11 rows of Afghan stitch.

Sole With colored Pompadour Tarn work
12 rows of Sg. C having 1 Sg. C in each stitch.
Join on the wrong side.
Work rows of Sg. C around the top of
Bootee, then a row of beading for ribbon, by
making 1 D C In every other stitch with 1 chain
between each D C. Knish with 3 rows of Sg. 0.


Infant's Crocheted Bootees

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
14 hank White i{. hanlc Pink

1 Bone Crochet Hoolc No. 1

With white make a chain of 40 stltclies. and with the Sg. C, draw a loop through the next.
join to a ring. Repeat from * around and join. Repeat 4th
round until there are 5 rounds of raised-knot
Round I — Chain .'!. 1 D C in every stitch
(39 in all), join.
With pink make 2 rounds of Sg. C in every
Round 2 — Chain 1. 1 Sg. C in every stitch,
stitch, then 1 round with white and 2 rounds
with pink. Now with white rounds of raised-
Round 3 — Raised-knot stitch, as follows knot stitches, then again with pink 2 rounds,
Chain 1, draw a loop through the first stitch, with white 1, and 2 with pink, now a round of
draw a loop through the next stitch, * there shells of 5 D C. and finish with white 1 Sg. C
are three loops on hook, yarn over hook, draw in every stitch.
through 2 loops, yarn over hook, draw through
lasttwo loops, 1 Sg. C, in the next stitch draw

Instep With pink pick up 12 stitches across
the front, work 12 rows of Afghan stitch, break
a loop through in the same stitch with the Sg.
off yarn.
C, draw a loop through the next stitch. Repeat
from * around and join. —
Sole Starting at the back and work round
Round 4 — Draw a and round round white, 2 pink, 1 white, 2
loop through the first, and
one through the next space, * there are 3 loops pink and 2 round white. Join on the wrong
on hook, draw through 2 loops, yarn over hook.
draw through last two loops, 1 Sg. C in the Finish the bootees with a cord and tassel or
next stitch, draw a loop through the same stitch with ribbon.
Co i.r M r. I A Y.\ Rxs

Infant's Crocheted Bootees

2 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 liMiik White
Columbia Pompadour Wool
1 ball Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo.

With foloi-ed yarn work a chain of IS stitches. step, work rows of plain afghan stitch and
Row I— Work 1 row of plain afghan stitch. 5 rows of purled afghan stitch, now with white

Row 2 — With white ,\ai-n work a row of \arn work 00 Sg. C around for foot, work 3
af,L:han stitch.
rows white, 1 row color. 4 rows white, 1 row
rows white, join on the wrong side.
color. 3
Row —
3 With colored .yarn pick up the
stitches from the back of preceding row, work Top— Row I —
With white yarn, work 1 Sg.
off a.s in plain afghan stitch, this will make a C, * chain 1,work 2 D C in same space with the
row of purled afghan stitch. Sg. C, skip 1 rib. work 1 Sg. C on next rib, re-
peat from
Row 4 — With
white yarn work a row of
* around.
plain afghan stitch. Repeat row 3 and 4 luitil Row 2— Work 1 Sg. C on top of first D C of
you have 17 rows of plain afghan stitch and preceding row, * chain 1, 2 D C in same stitch,
IT rows of purled afghan stitch, join down the 1 Sg. C on top of first D C of next shell, repeat
hack, with white yarn, work 34 D C around from ' around. Work 2 rows white, 1 row
the bottom, with colored yarn pick up 14 color. 2 rows white. 1 row color.
stitches across the centre of fi-ont for the in- I>raw ribl)on throngli heading.

Infant's Crocheted Moccasins


CO LIT M r. I A YA i: X s

Infant's Knitted Bootees

3 fold Columbia Saxony
1 hank White
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15
1 .yard Ribbon


Cast on 54 stitches, knit 111 vows lil.iin. then

work the jiattern as follows :

Row I — Knit 2, pnrl 2. to end of r.)w.

Row 2 — Knit plain.

Repeat rows 1 and nntil .von have 5S rows


from starting point. Now knit 10 rows plain,

worlc a row of holes for ribbon, * knit 1, yarn
over needle, knit 2 together, repeat from * to
end of row, knit 10 more rows plain, then di-
vide stitche.s, having 20 stitches on first needle,
14 .stitches on second needle for instep, and 20
stitches on third needle. Knit 30 rows jilain on
No. I
the centre of needle for instep, with first needle
pick up 15 stitches on side of instep, then with knit 20 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end
third needle pick up 15 stitches on other side of of needle 4 times, bind off, sew up foot and leg,
instep, new work all the stitches on one needle. trim with ribbon.

2 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 hank Color
2 steel Knitting Needles No. 18

Cast on 30 stitches, knit plain increasing ner as you increased until .30 stitches remain.
1 stitch at each end of needle every row until At one end east on 10 stitches for the heel,
there are 50 stitches on needle, knit 4 rows with- and at the other end increase 1 stitch every row
out increasing, then decrease in the same man- for 20 rows, bind off 25 stitches at the heel, knit
20 rows on the remaining stitches, then cast on
25 stitches toward the heel, now decrease 1
stitch every row toward the toe until 40 stitches
are on needle, bind off.

Sew up the bootee at the heel, side and toe,

pick up 12 stitches at the heel, cast on 21
stitches, knit l)ack, cast on 21 stitches at the
other end, this is for the ankle strap, knit 4
rows, work a buttonhole in one end knit .3,
bind off 2, knit to end of row on the return row
cast on 2 over the bound off stitches, knit 4 more
No. 2 rows. Bind off. Finish with pompon.

Infant's Knitted Bootees

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
1 bank White
1 bank Color
4 Steel Knitting Xeedles Xo. IS
114 yards of Ribbon

With wbite yarn cast on 10 stitches, increase every 4th row (which is the plain knit row)
1 stitch at the beginning of each needle until until 10 stitches have been decreased at each
there are 78 stitches on needle, now with col- end, now work without decreasing until you
ored yarn knit 6 rows without increasing, with have 12 patterns, slip the 18 stitches at each
white yarn start the pattern. end on separate needles, and continue on the
centre 22 stitches for 10 more patterns, leave

Row I Knit 2S, knit 2 together twice, yarn these 22 stitches on the needle, with colored
over needle, knit 1, .yarn over, knit 1, yarn over, .\arn pick up 40 stitches at each side and the
knit 1. yarn over, knit 2 together, knit 2 to- 22 stitches across the front, knit plain, decreas-
gether, three times more, yarn over, knit 1, yarn ing 1 stitch at each side of the front on each of
over, knit 1, yarn over, knit 1. .yarn over, knit 2 the first 3 rows, work without decreasing until
together twice, knit the remaining 2S stitches. .\ou have 24 rows, bind off. With colored yarn
Row 2— Knit 28, purl 22, knit 28. l)ick up 75 stitches across the top knit 4 rows,
now work a row of holes as follows, knit 2, *
Row 3 — Knit plain, decreasing 1 stitch at yarn over knit 2 together, knit 1. repeat from *
each end. across, knit 5 rows more, bind off.
Row 4 — Knit 27, purl 22, knit 27. Repeat .Join down the back and the foot, finish with
these 4 rows decreasing 1 stitch at e,-\ch end I'ibbon.

Child's Crocheted Sweater

MATERIAL ing careful to reverse it. Sew up shoulders and

underarm seams, work a row of slip stitches
4 Fold Columbia Saxony around each armhole.
8 hanks
Hook No. 4

Border Starting at the neck of the left front
1 Celluloid Crocliet work a row of Sg. C down the left front around
the bottom and up the right front, chain 1,
INSTRUCTIONS turn, work 3 rows of Sg. C increasing at the
corners by working 3 Sg. C in one stitch and
Size, 3 to 4 years always taking up the whole stitch of preceding
row, on the fourth row work the buttonholes,

Note Tliis sweater is worked leiigtUwise, 2
work 2 Sg. C * chain 3, skip 3 stitches, work 12
rows form a rib.
Sg. C, repeat from * to end of right front, con-
Back —Work a chain of 01 stitches. tinue around, work 4 rows more of Sg. C.
Row I — 1 Sg. C in each stitch of chain, cliain —
Collar Starting in the centre of band of right
1. turn. front work .50 Sg. C around the neck ending In
the centre of band of left front, working 3 Sg.

Row 2 1 Sa:. C in the first stitcli takins up C in each of the 4 corners formed liy the should-
the back loop, * ] Sg. C in the next stitch tak-
ers, chain 1, turn, work 14 rows always working
ing up the front loop, 1 Sg. C in the next stitch
3 Sg. C in the corners, this will form a small
taking up the back loop, repeat from * to end
sailor collar.
of row, chain 1, turn.

Row 3 — 1 Sg. C
each stitch always taking

Sleeves Chain 3" stitches, increase 1 stitch
every other row at one end of work only initil
up the back loop, chain 1, turii. there are 50 stitches in row, work 4 ribs on this
Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you have 35 ribs, length, then decrease in the same manner as
break off yarn. you increased until 30 stitches remain. .Join

Front Chain SI stitches, work 3 ribs then

add a chain of 11 stitches at one end of work Cuffs— Work 40 Sg. C around the straight
for shoulder, work 1.3 ribs on this length, now edge of sleeve work round and round always
working from the bottom up work 68 Sg. C taking vip the whole stitch until cuff measures
chain 1, turn, leaving the remaining stitches for 3 inches.
the armhole, work 12 ribs for underarm, break Turn cuff back and sew sleeves into sweater,
off yarn. Work second front to correspond be- sew on buttons.

Child's Crocheted Sweater

Size 3 to 4 years

Work a chain of 63 stitches for the sleeve,

work 62 Sg. C on chain, work in Sg. C always
taking up the whole stitch of preceding row,
work 53 rows then add a chain of S9 stitches
at each end for the front and back, work 88 Sg.
C on each chain, work 38 rows on the entire
length (238 stitches), now work up from the
end 118 stitches, work 12 rows on this length,

this completes one-half of the buck. Skip 12

stitches for the shoulder and work the front on
the remaining lOS stitches, work Hi rows de-

creasing 1 stitch toward the nock every row.

Border, Row i— "With ri,:;lit side of work

toward ynn work 1 Si;. (' in the lirst stiti-li.

draw u|j a loop in next stitch. y;ini over, di-aw

tliroviuli 1 looii, yarn over, draw through 1 loiiji,

yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw

through both looi)s, 1 Sg. C in the ne.xt stitch,

repeat from * to end of row, break off yarn.

Repeat row 1 decreasing 1 stitch toward the

neck every row until border measures 2 inches.

This completes one-half of Sweater ; work

second half to correspond, sew' up the inidcr arm
and join neatly down the back.

Cuffs — Work a 2 inch cuff around the sleeves

using the same stitch as in border.

Collar — Work a chain of 10 stitches using the

MATERIAL same stitch as border and cuffs, work until col-
Columbia Inverness Wool lar is long enough to extend around the neck of
10 hanks sweater, sew in place, turn back. Crochet 5
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. loops on right front, sew on buttons.
C () r. rMBIA YAKX 8

Child's Crocheted Sweater

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
4 hauks White
% hank Color
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5

Size 3 to 4 years

Wi.rk a rhaii] <>i !I7 stitches.

Row 1 — Work 1 slip stitch in each stitch of

chain, chain 1. turn.

Row 2 1 slip stitch in each stitch takins; up
the back loop to form a rib, chain 1, turn.
Row 3 — Same as row 2.

Row 4 — Same as row -.

Row —
5 Work a row of Sg. C taking up al-
ternately, * first the 2 front loops, then the 2
back loops, repeat from * to end of row, chain
1, turn.

Row 6 Same as row 5. These 6 rows form
the pattern. Work 3 patterns, then increase 1
stitch every row at one end of work to shape
the neck uiitil 4 stitches have been added, then
add a chain of 5 stitches at the same end you
have been Increasing, work 5 patterns on this
length, now work up 68 stitches from the bot-
tom, (leaving the remaining stitches for the
armhole), work 2 patterns on the 68 stitches
for the underarm, now add a chain of 28 stitches
for the armhole of the back, work 6 patterns on
this length, this completes one-half of sweater,
work second half to correspond.

Sleeves AVork a chain of 1.5 stitches. Work
14 slip stitches on chain.
Row 2 — Work 14 slip stitches, add a chain of
11 stitches.
Row 3 — Work 24 slip stitches.

Row 4 — Work 18 Sg. C taking 2 back loops

Border Work 6 rows of Sg. C down each
front, on the right side work 5 loops, having 4
and 2 fi'ont loops, slip stitch in the remaining
chain in each loop with 12 Sg. C between each
C stitches. loop.
Row 5— Slip stitch the first 6 stitches, Sg. C

in the remaining stitches being careful to keep Collar AVith colored yarn work a chain of 25
to the pattern. work in slip stitch alwa.\s taking up the
back loop to form a rib, continue working until

Row 6 Work 24 slip stitches add a chain of collar measures 12 inches. Sew collar onto
13 stitches, follow pattern increasing 1 stitch sweater allowing the border of .sweater to ex-
every other row toward the top until there are tend beyond the collar at each end.
40 stitches, work 5 patterns on this length, this
completes one-half of sleeve, work second half to Cuffs —With colored yarn chain 21 stitches.
correspond. Work 5 rows of Sg. C on straight work in slip stitches until cuff measures 9
edge of sleeve, sew' up sleeve. inches, sew up, sew onto sleeve.

Child's Crocheted Sweater

Sleeves Make a chain of 20 stitches, work
Columbia Inverness Wool 10 Sg. C on chain increase 2 stitches at the be-
ginning of each row until there are 36 stitches
f)hanks (!04V2
across, work 2 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at
1 hank 562
each end every 10th row until 24 stitches re-
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4
main, work on this length until sleeve measures
9 Pearl Buttons
9 Inches.

INSTRUCTIONS Cuffs — Work 7 rows of pink, 2 rows blue, 3

rows pink, 2 rows blue, 4 rows pink.
Size 2 to 3 jears

With pink yarn make a chain of 65 stitches.

Collar — Start at the corner formed by the
shoulder, work 2 Sg. C in corner, work across

Row 1 1 Sg. C in every other stitch of chain the back, work 2 Sg. C in the other corner and
with 1 chain between each Sg. C, chain 1, turn. work 2 Sg. C toward the front on every row
Row 2 —1 Sg. inserting hook under first and 2 Sg. C in each corner for 12 rows, now
chain of preceding row, * chain 1, 1 Sg. C in- work 2 rows of blue, then 3 rows of pink across
serting hook under next chain of preceding row, the back of collar only, 2 rows of blue, finish
repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn. collar with 4 rows of pink all around. With
Repeat row 2 for all the work. pink yarn work a row of shell down each front
Work 414 inches, break off yarn. and around the bottom as follows 1 Sg. C in

Start at the shoulder, work 11 Sg. C with 1 first stitch, * chain 3, 3 D in the same stitch
chain between each Sg. C, work 5 rows, now in- with Sg. C, 1 Sg. C in each of the next 2 stitches,
crease 2 Sg. C toward the front every other row repeat from * around. Now with blue yarn
until there are 25 Sg. C across, work 7 rows on work a row of shell around same as the front
this length, then increase 1 stitch every other row. working a blue shell between each pink
row toward the armhole until there are 28 shell fastening each shell down with Sg. C in
stitches across. Work second front to cor- back of the pink shell of preceding row. Sew
respond. Join the fronts to the back and work 2 buttons on each cuff and 5 down the front,
50 rows. finish with 5 snap fasteners.

Child's Crocheted Sweater

4 Fold Columbia Saxony
9 hanks
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 2

Size 2 to 3 years

Back — Make a chain of stitches.

(JO stitches have been added, work on this length
until front is as long as back. Work second
Row 1— Draw up a short loop in second
front to correspond.
stitch from hook. * draw up a short loop in next
stitch, .varn over, draw through all 3 loops on Work 12 rows of Sg. C on the left front always
hook, draw up a short loop in same stitch, re- taking up the whole stitch of preceding row,
peat from * to end of row ending with 1 Sg. C now work 6 rows of Sg. C on the right side, on
in last stitch, chain 1. turn. the next row work the button holes as follows,
starting at the neck work 2 Sg. C, * chain 3,
Row 2 —
Draw up a short loop in first space, skip 3 stitches, work 15 Sg. C. repeat from * to
* draw upa short loop in next space, .varn over, end of row, work 6 more rows of Sg. C.
<lraw through all 3 loops on hook, draw up a
short loop in same space, repeat from * to end —
Sleeves Chain 31 stitches, increase 1 stitch
of row ending with 1 Sg. C in last space, chain at each end every other row until there are 47
1, turn.
stitches across, work 10 rows on this length,
then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th
Repeat row 2 for all the work, when back row until 37 stitches remain, work until sleeve
measures 14 inchps start one front, work across measures 8% inches, then work 14 rows of Sg.
21 stitches, chain 1, turn. C for cuff, sew up sleeve and turn back cuff.
Front — Work
4 rows on this length, then add —
Collar Work 52 Sg. C around the neck start-
a chain of 6 stitches toward the front, work ing in the centre of border work 10 rows, work
until front measures 3^^ inches, then increase 2 loops on the right side. Sew in the sleeves
1 stitch toward the armhole every row until 6 and sew on buttons.

Child's Crocheted Sweater

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
S hanks
1 Amber Crochet Hook No. 4

Size, 7 Years

Make a cliain of 70 stitches.

The Sweater is worked in Cross Stitch as

follows : 1 Sg. C in second stitch of chain, cross
back to first stitch of chain make 1 Sg. C, *
skip 1 stitch, make 1 Sg. C, make 1 Sg. C in
stitch skipped. Reijeat from * to end of row.
clialn 1. turn.

Slake 2d row same as

first taking up the
wliole stitch of preceding row, chain 1, turn,
repeat for all the work, Iseing careful to keep
to the pattern after each decrease or Increase.
Work 20 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each
end every Sth row, until you have 62 stitches
across, work on this length until work measures
1." inches, decrease 1 stitch at each end ever.\-
L'd row until you have 56 stitches left, now work
until back measures 19 inches.

Front — Work across 19 stitches for shoulder,

Work 4 rows then increase 1 stitch toward the
neck every other row until you luive 30 stitches,
on the next row make a chain of S stitches at
the armhole for underarm, on this length work
28 rows then increase 1 stitch toward the un-
Sleeve — Make a chain of 40 stitches, work
der arm every Sth row until you have 41 the pattern increasing 1 stitch at each end every
stitches, then work until front is as long as other row until you liave 52 stitclies, work 6
Ijack on underarm seam.
rows then decrease 1 stitch at each end every
Border — Work 4 rows of Sg. C all around in-
(ith row until ,^•ou have 44 stitches left, work
creasing at the t'orners by putting ,3 stitches in until sleeve is the desired length, less 2 inches,

1 stitdi (increase on every row) on the 5th join sleeve and work a row of Sg. C skipping
row work 4 buttonholes on right side as fol- every 3d stitch to draw sleeve in, work 10 rows
lows make a chain of 4 stitches, skip 4 stitches
of Sg. C for cuff.
of preceding row fasten chain in Sth stitch con-
Pockets —
Make a chain of 14 stitches, work
tinue to next buttonhole, work 4 more rows of 12 rows, finish with 1 row of Sg. C, sew care-
Sg. C and finish with a i-ow of .slip stitch. fully on sweater.

Child's Crocheted Sweater and Toque

Columbia Inverness Wool
!l hanks

1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3

5 small Buttous
4 large Buttons

Size 3 to 4 years
Back — Startingat the neck make a chain of
51 stitches, work in double crany shell as fol-
lows :

Row I In the 3ril stitch of chain work 2
D C, * skip li stitches of chain work 1 Sg. C
in next stitch, chain 2. work 2 1) C in same
stitch with Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row-
ending with 1 Sg. C, there should be li> sheiis,
chain 2, turn.

Row 2 2 D C in the first Sg. C of preceding
row, 1 Sg. C in next Sg. C of preceding row,
chain 2, 2 D C in same stitch with Sg. C just
made, repeat frotn * to end of row ending with
1 Sg. C, chain 2, turn.
Repeat row 2 for all the work, work 16 rows,
break off yarn, start at the top of piece just
made, work 5 shells for the shoulder, work 2
rows, on the next row increase 1 shell toward
the front by worldng 2 chains and 2 D C in last
stitch of shell of preceding row. chain G. turn,
in the 3rd stitch just made, work a shell. 1 Sg.
C in the 6th chain, there will be 7 shells on
this row, increa.se in this way on each row until
there are 10 shells across, work on this length
until there are 16 rows from the shoulder, work
second front to cf)rrespond.

Row 17 Work across the front, chain 12,
join to the back, work across the back, join to
the second front, work across front.
Row 1 —
8 Same as row 17 working 4 shells
on the chain of 12 under each arm. there will be
44 shells on this row, work 39 rows counting
from the underarm. Join yarn at the neck of
the right front. * work a loop of 4 chain, then
work io Sg. (', repeat from * until you have 5

Row 2 Slip stitch, taking up the back loop
to form a rib, work 23 ribs, sew together and
loops, work a row of picot aroiuid the bottom sew onto sleeve.
of sweater and linish the left front with a row
of Sg. C.

Collar Chain 23. work 47 ribs, sew onto
sweater leaving 2 shells at each end.

Sleeves Starting at the top chain 12. work —
Belt Chain 9, increase at the beginning of
3 shells on chain, ini'rease at the end of each each row until there are 16 stitches, work 25
row. chain, work 2 L) C in the last stitch of ribs on this length, then decrease in the same
shell of preceding row until there are 12 shells manner as you increased until 9 stitches re-
across, join with Sg. C. turn, chain 2, work 2 main, sew onto sweater with 2 large buttons.
U C into the Sg. C just made, finish the row.
join in the same manner, repeat from * until TOQUE
there are 38 rows from the beginning, finish by Work a chain of 51 stitches, work IG shells
working 1 Sg. C on the top of shell and 1 Sg. C on chain, work 46 rows, sew up the sides, this
between each shell to draw in the .sleeve. completes the crown.
Cuffs, Collar and Belt are worked in slip —
Band Work a chain of 25 stitches, work 74
stitch. ribs, join and sew onto crown. Sew the points
Cuffs— Chain 19. work 1 slip stitch in each Iif the crown down onto the baud with 2 large

stitch of chain. liuttons.



Child's Crocheted Sweater

through all 4 loops on hook, * chain 1. draw up
a loop in the eye formed by the chain just made,
draw up a loop in each of the next 2 stitches
of chain, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops
repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.

Row —
2 Draw a loop through the 2nd chain
stitch from hook, draw up a loop in the last
eye of the preceding row. draw up a loop in the
next eye, yarn over, draw through all 4 loops,
* chain 1, draw up a loop in the eye formed by

the chain, draw up a loop in the same eye whore

last loop of preceding star was made, draw up
a loop In next eye of preceding row, yarn over,
draw through all 4 loops repeat from * to end ;

of row, chain 3, turn.

Repeat row 2 for all the work.

10 rows, then add a chain of 130 stitches
at one end of work for the front, work 12 rows
on the entire length, break off yarn, now leave
86 stitches at each end, and on the center 80
stitches work 24 rows for sleeves to complete ;

the front work as follows, with right side of

work toward you leaving about 2% inches for
the neck, on the remaining stitches work 10
rows for the front. This completes one-half of
coat; work second half to correspond.

With colored yarn work 18 rows of Sg. C

(taking up the whole stitch) around the sleeves
for cuffs.

Work 14 rows of Sg. C down each front, work

(> loops on the right front.

Collar —Work
a chain of 23 stitches, work in
Sg. C measures 14 inches, fit neck
until collar
of coat to collar having one inch of sweater

MATERIAL extend beyond the edge of collar at each end.

Columbia Lady Jane Belt — With colored yarn double, make a chain
5 hanks White of 22 stitches, work in Sg. C imtil belt measures
3 hanks Color 33 inches, now work 2 buttonholes as follows,
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 5 work 4 Sg. 0, chain 4, skip 4 stitches, work 5 Sg.
C, chain 4, skip 4 stitches, work 4 Sg. C, work
INSTRUCTIONS 6 rows more of Sg. C.
Size li to 7 years
Belt Straps — Chain 24. work 6 rows of Sg. C.
Work a chain of 126 stitches. work 2 straps, sew tounderarm .seam 7% Inches
Row 1 — Draw up a loop in each of the first below the sleeve. Slip belt through strap, sew
3 stitches of chain, yarn over hook, draw on buttons.
COLu yi V, I A YAUX s 53

Child's Knitted Sweater

MATERIAL Knit 3% inches, cast on 6 stitches for under-

arm. Knit 11 inches more; bind off.
4 Fold Columbia Saxony
7 hanks Left Front —Like right front, omit button-
2 Bone Knittint; Xeedlos Xo. 2
2 Steel Knitting X'eedles Xo. 14 —
Collar With -steel needles pick up TH stitches,
beginning 1 inch from each front. Unit for 4
INSTRUCTIONS inches, or as long as desired.
Size, 3 Years
With bone needles
Sleeves — Cast on bone needles 3.j stitches,
cast on 62 stitches. Knit increase 1 stitch at beginning of every other
plain, length of back 13 inches. Leave 20 row, and only at tlie top of sleeve, until you
stitches each for shoulder. Bind off interven-
have increased 16 stitches. Knit 3." rows with-
ing stitches to shape the neck, increase 1 stitch
out increasing, then at the same end where in-
every other row towards the front until 4
creasing was done decrease 1 stitch every
stitches are added, then cast on 20 stitches other row until 16 stitches are decreased, leav-
towards the front.
ing 35 stitches on the needle: bind off. With
Right Front Knit— rows, begin the first steel needles pick up stitches at straight edge
buttonhole. Knit 3 stitches, bind off 3. Next of sleeve for cuff as long as desired. Bind off
row cast on 3 stitches over the bound-off loosely, .sew up sleeves and sew into jacket.
stitches. Make buttonholes after every 30 rows. Face with ribbon and work over buttonholes.


Child's Double Knitted Sweater

Size, 4 to rt years

With cdldrcd wool east on <14 stitches, knit

plain until back measures 10 inches, slip 21
stitches on a spare needle, bind off 22 stitches

for the neck, t)n the remaining 21 stitches start

the right front.

Front — Increase 1 stitch every other row

towards the neck until n stitches have been
added, then cast on 18 stitches toward the front,
knit (i rows, work a buttonhole as follows :

knit 4, bind off 3, Imlt to end of row, on the

next row cast on 3 stitches over the bound off

stitches (work a buttonhole every :i() rows)

knit 31/2 Inches, cast on C stitches for underarm,
work on this length until front Is as long as

back. Work left front to correspond omitting


Sleeves — Cast on 36 stitches, increase 1 stitch

at the beginning of every other row at one end

of work only until 16 stitches have been added,
knit 35 rows then decrease in the same manner
as you Increased until 30 stitches remain. With
steel needle pick up the stitches at straight edge

of sleeve, knit 4 inches, bind off.

Collar— With steel needles pick up 70 stitches

around the neck leaving % inch at each front,

knit 4 Inches, bind off.

With white wool work the lining same as

the outside, join together by working a row of
slip stitches all around sweater, collar and cuffs,
Columbia Shetland Wool Turn back collar
sew the sleeves into sweater.
2 hanks Color and cuffs, over cast Imttonholes.
2 hanks White
Belt — With white wool and steel needles
2 Celluloid Knittiiii; Xcedles 10 iuc-h No. cast on 1.5 stitches, knit belt 6 Inches long, with
2 Steel Knittiiii; Xeedlos No. 14 colored wool knit piece same as white, join
together, sew onto sweater with buttt>ns having
the white for the right side.
COLliiniA YAUNS 55

Child's Knitted Sweater

MATERIAL Fancy pattern same as front, knit 12 ribs plain,

this completes one-lialf of sweater, continue
4 Fold Columbia Saxony
working second lialf same as first except bind
5 liJinks White 1 luiiik Color off S stitches for neck instead of casting them
2 Aml)er Knittin Needles. lO-inch. No. ?.
on. Sew up shoulders.


Collar Pick up 55 stitches around the neck,
knit G ribs, with wrong side toward you, purl
Size, 1 to 2 Ye;irs Old 1 row, now knit 1 rili white and 1 color until

Sweater is worked leii.iu'tliwise. 2 rows form you have 4 of each.

a ril).

With white
Sleeve — Cast on ."iC stitches, knit 22 ribs, then
.varn east on !!."> .stitches, work decrease 1 stitch every other rib until you have
1 rill of white and 1 rih of eolor alternatel.v
4(i stitches left, knit until you have 42 ribs in
untilyou have o rihs of each, break off colored all.
yaru, continue with wliite, make 4 ribs, then
cast on s stitches for the neck, work 4 ribs on Cuff — Knit ."> stitclies, then knit 2 stitches to-

this len.sth. now with right side of work toward

gether, knit the last 5 separately, work alter-

you * knit 1, i)url 1, repeat from * to end of natel.\' 1 rib white and 1 rib color until you have
row, next row knit plain, repeat these 2 rows 5 ribs of eacli. Sew up sleeve and sew in
until you have then knit 5 rows plain.
ft ribs,
Bind off 2." armhole on the remain-
stitches for Crochet 5 loops down right side, chain 2 for
ing stitches, knit Ct ril)s. then east on 2.5 stitches loop and slip stitcli between each loop, work 1
for the back, knit 5 ribs plain, tlien 9 ribs of loop on Collar.

Child's Knitted Sweater

Row 1 — * Knit 1. purl 1, repeat from * to

end of row.

Row 2 — Knit plain.

Repeat these two rows for all the work, wlien

work measures 5 inclies start to decrease 1
stitch at each end of needle every 12tli row until
G2 stitches remain, work on this length until
baclv measures 17 inches, slip 20 stitches on an
extra needle, bind off 22 stitclies for neck, on
the remaining 20 stitches start right front.

Front — Increase 1 stitch toward the front

ever.v other row mitil 4 stitches have been
added, then cast on 20 stitches toward Hie front
(always knit the first 11 stitches toWMr<l the
front plain for band.) "Work li rows, work a
buttonhole as follows, knit 4, liind olf :'>. work
to end of row. In the next row <-ast on o
stitches over tlie hound off stitches, work a
buttonhole every 30 rows. Work 3% inches,
now cast on 8 stitches for underarm, worlv 3
inches, increase 1 stitch toward the underarm
every lOtli row until 5 stitches liave been added,

continue working until front is as long as back,

knit tlie last 12 rows plain. Work left front to

correspond omitting buttonholes.

Collar — With steel needles pick up 74 stitches

beginning in the 5th stitch from the front, knit
plain until collar measures 4 Inches, bind off.
4 Fold Columbia Saxony Sleeves — Cast on 35 stitches, Incease 1 stitch

10 liank.s every otlier row at one end of work onI.\- until

2 Bone Knitting Needles 10 inch Xo. 2 there are 52 stitches on needle, work 35 rows
2 Steel Knitting Needles Xo. 14 without increasing, now decrease in the same

Size, ',i years manner as .\ou increased initil 35 inches re-

main, bind off. With steel needles pick up
INSTRUCTIONS stitches on straight edge of sleeve, knit plain

Back — With bone needles east on 72 stitches ft)r 5 inches, bind off. Sew up sleeve and sew
knit 12 rows plain, start pattern. into sweater. Face front with ribbon.

Child's Knitted Sweater

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
8 hanks
'2 Bone Knitting Needles 12 inch No. 1

Size 4 to Ti years

Note— 2 rows form a rib.

Back— Cast on 134 stitches, knit 22 ribs plain,

start pattern.

Row I
— * Knit 2, purl 1, repeat from * to enil

of row.

Row —
2 Knit plain. Repeat these 2 rows for
all the work, decreasing 1 stitch at each end
every 2Stlirow until there are 122 stitches on
needle, work on this length until work measures
14 inches including border, now decrease 1
stitch at each end every other row until 102
stitches remain, work 14 ribs on this length,
then bind off 2 stitches at the beginning of each
needle until 42 stitches remain, bind off these
42 stitches for the neck.

Front — Cast on 124 stitches, knit 22 ribs

plain, start pattern always knitting the first 20
stitches plain for band down the front, work 10
ribs, then decrease 1 stitch toward the armhole
every Sth row until there are 107 stitches on
needle, work on this length until work measures
14 Indies, now bind off 17 stitches toward the
underarm for armhole then decrease 1 stitch
every other row toward the armhole 10 times
and 1 stitch every other row toward the front
50 times, when there are 45 stitches left on
needle bind off 2 stitches every other row toward
the armhole still decreasing the one stitch
toward the front every other row until 4 sleeves and sew into armhole. placing seam of
stitches remain, bind off. Work second front sleeve to underarm seam of sweater.
to correspond, being careful to reverse it. —
Collar Cast on 5 stitches, knit plain increas-
Crochet 4 button loops on the right front. ing 1 stitch every other row at one end only

Sleeves Cast on 16 stitches, work 2 rows
until there are 36 stitches on needle, work on
then increase 1 stitch at each end every row this length until collar is longenough to extend
half way round neck of sweater, work second
until there are 104 stitches on needle, work S
half to correspond, bind off, sew onto sweater.
ribs on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at
each end every 3rd row until 56 stitches remain, Belt — Cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until
work until sleeve measures 8% inches on seam, work mea.sures 13 Inches, bind off. point the ends
then knit 30 ribs plain, bind off. Sew up and sew on with buttons.
58 C O I. U il r. I A YA U XS

Child's Three-Piece Set

Columbia Lady Jane
3 hanks White
Columbia Pompadour Wool
1 ball Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 1
3 yards of Ribbon No. 12
1 yard of Silk

Size, 3 to 4 Tears

With Lady Jane work a chain of 12 stitches,
work in plain afghau stitch until work meas-
ures 24 inches. Work 2 stripes.
Work a chain of 20 stitches.
Row 1 — In second stitch of chain work 1
Sg. C, * skip 2 stitches, in the third stitch work
5 D C, skip 2 stitches, in the third stitch work
1 Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2,


Row 2—* Work 5 I) C on top of Sg. C of

lireceding row, 1 Sg.C in centre of shell of pre-
ceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain
2, turn.

Row —
3 * 1 Sg. C in centre of shell of lire-
ceding row, 5 D C on top of Sg. C of preceding
row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 2, turn.
Repeat 2d and 3d rows until work measures
24 inches.
With Pompadour Wool work an edge all
around both afghan stripes as follows, join
yarn, * chain 2, work 2 D C in same stitch, skip
2 rows of afghau stitches, slip stitch in nest
.stitch,repeat from * all around. Embroider
with cross stitch design, sew the three stripes
together and line with silk. Band — Chain 16, work
in afghan stitch until
band measures 16 inches, work IT shells on one
MUFF side of band with 1 Sg. C between each shell,
Work a chain of IG stitches, work in plain work 12 rows of shell pattern, break off yarn,
afghan stitch until work measures 13 inches, now work 4 shells across the centre and on this
work 2 stripes, with Pompadour Wool finish length work 20 rows for the back, sew the sides
stripes same as stole, embroider with cross stitc'.i to the back, now work 3 rows of Sg. C across
design. Chain 32, work 5 shells with 1 Sg. C the bottom of hood having 15 Sg. C on each
between each shell on chain, work 13 inches side and 10 Sg. C across the back, with Pom-
of shell jjattern. Sew the three stripes to- padour work an edge all around hood same as
gether, line with silk, having an interlining of stole, embroider band with cross stitch design,
cotton. line and finish with ribbon liows.

C (> L U M B I A YA RX S

Child's Crocheted Slippers

No. 2

4 Fold Columbia Germantown
I- hank I'ink 1/2 hank White
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown
'i hank Pink % hank White
1 P.nne or Amber Crochet Hook Xo. 2
- Steel Knitting Xeedles Xo. 14
I'a. yards Xo. .0 Satin Ribbon for Row

For Size 7

Row I — With pink make a chain of 10

iNo. I stitches, which will allow you 1 stitch f(ir turn-
ing, then 4 stitches, and iiicrea.se 2
MATERIAL extra stitches in the 5th stitch, crochet 4, 1
4 Fold Columbia Saxony chain turn.
hanks Color

Row 2 Crochet across (taking the stitch or
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown loop from the back, this makes' the rib) with-
3 hanks Color out increasing, you will then have formed 1 rib
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 3 of vamp. Continue making 10 ribs for vamp,
1 pair of Columbian Soles. Size 8 increasing 2 extra stitches in the centre of each
2 yards of Ribbon No. 5 rib.

For Side — Crochet 14 Sg. C, chain 1 and turn,

INSTRUCTIONS No. i work back and forth on these 14 Sg. C until
Size S there are IS ribs around, join on wrong side,
Make a chain of S stitelies. taking up the back stitch of side and vamp
this will make a neat joining and will not show
Row I —Work 7 Sg. C on chain, cliain 1. turn.
on the outside.
Row 2—1 Sg. C in each of the first 3 stitches,
Crochet all around top of slipper 1 D C on
taking up the whole stitch of preceding row, 3
e\ery and between every rib. With wliite yarn
8g. C in 4th stitch, 1 Sg. C in each of the re-
cast on 11 stitches and knit a strip for the
maining 3 stitches, chain 1, turn.
turnover around the bind
Row —
3 1 Sg. C in each stitch. Repeat 2d
tnji, (iff.

anil 3d rows being careful to add 2 extra stitches

in centre of increasing row. Work 24 rows,
start side, work 14 Sg. C, add a chain of 14
stitches, work back and forth on this length for
34 rows, join neatly on side.
X'ow work eyelets for ribbon on both sides as
follows :
— starting at the ankle, * work 2 Sg. C,
chain 1, repeat from you have 4 eyelets,
* until
work a row of shell around the top having 5
II C in each sliell fastened down with Sg. C.

Work 1 row of Sg. C around bottom of slipper,

sew on soles. I^ace with ribbon.

Child's Crocheted Toque Child's Crocheted Hood

4 Fold Columbia Saxony
1% hanks White 1 hank Piuk or Blue
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 1
I'o yards Ribbon No. 12

Size, -1 to 5 years
Make a chain of 4 stitches and join to a ring.
1st Round — Work (i Sg. C iu this ring and

2nd Round — 1 C
each of 2 stitches, 3
Sg. in
stitches iu the 3rd, 1 Sg. C
in each of 2 stitches,
3 stitches in the 0th. (Always taking the top
loop.) Continue going round and round, in-
creasing only in two places until tliere are 86
stitches between the widening points. Now
crochet on one side a row for ribbon, as fol-
lows Chain .3, * skip 1 .stitch, 1 D C in the next

No. I stitch, chain 1. Repeat from * across. Break

off yarn.
MATERIAL Now with pink or blue yarn work back and
Columbia Heather Yarn forth over the ribbon row, making 1 Sg. C in
3 balls every stitch for 6 rows. Now work the front
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn back and* forth in Sg. C for 12 rows. This is
1 hank for the turn over.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 Finish the hood all around with a picot edge.
2 large Buttons Trim with ribbon.

For S to 10 years
With Heather Yarn make a chain of 75
Row I — lusecond stitch of chain work 1 Sg.
C * 1 D C innest stitch, 1 Sg. C in next stitch,
repeat from to end of row, chain 1, turn, work

rows like row 1 alwa.vs taking up both loops

of preceding row.

Row 7 With Worsted Knitting Yarn work 1
Sg. C iu each stitch taking up both loops of
preceding row, chain 1, turn.

Row 8 1 Sg. C in each stitcli of preceding
row taking up the back look to form a rib.
Repeat these 7 rows until you have (5 stripes
of Heather Yarn and 5 stripes of Worsted Knit-
ting Yarn, sew up the sides.

Band With Worsted Knitting Yarn make a
chain of 30 stitches, work SO ribs of slip stitch,
always taking up the back loop to form a rib,
sew band together and sew onto crown, wliere
corner is sewed together make 2 pleats and sew
down to baud with buttons. No. 2

CO LU M P. I A Y A R N S 61

Child's Crocheted Bonnet

Row 8 — Two Sg. C in every 5th stitch.
Row 9 —One Sg. C in every stitch.
Row lo — Two Sg. C in every Cth stitch.
Row II — One Sg. C in every stitch.
Row 12— Two Sg. C in every 7th stitch.
Now work without increasing until you have
22 rows of Sg. C. This completes tlie crown.
Using the starting point for the centre back, di-
vide crown into quarters and mark with pins.
Work the brim with D C increasing as follows
Starting at the back, 2 D C in the 5th stitch, 2
D C in each of the quarters, 2 D C In centre of
front and 2 D C in the 5th stitch from the end,
making 5 increases in all, join at end of row,
break off yarn.
Row 2 — Join yarn in the 4th stitch from cen-
tre back, work with D
C increasing 1 stitch in
each quarter mark and 1 stitch each side of
front. Work to within 4 stitches of back, break
MATERIAL off yarn.

8 Fold Columbia Germantown Row —

3 Same as second row increasing 1
stitch in each quarter mark and 1 stitch in cen-
2 hanks White tre of front.

or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown Row 4 — Join yarn in centre of back work all
3 hanks White the way around increasing 1 stitch in each quar-
ter mark and 1 stitch in centre front.
Columbia Ostrich Wool

Facing Join Ostrich Wool in back, work tlie
2 Balls Color first 4 rows in Sg. C.

1 Amber Crochet Hook No. 5, $]<• inch —

Rows 5 and 6 Decrease as follows 1 stitch :

4 yards Ribbon at centre of back, 1 stitch each side of front and

1 stitch each quarter mark.
Decrease 1 stitch at the back, 1 stitch
Size 5 to 7 years at the front, and 1 stitch at each quarter mark.

Chain 4, work 9 Sg. C in ring,

join in a ring, Row 8 — Decrease 1 stitch at the liack, 1
work around with Sg.C taking up both stitches stitch at the front, break off jarn.

of preceding row. Mark the starting point with —

Row 9 Start in the 4th stitch from back,
a piece of yarn. decrease 2 stitches in the front only, leave the
Row 2 — Two Sg. C in every stitch. last 4 stitches, break off yarn.

Row 3—* One Sg. C in the first stitch, two Rows 10, II and 12 — Work without de-
Sg. C in the second stitch, repeat creasing.
from * to end
of row. Row 13 — Start in centre of back and work
Row 4— Two Sg. C in every .3d stitch. all the wayaround, decrease 2 stitches in front.
Sew facing back so it will fit smoothly in inside
Row 5 — One Sg. C in every stitch.
Row 6 —Two Sg. C in every 4th stitch. Trim witli ribbon bows, one on each side and
Row 7— One Sg. C in every stitch. two ends for string.s, line with silk.

Child's Crocheted Tarn o' Shanter

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
3 hanks
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3
3 yards of Ribbon No. 5

INSTRUCTIONS next stitch draw up a loop, draw up a loop in

the next stitch, yarn over hook draw through
Work a chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring, all 3 loops on hook, chain 1, repeat from * to
work 12 Slip D C in ring as follows, * yarn within 12 stitches of the first corner, break off
over hook insert hook in ring draw up a loop, yarn.
yarn over draw through all 3 loops on hook,
repeat from * for all the work. Work rounil
Row 2 — Same as row
increasing 2 stitches
at each corner, break jarn, work 3 rows
and round always taking up the 2 back loops of
preceding row.
more like row 2. Now work
3 rows of Crazy
Shell all around as follows, join yarn at the
Row —
2 * 1 slip D C in each of the next 2 corner, * chain 3, work 3 D C in same stitch.
stitches, 4 slipD C in the next stitch, repeat skip 3 stitches, fasten down with Sg. C repeat
from * to end of row, you now have 4 corners, from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.
continue in like manner always increasing at the
4 corners by working 4 slip D C in centre of Row —
3 Work 1 Sg. C on top of shell of pre-
the 4 slipD C of preceding row and 1 slip CD ciMllng row, * chain 3,work 3 D C on chain of
in each stitch between the corners until you
preceding row, work 1 Sg. C, on top of next
Now decrease 2 shell of preceding row. repeat from * to end of
have IS rows from centre.
stitches at each corner for 13 rows. Work 1 row, chain 3, turn.
row of Sg. C decreasing 1 stitch every 10th Row 4 — Same as row 3.
stitch, on the next row decrease 2 stitches at point to the band, sew rosettes
Sew the first
each corner only, work 3 rows of Sg. C without at 2 points.
decreasing, break off yarn. With wrong side
of work toward you fasten yarn in the 12th Make 1 tassel 5 inches long and join to cap
stitch from 1 corner, * insert the hook in the with a chain of 10 stitches.
: )


Child's Knitted Drawer Leggings

4 Fold Columbia
4 hanks
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown
4 hanks
3 Bone Knitting NocdU's. 10-inch. No. 4

For 2 Year Size
Made in 2 sections, joined b.v a middle seam,
knitting each section as follows
Cast on 72 stitches for the top. knit -. imrl
2, and repeat across the needle. Knit 4 rows,
keeping the ribs in their regular order.
Row 5 — Knit 2. purl 2. knit 1. * yarn over
needle twic'e. knit 2 together, purl 1. knit 2,

purl 2, knit 1. Repeat from * to end of row.

Next row work back in the regular order,

except that you drop the yarn over needle after
you have made 1 stitch (this forms the holes
for the cord and tas.sel). purl 2, knit 6, purl 2, knit 2. purl 2, knit 2,

Knit 2 and purl 2 for S more I'ows. purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 4.

Now knit plain back and forth until there Next row knitG, purl 2. knit 2. purl 2. knit 2.
purl knit 2. purl 2, knit 10. purl 2, knit 2,
are 40 ridges. Knit plain 11 more ridges, de-
purl knit 2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2, knit 6.
crease 1 stitch at beginning of every row, there
Repeat these last 2 rows for 24 rows more.
will be 50 stitches on the needle.
Knit plain back and forth for 3 ridges.
Fancy portion.s, basket stitch.
For the Instep knit 31 stitches, slip the re-
Row I— Plain. maining 19 on to another needle, knit back 12
2— from stitihes on the 31, and leave the remaining 19
Row plain.
* T .0 purl, reiicat * en<l-
on the 1st needle. Knit the 12 stitches now on
ing with 3 purl.
the centre needle, back and forth for 10 ridges.
Row 3 — * 3 plain, purl, repeat from * end- Knit 2 more ridges and decrease 1 stitch at be-
iug with 7 purl. ginning of every needle, leaving 8 stitches.
Row 4 —Like 2d. Foot — Pick up the stitches at the right side
s — Plain.
Row of instep (12), knit them and across the toe.
Repeat same on the left side of instep. Knit
Row —
6 2 plain, * 3 purl, plain. Repeat
back and forth on these stitches (70) until
from * ending with 5 plain. there are ridges below the Instep. Bind off
Row 7 —5 purl. * 3 plain. 7 purl. rei>ent fi-um and sew up sole and each leg seam, join the
* ending with 2 purl. sections by a middle seam.

Row 8 — Like 6th row. Crochet scallops around the top as follows:
Row 9 — Plain. Make 4 chain stitches, 3 D C drawn up long
Repeat from 2d to 9th row. until you have and caught down flatly by a Sg. C. all
round, run a cord thi-ough the holes made for
5 blocks. Knit plain across. (Ribbon
it. and tip off the ends %vith tassel.
On the wrong side begin knit 4. purl 2. knit : or elastic can be used in place of the cord if
2, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2. knit 2. purl 2. knit 2, desired.

Child's Crocheted Shirt

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
12 hiinks
1 Bone Crochet Hook Xo. 4

Make 172 chain stitches, then make 10 rows
of Sg. C, taking up the back stitch, and worli
lengtliwlse of the shirt. Work one side first
making liO Sg. C. Make 36 rows and fasten
Commence GO stitches from the other side
of the work, leaving 35 stitches for the arm-
hole. Make 18 rows.
Work the Iflth row until 23 stitches from the
top, then make 23 chain for the opening in the
front, working same as before, until IS rows
are made. Join the 46 rows with 35 chain and
break off.
Work across for 10 rows, beginning so that
the rows will be uniform as before. Join the
sides together, leaving an opening 2% inches
long at side last made for the armholes.
To finish sleeve make IDC
into the 2d
stitch, IDC into 1st stitch, forming a cross
nei-k make 1 D C, 1 chain stitch
stitch, then finish all around the sleeve by mak- stitch. For the
ing 1 Sg. C, 2 chain, 2 D C into the same over every rib, then finish as before.

Child's Crocheted Petticoat

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown Make a chain as long as desired and join.
3 hanks 1 hank Pink
This forms the toj) edge.
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown
4 hanks White 1 hank Pink
Round I — 1 Sg. C in each of the first 6
1 Long Kone Crochet Hook No. 3 stitches, 3 in the 7th and 6 more in the follow-
ing C stitches. Skip 1 stitch and
repeat all around the chain, joining
the last Sg. C to the 1st one with
a slip stitch.
Round 2 — Skip 1 stitch, then
make 1 Sg. C through each of the
next 6 stitches and 3 through the
next one, make 1 through the back
half of the next 6 stitches, skip 2
and repeat work around on same
order for the rest of the skirt, mak-
ing it as long as you may desire.
Make 2 rows of colored stripe and 2
rows of White, 2 rows of colored,
for the lower edge make 1 D C in

a stitch, 5 chain, catch in the 1st

stitch of chain, skip 1 stitch, and
repeat all around the skirt.

The waist can be made of muslin

or of a crocheted band of 10 rows of
Sg. C back and forth.


Detail Stitches of Afghans

Afghan Stitch

Tliis stitch is to beworked with a long, even

hook. Mulve a chain the length required draw ;

a loop through every stitch of chain, leaving

looijs on the hook.

Row 2 When all stitches are taken up,
throw yarn over the hook and draw through
1st stitch throw yarn over and draw through

2 stitches. Continue throwing yarn over and

drawing through 2 until a single loop remains
on the hook. The loops thus drawn through
look like upright stitches.

Row 3 Pick up each of these stitches, and
draw a loop through, leaving each on the needle.
When all are picked up. repeat 2d row. (Re-
peat 2d and 3d rows alternately.)

Clover Leaf Stitch
Make a chain the length desired.
Row 1 — Draw
a loop up through each of 3
stitches of the yarn over and draw
through all the 4 stitches on the hook, and chain
1, * draw a loop through the eye formed by

the chain just made, draw a loop up through

each of the 2 stitches of the chain, yarn over
and draw through all 4 stitches on the hook.
Repeat from * across, chain 3 and turn.
Row 2 — Draw a loop through the 2d chain
stitch from hook, draw a loop through the last
eye of leaf of previous row, draw a loop throuirh
the next eye of leaf of previous row, yarn over
.•md draw through all 4 stitches on hook, and 1
chain, *. Draw
a loop through the eye formed
by the chain stitch just made, draw a loop
through the same eye where last loop was
made, draw a loop through the next eye of pre-
vious row, yarn over hook and draw through
all 4 stitches. Repeat from * across, chain 3
and turn. Repeat 2d row for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Afghans

Columbia Stitch

Detail Stitches of Afghans

Slanting Shell Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row I — In third stitch of chain work 3 D C,

* skip 2 stitches, work 3 D in next stitch, re-
peat from * to end of row, turn.

Row 2 — Work 2 D C Into the second chain

stitch, crocheting directly over the space be-
tween tlie 1st and 2nd shell of preceding row, *
work 3 UC in the next space taking up the 2na
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, turn.

Row 3 — Work 3 D C into the last stitch of 1st

shell of row 1, crocheting directly over the space,
* work 3 D C into next space taking up the last
stitch of next shell, repeat from * to end of
row. turn.

Repeat row 3 for all the work.


Waifle Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row I — Plain afghan stitch.

Row 2 — Plain afghan stitch.

Row 3 —Pick up the first 2 stitches, leaving

stitches on hook same as in afghan stitch, *
yarn over hook, insert hook in back of 4th stitch
of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over hook draw
through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops,
skip 1 stitch, pick up the next 3 stitches, repeat
from * to end of row, work off as plain afghan

Row 4 Work 1 row of purled afghan stitch
by taking up the back stitch of preceding row
instead of the front, work off as afghan stitch.

Row 5 — Plain afghan stitch.

Repeat rows 3, 4 and 5 for all the work.

CO r. U MB A

Detail Stitches of Afghans

Horse Shoe Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row I — Work 1 Sg. C in each stitcli of chain,

chain 1. turn.

Row 2 —1 Sg. C In each .stitch of preceding

row taking up the front loop, chain 1, turn.

Row 3 —Insert
hook under front loop of first
stitch of row 1 and front loop of first stitch of
row 2, yarn over hook draw up a loop, work
off as Sg. C, * insert hook under front loop of
next stitch of row 1, and front loop of next
stitch of row "2. draw up a loop work off as Sg.
C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Repeat row 2 for all the work.


Horizontal Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row 1 — 1 Sg. C in each stitch.

Row 2 — 1 Sg. C in each stitch, taking up the
whole stitch.

Row —
3 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 stitches,
* yarn over hook, insert hook under 3d stitch
of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a
loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw up a loop
in same stitch, yarn over, draw through all
loops on hook, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C In each of
the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of row,
chain 1, turn.

Row 4 —1 Sg. C in each stitch of preceding

row, chain 1, turn.

Row 5 — Same as row .3, working the puff

stitch around the puff stitch of 3d row.
Repeat the 4th and .5th rows for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Afghans

Basket Stitch

Cast on any number of stitches (livisll)le by

5 (35).

Row i^Knit 5. purl 5, * knit 1.". jiurl 5.

Repeat from * across, ending witli Unit ~>.

Row 2 — Purl 5, knit 5, * purl ]."), knit 5.

Repeat from * across, ending with purl 5.

Row 3 — Like 1st row.

Row 4 — Knit plain.
Row 5 — * Knit 1.5, purl 5. Repeat from *

across, ending with kuit 15.

Row 6 — * Purl 15. knit 5. Repeat from *

across, ending with knit 15.

Row 7 — Like 5th row.

Row 8 — Knit plain.

Rei)eat from 1st to Sth row for all the work.


Double Tuft Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row 1 — Sg. C in every stitch chain turn.

1 1,

Row 2 — 1 Sg. C in every stitch, taking up

the whole stitch, chain 1, turn.

Row 3 — C
yarn over hook, insert the
1 Sg. *

hook in back of 1 Sg. C of first row, yarn over

hook and draw through 2 loops, yarn over hook,
insert the hook in back of same Sg. C of first
row, yarn over hook and work this off as a
double crochet stitch 1 Sg. C in each of 3
stitches taking up the whole stitch. Rei^eat
from * to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Row 4 — Like second row.

Row s— 1 Sg. C
double tuft stitch, this
* 1
must come in between the
first and second
double tuft stitch of first row, then 3 Sg. C.
Repeat from * to end of row.
Repeat fourth and fifth rows for all the work. DOUULi: TUFT .STITCH

Detail Stitches of Afghans

Coffee Bean Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row I —
Skip the first stiteli, draw a looji
tlirousli next stitch without wraiipinf;, * tlien
jaru over hook, insert hook in same stitch draw
a loop through, yarn over, draw a loop throui;!!
same stitch, yarn over, draw through all
loops on hook, chain 1, skip 1 chain stitch, draw
loop through next stitch. Repeat from * to end
of row, turn.

Row 2 Draw a loop through 1st space, *
yarn over, draw a loop through same space,
yarn over, draw a loop tlirough same space,
yarn over, draw through all G looi)S on hook,
chain 1. draw loop through next space. Re-
peat from * to end. of row, turn. Repeat 2d row
for all the work.


Lattice Stitch

Cast on number of stitches de.sired.

Row 1— Knit plain.

Row 2 — Knit 1,yarn* over knit 3, pass 1st
liver the 2d and .3d stitches. Repeat from * to
[•nd of row.

Row 3--Kiiit ]il:iin.

r^€^MA Row


* Knit :>, pass the 1st over the 2d

3d stitches, yarn over. Repeat from * to

end of row. Repeat these 4 rows for all the


Detail Stitches of Afghans

Manhattan Stitch


Make a chain the length required. from to end of row. 1 I) C at end. chain 3,

Row I —In the 3d stitch from hook draw a


loop through, now insert your hook back in Row 2 — Draw a loop through space after
first stitch, draw a loop through, draw a loop the I) C * a loop through next space between
through again in the same or 3d stitch, then 1st and 2d groups of previous row, this alter-
back in the 1st stitch draw a loop again in the
nately three times, there are 7 loops on hook,
3d stitch, again back in the 1st stitch. There yarn over and draw through all and chain 1.
are 7 loops on hook, yarn over and draw Draw a loop through the same space where last
through all, and chain 1, * draw a loop in the loop was drawn, then repeat from * to end of
same stitch where loop was drawn, skip 1 stitch, row, alwa.is ending rows with IDC, chain 3,
draw a loop through next stitch, this alternately turn.
three times there are 7 loops on hook, yarn

over and draw through all and chain 1, repeat Repeat 2il row for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Afghans

Tuft Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row I — 1 Sg. C in every stitch, turn.

Row 2— Chain 1, 1 Sg. C in every stitch, tali-

iiii; up the whole stitch, turn.

Row 3 —2 yarn over hook, Insert the

Sg. C, *

hook in back of 1C of 1st row, yarn over

hook and work this off as a double crochet
stitch, 1 Sg. C, taking up the whole stitch. Re-
Iieat from * to end of row, turn.

Row 4 — Like 2d row, turn.

I^ow 5— Chain 1, 1 Sg. C. 1 tuft stitch before

the 1st tuft stitch, 1 Sg. C, then 1 tuft stitch,

tliLsone must come in between the 1st and 2d

tuft stitch of 1st tuft row. Repeat from * to
enil of row. Repeat 4th and .5th rows for all
the work.

Daisy Stitch

JIake a chain the length desired.

Row I — riain afghan stitch.

Row 2 — Plain afghan stitch.

Row 3 — Pick up first stitch, * yarn over hook,

insert hook in back of 3d stitch of first row,
draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through
1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1

stitch, pick up next 2 stitches retaining all

stitches on hook, repeat from * to end of row,

work off same as plain afghan stitch.

Repeat these 3 rows for all the work.



Detail Stitches of Afghans

Pineapple Stitch

Make a cliaiii the leii,i;rh desircil.

Row I — l>raw up a loop in second stitch from

hook. sl;ip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next

stitcli,yarn over liooli, draw through all three

loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, draw up a
loop in last stitch, yarn over, draw throuirh both
loops on hook, chain 1. turn.

Row 2
I>raw up a loop In first stitch taking'
np the whole stitch of preceding row. * skip 1
stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over,
draw through all three loops on hook, chain 1.
draw up a loop in same stitch, repeat from * to
end of row, draw up a loop in last stitch, yarn
over, draw through both loops on hook, chain 1.

Uepeat row 1! for all the work.


Balkan Stitch

Make a chain the length desired.

Row I — I>raw up a loop in 2nd and 3rd

stitches from hook,* yarn over, draw through 1

l<)t)l),.varn draw through 2 loops, yarn

over, draw through 2 loops, fasten down with
Sg. C in same stitch where last loop was drawn
u]), draw up a loop in each of the next 2 stitches,

repeat from * to end of row. Break off yarn.

Row 2 — Draw up a loop in first stitch, draw

uji draw up a loop
a loop in centre large space,
in small space formed by Sg. C, * yarn over,
draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw through 2
loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, fasten
down with Sg. C in same space where last loop
was drawn up, draw up a loop in each of the
next 2 si)aces, repeat from * to end of row.
I!reak off .varn.


Detail Stitches of Afghans

Philadelphia Stitch


Mukc ;l i-liain the U'listh desired. Row 4 —1 Sg. C in each of the tirst r> stitches.

Row I— 1 i^g. C ill e.-icli stitcli of cliain. * .varn over hook, insert hook in back or oril J>

Row 2— 1 Sg. C ill first stitdi tiikiiii,' up tlie C of row "J. draw up a Inoii, work off as D C.

whole stitch. * yarn over hook insert hook in skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, .varn ovei
back of 4th stitch of cliain draw up a loop.
hook cross back, insert hook in back of 2nd D C
work off as D C. skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next
of row 2. draw up a loop, work off as I) C. skip
stitch, .vani over hook, cross back, insert hook in
1 stitch. 1 Sg. (' in next stitch, repeat from * to
back of Jiid stitch of chain, draw up a loo|i.

work off :is f) ('. skip 1 stitch. 1 Sg. C in next end of row. chain 1. turn.

stitch, repeat from * to end of row. chain 1. turn. Row 5 — Same as row ."..

Row 3 —1 Sg. C in each stitch taking up the liepeat from 2nd to oth rows for all the work.
whole stitch, chain 1. turn.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

Fnv detail sec Pineiiiiple Stiteli. page 74.

-<-?-r-*.»?lv»-,-»^ •-^J.^t-*.-*. »r-^^*r '.-'•••'t '-'«-?^

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^;^j^?x^>tiv > T ^ ^ }-f >* *e *-<^ *-«^ -* *- *v *^ *o '•r *<• *•;' * • *-r re

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
3 hanks White
4 haulis Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Ht>ok No. S

With colored yavn work a chain of 135 over, draw through both loops on hook, chain 1,
stitches. turn. Repeat second row for all the work.
Row —
Draw up a loop in second stitch from
1 When work measures 4 inches work in from
hook, skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next
* the end 4 Inches, now drop colored yarn (do not
stitch, yarn oyer hook draw through all three break it off) and join the white .yarn, work to
loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same within 4 inches of the other end. drop the white
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, draw up a .yarn and join on a second ball of colored yarn
loop in last stitch, yarn over, draw through work to end of row. Repeat the last row keep-
both loops on hook, chain 1, turn. ing the 4 inches of color at each end and the

Row 2 Draw up a loop In first stitch taking wliite yarn in the centre until work measures
23 Inches, break off the white .yarn and 1 ball
up the whole stitch of preceding row, * skip 1
stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch, yarn over,
of colored yarn and with the other ball of col-

draw through all three loops on hook, chain 1, ored yarn work 4 inches more.
draw up a loop in same stitch, repeat from * to With colored yarn finish afghan with 1 row
end of row, draw uii a loop in last stitch, yarn >f Sg. C.

C ( ) I. U M P. I A YARX S

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Columbia Stitch, page (u .

^r--h\-rviXrrijK\i^ : i

iiii't.\'\- ^




ri , .
'."> I

rri t

i-fi ,--:
\, ^,

f 1. : ; I I ; I

Row 2 Work 2 D C in each eye of star of
preceding row, chain 4, turn.
8 Fold Columbia Qermantown —
Row 3 Draw up a loop in first .3 stitches of
hanks Wliite chain, draw up a loop in first 2 D C taking up
the back loop, * yarn over hook, draw through
or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown all 6 loops, chain 1. draw up a loo)) in eye
10 hanks White just made, draw up a loop through back loo]) of
preceding star, draw up a loop in same stitch
8 Fold Columbia Princess Wool where la.st loop of preceding star was made,
12 balls color draw up a loop in next 2 stitches taking up the
back loop, repeat from * to en<l of row. chain .3,
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook X<i. 7 turn. Repeat second and third rows for all the
work. Colors to be used in the following order.
INSTRUCTIONS rows White 8 rows Color
4 rows Color rows White
With white yarn make a chain of 115 stitches. C rows White 4 rows Color
Row I — Draw up a loop
in each of the first 5 rows White
stitches of chain, * .varn over hook, draw —
Border With colored yarn work a row of
through all (> loops, chain 1, draw up a loop in
eye just made, draw up a loop through back loop
shells having 4 D C in each shell and IDC
lietween each .shell all around afghan, with
of preceding star, draw up a loop in same stitch white .varn work a .shell of 5 D C in centre of
whei-e last loop of preceding star was made,
draw u]) a looj) in next 1' stitches, repeat from
each shell of preceding row and around IDC
D C of preceding row, with colored yarn finish
* to end of row, chain 3, turn. with pieot edge.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Afghan Stitrli, puKe t50.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
5 hanks White
5 hanks Color

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown

hanks White
e hanks Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5

With white yarn work a chain of 32 stitches, stitch insteail of the front stitch retaining all

work 20 rows of plain afghan stitch, break off stitches on hook and work off same as in plain

yarn. With colored yarn work 26 rows of afghan stitch. Work alternately 1 white square

purled afghan stitch by taking up the back and 1 colored square until there are 3 white and

Infant's Crocheted Afghan Continued

2 colored. This completes 1 stripe. W(irk a peat from * all around. Increase at the cor-
second stripe starting with the color, having 3 ners on every row to keep work flat.

colored and 2 white squares in this stripe. The Row 2 — With white yarn work 1 Sg. (' cm
colored squares are all worked in purled afghan top of craxy shell, * 1 I)C in lower part of
stitch. Work ."
stripes, starting 3 with the crazy shell, chain 2, 1 D C in same stitch, 1
white square, and 2 with the colored square. Sg. C (in top of next crazy shell, repeat from *

Embroider all the white squares with cross stitch all around.
design. Sew the stripes together so there is
— With
Row 3 colored yarn work 1 Sg. C in
always a colored s(iuare oiipusitc a white square.
the sjiace formed by the 2 DC of preceding row,
Border — With coloi'ed yarn work 1 row of - D C in the next space. 1 Sg. C in next space
crazy shell .is tHIlows: —join j-arn, chain 3, work repeat from * all arimiiil.

3 D C in same stitch where yarn was joined, *

Row — With white yarn Ihiish with pieot
skip 3 rows, work 1 Sg. C in next row, chain ''•.

work 3 D C in same sjiace with the Sg. C, re-

Cross Stitch Pattern

43 _33~3
33 _4.3~ 3
13342.^^2.1 _ 3 33_~_
_~ 3 4 aa±±T_!Ia1~
"2.1111 _A22 I

J2 AA_LLL~__Z£^
"22.14. 44
4._ 3.1
4_3T3 3
~3 3
4 "

No. 1 Worked in (iermantown Sunrise 0. No. 4 Worked in Germantown I-ily White 3.

No. 2 Worked in Germantown Old Rose 3. No. 5 Worked in Columbia Lustrone No. 954.
No. 3 Worked in Germantown Lily 'UTiite 1.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see ("lover Leaf Stiteli. pa^e t>6.

'-'.' . , ^ .

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Coffee Bean Stitch, page 71.

MATERIAL top of Coffc(> Bean and 1 Sg. C in space, repeat

fi'iiin * to end of row. chain 1, turn, work 1 Sg.
Columbia Lady Jane C in every .stitch.
4 hanks Wliite 4 hanks Color With white Lady Jane work 3 rows of Bean
and Columbia Pompadour Wool
A\'ith colored Pompadour work 2 rows of Sg.
2 balls cdlor
1 CelUiIoid Crochet Hook. r>i/,-inch, No. 4 With colored Lady Jane work 3 rows Bean
INSTRUCTIONS A^'ith Pompadour work 2 rows Sg. C.
With white Lady Jane work .5 rows of Bean
With eolored Lady Jane make a chain of l.jO Stitch.
With colored Pompadour work 2 rows of Sg.

Row I In 2d chain stitcli. * draw a loop C.
through without wraiipinj;. then .varu over hook, This gives you 24 rows in all. repeat the.se 24
insert tlie hook in same stitch and draw a loop rows until Afghan is 1 yard long.
through, .varu over, draw a loop through same
With white yarn make 1 row of Crazy Shell,
stitch, yarn over, draw through all loops on with colored yarn make 1 row of Crazy Shell,
hook, chain 1, skip 1 chain stitch. Repeat from
* to end of row.
with white yarn work 1 P C in lower point of
Turn. Crazy Shell and 1 Sg. C in top point of Crazy

Row 2 Chain 1. make a Bean Stitch in every Shell.
space across the row. Repeat 2d row until you With colored yarn work a row of shell of 8
have 5 rows. D C, fasten each shell down with Sg. C. With
Now with Pompadour yarn make * 1 Sg. C on colored Pompadour finish with a picot edge.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For ili'tail soo Philadelphia Stitc-li, pa.ue 75 and Afrfuui Stitcli. page 60.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
8 hanks Color
2 hanks White
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown
9 hanks Color
3 hanks White
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5

With oolored yarn make hain of 59 stitch of chain, draw up a loop, work off as D C,
stitches. skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, reiieat from
Row I — Work 58 Sg. C on chain. * to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Row 2 — 1 Sg. C in first stitch, taking up the Row 3 —1 Sg. C in each stitch taking up the
whole stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in whole stitch, chain 1, turn.

back of 4tli stitch of chain, draw up a loop, work —

Row 4 1 Sg. C in each of the first 3 stitches,
off as D C, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, * yarn over hook, insert hook in haclc of 3rd D
yarn over, cross liack insert hook in back of 2nd C of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as D C,

Infant's Crocheted Afghan Continued

skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in nest stitch, yarn over Jlitre the corner as follows draw up a loop

hook cross back insert hook in back of 2n(l D C in first 20 stitches, work off.draw up a loop in
of row 2, draw up a loop, work off as I) C, slvip 19 stitches, work oft', continue in tliis way until
1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, repeat from * to one stitch is left.
end of row. chain 1, turn. Now draw up a loop in last stitch not used,
Row 5 — Same as row 3. ( hook work oft'.
2 loops on I Draw up a loop
Repeat fmni I'nd to ."th row until work is as In 2nd stitch and in next stitch. (3 loops on
lon^' as tlu> width, thus fiirmiiij; a siiuare. hook) work oft', continue in this way increasing
Afghan Stitch Band— With white .varu chain 1 stitch every row until there are 21 stitches

1!, pick up 2 stitdies, work off, now increase a on hook, then work across the next side of
stitch drawing up a loop between the
l).v 'J. centre same as before. When you have worked
stitches and draw up a loop in the last stitcn around all 4 sides of centre fini.sh the last corner
you now have 3 loops on hook, work off. increa.se by crocheting the last 2 stitches of each row
1 stitch every row by drawing up a looji between together until 1 stitch remains, sew the edges to-
the last 2 stitches until you have 21 stitches on getlier to form a corner. With colored yarn
hook, then draw up a loop through the lirst stitch work 5 rows of Philadelphia stitch all around,
on one side of the colored centre, draw .v.irn increasing in the corners by working 3 Sg. C in
through first 2 loops on hook, then work off in each corner on the Sg. C row.
the regular way, draw up a loop in each stitch a row of shell all around, having S D C
and join in the next .stitch on edge of centre, in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C. Finish
work off as before, continue in this way initil with picot edge.
l;ist stitch of centre edge has been taken off. Work cross stitch according to design.

Cross Stitch Pattern

The Cross Stitch Pattern is worked in tw(
hades of the same color used in Afghan.
No. 1 is the light shade.

No. 2 is the dark shade.



Infant's Crocheted Afghan

n. - -- iiy,

Columbia Superfine Wool
5 balls White
1 Celluloid Crocbet Hook No.
1% yards of Colored Silk
4% yards of Lace
3 yards of Ribbon Flowers

(Note — This Afghan is made in Filet work.) Row 4—1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C,
DCstands for double crochet and for mesh. M 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C,
Make a chain of 174 stitches, in third stitch 2 M. 10 D C. 19 M, 10 D C. 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4

of chain work IDC,*

chain 2, skip 2 stitches, D C, 1 M, 4 n C, 1 M, 4 I) C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
1 D C in next stitch, repeat from * until you 4 t) C, 1 M, 4 D C. 1 M.
have 57 M, chain 3, turn. Row 5—1 M. 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C.

Row 2 172 D C, chain 5 turn at end of every 1 M. 4 D C. 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 10 D C,
row. 3 M, 37 D C, 18 M, 10 D C. 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4
Row 3—1 M, 4 D C, 16 M, 10 D C, 11 M. 16 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M,
I) C, W M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan Continued

Row 6—1 M. 4 I) C. 1 M, 4 I) C, 1 M, 4 D (', Row i8— 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 5 M, 4 D C,
1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 2 M, 10 D C, 6 M, 16 2 M, 7 D C, 5 M, 28 D C, 4 M, 16 D C, 3 M, 7
D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, D C, 2 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 4 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
4 D C, S HI, 10 D C. 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 4 D C, 1 M.
M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. ro^ j^_1 M jo I) C, 5 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D
Row 7—1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, C. 3 M. 7 D C. 2 M, 19 D C. 5 M. 2S D C, 4 M,
1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C. 1 M, 7 D C, 12 M, 4 D C, 7 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 5 M, 10 D C, 1 M.
IM, 4 D C, 3 M. 4 D C. 2 M. 22 I) C, 3 M, 7 D C. r„^ ^„_i m, 7 D C. 5 M, 4 D C. 3 M. 7 D C.
1 M, 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 3 m_ 3I D C, 1 M, 13 D C. 1 M, 16 D C, 2 M,
1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 13 M, 7 D C, 1 M.
Row 8-1 M. 4 D C. 1 M. 4 D C. 1 M. 4 D C, ^^^ ^^_^ jj 7 D C, 16 M. 16 I. C. 1 M, 16
1 M, 4 D C. 2 M, 7 D C. 17 M. 4 D C, 2 M. 4 D C,
^ C, 1 D C. 3 M. 4 D C, 1 M. 4 I> C. 2 M.
M. 28
1 M, 19 D C, 5 M, 7 D C, 2 M. 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 4 p c 5 M 7 D C 1 M
1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M.

Row 22—1 M, 7 D C. 4 M, 4 D C, 2 U. 7 D C,
,'?T^^7Vf: t^ ^' \ ?!• ^
"i; V^:
i m. 4 d c, 2 m, 31 d c, 1 m. 34 d c. 5 m. 4
1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 2 M, 16 D C, 8 M, 4 D C,
D C, 1 M, 4 D C, S M, 7 D C, 1 M.
3 M, 13 D C. 2 M, 13 D C, 6 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D
C, 1 M. 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D (, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. R»w 23— 1 M. 7 D C, S M, 10 D C, 5 M. 31
n D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 28 D C, 1 M, 4 D C. 1 M.
Row 10—1 M, 4 T^
D C. 1 AT
iv» I
D C, 1 M. 4^ T^
M. 4 T^
f. 1 1
D C,
r. 1 -vr r.
,„ ,, ^ „ ,, ^^ ^ - t^ <^ ,
2 M, 7 D C, 7 M, 10 D C, 2 M, 19 D C, 4 M, 22
^^ '' ^' - *^. » C 4 ,,
M, D C, 1 M.


D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C. 4 M, 7 D C, 2 M, Row 24— 1 M, 4 D C, 4 M, 4 D C, 3 M, 16 D C,
4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M. 1 M- 28 D C. 1 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 28 D C, 5 M, 10

C. 1 M.
Row II— 1 M. 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, '^ *'• ^ ^^- •* I'

1 M, 7 D C, 4 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 19 D C, Row 25— 1 M, 4 D M, 4 D C, 7 M, 7 D C,
C, 2
4 M, 22 D .C, 1 M, 13 D C. 7 51. 7 D C, 1 M, 4 2 M, 4 D C, 3 M, 25 D M, 10 D C, 1 M. 25
C, 1
D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C. 1 JI. D C, 2 M, 13 D C, 3 M, 4 D C, 4 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
Row 12—1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C. 2 M, 7 D C, Rq^ 26— 1 M, 4 D C, 3 M, 4 D C, 3 M, 4 D C,
4 M, 10 D C, 1 M, 10 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 2 M. 13 1 m, 13 D C, 2 M, 37 D C, 1 M, 16 D C, 3 M, 4
D C. 4 M, 16 D C, 3 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C. 1 M, D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 2 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 3 M,
4 D C, 4 M, 7 D C. 2 M. 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
Row 13-1 M, 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 7 D C. ^^^^ ^ jj 4 D C. 3 M, 7 D C, 4 M, 4 D C,
7 M, 4 D C, 2 M. 4 D C. 3 M. 10 D C. 5 M, 19 ^ jj ^ „ (. 1 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 4 D C. 8 M, 40 D C,
D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 10 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M,
4 D C, 5 M, 7 D C. 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
^ jj ^^^ j, ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ 3 jj j^I jl ^ ^ ^ ^^^
^ jj
Row 14—1 M, 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C,
«»- ^^~' M, 4 D C, 3 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 10 D C.
5 M. 7 DC, 3 M. 13 P C, 1 M, 22 D C. 4 M, 13
' ^'- ^^ ^ C, 1 M. 28 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 9 M, 4
D C. 5 M. 10 D C, 7 M, 4 D C. 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M.
I) C, 2 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M,
4 D C, 1 M.
10 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
Row 15—1 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 7 D C, 3 M, 4 D C,
1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 4 M. 16 D C, 29— 1 M. 4 D C, 5 M, 7 D C, 2 M. 7 D C,

4 M, 22 D C, 1 M. 10 D C, 4 M, 4 D C. 1 M. 4 1 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 10 M, 37 D C, 1 M, 16
M, 4
D C, 4 M. 7 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M. D C, 2 M, 10 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
Row 16—1 M. 4 D C. 2 M, 4 D C. 5 M, 4 D C, Row 30— 1 M. 4 D C. 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 7 D C,
1 M, 4 D C, 4 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 25 D C, 4 M, 16 5 M, 16 D C, 1 M, 34 D C, 4 M, 13 D C, 3 M, 7
D C, 3 M, 7 D C, 2 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 7 1) C, 3 M, l> C, 1 M, 7 D C. 2 M, 10 D C, 4 M, 4 D C, 1 M.

4 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 1 M. Row 31— 1 M, 4 D C, 7 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 10
Row 17—1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 5 M. 4 D C. D C. 1 M. 7 D C, 1 M. 19 D C, 2 M, 13 D C, 3 M,
3 M, 7 D C, 4 M, 16 D C, 4 M. 28 D C. C M. 4 13 I) C, 1 M. 7 D C. 1 M, 10 O C. 6 M, 7 D C, 3
D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 5 M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 D 1 M. ('. M. 4 D C 1 M.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan Continued

Row 32—1 M, 4 I) C. 3 M. 4 I) C. 8 M, 1!» I> ('. 1} (', i'M, la 1) (', 1 M. 10 I) C. 5 M, 7 I> C, 1 M.
1 M. 7 D C, 1 M, 22 D C, 1 M. 22 K 1 M. 7 (', 4 1) C. 1 M. 4 I) C, 1 M.
D C, 1 II, 13 D C. 8 M, 4 D C, 1 M. ^„^ ^^_1 4 I. C. 1 M, 4 D C, 2 M,
jj, 7 D C.
Row 33—1 M, 4 D C. 9 M. 10 D C, 1 M, 7 D C, 5 M. 10 D C, M, 10 D C, 3 M, 4 D C.
1 1 M. 7
1 M, 22 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 10 D C. 1 M. 10 D C. 1 M, 7 DC, 1 M. 13 D C. 14 M. 7
D C, 2
D C. 1 M, 19 D C, 9 M, 7 D C, 2 M, 4 D C. 1 M. M, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M.
Row 34—1 M, 4 D C, 2 M, 4 D C, 11 M, Hi Row 47— 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C. 1 M. 4 D C.
L) C. 1 M, 43 D C. 1 M. 7 D 1 M, 13 DCS ('. 1 M. 7 D C, 12 M, 4 D C, 4 JI. 7 D C, 1 M. 7 D C.
M, 4 D C, 1 M. 1 M. 7 D C. 4 M, 13 D C, M, 7 D C, 1 M, 4 fi

Row 35—1 M. 7 I) C. 5 M, 19 I) C. 1 M, 7 D C, ^ 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M. 4 D C, 1 M.

5 M. 37 D C, 1 M. 19 I> 9 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 (', Row 48— 1 M. 4 D 1 Si. 4 D C. 1 M, 4 D »'. ('.

I) C. 1 M, 7 n C. 1 M. 2 M. 7 I) C, 14 JI. 4 1) 1 M. 10 D C. 1 M, 22 ('.

Row 36—1 M, 7 I) C, 1 M, 10 D C, 10 M. 52 ^^ C 10 M, 7 1) C, 2 M. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M,

I) C. 6 JI, 10 D C, 2 M, 16 D C, 4 M, 7 D C, 1 M. "* T' C- 1 M-

Row 37—1 M, 7 D C. 4 M, 4 I) C. 1 JI, 22 D Row 49— 1 JI, D C, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M,
4 4 D C.
C, 8 M, 46 D C, 15 M. 7 D C 1 JI 1 *! ^ D C, 1 M, 7 D C. 9 M, 7 D C 1 M, , 7 D C.

Row 38-1 M, 7 D C, 2 M. 4 D C, 1 JI, 4 I. C ^ *^' ^ r> C. 1 JI. 7 D 0,1 M, 7 D C, 13 JI, 7 D C.

1 JI. 4 D C. 9 JI. 40 D 0. 8 M. 4 D C, 1 JI, 10 ^ ^^- ^ ^ (" ^ M. ^ T. C, 1 JI. 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C,

1 C. 2 JI. 10 n C, 4 M, 7 D C. 1 JI.
^ ^^•

Row 39-1 M. 10 D C. 4 M. 4 D C 8 M 4 D C '^"^ ^^^^ ''• ^ " *

^ ^'- ^ ^^ ' *'' ' ^ ^'
2 JI,4D C.r, JI.31 DCl JI 4DC IJIDC ' ^'^ ' '' "^^ " ^' ' "

^' ^'^ ^'- ^ ^ C 1 M, 13

1 JI. 4 D C. 1 JI. 4 D 1 M 4 D 1 JI 4 D '' ^^ ' *' '" "" ' *'• ^ ^^ " "' ^ ^ ^- ^ *'•
''' '

1JI,7DO,1JI,10DC,1M. 4I>0,1JI,4D0,1JI,4D0.1JI.
1 ,r r. ^, . ,r ^ Row 51—1 M, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D 0, 1 JI, 4 D C,
, .

1 ^r"a^1 ^

1 r
^,^ ^- ' ^'- ' ^ ^-
1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 JI, 4 I. O. 1 M, 7 D C, 9 M. 4 D 0.
^ ^'' ^^ » 0, 1 M, 10 D 0, 12 M. 7 D O, 1 JI, 4
"^^^ ^'
J •.n'i\r'f^n\\'''' '"''''•'

1 n r ] ^; . r. A n
'• ''' ' "" "^^
D 0. 1 M, 4 D 0. 1 M. 4 D 0. 1 JI, 4 I. O, 1 JI,
"''"''''' 4D0,1JI,4D0,1JI.
Row 52—1 n 0. 1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D 0,
i^I. -i
Row 41-1 JI, 4 I. 0, 1 JI. 7 I) 0. 14 JI. 7 n 1 JI 4 I) M. 10 D C. 11 M. 10
0. 1 JI. 4 I) 0. 2
0. 3 JI, 28 D 0, .! M. K; I. 0. 1 JI. 4 I. 0. 1 JI. r> 0. 3 JI. 7 D 0, 2 M, 4 D C. 1 M,
D 0, 8 JI, 10
^ " *' ^ ^'' *^'
» C, 1 JI, 4 D 0. 1 M, 4 D 0, 1 M.
^* ' ^^' " ^

^ ^ ^ '^'- '^^' -*
1 M

4 D '

Row 53—1 M, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D 0,
Row 42—1 JI. 4 I) 0, 2 JI, 4 D 0, 3 JI, 7 D O, 1 Jl. 4 I) 0, 1 JI, 4 D O, 1 JI, 4 D O, 2 JI, 10 D 0,
1 JI. 4 D 0. 1 JI. 4 D C, 1 M, 13 D 0, 7 M, 25 7 JI, 16 D 0, 11 JI. 10 D O. 2 M. 4 D 0, 1 JI, 4
I) 0. 2 JI, 13 D 0, 12 M, 4 D 0, 2 JI, 4 D
0, 1 M. D C, 1 M, 4 D 0, 1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 JI,
Row 43—1 M, 4 D 0, 2 JI, 7 D 0, 17 M. 4 D C. 4 D 0, 1 M.
1 JI, 13 D O. 2 M, 10 D 0, 4 JI. 4 D O. 1 JI, 4 Row 54— 1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D C, 1 M, 4 D C,
D 0, 1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 M. 4 D 0. 1 JI. 7 D 0, 3 JI, 1 JI. 4 D 0, 1 JI, 4 D 0, 1 M, 4 D O, 1 JI, 4 D C,
7 D 0. 2 JI, 4 D 0, 1 M. 2 JI, 10 D 0, 19 JI, 10 D 0, 2 JI, 4 D O. 1 JI, 4
Row 44-1 JI, 4 I) 0, 1 JI. 4 n 0. 1 JI, 4 I> 0, D C, 1 JI, 4 D O, 1 M, 4 D 0, 1 JI. 4 I) O. 1 JI.
4 JI, 13 I) O, 1 JI, 16 D 0, 2 JI, 7 D O, 2 JI, 7 ^^ t", 1 JI, 4 I) O, 1 JI.
D O, 1 M, 7 D 0, 2 JI, 4 D 0, 17 M. 4 I) 0. 1 JI, Row 55— 1 JI, 4 n O, 10 JI. 16 H 0. 11 JI, 16
4 n O, 1 M. 4 D 0, 1 JI. n 0, 16 JI, 4 D 0, 1 JI.

Row 45—1 JI, 4 D O, 1 JI. 4 I> C. 1 JI. 7 1) 0, Row 56—172 D 0.

15 JI. 16 D 0. 1 M. 7 D O. 1 JI. 7 D 1 JI. 4 ('. Row 57—57 M.
co [, i; JI r. I A Y A KXs

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

Fnr (Iftiiil s«> Horse Slmo Stitcli. pii.w GO.

It^- *A y'i^. v4V^« >«;. ^ -fl* /i> /<)i A* A* A. *~ ^- A. •*« * , ».<*.<;


te«;', ^^
'---'--.-. V -?•»

•XT' ",>i-ii


MATERIAL stitch of row 1 and front loop of next stitch of

row 2, draw up a loop, work off as Sg. C. re-
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown peat from end of row, chain 1, turn.
* to

4 lianUs White Repeat row 3 for all the work, always taking
up the front loop of the two preceding rows ami
4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool working 2 rows of each color, do not break off
8 balls Color the colored yarn not In use, leave It hang until
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 12 you are ready to use It again. Work until
afghaii measures 25 inches, being cireful to
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. S finish with 2 rows of white.

Border With white .yarn and Xo. S hook
INSTRUCTIONS work a row of Sg. C at the top and bottom of
afghan. now with colored .varn work a row of
With white yarn and Xo. IJ liHok work a slip D C all around afghan. increase at the
i-hain of (}.") stitches.
t'orners on each row.
Row I— Work 1 Stc. C in each stitch of chain, —
Row 2 With white yarn work in the IDC
chain 1. turn.
first stitch of jireeeding row. * skip 1 stitch, 3
Row —1 2 C in each stitch of precedinj;
^>f;- n (^ arotiiid the next stitch of preceding row,
row. taking up the front loop, chain turn. 1. ski[) 1 stitch 1 D
C in the next stitch, rejieat
Row 3 —Join colored (do not break off.yarn, from * all around.
white yarn) now insert hook under front loop of Row 3 — With colored yarn. * work 1 Sg. C on
first stitch of row 1 and front loop of first stitch top of 1 I> C of preceding row and 3 D C around
of row yarn oyer hook draw up a loop, work off
2, centre 1> C of shell of preceding row, repe.-it
as Sg. C, * insert hook tinder front loop of next from * all around.


Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Afghan Stitch, page GO and Slanting Shell Stitch, page C8.

1.'^*^^ ^ ,'.-

MATERIAL Row 2 — Work 3 D C into the second stitch of

afghan stripe, crocheting directly over the space
4 Fold Columbia Germantown between the 1st and 2nd shells of preceding row,
3 hanks White * work 3 D C in next space, taking up the second

5 hanks Color stitch, repeat from * to end of row, turn. Be

careful to have the same number of shells in
4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown each row.
4 hanks White Row 3— Work 3 D C Into the last stitch of 1st
(1 hanks Color shell row, crocheting directly o\-er the
of 1st
space, * D C Into next space, taking up
work 3
and 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool the last stitch of next shell, repeat from * to
5 ballsWhite end of row, turn.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7 Repeat row 3 for all the work, having 3 rows
color and 1 row white until there are 11 rows.
This completes one side, work the other side to
INSTRUCTIONS correspond.
With white yarn make a chain of 32 stitches, With white Princess Wool work on each side
of stripe to be joined as follows work 2 Sg. C,
work 125 rows of afghan stitch, work 2 stripes. :

* yarn over hook insert hook under centre stitch

Xow work the slanting shell stitch on both sides of shell of second row, draw up a loop, work off
of each stripe as follows
as D C, skip one stitch, work 2 Sg. C, repeat
Row I — With colored yarn work 3 D C in from * to end of row. Place the two stripes to
first stitch, * skip 2 stitches, work 3 D C In next be joined together with right side of work
stitch, repeat from * to end of row. (having 43 toward you and join with slip stitch, taking up
shells) turn. the two top loops.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Afghan Stitch, page 60 and Daisy Stiteli. page 73.

•> > ,y > >

'-^ — .^L^

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
4 liaidis White
4 hanks Cdhir
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown
hanlis M'hite
6 hanliS Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 7


This afghan consists of 1 white stripe worked Row 3 — Pick up first stitch, * yarn over hook,
in afghan stitch and 2 colored stripes worked insert hook in back of 3d stitch of first row,
in daisy stitch. With white yarn make a chain draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw through 1
of 69 stitches, work 109 rows of afghan stitch. loop, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, skip 1

With colored jarn make a chain of 23 stitches.

stitch, pick up next 2 stitches retaining all

stitches on hook, repeat from * to end of row,

Row I —Afghan stitch.
work off same as plain afghan stitch, repeat
Row 2 —Afghan stitch. these 3 rows until you have 109 rows.

Infant's Crocheted Afghan Continued

Sew stripes together, now work a rib over the stitch of preceding row, mitre the corners on
joining as follows :
— Join
white yarn, slip hook each row by making 3 Sg. C in 1 stitch. With
under first white stitch, .varn over, draw through colored yarn work 3 Sg. C, * yarn over hook,
as slip stitch, slip hook under first ct)lored stitch, Insert hook under -Ith Sg. C of first row, draw up
yarn over, draw through, now take up the next a loop, yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn
white stitch, then the next ct>lored stitch and so over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw
on to the end. through 2 loops, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next 3

Border AVith white yarn work 3 rows of Sg. stitches, repeat from * around. Work 3 rows
C all around afghan always taking up the back \ore of white and 1 of color.

Cross Stitch Pattern

: "


Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Columbia Stitch, pace 67.


t ;:'::.: ::-,:

Columbia Superfine Crochet Wool
C balls Color
1 ball ^^^lite
Columbia Lady Jane
3 hauks White
o •
u d
CrOSS Stltch Pattern
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5

With Lady Jane make a chain of 3(> stitches,
work 176 rows of afghan stitch. Work two
stripes. Embroider the stripes with Columbia
With colored superfine crochet wool double, i i 1
work inside of stripe as following ^ ^P £ j^

i \_ \_

Row I — Praw up a loop in each of the first 5 i 1 i

stitches, * .yarn over Imok. draw through all fS
loops, chain 1, draw uii a loop in eye just made,
mizzzi """""nrzzzz
i zzzzz i
i i
draw up a loop through back looji of preceding I
1 T i J.

i r X
star, draw ut) a loop In same stitch whore last J J

loop of preceding star was made, draw up a

iJ i____i
{_ 1 J
£ \^ i I

loop in next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of i ij ~~~Z~~ i

row, chain 3, turn.

Row 2 Work 2 D C in each eye of star of J^J
preceding row, chain 4, turn. j^
~7TT7TTT_i_TT_i_l.i"i"I i
i I

Repeat these 2 rows until you have 14 rows, y^ ZZZ — """! — ^I" — ~"~_"~~Z
work this pattern on both sides of one stri])e,
and 1 side of second stripe, sew neatly together.

Border With white superfine crochet wool
double, work a shell all around afghan having
8 I> (' in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C
finish with picot edge of colored wool. No. 1 Worked in Columbia Lustrone No. 898.


Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail see Waffle Stitch, pag e 68 and Afghan Stitch, page 66.

^ r'^.Twr*vTT-J^r-w>>^i; [ '

Infant's Crocheted Afghan

For detail .see Manliattau Stitch, patfe 12.

y V -'- JT



->^ ^ ^^--^ ^^'"^

2 Draw a loop through space after the
I> (".a loop through next space between 1st
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown and group of previous row this alternately
I'd ;

7 hanks White 3 times there are 7 loops on hook, yarn over


and draw through all, and chain 1, draw a

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown loop through the same space where last loop
S hanks White was drawn, then repeat from * to end of row,
always ending rows with 1 \^ C, chain 3 and
and 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool turn. Repeat 2d row throughout the afghan.
12 balls Color Colors to be used in the folU)wing order:
1 Celluloid Croehet Hook, 9-inch, No. 5 10 rows Oermantown
4 rows I-rincess Wool
INSTRUCTIONS 4 rows Oermantown
2 rows Princess Wool
Make a chaiu of 134 stitches.
4 rows Oermantown
Row I — In
the .3d stitch from hook draw a 6 rows Princess Wool
loop throush. now insert j-our hook in the first (This is the centre)
stitch, draw a loup thmuirh. draw again a loop
4 rows Oermantown
through the .3d stiti-h. then a loop throush ajrain 2 rows Princess Wool
back in the first stitch, attain a looi> in the 3d, 4 rows Oermantown
al.so again back iu the 1st stitch there are 7
4 rows Princess Wool
loojis on hook, yarn over and draw through 10 rows Oermantown
all and chain 1, * draw a loop in the same
stitch wherelast loop was drawn, skip 1 stitch, Border — Make shells of .">
P C. fasten down
draw a loop through next stitch this alter-
: with Sg. C. lint and 4th work the
in 2il. 3(1
natel.v 3 times: there are 7 loops on hook, .varn shell around the middle .stitch of shell of pre-
over and draw through all and chain 1. Re- vious row, and in the last or 4th row shells of
peat from * to end of row. 1 D C at the end, () D C, making first 2 rows in Oermantown and

then chain 3 and turn. last 2 rows in Princess wool.



Infant's Knitted Afghan

For detail see Basket Stitch, page 70.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
1(1 lianlcs

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown

12 liaiiks
2 Bone Knitting Neeilles. 14-inch, Xo. 4

Cast on 135 stitehe: —
Row 6 * Purl 15, knit 5. Repeat from * to
Row I — Knit ;,purl 5. * knit 15, purl 5. Re-
end of row, ending with purl 15.

peat fr nd nf rciw. ending with purl 5, Row 7 Like 5th row.
kult 5. —
Row 8 Kult plain.
Repeat from 1st to Sth row for the desired
Row- 2— Purl knit 5. * purl 15, knit 5. length of afghau, about 1 yard long.
Repeat from • t of row. eudlug with Imit
5, purl

Border Knit jilaln hack and forth for 10
ribs or JO rows, widen every other row at each
Row 3 — Like 1st row. end. Bind off loosely. Pick up the stitches
4 — Knit plain.
Row on one side, knit plain for 10 ribs, or 20 rows
iilso widen every other row at each end and
Row 5— Knit
* purl1.". Repeat from liind off loosely. Po likewise with the 3d and
to end ( if row, endin with knit 1.5. 4th sides, then sew up the corners.

Infant's Knitted Afghan

'' ''^:- '.I.-' >' '^'Vrr' '''T j'^ 'f-;^'^

MATERIAL 8 repeat from * to end of row. Repeat 2d and

3d rows alternately until you have 9 rows.
Columbia Floss —
Row lo With 1 thread of colored Floss, 1
5 lianks White 2 hanks Cnhir thread of I'onipaduur and 1 of white Floss knit
allthe stitclies on needle.
and Columbia Pompadour
3 balls Color
Row II— Same as 10th row.
2 Celluloid Knlttlug Xeedles No. 11, 14-inch
Row 12—T^eave 1 thread of colored Floss, 1
thread of Pompadour to be carried along until
4 yards Ribbon No. 22 used again in the 20th row. With white Floss
1 yard China Silk knit o. * thread back of work, slip 2. knit S, re-
peat from * to end of row, end with knit 3.

INSTRUCTIONS Row 13 —Knit 3. * thread forward, slip 2,

knit 8, repeat from * to end of row. end with
With 1 thread each of Tompadour white and knit 3. Repeat 12th and 13th rows alternately
colored FIo.ss cast on 118 stitche-s. fi>r 6 rows, this brings you to the 20th row.

Row I— Knit plain. Row 2o —Work same as 10th row.

Row 2 — I-oave thread

1 of colored Floss. 1
Repeat from the 1st to the 20th rows until
thread of Ponii)adour to be carried alon? until Afghan measures 1 yard long, end with 2 rows
of knitting, using all 3 strands of yarn.
used again, with 1 thread of white Floss, knit
8 * thread back of work, slip 2, then knit 8, re-
Line with China Silk and bind with Satin
Ril)b<)n 5 inches wide.
peat from * to end of row.
With Pompadour yarn fasten outside to lin-
Row 3 —Knit 8, * thread forward, slip 2, knit ing by knotting on wrong side 6 inches apart.


Infant's Knitted Afghan

For detail see Knitted ropcdi-u Stitcli, pnse 128

MATERIAL 1 popcorn, until work nieasiu'es ."0 inc-hes, bind

Columbia Lady Jane
— 'U'ith colored yarn cast on 170
C hanlis Wliite stitches, knit plain until work measures 30
4 lianlvs Color
2 Rubber Knitting Needles, inch No. 5
Border— With white yarn cast on 14 stitches.
Row — Knit plain.

Row 2 — Slip 2, ijurl 12.

Row 3 — Knit leaving 2 stitches on needle.

With white yarn east on 17(5 stitches. Row 4 — Leave 2 stitches on needle, and purl
Knit 6 row.s or 3 ribs plain, then work pop- 12.
corn stitch as follow.s :
Row 5 — Knit 14.

Row I —Knit plain. Row 6— Slip knit 2,. 12.

Row 2 — Slip 1st stitch, then jiurl across. Row 7 — Purl leaving 2 stitches on needle.

Row 3 — Slip 1st stitch, then knit 2 toi;ether

Row 8 — Leave 2 stitches on needle, knit 12.

to end of row. Row 9 — leave 2 stitches on needle.

I'url 12.

Row 4 —
Slip 1st stitch, Icnit plain, take up a
Row ID— Leave 2 stitches on needle, knit 12.

stitch lietween the narrowed stitches, being care- Row II — Knit 14.
ful to alwa.vs h:ive the same number of stitclies Repeat from 2d to 11th rows until boi-der is
on needle. Repeat these 4 rows until .vou have long enough to reach all around afghau, .sew
3 rows of popcorn. Now work pattern in the the top and lining together and sew on the
following order 3 ribs plain, 3 popcorn, 3 plain, border.

Infant's Knitted Afghan

For detail see Lattice Stitcli, page 71.

f'V-''"*c'''5*^' .

^lii.AiA MikiUy^ ^^^^

4 Fold Columbia Oermantown
5 hanks White 4 hanks Cdlor

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Oermantown

C hanks AVhite 5 hanks Color
2 Bone Knitting Needles. No. (5
1 Bone Crochet Hook, No. 4

INSTRUCTIONS Row 4 — Knit 3, pass the 1st over the 2d


This afghan consists of .5 strips. 2 strips of and 3d stitch, yarn over, repeat from * to end
color and 3 .strips of white. of row. Repeat these 4 rows until strip is 32
With white .varn cast on 30 stitches, knit inches long. Join strips as follows : Work 1
plain until strip Is 32 Inches long, bind off row of Sg. C down both sides of each strip with
loosely. With colored yarn, cast on 31 stitches. white yarn, with colored yarn join the strips

Row I —Kuit plain. together with Sg. C taking up the back stitch

2 — Knit
of each strip.
Row yarn over,
1, * knit 3. pass the
1st over the 2d and 3d stitch, repeat from * to Border — With white yarn work a row of shell
end of row. of 6 D down with Sg. C.
C, fasten shell Finish
Row 3 —Knit plain. with picot edge of colored yarn.

Steamer Blanket

Columbia Caledonian Wool
22 balls
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5


Make a chain of 2S0 stitches, work 1 Sy. C iu break oft' jam. Repeat row 2 until work
each stitch of chain, brealv off yarn. measures 1V4 yards.

Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C in each stitch of pre- Finish the top and bottom of blanket with a
ceding row, always taking up the back loop, 4-inch fringecomposed of two strands of yarn.

Balkan Couch Afghan

For detail see P.alkan Stitch, page 74.

M mimw

S Fold Columbia Qemantown 5 hanks Lily Green No.
4 hanlis Lily Green No. 4 6 hanks Lily Green No.
4 hanks Lily Green No. 5 5 hanks Lily Green No.
5 hanks Lily Green No. 6 7 hanks Lily Green No.
4 hanks Lily Green No. 7 5 hanks Scarlet No. 2
6 hanks Lily Green No. 8 5 hanks Scarlet No. 3
4 hanks Scarlet No. 2 5 hanks Scarlet No. 4
4 hanks Scarlet No. 3 5 hanks Scarlet No. 6
4 hanks Scarlet No. 4 5 hanks Scarlet No. 7
4 hanks Scarlet No. 6 hanks Scarlet No. S
4 hanks Scarlet No. 7 4 hanks Scarlet No. 10
5 hanks Scarlet No. S 4 hanks Scarlet No. 11
3 hanks Scarlet No. 10 5 hanks Partridge 60
3 hanks Scarlet No. 11 8 hanks Partridge 61
7 hanks Partridge 60 6 hanks Black
7 hanks Partridge Gl and 8 Fold Columbia Princess Wool
5 hanks Black
12 balls White
or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7
5 hanks Lily Green No. 4


Balkan Couch Afghan— Continued

INSTRUCTIONS 1 row Scarlet No. 6
With Lily Green 4 make a chain of 197 1 row Scarlet No. 7
stitches, draw up a loop in 2n(l and 3rd stitches 1 row Scarlet No. S
from hook, * yarn over, draw through 1 loop, 1 row Scarlet No. 10
yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, 1 row Scarlet No. 11
draw through 2 loops, fasten down with Sg. C 1 row Scarlet No. 10
in same stitch where last loop was drawn up, 1 row Scarlet No. S
draw up a loop in each of the next 2 stitches, 1 row Scarlet No. 7
repeat from * to end of row. Break oflf yarn at 1 row Scarlet No. 6
end of every row. 1 row Scarlet No. 4

Row 2 — With Lily Green 5 draw up a loop in 1 row Scarlet No. 3

first stitch, draw up a loop in large centre space,
1 row Scarlet No. 2
draw up a loop in small space formed by Sg. C, This completes 1 Lily Green and Partridge
* yarn over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, strip and 1 scarlet strip, repeat until there
draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through 4 Lily Green and Partridge and 3 Scarlet strips.
2 loops, fasten down with Sg. C in same space
Border— With Lily Green 6 work 1 row of
where last loop was drawn up, draw up a loop
Sg. C all around, increase in the corners on
in next 2 spaces, repeat from * end of row.
every row.
Repeat row 2 for all the work, colors to be used
as follows Row 2— With Lily Green 8 work another row
of Sg. C all around.
1 row Lily Green No. 4
1 row Lily Green No. 5 Row 3—With Scarlet S draw up a loop
1 row Lily Green No. 6 through 3 stitches, yarn over, draw through

1 row Lily Green No. 7 all 4 loops on hook, * chain 1, draw up

a loop in
1 row Lily Green Xo. S eye just made, draw up a loop in each of the
1 row Black next 2 stitches, yarn over, draw through all
1 row Partridge No. 60 loops on hook, repeat from * working on both
1 row Partridge No. 61 sides and one end of afghan, leaving the other
1 row White Princess end for fringe, chain 3, turn.
1 row
1 row
Partridge No. CO
Partridge No. 61

Row 4 With Lily Green S draw up a loop in
second stitch of chain, draw up a loop in first
1 row White Princess eye of first stitch of preceding row, draw up a
1 row Partridge No. GO loop in next eye, * yarn over, draw through all
1 row Partridge No. 61 loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in eye
1 row Black just made, draw up a loop in same stitch, draw
1 row Lily Green No. 8 up a loop In same stitch where last loop of pre-
1 row Lily Green No. 7 ceding star was drawn up, draw up a loop in
1 row Lily Green No. 6 next eye, repeat from * to end of row.
1 row Lily Green No. 5
1 row Lily Green No. 4 Row 5 — With Black work 1 Sg. C and IDC
in the eye of each star.
1 row Scarlet No. 2
1 row Scarlet No. 3 Finish end with fringe composed of colors
1 row Scarlet No. 4 used in afghan.


Embroidered Couch Afghan

For details spp AfKhnn i^titeh. page 60 and Double Tuft Stiteh, page 70.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown This Afghan consists of 5 stripe.s, two of Lily
White Xo. 3 in Afghan Stitch and three of the
11 hanks Lily White Xo. 3
I'astel shades in Double Tuft Stitch.
5 hanks White Xo.
Lil.v 5
With Lily White Xo. 3 make a chain of 39
4 hanks Lily White Xo. 6 stitches, work in Afghan stitch 249 rows, em-
5 hanks Lily White Xo. 7 broider the stripes with Lily White X'o. 7 and
5 hanks Old Rose Xo. 2 with a light shade of Buff Columbia Lustrone.
5 hanks Sunrise Xo. 1 Finish each Afghan stripe with one row of
4 hanks Salmon Xo. 00
Newport Stitch in Ijily White No. 7, crochet
on length of stripe, 2 Sg. C, * then wrap yarn
1 hank White Dver needle, insert the hook into the 4th row
of the .\fghan stripe, and finish stitch like
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown Double Crochet, skip 1 stitch, make 3 Sg. C into
13 hanks Lily White Xo. 3 each following stitch, repeat from * to end of
G hanks Lily White Xo. 5 row.
5 hanks LUy White Xo. 6 Now crochet 1 stripe of Double Tuft stitch on
G hanks Lily White Xo. 7
each side of tirst stripe of Afghan stitch, and
1 stripe of Double Tuft stitch, on one side of the
6 hanks Old Rose Xo. 2 second stripe of Afghan stitch, then join the two
6 hanks Sunrise Xo. 1 [)arts by sewing together on the wrong side
5 hanks Salmon X^o. 00 with double thread of Lily White No. 7.
2 hanlis White Double Tuft Stripe in following rows :

I Celluloid Crochet Hook, 10-inch, Xo. 4 2 rows Tufts Lily White X'o. T


Embroidered Couch Afghan


3 rows Copper Xo. 0.

3 rows Copper Xo. 1.

3 rows Copper Xo. 2.

3 rows Copper Xo. 0.

3 rows Copper Xo. 4.

2 rows worked in Manhattan stiti-li. Copper

Xo. 4.

3 rows Copper Xo. 4.

3 rows Copper Xo. 3.

3 rows Copper Xo. 2.

3 rows Copper No. 1.

3 rows Copper Xo. 0.

3 rows Copi)er X'o. 00.

With Black work 1 row Sj;. C ou both sides

of each stripe, with Olive Green join stripes to-
gether with Sg. C.

Border With Black yarn work 1 row of Sg.
C around entire Afghan then with Copper Xo.
3 make 2 rows of Manhattan stitch. Copper Xo.
2, 2 rows of Manhattan Stitch. With Copper
Xo. work Scallop on each side and across the
top as follows: Fasten yarn at corner chain 3.
1 D C In same stitch where yarn was joined *
skip 3 stitches fasten down with slip stitch,
chain 3, 1 D C in same stitch, repeat from *
around. At the bottom tie with fringe accord-
ing to colors arranged.

Cross Stitch Pattern for Couch

Use Colors as follows
Xo. 1 in Black

Xo. 2 in Copper Xo. 3

Xo. 3 In Copper Xo. 4

Xo. 4 In Brown Xo. 1

Xo. 5 in Brown X'o. 2

Xo. In Olive green Xo. 6


Mikado Couch Afghan

For (U'tiiil set' Afuliau Stitch, [lau'i' iH'' anil Hcirizmital Stitrh. jiage 60.

MATERIAL With Old Blue No. 5 work on each side of

4 Fold Columbia Germantown
afghan stripe as follows :

work 2 Sg. C, * yarn
over hood, insert hook under third stitch of sec-
10 hanki? Old Blue No. 5
ond row, draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw
8 hanks Old Blue No. 4
up a loop in same stitch, yarn over liook, draw
8 hanks Old Blue No. 3
up a loop in same stitch, yarn over hook, draw
16 hanks Salmon No.
through all 7 loops on hook, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg.
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown C in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from *
12 hanks Old Blue Xo. 5 to end of row, chain 1, turn.
10 hanks Old Blue No. 4 Row 2 —1 Sg. C in each stitch of preceding
10 hanks Old Blue No. 3 row, chain 1, turn.
19 hanks Salmon No.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5
Row —
3 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 stitches.
* yarn over hook, insert hook around puff of
first row. draw up a loop, yarn over hook, draw
INSTRUCTIONS up a loop in same stitch, yarn over hook, draw
With salmon yarn make a chain of 4.5 stitches up a loop in same stitch, yarn over hook, draw
work 281 rows of afghan stitch, work 3 afghan throiigli all 7 loops on hook, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg.
stripes. Embroider stripes in cross stitch de- C in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from *
sign using Columbia I.ustrone. to end of row, chain 1. turn.


Mikado Couch Afghan— Continued

Rows 2 and 3 from the pattern, colors to be a loop in same stitch wliere last stitch was
used in the following order : made, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn
over, skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next stitch,
rows Old Blue Xo. 5. yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over,
6 rows Old Blue No. 4 draw through 3 loops, chain 2, repeat from * all
2 rows Old Blue No. 3. around, working 3 D C in each corner.
With Old Blue No. 3 join stripes with criss- Row 2— With Old Blue No. 4 work 1 C in D
cross stitch as follows: — take the two stripes to space, * 3, yarn over, draw up a loop
be joined, insert hook in hrst stitch on stripe so aroimd D C
just made, yarn over, draw up a
that wool is on wrong side of work, draw loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw up a loop in
through a long loop, cross over to tirst stitch same stitch, yarn over, draw through all 7
on other stripe, draw through a long loop, draw loops on hook, chain 1, 1 I) C in next space re-
this looji through loop on hook, cross back to the peat from * all around, working a cluster in
.second stitch of tirst stripe, continue crossing centre D
C of the 3 D
C in corner of preceding
ba<-k and forth care being taken not to skip a row.
Row 3 — Same as row
1, working the stitches
Border—With Old Blue No. 3 work 1 row of in the .spaces formed by the 3 chain of preceding
Sg. C all around, increase at the corners. row.
fl^Qyy j_With Old Blue No. chain 1, yarn
.3. Row 4—
With Old Blue No. 5 * 1 Sg. C in
over hook, draw up a loop in first stitch, yarn space, chain 4, skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in
over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over hook, skip each of the next 3 chain stitches, yarn over,
1 stitch, draw up a loop in next .stitch, yarn draw through the 4 loops on hook, chain 1, 1
over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over, draw Sg. C in next space, repeat from * all around
through 3 loops, chain 2, * yarn over, draw up afghan.

Cross Stitch Pattern


T ' ' '


Diagonal Couch Afghan

For detail see Afghan Stiteh, page 66.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
4 hanks Brown Xo. 1 2 liaiiks I.ily (ireen Xo.
4 hanks Brown Xo. 2 14 hanks I>ily <ireen Xo.
5 hanks Brown X'o. 4 2 hanks Lily Oreen X'o.
3 hanks Brown X'o. 5 3 hanks Lily Green No.
3 hanks Brown Xo. (3 3 hanks Lily Oreen Xo.
4 hanks Lily Green Xo.
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown
() hanks Brown X'o. 1 3 hanks Lily (ireen Xo.
5 hanks Brown Xo. 2 1(5 hanks laly Green X'o.
6 hanks Brown Xo. 4 3 hanks Lily (Jreen Xo.
4 hanks Brown X'o. 5 4 hanks
T,ily Green X'o.
4 hanks Brown X'o. hanks T^ily Green X'o.
6 4
5 hanks Lily Green X'o.
30 hanks of Columbia Lustrone Xo. 105S
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. 7

This afghan consists of 4 stripes of afghan work 256 rows of afghan stitch, work 4 stripes.
stitchand 3 stripes of diagonal stitch. With Embroider the stripes with Lily Green X'o. 7
Lily Green X'o. 3 make a chain of 26 stitches, and Columbia Lustrone 105S. Work diagonal


Diagonal Couch Afghan— Continued

stitchon both sides of 2 afghan stripes, and on peat from * all around increasing at each cor-
one side only of 2 afghan stripes as follows :
ner to keep work flat.

Row I With Lily Green 7, work 1 Sg. C in Row 2 —With Lily Green 5 work same as row
each of the first 2 stitches, yarn over hook, take 1, working the shell of 3 D C around the centre
np 2d stitch on the 1st row, draw up loop, stitch of preceding row.
work off as DC,* skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in each
of the next 2 stitches, yarn over, take up ">d
Row 3 —With Lily Grocn 3 work same as row
stitch from last D C, draw up a loop, work off
as D C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, Row 4 — With In'own 4 work same as row 3
turn. working a slip stitch in place of the 1 D C of
preceding row.
Row 2 —1 Sg. C in every stitch of iirei-edhia
row, taking up the whole stitch, chain 1. turn. With brown i; finish afghan with picot edge.

Row —
3 With Lily Green 6 work 1 Sg. C in
Cross Stitcli Pattern
each of the first 3 stitches, * yarn over hook
insert hook under the D C of preceding row,
draw up a loop, work off as D C, skip 1 stitch, 1
Sg. C in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from
* to end of row, chain ll±ll±±±±il2
2 222 2 2 22 2
1, turn.
Row 4 — Same as row 2. 12
5 — With Lily Green
Row 5 work 1 Sg. C in 11112
l_l 12
each of the first 4 stitches, repeat diagonal stitch 1222212 12
to end of row. 12 12 12
Row 6 — Same as row 12 12 12
12 12 12
Row 7 — Work 2 Sg. C, start another diagonal 12 12 12
.stitch, finish diagonal to end of row, repeat from 12 12 12
1st to 7th row for all the work. On the last 12 12 12
row of each stripe omit the row of Sg. C. Colors
12 ii±±112
to be used as follows.
1 row of Ijil.v (ireen No. 7 2 rows of Brown No. 1 12
1 row of Lily Green No. G 2 rows of Brown No. 2 il±±±±l±±±±2
2 22 2 2 2222212
1 row of Lily Green No. 5 2 rows of Brown No. 4 12
1 row of Lily Green No. 4 1 row of Brown No. 5 12
1 row of Lily Green No.
1111112 12
.5 1 row of Brown No. 6
1222212 12
1 row of Lily Green No. 2 12 12 12
There will be 4 stripes whole stripes
12 12 12
to join, 2
12 12 12
.and 2 half stripes, join with .slip stitch usmg 12 12 12
Brown C and join so that afghan stitch stripe 12 12 12
forms the outer edge of afghan. Now with 12 12 12
Lily Green 7 work 1 row of Sg. C on each end 12
of afghan and one row of diagonal stitch on each I

side of afghan.

Border — Row —With i Lily Green 6 work a

shell of 3 D C, * skip 1 stitch, 1 D C in next No. 1 Worked in Columbia Lustrone No. 10.58.
stitch, skip 1 stitch, 3 D C in next stitch, re- No. 2 Worked in Germantown Lily White 7.

Shell Couch Afghan

For detail see Slanting Shell Stitcli, page 08.

Shell Couch Afghan— Continued

row, now work 3 D C in each space, always 2 rows Sunrise No.
taking up the 2nd Sg. C of row 1, end the row 2 rows Ro.se Antique No. 1
by working 3 D C in the last Sg. C of row 1, 2 rows Rose Antique No. 2
turn. 2 rows Rose Antique No. 3
Row 4— With Lily Green No. 5 work 3 D C 2 rows Rose Antique No. 4
in the last stitch of the first shell of row 2, now 2 rows Rose Antique No. 5
work 3 D C in each space, always taking up the This completes 1 Lily Green and 1 Rose An-
last stitch of shell of row Repeat row
2, turn. tique Repeat until you have 4 Lily
4 for all the work, being careful to always have (ireen and 3 Rose Antique stripes, now with
83 shells in each row, colors to be used as fol- Lily Green No. C work 1 row of Sg. C all around
lows :
2 rows Lily Green No. C — —
Border Row i With Rose Antique No. 5
2 rows Lily Green No. 5 work 3 I) C in first stitch, * skip 2 stitclies, 1
2 rows Lily Green No. 4 D C in next stitch, slip 2 stitches, 3 D C in next
2 rows Lily Green No. 3 stitch, repeat from * all aroimd, increase at the
2 rows Lily Green Princess Wool corners on every row.
2 rows Lily Green No. 3
Row 2— With Rose Antique No. 4 work 3 D C
2 rows Lily Green No. 4
around centre D C of first shell of preceding
2 rows Lily Green No. 5
shell, * 1 D C on top of 1 D C and 3 D C around
2 rows Lily Green No. 6
centre D C of next shell of preceding row, re-
2 rows Rose Antique No. 5
peat from * all around.
2 rows Rose Antique No. 4
2 rows Rose Antique No. 3
Row 3 — With Rose Antique 3 work same as
row 2.
2 rows Rose Antique No. 2
2 rows Rose Antique No. 1 Row 4 — With Rose Antique 2 work same as
2 rows Sunrise No. row 2.

2 rows White With Lily Green Princess Wool finish afghan

2 rows Lily Green Princess Wool with picot edge.
2 rows White


Horizontal Couch Afghan

For detail see Horizontal Stitch, page 69.

4 Fold Columbia Germantown 7 hanks Brown No. 2
6 hanks Brown No. 1 8 hanks Brown No. 3
6 lianlis Brown No. 2 10 hanks Brown No. 4
7 hanks Brown No. 3 8 hanks Brown No. 5
9 hanks Brown No. 4 8 hanks Brown No. 6
8 hanks Brown No. 5 4 hanks Salmon No.
S hanks Brown No. 6 and 4 Fold Colum<bia Princess
.3 hanks Salmon No. 13 lialls White
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown 1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5
7 hanks Brown No. 1

With Brown No. 6 work a chain of 301 in same stitch, .varn over, draw through all 7
stitches, work 300 Sg. C on chain. stitches on hook, skip 1 stitch 1 Sg. C in each
of the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of
Row 2 —
Work 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 row, .chain 1, turn.
up the whole stitch of preceding
stitches, taking
row, * yarn over hook, insert hook in next —
Row 3 1 Sg. C in each stitch of preceding
stitch, draw up a loop, yarn over, draw up a
row, chain 1. turn.
loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw up a loop Row 4— Work 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2


Horizontal Couch Afghan Continued

stitches, yarn over hook, insert hook under

puff of second row, draw up a loop, yarn over,

draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw
up a loop in same stitch, yarn over, draw
through all 7 loops on hook, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg.
C in each of the next 2 stitches, repeat from *
to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 for all the work and

these 2 rows will be spoken of as one row, colors
to be used as follows

2 rows

114 C () L U JI R I A YAUNS

Navajo Blanket

Row 2 IS stitches red, 74 stitches black, 36
stitches red, 74 stitches black, 00 stitches, red,
74 stitches black, 18 stitches red.

Rows 3 and 4 Increase 1 stitch on each side
of the black pattern and decrease the red one
break off the black yarn.

Rows 5, 6, 7 and 8 Work the same, but take
white instead of black; break off the white

Row 9 —30 stitches red, 50 stitches green, 60

stitclies red, 50 stitches green, 60 stitches red,
50 stitches green, 30 stitches red.

Rows 10, II and 13 Increase the green and
decrease the red one break off the green yarn.

Row 13 33 stitches red, 44 stitches white,
66 stitches red, 44 stitches white, 66 stitches
red, 44 stitches white, 33 stitches red.

Row 14 —The same, increase the white and

break ofE yarn.

Rows 15 and 16— Like 14th row. but take

MATERIAL black Instead of white.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown —

Row 17 45 stitches red, 20 stitches yellow,
40 hanks Srarlct No. 5 90 stitches red, 20 stitches yellow, 90 stitches
5 hanks lUack red, 20 stitches yellow, 45 stitches red.
5 hanks Whito —
Row 18 4-1 stitches red, 22 stitches yellow,
4 hanks Iluntor's Oreon Xu. 2 88 stitches red, 22 stitches yellow, 88 stitches
1 hank Yellow No. 4 red, 22 stitches yellow, 44 stitches red; break
Qermantown off the yellow yarn.
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported
48 hanks Scarlet No. .5 Row 19 —36 stitches red, 38 stitches green, 72

hanks Black stitches red, 38 stitches green, 72 stitches red,

6 hanks White 38 stitches green, 36 stitches red.

5 hanks Hunter's Green No. 2 —
Rows 20, 21 and 22 Like 19th row, increase
2 hanks Yellow No. 4 the pattern break off the green yarn.

1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 4 Work 8 rows red.

INSTRUCTIONS Row 31 — 10 stitches red, 16 stitches black, 58

stitches red, 16 stitches black, 20 stitches red,
This blanket is worked in 3 stripes.
16 stitches black, 58 stitches red, 10 stitches
Start with red, cast on 331 stitches, work 330 black, 20 stitches red, 16 stitches black, 58
Sg. C, chain 1 and turn work 12 rows.
; stitches red, 16 stitches black, 10 stitches red.

Now begin the iiattern, take a separate ball —

Row 32 11 stitches red, 16 stitches black,
for each color and do not break before the color 56 stitches red, 16 stitches black, 22 stitches
is done. red, 16 stitches black, 56 stitches red, 16 stitches

Row I — 19 stitches red, 72 stitches black. 3S black, 22 stitches red, 16 stitches black, 56
stitches red, 72 stitches black, 38 stitches red, stitches red, 16 stitches black, 11 stitches red;
72 stitches black, 19 stitches red. break off the black yarn.

Navajo Blanket— Continued

Row 33 12 stitches red, * Id stitches white, tern and increase the red ; break off the yellow
54 stitches red. Hi stitclies white, 24 stitches yarn.
red. Repeat from * ; finish with 12 stitches red. Row 52 —31 stitches red, 48 stitches black, 62
Row 34 —13 stitches red, * 16 stitches white, stitches red, 48 stitches black, 02 stitches red,
52 stitches red, 16 stitches white, 20 stitches 48 stitches black, 31 stitches red.
red. Repeat from * finish ; witli 13 stitches Row 53 —32 stitches red, 46 stitches black, 64
red; break off the white yarn. stitches red, 46 stitches black, 64 stitches red, 46

Row 35 14 stitches red, * 16 stitches green, stitches black, 32 stitches red ; break off the
50 stitches red, 10 stitches green, 28 stitches red. black yarn.
Repeat from * finish row with 14 stitches red.
; —
Row 54 33 stitches red, 44 stitches white,
Row 36— Like 34th row, but use green in-
60 stitches red, 44 stitches white, 66 stitches red,
44 stitches white, 33 stitches red.
stead of white.

Row 37 — liike 33d row, but use green in-

Row 55 —34 stitches red, 42 stitches white, 08
stitches red, 42 stitches white, 68 stitches red,
stead of white.
42 stitches white, 34 stitches red ; break off the
Row 38 — I-ike 32d
row, but use green instead white yarn.
of black; break off the green yarn.

Row 56 23 stitches red, 64 stitches green,
Work 8 rows red. 46 stitches red, 04 stitches green, 46 stitches red,

Row 47 — 12 stitclies red, 26 stitches black,

04 stitches green, 23 stitches red.

84 stitches red, 26 stitches black, 84 stitches red, Rows 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62 Increase —
26 stitches black, 42 stitches red break ofE black
the green pattern 1 stitch on each side in every
yarn. row and decrease the red.

Row 48^1 stitches red, 28 stitches yellow, This is one-half of the stripe; reverse the pat-
82 stitches red, 28 stitches yellow, 82 stitches tern to 1st row.
red,28 stitches yellow, 41 stitches red. This completes 1 stripe.
Rows 49, 50 and 51 — Work the same, but de- .\fter the 3d stripe, make 12 rows with red
crease one stitch on each side of the yellow pat- yarn.


Navajo Blanket

MATERIAL tinue increasing the scarlet and decreasing the

navy blue until there are 10 stitches of scarlet
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown and 4 stitches of navy blue. Crochet 4 rows of
15 hanks Navy Illue No. 2 scarlet. Now work like above, only increasing
4 hanks Old Blue No. 2 the navy l)lue and decreasing the scarlet until
4 hanks Olrl Blue No. 4 there are 10 stitches of navy blue and 4 stitches
of scarlet. Now crochet 4 rows navy blue, 4
11 hanks Scarlet No. 5
rows scarlet, 2 rows old blue No. 2, 4 rows scar-
let, 4 rows navy blue, 4 rows scarlet, 4 rows as
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown
follows: * 12 stitches in scarlet, C stitches in
17 hanks Nav.v I'.lue No. 2
old blue No. 2. Repeat from * across, 2 rows
5 hanks Old Bine No. 2
old blue No. 2, again 4 rows * 12 stitches scarlet,
5 hanks Old Blue No. 4 () stitches old blue No. 2. Repeat from * across,
12 hanks Scarlet No. 5 4 rows scarlet, 4 rows navy blue, 4 rows scarlet,
1 Bone or Celluloid Crochet Hook. 5-inch, No.4 2 rows old blue No. 2, 4 rows scarlet, 6 rows
navy blue, 4 rows scarlet, 2 rows old blue No.
2. 4 rows scarlet, 4 rows navy blue. 2 rows as
INSTRUCTIONS follows: * 2 stitches of navy blue. 10 stitches of
This blanketis worked in Sg. C. taking up old blue No. 4. Repeat from * across. Con-
the whole stitch, and in using 2 colors, 1 color tinue in like manner, increasing the navy blue
is always carried along. and decreasing the old blue No. 4 until there
Colors to be used in following order are 10 stitches of navy blue and 2 stitches of
old lilue No. 4. This completes a half diamond,
With navy blue make a chain of 193 stitches,
work 5 rows. work other half of diamond to correspond with
Row — 10 stitches in navy blue, 4 stitches
this. 4 rows navy blue, 4 rows old blue No. 2,
6 *
10 rows scarlet. 44 rows of navy blue. 10 rows
in scarlet. Repeat from across, chain
* turn. 1,
scarlet, 10 rows old blue No. 4. The last 20
Row 7 — I>ike 0th row. rows is the centre of blanket. Work the other
Row 8 and 9 — *^ stitches in navy blue, half to correspond, starting with navy blue 44
stitches in scarlet. Repeat from * across. Con- rows.
/ i'-rt-nrrrmT'

I 'rffr
jljnjjinM^jj^^v Misses Sweaters, Toques, Etc


118 CO I- UM P. I A YARX S

Misses' Crocheted Sweater

Row 3 Pick up each stitch being sure to
draw loop through back of stitch of preceding
row leaving loops on hook. Repeat 2d and 3d
rows for all the work. These 2 rows form a rib.
Work 4 ribs, then decrease 1 stitch at each end
every 8th rib, (decrease by crocheting 2 stitches
together) until there are 87 stitches across, now
work on this length until work measures 22
inclies, then decrease for armhole as follows 1 :

stitch at each end every other rib until 69

stitches remain, when back measures 28 inches
start right front. With right side of worlc
towards you pick up 28 stitches for shoulder,
work 3 ribs then increase 1 stitch toward the
neck every rib until you have 41 stitches across,
then add a chain of 20 stitches toward front,
pick up the 41 stitches across, also 20 stitches
of chain, work off as before. Now increase 1
stitch every other rib toward the arm hole until
you have 4 increases, then add a chain of 8
stitches for underarm. Work 8 ribs on this
length, then increase 1 stitch every 8th rib
toward the underarm until front is as long as
back on the underarm seam. Work another
front to correspond. Slip stitch down the right
side having a looi) of 4, chain every 4 inches for
Sleeves — Make a chain of 20 stitches, increase
1 each end, every
stitch at rib until you have
02 stitches across, on this length work until
sleeve measures 4 inches on seam, now decrease
1 stitch each end every 8th rib until you have
54 stitches left, work until sleeve measures 14
inches, start cuff.
Cuff With right side of sleeve toward you,
draw sleeve in at the bottom by skipping every
Columbia German Knitting Yarn
od stitch then work back and forth using slip
6 banks Tan 1 hank Brown stitch until cuff measures 5 inches. Sew sleeve
1 Celluloid or Bone Crochet Hook No. 6 in coat placing seam to seam.

Collar — Skip the first 20 stitches, .slip stitch
around the neck leaving 20 stitches at the other
Size, 14 to 15 Years end, work back and forth, for 4 rows, now in-
Back — JIake a chain of 105 stitches with Tan t-rcase 1 stitch at each end ( by adding a chain

yarn. between 1st and 2d stitch) every other row,

until collar measures 4 inches.
Work with purled Afghan stitch as follows
Buttons — Make a chain of 4, join 2 Sg. C in
Row I —Draw a loop through every stitch on each chain.
chain, leaving loops on needle.
Row 2 —2 Sg. C in every other stitch, taking
Row 2 — When all stitches are taken up, yarn up the back of stitch of preceding row, until you
over hook, draw through 1 stitch, * yarn over have 18 stitches, make 1 row without increasing,
needle, draw through 2 stitches, repeat from * slip over mold, slip stitch in every other stitch
to end of row. until all are taken off.

Misses' Crocheted Sweater

For detail see Slip Double and Single Croi-liet Stitch, page 143.

MATERIAL centre back where ,vou Ijroke off after chaining

8 stitches to count for 8 omitted on other front.
Columbia German Knitting Yarn Work down back and make 8 ribs like 1st
5 hanks shoulder.
1 SteelCrochet HooU No. 5 Sew underarm, leaving sleevehole.
6 Buttons

Border Work down front, around bottom,
and up other front in Sg. C, taking the whole
INSTRUCTIONS stitch and 2 Sg. C at each corner. Make 3 rows
Size, ft Years. and on 4th row of right front make buttonholes,
* chain 4, skip 4, crochet 12 stitches. Repeat
(Note —A rib is over and back or two rows.) from * until there are 6 buttonholes.
Make a chain of 275 stitches. Make 8 ribs Make 4 rows more.
rows) shoulder; then work on 137
(16 for tirst
stitches for 9 ribs break off yarn.
; This finishes Collar —Make 6 rows Sg. C, taking whole
centre of back.
stitch. On the 7th row make 2 Sg. C in every
4th stitch.
Join and make 1st front, omitting 8 stitches
on shoulder, work down and up on front. Make Row 8 —C in every stitch.
1 Sg.
4 ribs, decreasing 1 stitch on each rib at neck, Make more like 8th row.
12 rows
thea 2 ribs without decreasing. This finishes Sleeve— Chain 100 stitches, work 80 slip D C,
1st front. and on the last 20 stitches work slip Sg. C for
Make a chain of 12.5 stitches, work back and cuff. Make 24 ribs and sew up.
forth for 2 ribs, then increase ou next 4 ribs to Sew in sleeves with seams even with mider-
correspond with 1st front. Join this piece to arm seams.

Misses' Crocheted Sweater

peat this row for all the work being careful to
keep to the pattern after each increase or de-
crease. When work measures 5 inches decrease
1 stitch at each end of work every 8th row
until 74 stitches remain, work on this length
until work measures 15 inches, decrease 3
stitches at each end for armhole, now decrease
1 stitch every other rt)w initil 64 stitches re-
main, work on this length imtll back measures
22 inches.

Front Make a chain of 69 stitches, work G8
Sg. C on chain, follow pattern for 3 inches, de-
crease 1 stitch every 10th row at one end of
work only for underarm until 64 stitches re-
main, work on this lengtli until work measures
15 inches, then decrease 6 stitches for armhole,
now decrease 1 stitch every row toward the
armhole until 43 stitches remain, work 2 rows
on this length, then decrease 1 stitch every
other row toward the front (to shape the neck)
until 27 stitches remain, work 2 more rows.
This completes one front —work second front to

Sleeves Make a chain of 25 stitches, work
24 Sg. C on chain, follow pattern, work 4 rows,
then increase 1 stitch at each end every row
until there are 44 stitches across, on each of the
next S rows add a chain of 3 stitches at each
end (work 2 Sg. C on each chain) you should
now have 60 stitches across, work 6 rows, then
start to decrease 1 stitch at each end every Gth
row until 40 stitches remain, work until sleeve
measures 15 inches on seam.
Columbia Heather Yarn
Collar — With white yarn make a chain of 5
stitches, work always tak-
collar in slip stitch
!t bulls ing the back loop to form a rib, increase 1 stitch
Columbia German Knitting Yarn every other row at one end of work only until
there are 26 stitches across, now work until
2 hanks White
collar is long enough to extend one-half way
1 Collulnid Ci-ochot Hook No. around neck of sweater. Work second half to
correspond. Sew collar on, being careful not to
INSTRUCTIONS stretch it.

Size, I.') .years. Band— With white yarn make a chain of 20

stitches, workin .slip stitch until band meas-
Back —JIake a chain of SO stitches, work SS ures 36 inches, fit the sweater to the band al-
Sg. C on chain. lowing 3 inches of band to extend beyond the
— edge of right front. Work loops 3 inches apart
Row I 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 stitches
taking up the back loop, * 1 Sg. C in next 2
down the right front and 4 loops on the baud.
stitches taking up the front loop, 1 Sg. C in next Cuffs — Withwhite yarn make a chain of IS
2 stitches, taking up the back loop, repeat from stitches, in slip stitch until cuff measures
* to end of row, ending with 2 front loops. Re- 8 inches, join and sew to sleeve.

Embroidered Couch Afghan— Continued

2 rows Tufts Lily White No. take up same stitch, yarn over hook and finish
2 rows Tufts Lily White No. 5 off as a Double Crochet, skip 1 stitch. 1 Sg. C
in each following 3 stitches, taking up whole
2 rows Tufts Old Rose No. 2
stitch. Repeat from * to end <if row. chain 1
2 rows Tufts Svmrlse No. 1 and turn.
2 rows Tufts Salmon No. 00
2 rows Tufts Lily White No. 3
Row 4 —1 Sg. C in every stitch, taking up the
whole stitch, chain 1, turn.
1 row Tufts White
2 rows Tufts Lily White No. 3 Row 5 —1 Sg. C,
must come between the
* 1 Double Tuft
first itnd second Double
stitch, this

2 rows Tufts Salmon No. 00

Tuft Stitch of row, skip 1 stitch, then make
2 rows Tufts Sunrise No. 1 3 Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row.
2 rows Tufts Old Rose No. 2
Repeat 4th and 5th rows for rest of stripe.
2 rows Tufts Lily White No. 5
2 rows Tufts Lily White No. G Border — Make 2 rows
Crazy Stitch all
2 rows Tufts Lily White No. 7 around, 1 row of Old Rose No. 2 and 1 row of
Sunrise No. 1, and 1 row in Lily White No. 3
Make Double Tuft stitch as follows: Work as follows, IDC
in the lower part of Crazy
on length of Afghan stitch stripe with Lily Shell, chain 1, and 1 Sg. C in the point of Crazy
White No. 7, 2 rows Sg. C, taking up the whole shell.
For shell use Lily White No. 5. 7 D C with

Row 3 2 Sg. C, * yarn over hook, insert the chain between each stitch and 2 Sg. C stitches
hook into the 3cl Sg. of 1st row, yarn over between each shell, finish with chain stitches
hook, draw through 2 loops, yuru over hook. around shell in Lily White No. 7.

Cross Stitch Pattern

: :


Embroidered Couch Afghan

For details see Tuft Stitch, pajio 71! and .Maiiluittaii Stiti-li, page 72.

MATERIAL have 247 rows, work 2 stripes of Old Blue.

Work on length of Afghan stripes.
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
G haulvs Old Blue No. 5 Row 1 — Fasten Brown yarn with 1 Sg. C *

5 hanks Black
count down 3 stitches on right side of stripe,

3 hanks Brown No. 1 work 1 D C, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, repeat from

* to end of row, chain 1, turn.
6 hanks Olive Green No. 6
4 hanks Copper No. 00 Row 1 — 1 Sg. C in every stitch of preceding
4 hanks Copper No. row taking up the whole stitch. Work on the
5 hanks Copper No. 1 length of stripe using Tuft Stitch, colors to be
5 hanks Copper No. 2 used in following order
5 hanks Copper No. .3 1 row Black.
5 hanks Copper No. 4
5 rows Olive Green.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook, 8-inch, No 3
1 row Black.
1 i-ow Brown.
Work the other side to correspond.
This Afghan consists of 3 stripes, 2 stripes
Centre stripe, with copper No. 00 make a
in Old Blue worked in Afghan stitch, 1 stripe
chain as long as Afghan striiie, work in Tuft
worked in 6 shades of Copper using the Tuft
Stitch, colors to be used as follows
Stitch. With Old Blue make a chain of 32
stitches, work in plain Afghan Stitch until you 3 rows Copper No. 00.

Misses' Crocheted Sweater

For detail see Sheaf Stitch. i)age 141.

Columbia Sports Wool
22 haulis
1 Celluloid Crochet HooU No. 5

For 15 or IG years.
Make a chain of 102 stitches.
Row 1 —
lu 3d stitch of ehaiu draw up a loop,
draw up a loop in next stitch, * yarn over hook,
draw through all 3 loops on liook, chain 1, draw
up a loop iu each of the next two stitches, repeat
from * to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Row 2 Draw up a loop In last chain stitch
of preceding row, draw up a loop in first space,
* yarn over, draw through all 3 loops on hook,

chain 1, draw up a loop in same space, draw up

a loop in next space, repeat from * to end of
row, cliain 1, turn. Repeat row 2 for all the
Work 3 J'ows, on the next row add a chain of
3 stitches, work an extra stitch on chain just
made, finisli in pattern, add a chain of 3 stitches
on the next row, work an extra stitch on cliain
just made, finish iu pattern, add a chain of 11
stitches on the next row, work 5 stitches on
chain, this is for the shoulder (all the increasing
is done on one end), work 17 rows on this length,

work up from the bottom of sweater 86 stitches

leaving the remaining stitches for the armhole,
chain 4, skip 4 stitches, work 15 Sg. C, repeat
turn work to end of row, now counting from the
from * until you have 5 buttonholes, work 5
bottom work up 62 stitches, turn, work to end
more rows of Sg. C. Work 10 rows of Sg. C
of row, on the nest row work up to the armhole,
on left front omitting the buttonholes.
turn, work to end of row, on the next row work
up 44 stitches, turn, work to end of row, on the Sleeve— Chain 73.

next row work up to armhole, turn, work to the Row I — Work 16 Sg. C, finish in pattern.
end, on the next row work up 28 stitche.s, turn, Row 1 — Work pattern to within stitches

work to end of row, on tlie next row work up to from the end, work 1 Sg. C in each of the last
the armhole and add a chain of 29 .stitches for 16 stitches, chain 1, turn.
the back, work 21 rows on this length. This Repeat rows 2 and 3 until you have 41 rows.
completes one-half of sweater, work second half Sew up the sleeve and sew into armhole.
to correspond.

Collar Chain 17, work in Sg. C, always tak-

Border On the right front work 5 rows of ing up the whole stitch of preceding row until
Sg. C, always taking up the whole stitch of pre- collarmeasures 16 inches, fit neck of sweater to
ceding row, on the next row work buttonholes collar leaving 5 rows of the border to extend
as follows, starting at the neck work 3 Sg. C, * beyond the collar each side, sew into place.

Misses' Crocheted Toque and Scarf

MATERIAL row 2 for all the work, work 16 inches, break

off .yarn, sew up the sides.
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn Border — With wrong side of work toward you
'i hanks color using the same stitch as in crown, work border
or 4 Fold Columbia Qermantown around, do not turn the work, when border
hanks measures inclies break off yarn. Turn up the
2 liirue Button Moulds liorder and turn in at the top so border will
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 6 measure 3 inches, turn the points of crown down
and sew to border.
Buttons Chain 4, join in a ring, work 2 Sg.
C in each stitch for 3 rows, 1 Sg. C in every
TOQUE otlier stiteli for 1 row, now work without in-
creasing until large enough to cover mould, slip
Make a chain of 54 stitches. onto mould, work 1 Sg. C in every other stitch
Row I —
In the third stitch of chain work 1 until mould is covered. Sew buttons onto toque.
Sg. C. * ehaiu 1, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C in next
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1,
Row 2 — Work C
in first stitch, inserting
1 Sg. Make
a chain of 50 stitches use same stitcli as
hook under first chain stitch of preceding row, used in toque, work until scarf measures 1%
* chain 1, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, insertin.g hook yards. Finish the ends with a 3 inch fringe
luider next chain stitch of preceding row, repeat composed of 2 strands of yarn.
from * to end of row, chain 1. turn. Repeat


Misses' Misses' Tam-o'shanter

Crocheted Tam-o'-shanter
Columbia Angora Wool
25 balls
1 Boue or Amber Crochet Hook No. 2
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12

Commence in the centre of the crown, chain
3, join to a ring.

Round I —7 Sg. C in the ring, join.

Round 2 —2 C
in every stitch (taking the
l>ack stitch or loop). Continue increasing
where necessary in order to keep the work
it is
perfeetl.v fiat, wnrk until the entire crown meas-
ures 15 inches all around.
Work 2 rounds, decreasing 1 stitch every 15th

Work 1 rcmnd without decreasing, then 2

rounds, decreasing 1 stitch every 15th stitch, 1
round without decreasing, 2 rounds decreasing
and 1 round without. Continue like before, 2
rounds decrea.sing and 1 round without, until
there are 90 Sg. C in the round. With steel
knitting needle pick up the back of the Sg. C.
MATERIAL Knit 1 and purl 1 for IV2 Indies, knit 1 round
plain, and increase 1 stitch In every 10th stitch,
8 Fold Columbia Qermantown then knit 1 and purl 1 for I14 inches more.
4 hanks Bind off loosely.
1 Celluloid Cniehet Hook No.
Pompon — Chain S, join.
For 14 or 15 Years.

Round I Insert hook in 1st chain stitch, *
pass yarn over the hook and around the fore-
Make a chain of 4 stitches, join In a ring. finger of left hand 3 times, pass yarn up and

Row I Work 6 Sg. C in each stitch of chain around hook, draw all 4 loops through, there
having IS Sg. C in row. will be 5 loops on hook, yarn over hook, draw

Row 2 1 Sg. C in each of the next two through all, insert hook in next stitch. Repeat
stitches always taking up both stitches of pre- from * around, join.
ceding row, * 2 Sg. C in next stitch, 1 Sg. C in
each of the next 2 stitches, rejjeat from * around. Round 2 — Like 1st round.
This gives .vou i> sections. Then one round of Sg. C increasing in every

Row 3 1 Sg. C in each of the first 3 stitches, other stitch, make 2 more rounds like 1st. break
* 2 Sg. C in next stitch, 1 Sg. C in each of the
off yarn. Sew carefully to centre of crown.
next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row.
Continue in this way always hav-
ing 1 stitch more in each section
every row until work measures 8
inches from the centre, uow decrease
as follows

Row I Skip 1 stitch at each wid-
ening place and 1 in the centre of
facli section.
Row 2 — Same as row 1.
Row 3—* work 3 Sg. C. skip 1
stitch, repeat from * around.
Row 4 — * wcu'k 2 Sg. C. skip 1
stitch, repeat from * around.
Repeat in this way until cap
measures 22 inches or the size of hat
band, then work 10 rows without
decreasing, finish with a row of slip
stitch, make a pompon for the toii.


Misses' Auto Hood

8 Fold Columbia Germantown
5 hanks
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. G
3 yards of Ribbon No. 12

Work a chain of 4 stitches, join, work 6 Sg. C Row 4 — Work 1 Sg. C in every stitch, chain
in each of the first 3 stitches (18 stitches), work 1, turn. W^ork 7 rows more like 4th row.
round and round always taking up the whole With wrong side of work toward you work 8
stitch of preceding row. rows of Sg. C, break off yarn at end of each

Row 2 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 stitches,
* 2 Sg. C in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C in each of
Work 1 Sg. C in every other stitch across the
the next 2 stitches, repeat from * to end of back section. Finish the front with a row of
row, you will now have G sections. shell, having 5 D C in each shell, fastened down
with Sg. C.

Row 3 1 Sg. C in each of the fir.st 3 stitches, —
Rings Work a chain of 4 stitches, join, work
* 2 Sg. C in the next stitch, 1 Sg. C in each of
the next 3 stitches, repeat from * to end of row. 18 Sg. C in ring, join, break off yarn, work 2
Continue in this way always having 1 stitch
more in each section every row until work —
Buttons Work a chain of 4 stitches, join,
measures 8 inches from the centre. I^eave 1 work G Sg. C in ring.
section for the back and on the remaining Row 2 — 2 Sg. C in each stitch of preceding
stitches work as follows :
Row —Decrease 1 stitch at each corner, and
I Row 3 — Increase in every other stitch.

1 in the centre of each space, chain turn.
1, Row 1 Sg. C in each Slip over
Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C in each chain
stitch, 1,
mold and work 1 Sg. C in every other stitch
turn. until mold is covered. Work 2 buttons. Sew
buttons and ribbon to hood, and sew rings to
Row 3 — Work 1 Sg. C in every other stitch. end of ribbon. Finish back of hood with flat
chain 1, turn. bow.

Detail Stitches of Shawls

Puff and Knot Stitch

^ fij^i^-rif^^ir.^:^^
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^^^r W^
JJ0L >^s-A»^, "^ ,:»:>», ^V^.5*ff;

Y .-


Make a chain the length desired. Row 2 — 1 Sg. C on top of puff of preceding

Row I In 4th stitch from hook make a puff row * make a puff in Sg. C of preceding row,
as follows yarn over hook, draw up a loop,
: draw loop on hook half inch long, yarn over,
.^am over draw up a loop in same stitch, yaru draw through loop, insert hook through back of
over, draw up loop in same stitch, ,varn over, stitch just made, 1 Sg. C on top of second puff
draw through all 7 loops on hook, * chain 1, of preceding row, draw loop half inch long, yam
draw loop on hook half inch long, yarn over, over draw through loop insert hook through
draw through loop, insert hook through back of back of stitch just made, make 1 Sg. C. Repeat
stitch just made and make 1 Sg. C, skip 1 stitch from * to end of row.
of chain, in next stitch, make 1 Sg. C, draw
loop half inch long, yarn over, draw through

Row 3 Same as second row .starting and
ending with a puff stitch.
loop, insert hook through back of stitch just
made, make 1 Sg. C, skip 1 stitch of chain make Repeat 2il and 3d rows for all the work.
a puff. Repeat from * to end of row.

Fancy Crochet Stitch


Make a chain the length required. stitclies. yarn over hook, draw through all 3
Draw a loop up.through 2d and 3d stitch, yarn loops on hook and chain 1. Repeat from *
over hook, draw through all 3 loops on hook and across, chain 2 and turn. Repeat this row for
chain 1, * draw a loop through each of next 2 all the work.

Detail Stitches of Shawls

Colonial Stitch

Cast on nn even number of stitches. —
Row 2 Knit 3, * yarn over needle twice, slip

Row I Knit 3, * yarn over needle twice, Icnit 1 stitch off tlie needle, knit 2 together, knit 3,
2 stitches together, Ivnit 3, repeat from * to end repeat from * to end of row,
of row. Uepeiit row 2 for all the work.

Double Crochet and Double Puff Stitch


Make a chain the length required. through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through all 5

Row I Yarn over liook, insert hook in first loops on hook, slip stitch in next stitch, yarn
stitch of chain, draw up a loop, * yarn over, over insert hook in next stitch, draw a loop up,
draw through 2 loops on needle, yarn over, draw repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.
loop np in .same stitch, yarn over, draw through
2 loops, yarn over, draw loop up in same stitch,

Row 2 Make 1 D C in each stitch of pre-
ceding row, chain 1, turn.
yarn over, draw through 2 looijs, yarn over,
draw loop up in same stitch, yarn over, draw Repeat 1st and 2d rows for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Shawls

Cross Stitch

Make a chaiu the length desired. —
Row 2 Draw up a loop in 2d space, draw up

Row I In the 4th stitch of chain draw up a a loop in 1st space, * yarn over, draw through
loop, draw up a loop in 3d stitch of chain, yarn all 3 loops on hook, chain 1, skip 1 space, draw
over hook, draw through all 3 loops on hook, * up a loop in next space, draw up a loop in space
chain 1, skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in next that was skipped, repeat from * to end of row,
stitch, draw up a loop in stitch that was skipped, ending row by drawing up 1 loop in last space,
yarn over, draw through all 3 loops, repeat from yarn over, draw through 2 loops on hook, chain
* to end of row, chain 3, turn. 3, turn. Repeat second row for all the work.

Knitted Popcorn Stitch


Cast on any number of stitches (40). —
Row 4 Slip the 1st stitch, knit plain and

Row I Knit phi in across. take up a stitch between the narrowed stitches

Row 2 Sliji the 1st stitch, then purl across. (see that you always have the same number

Row 3 Slip the first stitch, then knit of stitches on the needle).
Repeat from 1st to 4th row for all the work.
stitches together, across the row.

Detail Stitches of Shawls

Crossed Shell Stitch
Make a
chain the
length de-
Row I — In
the 4th stitch
of chain work
3 D C (work
all D C 1 inch
long), now
cross back
and work 3 D
C in second
stitch of
chain, • skip
1 stitch, work
1 Sg. C in
next stitch,
skip 3 stitch-
es, work 3 D
C in next
stitch, cross
back and
work 3 D C in
second stitch
from last .Sg.
C, repeat from end of row.to
Row AVork G D C on top of flrst D C of cross back and work 3 D C in the 5th stitch of
preceding row taking up the whole stitch, * preceding shell and preceding row, repeat from
work 1 Sg. C
in centre of .shell of preceding row, * to end of row, ending with Sg. C chain 3, turn.
now work 3 .D C In second stitch of next shell. Repeat row 2 for all the work.

Panama Stitch
Make a
chain the
length de-
Row 1

Work IDC
in each stitch
of chain.
Row 2 —
Work 1 Sg. C
in first stitch.
* chain 3, 1
Sg. C in same
stitch taking
up the back
loop of pre-
ceding r o w,
skip 1 stitch,
1 Sg. C in
next stitch,
repeat from *
to end of row.
chain 3, turn.
Row 3 —
La flrst stitch
taking up both loops, * 1 Sg. C in centre stitch Row 4 —Work 1 D C in each stitch of preced-
of 3 chain of preceding row, 1 D C in next stitch, ig row, taking up both loops.
repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat rows 2, 3 and 4 for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Shawls

Fancy Shawl Stitch


Make a ekain the length desired. through the back loop of preceding star, draw a
Row 1— lu 4tli stitch of chain work 3 I) C, * loop through each of the next 3 D C of preced-

skip 2 stitches, in 3d stitch work 3 D C, repeat ing row taking up the back loop, yarn over,
from * to end of row, chain 3, turn. draw through all loops on hook, chain 1, repeat

Row 2 — Draw up a loop in each of the first 2

from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.

stitches of chain and in each of the first 3 D C Row 3 —Work 3 D C in the eye of each star

of preceding row taking up the hack loop, yarn of preceding row, chain 3, turn.

over hook draw through all G loops, chain 1. *

Repeat 2d and od rows for all the work.
draw a loop through the eye, draw a loop



Crocheted Shawl Crocheted Shawl

For detail see Fancy Shawl Stitch, page 130. MATERIAL
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
12 hanks Partridge No. CO
1 hank Scarlet No. 5
1 hank Scarlet No. 6
1 hank Scarlet No. 7
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. G

With Partridge yarn make a chain of 08
Row I — Sg. C in each stitch of chain, chain
3, turn.
Row 2 — 1 D C in taking up the
first .stitch
front loop, * yarn over hook, insert hook in
back loop of next Sg. C of preceding row, draw
up a loop, work off as D C, work 1 D C in next
stitch taking up the front loop, repeat from *
to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Row 3 1 Sg. C in each stitch taking up the
whole stitch of preceding row (rows 2 and 3
form the pattern and are spoken of in instruc-
tions as 1 row.)
Work 5 rows, now work in a scarlet border
as follows :

1 row of No. 7. 1 of No, 6, 1 of No. 5, 1 of No.

6, and 1 of No. 7, making 5 rows of scarlet, with
Cartridge yarn work until 27 inches long, which
coniplctcs lo of shawl. Work second half to
con-espond. joining in the centre with slip stitch.
Finish with a 7 inch fringe of I'artridge yarn,
composed of 4 strands.

Columbia Zephyr Floss
11 hanks Wliitc 1 hank Coh
1 Celluloid Cix _-het Houk No. 5
With white yarn make a chain of 140 stitches.

Row I In Ith stitch of chain work 3 1) C. *
skip 2 stitches, in otl stitch, work 3 I> C, re-
peat from * to end of row. Chain 3, turn.

Row 1 l>raw a loop up in each of the first 2
.stitches of chain and in each of the first 3 D C
of preceding row takini; up the back stitch, yarn
over hook, draw throutth all (i stitches on hook,
chain 1, * draw a loop throusih the e.ve, draw a
loop through the back of last loop of preceding
star, draw a loop through each of the nest 3
I) C of preceding row, taking up tlie back stitch,
yarn over hook, draw through all 6 loops on
hook, chain 1, repeat from * to end of row, chain
3, turn.

Row 3 Work 3 D C in each eye of star of
preceding row, chain 3, turn. Repeat 2d and 3d
r >ws for all the work.
Colors to be used as follows Work 11 rows

of white, 2 of color, 4 white and 2 color, then

with white crochet until work measures 27
inches, this completes Vj of shawl, work second iiU.^
half to correspond. Finish with knotted fringe 7
Crocheted Shawl
For detail see Crossed Shell Stitch, page 129.
Columbia Superfine Wool
S balls White 8 balls Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 6
With one strand each of white and colored wool, make
a chain of 140 stitches.

Row I In 4th stitch of chain, work 3 D C (work all
D C one inch long) now cross back and work 3 D C in
second stitch of chain, * skip 1 stitch, work 1 Sg. C in next
stitch, skip 3 stitches, work 3 D C in next stitch, cross
back and work 3 D C in second stitch from last Sg. C re-;

peat from * to end of row, ending with Sg. C, chain 3, turn.

Row 2 Work 6 D C on top of first D C of preceding
row taking up the whole stitch, * work Sg. C in centre of
shell of preceding row, now work 3 D C in second stitch
of next shell, cross back and work 3 D C in the 5th stitch
of preceding shell and preceding row, repeat from * to
end of row ending row witli Sg. C, chain 3, turn.
Repeat row 2 until work measures 1% yards long.
AVork a row of plain shell on each side, having (5 D C in
each shell fastened down with Sg. C. Finish the ends
with a double knotted fringe, seven inches long, composed
of 4 strands of each white and colored wool.

Crocheted Shawl
For detail see Double Crochet and Double Puff
Stitch, page 127.

Columbia Lady Jane
hanks White
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook, Sy2-lnch, No. 5

Make a chain of 200 stitches.
Row I —
Yarn over hook, insert hook in first
stitch of chain, draw up a loop, * yarn over,
draw through 2 loops on hook, yarn over, draw
loop up in same stitch, yarn over, draw through
2 loops, yarn over, draw loop up in same stitch,
yarn over, draw through 2 loops, yarn over,
draw loop up in same stitch, yarn over, draw
through 2 loops, yarn over, draw through all
5 loops on hook, slip stitch in the next stitch,
yarn over, insert hook in next stitch, draw up a
loop, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.

Row 2 Make 1 D C in each stitch of pre-
ceding row, chain 1, turn.
Repeat 1st and 2d rows until shawl is 24
inches wide.
Make two 5-inch tassels, draw shawl together at
the ends and finish by sewing a tassel at each end.


Columbia Crocheted Shawl Columbia Crocheted Shawl

For detail see Fancy Crochet Pattern, page 120. For detail .see Cross Stitch, page 128.
Columbia Lady Jane
9 hanks White
and Columbia Pompadour Wool
12 balls Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4
With strand of Lady Jane and 1 of Pom-
padour make a chain of 130 stitches.

Row I In the 4th stitch of chain draw up
a loop, draw up a loop In 3d stitch of chain,
yarn over hook, draw through all 3 loops on
hook, * chain 1, skip 1 stitch, draw up a loop in
next stitch, draw up a loop in stitch that was
skipped, yarn over, draw through all 3 loops,
repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.

Row 1 Draw up a loop in 2d space, draw up
a loop in 1st space, yarn over, draw through
3 loops on hook, * chain 1, skip 1 space, draw
up a looij in next space, draw up a loop in space
that was skipped, yarn over, draw through 3
loops on hook, repeat from * to end of row, end-
ing row by drawing 1 loop up in last .space, yarn
over, draw through 2 loops on hook, chain 3, turn.
Repeat 2d row until shawl is 1% yards long,
finish with knotted fringe 7 Inches long, com-
posed of 4 strands of each white and color.

No. I

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
10 hanks White 2 hanks Color
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown
12 hanks White 3 hanks Color
1 Bone or Celluloid Crochet Hook, 5-lnch, No. 4


Make a chain of 101 stitches.

Draw a loop up through 2d and 3d stitches,
yarn over hook, draw through all 3 loops on
hook and chain 1, * draw a loop through each
of next 2 stitches, yarn over hook, draw through
all 3 loops on hook and chain 1. Repeat from
* across, chain 2 and turn. Repeat this row
for all the work.
Color to be used in the following order
15 rows white, 2 rows color, 2 rows white,
2 rows color. Make centre white for 1 yard
long, and work the other side to correspond.
At each end work a row of D C with 1 chain
Finish with knotted fringe 7 inches long,
composed of 4 strands of yarn, each color.


Crocheted Shawl
For detail see I'anaiua Stiteli, page 129.

MATERIAL iu next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, break

off yarn.
Columbia Floss
4 hanks White
Row —
4 With wliite yarn work 1 D C in each
stitch of preceding row taking up both loops.
and Columbia Pompadour Wool Be careful to always have the same number of
6 l)alls Colcir
D C In e\'ery white row.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7
Repeat rows 2, 3 and 4 alternately until you
ha\e 14 white stripes and 13 colored stripes.
Work a border on both ends as follows:
INSTRUCTIONS With colored yarn work 49 Sg. C with 3
With white yaiii make a chain of 273 stitches, chain between each Sg. C across the end.
work 271 D C on chain. —
Row 2 With white yarn work 3 D C in each

Row 2 With colored yarn and right side of space formed b.\- the 3 chain of preceding row
work toward you. work 1 Sg. in first stitch, drawing the D C one inch high.
* chain 3, 1 Sg. C in same stitch taking up back —
Row 3 With colored yarn work 1 Sg. C in
loops of preceding row, skip 1 stitch, 1 Sg. C In each space, with 3 chain between each Sg. C.
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, —
Row 4 With white yarn work 1 C in D
each space formed b.^' the 3 cliain of preceding

Row 3 With colored yarn work 1 C in D row dr;iwing the I) C one Incli high.
lirst stitch taking up both loops. * 1 Sg. C in Witli colored .\-arn work a row of picot edge
centre stitch of 3 chain of preceding row, IDC all around shawl.

Columbia Crocheted Shawl

MATERIAL repeat from * to end of row, ending row with

1 D C. Chain 3, turn.
Columbia Zephyr Floss
Row —
2 Varn over, draw loop uji in first
1 hank White 1 hank Black space, yarn over, draw loop up in next space,
i:'. hanks rartriilso No. Gl
yarn t>"\-er. draw through 4 loops, yarn over,
(Iraw thi-ough 2 loops, chain 1, * yarn over, draw
2 hanks I'artriilge No. 00 loop up in same space, yarn over, draw loop up
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5 in next space, yarn over, draw through 4 loops,
yarn over, draw through 2 loops, chain 1, re-
INSTRUCTIONS peat from * to end of row, ending with IDC
chain 3 and turn.
Make a chain >t 14.'! stitchos. with Partridge
Repent 2d row until you have 3S rows, now
No. 61. black, 1 row white, 1 of black. 3
make 1 row of
Row —
I Yarn over needle, insert needle in 4th of No. 60, 3 of No. 61, 1 of white. 3 of No. 61. 3
stitch of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over, skiji of N<1. 60. 1 of black. 1 of white, 1 of black, 7 of
1 .stitch, draw loop up in next stitch, .varn over, No. 61. you should now have 64 rows, which is
draw throuirh 4 loops, yarn over, draw through one-half the shawl. Starting on the chain make
2 loops, chain 1, * .varn over, draw loop up in another correspond. With No. 61 make
h;ilf to
same stitch, .varn over, skip 1 .stitch, draw loop a row of picot down each side and finish at the
up in next stitch, yarn over, dr.-iw through 4 bottom with knotted fringe 7 inches long, with
loops, yarn over, draw through 2 loops, chain 1. 6 strands of No. 61.

Crocheted Shawl
For detail see Puff antl Knot Stitch, page 126.

MATERIAL make 1 Sg. C, skip 1 stitch of chain, make a

puff, repeat from * to end of row, ending with
Columbia Zephyr Floss puff, chain 3, turn.
11 lianl^s Color 4 hanlis White —
Row 2 1 Sg. C on top of puff of preceding
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook, .5-inch, No. 4 row * now m.ike a puff in Sg. C of preceding
row, draw loop on hook half inch long, yarn
over, draw through looi), in.sert hook through
INSTRUCTIONS back of stitch just made, make a Sg. C, now
Make a chain of 12S stitches with colored make a Sg. C on top of second puff of preceding
yarn. row, draw loop half inch long, ,varn over, draw
through loop, insert hook through back of stitch

Row 1 In the 4th stitcli from hook make a just made, make 1 Sg. C, repeat from * to end of
puff as follow.?, yarn over hook, draw up a loop,
row, ending with Sg. C.
yarn over, draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn
over, draw up loop in same stitch, yarn over, —
Row 3 Same as second row starting and end-
draw through all 7 loops on hook, * chain 1, ing Avitli puff stitch. Repeat second and third
draw loop on hook half inch long, yarn over, rows for all the work.
draw through loop, insert hook through back of Work alternately 10 rows of color and 3 of
stitch .lust made and make a Sg. C, skip 1 stitch white, until you have 15 stripes of color and 14
of chain, in nest stitch make 1 Sg. C, draw loop of white.
half inch long, yarn over, draw through loop, Finish with knotted fringe 7 inches long, com-
in,sert hook through back of stitch just made. posed of 4 strands of each coloi*.


Columbia Knitted Shawl

For detail see Knitted ropeoni Stlteh, page 128.

MATERIAL acro.ss. (See that you always have the same

number of stitches.) Repeat from 1st to 4th
Columbia Floss rows for 3 times more (making 4 popcorn rows).
S liauks Wliite 2 lianlis Culor Then 4 ribs or 8 rows plain. Work shawl in
2 Wooden Knittin;; Needles. 14-ineli. No. 11 like manner throughout — popcorn and plain
rows alternately. At each end of shawl make
INSTRUCTIONS 2 stripes of popcorn with a white stripe of plain
Wmd the yarn double, and for the border, 1 knitting between, having centre white H^ yards
thread white with 1 thread color. Ca.st on 100 long.
stitches and witli white yarn double knit i)lain Finish with fringe of mesh stitches in white
for 4 ribs or 8 rows. Then knit popcorn stitch and color yarn as follows :
* Draw a loop up
as follows about 1 inch, divide loop with finger and make

Row I Knit plain. a Sg. C in loop (this forms a knot), draw a

Row 1 Knit the first S stitches plain, then loop up about 1 inch again, divide loop with
finger and make a Sg. C in loop between the
purl across within S stitches of the end. Al-
ways knit the first 8 stitches and the last 8 single and double threads of loops, skip 3
stitches plain. stitches and fasten with Sg. C. Repeat from *

Row 3 Knit 8 stitclies plain, then 2 together, to end of row, ending with Sg. C, turn.

within S stitches of the end knit these plain.

: —
Row 2 * Make 2 loops and 2 knots and

Row 4 Knit S stitches ]ilain, then take u]> fasten down in the 1st knot stitch of previous
a stitch between each stitch and knit plain row. Repeat from * across.
Columbia Knitted Shawl Columbia Knitted Shawl
For detail see Colonial Stitch, page 127.

Columbia Lady Jane
7 hanks
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14 inch. No. 8

Cast on C stitches, increase 1 stitch at each
end every other row until there are 100 stitches
HI TOSS, start pattern.

Row I Knit 10 stitches plain, * yarn over
needle twice, knit 2 stitches together, knit 3, re-
-»^ peat from * knitting the last 10 stitches plain.

Row 2 Knit 10, * yarn over twice, slip 1
stitch off the needle, knit 2 together, knit 3, re-
peat from * knitting the last 10 stitches plain.
Repeat row 2 until shawl measures 1% yards.
Now decrease in the same manner as you in-
creased until (> .stitches remain, bind off.
Finish each end with a 5 inch tassel.

Columbia Zephyr Floss
S hanks White
2 hanks Partridge No. 61
2 Wooden Knitting Needles, 14 incli. No. 10
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5


Note —2 rows form a rib.

With white yarn cast on 100 stitclies, knit 6
ribs plain.
With Partridge yarn knit 5 ribs of moss stitch,
white 5 ribs plain. Partridge 4 ribs moss stitch,
white 4 ribs plain. Partridge 3 ribs moss stitch,
white 3 ribs plain. Partridge 2 ribs moss stitch,
now with white knit plain until work measures
27 inches, this is one-half of shawl, work second
half to correspond.
With Partridge yarn finish both ends with
crochet fringe as follows :

fasten yarn to cor-
ner, * chain 30, fasten in next stitch with Sg. C,
repeat from * across.
140 C ( ) I. T' M n I A YARX S

Detail Stitches of Sweaters

Single Brioche Stitch

•iixci.i: r.KKicnK sn 11

Cast on the number of stitches desired. Row2 —

Slip 1 * yarn over needle, slip 1. knit
Row I- -Knit 1, * yarn over, slip 1, knit 1, re- 2 together, repeat from * to end of row.
peat from * to end of row.

Sweater Pattern

Cast on any number of stitches (51). Row 2 — * Knit 2. purl 2, knit 2, purl 1. knit 1,

Row I Knit 2, purl 2, * knit 1. purl 1, knit 1, purl 1. knit
Repeat from * across.
1, purl 1, kiiit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl
Repeat these two
purl 1, knit 1. purl 1, knit 1, purl 1. knit 1, purl 1.

2, knit 2, pur! 2. Repeat from * across. rows for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Sweaters

Pique Stitch

ruH'i-: STITCH
Make a clialu the length desired. —
Row 2 * Take up back loop, draw yarn

Row I * Take up front loop, draw yarn through, wrap, draw tlirough 1 loop, wrap, draw
through, wrap, draw through 1 loop, wrap, draw througli 2 loops, take up the front loop, draw
through 2 loops. t;ike up the back loop of next yarn through, wrap, draw through 1 loop, wrap,
stitch, draw yarn through, wrap, draw through draw through 2 loops, repeat from * across,
1 loop, wrap, draw through 2 loops. Kepeat chain 1, turn.
from * across, chain 1, turn. Repeat these 2 rows alternately for all the

Sheaf Stitch

Make a chain the length desired. Row —
2 Draw up a loop in last chain stitch

Row I In the 3d stitch of chain draw up a of preceding row, draw up in first space, * yam
loop, draw up a loop in next stitch, * yarn over over, draw through all 3 loops on hook, chain 1,
hook,draw through all 3 loops on hook, chain 1, draw up a loop in same space, draw up a loop
draw up a loop in the next 2 stitches repeat in next space, repeat from * to end of row,
from * to end of row, chain 1, tui'u. chain 1, turn.
Repeat row 2 for all the work.

Detail Stitches of Sweaters

Fern Stitch

Make a cbain the length desired. * to end of row, chain 1, turn.

Row I— Work 1 Sg. O iu each stitch of chain, Row 4 — Work1 Sg. C in top of D
C of pre-
chain 1, turn. ceding row, *
1 D
C in next stitch taking up
Row 1 — Work
1 Sg. C in each stitch of pre- botli loop.s, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, repeat from *
ceding row, taking up the back loop to form a to end of row, chain 1, turn.
rib, chain 1, turn. Rows 5, 6, 7 and 8 — Same as row 4.
Row 3— Work 1 Sg. C in first stitch, * 1 D C Repeat these S rows for all the work.
in next stitch, 1 Sg. C in next .stitch, repeat from

New England Stitch

BwriMfc^^WT.' .^ ^ ^JP^i^B^^MMt.- y —^ ..,Mil^^^t^i,^^k^^^A T^^m^^^^mmmji^^m^/^mm^^^^mmm^
C () L I' M B I A YARN S

Detail Stitches of Sweaters

Ripple Stitch


Make a chain the length desired. each of the next 2 stitches tjikiug up the front
Row I— Work 1 Sg. C in each stitch of chain, loop, 1 Sg. C in each of the next 2 stitches tak-
chain 1, turn. ing up the back loops, repeat from * to end of
Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 row, chain 1, turn.
stitches taking up the back loop, * 1 Sg. C in Repeat row 2 for all the work.

Slip Double and Single Crochet Stitch


Make a chain the length desli'ed. Row 2 — Single crochet, insert hook in 2d

Row I Slip DC,* yarn over hook, insert 2d stitch, drawn yarn through there are 2 loops on

chain stitch, draw yarn through there are 3

; the hook, yarn over and draw through both
loops on the hook, yarn over and draw through loops. Repeat these 2 rows alternately for all
the 3 loops. Repeat from * across, chain 1, turn. the work.

Ladies' Crocheted Sweater

For detail see Feru Stitch, pa^e 142.

Columbia Heather Yarn
13 balls No. 301

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn

1 hank Bottle Greeu
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3
7 larw Buttons

For 3() or 38 bust.

Front With Worsted Kuittiug Yarn make a islirow in Sg. C taking up the back loop to
chain of 105 .stitches, work 1 Sg. C in each stitch form a rib (all the increasing is done at one
of chain, chain 3, turn. end to shape the neck).
Row 2 — Work 2 Sg. C in chain just made, fin- Row 3 — With Heather Yarn work 1 Sg. C In


Ladies' Crocheted Sweater— Continued

first stitch, * 1 D C In next stitch 1 Sg. C in Row I —Work pattern add a chain of 2
next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, stitches at the top.
turn. Row 2 — Work 2 Sg. C on chain just made,
Row 4 — Work 2 Sg. C in chain just made, *
finish row, add a chain of 15 stitches.
1 Sg. C on top of D C of preceding row, IDC Row 3 — Same as row 1.

in next stitch taking up both loops, repeat from Row 4 — Same as row 2.
* to end of row, chain 1, turn, repeat rows 3 and Row 5 — Same as row 1.

4 until you have 6 rows of Heather Yarn. These Row 6 — Same as row 2.
8 rows form the pattern, in changing the colors 1 row row green. Increase 2 stitches
green, 2d
always start at the bottom of sweater. at the top and add 15 chain stitches at the
Repeat the brown and green stripes including bottom this is the length of the sleeve without
the increasing of 2 stitches at the neck as fol- the cufC, now work
still increasing at the top of

lows : —
2 rows green, 6 rows brown, 2 rows the sleeve 6 rows brown, 2 rows green, 6 rows
green, 1 row brown, add a chain of (J, work 1 Sg. brown, 2 rows green, now without increasing
C in each stitch of chain just made, work 2 rows work 6 rows brown, 2 rows green, this is the
brown, now without increasing work 3 rows centre of sleeve, work second half to correspond
brown, 2 rows green, 6 rows brown, 2 rows decreasing instead of increasing.
green, 6 rows brown, 2 rows green, this com- Cuffs, Collar and Belt are made of the brown
pletes the shoulder, work 1 row brown leaving and crocheted in slip stitch.
30 stitches from the shoulder for the armhole, Cuffs — Make a chain of 21 stitches work in
on this length work 5 rows brown, 2 rows green, slip stitch always taking up the back stitch to
now increase for the underarm as follows form a rib, work 38 ribs, join and sew onto
leave 30 stitches from the armhole, work 2 rows sleeve.
brown, 3d row brown leave 12 stitches lay, 4th Belt — Make a
chain of 10 stitches, increase 1
row brown plain, 5th row brown leave 12 stitches stitch at the beginning of each row imtil there
lay, Cth row plain, 2 rows green working to are 20 stitches, work 48 ribs, then decrease in
within 30 stitches of the armhole, now work 6 the same manner until 10 stitches remain, sew
rows brown up to the armhole, 1 row green add onto sweater with 2 large buttons.
a chain of 31 at the armhole, 1 row green, now
work the back without increasing until you have
Border and Collar — Make a chain of 11
stitches work 102 ribs (or as long as the front
7 brown stripes and 8 green stripes, 1 row brown of sweater) add a chain of 21 stitches for the
leave 30 stitches lay, 5 rows brown, 1 row green collar, work 90 ribs leave 20 stitches, and on the
leave 30 stitches lay, 1 row green, 1 row brown, remaining 10 stitches work 102 ribs, sew onto
take up 43 stitches, 2d row plain, 3d row take sweater.
up 55 stitches, 4th row plain, 5th row take up 67 Starting at the left front work a row of Sg. C
stitches, 6th plain, 2 rows green up to the arm-
around the bottom of sweater, now work 13 Sg.
hole, 5 rows brown, 1 row green add a chain of
C in right front * chain 8, fasten chain back in
31 stitches at the armhole, now work second the Sth Sg. C with slip stitch, work 8 Sg. C in
front to correspond with first.
chain and 13 Sg. C on border, repeat from *
Sleeves — With Heather Yarn chain 25. until there are 5 loops.


Ladies' Crocheted Sweater

For detail see Ripple Stitch, page 143.

Columbia Inverness Wool
20 hanks
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 10 Inch No. 2
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12

Work a chain of 8 stitches, work 88 Sg. C on loop.s, 1 Sg. C in each of the next 2 stitches tak-
chain, chain 1, turn. ing up the back loops, repeat from * to end of

Row 2 Work 1 Sg. C in each of the first 2 row ending with 2 front loops, chain 1, turn.
stitches takingup the back loops, * 1 Sg. C in Repeat second row for all the work, being care-
each of the next 2 stitches taking up the front ful to keep to the pattern after each increase or

Ladies' Crocheted Sweater— Continued

decrease. When work measures 20 inches de- cast on 51 stitches, knit 8 rows jjlain, on the
crease 3 stitches at each end, then decrease 1 next row work 2 buttonholes as follows knit 12

stitch at each end every other row until 78 stitches, bind ofC 4 stitches, knit 19 stitches, bind
stitches remain, worli on this length until back off 4 stitches, knit 12 stitches, on the next row
measures 27 inches. cast on 4 stitches over each of the bound off
stitches this gives you 2 buttonholes in one row

Front Work a chain of 69 stitches, work pat-
which after the border is sewed onto sweater
tern for 20 stitches, then decrease 6 stitches at
will be folded together and worked over to form
one end of work for armhole, now decrease 1
stitch toward the armhole every row until 52
one. Work buttonholes 3 inches apart. When
border measures 21 inches start to increase for
stitches remain, now start to decrease 1 stitch
the collar as follows knit 24 stitches, increase
every row toward the front until 28 stitches re-
in the next stitch by knitting the front and back
main, work on this length until front is as long
of the stitch, knit the next stitch plain, increase
as back. Work second front to correspond.
on the next stitch, knit the remaining 24 stitches

Sleeves Work a chain of 41 stitches, follow increase in this way every other row being
pattern increasing 1 stitch at each end every careful to always increase on the stitch before
row until there are 86 stitches across, work 3
and after the centre stitch mitil there are 128
inches on this length, then decrease 1 stitch at stitches on needle, work on this length until col-
each end every 4th row until 64 stitches remain, lar is long enough to extend to the centre of
work until sleeve measures 18 inches on seam, back, work second half of collar and band to
now with steel needles pick up 64 stitches at correspond decreasing on the collar until 51
lower edge of sleeve, divide stitches onto 3 stitches remain and omitting buttonholes on left
needles knit 2, purl 2 until measures 5
cufC side.
inches, bind Sew up sleeve and sew into

armhole by placing seam of sleeve to seam of

Belt Cast on 35 stitches knit plain until belt
measures 34 inches, now decrease 1 stitch at
each end every other row until 5 stitches re-
Border (for bottom of Sweater) —With cellu- main, bind off, crochet 3 loops on curved edge
loid needles caston 46 stitches knit plain until of belt.
long enough to extend around bottom of sweater,
sew onto right side, turn over sew to wrong side,
Straps —With steel needles cast on 12 stitches,
knit 3%
inches, bind off with 2 strap, sew on
thus making border doul^le.
uiKlerarm seam of sweater 9 inches below arm-
Border and Collar — With celluloid needles hole.


Ladies' Crocheted Sweater

Fur detail see I' ique Stiteli. page 141.

C, leaving IS stitches for armhole. 1 row Sg.

C, 1 row pique stitch. Leave 11 stitches, 1 row
pique stitch, decrease 1 stitch, 6 rows Sg. C,
decrease 1 stitch every row toward armhole, 2
rows pique stitch, decrease 1 stitch every row,
6 rows Sg. C without decreasing, 2 rows pique
stitch without decreasing, rows Sg. C, increas-
ing every row, 2 rows pique stitch, increasing
every row, 1 row Sg. C, make a chain of 26
stitches. Crochet 68 rows for the entire back,
work the left shoulder and front to correspond
with the right, care being taken to reverse all
the increasings and decreasings on the proper
side. Sew up the shoulder.

Border Work 5 rows of Sg. C, taking the
whole stitch. Beginning on the right side of
work at the front across the neck and down
the other front. On the 6th row make button-
holes, beginning at the top of the right front,*
chain 3, skip 3 stitches, crochet 12 stitches. Re-
peat from * until there are 7 buttonholes, then
work 3 rows of Sg. C and finish with pique edge.
—Make a chain of 15 stitches.
Row — Sg. C in every
I stitch.
Row2 — Increase 1 stitch at beginning and
at the eud of row, make a chain of 11 stitches.
Row 3 — Sg. C in every
1 stitch.
Row 4 and 6 — Like 2d row.
Row 5 — Like 3d row.
Row 7 — Pique stitch in every stitch.
Row 8 — Like 7th row, but increase 1 stitch
at lieginning and eud of row, make a chain of
11 stitches.
Row 9 — lake 3d row.
lo Like 3d row, but increase 1 stitch
at beginning and at the end of row, make a
Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn chain of 35 stitches. Now crochet 4 rows of
10 hanks Sg. C, increase 1 stitch every other row at the
top of sleeve.
1 Boue Crochet Hook No. 3 or
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4
Row 1 5— Crochet 10 Sg. C for cuff and finish
the row in pique stitch.


Row 1 6 Increase 1 stitch at beginning,
make pique stitch within 10 stitches from the
For 36 or 38 Bust end, finish with Sg. C, 6 rows Sg. C increase
every other row, 2 rows like 15th and 16th
Tlie jacket is crocheted lengthwise. rows, 6 rows Sg. C increase every other row, 2

Right Front Make a chain of 100 stitches. rows like 15th and 16th rows, 6 rows Sg. C in-
Crochet 6 rows (or 3 ribs) of Sg. C. Increase crease ever J' other row, 2 rows like 15th and
1 stitch every other row toward the neck, 2 16th rows, 6 rows Sg. C without increasing.
rows pique stitch, increase 1 stitch every row, These 6 rows are the centre of sleeve. Work
5 rows Sg. C, increase 1 stitch every other row. the other half of sleeve to correspond, starting
On the 5th row of Sg. C make a chain of 1.5 with pique stitch, decreasing instead of increas-
stitches. (Adding and increasing must be done ing. Sew up sleeve and .sew into jacket.
at the same eud of the work.) Pockets —
Make a chain of 21 stitches, 6 rows
1 row Sg. C. (You now have 122 stitches.) of Sg. C, 2 rows piijue stltrli, 6 rows Sg. C,
2 rows iiiqne stitch. 6 rows Sg. C. 2 rows pique 2 rows pique stitch, 6 rows Sg. C, for top 6
stitch, 6 rows Sg. C, 2 rows pique stitch, 4 rows rows Sg. C, taking the whole stitch. Sew care-
Sg. C (this finishes the shoulder), 1 row Sg. fully onto jacket.


Ladies' Knitted Sweater

Columbia Inverness Wool
10 hanks
2 Bone Knitting Needles 14 inch No. 4
2 Bone Knitting Needles 8 inch No. 2

Size 36 or 38 Bust.

With No. 4 needles cast on SO stitches, linit

plain for 3 inches then start pattern as follows

Row I
— * knit 8, purl 4, repeat from * to end
of row.

Row 2 — Knit plain.

Row 3— Knit 2, purl 4, knit 8, repeat from

* to end of row.

Row 4 — Knit plain.

Repeat from 1st to 4th rows for all the work
being careful to keep to the pattern after each
increase or decrease. When work measures 5
inches decrease 1 stitch at each end of needle
every 4th row until there are 08 stitches left,
work on this length until work measures 22
inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each end every
other row until there are 60 stitches left, work
on this length until back measures 29 inches,
slip 21 stitches on a .spare needle, bind oft' 18
stitches for the neck, on the remaining 21
stitches start the front.

Front Work 6 rows, then increase 1 stitch
every other row toward the neck until there are
36 stitches on needle, then cast on 10 stitches
toward the front, work 2 rows on this length,
on the next row work a buttonhole as follows sleeve measures 18 inches on seam, then cast
work the first 4 stitches, bind off the next 4 onto No. 2 needles. Knit 2 purl 2 until cuff
stitches, finish in pattern, on the next row cast measures 5 inches, bind off.
on 4 stitches where they were bound off, work
buttonholes 4 inches apart, work 15 rows, then —
Collar With No. 2 needles cast on 3 stitches
Ivuit plain, increase 1 stitch every row at one
increase 1 stitch every other row toward the
armhole until you have 58 stitches on needle, end only until there are 30 stitches on needle,
now cast on 10 stitches for underarm work on work on this length until collar measures 14
inches on the short edge, then decrease in the
this length until underarm measures 9 inches
then increase 1 stitch every 8th row toward the same manner as you increased until 3 stitches
underarm until you have 72 stitches on needle, remain, liind off.

work on this length luitil front is as long as Sew the short edge of collar to neck of
back on underarm seam Including the border. sweater.
Work left front to correspond omitting button-
holes. —
Belt Cast on 14 stitches knit plain until belt
measures 26 inches, bind off, finish belt with 2

Sleeves Cast on 40 stitches, increase 1 stitch patent clasps.
at each end every row until you have 82 stitches,
then cast on 2 stitches at each end until you —
Straps Cast on 6 .stitches knit plain imtil
have 90 stitches, work 2 inches on this length, strap measures 2 Indies, bind off, work 2 straps.
then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 10th Sew straps onto the underarm seam 8 inches
row until you have 56 stitches left, work until below the armhole, sliii belt through straps.


Ladies' Knitted Sweater

For detail see Single Brioclie Stitch, page 140.

Columbia Heather Yarn
15 balls
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles. 14-ineh. No. 2

Size, 38 or 40 Bust

Back — Caston 130 stitches, work in Single crease 1 stitch on each side, knit without de-
Brioche Stitch as follows :
creasing until back measures 24 inches. To
Row 1 —Knit 1,* yarn over, .slip 1, knit 1. re- have even stitches, knit 1 and ijurl 1 for 1 row.
peat from * to end of row. —
Next Row * Knit the second stitch by tak-
Row 2 — Slip 1, * yam over, slip 1, knit 2 ing up the back thread, draw a stitch, then
together, repeat from * to
end of row. Repeat take the first stitch from the front and draw a
2d row for all the work. (Over and back is .stitch, slip both stitches ofC the needle, repeat
1 row.) Knit until work measures IS inches. from * to end of row.
Bind off 6 stitches on each side, knit 3 rows, Next Row — * Purl the second stitch and then
decrease 1 stitch on each side, knit 3 rows, de- the first stitch, slip both .stitches off, repeat

Ladies' Knitted Sweater— Continued

from * to end of row. Kuit S rows of this pat- end of every needle until 30 stitches are left,
tern. Leave 36 stitches on each side for bind off. Work -second sleeve to corre.spond.
shoulder, bind off centre stitches, knit 8 more —
Border Cast on IS stitches, knit the same
rows on each of the 36 stitclies, Ijind off. pattern as cuff until strip is long enough to
Front — Cast on 72 stitches, knit in Brioche extend across the bottom of sweater. For the
Stitcli for IS inches, bind off 6 stitches for arm- front border cast on 3 stitches, increase 1 stitch
hole, knit 3 rows, decrease 1 stitch, kuit 3 rows, every row, (increase on one side only) until 14
decrease 1 stitch, Imit 10 rows then decrease 1 stitches are on needle, knit until long enough
stitch every other row toward the front until 36 to extend down the front. On the right side
stitches are left, bind off. Sew up on shoulder. work 6 buttonholes as follows knit 4 stitches:

Work second front to correspond. of pattern, bind off 5, knit 5, on the returning

Sleeves — Start with cast on 50 stitches.

cuff, row cast on 5 that were bound off. Sew bor-
Row I
— Knit the second stitch by taking up
ders on sweater.

the stitch from the front, through the centre —

Collar Using same stitch as cuff and border,
toward back, take up the yarn behind the first cast on 4 stitches. Increase on one end of col-
lar only so as to keep the other end a straight
stitch,draw through, then knit the first stitch,
slipboth stitches from needle, repeat from * to
end of row. Row I — Kuit 4 stitches, cast on 2 stitches.

Row —
1 Knit the first stitch, * skip 1 stitch,
Row 2 — Knit.
On the end of 3d row cast on stitches, 5th
knit the next stitcli then knit the stitch you
row cast on 6. 7th row cast on 10, 9th row cast
skipped, slip both stitches off needle, repeat
on 6, 11th row cast on 6, 13th row cast on 4,
from * to end of row. Repeat these 2 rows 15th row cast on 4, now cast on 2 every other
until you have 40 ribs, bind off. Pick up 50 row until you have 53 rows in all.
.stitches onthe side, knit in Brioche Stitcli until
Now work 32 ribs without increasing, then
you have IS rows, increase 2 stitches on each decrease the same as you Increased. Bind off,
side between 2d and 3d stitch, knit 10 rows, in- sew in place.
crease, repeat in the same way until you have
7S stitches on needle, knit 12 rows, bind off 4
Pockets —
Cast on 26 stitches, knit 35 rows
in Brioche Stitch, then knit 5 ribs like cuft',
stitches at each side then decrease 1 stitch on bind off. Sew on.


Ladies' Knitted Sweater

For detail see New England Stitch, page 142.

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
10 hanks White 2 hanks Color
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 1-4 inch No. 4
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 12

For 3S or 40 Bust

Back— With celluloid needles cast on SS Row 2—* Knit 3, purl 2. repeat from * to end
stitches, work pattern as follows of row.

Row I—* I'url 3, knit 2, repeat from * to Row 3—* Knit 2, purl 3. repeat from * to end
end of row, ending with purl 3. of row, ending with purl 1.

Ladies' Knitted Sweater— Continued

Row —
4 Knit 1. * imrl 2. kuit 3, repeat from 45 stitches remain, work 4 rows, then bind off
* to end of row. 7 stitches every row toward the armhole 5

Repeat these 4 rows for all the work being times, bind off the remaining 10 stitches. Work
careful to keep to the pattern after each decrease second front to correspond being careful to re-

or increase, work 4 inches then decrease 1 stitch verse it.

at each end every 6th row until there are C2 Sleeves —Cast on 40 stitches, increase 1 stitch
stitches on needle, slip onto steel needles, work at each end every other row until there are 84
16 rows, slip back onto celluloid needles, now stitches on needle then cast on 2 stitches at
increase 1 stitch at each end every 4th row until each end until there are 90 stitches on needle,
there are 82 stitches on needle, work on this work 12 rows on this length, then decrease 1
length until work measures 20 inches, bind off stitch at each end every 4th row until 70 stitches
6 stitches at each end for armhole, decrease 1 remain, work until sleeve measures IS inches,
stitch at each end for 3 rows, work on this cast onto steel needles and with colored yarn
length until back measures 25 inches, bind off work a 5 inch cuff in the rib pattern of knit 1,
4 stitches at the beginning of each row until 24 purl 1.
stitches remain, bind off.

Collar With steel needles and colored yarn

Front Cast on 98 stitches, work 5% inches cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until work meas-
always knitting the first 5 stitches plain for ures 131/2 inches, bind off, place each end of
band down the front, then decrease 1 stitch collar 8 stitches from edge of fronts, sew on.
every (>th row toward the underarm until there
are 85 stitches on needle, slip onto steel needles,

Belt With steel needles and colored yarn
cast on 12 stitches, knit plain until belt meas-
work 16 rows, slip back onto celluloid needles,
ures 8% inches, sew onto sweater with 2 but-
now increase 1 stitch every 4th row until there
are 97 stitches on needle, work on this length
until front is as long as back on underarm seam, —
Button Loops Join yarn to neck of right
bind off IS stitches for armhole, decrease 1 stitch frontwork 2 slip stitches, * chain 5, skip 4 ribs,
toward the armhole every other row 3 times, work 10 slip stitches, repeat from * to end of
work 5 inches more without decreasing, bind off front, now slip stitch around the bottom and up
15 stitches toward the front for neck, then bind the left front, care being taken not to draw the
off 2 stitches toward the neck every row until work.

Columbia Caledonian Knitted Sweater

Columbia Caledonian Wool
IJ balls

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn

2 hanks Color
2 Boue Kiiittiiif; Needles. 14 inch. No. 5
2 Steel Knittin.i; Needles No. S
1 Boue Crochet Hook No. 7

For 36 or 38 Bust

Back With boue needles and Caledonian by knitting 3 stitches together at each end of
Wool cast on SO stitches. needle every 4 inches imtil 72 stitches remain,
Row I — Knit 1, purl 1, to end of row, ending this is the waist line, keeping to the pattern
with purl 1. repeat first row for all the work, after each decrease, work 9 inches on this length,
when work measures 10 iuelies, start to decrease then decrease 1 stitcli at each and every other

Columbia Caledonian Knitted Sweater^ Continued

row until there are 62 stitches ou ueedle, work every 10th row until front is as long as back on
until back measures 15 inches from waist line. underarm seam, bind off, now pick up the 24
Slip 20 stitches ou a spare needle, bind off 22 stitches from spare needle, work 4 inches for
stitches for neck, on the remaining 20 stitches pocket, bind off. Sew jiocket to inside of
start right front. sweater and lap to outside of sweater. Work
second front to correspond, omitting buttonholes.

Front Work 2 rows, then increase 1 stitch
toward the neck every other row uutil S stitches Sleeves — Cast on 30 stitches, increase 1 stitch

have been added, then cast ou 20 stitches toward at each end every other row, until there are 52
the front, follow pattern always knitting the stitches on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at
first 12 stitches plain toward the front for band, each end every other row until there are 70
work 4 rows, on the following row work a but- stitches on needle, then cast on 3 stitches at each
tonhole as follows : Knit 4 stitches, bind off 4 end every row until there are 82 stitches on
stitches, work to end of row, on the return row needle, work 3 iuches on this length, decrease by
cast on 4 stitches over the bound off stitches, knitting 3 stitches together at each end every
work buttonholes 4 inches apart. Increase 1 14th row until 60 stitches remain, work on this
stitch toward the armhole every other row until length until sleeve measures 19 inches on seam.
10 stitches have been added, cast on 12 stitches Cuffs — Slip onto steel needles and with colored
for underarm, continue working until underarm yarn knit 2, pui-l 2, until cuff" measures 3 inches,
seam measures 9 Inches, then increase 1 stitch bind oft', sew up sleeves, turn back cuff.
toward the underarm every lOtli row until un- —
Collar With steel needles and colored yarn
derarm seam measures 1.5 inches. pick up 94 stitches at neck, work in rib pattern
Pocket Lap — With steel needles and colored of knit 1, purl 1, for 2% inches, working 2 but-
yarn cast on 24 stitches, knit 10 rows plain, tonholes in the right side, now knit 3 inches
break off' yarn, now work back from the front plain.

edge of sweater 24 stitches, slip the next 24 Belt — With steel neeilles and colored yarn
stitches on a spare needle (these will be used cast on 30 stitche.s, knit 8%
inches plain, bind
later for pockets) and in their place pick up the off. Finish edge of sweater, collar, cuffs and
24 stitches from steel needles and work to end belt with a row of slip stitches. st>w licit on with
of row. continue working, increasing 1 stitch 4 buttons.

Columbia Knitted Sweater

For detail see Sweater I'attern, page 140.

Columbia Llama Wool
15 hanks

2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14-inch, No. 2

4 Steel Knitting Needles, No. 14

For .30 or 38 Bust

— With bone needles cast on 156 stitches.

Row — Slip 1st
I purl knit purl
stitch, 1, 2,

2. * knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1,

knit 1. purl 1, knit 1, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2.

Repeat from * across.

Row 2— Slip 1st stitch, * knit 1, piu-1 2, knit

2, purl knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1,

(lurl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 2, purl 2, knit 2.

Repeat from * across. These 2 rows form the
jiattern to be knitted throughout the garment.
Knit 4 inches of pattern, then decrease 1 stitch
every 4th row at each end of needle until 30
stitches are decreased there are 12(3 stitches.

Continue knitting until garment measures 2.5

Inches from under arm seam to bottom, then
bind off 6 inches each end of needle. Knit 5%
inches more. Leave 33 stitches each end for
shoulder, and bind off intervening stitches.
Knit S rows, then east 53 stitches for the front.
Knit 4% inches, begin to increase for under
arm 1 stitch every other row until 5 stitches are 96 stitches on needle, then cast on S stitches
are added. Cast on 10 stitches for under arm, on each end of needle, care being taken to fol-
knit 15 inches, begin to increase 1 stitch every low the pattern properly on stitches that are
8th row, knit front same length as back, bind off added. Knit 2 inches, then decrease 1 stitch
loosely. Take the other 33 stitches and knit the each end of every 4th row until you have 24
right front, making buttonholes every 3 inches. stitches, knit the sleeve the length desired, less
5 inches. Slip stitches on steel needles, knit 1,

Bottom of Jacket With bone needles take and purl 1, to a depth of 5 inches, bind off.
up all the stitches around bottom, knit plain,
back and forth for 10 ribs or 20 rows. Next Collar — With steel needles pick up 135
row purl and bind off loosely. stitches, knit 1, purl 1 to a depth of 4 Inches.
Bind off. Sew up the garment under the arm
Sleeves —
With bone needles east on 35
and sew sleeves.
stitches, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1,
purl 1, knit 1. purl 2, knit 2, purl 2. knit 1, purl Pockets —With bone needles east on 40
1, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, ptirl 1, knit 1. purl 1. stitches, knit pattern for 5%
inches, finish top
knit 1, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2 knit 1, purl 1, for 1 inch in plain knitting, make buttonhole
knit 1, purl 1. knit 1. purl 1, knit 1: increase in the centre into which the button is put that
2 stitches at beginning of every row until tliere is sewed firml.v on the garment. Sew on ijocket.

Ladies' Knitted Sweater

Columbia Floss
hanks Old Rose No. 3
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 10 inch. No. 5
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15

For 36 or 38 Bust

Note — Sweater is worked lengthwise, 2 rows

form a rib.

Front — With celluloid needles cast on 160

stitches, knit plain untilyou have 10 ribs, then
increase 1 stitch (at one end of needle only to
shape neck) every other row until you have 170
stitches on needle, cast on 5 stitches for shoul-
der, on this length work 25 ribs, bind off 38
stitches for armhole, work 3 ribs, now cast on 35
stitches for back, work 42 ribs. This completes
one-half of sweater, work second half to cor-

Border ;With steel needles pick up stitches
on right front, work 4 ribs, on next row work
buttonholes as follows Knit 4 stitches, * bind

off 6 stitches, knit 24 stitches, repeat from * to

end of row, on next row cast on stitches that
were bound off on preceding row, knit 5 more
ribs, bind off, work border on left front omitting

Sleeves Cast on 96 stitches, work 10 ribs,
then increase 1 stitch every 3d rib (on one end
only), until you have 105 stitches on needle,
then decrease in the same manner that you In- of work only until you have 48 stitches, work
creased until 90 stitches remain, work 10 ribs on this length imtil work measures 7 inches
more, this completes sleeve. which is one-half of collar, work second half to
Cuff —With steel needles pick up 75 stitches correspond, fit the neck of sweater to shaped
around straight edge of sleeve * knit 3, purl 3, side of collar and sew on.
repeat from * to end of row.
— Pockets — With celluloid needles cast on 30
Row 2 * Purl 3, knit 3, repeat from * to stitches, knit 22 ribs, bind off, with steel needles
end of row. Repeat these 2 rows until cuff pick up 35 stitches at one end, work S ribs,
measures 5 inches, bind off, sew up sleeve. bind off.

Collar —With needles cast on 32

steel stitches.

Belt With steel needles cast on 18 stitches,
Row I— Knit plain. knit plain until belt measures 8 inches, turn in
Row 2 — Purl, repeat these 2 rows for all the corners to form a point at each end, sew on to
work, increasing 1 stitch every row at one end sweater, finish with 2 buttons.

Ladies' Knitted Sweater

keep to the pattern after each increase or de-
crease, work 178 rows.

Row — Bind off 3 stitches, tiuish in pat-


Row 180 Knit without decreasing.
Row 181 — Same as row 179.
Row 182 — Slip knit 2 together, finish in

Row 183 — Same as row 179.

Row 184 — Knit without decreasing.
Row 185 — Bind off knit pattern to within
3 of the end, knit 2 together, knit
stitclies 1.

Row 186 — Knit without decreasing.

Row 187 — Slip decrease, finish in pattern.

Row 188 — Decrease at the beginning.

Row 189 — Slip decrease, finish in pattern.

Row 190 — Knit without decreasing.

Row 191 — Decrease at both ends, you should
have 79 stitches, now decrease 1 stitch at each
end every other row until 3 .stitches remain,
bind off.

Work second front to correspond.

Back Cast on 135 stitches, work 178 rows,
now bind ofC 3 stitches, work to end of row.
repeat this row 7 times more, then for 2 rows
bind off 2 .stitches at the beginning, now decrease
1 stitch at each end every other row until 32
stitches remain, bind off.

Sleeves Cast on 16 stitches, increase 1 stitch
at each end every other row until there are 90
stitches on needle, now Increase 2 stitches at
each end every other row until there are 124
stitches on needle, work 6 rows on this length,
MATERIAL then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 4th row
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown until 74 stitches remain, work on this length
until sleeve measures K! inches on seam, slip
11! hanks
onto 3 steel nec<lU's, knit 2, purl 2 until cuff
measures 5 inches.
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown
1!) hanUs —
Collar With steel needles cast on 3 stitches,
increase 2 stitches every row at one end only
2 Boue Kuittiiig Needles, 14 luch, No. 4 until there are 35 stitches on needle, work G
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 13 rows then decrease 1 stitch every 6th row until
there are 23 stitches left work SO rows on this
length, now decrease in the same manner as you
increased until 3 .stitches remain, bind off.
INSTRUCTIONS Sew up the sleeves also underarm seam, sew
For 36 or 38 Bust in the sleeves liaving seam of sleeve to seam of
sweater, and witli the top of sleeve lorming part
Front — With bone needles cast on 99 stitches. of the neck, sew on collar having shaped edge
Row — Knit 2 purl repeat from
I * 2, end * to
of collar to neck of sweater.
of row always linittiug the last stitch plain. Pini.sh the fronts with slip stitch working 6
Repeat row 1 for all tlie work being careful to loops on right side.

Ladies' Double Knitted Sweater

Columbia Shetland Wool
5 hanks Color 5 hanks White

2 Celluloid Knittinj; Xi-edlos 14 inch No. 5

2 Steel Knittins Needles No. 12

For 38 or 40 Bust

With colored yarn cast on SO stitches, knit

plain for 6 inches then decrease 1 stitch at each

end of needle every 4th row until there are CS
stitches left, work on this length until work
measures 24 inches, decrease 1 stitch at each end
every other row until there are 5S stitches left,
work until back measures 29 inches, slip 21

stitches on an extra needle, bind off 16 stitches

for neck, on the remaining 21 stitches start right


Front — Work rows then increase 1 stitch

every other row toward the front until you have

50 stitches on needle, on the next row work a
buttonhole as follows :
—knit the first ^ stitches,

bind off 4 stitches, knit to end of row, on the

next row cast on 4 stitches over the bound off

stitches, work buttonholes .3 inches aiiart. now

increase 1 stitch every other row toward the on inside seam, slip onto steel needles knit 5
armhole until there are (iO stitches on needle, inches for cuff. With white yarn work lining

cast on 10 stitches for underarm, work until same as outside, join the two together by work-
underarm measures inches then increase 1 ing a row of slip stitches around the sweater
stitch every 4th row toward the underarm, until and the cuffs, sew .sleeves into sweater, overcast

there are 78 stitches on needle, work until front the buttonholes.

is as long as back, bind off.
Collar —With steel needles and colored yarn
Sleeves — Cast on 36 stitches, increase 1 stitch cast on 8 stitches, increase 1 stitch at the be-
at each end every row until you have 78 stitches ginning of every other row until you have .IO

on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at each end stitches on needle, work on this length until col-

imtil there are 86 stitches, work 2 inches on this lar is long enough to extend around one-half of
length then decrease 1 stitch at each end every neck, worli .second half to correspond, with white
10th row until you have 52 stitches left, work work the lining, sew into .sweater so the white
on this length until sleeve measures 18 inches will turn over.

Ladies' Knitted Sweater

Kimono Style

MATERIAL for the sleeves, then decrease 1 stitch every

other row toward the armhole until 37 stitches
Columbia Floss
S hanks Color
remain work 75 ribs on this length bind off.
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles No. 5
Work second front to correspond. Use the yarn
double for the border, collar and cuffs.
Cuffs Pick up 50 stitches at the end of sleeve
For 36 to 38 Bust and work 17 ribs, bind off loosely. Sew up the
Note —2 rows form a rib.
underarm and sleeves. Pick up the stitches
around the bottom of sweater, work 14 ribs, bind
Back —Cast on 75 stitches. Knit plain. off. Pick up the stitches in the right front
Work 75 ribs, then increase 1 stitch at each work 6 ribs, on the next row work buttonholes
end every other row until there are 91 stitches as follows Knit 4 .stitches, • bind off 3 stitches,

on needle, now cast on 65 stitches at each end knit 15 stitches, repeat from * until you have 7
for sleeve, work 30 ribs, slip the first 95 stitches
buttonholes, on the next row cast on 3 stitches
off on an extra needle, bind off the next 31
over the bound off stitches, work 6 ribs more,
stitches for the neck and on the remaining 95
bind off.
stitches start front.
Work border on left front omitting button-

Front Work 6 ribs for the shoulder, now in- holes.
crease 3 stitches every other row toward the
neck imtil there are 110 stitches on needle, work

Collar Cast on 23 stitches work 68 ribs, bind
off. Sew onto sweater leaving one-half of the
23 ribs on this length, now bind off 65 stitches border extending beyond the collar each side.


Ladies' Knitted Sweater

and 1 strand of Cardiual work pattern
as follows
Row I

* Knit .">. purl 1, repeat from
* to end of row.
Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat 1st and
2(1 i-ows for all the work, being careful
to keep to the pattern after each in-
crease or decrease. Knit 2 inches of
pattern then decrease 1 stitch at each
end every 4th row uritil you have 70
stitches left on needle, work on this
length until work measures 23 inches.
Now decrease 1 stitch at each end
every other row until there are 62
stitches on needle, work until back
measures 30 Indies, slip 22 stitches on
a spare needle, bind off IS for neck, on
the remaining 22 stitches start the
right front.

Work (5 rows then increase 1
row toward the front
stitch every other
untilyou have 54 stitches on needle, on
the next row work a buttonhole as
follows: work the first 4 stitches, bind
work to end of row, on
off 4 stitches,
the next row cast ou 4 stitches where
they were bound off, work buttonholes
4 inches apart, now increase 1 stitch
every other row toward the armhole
until you have 59 stitches on needle,
cast on 10 stitches for underarm, work
until underarm measures inches, then
increase 1 stitch every Sth row toward
the underarm until you have 72 stitches
vn needle, work until front is as long
as back on the underarm seam not iu-
iluding border, then with 2 strands of
blue work border. Work left front to

MATERIAL correspond omitting buttonholes.

Sleeves — Cast on 40 stitches Increase 1 stitch
Columbia Shetland Wool at each end every row until you have 84 stitches
5 hanks Navy Mine ?, Iianks Canliiial on needle, then cast on 2 stitches at each end
until you have 92 stitches, work 2 inches on this
2 Celluloid Knitting Xeerlles, 1-1-inch, No. 5
length then decrease 1 stitch at each end every
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 14-ineh, No. 3 loth row until you have 50 stitches left, work
until sleeve measures 18 inclies on inside seam,
INSTRUCTIONS then with 2 strands of navy blue and No. 3
needles, knit plain 5 inches for cuff.
Size 36 or 3S Bust

Collar With 2 strands of navy blue .^arn and
AVith 2 strands of Navy Blue yarn and No. 5 No. 3 needles, cast on 30 stitches, knit plain until
needles, east on 82 stitches, knit plain until long enough to fit aroinid the neck. Viind off and
measures 3 inches, then witli 1 strand of blue sew collar to sweater.

Ladies' Knitted Golf Sweater

Columbia Golf Yarn
122 liMllks
2 Bone Knitting Needles 14 inch No. 5
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. S
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 7

For .38 or 40 Bust

— With hone needles cast on SO stitches.

Back front waist line then decrease 1 stitch at each
Row — Knit purl to end of row, ending
I 1, 1, end every other row until there are 62 stitches
witli purl 1. Repeat first row for all the work, on needle, work until back measures 15 inches
when work measures 10 inelies, start to decrease from the waist line.
by knitting 3 stitches together at each end of Slip 20 stitches on a spare needle, bind off 22
needle every 4 inches until 72 stitches remain stitches for the neck, on the remaining 20
on needle, keeping to the pattern after each stitches start the right front.
decrease, thisis the waist line, work 9 inches Front — Work 2 rows then increa.se 1 stitch


Ladies' Knitted Golf Sweater -Continued

toward the neck every other row until S stitches now pick up the 24 stitches from spare needle,
have been added, then cast on 20 stitches toward work 4 inches for pocket bind off. sew pocket
the front. to inside of sweater and lap to outside of
work second front to correspond omit-
Row 1 — Slip the first stitih toward the front,
ting buttonhole.s.
luiit 1, purl 1, knit 1, piul 1, knit 1, purl 1, knit
1, purl 1. knit 1, purl 2, then work pattern to Sleeves —
Cast on 36 stitches, Increase 1 stitch
end of row. at each end of needle every other row, until

Row 2 Work pattern for 36 stitches, knit the there are 52 stitches on needle, then cast on 2
stitches at each end every other row tmtil there
remaining stitches plain (the first 12 stitches
are 70 stitches on needle, then cast on 3 stitches
de.scribed in rows 1 and 2 are for the hand down
at each end every row until there are 82 stitches
the front, use the rib for the right side) work
on needle, work 3 inches on this length, decrease
S rows, on the following row work a button-
work by knitting 3 stitches together at each end every
hole, knit 3 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, to
14th row imtil 56 stitclies remain, work ^vithout
end of row, on the next row cast on 4 stitches
decreasing until sleeve measures 19 inches.
over the bound off stitches, work buttonholes 4
inches apart. Increase 1 stitch toward the Cuff — f^lip onto steel needle having right side
armhole every other row until 10 stitches have of work toward you, knit 1 row, purl 1 row,
been added, cast on 10 stitches for the under- then work pattern as follows :

arm, continue working until underarm seam

measures inches, tlien increase 1 stitch toward
Row I — Knit purl 1. 1, to end of row.

the underarm every 10th row, until underarm Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these 2 rows un-
seam measures 15 inches. til cuff measures 3 inches, bind oft", sew up
Pocket Lap — With steel needles cast on 24 sleeve, turn cuff back.

stitches. Collar — With steel needles pick up 94 stitches

Row I— Knit 1. purl 1. to end of row. at the neck work in rib pattern of knit 1, purl 1,
Row 2 — Knit plain. Repeat these tw<i rows for 2% inches work 2 buttonholes in the right
side, with right side of work toward you, purl
for lap, in tlie 5th row work a buttonliole in the
1 row, knit 1 row, purl 1 row, now work turn
centre, 5 more rows, break off yarn, now
work back from the front edge of sweater 24
stitches, slip the next 24 stitclies on a spare Row I — Knit 1, i)url 1, to end of row.
needle (these will be used later for pocket) and
in their place pick up the 24 stitches from the
Row — Knit
2 plain, work until turn over
measures 3 inches, lund off. Finish collar, cuffs
steel needle work to end of row, continue work-
and sweater with a row of slip stitches.
ing increasing 1 stitch every 10th row until
front is as long as liaek on the underarm seam, Sew on b.uttons.

Ladies' Knitted Sweater

For 30 or 38 Bust
Note — Sweater is worked lengthwise, 2 rows
form a rib.

Front — With celluloid needles cast on 145

you have 15 ribs, then
stitches, knit plain until
increase 1 stitch (at one end of work only to
shape neck) every other row until you have 155
stitches on needle, cast on 5 stitches for shoulder,
on this length work 25 ribs, bind off 35 .stitches
for armhole, work 4 ribs, now cast on 32 stitches
for back, work 41 ribs. This completes one-half

of sweater work second half to correspond.

Sleeves — Cast on 90 stitches, work G ribs, then

3d rib (on one end only)
increa.se 1 stitch every
until you have 99 stitches on needle, then de-
crease in the same manner that you increased
until 90 stitches remain, work 6 ribs more, this
completes sleeve.
Cuifs — With steel needles and colored yarn
pick up 60 stitches around straight edge of
sleeve, knit plain until cuff measures 5 inches.
Collar —With steel needles and colored yarn
cast 32 stitches, knit plain until work meas-

ures 14 inches, l)ind off, fit the neck of sweater

to collar and sew on.
Belt — With steel needles and colored yarn
cast on 25 stitches, knit plain until work meas-
ures 10 inches, sew belt to sweater with 4 but-

Buttons — Make chain of 3 stitches, join,

work 7 Sg. C work 2 Sg. C in every
in ring,
MATERIAL stitch for 1 row, then 2 Sg. C in every other

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn stitch for 1 row. then 1 Sg. C in every stitch
for 3 rows, slip on to mold and work 1 Sg. C in
hanks Wliite 1 hank Color
every other stitch until mold is covered.
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 14 inch No. 4 On right side of front crochet 6 loops with (i
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 chain for loop, and sliij stitch between each loop.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3 Face the front with ribbon.
LaJies Spencers and Jackets
: :


Ladies' Crocheted Spencer

chain stitches of preceding row, 1 Sg. C on top
of next shell of preceding row, repeat from * to
end of row, chain 3, turn. Repeat row 2 for all
the work, increase 1 shell at each end on row 9,
17 and 26, having 15 shells on the 26th row, work
on this length until you have 31 rows from the
starting point.

Front Work 6 shells for the shoulder, in-
crease 1 shell toward the neck on rows 6 and 9,
and 1 shell toward the armhole on rows 12, 15
and 18 having 11 shells across, now decrease 1
shell toward the armhole on rows 22 and 26,
continue working on this length until you have
.33 rows from the shoulder, then decrease 2
shells toward the armhole every other row until
1 shell remains, work second front to correspond.

Border — With white yarn start border on arm-

hole .side as follows

Row I
— * 1 Sg. C on the point of crazy shell,
chain 2, 1 D C on the lower part of crazy shell,
chain 2, repeat from * to end of row.

Row 2 — With white yarn work, * 4 D C on

top of Sg. C and IDC around D C of preceding
row, repeat from * to end of row.

Row —
3 With colored yarn work same as row
2, working the shell in centre of shell of pre-
ceding row.
MATERIAL Row 4 — With white yarn work same as row 3.

Columbia Zephyr Floss Row 5 — With colored yarn work same as

3 hanks White row 3.

2 hanks Color arm leaving an opening large

Join under the
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 2 enough for the armhole, with colored yarn finish
armhole with picot edge. Now work border all
around spencer increasing at the two lower
INSTRUCTIONS corners on every row to keep work flat.

For 38 Bust —
Buttons With colored yarn double, work a
chain of 4 stitches, join in a ring, work 6 Sg. C
Back — With white yarn work a chain of 34 in ring, work 2 Sg. C in each stitch for 1 row, 2
stitches, work as follows
in crazy shell stitch Sg. C in every other stitch for 1 row, 1 Sg. C in

Row I — In 4th stitch of chain work 3 D C. * each stitch for 1 row, slip onto mold, now work
skip 2 stitches fasten down in third stitch with 1 Sg. C in every other stitch until mold is cov-

Sg. C, chain 3, work 3 D C in same stitch with ered, work 4 buttons.

Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.

Loops With colored ^•aru double, work a
Row 2 — Work 1 Sg. C on top of first shell of chain of 30 stitches, work 4 loops, sew loops
preceding row, * chain 3, work 3 D C on the 3 and buttons onto spencer.

Ladies' Crocheted Spencer

MATERIAL Continue working until you have 4 rows of

Fold Columbia (jermantown
blocks, in 5th row of blocks work 7 D C at each
end for widening. Widen on 0th and 12th
7 hanks
rows, same as 5th row. You will now have
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown l(j blocks across. Work until back of jacket is
8 hanks 17 rows deep.
1 ISdiie Crochet Hook Xo. 5 Front — Work on 5 rows of blocks back and
forth 4 rows. Widen on both ends of 5th row.
INSTRUCTIONS There are now 7 blocks across. Work 17 rows
of 7 blocks. (This will give you 22 rows for
Make a chaiu of 44 stitches.
In 4th stitch from hoolv work and IDC"
work 1 D C in every chain stitch, havini; 40 Make other front to correspond.

D C on chain, turn. Border— Make 4 'ow^ block stitch, same as

Row 2 — Chain 3 and 1 Sg. C between every
liddy of spencer.

group of 4 D C of previous row, chain 3 and Turn border over at back of neck for collar.
turn. Picot all around.
Row 3 — I.iko 1st row. Crochet togcthei-

Ladies' Crocheted Spencer

4 Fold Columbia Germantown
5 hanks White 2 hanks Color
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown
C, hanks White 3 hanks Color

1 Celluloid Croehot Hook No. 4

For ?,!•> or as r.nst

Back — With white yarn make a chain of 3(5


Row I — In .second stitch work 1 Sg. C, chain *

1, skip 1 stitch of chain, work 1 Sg.

next C in
stitch, repeat from * to end of row, chain 1,

Row 2— Work 1 Sg. C in first stitch taking up

the whole stitch, * chain 1, work 1 Sg. C in next
stitch taking up the whole stitch, repeat from
* to end of row, chain 1, turn. Repeat second
row for all the work.

Work 12 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each

end, work 6 rows, decrease 1 stitch at each end,
work 3 rows, decrease 1 stitch at each end, work hook, chain 1, jam over, draw loop up around
2 rows then increase 1 stitch at each end every the short loop of preceding stitch, repeat from
6tli row, until there are 29 stitches across, work * all around spencer.
on this length until back measures 19 inches.
Start shoulder, work 10 Sg. C, work 12 rows, With white yaru work 2 rows of Sg. C, with 1

then increase 1 stitch toward the neck every 4th cliain between each Sg. C.

row until there are IS stitches, work .5 rows on

Row 6 — Same as third row.
this length then increase 1 stitch every 6th row
toward the underarm until there are 22 stitches With white yarn finish with 2 rows of Sg. C
across,now work without increasing until front with 1 chain between each Sg. C.
measures 19 inches from shoulder.
Belt —With colored yarn make a chain of 130

Border Work 2 rows of Sg. C all around, stitches,work 1 row same as third row of bor-
same as body of spencer, miter corners by work- der, with white yarn work 2 rows of Sg. C all
ing 2 Sg. C in 1 stitch. around, at one end work a chain of 5 stitches,
this chain with Sg. C, this is for buttonhole,
Row 3 — Fasten
colored yarn to spencer, with

sew button to other end of belt.

slip stitch,yarn over hook, insert hook in same
stitch where yarn was fastened, draw up a loop, Crochet spencer shut underarm, leaving it
* yarn over, draw up a loop In same stitch, skip
open from waist line down, at the waist line
chain stitch and draw up a short loop in next work a chain of 6 stitches, fasten to spencer,
stitch, yarn over, draw through all G loops on slip belt through chain.

Ladies' Knitted Jacket

MATERIAL then work off SO stitches on a spare needle for

the back, bind off 20 stitches for the neck, on
Columbia Shetland Wool the remaining TO stitches finish the front as
2 hanks White 2 h:inks Color follows decrease 1 stitch every row at the neck

and increase 1 stitch every 3d row at the bot-

2 Celluloid Knittiiit; Xeeillos 10-ineh Xo. C tom, work until you have 4 plain ribs and 4
1 yard Ribbon fancy ribs, bind on. This completes one front.
Now pick up the SO stitches for the back,
INSTRUCTIONS work 4 plain ribs and 3 fancy ribs, slip on
spare needle again.
Size 3() Bust Cast on 52 stitches for second front, increase
Sleeve —With 1 strand each of white and 1 stitch every row at one end of needle and de-
color cast on SO stitches, knit plain for 14 rows, crease 1 stitch every 3d row at the other end
then work pattern as follows: until .\ou have 4 plain ribs and 4 fancy ribs,
Row I — Purl. then cast on 20 stitches at the end where you
Row 2 — Knit. have been increasing, this is for the neck, pick
Row 3— Purl. up the SO stitches from spare needle, finish sec-
ond half of jacket to correspond with first.
Row 4 — Purl. Sew up inider the arms, pick up stitches across
Row 5 — Knit. the bottom of jacket, knit 14 rows plain, in-
Row 6— Purl. creasing 1 stitch at each end ever.v other row,
Repeat from 1st to Oth rows for all the work. now piclv up stitches on the fronts and around
Work until .vou have 13 plain ribs and 14 the neck, knit 14 rows increasing 1 stitch at
fanc.v ribs, then cast on 45 stitches at each end each end of needle every other row, bind off,
of needle for the front and hack. X'ow work sew corners together neatly, this completes
until you have 10 plain ribs and 10 fancy ribs, jacket.

Ladies' Crocheted Peasant Jacket

Columbia Lady Jane
4 hanks

Columbia Pompadour
1 ball White
1 ball Black
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 4

Make a chain of 140 stitches. Jacliet is nowready for joining, counting from
back count off 26 stitches, then
Row I — Inthe 4th stitch from hook make 1
jioint in center
fold over and starting from other end of same
D C, then 1 DC in each of 68 stitches, 3 D C,
chain 2, 3 D C in 69th stitch (this is centre of
row crochet the two sides together (with Sg. C
back), IDC in each of the remaining 68
for 25 stitches.
stitclies for
This will leave you about C5
stitches, chain 3, turn.

Row 2 1 D C in each stitch up to the 2

Border IMake a shell of 6 D C in every 3d
stitch and 1 D C In every 3d .stitch. Repeat all
chain stitches in center (always taking the back
around jacket.
of the stitch to form a rib for the whole gar-
ment), 3 D C, 2 chain, 3 D C in the space of Row 2—Make a shell of D C in shell of
the 2 chain stitches: then 1 D C in each stitch jircvions row and IDC around I> C of previous
up to end, chain 3, turn. row.
Repeat 2cl row until you have 23 rows in all. Row 3 — Finish with picot edge of Pompadour.

Ladies' Crocheted Jacket

MATERIAL and back, work 14 rows on this length, now

work back 70 stitches, work ', rows for back.
Columbia Lady Jane Break off yarn.
5 liiinks White

Columbia Pompadour Wool

Front Work 47 slip I) C for front, now de-
crease stitches toward the neck and increase

1 ball Culdi- 1 stitch at the bottom of every row for 4 rows.

This ciimplctes one-half of the jacket: work
114 yards of Ribbon No. 7
second half to correspond and join neatly up the
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook Xo. centre of back. Sew up underarm and sleeves,
work 1 row of Sg. C aroimd the neck and down
each front. Now work 38 D
C with 2 chain be-
across the bottom of jacket for
For 36 or 38 Bust
With white yarn make a chain of 73 stitches. Border— Work a shell of 6 D
0, * skip 2
stitches, 1 I) C in next stitch, skip 2 stitches,
Jacket is worked in slip D C.
work a shell of 6 DC in next stitch, repeat from

Row I Tarn over hook, insert hook in 3d * all around jacket.
.stitch of chain, * draw up a loop, yarn over
hook, draw througli all 3 loops, yarn over hook, Row 2 —
Same as first row working shell in
insert hook in nest stitch, repeat from * to end centre of shell of preceding row, and D C on top
of row, chain 2, turn. Repeat first row for all of 1) (" of preceding row. Work border around
the work, always taking up the back loop of each sleeve and finish jacket with picot edge of
preceding row. Work 18 rows, then add a Pompadour wool. Draw ribbon through bead-
chain of 43 stitches at each end for the front ing.

Ladies' Knitted Jacket

MATERIAL Inches apart). Continue knitting until work

measures 8 inches not including the border, di-
2 Fold Columbia Saxony vide jacket in three sections, knit the first 66
stitches onto a spare needle, bind off 24 stitches
5 hanks
for armhole, knit the next 86 stitches off onto
2 Bone Knitting Needles, 14 inch, N( anotlier spare needle, bind off 24 stitches for
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15 second armhole and on the remaining 66 stitches
finish front, work 28 ribs (56 rows), slip 38
stitches toward the neck on a spare needle, on
INSTRUCTIONS the remaining 28 stitches work 9 ribs, bind off.
Work second front to correspond. Pick up the
For 3C or 3S Bust 86 stitches on the back spare needle, work 21
ribs, then decrease 1 stitch at each end every
With bone needles cast on 2G6 stitches, linit 3, other row until 40 stitches remain. Sew up the
purl 3 for 20 rows, then work a row of holes shoulders, pick up all the stitches around the
for the ribbon as follows * knit 5 stitches plain,
neck, knit 3, purl 3, for 12 rows, bind off.
yarn over needles, knit 2 stitches together, re-
peat from * to end of row, now knit 10 rows

Sleeves Cast on 92 stitches, knit 25 rows,
then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 8th row
plain, work a buttonhole in the right side as until there are 68 stitches on needle, knit on
follows : Knit 5 stitches bind off 3 stitches, knit this length until sleeve measures 17 inches, slip
to end of row, on the next row cast on 3 stitches onto 3 steel needles, knit 2, purl 2 for 5 inches,
over the bound off stitches (work buttonholes 3 bind off. Sew sleeves into armhole.

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

skip 2 stitches, in the next .stitch work 4 D C
repeat from * to end of row, chain 3, turn.

Row 2—* Work 4 D In centre of 4 D C of

preceding row and 1 D C on top of 1 D C of

preceding row, repeat from * to end of row,

chain 3, turn.

Repeat second row for all the work. Work 15

rows, break off yarn.

Start on the shoulder (or the chain) work
5 shells with IDC between each shell, work
3 rows, then start to increase toward the front
as follows, on one row add 1 D C on the end,
on the next row add a shell on the end and
so on until 6 shells have been added (there

sliciuld be 15 rows from shoulder), break off

yarn, work .second front to correspond, now
wcirli across the front chain IS stitches, join to
the back, work across the back chain 18 stitches,
join to second front, work across front, on the
next row work 6 shells with IDC between each
shell on the chain under each arm, work back
and forth on the entire length for 15 rows. Now
work back from the front edge 12 shells, work
13 rows on this length, skip 2 shells under the
arm work 20 shells, across the back work 13
rows, skip 2 shells under the arm on the re-

MATERIAL maining 12 shells work 13 rows.

2 Fold Columbia Saxony

Sleeves —Work 18 shells with IDC between
each shell, around the armhole work 17 rows,
hanks Color
leaving 2 shells in centre of sleeve, work 5 rows
Columbia Lady Jane
on the remaining length, work a row of shell and
1 hank White
plcot edge having 5D C in each shell and fasten
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 7
shell down with Sg. C around each sleeve.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4
3 yards Ribbon No. 12

Collar With Lady Jane and No. 4 hook make
a chain of 20 stitches work in afghan stitch
until work measures 22 inches, embroider collar
in cross stitch design with Columbia Lustrone,
For 3G or 3S Bust
line with ribbon, sew onto jacket, with colored

Back With 2 fold Saxony and No. 7 hook saxony finish collar with picot edge. Work a
make a chain of 81 stitches. row of shell and picot edge down the fronts

Row 1 In 4th stitch of chain work 4 D C, * and around the bottom of jacket same as sleeves,
skip 2 stitches, in the next stitch vvorlc 1 D C, fiiiisli with ribbon bows.


Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

Row 2—
Work 3 D C in the last Sg. C of pre-
ceding row, * 1 Sg. C in third D C of shell of
preceding row, chain 2, 3 D C on chain of pre-
ceding row, repeat from * to end of row, chain 3,
turn. Repeat row 2 for all the work.
Work 16 rows, break off yarn, start on the
shoulder (or the original chain) work 6 shells,
work S rows, now increase 1 shell toward the
front every other row for 12 rows, work second
front to correspond having all the stitches going
one way, join the fronts and the back together,
work 20 rows, now decrease 1 stitch at the end
of each row until 25 shells remain.

Sleeves Work 20 shells around armhole, and
work 23 rows, now with white yarn work 1 Sg.
C on top of each shell and IDC
between each

Row 2 —1 1> C in each space.

Row 3 — Same as row 2.

Row 4 — Same as row 2.

Now with colored yarn wink 4 D in first

.space of first white row. * skip 1 space, 4 D C
in next space, repeat from * around.
Now * work a shell of 5 D C and 4 picot in
centre of shell of preceding row, fasten down in
next shell of preceding row with Sg. 0, repeat
from * around.
Now with colored yarn work 2 rows of shell
same as just made in the 4th white row, this
completes sleeves.
MATERIAL Band — Makea chain of 4 stitches increase 1
stitch at one end only every row mitil there are
Columbia Floss 16 stitches across, work 214 rows of plain afghan
S hanks Color stitch on this length, then decrease in the same
2 hanks White manner as you increased uutil 4 stitches remain,
sew band onto kimono having the long end to-
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4
ward kimono.
Work a border around the bottom of kimono
INSTRUCTIONS same as sleeve working the last row of shell all
For 36 or 3S Bust around kimono.

With colored yarn make a eliain of 55 stitches, Belt — With

white yarn make a chain of 4
work in crazy shell as follows increase 1 stitch at each end until you
have 10 work 00 rows, decrease in the

Row I In 4th stitch of chain work 3 D 0, * same manner as you increased until 4 stitches
skip 2 stitches, 1 Sg. C in next stitch, chain 2, remain, with colored yarn finish belt with picot
work 3 D C in same stitch with Sg. C, repeat edge.
from * across, having 17 shells across, chain 3, Work a cross stitch design on band and belt,
turn. line with silk,sew belt in place with 2 buttons.

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

Row 2 — Join yarn, chain 3, * work 4 D C in
centre of shell of preceding row, and work the
puft' stitch around puff stitch of preceding row,
repeat from * to end of row. Repeat second
row for all the work.
Work 22 rows, start the shoulder on the orig-
inal chain by working 5 .shells with 1 puff be-
tween each shell, work 6 rows, now increase
toward the front by adding a puff on one row
and a shell on the next row until 3 puffs and 3
shells have been added, now increase in the
same way toward the armhole until 4 shells and
5 puffs have been added, there should be 12
shells across, work second front to correspond.
\ow work across the left front join to the back,
work across the back, join to the right front,
work across right front, and 2 rows more on the
entire length, on the next row work 6 D C in
each shell instead of 4 D C, continue working
having 6 D C in each shell until underarm meas-
ures 11 inches.
Point Jacket as follows Stai't on the left

front, work 11 shells fasten the last shell down

with slip stitch, now decrease 1 shell on each
row until 1 shell remains, skip 1 shell under the
arm, work 14 shells across the back, decrease 1
shell at each end every row until 2 shells remain,
work right front same as left.
Sleeves — Work 15 .shells having 4 D C in each
shell and 1 puff between each around arm-
hole, work round and round until sleeve meas-
MATERIAL ures S inches, now decrease 1 shell at each end
every row until 1 shell remains, being careful
Columbia Floss
to have the point on top of sleeve. Work a row
s hanks Color of shell having 6 D C in each shell fastened
Columbia Lady Jane down with Sg. C around saeque and sleeves,
finish picot edge.
1 hank White

1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4

Collar — The collar worked in plain afghan
stitch, make a chain of 5 stitches, work 1 row,
3 yards Ribl)oii No. 5
now increase 1 stitch at one end only every row
until there are 30 stitches across, start to shape
INSTRUCTIONS collar by adding extra rows as follows, pick up
25 stitches work off, pick up 22 stitches work
For 30 or 38 Bust off, pick up 19 stitches work off, pick up 10
stitches work off, pick up 13 stitches work off,
Back — Make a chain of SO stitches. now work rows on the entire length (30
Row I— In 4th stitch of chain work 4 D C, * stitches) continue in this way until you have
>arn over liook, skip 2 stitches, insert hook in added 5 rows ten times with 6 rows between
each increasing, now decrease 1 stitch every
next stitcli, draw up a loop, yarn over liook,
row in the same manner as you increased until
<lraw up a loop in same .stitch, yarn over hook, 5 stitches remain.
draw through all loops on hook, chain 1, skip 2 Embroider collar with cross stitch design,
stitches work 4 D C in next stitch, repeat from * finishwith a row of slip stitches, sew collar to
to end of row, break yarn off at end of each row. jacket.

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

Work 34 rows, then add a chain of 53 stitches
for sleeve, work across chain and across back,
then add another chain of 53 stitches for second
sleeve. Work 16 rows on this length. From
end of sleeve work back 74 stitches, now work 8
rows then increase 1 stitch toward the front
every other row until 10 stitches have been
added. Leave 48 stitches for sleeve and con-
tinue working 34 rows on the remaining stitches
for front.

Work second front to correspond.

Border Fasten colored yarn nt one of the
underarm seams, chain 2. draw yarn through 1
chain, draw yarn through stitches where chain
was joined, skip 1 stitch, draw yarn through
next stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all
four loops on hook, chain 1, * draw yarn through
eye just made, draw yarn through back looij of
preceding star, slip 1 stitch, draw yarn through
next stitch, yarn over hook, draw through all 4
loops on hook, chain 1, repeat from * all around
kimono, widening at each of the two lower cor-
ners by working an extra star on each side of
star which is directly on the corner. Join at end
MATERIAL of row. Increase at the corners every row.
4 Fold Columbia Germantown
Row 2 — Chain
3, draw yarn through 2d chain,
5 hanks White 2 hanks Colnr draw yarn through 1st chain, draw yarn
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown through eye of star of preceding row, yarn over,
6 hanks White 3 hanks Color draw through all 4 loops, chain 1, * draw yarn
1 Celluhiid Crocliet Hook Xo. 12 through eye just made, draw yarn through back
loop of preceding star, draw yarn through eye
of star of preceding row, yarn over, draw
INSTRUCTIONS through 4 loops, chain 1, repeat from * all
Tor 38 Bust around, work 5 rows of star stitch.

Back — With wliite yarn make a chain of '>~>

Cuffs —With wrong side of sleeve toward
stitches. .'du work 7 rows of star stitch, turn cuff back.

Row I — 1 Sg. r in every stitch, chain 1. turn Buttons — Chain 3, join, work 2 Sg. C in each
at end of each row. : titch of chain.

Row 3 —Take up the front loop of stitch.

* Row 2 —2 Sg. C in every other stitch until you
work Sg. C, takeup the back of next stitch work have 12 C around, 1 Sg. C in each stitch for
Sg. C. Repeat from * to end of row. 4 rows, with cotton, slip stitch in every other

Row 3 — * Take up the back loop of stitch,

stitch until all are taken off.

work Sg. take up the front of next stitch

C, Cord — With yarn double, make a chain of 25
"Work Sg. C, repeat from * to end of row. Re- stitches, make 2 cords, sew cords and buttons
peat 2d and 3d rows for all the work. onto kimono.

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

inserting liook under next chain of preceding

row, repeat from * end of row, chain 1, turn.
Repeat row 2 for the work, work 10 rows
then decrease 1 stitch at each end every row
until 2(> Sg. C remain, work 6 rows on this
length then increase 1 stitch at each end every
5th row until there are 38 Sg. C across, work
without increasing until back measures 19

Front — Work 14 Sg. C, work G rows on this

length, then increase 1 stitch toward the front
every other row until there are 20 Sg. C across
work without increasing until front measures
21 inches. Work second front to correspond.
Border — With colored yarn work all around
jacket by working 1 Sg. C in every other stitch
with 2 chain between each Sg. C, to miter the
corners, work C in one stitch and at each
2 Sg.
of the corners formed by the shoulder work 2
Sg. C in one stitch, this will form a small collar.

Row 2 With white yarn work 2 D C in each
space of preceding row and 4 D C in each corner.
Row 3 — Same as row 1.

Row 4 — Same as row 2.

Row 5 — Same as row 1.

Row 6 — Same as row 2.

Leave 60 D C, 30 each side of the shoulder

for each armhole, and with colored yarn finish
the jacket with picot edge.
MATERIAL — Leave 20 D C each side of the under-
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown arm seam and on the remaining 20 centre
11 Imuks White stitches work 14 Sg. C with a chain between
each Sg. C, end with a slip stitch, chain 1, turn.
2 hanks Color
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 5 Row 2 — 1 Sg. C in each space, increase by
adding 2 stitches at the end of row, finish with
5 yards of Ribbon No. 3
slip stitch, chain 1, turn.
Repeat row 2 until you have 50 stitches
INSTRUCTIONS across, you should now have taken up all the
For 3G or 38 Bu.st stitches of armhole, join sleeve. For the rest of
the sleeve join, chain 1, turn at end of every
Back — With wliite yarn make a chain of 60
row, work 2 rows then decrease 1 stitch at each
end every Sth row until 38 stitches remain, work

Row I 1 Sg. C in every other stitch of cliain on this length until sleeve measures 16 inches
with one chain between each Sg. C, chain 1. on underarm seam. Work a border around
turn. sleeve same as jacket (having 19 Sg. C in first
Row —
2 Work 1 Sg. C inserting hook rnider row). Lace together under the arm and finish
first chain of preceding row, * chain 1, 1 Sg. C with bows.

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

MATERIAL increase 1 stitch toward the front every other

row until you have 24 Sg. C across, on this
Columbia Lady Jane length work until front is 2 inches longer than
8 hanks White 2 hanks Color
back. Work 2d front to correspond.
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 —
Border Work border around, do not turn the
work, with colored yarn using the same stitch,
1 yard Ribhou No. 7 work all the way around, work 2 Sg. C in 1
1 dozeu Pearl Buttons stitch at each corner to mitre, at each of the
corners formed liy the shoulder work 2 Sg. C in
1 stitch, this will form a small collar, work 9
INSTRUCTIONS rows of pink and 9 more rows of white, being
Size 36 Bust careful to increase every row. Sew up under
With white yarn make a chain of 100 the arm leaving enough space open for arm-
Row I— 1 Ss. C in every other stitch of chain, Sleeves —With white yarn work around arm-
with 1 chain between each Sg. C, chain 1, turn.
hole, work about .50 rows round and round or
Row 2 — 1 S?. C inserting needle under first longer if desired. Leaving 16 stitches across
chain of pi'eceding row, * chain 1. 1 Sg. C, in- the top of sleeve, work 6 rows on the remaining
serting needle inider nest chain of preceding stitches for cuff, now with colored yarn work
row, repeat from * to end of row. Chain 1, 9 rows around the 6 rows just made, mitre at
turn. Repeat 2d row for all the work. each of the 2 corners, tinish with 5 rows of
Work until hack measures 16 inches, now white, turn cuff back, trim collar and cuff with
work IS Sg. C, for .shoulder work 6 rows, then buttons. Sew ribbon bow in front.

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono

Columbia Zephyr Floss
hanks White 3 hanks Color
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 5
4% yards of Ribbon No. 5

For 36 or 38 Bust

Yoke With 2 strands of colored yarn make Row 2 — 1 stitch iu each of the first 14 spaces,
a chain of 75 stitches, iu the 5th stitch of chain 2 in the next space, 1 in each of the next 4
work IDC,* chain 1, skip 1 stitch, work IDC spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 iu each of the
in next stitch, repeat from * to end of row, next 30 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in each
(having 35 D C) chain 2, tiu-u. of the next 4 spaces, 2 in the next space, 1 in

Row I — Draw loop up in first stitch, * yarn each of the next 14 spaces. Repeat 2d row
over, draw through 1 loop, yarn over, draw until there are 8 rows without beading row,

through 2 loops, draw loop up in next stitch, re- having 98 stitches iu last row, break off yarn.
peat from * to end of row (70 stitches In row) Body — Row — Withi 1 thread of white yarn,
chain 2, turn. .ioin in first space of yoke, chain 3, work 4 D C

Ladies' Crocheted Kimono— Continued

in same space, * skip 1 space, 4 I >
' in next .shell, repeat fnini * liavins 74 stitches in row,
space, repeat from * to end of row (50 shells chain 2. turn.
in row) chain ?>. turn at end of each row.
Row 2, 3, 4 and 5 — Like first row having 1
Row 2, 3 and 4 — I-ike 1st row. stitch in each space.

Row 5, 6 and 7 — Like 4th row. havins; C,

Row 6 — 1 D C in first space, * chain 1. skip 1
D C in each shell instead of 4. stitch, 1 D C in next stitch, repeat from * to end
Row 8 —Work 10 shell having 8 1> C in each of row, chain 2, turn, now work 2 more rows
shell, this is for right front. like first row, break off yarn.

Row 9, 10, II, 12 and 13 — Like Sth row. Peplum — With 1 strand of white yarn work .37

Break ofC yarn, leave 7 shells for shoulder, on shells, having 4 D C in each shell.

the next 16 shells work G rows for back, having Row 2 and 3 — Like 1st row.
8 D C in each shell, leave 7 shells for second Row 4 and 5 — Like 3d row. having CDC
shoulder, work left front to correspond with in each shell, break off yarn.
Sleeves —Work 15 .shells around armhole hav-
Row 14— 1 shell of S !> C in each of the 36 ing 8 D C in each shell, work C rows.
shells, working across the entire row.
Cuffs — Using 2 strands of colored yarn and
Row 15, 16 and 17 — Like 14th row, break same stitch as in belt work 39 stitches around
off yarn. bottom of sleeve, join, chain 2, turn, at end of
Belt — Use two stramls of colored yarn and each row, work 5 rows, then 1 row of beading,
same stitch as in yoke, .ioin yarn to 1st D C, 2 more rows same as 1st row. With white yarn
work 1 stitch between 1st and 2d D C, 1 stitch finish around sacque and sleeves with shell of

between 4th and 5th D C of shell, * 1 stitch be- 7 I) C fasten each shell down with Sg. C.

tween 1st and 2d shell, 1 stitch in centre of next Draw ribbon through beading.

Ladies' Knitted Kimono

MATERIAL 30 stitches for the second sleeve. Knit 18 ribs

on the length (132 stitches). On the next rovr
4 Fold Columbia Qermantown knit CO stitches, bind off 12 for the neck, slip
5 hanks Pink remaining CO stitches on another needle or
safety pin.
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown

Front Knit 3 ribs for shoulder then cast on
7 lianks l.j stitches toward the front, knit IS ribs and

Angora Wool then bind off 30 stitches which were cast on for
the sleeve, this leaves 39 stitches on needle, knit
1 box White
40 ribs more and bind off loosely. Work other
or 4 Fold Columbia Princess Wool front to correspond and sew up under the arm.

4 balls —
Border With white Angora Wool or Princess
2 Wooden Knitting Needles, 14-inch, No. 11 Yarn work 7 ribs around the Sacque and 7 riljs
around the bottom of sleeves.

Pick up stitches around the neck, knit
3 make beading as follows Knit 2 stitches,
ribs, :

Size 3(! or 3S P.iist

* yarn over needle twice, knit 2 together, knit
A rib is over and back or 2 rows. 1, repeat from * across. —
Next Row knit the
^arn <iver needle as a stitch, then knit 9 ribs,
Back — Starting at bottom cast on 00
bind off loosely.
stitches, knit plain for 40 ribs, then cast on .'KJ
Stitches for one sleeve, knit across back, cast on Draw ribbon through beading.

Ladies' Knitted Kimono


MATERIAL stitcheshave been added, in the 1.3th rib work

a space for ribbon as follows, knit 4 stitches
Columbia Shetland Wool
from the front edge, bind off 6 stitches, knit to
4 hanks
end of row, on the next row cast on 4 stitches
2 Wooden Kiiittini; Noedlt's 14 lueli No. 11
over the bound off stitches, work 4 ribs, work
2 Bone Knitting Needles 10 inch No. 2
another space, after the second space is made
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 1
bind off 40 stitehes for sleeve, knit 30 ribs on
the remaining stitches, then bind off 1 stitch
INSTRUCTIONS every other row toward the front until 10
For :)S or 40 Bust stitclies have been taken off, bind off remaining
With wooden needles and 2 tlireads of yarn
cast on CG stitclies. Work second front to correspond.

Knit philn 40 ribs (SO rowsl. tlien cast on 40 —

Collar With No. 2 needles and 2 threads of
stitches at each end of needle for sleeves, knit yarn cast on 20 stitches, knit 144 ribs, bind off.
20 65 stitches, bind off 16 stitches for
ribs, knit Belt — With No. 2 needles cast on IS stitches
back of neck, slip the remaining 05 stitches on knit SO ribs, bind off.

a spare needle, and on the first 65 stitches start Finish collar and cuffs with a row of slip
front. stitches, sew onto sacque. Work a row of slip

Front Knit 2 ribs, then Increase 1 stitch stitches all around sacque and sleeves, also
toward the front every other row until 18 i; round the ribbon spaces. Finish with ribbon.


Ladies' Knitted Kimono

MATERIAL are 28 patterns from starting point, hind off 10

stitches for armhole, now decrease 1 stitch every
4 Fold Columbia Germantown other row toward the armhole until 44 stitches
9 hanks Color remain, then decrease 1 stitch ever.v 4th row
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles 1 1 inch Xo. G toward the neck until 28 stitches remain, bind
off. Work second front to corre.spoud.
Sleeves Cast on 30 stitches, increase 1 stitch
at each end every other row until there are 74
For 3(5 r.ust stitches across, work 4 inches then increa,se 1

Back Cast on SO stitches, knit " inches plain, stitch at each end every 4th row until S stitches
have been added, now knit 3 Inches plain, bind
then work pattern as follows :

Row I * Knit 2. purl 1. repeat from * to end
off. Sew up shoulders and underarm seams,
sew up sleeves and sew into kimono.
of row, ending with knit 2.
rick up the stitches on the right side around

Row 2 Knit plain. the neck and on the left side knit 2 inches plain,

Row 3 Knit plain. bind off.

Row 4 Knit plain. Buttons —
Chain 3. join in a ring, work 2 Rg.
These 4 rows form the pattern, work 2S pat- C in each stitch of cliain, work 2 Sg. C in ever.v
terns, now decrease 1 stitch at each end ever.v other stitch until you have 12 Sg. C around, 1
other row for armhole until 72 stitches remain, Sg. C in each stitch for 4 rows, fill with cotton,
work 10 more patterns, bind off. slip stitch in every otlier stitch until all stitches

Front Cast on 74 stitches, knit 3 inches plain, are taken off, work 2 buttons.
now work pattern decreasing 1 stitch every 8th Cord — With
yarn double make a chain of 25
row at one end only for underarm until ('2 stitches, make 2 cords, sew cords and buttons
stitches remain, work on this length until there onto kimono.
Ladies floods. Toques, Etc

Ladies' Knitted Toque Ladies' Crocheted Hood

Columbia Heather Yarn
3 balls No. 301
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
1 hank Buttle Green
1 Rone Crochet Iluok No. 3 1 large Button

Starting at the top, with brown yarn make a
chain of 71 stitches.
Row I— Work 1 Sg. C
in first stitch, * 1 D
in next stitch, 1 Sg.C In next stitch, repeat
from * to end of row, chain 1, turn.
Row —
2 * 1 Sg. C on top of D C of preceding
row and IDC on top of Sg. C of preceding row
taking up the whole stitch.
Repeat from * to end of row, chain 1, tiu"n.
Repeat row 2 until you have 6 rows brown.
Row —
7 With green yarn work 1 Sg. C in
each stitch taking up the whole stitch chain 1,
Row —
8 With green yarn work 1 Sg. C in
each stitch taking up the back loop to form a
rib. Repeat these S rows until you have 6 brown
stripes and Ti green stripes. * With green yarn
take up '>') stitches, repeat pattern decreasing 1
stitch at each end every 4th row until there
No. I are 6 brown stripes and green stripes, there
should be 9 stitches left, finish end with a loop
of 8 chain work 10 Sg. C on loop, now repeat
from * on the other side of hood, sew hood to-

MATERIAL gether at the top and with brown yarn work a

row of Sg. C all around, with green yarn finish
Columbia Floss with picot edge.
Form 2 pleats at the top where hood Is sewed
3 hanks and finish with button, the ends of the cap are
eros.sed at the back and held with the loops over
2 Celluliiid Knitting Needles. 14 incli, No. 4
the button.


Note —2 rows form a rib.

Cast on 100 stitches l^nit 4 rows plain.

Row 1 — * Knit 2, purl 2, repeat from * to end

of row.

Row 2 — Knit plain.

Row 3 — I'url knit
* 2. 2. repeat from * to end
of row.

Row 4 — Same as row 2.

Repeat these 4 rows until .vou have 13 ribs

oi' 26 rows, knit 1 row. purl 1 row, knit 1 row,

purl 1 row. now kuit 12 inches plain, bind off.

Sew up the side and top, turn up the border

and tack both points down onto border, trim
with 2 small pompons.

Ladies' Crocheted Automobile Hood

MATERIAL Leaving Ki stitches across l)ack work 1 row of

8 Fold Columbia Qermantown
I) C around the front having IDC
in each
stitch,chain 1, turn, work 1 row of Sg. C taking
3 haiiUs White 1 hank I'artridfje
up the back stitch, chain 1, turn. 1 row of D C
or 8 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown taking up the front stitch. Witli I'artridge yarn
4 liaiiUs Whito 2 hanks Partriil^e make 1 row Sg. C with white yarn 1 row of
1 CfUuluid Crochet Hook Xo. -i
Sg. C, finish with picot edge of Cartridge yarn.
Turn up last two Sg. C and picot edge.
INSTRUCTIONS Band — With white .yarn make a chain of 40
Make stitches, \vork 1 row of Sg. C on chain then a
a chain of 61 stitches with white yarn,
1 slip stitch in the tirst 5 stitclies, then 50 Sg. row of slip stitches, all around, tini.sh with a
C and 5 slip stitches In last 5 of chain. Chain row of slip stitches of Partridge yarn. Fasten
turn at end of each row. this band on the right side, let it extend around
the front.
Row —
2 Slip stitch the first o and last 5
stitches of each row. Work across in Si;. C —
Loops With white .varn make a chain of 17
taking up the back stitch of preceding row to stitches. In the 4th stitch from needle make a
form a rib, increase by a<l(lini; an extra Sg. C V C, make IDC
in each stitch of chain, with
in each of the I'dtli, liath and .'ioth Sg. C of pre- partridge yarn make a row of Sg. C around the
ceding row. I> C adding 2 extra stitches at the upper end,

Row —
3 Plain. with white yarn make a row of Sg. C adding 3
Row4 —
Same as second row. Increase 1 stitch extra stitches at upper end, finish with picot
edge of partridge yarn. Make 2 loops.
in each of the 22d, 27th and 32d stitches, this
gives you 5G Sg. C and 5 slip stitches at each
end. Work 7 more rows without increasing,
Rosette —
With white yarn make a chain of
4. join in a ring, work 2 Sg. C in each stitch
now decrease 1 Sg. C at each end every other of chain, work 2 more rows with 2 Sg. C in each
row until you have 28 Sg. C left, on the last 5 stitch, then work 2 rows without increasing,
rows decrease also 1 slip stitch at each end. fasten partridge yarn in last stitch. * chain 8,
This completes the crown. fasten in next stitch with a slip stitch, repeat
Novr work 100 Sg. C around crown, having 10 from * to end of row. Sew loops on, having one
at each end, 28 across the back and 52 across lap over band in front and the other over top
the front, work 5 rows taking up the back of hood, finish with rosette.
stitch of preceding row. Do not turn work.
CO r. UM p. I A YARN S

Ladies' Crocheted Hood

loops of preceding stitch, yarn over hook insert
hook in same space draw up a loop, yarn over
hook, skip 1 chain, draw up a loop in 2d chain,
yarn over hook, draw through all 7 loops, chain
1, repeat from * to end of row. Break off

Row 2 Join yarn at beginning of 1st row.
chain 3, yarn over hook, draw up loop in same
space where yarn was joined, yarn over hook,
draw up another loop in same space, yarn over
hook, draw loop through eye of 1st stitch on 1st
row, yarn over hook, draw through all 7 loops,
chain yarn over hook, draw up loop around
1, *

last 2 loops of preceding stitch, yarn over hook,

draw up another loop in same space, yarn over
hook, draw up loop through 2d eye of 1st row,
yarn over hook, draw through all 7 loops, chain
1, repeat from * to end of row. Break off yarn.
Row 3 —Like 2d row.
Row 4 — With
Pompadour fasten in b,?ginning
of 3d row. draw up loop in space where you
joined, skiiJ eye, draw up loop in next stitch,
yarn over needle, draw through all 3 loops,
chain 1, * draw loop up in same space, skip eye
draw up loop in next stitch, yarn over needle,
draw through all 3 loops, chain 1, repeat from *
to end of row. Chain 2, turn.

Row 5 —Draw up loop in 1st space, draw up

MATERIAL loop innext .space, yarn over hook, draw
through all 3 loops, chain 1, * draw up loop In
Columbia Lady Jane same space, draw up loop in next .space, j'arn
3 liMiiks Wliite over hook, draw through all 3 loops, chain 1,
repeat from * to end of row. Break off yarn.
Columbia Pompadour Wool Make 3 strips of Lady Jane, repeating 1st,
2d and 3d rows and 2 strips of Pompadour re-
2 balls Color l'^ .vai'ds ribbon
peating 4th and 5th rows.
1 Celluloid Crochet Hook, No. 4 Now with Pomioadour wool rei^eat 4th and 5th
rows only making strip 11 inches long or (32
INSTRUCTIONS stitches). Work 5 strips of Pompadour and 4
strips of Lady Jane on this length. Join Lady
Make a chain of l'.»2 stitches with liady Jane Jane yarn at the end of last row of Pompadour,
Yarn. make a chain of 12S stitches, work 2d tab same
—Yarn as 1st tab. Sew hood shut at the top and draw
Row I over hook, insert hook in 4th
stitch of chain, draw up a loop, yarn over hook,
up to fit the head. With Lady Jane work a row
of cross stitch at the bottom of each tab.
draw up a loop in same stitch, yarn over hook,
skip 1 chain, draw loop up in 2d chain, yarn With Pompadour repeat 4th and 5th rows
over hook, draw through all 7 loops, chain 1, working all around hood.
* yarn over hook, draw loop up around last 2 Trim with rosette.

Ladies' Crocheted vSlippers

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
li llMllks (\i\ni-

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown

3 hunks Color
1 Celluloid Croeliet Hook No. 4
1 pair Lambs Wool Soles, Size 5
2 yards of IJilibon No. 7

Size .".

This .slipper is worked in slip stitch always To start side take up 10 stitches, work 10
taking the back stitch of preceding row to form ribs, now increase 1 stitcli on tlie upper edge
a rib. Two rows form a rib. Make a chain of every 4th ril) until there are 20 stitclies, now
12 stitches. work 7 ribs, this completes one side, worlv sec-

Row I — Work 11 slip stitches on chain, chain ond side to correspond, decreasing instead of

1, turn. increasing. Join on side.

Row 2 — Slip stitch in first ij stitches, chain 1, Work 3(:i I> C with 1 chain between each,

slip stitch in next stitch, chain 1, sliij stitch in around top of slipper for beading.
remaining o stitches, chain 1, turn. Top — Work 12 shells around beading, having

Row 3 — 1 slip stitch in each stitch of pi-eced- ,")

I)C in each shell, fasten each shell down with
ing row. Sg. C.

Repeat 2d and 3d rows for vamp, being care- Row 2, 3 and 4 — Like tir.st row working
ful to have 1 extra stitch on each side of centre shells around tlie third stitch of .shell of pre-
on the increasing row. Work 17 ribs, now work ceding row. Sew on soles and finish with rib-

3 ribs without increasing. bon bows.


Ladies' Crocheted Slippers

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
11/2 hanks rink 1/2 hank White

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown

2 hanks Pink 1 hank White
1 pair Lamb's Wool Soles, Size 5
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 14
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3
% yard No. 7 Ribbon for Bows

For Sizes 4 or 5

The slippers are made in the slip stitch. To begin sides take up 24 stitches, work 4

Row I — Make a chain of 10 stitches, which

rills,then increase 1 stitch on the upper side
by making 2 chain instead of 1, continue wi-
will allow you 1 stitch for turning, crochet 7
dening every rib until there are 34 stitches, work
stitches, increase 2 extra stitches in the Sth
14 ribs without increasing, decrease in like
stitch, crochet 7 stitches and 1 chain, turn.
manner until you have 24 stitches, work 4 ribs,
Row 2 — Crochet (taking the stitches
across connect at left side.
or loops from the back, this forms the ribs),
without increasing. You will then have formed

Turnover With white cast on steel knitting
needles 22 stitches, knit 60 ridges or 120 rows,
1 rib of vamp.
bind off. with black work in Ions stitch, ac-
Continue making ribs, increasing 2 stitches cording to design, sew carefully on .slipjier and
onl.^• in the centre of every other row, or every finish with ribbon bow.
rib, until there are 26 ribs in the vamp.

Ladies' Knitted Slippers

then knit the stitch which will
have the appearance of 4 in one.
Knit 2 rows plain. With colored
-i^Wf'V' yarn repeat these 4 rows, then
with white yarn and so on until
riiche is long enough to go around
top of slipper.
Sew ruche on. Finish with
rilibon bows and sew on soles.

No. 2

4 Fold Columbia Oermantown
2 hanks
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported
3 hanlv.s
Steel Knitting Needles No. 12
No. I
j)air of Lamb's Wool Soles No. 6

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown Size 5 or l!

2 hunks Wliitc J lianks ('dim-

2 Steel Knitting Xeedles Xo. 15 With 3 needles cast on 1<!8 stitches, having 51)
stitches on each needle.
2 yards Ribbon Xo. 7
1 pair Soles Size 5
Row I — Knit purl2, 2.

Row 2 — Same as row 1.

Row 3 -Purl knit

2, 2.
4 — Same as row
Row .3.

With colored yarn cast on 40 stitches. These 4 rows form the pattern, work 10 rows,
Row — Knit
I iJlain. now in the centre of first needle decrease as fol-

Row 2 — Purl. lows : Knit 2 plain stitches together, slip 1

stitch, knit 1 stitch, drop slip stitch over the
Row 3 — Knit plain. stitch just knitted, follow pattern to end of row.
Row 4 — With white yarn knit * 5, .slip 2, re- decrease in this way on every row in centre of
peat from to end of row.
* first needle for 18 rows, then purl 5 rows with-

Row 5 — Purl* 5, repeat from

slip 2. * to end out decreasing, now knit 20 rows plain always
of row. decreasing 2 stitches in the centre of every row.
Row 6— Knit * repeat from
5, slip 2, * to end knit 2, purl 2 for 21 rows without decreasing,
bind off.
of row.
Fiu'sh slipper with a row of shell having 5
Row 7" -* Purl 5, slip 2. repeat from * to end I) C in each shell, fastened down with Sg. C.
of row. Sew onto soles.
Row S~ -With colored yarn knit all the stiches
Row 9 — Purl all the stitches.
Row lo — Knit all the stitche.s.
Row n — Purl all the stitches.
Now with white yarn repeat rows 4, .5, 6 and 7.
with colored yarn, repeat rows 8, 9, 10 and 11.
until work measures 14 inches, join on the side,
so as to form a point for the front.

Ruche With white yarn cast on stitches,
knit plain across.
Row —
2 Insert the needle into stitch as if you
were going to knit it, wind yarn over needle
and around the forefinger of left hand 4 times,
bring yarn up and around the right hand needle.

Ladies' Knitted Slippers

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
of any two contrasting colors, 1 hank each and
1 hank White
i/i han]£ Black

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown

of any two contrasting colors, 1^4 hanks each
1 hank White
% hank Black
1 pair Lamb's Wool Soles, size 5
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 1-1

1 Bone Crochet Hook, 5-inch, No. 3


Vamp — With dark color yarn cast on 17 the middle or centre stitches, increase again in
stitches, linit plain for 5 rows. the next stitch. Repeat from Cth to 11th rows

Row 6 Knit 3 stltehe.s with dark yarn, now (until there are 12 stripes of light and 13 dark

take light yarn, insert needle in the 4th stitch, stripes) for the vamp, then knit 27 stitches,
* wrap the light yarn around the needle and bind intervening stitches in centre, loilt 27

your forefinger of left hand 3 times and work stitches. Slip 27 stitches on a safety pin and
this off as a stitch, then a plain stitch with knit on the remaining stitches without increas-
dark yarn. Repeat from * to end of row, end- ing until there 12 stripes of light and 12 of
ing with 3 plain stitches in dark yarn. dark stripes. Slip stitches from safety pin on
Row 7, 9 —
ii With dark yarn
and knit needle, and knit this side to correspond with
plain across, linitting every stitch. the other. Bind off and join.

Row —
8 and lo With dark yarn Increase in —
Turnover With white yarn cast on 22
centre this way, knit within the 3 centre stitches. Knit SO ridges or 1(W rows, bind off,
insert your needle in front of stitch,
stitches, with black work in long stitch, according to de-
make a stitch then in the back of same stitch, sign, crochet 1 row of 2 D C and 1 chain
make a stitch, now slip the stitch off the around top of slipper and sew strip onto it.
needle; this gives you 2 stitches In 1, then knit Finish w^th cord and balls or ribbon bows.


Ladies' Knitted Bed Socks


3 Fold Columbia Saxony

1 hank White
1 hank Cohir
3 Steel Knitting Needles Xd.
1 Kone Crochet Hook No. s


Note — Two rows form a rili. Row 2— * Knit 3 stitches with white yarn. 1

With white yarn east on 00 stitehes, pnrl 1 stitch with coloreil yarn repeat from * to end of
row, knit 1 row purl 1 row, knit 1 row. imrl 1
row, knit 1 row. now fasten colored yarn purl
Row —
3 * I'url 3 stitches with white y;irn. 1
i: rows, knit 1 row, pui-l 1 row. knit 1 row, purl 1
stitch with colored yarn, repeat from * to end
row. repeat these 12 rows alternately until you
of row.
have 16 white and 10 coloi-ed ribs.

Decrea.se for Decrease

the toe as follows: Row 4 —
* Knit 3 stitches with white yarn. 1

every oth stitch, work o rows deerea.se every 4tli stitch with eoloreil yarn, repeat from * to end
of row.
stitch, work 4 rows, decrease ever.v .3d stitch,
work 3 rows decrease every 2d stitcli. work 2 Row 5 — Same as row 1. Bind off the stitches
rows decrease until 8 stitches remain, liind off. by taking 1 stitch from each needle.
With riglit side of work toward .vou using white
yarn and two needles pick up 80 stitches on each With white yarn crochet a row of holes for
side, picking up 4 of the bound off stitches at ribbon at the top. work 1 D C. * chain 2. skiii 2
stitches. 1 D C in next stitch, repeat from
the toe on each needle having 100 stitches in
all. join colored yarn and with third needle around.
work as follows With colored yarn finish with a row of shell

Row 1 —rurl 3 stitches with <-olore<l yarn,

* having 5 D C in each shell fastened down with
stitch white, rejieat from * to end of row. Sg. C.

Ladies' Knitted Bed Socks

Columbia Lady Jane
2 lianU.s
2 Bone Knitting Needles, 10 inch. No. 3


Case on 112 stitches, Ijnit plain increasing 1

stitch at each end ever.v other row until there
are 130 stitclies on needle, knit 4 rows on this
length then start to ilcc-vc.-ise as t'ollows: Knit
02 stitches, knit 2 stit.lics tugctlier, knit 2
stitclies.knit 2 stitches t.>-ctlici-, knit 02 stitches,
ccmtinne in this wa.v alwa.vs decreasing 2
stitihcs in the centre of every row until 60
stitclies remain. Knit 2, purl 2 for 40 rows,
llilld nlf.

Sew nil the scple and liack of shoe, finish the

tup with 1 low of shell having 5 I) C in each
No. I shell fastened dnwii with Sg. C.

Ladies' Crocheted Bed Socks

4 Fold Columbia Oermantown

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Oermantown

4 hanks

1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 3

iy2 yards of Ribbon No. 3

Make a chain of 110 stitches, work 12 rows of
slip stitch always taking up the front loop of
l)receding row, on the next row work 53 stitches,
skip 1 stitch, work 2 stitches, skip 1 stitch, work
.53 stitches. Continue working in this way de-
creasing 2 stitches every row until 58 stitches
remain, work 4 inches on this length. Sew up
the sole and back of shoe, now work a row nf
beading for the ribbon around the top as fol-
lows work
: IDC in every other stitch with 1
chain between each D C, finish with a row of
shell having 5 D C in each shell, fa.stened down
with Sg. C.

Ladies' Crocheted Petticoat

Row 2 Pick up each of these
stitches, and draw a loop through,
leaving each stitch on hook, yarn
over and draw through 1st stitch. *
yarn over and draw through 2
stitches. Repeat from * until a
single stitch remains on the hook.
Repeat 2d row until there are 5
rows of white.
Row 6- -With ]iink yarn draw
up !)2 l.H,| s and wcirk tliem off as

Row 7 — Draw np 0." loops and

Work them off as before.
Row 8 — Like 0th row.
Repeat the .5 rows of white and
3 rows of pink until the skirt is wide
enough, letting the white come to
tlie top of the skirt and join to-

Around Bottom With pink yarn
erocliet 1row of 1 1) C then with
white yarn 1 row of on top ofIDC
each pink I) C. (In the pink row
use white ribbon and in white row
pink ribbon.)
For the bias ruffle with 10 inch
book make a chain of 30 .stitches.
Uraw a loop through every stitch
of chain (30), and work tliem off
MATERIAL as liefore. then make 1 chain. Insert the hook
under the ti>p of first stitch and draw up a
4 Fold Columbia Germantown loop.
T hanks White 4 hauks phik Continue until you have 30 stitches on the
liook then drop them off as before, being sure
or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Germantown to drop off the 2 first stitches instead of 1
9 hanks White stitch in starting back as in body of skirt.
5 hanks Tink
Crochet 5 rows of white and 3 rows of pink,
1 Bone Crochet Hook 14-inehes No. 4 repeating until bias ruffle is long enough to go
1 Bone Crochet Hook 10-inches Xo. 4 around the skirt. Crochet bias ruffle to the
2 yards White Ribbon No. 5 skirt with Sg. C on the wrong side, being care-
2 yards Pink Rilibon ful to have pink stripe in ruffle come opposite
X'o. 5
to the pink in skirt. Around bottom of ruffle
INSTRUCTIONS with white yarn crochet 4 rows of shells of 4
1> C. Finish with pink, * on each white shell
With 14 inch hook make a chain of 110 make a pink shell of 7 T> C. bringing the pink
stitches. up on the right side between the white shells
Row I —Draw a loop tliron^rh every stitcli to bias ruffle by making a chain of two and
catching between the fli'st white shells. 2 chain
of chain, leavin;; loops on the hook. (110)
yarn over hook and draw throusjh 1st stitch. * catch between the next 2 white shells and so on
yarn over and di'aw through 2 stitches. Re- till you get to the ruffle. Work back to the shell
peat from * Tuitil a single stitch remains on the same way. Repeat from * around ruffle.
the hook. The h)ops thus drawn through look On top of skirt work a row of D to run tape
like upright stitches. or ribbon in to tie around waist.


Ladies' Knitted Stocking

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
S hanks

or Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn

4 hanks
5 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15

For S% Size

Cast ou 100 stitches, 31 on eacli of 2

needles, 32 on the third. Knit 5 rounds ijlain,

on the 6th round * yarn over needle twice, knit

2 together. Repeat from * all around.
Knit 5 more rounds plain. Turn the edge
up inside and with each stitch on the needle
knit 1 corresponding loop from the edge, form-
ing a fancy hem.
Then knit 2 and purl 2 for 40 rounds. Now
knit 5 inches plain. At the 1st row of plain
knitting make the seam stitch, which must be
purled to the end of the heel.
After 5 inches of plain knitting is done,
narrow at each side of the same stitch. (This
16 loops on the other side of the heel and knit
is done by knitting to within the last 3 stitches
S stitches off the 1st needle or top of the heel.
of seam stitch; slip 1, knit 1, draw the slip
stitch over the knitted cue, knit 1, purl the Gusset— First Round — * on 1st or foot
needle, knit plain to within 2 stitches of the
seam knit 1, knit 2 together, knit the
end, knit them together. Knit along instep
rest plain.) Repeat this 9 times, doing 8
rounds between each narrowing. Then knit needle. On 3d
or foot needle slip 1, knit 1,
pass the slip stitch over, then knit plain to end
without decreasing until the entire leg meas-
of needle.
ures 20% inches.
Heel— Divide the stitches, having 17 on each Round 2 Like — the 1st round.

side of seam, knit and purl these stitches until Round 3— Knit plain.

the heel measures 2y, inches, slipping the 1st Repeat from * until there are SO stitches in
stitch of every row. To turn the heel the round.
Row I — Slip 1st .stitch, knit 17, purl seam Then knit plain for 314 inches.
stitch, knit 2, knit 2 together, knit 1, turn.
Now the narrowing of the toe begins as fol-
Row 2 — Slip 1, purl 0, purl 2 together, purl lows :Divide the stitches equal on 4 needles,
1, turn. 20 on each, knit 1 stitch, slip 1, knit 1, pass
Repeat 1st and 2d rows alternately until the slip stitch over the last knitted 1. Knit
there are 17 stitches on the needle, knit these 17 plain to end of needle. Repeat all around.
stitches, and on the same needle pick up 16 Knit round plain. Continue narrowing every
loops along left .side of the heel, knitting each other round at beginning of each needle until
loop as you pick it up. Ou the 2d needle knit 4 stitches are left, 1 on each needle. Bind off
the 45 instep stitches, on the 3d needle pick up and secure yarn on the wrong side.

Mens and Boys Sweaters, Etc.

Man's Knitted Sweater with Shawl Collar

side a pocket same as on the other side, then
finislithe row. Sew pockets carefully in place.
Wt)rk 90 rows, on the next row knit 43
stitches for front, bind off 7 stitches, knit 80
stitches for l)ack, bind off 7 stitches, knit 43
stitches for 2d front

Front Work 8 rows, then decrease 1 stitch
toward the front every other row, 12 times,
then decrease 1 stitch every 4th row until 26
stitches are left, knit without decreasing until
you have 54 rows from beginning of armhole,
this completes 1 front, work another front
tci correspond.
Back — Work
54 rows, close with the front
t)ii 26 stitches on each side. On the
2S centre stitches of back work the collar.
Work 13 rows.

Row 14 Increase 1 stitch at each end.
Work 3 rows without increasing.

Row 18 Same as 14th row work 3 rows
without increasing.

Row 22 Saiiie as 14th row, work 3 rows
without increasing.

Row 26 Same as 14th row, work 5 rows
without increasing.

Row 32 Same as 14th row, work 5 rows
without increasing.

Row 38 Same as 14th row, work 29 rows,
now decrease in the same manner as you in-
creased until you have 28 stitches left, work
13 rows, bind off loosel.v.

Border With steel needles cast on 26 stitches
knit 1 row, purl 1 row, same as sweater for 23
inches. Transfer to bone needles, work 6 rows
on next row increase 1 stitch on each side be-
tween 2d and 3d stitch every other row until
70 stitches are on needle, now increase every 4tli
row, 3 times, having 70 stitches on needle, work
MATERIAL 2 more rows which completes one side. Work
the left side to correspond making the button-
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn holes, the first one on the 6th row, knit 5
stitches, bind off 4. knit 7, bind off 4, knit 6, on
12 hanks
the next row cast on the stitches this giving you
2 Celluloid Knitting Needles, 12-incli, No. 5
2 buttonholes, which after the border is sewed
4 Steel Knittiiiu Needles, No. 10 on sweater will be folded together and worked
over to form one. Work 6 buttonholes having
INSTRUCTIONS them 4 inches apart, linish with border same
The entire sweater is worked 1 row knit and as right side.
1 row i>url. Sew them to the collar, and on the sweater
Use tlieyarn double, cast on ISO stitches, fold the c<illar, and border over to wrong side
knit 20 rows, on tlie next turn up the bottom and sew carefully in place.
to form a hem by taking 1 stitch from the bot- —
Sleeves Cast on 76 stitches, work 18 rows,
tom and 1 stitch from the needle, knit them then decrease 1 stitch at each end every 6th
off together. Knit 40 rows. row until you have 68 stitches on needle work

Row 41 Knit 20 .stitelies, now take on extra 42 rows, then decrease 1 stitch at each end
needle, knit the next 20 stitches, on each side every 4th row until you have 52 stitches
cast on 2 stitches, work 80 rows on these 24 on needle, work 15 rows. Transfer to steel
stitelies, tliis forms tlie pocket, bind off 2 needles, knit 1 and purl 1 for 30 rows, bind off.
stitdies on each side and bring the 20 stitches Sew sleeves in armholes. sew on buttons, sew
with the first 20 stitches together, knit the 41st 2 Ijuttons on collar and work 2 loops on left
row until 40 stitches are left, work on this side of collar.

Man's Knitted Sweater

when back measures 27 inches slip 38 stitches on
a spare needle, bind off 50 stitches for neck, on
the remaining 38 stitches start front.

Front — Increa.se 1 stitch toward the front

every other row until there are 04 stitches on
needle, work 2 rows, cast on 8 stitches toward
the armhole,work on this length until under-
arm seam measures 15 inches.

Pocket Lap — With steel needles cast on 32

stitches knit jilain for 16 rows now work back
from the front edge of sweater IS stitches, slip

the next 32 stitches on a spare needle (these will

be used later for pockets) and in their place pick
up the 32 stitches from steel needle work to
end of row, continue working until front is as
long as back bind off. Now pick up the 3^
stitches work 3 Inches for pocket bind off, sew to

inside of sweater, and lap to outside of sweater,

work sec-ond front to eorre.spond.

Band— With No. 4 needles cast on 14 stitches,

knit plain until band is long enough to extend
up the right front around the neck to the top

point of left front, now work a buttonhole as

follows, knit 5 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, knit
MATERIAL the remaining 5 stitches, on the next row cast
Columbia Heather Yarn on 4 stitches where they were bound off, work
15 balls buttonholes 3 inches apart, sew band onto
2 Bone Knitting Xeodles 14 inch No. 4 sweater, face with ribbon and work buttonholes.

4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10

Sleeves — Cast on 110 stitches, work the pat-
tern for 4 Inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each
end every 8th row until SO stitches remain, work
For SC, or 38 Chest
on this length initil sleeve measures IS Inches,
Back — With No. 4 needles cast on 12G stitches. slii> onto 3 steel needles, knit 2, purl 2, until

Row I —Knit 1, purl 1 to end of row ending cuff measures 5 inches, bind off. Sew up sleeves,

with purl 1, repeat first row for all the work, sew onto sweater.
cor, ['MP. I A YARNS

Man's Knitted Cardigan Jacket

MATERIAL 4 rows, now work a butt<inhole as follows; Knit

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn 4 stitches, bind off 4 stitches, work to end of
row, on the next row cast on 4 stitches over the
6 hanks
2 Hone Knitting Needles. 14 inrli. No.
bonnd off stitches (work buttonholes 2 inches

4 Steel Knitting Needles. No. l."i

ajiart). Continue workin.g until front measures
7 inihes, cast on 10 stitches toward the armhole.
work nntil front nic.-isin'es as long as back on
niider.arni se.-im, bind off. Work secoml front to
For :!S Chest correspond, omitting buttonholes.
Back— With Inme needles cast (in 14(1 stitches, Sleeves — Cast on SO stitclies. increase one
work in rili pattern of knit 1. iiui 1 1. nntil work stitch at each en<l ever.v row nntil there are OS
measures 19 inches, now bind off 10 stitches at on needle, wcnk (! inches on this length,
each end. work 7 inches on this lensith. this coni- then decrease one stitch at each end ever.v Sth
])letes the back. Now slip 45 stitches on sjiaic .a row nntil 72 stitches remain, wia-k on this
needle, land clT :;(> stitches for the neck, and <m length until sleeve measures IS inches, slip onto
the remaining 4r> stitches start the left front. :! steel needles, knit 2, purl 2, for 4 inches, bind
Front— Work :{% inches on the 45 stitches, off. Hind .I'acket all around with braid, sewing
then cast on 20 stitches toward the front, wiu'k braid on with machine, sew in sleeves.


Man's Knitted Sweater

Columbia Llama Wool
14 hanks

2 Boue Knitting Needles 14 inch No. 3

4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15

For 40 Chest

Cast on 140 stitches, work rib iiattern as fol-

lows :

Row I — Knit 1, imrl 1, to end of mw ending

with purl 1.

Repeat this row for all the work, when back

measures 27 inches slip 50 stitches on a spare
needle, bind off 40 stitches for neck, on the re-
maining 50 stitches start left front.

Front Increase 1 stitch toward the neck
every other row until 8 stitches have been added,
then cast on 32 stitches toward the neck, you
now have 90 stitches on needle. Knit the first
12 stitches toward the front plain on every row
for band. Work 3 rows, make a buttonhole as
follows :
— Knit 4, bind off 4, knit 4, work pat-
tern to end of row, on the return row cast on 4
stitches over the bound off stitches of preced-
ing row, work buttonholes 3 Inches apart, when
work measures 5 Inches from shoulder increase
1 stitch ever.v' other row toward the armhole
until 10 stitches have been added, now east on holes as follows, knit .".. bind citT 3. knit S, bind
14 stitches for underarm, continue working until end of row, on the return row cast
off 3, luiit to
front measures as long as back, bind oft". Worlc on 3 stitches over each of the bound off stitches
second front to correspond, omitting buttonholes. of preceding row, knit until collar measures

Sleeves Cast on 00 stitches, increase 1 stitch
15 inches, bind off, sew collar to sweater.

at each end every row until there are 102 Pockets — Witli bone needles cast on 32
stitches on needle, work 0! inches on this length, .stitches, work in rib pattern until iioekct meas-
then decrease 1 stitch at each end every Sth ures 4 Inches, slip onto steel needles, knit 1 inch
row until SO stitches remain, work on this Icngtli I'.lain, bind off. Work 2 pockets, sew onto
until sleeve measures IS inches. Cast onto 3 ^nveater.
steel needles, knit li, puri C v.nti! cuff measures
With steel needles cast on 10 stitches, knit
5 inches.
plain for 0% inches, bind off. work 2 stripes
Collar— With steel needles cast on 40 stitches. and sew on wrong side of sweater frt)m collar to
knit collar plain, knit S rows, work 2 button- top of sleeve to prevent shoulder from sagging.

Man's Crocheted Vest

4 Fold Columbia Qermantown
S hanks

or 4 Fold Columbia Imported Qermantown

10 hanks
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 1
4 yards Binding

For 3S Chest

Front of Vest- Make a chain of 5 stitches. —

Row 5 Begin witli pattern 1 Sg. C in eacli

Row I 1 S?. C in each of 4 titches, chain of .5 stitches, 1 puff stitch as follows Insert

1 and turn. the hook iu row below, work like Sg. C, 1 Sg. C
Row —
2 1 Sg. C in each of 2 stitclies and 2 in each stitch to end of row, ending with 2 Sg.
C in last stitch, chain 1 and turn.
Sg. C in hist 2 stitches, chain 3 and turn.
Row 3—1 C
in each stitch. 2 Sg.
Sg. C in last Row 6—5 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch, 1 Sg. C in each
stitch, cliain 1 and turn.
stitch to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C In
Row 4 —Like 3d row, but chain 3 and turn. last stitch, chain 3 and turn.
— ;


Man's Crocheted Vest—Continued

Row 7—2 Sj;.C. 1 pnff stitch. 5 Ss- C
1 imlT puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end-
stitrli, 5 S- C ami 2 Sj;. C in last stitrli, i_-luii!i ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chain 3 and turn.
1 ami turn. Row —
25 * 5 Sg. C, 1 puff .stitch. Repeat
Row 8— G Sg. C, 1 puff stitfh, 5 S- C. 1 puff from *to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. O in
stitch. 1 Sg. C in next 2 stitches and 2 Sg. (' in l.ist stitch, chain 1 aud tiu'u.
last stitch, chain 3 and turn.
Row 26—3 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1
Row 9—5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. 5 Sg. C. 1 puff imff stitch. Rei>eat from * to end of row, end-
stitch, r. Sg. C, 1 puff stitch and 2 Sg. (; in last ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chain 1 and turn.
stitch, chaiu 1 aud turu. Row 27 — * 5 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch. Repeat
Row lo—1 Sg. 0. 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 from * to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C in
Iiuff stitch. Repeat fi-dm * to end of row, end- last stitch, chain 1 and turn.
ing with 1! Sg. C iu last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Row 28—2 Sg. C, chain 2, sUip 2, 1 puff
Row II—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C. 1 stitcli. Tills is for 1st buttonhole. Work 1 but-
jiuff stitch. Rei)eat from * to end of row, end- tonhole hereafter ever.v 13th row, * 5 Sg. C, 1
ing with 2 Sg. C iu last stitch, chaiu 1 and turn. jiuff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end-
Row 12—2 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch. * 5 Sg. C. 1 ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chain 1 and turn.
I)ufl' stitcli. Repeat from * to end of row, end- Now having 9 stripes of Sg. C and 8 stripes
ing with 2 Sg. C iu last stitch, chain 3 aud turn. of iiuff stitch, work 14 rows straight, make
Row 13—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat place for pocket, work over 3 stripes of Sg. C
from * to end of row. ending with 2 Sg. C in and 3 .stripes of puff stitch, chain 18, work to
last stitch, chaiu 1 aud turn. end of row.
Row 14—3 Sg. 0. 1 puff stitch. * .5 Sg. C. 1 Now work 42 rows, make another phice for
puff stitch. Rejieat from * to end of row. end- pocket.
ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chaiu 3 and Now work 4 rows more, then decrease 1 stitch
turn. ever.v row toward the back for rows, then de-
Row 15—2 Sg. r, 1 puff stitch. « 5 Sg. C. 1 crease 1 stitch ever.v other row, work 2 rows,
puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- now decrease toward the front also, but every
ing with 2 Sg. iu last stitch, chain 1 and turn. row for 8 rows. Now keep on decreasing to-
ward the back ever.v other row until 3 stripes
Row 16 i Sg. C. 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C, 1 of Sg. C and 3 stripes of puff stitch are taken
puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row. end-
off, then work straight for 38 rows. This com-
ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chain 3 and turn.
pletes the 1st front.
Row 17—* 5 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch. Repeat Work the other front to correspond, omitting
from * to end of row. ending with 2 Sg. C iu
the buttonholes and top pocket. To finish the
last stitch, chaiu 1 and turn.
pocket, work back and forth from the top and
Row 18—* 5 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch. Repeat work iu pattern for 22 rows.
from * to end of row. ending with 2 Sg. C iu
last stitch, chain 3 and turn.

For Back Make a chain of 43 stitches, work
]iatteni straight for CS rows, decrease armhole
Row 19—2 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C. 1 in the same manner as you have decreaseil the
liuff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- front, but only for 2 stripes of Sg. C and 2
ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chain 1 and turn. stripes of puff stitch. Work 32 rows straight,
Row 20—6 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch, * 5 Sg. C. 1 then increase 1 stitch every row for 22 rows
puff stitch. Re|]eat from * to end of row. end- this gives you the .shoulder. This completes 1
ing with 2 Sg. C iu last stitch, chaiu 3 and turn. side of back make the other side to correspond.

Row 21—* 5 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch. Repeat Sew back seam aud also underarm seam to-
from to end of row, ending with 2 Sg. C in
* gether.
last stitch, chain 1 and turn. Bind the vest with ribbon.
Row 22—1 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch, * .5 Sg. C. 1 For strap across the back, make a chain of 8
l)uff stitch. Repeat from
* to end of row, end- and work back and forth in Sg. O for 52 rows.
ing with 2 Sg. C in last stitch, chain 3 and turn. Decrease 1 stitch evei'v row. bringing it to a
Ro\v 23—2 Sg. C, 1 puff stitch, * .5 Sg. C, 1 point.
puff stitch. Repeat from * to end of row, end- Work another strap tlie same way, but per-
ing with 2 Sg. C in la.st .stitch, chain 1 and turn. fectly straight.
Row 24—2 Sg. C. 1 puff stitch. * .5 Sg. C. 1 Sew onto ve.st and finish with buckle.

Knitted Golf Glove

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
11/2 hanks
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 16

For size 7

Cast on 6G stitches, knit purl 3, maliing rib

of 3 and 3 for 40 rows.

Right-Hand Glove— The palm facing the

knitter, on the right-hand side.

Knit 13 rounds plain ; on the 1-lth i-ound be-

gin to increase for the thumb, by knitting the
1st stitch plain, increase 1 in the next stitch
(Insert the needle iu the stitch, make a stitch,
then iu the back of same stitch make anotlier inside stitches together. Knit 6 rounds plain,
stltcn. now slip the stitch off the needle. This knit 2 together, then knit 2 all around, knit 2
gives you 2 stitches In 1), then knit 31 stitches together, knit 2 all around, knit 2 together, and
plain, purl 3, and knit 3, for the remaining then knit 1 all around until you ha^e 14 stitches
stitches of round. remaining on the needle. Draw the yarn
Round 15 — Same as the 14th, only instead of through the 14 stitches, draw together, fasten
the yarn firmly on the wrong side.
31 knit 32 stitclies plain.

Round 1 6 — Same as the 1.5tli, having 36 Second Finger — Put the next
7 stitches from
stitches plain. the inside of the hand on a needle. Cast 4
stitches on another needle, then take the last 8

Round 17 Knit 1 plain, increase 1 in the
stitches off the cotton onto a needle. Now pick
next stitch, knit 37 plain, purl 3, knit 3, for the
up the 4 stitches, cast on for the 1st finger, and
remaining stitches of round (this reverses the
pattern, thus forming a small block).
work as before, making finger 6 rounds longer
previous to beginning to decrease.
knitting in tliis way until you have increased
26 stitches, making 93 stitches on the needle,
being careful to reverse the pattern or block on
Third Finger — Take 7 .stitches from inside of
hand, cast on 4 stitches, take the last 7 stitches
every 3d round. off the cotton, pick up the 4 stitches from in-

Thread a needle with coarse cotton, pass it side of second finger, and knit as directed for
through the 2S stitches for the thumb. Tie the the 1st finger, making 3 rounds more before be-
cotton. Continue the work and pattern for 30 ginning the decrease.

Fourth Finger Take all the stitches remain-
First Finger —Knit
take a needle and cot-
0, ing on the cotton and pick up the 4 stitches
ton and pass it through all the stitches on the from inside of the 3d finger. Knit IS rounds,
hand, except the last 13 stitches. Now use 3d decrea.se as before, and finish the same way.
needle, cast on 4 stitches this is for the inside
; Now finish the thumb by takingstitches off the
of finger. Divide the stitches for the finger cotton onto 3 needles. Work
IS rounds plain,
equally on 3 needles, continue to knit plain in decrease 2, then knit rounds, decrease 2. knit
the round for 24 rounds, then decrease by knit- 4 rounds, decrease 2, then knit 2 all around until
ting 2 of the inside stitches together. Knit S you have 16 stitches remaining: finish as di-
rounds plain, then decrease by knitting 2 of the rected for fingers.
CO I, U JI V. I A YA li X S 205

Knitted Golf Glove Continued

Left-Hand —
Qlove Same as the right-hand Thread a needle with coarse cotton, pass it
glove up til where It .says, on the 14th round, through 28 stitches knitted for the thumb. Con-
begin to increase for the thumb. Begin purl 3, tinue to work in rounds on G5 stitches, also pat-
knit 3, purl 3, knit 3. purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit tern for 30 rounds.
3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3. knit 31, increase 1 in the

next stitch. Knit the last one plain.

First Finger —
Kuit 13, take a needle and cot-
ton, pass through all the stitches on the hand,

Round 15 — Same as the 14th, only instead of except the last stitches, then work like first

31, knit 32 stitches, increase 1 in tlie next stit<-h, finger of right hand.
knit 1.

Second Finger Take the next 8 stitches
Round 16 — Knit 3, purl 3, knit 3. purl 3, knit
from the outside of the hand on a needle, east
4 stitches on another needle, then take the last
3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit 3, purl 3, knit 33,
increase 1. Continue knitting in this
knit 1.
7 stitches off the cotton onto a needle. Work
like second finger of right hand.
way, until .vou have increased 26 stitches, mak-
ing 03 .stitches on the needle, being careful to Third and Fourth Fingers- -Same as 3d and
reverse the pattern on every 3 rounds. 4th of right hand.

Men's Knitted Gloves

3 Fold Columbia Saxony
2 hanks
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15


Cast on 72 stitches on 3 needles, Unit 2. pui-l 2, First Finger — Knit 11 stitches, slip all the
for Sy2 inches. stitches on a tliread except the last 10 stitches,
use 3 needles, cast on 2 stitches, this is for in-
Now knit plain increasing 4 stitches on the
side of finger, divide the stitches equally on
first row, worl£ S rows plain.
three needles, knit 42 rows then decrease 1

Row 9 — Start to increase for the thumb, knit stitch at tlie beginning of each needle, next row

to within 4 stitches of the end of row, increase plain now decrease 1 stitch at the beginning of
1 stitch, knit the next 2 stitches, increase 1 each needle until 3 stitches remain, draw yarn
stitch. through these 3 stitches, draw together and
fasten on wrong side.
Knit 4 rows without increasing.

— —
Second Finger Pick up the next 10 .stitches,
Row 14 Knit to within 6 stitches of the end east on 2 stitches on another needle, then take
of row, increase 1 stitch, knit 4 stitches, increase
up the last 9 stitches off thread, pick up. the 2
1 stitch.
stitches cast on for first finger, work second
Knit 4 rows without increasing. finger 3rows longer than first, then decrease in
the same way.
Increase in this wa.v every .5th row until there
are 14 stitches between the widenings (16 Third Finger — Same as fir.st finger.
stitches for the thumb) 90 stitches on needles.
Fourth —
Finger Pick up the remaining 16
knit 4 rows without increasing. stitches, pick up the 2 stitches from inside of 3d

Slip the 16 stitches for the thumb and 2 finger. Knit 32 rows, then decrease.
stitches each side of thumb on a thread (20 Thumb —To finish the thumb pick up the 5
stitches for thumb). stitches which were cast on for the hand. Knit
Cast on 5 stitches knit 22 rows. 32 rows, tlien decrease.

Men's Knitted Mittens

Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn
li/L' lumks

4 Steel Knitting Needles Xo. 12

Cast ou 51 stitches; IS on eac-h <if 2 needles,
15 on the third. Knit 2, i^iu'l 1, for :!% inches
for the wrist then knit plain for 1 inch or 9

times around. Shift the .stitches so that you

have 17 on each needle and begii. the thumb
where the end of your yarn shows the start.
Knit 1, increase 1 in this way (insert the
needle in the stitch, make a stitch, then in the
back of same stitch make another stitch, now
slip the stitch off the needle, this gives you 2
.stitches in 1). Knit plain till you come to last
2 stitches on the third needle, Increase 1 and
knit last one, then knit round once, widening
1 stitch each side, until you Iv^ve 2-1 stitches
added for the thumb, being careful always to
make extra stitch in the one you last made.
>yhen you have 2-t stitches, knit one around
till you come where the thumb stitches begin stitches are remaining on each needle, breali off

string the 21 stitches on a thread and tie to yarn. Leave the end long enough to thread a
hold till the finger part is done. needle, draw through the stitches and fasten
securely on the wrong side. Xow take the 24
Cast on 10 stitches on the needle wliere the
stitches of the thumlj and 10 of the gore, jiut IS
yarn is, and knit once around, on the next
stitches on 1 needle (the 10 of the gore and 4 on
round narrow 1 stitch at the beginning and
each side of it) an<l s on ('.-irli of the other 2
end of the 10 stitches, do this for 5 rounds, till
needles. Knit 1 round plain.
you have again 17 stitches on each needle. The
object of the 10 extra stitches is to form a gore. Then for each succeeding round, till the gore

Knit plain for .3% inches, begin to narrow, knit is gone, narrow 1 stitch at tlie beginning and
2 together at the beginning .-md end of each end of the 10.

needle for 1 round. Knit a i-onnd pKiin. then a Knit plain around for 1% inches and narrow
narrowing round, so on alternatelv, until 2 same as in the finger part.



Men's Knitted Socks

ankle. (This is done b.v knitting to within the

last 3 stitches of seam.

Slip 1 and knit 1, draw the slip stitch over

the Imitted one, knit 1, purl the seam stitch,
knit 1, Re-
knit 2 together, knit the rest plain.
peat this 5 times, make 5 rounds between each
narrowing. Knit plain until the leg measures
lOi/o inches.

For the heel, divide stitches, having 17 on

each side of seam. Knit and purl the stitches
until the heel measures 3 inches. (Always slip
the 1st stitch, whether it be knit or purled.)
Knit across, loiit 20, knit 2 together, knit 1, turn,
purl 5, purl 2 together, purl 1, turn, knit 5, knit
2 together, linit 1. Repeat the last 2 rows until
you have 7 stitches left.

Pick up side stitches, make .3 plain rounds,


First Pin (of hooU- -Knit 1, knit 2 together,

knit the rest plain.

Second Pin — Knit to within the last 3

stitches, slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over
the knit one, knit 1, make 2 plain rounds be-
tween each narrowing. There should be 6 nar-
Knit plain until you have 8 then
Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn di^•ide stitches for the toe —half on front pin,
a fourth on each of 2 other pins ; the front
2 hanks
must lay flat on sole of foot.

or Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn —

Front Pin Knit 1, knit 2 together, knit to
1 hank within the last 3 stitches, slip 1, knit 1, pass the
stitch over the knit one, and knit 1.
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 15
Second Pin — Knit 1, knit 2 together, knit the
rest plain.
Cast on SO stitches (diviileil nn 4 needles). Third Pin — Knit
to within the last 3 stitches,

Rib by knitting 2 and imrling 2 until the pass the slip stitch over the knit
slip 1, knit 1,

sock is iVa inches long. one, make 2 plain rounds between each narrow-
ing. Repeat until you have 24 stitches left or
Knit plain, malting 1 stitch the seam stitch,
until the foot measures 10 inches.
until the sock reaches 7 inches in length, then
narrow on each side of the seam stitch for the Bind off and sew up.

Boy's Knitted Sweater

MATERIAL stripe is long enough to extend up the right

Columbia Heather Yarn front around the neck to the top point of left
10 Iialls front, now work a buttonhole as follows, knit 5
stitches, liind off 4, knit the remaining .5 stitches,
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
on the next row cast on 4 stitches where they
1 hank
were bound off. work buttonholes 4 inches
2 Celluloid Knittiiiij; Needles 14 ini-h Xo. 4 ai)art, sew liorder onto sweater having buttou-
2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10 l:oles on the left side.


Sleeves Cast on 102 stitches, knit the pat-
tern for 4 inches, now decrease 1 stitch at each
Size 15 or 10 years <'nd every 8th row until 74 stitches remain, now
Back— With Ileatlicr yarn oast on 112 work without decreasing until sleeve measures
stitches, knit in the ril) pattern of knit 1, imrl 15 inches, slip onto steel needles anil with
1, for .ill the work. When work nieasnres 2o worsted knitting yarn knit 2, purl 2 initil cnlf
inehes, slip iiO stitches on a spare needle, bind measures 4 indies, sew up sleeve and sew into
off 52 stitches for neck, on the remaining 30 sweater.
stitches start front. —
Pockets With steel needles and worsted knit-

Front Increase 1 stitch toward the front ting yarn cast on 30 .stitches using the same
every other row until you have (12 stitches on stitch as liorder, work 5 rows, on the next work
needle, now work without increasing until front a buttoidiole in the centre, work 5 more rows,
Is as long as back, work second front to corie- slip onto celluloid needles and with Heather
spond. Sew up underarm leaving eight inches yai'n work pattern f<ir 3 inches, bind off. Make
for armhole. 2 iiockets, sew onto sweater.
Border —With steel needles and worsted knit- Face the band with ribbon, overcast button-
ting yam cast on 14 stitches. Knit plain until holes.

Boy's Knitted Sweater

O -'
-^ 4

Columbia Qolf Yarn
22 hanks

2 Bone Knittiuf; Needles 14 inch No. 5

2 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10

For 17 or IS yenrs.

This sweater is worked in the rib pattern of needle, knit them off together. Work 40 rows.

knit 1, purl 1. Row 41 — The pockets are worked on this

Cast ou ISO stitches, work 20 rows of pattern, row as follows, knit 20 stitches, now with an
turn up the bottom to form a hem by takin,? 1 extra needle knit the next 20 stitches, cast on

stitch from the bottom and 1 stitch from the 2 stitches at each end of the extra needle and

Boy's Knitted Sweater— Continued

on these 24 stitches kuit M) rows, then bind off knit 1. purl 1. .same as sweater for 19 Inches.

2 stitclies at each end and worlc tlie remaining Transfer to lione needles, work 6 rows, now in-

20 stitches off on the same necillc with the crease 1 stitch at each end l)c'twccn the 2d
first 20 stitches, continne worldn^' across tlie and .jd stitches every other row until there are

liaci; until 40 stitches remain, worl; second 70 stitclies on needle, now increase every 4th
jioclvet same as first, flnisli tlie row. row ?, times, having 7i! stitches on needle, work
Sew pockets carefully in place. 2 more rows, bind off.

Work 52 rows, on the next row knit 4.'! Work the left side to correspond, working the

stitches for front, bind off 7 stitches for under- buttonholes as follows, work .">
rows, on the

arm, knit SO stitches for liack, bind off 7 stitches next row knit 5. bind off 4. knit 7, bind off 4,

for second underarm. l;nit the remaining 43 knit (i, on the next row cast on 4 over each of

stitclies for second front. the bound off stitches, this gives you 2 button-
holes on one row. which after the border Is
Front — Work 4 rows, then decrease 1 stitch
sew('(l onto sweater will lie foliled together and
towanl the front ever.v other row until .'10
worked o\cr :is one. \\'ork 11 buttonholes 4
stitches remain, now decrease 1 stit<-li ever.v
inches aiiai't. tinisli same .-is iMglit side.
4th row, xintil 26 stitches remain, bind off.
Sew the fronts to collar ;inil sew onto sweater,
Work sec(in<l front to corre.spond.
fold the collar and sweater over to wrong side
Back —Work 46 rows, bind off 21! stitches at and sew carefully in place. Finish liuttonholes.
each end for shoulders, sew up shoulders, and
Sleeves — Cast on 7(i stitches, woric IS rows,
on the centre 2S stitches start collar, 1.".

then decrea.se 1 stitch at each end every 6th

rows, now increase 1 stitch at each end cvcr.\-
row until there are OS stitches on needle, work
4th row until there are 34 stitches on needle,
42 rows then decrease 1 stitch at each end ev€ry
now increase 1 stitch at each end ever.v f'lth
4th row until there are 52 stitches on needle
row until there are 40 stitches on needle, work
work until sleeve measures 20 inches, slip onto
20 rows on this length, then decrease in the
steel needles, work a 4 inch cuff, bind off. Sew
same manner as you increased until 28 stitches
up sleeve and turn u|i 4 inches for cuff. Sew
remain bind off.
<in buttons, sewing 2 buttons on collar and
Border — With steel needles cast on 2(5 stitches, working 2 loops on left side of collar.



Boy's Polo Cap Knitted Thumbless Mitten

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
1 hank
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 13

Cast on 60 stitches, having 20 stitches on each

of three needles. Knit 2, purl 2, for three
inches. Now work all the stitches oS on to one
needle, knit two inches, this is for the opening
for the thumb; now divide the stitches on to
three needles again, knit 10 inches more, bind

Crocheted Tliumbless Mitten

1 Celluloid Crochet Hook No. 4

Work a chain of 90 stitches, work 89 single

crochet on chain, now work 24 rows of single
crochet always taking up the back loop of pre-
ceding row, on the next row work 19 single
crochet, chain 12 stitches skip 12 stitches work
1 single crochet in each of the remaining
stitches. Work 24 rows more. Join with slip
Columbia Qolf Yarn
2 hanks Navy Blue
1 hank Maroon
1 r.one Crochet Hook No. 5

With navy blue yarn make a chain of 30
stitches, take u]) 8 stitches on chain, work off
plain afi,'liaii stitch, take up same 8 stitches and
2 more mldcd from chain, vrork off each row,
add 2 HKirc nutil there are 30 stitches on hook; V/'??
this forms 1st gore.

Second Qore — Take up from front the starting

8 stitches, work off the 2 added stitches each
time taken from back to form rib (purled afghan
stitch )

Make 7 gores, sew to the beginning chain.

With maroon yarn, from wrong side, work 4
rows, 1 Sg. C each stitch around cap be sure to

have a multiple of 4, 2 stitches from front, 2

stitches from back; tliis forms rib similar to 2
knit, 2 purl rib.

Make 11 rows. L'inish top with crocheted

button or tassel as desired.

Seaman's Outfit
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
3 hanks
2 Bone Knitting Needles No. 4
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10


With bone needles cast on 48 stitches, linit

plain 48 rows (24 ribs), slip off on to spare
needle. Work anotlier piece to correspond, now
slip the stitches of both pieces on to 3 steel
needles having 32 stitches on each needle, knit
2, purl 2 for 32 rows, bind off 28 stitches loosely
to make the opening for the face. Knit 2, ijuri
2, backward and forward for 12 rows.
Cast on 28 stitches loosel.v and on 3 needles,
knit 2, purl 2, for 20 rows. Knit one round
plain, * then knit 30 stitches plain, knit 2 to-
gether, repeat from * around, you will have de-
creased 3 stitches. Continue decreasing in these
3 places in each round until 27 stitches remain.
Knit 2 rounds plain. Bind off. Sew top to-
If desired, the piece for the front can be made
longer thus giving additional service of a
Muffler or Chest Protector.

Pulse Warmers

Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
1/2 hank
4 Steel Knitting Needles No. 10


Cast on 52 stitches. Knit 2, purl 2, for about 35 or 40

rounds. Rind off loosely. If desired, the last 6 rounds
may be knit of contrasting color.

Seaman's Outfit
Uhlan Cap
Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
2 banks
4 Steel Knitting Needles Xo. 10

Cast on 20 stitches and knit plain back and
forth for 5t> rows on 2 needles. This forms the
top of the head.
Pick up the stitches on both sides of the
strip just made either on 2 needles or on 2
spare needles. (You should have 76 stitches.)
Knit ijlalu back and forth for 70 rows. This
forms the back and sides of the head. Xow
cast on 24 stitches on a spare needle, and on
all 3 needles knit 2, purl 2, round and round
for 35 rounds. This makes the throat or neck
portion. Bind off very loosely.
Pick uj! all the stitches around the face on
3 needles.
You should have 38 on each needle. Knit
2, purl 2, for 16 rounds. Bind off loosely.


Columbia Worsted Knitting Yarn
IVi hanks Grey
1,4 hank Color
2 Bone Knitting X^eedles No. 5

Cast on 15 stitches. Knit plain back and forth for 1%
yards long To give a touch of ornament, one or more
stripes of color may be knit In near the ends. Bind off.

Knee Caps
Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn
•1 hiiiiks

2 Stt'el KnittiiiK Needles Xo. If)


Cast on 20 stitches, work 15 ribs (2 rows

form a rib), now increase 1 stitch at each end
every row until there are 50 stitches on needle,
work 30 ribs on tliis length, then decrease In the
same manner as ,vou Increased until 20 stitehe.s
remain, bind off.

rick up 8S stitches on the ends, knit 4 ribs

jilain, then knit 4, purl 4, for 35 rows, bind off.
Work tlio second end to corresijond. Sew to-

Hot Water Bottle Cover

Columbia Spanish Knitting Yarn
2 lianks
4 Steel Knitting Xeedles Xo. 12

For 2 Quart.s
Cast on 80 stitches, 25 on each of 2 needles,
30 on the third. Knit cover plain.
Row — Knit plain.
Row — Increase stitch in the
2 1 1st, 40th,
41st, and 80th
Row 3 — Knit plain.
Row 4 — Increase stitch in the
1 1st, 42d. 4;!d
and 84th stitches.
Row 5 — Knit plain.
Row 6 — Increa.se 1 stitch in the 1st. 44th,
45th and 88th stitches.
Continue knitting this wa.v, increasing iml.v
in ever.v other row until there are 104 stitches
on the needles. Knit without increasing till the
bag is 11 inche* long.
Make beading * knit 2, .yarn over needle 2
times, knit 2 together, repeat from * around.
X>xt row knit plain: then knit 2 and purl 2
for 2 rows. Bind off loosely.
Sew up opening at the bottom except the i>
middle stitches.
Run narrow wash ribbon or tape through
the beading. No. 2


Hot Water Bottle Cover


4 Fold Columbia Germantown
1% hanks
1 Bene Ci-oeliet Hook Xo. 4

For 2 Quarts

INIake a chain of 60 stitches, join. 1 Sg. C in the next 32 Sg. C, 3 in the 34th

Round I — 1 Sg. C in every stitch, join. stitch, 1 Sg. C in the rest of 33 stitches, join.

Round 2— Chain 1, 2 Sg. C in the first stitch Round 5— Chain 1, 2 Sg. C in the 1st stitch,
(always taking up tlie baclj loop), 1 Sg. C in the 1 Sg.C in the next 33 Sg. C, 3 in the 34th stitch,
next 2<J S-. C. 3 in 30th, 1 Sg. C in the rest ut 1 Sg. C 33 stitches, join.
in the rest of
29 stitches, join. Now work round without increasing until the
Round 3— Chain 1, 2 Sg. C in the first stitch, bag is 10 inches long.
1 Sg.C in tlie next 31 Sg. C, 3 in the 32d stitch, Crochet a row of D C and finish with a row
1 Sg.C in tlie rest of 31 stitches, join. of crazy shell. Run cord through the row of

Round 4 Chain 1, 2 Sg. C in the first stitch. DC and finish with tassel.


^^mmf^ 4 FOLD



This i-ing-label (facsimile above), witli the Columbia shepherdess

trade-mark, is around every hank of genuine Columbia Tarn.
Be sure it is always on the yarn you liuy, to get the most satisfac-
tory results from your knitting and crocheting.
Besides the "ring-label,"' we illustrate the Columbia carton — show-
ing how the yarn is packed.
The system of packing and inspecting Columbia Yarn is vei-y thorough
and very strict. You will find their excellence consistent turough the
greatest number of packages.

218 CO I> UM P. I A YARN S

Columbia Lustrone

"Brightest and Best" Embroidery Thread

Columbia Lustrone is made in England by JAS. PEARSALL & CO., world

renowned experts in the manufacture of embroidery threads
That fact alone will immediately recommend it quickly brings out the design— you see you are ac-
to thousands of women. complishing something with every stitch.

COLUMBIA LUSTRONE is the "Brightest and Another thing; COLUMBIA LUSTRONE doesn't
Best" embroidery thread. and if it should get tangled, it is readily
twist easily;
untangled. All of which means quicker work.
It actually looks silkier than silk.

And it permanently retains its lustre.

COLUMBIA LUSTRONE is made in a splendid

variety of perfect and artistic shadings which produce

Besides that, COLUMBIA LUSTRONE is softer superb effects.

and more pliable than any embroidery thread you

On your next piece of art needlework, be sure to
ever used.
It not only looks better when the piece is finished,
You'llget through in surprisingly short time
but is easier to work.
you'll have a more effective piece of work and the ;

You really enjoy doing art needlework with brilliant lustre will make it such a thing of beauty
COLUMBIA LUSTRONE because it effectively and as you never had before.



Makers of COLUMBIA YARNS, Philadelphia


Directions for Washing Knit Garments

to Avoid Shrinking
1. .Make waiui .Sdjiii Suils iiiot uiucli soapi. ."i. Wash carffiill.v. ruliliiiii; as little as jios-

I'l-ciixT licat for the suds is just iiiironifoi-tahly sililc. ami in rcr mi ii inishlimird.
hot for the hantls. but so a.s not to scnlil. (j. Let the .Siiils ant! Wriiii/er ,lo tlir ir<,rk.

The washiufr auil rlusiui: should all be 7. Stretch the garments leiiirthwise and (h-y
done in warm— not hot water. (lUieUly in the open air.

Use pure soap

.•?. only: no chemicals or
^'"'"' "^ ^^'^ reward of buying a good yarn
comes to you when you wa.sh the garment made
washin" iiowders
of it. The be.st wool .stands washing best, and
4. Do not rub soap on the garment. Put the the best is Columbia,
garment through the wringer and back in the x,, jrarment. however, should be washed with-
suds ?, or 4 times. Rinse out in clear water, out the greatest care, in accordance with the
ri nj thiiriiuiihlii. directions given.

Columbia Yarns
Columbia Yarns were used exclusively in the making of all the articles shown in the Columbia
Book of Yarns. This fact has been carefully eonsi<lered in writing out the directions for making
each article, so we wish to remind you that in order to secure effects like the pictures, with the
same quantity of yarn, it is necessary to use Columbia Y'arns and no others.

Columbia Cermantown. 4 and S fold.

Columbia Imported Germantown. 4 and s fold.

Columbia Saxony, 2, 3 and 4 fold.

Columbia Floss.
Columbia Shetland Wool.
Columbia Spanish Knitting Y'arn.

Columbia Worsted Knitting Y'arn.

Columbia Heather Yarn.

Columbia Shetland Zeph.xr.
Columbia Zephyr Floss.

Columbia Eiderdown.
Columbia Pompadotu' Wool.
Columbia Lady .Jane
Columbia Angora AVool.

Columbia Inverue.ss Wool.

Columbia Sports Wool.
Columbia I.ustre Wool.

Columbia Yarns
Do You Know Our

"Advice Department"

'E maintain a correspondence department which

is ready to advise you in every way connected
with the purchase and use of Columbia Yarns
for knitting and crocheting.
Some of the instructions may not be quite
clear. Or your work shows some defect which you would like

to remedy. Perhaps you wish to ask about some particular

stock of Columbia Yarns, or where to purchase them in your
Whatever you wish to know, write us fully, enclosing a
two cent stamp for postage, and our Advice Department will

promptly give you the desired information. We will do all in

our power to assist you in procuring the beautiful and satis-

factory results to which you are entitled when you knit or

crochet with Columbia Yarns.


Columbia Yams Advice Department

Philadelphia, Pa.
Col.rJlIilA YARN'S

Columbia Gauge Card

Realizing the great annoyance caused to both consumer and dealer owing
and numbers of knitting needles and crochet
to the lack of uniformity in sizes
hooks we have standardized our entire line of these goods and have prepared
Place the hook or needle of which you need duplicates in the smallest
hole that will receive it, note the number above the hole, and state that
number to your dealer. Be sure to see that an X is in the column opposite
the name of hook or needle desired.
If your dealer hasn't this card, write to "Columbia Yarns," Philadelphia,
enclosing 10 cents in stamps.




— 1



Afghans 65 Caps, Knee 21.5

Afghans, Detail Stitches of Chest Protector, Infant's Crocheted 31

Afghan Stitch 06 Child's Crocheted Bonnet 61
Balkan Stitch 74 Child's Crocheted Hood 60
Basket Stitch 70 Child's Crocheted Petticoat 64
Clover Leaf Stitch 06 Child's Crocheted Shirt 64
Coffee Bean Stitch 71 Child's Crocheted Slippers 59
Columbia Stitch 07 Child's Crocheted Sweater.
Paisy Stitch 73 45, 40, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52
Double Tuft Stitch 70 Child's Crocheted Sweater and Toque ..... 51
Horizontal Stitch 00 Child's Crocheted Tam-o'-Shanter 62
Horse Shoe Stitch 69 Child's Crocheted Toque 60
I;attice Stitch 71 Child's Double Knitted Sweater 54
Manhattan Stitch 72 Child's Knitted Drawer Leggings 63
Philadelphia Stitch ", Child's Knitted Sweater 53. 55, .56, 57
Pineapple Stitch 74 Child's Three Piece Set 58
Slanting Shell Stitch 6S Columbia Caledonian Knitted Sweater 1.54

Tuft Stitch 73 Columbia Crocheted Shawl 133, 135

Waffle Stitch. 68 Columbia Gauge Card '221

Afghan, Balkan Couch 100 Columbia Knitted Shawl 137, 13s

Afghan, Diagonal Couch 108 Columbia Knitted Sweater 150
Afghan, Embroidered Couch 102, 104 Columbia Lustrone 21S
Afghan, Horizontal Couch 112 Columbia Yarns 219, 220
Afghan, Infant's Crocheted, Columbia Yarns Label 217
70, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92. 93, Couch Afghan, Mikado 100
Afghan, Infant's Knitted 95, 96, 97, 98 Couch Afghan, Diagonal lOS
Afghan, Mikado Couch 106 Couch Afghan, Embroidered 102, 104
Afghan, Shell Couch 110 Crochet Hooks 6, 7

Articles for Infantsand Children. 13 Crocheted Jacket. Ladles' 171

Auto Hood, Misses' 124 Crocheted Shawl 131, 132. 134. 136
Automobile Hood, Ladies' Crocheted 1S7 Crocheted Slippers 189, 190
Balkan Couch Afghan 100 Crocheted Thumbless Jlittens 212
Band, Infant's Knitted IS Crocheting. First Stitches 11. 12
Bed Socks, Ladies' Crocheted 19 Detail Stitches of Afghans (See Afghans.
Bed Socks, Ladles' Knitted 193. 194 Detail Stitches of).
Blanket, Navajo 114. 116 Detail Stitches of Shawls (See Shawls,
Blanket, Steamer 99 Detail Stitches of).
Bonnet, Child's Crocheted (>1 Detail Stitches of Sweaters (See Sweaters,
Bootees, Infant's Crocheted 38, 39, 40, 41 Detail Stitches of).
Bootees, Infant's Knitted 39, 43, 44 Directions for Wa-shing Knit Garments. . . . 219
Bottle Cover (Crocheted), Hot Water 216 Drawer Leggings, Child's Knitted 03
Bottle Cover (Knit), Hot Water 21.5 Embroidered Couch Afghan 102, 104
Boy's Knitted Sweater 209, 210 Explanation of Terms Used In Knitting and
Boy's Polo Cap 212 Crocheting 5

COL r M p. I A YA RX S

First Stitches Croclu'tiiif; 11, 12 Ladies' Hoods, Toques, etc '
First Stitches Knlttiii;; S, 9, 10 Ladies' Kimonos 173
( Card, Culmnliia
iiiuge 221 Ladies' Crocheted Kimonos.
(;ioves, Knitted Gulf 204 174, 175, 17(!, 177, 178, 179. 180
(Jloves, Men's Knitted 206 Ladies' Knitted Bed Socks 193, 194
Hood, Child's Crocheted 60 Ladies' Knitted Jacket .1G9. 172
Hoods. Infant's Crocheted. .14. 16. 17. 18. 10. 20 Ladies' Knitted Ivimono 182. 183, 184
Hoo<ls. Infant's Knitted lo Ladies' Knitted Petticoat 195
Horizoutiil Conch Afglian 112 Ladies' Knitted Slippers 191. 192
Hot Water Bottle Cover (Croclieted i 216 Ladies' Knitted Sweater,
Hot Water Bottle Cover (Knit I 215 149, 150, 152, 157, 158, 160. 161, 162, 164
Infant's Crocheted Afghan Ladles' Knitted Toque 186
76. 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88. 90. 92, 93. 94 J>adies'Knitted Stocking 196
Infant's Crocheted Bootees 3S. 39, 40. 41 Ladies' Spencers and Jackets 165
Infant's Croclieted Che.st Protector 31 Ladies' Shawls 125
Infant's Crocheted Hoods.. 14. IG. 17. IS. 19. 20 I>adies' Sweaters 130
Infant's Crocheted Kimono . .32. 33. .34 Lustrone, Columbia 218
Infant's Crocheted Moccasins 42 JIan's Crocheted Vest 202
Infant's Crocheted Saciiue. Man's Knitted Cardigan Jacket 200
24. 2.5. 26. 27. 28, 29, 31 Man's Knitted Sweater 199. 201
Inf.-mt's Crocheted Filet Sacqne 30 Man's Knitted Sweater, With Shawl Collar. 198
Infant's Knitted Afghan 9.5, 96, 97, 98 Men's and Boy's Sweaters, etc 197
Infant's Knitted Band IS Men's Knitted (Moves 206
Infant's Knitted Bootees .39, 43, 44 Men's Knitted Mittens 207
Infant's Knitted Hoods 15 Men's Knitted Socks 20S
Infant's Knitted Kimono. . 36
35. Mikado Couch Afghan 106
Infant's Knitted Newport Hpencer 37 Misses' Auto Hood 124
Infant's Knitted Sacqne 21. 22, 23 Misses' Crocheted Sweater US. 119. 120. 121
.la Crocheted Peasant
cket. Ladies' 170 Ml.sscs' Crocheted Tam-o'-Shanter 12.3

.Jacket. Ladies' Knitted 169. 172 Misses' Crocheted Toque and Scarf 122
.laeket, Man's Knitted Cardigan 200 Misses' Sweaters, Toques, Etc 117
Kimono, Ladies' Crocheted, Mittens, Crocheted Thumbless 212
174, 175, 176, 177. 178, 179, 180 Mitten's, Knitted Thumbless 212
Kimono. Ladies' Knitted 182, 183, 184 Mittens, Jlen's Knitted 207
Kimono, Infant's Crocheted 32, .3.3, 34 Moccasins, Infant's Crocheted 42
Kimono, Infant's Knitted 35, 36 Navajo Blanket 114, 116
Knee Caps .
215 On the Choice of Yarn 4
Knitted Golf Glove 20-t Outfit, Seaman's (See Seaman's (lutfiti.
Knitted Thumbless Mitten 212 Petticoat, Child's Crocheted 64
Knitting, First Stitches 8, 9, 10 Petticoats, Ladies' Crocheted 195
Knitting Xeedles (Actual Size I 6, 7 Polo Cap, Boy's 212
Lahel " Columbia Yarns " 217 Sacque. Infant's Crocheted,
Ladies' Crocheted Automobile Hood 187 24, 25, 20, 27. 2S, 29, 31
Ladies' Crocheted Bed Socks 194 Sacque, Infant's Crocheted Filet 30
Ladies' Crocheted Hood 186, 188 Sacque, Infant's Knitted 21, 22, 23
Ladies' Crocheted Jacket 171 Seaman's Outfit
Ladies' Crocheted Peasant .Jacket 170 Helmet 213
Ladies' Crocheted Petticoat 195 I'nlse Warmers 213
Ladies' Croclieted Slippers 189, 190 Scarf 214
Ladies' Crocheted Spencer lt>6, 167, 168 Uhlan Cap 214
Ladies' Crocheted Sweater 144, 146, 148 Shawl. Colnmliia Crocheted 133, 135
La<lics' Double Knitted Sweater 1.59 Shawl. Colnnibia Knitted 137. 138
— —

Shiwvl. Croflietfd 181 i:!:i, i:!4. l.'tlj Sweaters, Detail Stitches of
Sliiiwls. lietiUl Stitches of Fern Stitch 142
Colonial Stitdi 121 New Knglanil Stitch 142
Cross Stitoli IJS I'iiiue Stitch 141
Crcssecl Shell Stitch ll"! Ripple Stitch 143
Double Crochet and Double I'nff Stitrli. 127 Sheaf Stitch 141
Fancy Crochet Stitch 12('. Single Brioche Stitch 140
Fancy Shawl Stitch 1M(1 Slip Double and Single Crochet Stitch. 143
Knitted T'opcorn Stitch US Sweater I'attern 140
Panama Stitch 120 Sweater. Columbia Caledonian Knitted 1.54

Tuft' and Knot Stitch iL'ti Sweater. Columbia Knitted 156

Shell Couch Afghan 110 Sweater. Ladles' Crocheted 144. 146, 14S
Shirt. ChiUVs Crocheted (>i Sweater, Ladles' Double Knitted 159
Slipiiers, Child'sCrocheted 50 Sweater, Ladies' Knitted Coif 1C2
Sliiniers, Ladies"Crocheted ISO. 100 Sweater. Ladies' Knitted.
Slippers. Ladies' Knitted 101. 102 140, 150. 152. 157. 15s, KiO. 101, KU
Socks. Ladies' Knitted Bed 108 10-1 Sweater, Man's Knitted 199, 201
Socks. Men's Knitted 2()S Sweater, Misses' Crocheted. .lis, 110. 120.
. . 121
Spencer, Newport. Infant's Knitted 37 Sweater, With Shawl Collar. Man's Knitted lOS
Steamer Blanket 00 Tam-o"-Shanter. Child's Crocheted i;2

Stocking, Ladies' Knitted V.W Tam-o'-Shanter, Misses'. . 123

Sweater. Boy's Knitted 200, 210 Tam-o'-Shanter, Misses' Crocheted 123
Sweater. Cliild's Crocheted, Three Piece Set. Child's 5S
45. 111. 47, 4S, 40. 50, .52 Toipie and Scarf, Misse.s' Crocheted 1'22

Sweater. Cliild's Crocheteil and Tocpie 51 Toque. Child's Crocheted 00

Sweater, Child's Knitted 53, .55, 50, 57 Toque. Ladies' Knitted 18G
Sweater, Child's Double Knitted 54 Vest. Man's Crocheted 202
Sweater and Toiiue, Child's Crocheted 51 Yarns. Columbia 210. 220
Yarn. i>n the Choice of 4


007 750 554 4

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