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Epi Estim

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Package ‘EpiEstim’

January 7, 2021
Version 2.2-4
Title Estimate Time Varying Reproduction Numbers from Epidemic Curves
Maintainer Anne Cori <a.cori@imperial.ac.uk>
Description Tools to quantify transmissibility throughout
an epidemic from the analysis of time series of incidence as described in
Cori et al. (2013) <doi:10.1093/aje/kwt133> and Wallinga and Teunis (2004)
URL https://github.com/mrc-ide/EpiEstim
BugReports https://github.com/mrc-ide/EpiEstim/issues
Depends R (>= 2.10)
Imports coarseDataTools (>= 0.6-4), stats, graphics, reshape2,
ggplot2, gridExtra, fitdistrplus, coda, incidence (>= 1.7.0),
scales, grDevices
Suggests testthat, utils, vdiffr, covr, knitr, rmarkdown
License GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad yes
Encoding UTF-8
RoxygenNote 7.0.2
VignetteBuilder knitr
NeedsCompilation no
Author Anne Cori [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8443-9162>),
Simon Cauchemez [ctb],
Neil M. Ferguson [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1154-8093>),
Christophe Fraser [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2399-9657>),
Elisabeth Dahlqwist [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5797-6803>),
P. Alex Demarsh [ctb],
Thibaut Jombart [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2226-8692>),
Zhian N. Kamvar [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1458-7108>),
Justin Lessler [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9741-8109>),
Shikun Li [ctb],
Jonathan A. Polonsky [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8634-4255>),

2 check_cdt_samples_convergence

Jake Stockwin [ctb],

Robin Thompson [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8545-5212>),
Rolina van Gaalen [ctb]
Repository CRAN
Date/Publication 2021-01-07 16:20:10 UTC

R topics documented:
check_cdt_samples_convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
coarse2estim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
DiscrSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
discr_si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
EstimateR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
estimate_R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
estimate_R_plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Flu1918 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Flu2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
flu_2009_NYC_school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
init_mcmc_params . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
make_config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
make_mcmc_control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Measles1861 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
mers_2014_15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
MockRotavirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
OverallInfectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
overall_infectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
plot.estimate_R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
sample_posterior_R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
SARS2003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Smallpox1972 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
wallinga_teunis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
WT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Index 42

Checking convergence of an MCMC chain by using the Gelman-Rubin

check_cdt_samples_convergence Checking convergence of an MCMC chain by using the Gelman-
Rubin algorithm
check_cdt_samples_convergence 3


cdt_samples the @sample slot of a cd.fit.mcmc S4 object (see package coarseDataTools)

This function splits an MCMC chain in two halves and uses the Gelman-Rubin algorithm to assess
convergence of the chain by comparing its two halves.

TRUE if the Gelman Rubin test for convergence was successful, FALSE otherwise

Anne Cori

See Also

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus


## estimate the serial interval from data

SI_fit <- coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc(dat = MockRotavirus$si_data,
init_pars=init_mcmc_params(MockRotavirus$si_data, "G"),
burnin = 1000,
n.samples = 5000)

## use check_cdt_samples_convergence to check convergence

converg_diag <- check_cdt_samples_convergence(SI_fit@samples)

## End(Not run)
4 coarse2estim

coarse2estim Link coarseDataTools and EpiEstim


coarse2estim Transforms outputs of coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc to right format for input

into estimate_R


coarse2estim(x = NULL, dist = x@dist, samples = x@samples, thin = 10)


x An object generated by function coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc, contain-

ing posterior estimates of the serial interval distribution.
dist The parametric distribution used when estimating the serial interval. #’ Should
be one of "G" (Gamma), "W" (Weibull), "L" (Lognormal), "off1G" (Gamma
shifted by 1), "off1W" (Weibull shifted by 1), or "off1L" (Lognormal shifted by
1). If not present, computed automatically from x.
samples A dataframe containing the posterior samples of serial interval parameters cor-
responding to the parametric choice specified in dist. If not present, computed
automatically from x.
thin A positive integer corresponding to thinning parameter; of the posterior sample
of serial interval distributions in x, only 1 in thin will be kept, the rest will be


A list with two elements:

• si_sample: a matrix where each column gives one distribution of the serial interval to be
explored, obtained from x by thinning the MCMC chain.
• si_parametric_distr: the parametric distribution used when estimating the serial interval stored
in x.


The Hackout3 Parameter Estimation team.

See Also

DiscrSI 5

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus


## estimate the serial interval from data

SI.fit <- coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc(dat = MockRotavirus$si_data,
dist = "G",
init.pars = init_mcmc_params(MockRotavirus$si_data, "G"),
burnin = 1000,
n.samples = 5000)

## use coarse2estim to turn this in the right format for estimate_R

si_sample <- coarse2estim(SI.fit, thin = 10)$si_sample

## use estimate_R to estimate the reproduction number

## based on these estimates of the serial interval
R_si_from_sample <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
config = make_config(list(n2 = 50)))

## End(Not run)

DiscrSI Function to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0

Please only use for compatibility; Prefer the new discr_si function instead

DiscrSI(k, mu, sigma)

k see k in discr_si
mu see mu in discr_si
sigma see sigma in discr_si
6 discr_si

discr_si Discretized Generation Time Distribution Assuming A Shifted Gamma


discr_si computes the discrete distribution of the serial interval, assuming that the serial interval
is shifted Gamma distributed, with shift 1.

discr_si(k, mu, sigma)

k Positive integer, or vector of positive integers for which the discrete distribution
is desired.
mu A positive real giving the mean of the Gamma distribution.
sigma A non-negative real giving the standard deviation of the Gamma distribution.

Assuming that the serial interval is shifted Gamma distributed with mean µ, standard deviation σ
and shift 1, the discrete probability wk that the serial interval is equal to k is:

wk = kF{µ−1,σ} (k)+(k−2)F{µ−1,σ} (k−2)−2(k−1)F{µ−1,σ} (k−1)+(µ−1)(2F σ2

p 2
(k−1)−F 2
{µ−1+ µ−1 ,σ 1+ µ−1 } {µ−1+ µ−

where F{µ,σ} is the cumulative density function of a Gamma distribution with mean µ and standard
deviation σ.

Gives the discrete probability wk that the serial interval is equal to k.

Anne Cori <a.cori@imperial.ac.uk>

Cori, A. et al. A new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers
during epidemics (AJE 2013).

See Also
overall_infectivity, estimate_R
EstimateR 7

## Computing the discrete serial interval of influenza
mean_flu_si <- 2.6
sd_flu_si <- 1.5
dicrete_si_distr <- discr_si(seq(0, 20), mean_flu_si, sd_flu_si)
plot(seq(0, 20), dicrete_si_distr, type = "h",
lwd = 10, lend = 1, xlab = "time (days)", ylab = "frequency")
title(main = "Discrete distribution of the serial interval of influenza")

EstimateR Function to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0

Please only use for compatibility; Prefer the new estimate_R function instead

method = c("NonParametricSI", "ParametricSI", "UncertainSI"),
n1 = NULL,
n2 = NULL,
Mean.SI = NULL,
Std.SI = NULL,
Std.Mean.SI = NULL,
Min.Mean.SI = NULL,
Max.Mean.SI = NULL,
Std.Std.SI = NULL,
Min.Std.SI = NULL,
Max.Std.SI = NULL,
SI.Distr = NULL,
Mean.Prior = 5,
Std.Prior = 5,
CV.Posterior = 0.3,
plot = FALSE,
leg.pos = "topright"

I see incid in estimate_R
T.Start see config$t_start in estimate_R
T.End see config$t_end in estimate_R
8 estimate_R

method see method in estimate_R (but EstimateR uses CamelCase where estimate_R
uses snake_case for the method names)
n1 see n1 in estimate_R
n2 see n2 in estimate_R
Mean.SI see config$mean_si in estimate_R
Std.SI see config$std_si in estimate_R
Std.Mean.SI see config$std_mean_si in estimate_R
Min.Mean.SI see config$min_mean_si in estimate_R
Max.Mean.SI see config$max_mean_si in estimate_R
Std.Std.SI see config$std_std_si in estimate_R
Min.Std.SI see config$min_std_si in estimate_R
Max.Std.SI see config$max_std_si in estimate_R
SI.Distr see config$si_distr in estimate_R
Mean.Prior see config$mean_prior in estimate_R
Std.Prior see config$std_prior in estimate_R
CV.Posterior see config$cv_posterior in estimate_R
plot Not used anymore, only there for compatibility
leg.pos Not used anymore, only there for compatibility

estimate_R Estimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number estimate_R esti-

mates the reproduction number of an epidemic, given the incidence
time series and the serial interval distribution.

Estimated Instantaneous Reproduction Number
estimate_R estimates the reproduction number of an epidemic, given the incidence time series and
the serial interval distribution.

method = c("non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data",
si_data = NULL,
si_sample = NULL,
config = make_config(incid = incid, method = method)
estimate_R 9

incid One of the following
• A vector (or a dataframe with a single column) of non-negative integers
containing the incidence time series
• A dataframe of non-negative integers with either i) incid$I containing the
total incidence, or ii) two columns, so that incid$local contains the inci-
dence of cases due to local transmission and incid$imported contains the
incidence of imported cases (with incid$local + incid$imported the to-
tal incidence). If the dataframe contains a column incid$dates, this is
used for plotting. incid$dates must contains only dates in a row.
• An object of class incidence
Note that the cases from the first time step are always all assumed to be imported
method One of "non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data" or
"si_from_sample" (see details).
si_data For method "si_from_data" ; the data on dates of symptoms of pairs of infec-
tor/infected individuals to be used to estimate the serial interval distribution (see
si_sample For method "si_from_sample" ; a matrix where each column gives one distribu-
tion of the serial interval to be explored (see details).
config An object of class estimate_R_config, as returned by function make_config.

Analytical estimates of the reproduction number for an epidemic over predefined time windows can
be obtained within a Bayesian framework, for a given discrete distribution of the serial interval (see
Several methods are available to specify the serial interval distribution.
In short there are five methods to specify the serial interval distribution (see help for function
make_config for more detail on each method). In the first two methods, a unique serial inter-
val distribution is considered, whereas in the last three, a range of serial interval distributions are
integrated over:
• In method "non_parametric_si" the user specifies the discrete distribution of the serial interval
• In method "parametric_si" the user specifies the mean and sd of the serial interval
• In method "uncertain_si" the mean and sd of the serial interval are each drawn from truncated
normal distributions, with parameters specified by the user
• In method "si_from_data", the serial interval distribution is directly estimated, using MCMC,
from interval censored exposure data, with data provided by the user together with a choice of
parametric distribution for the serial interval
• In method "si_from_sample", the user directly provides the sample of serial interval distribu-
tion to use for estimation of R. This can be a useful alternative to the previous method, where
the MCMC estimation of the serial interval distribution could be run once, and the same es-
timated SI distribution then used in estimate_R in different contexts, e.g. with different time
windows, hence avoiding to rerun the MCMC every time estimate_R is called.
10 estimate_R

an object of class estimate_R, with components:
• R: a dataframe containing: the times of start and end of each time window considered ; the
posterior mean, std, and 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction
number for each time window.
• method: the method used to estimate R, one of "non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncer-
tain_si", "si_from_data" or "si_from_sample"
• si_distr: a vector or dataframe (depending on the method) containing the discrete serial inter-
val distribution(s) used for estimation
• SI.Moments: a vector or dataframe (depending on the method) containing the mean and std of
the discrete serial interval distribution(s) used for estimation
• I: the time series of total incidence
• I_local: the time series of incidence of local cases (so that I_local + I_imported = I)
• I_imported: the time series of incidence of imported cases (so that I_local + I_imported =
• dates: a vector of dates corresponding to the incidence time series
• MCMC_converged (only for method si_from_data): a boolean showing whether the Gelman-
Rubin MCMC convergence diagnostic was successful (TRUE) or not (FALSE)

Anne Cori <a.cori@imperial.ac.uk>

Cori, A. et al. A new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers
during epidemics (AJE 2013). Wallinga, J. and P. Teunis. Different epidemic curves for severe
acute respiratory syndrome reveal similar impacts of control measures (AJE 2004). Reich, N.G. et
al. Estimating incubation period distributions with coarse data (Statis. Med. 2009)

See Also
discr_si make_config

## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009

## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

## when not specifying t_start and t_end in config, they are set to estimate
## the reproduction number on sliding weekly windows
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr)))
estimate_R 11

## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,

## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## to specify t_start and t_end in config, e.g. to have biweekly sliding

## windows
t_start <- seq(2, nrow(Flu2009$incidence)-13)
t_end <- t_start + 13
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr,
t_start = t_start,
t_end = t_end)))

## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,

## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 14-day window
## finishing on that day.

## example with an incidence object

## create fake data

data <- c(0,1,1,2,1,3,4,5,5,5,5,4,4,26,6,7,9)
location <- sample(c("local","imported"), length(data), replace=TRUE)
location[1] <- "imported" # forcing the first case to be imported

## get incidence per group (location)

incid <- incidence(data, groups = location)

## Estimate R with assumptions on serial interval

res <- estimate_R(incid, method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## estimate the reproduction number (method "parametric_si")

res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## estimate the reproduction number (method "uncertain_si")

res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method = "uncertain_si",
config = make_config(list(
mean_si = 2.6, std_mean_si = 1,
min_mean_si = 1, max_mean_si = 4.2,
12 estimate_R

std_si = 1.5, std_std_si = 0.5,

min_std_si = 0.5, max_std_si = 2.5,
n1 = 100, n2 = 100)))
## the bottom left plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus


## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")

MCMC_seed <- 1
overall_seed <- 2
R_si_from_data <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
method = "si_from_data",
si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data,
config = make_config(list(si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(list(burnin = 1000,
thin = 10, seed = MCMC_seed),
n1 = 500, n2 = 50,
seed = overall_seed))))

## compare with version with no uncertainty

R_Parametric <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
mean_si = mean(R_si_from_data$SI.Moments$Mean),
std_si = mean(R_si_from_data$SI.Moments$Std))))
## generate plots
p_uncertainty <- plot(R_si_from_data, "R", options_R=list(ylim=c(0, 1.5)))
p_no_uncertainty <- plot(R_Parametric, "R", options_R=list(ylim=c(0, 1.5)))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p_uncertainty, p_no_uncertainty,ncol=2)

## the left hand side graph is with uncertainty in the SI distribution, the
## right hand side without.
## The credible intervals are wider when accounting for uncertainty in the SI
## distribution.

## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_sample")

MCMC_seed <- 1
overall_seed <- 2
SI.fit <- coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc(dat = MockRotavirus$si_data,
dist = "G",
init.pars = init_mcmc_params(MockRotavirus$si_data, "G"),
burnin = 1000,
n.samples = 5000,
seed = MCMC_seed)
estimate_R_plots 13

si_sample <- coarse2estim(SI.fit, thin = 10)$si_sample

R_si_from_sample <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
method = "si_from_sample",
si_sample = si_sample,
config = make_config(list(n2 = 50,
seed = overall_seed)))

## check that R_si_from_sample is the same as R_si_from_data

## since they were generated using the same MCMC algorithm to generate the SI
## sample (either internally to EpiEstim or externally)
all(R_si_from_sample$R$`Mean(R)` == R_si_from_data$R$`Mean(R)`)

## End(Not run)

estimate_R_plots Wrapper for plot.estimate_R

This wrapper has been created so that several estimate_R objects can be plotted at the same time.

estimate_R_plots(..., legend = FALSE)

... Arguments of plot.estimate_R, but in addition, parameter x can be a ob-
jects of class estimate_R (obtained as outputs of functions estimate_R or
wallinga_teunis. If x is a list, and what='R' or what='all', all estimates
of R are plotted on a single graph. This will only work if all the estimate_R ob-
jects in the list were computed using the same config$t_start and config$t_end
legend A boolean (TRUE by default) governing the presence / absence of legends on
the plots

a plot (if what = "incid", "R", or "SI") or a grob object (if what = "all").

Anne Cori, Zhian Kamvar

See Also
14 estimate_R_plots

## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009


## estimate the instantaneous reproduction number

## (method "non_parametric_si")
R_instantaneous <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26),
t_end = seq(8, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr

## estimate the case reproduction number

R_case <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26),
t_end = seq(8, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr

## visualise R estimates on the same plot

estimate_R_plots(list(R_instantaneous, R_case), what = "R",
options_R = list(col = c("blue", "red")), legend = TRUE)


R_weekly <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence,

method = "non_parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(9, 26),
t_end = seq(15, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr

R_biweekly <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence,

method = "non_parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 19),
t_end = seq(15, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr

## visualise R estimates on the same plot

estimate_R_plots(list(R_weekly, R_biweekly), what = "R",
options_R = list(col = c("blue", "red")), legend = TRUE)
Flu1918 15

Flu1918 Data on the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic in Baltimore.

This data set gives:

1. the daily incidence of onset of disease in Baltimore during the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic
(see source and references),
2. the discrete daily distribution of the serial interval for influenza, assuming a shifted Gamma
distribution with mean 2.6 days, standard deviation 1.5 days and shift 1 day (see references).

A list of two elements:

• incidence: a vector containing 92 days of observation,

• si_distr: a vector containing a set of 12 probabilities.

Frost W. and E. Sydenstricker (1919) Influenza in Maryland: preliminary statistics of certain local-
ities. Public Health Rep.(34): 491-504.

Cauchemez S. et al. (2011) Role of social networks in shaping disease transmission during a com-
munity outbreak of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(7), 2825-2830.
Ferguson N.M. et al. (2005) Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast
Asia. Nature 437(7056), 209-214.
Fraser C. et al. (2011) Influenza Transmission in Households During the 1918 Pandemic. Am J
Epidemiol 174(5): 505-514.
Frost W. and E. Sydenstricker (1919) Influenza in Maryland: preliminary statistics of certain local-
ities. Public Health Rep.(34): 491-504.
Vynnycky E. et al. (2007) Estimates of the reproduction numbers of Spanish influenza using mor-
bidity data. Int J Epidemiol 36(4): 881-889.
White L.F. and M. Pagano (2008) Transmissibility of the influenza virus in the 1918 pandemic.
PLoS One 3(1): e1498.

## load data on pandemic flu in Baltimore in 1918

## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

res <- estimate_R(Flu1918$incidence,
16 Flu2009

method = "non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(si_distr = Flu1918$si_distr)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.

Flu2009 Data on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in a school in Pennsylva-


This data set gives:

1. the daily incidence of onset of acute respiratory illness (ARI, defined as at least two symptoms
among fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose) among children in a school in Pennsylvania
during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic (see source and references),
2. the discrete daily distribution of the serial interval for influenza, assuming a shifted Gamma
distribution with mean 2.6 days, standard deviation 1.5 days and shift 1 day (see references).
3. interval-censored serial interval data from the 2009 outbreak of H1N1 influenza in San Anto-
nio, Texas, USA (see references).

A list of three elements:

• incidence: a dataframe with 32 lines containing dates in first column, and daily incidence in
second column (Cauchemez et al., 2011),
• si_distr: a vector containing a set of 12 probabilities (Ferguson et al, 2005),
• si_data: a dataframe with 16 lines giving serial interval patient data collected in a household
study in San Antonio, Texas throughout the 2009 H1N1 outbreak (Morgan et al., 2010).

Cauchemez S. et al. (2011) Role of social networks in shaping disease transmission during a com-
munity outbreak of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(7), 2825-2830.
Morgan O.W. et al. (2010) Household transmission of pandemic (H1N1) 2009, San Antonio, Texas,
USA, April-May 2009. Emerg Infect Dis 16: 631-637.

Cauchemez S. et al. (2011) Role of social networks in shaping disease transmission during a com-
munity outbreak of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108(7), 2825-2830.
Ferguson N.M. et al. (2005) Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast
Asia. Nature 437(7056), 209-214.
flu_2009_NYC_school 17

## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009

## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method="non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")

res <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence, method="si_from_data",
si_data = Flu2009$si_data,
config = make_config(list(mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(list(
burnin = 1000,
thin = 10, seed = 1)),
n1 = 1000, n2 = 50,
si_parametric_distr = "G")))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.

## End(Not run)

flu_2009_NYC_school Data on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in a school in New York


This data set gives:

1. the daily incidence of self-reported and laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza among chil-
dren in a school in New York city during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic (see source and
2. interval-censored serial interval data from the 2009 outbreak of H1N1 influenza in a New York
city school (see references).
18 flu_2009_NYC_school


A list of two elements:

• incidence: a dataframe with 14 lines containing dates in first column, and daily incidence in
second column ,
• si_data: a dataframe containing data on the generation time for 16 pairs of infector/infected
individuals (see references and see argument si_data of function estimate_R() for details
on columns)


Lessler J. et al. (2009) Outbreak of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) at a New York City school.
New Eng J Med 361: 2628-2636.


Lessler J. et al. (2009) Outbreak of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) at a New York City school.
New Eng J Med 361: 2628-2636.

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on pandemic flu in a New York school in 2009


## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")

res <- estimate_R(flu_2009_NYC_school$incidence, method="si_from_data",
si_data = flu_2009_NYC_school$si_data,
config = make_config(list(
t_start = seq(2, 8),
t_end = seq(8, 14),
si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(list(burnin = 1000,
thin = 10, seed = 1)),
n1 = 1000, n2 = 50))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.

## End(Not run)
init_mcmc_params 19

init_mcmc_params init_mcmc_params Finds clever starting points for the MCMC to

be used to estimate the serial interval, e.g. when using option
si_from_data in estimate_R

init_mcmc_params Finds values of the serial interval distribution parameters, used to initialise
the MCMC estimation of the serial interval distribution. Initial values are computed based on the
observed mean and standard deviation of the sample from which the parameters are to be estimated.

init_mcmc_params(si_data, dist = c("G", "W", "L", "off1G", "off1W", "off1L"))

si_data the data on dates of symptoms of pairs of infector/infected individuals to be
used to estimate the serial interval distribution. This should be a dataframe with
5 columns:
• EL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an
• ER: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an
integer). Should be such that ER>=EL
• SL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual
(given as an integer)
• SR: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual
(given as an integer). Should be such that SR>=SL
• type (optional): can have entries 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to doubly interval-
censored, single interval-censored or exact observations, respectively, see
Reich et al. Statist. Med. 2009. If not specified, this will be automatically
computed from the dates
dist the parametric distribution to use for the serial interval. Should be one of "G"
(Gamma), "W" (Weibull), "L" (Lognormal), "off1G" (Gamma shifted by 1),
"off1W" (Weibull shifted by 1), or "off1L" (Lognormal shifted by 1).

A vector containing the initial values for the two parameters of the distribution of the serial interval.
These are the shape and scale for all but the lognormal distribution, for which it is the meanlog and

Anne Cori
20 make_config

See Also

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus


## get clever initial values for shape and scale of a Gamma distribution
## fitted to the the data MockRotavirus$si_data
clever_init_param <- init_mcmc_params(MockRotavirus$si_data, "G")

## estimate the serial interval from data using a clever starting point for
## the MCMC chain
SI_fit_clever <- coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc(dat = MockRotavirus$si_data,
dist = "G",
init.pars = clever_init_param,
burnin = 1000,
n.samples = 5000)

## estimate the serial interval from data using a random starting point for
## the MCMC chain
SI_fit_naive <- coarseDataTools::dic.fit.mcmc(dat = MockRotavirus$si_data,
dist = "G",
burnin = 1000,
n.samples = 5000)

## use check_cdt_samples_convergence to check convergence in both situations

converg_diag_clever <- check_cdt_samples_convergence(SI_fit_clever@samples)
converg_diag_naive <- check_cdt_samples_convergence(SI_fit_naive@samples)

## End(Not run)

make_config Set and check parameter settings of estimate_R

This function defines settings for estimate_R It takes a list of named items as input, set defaults
where arguments are missing, and return a list of settings.
make_config 21

incid = NULL,
method = c("non_parametric_si", "parametric_si", "uncertain_si", "si_from_data",

... Acceptable arguments for ... are:
t_start Vector of positive integers giving the starting times of each window
over which the reproduction number will be estimated. These must be in
ascending order, and so that for all i, t_start[i]<=t_end[i]. t_start[1]
should be strictly after the first day with non null incidence.
t_end Vector of positive integers giving the ending times of each window over
which the reproduction number will be estimated. These must be in ascend-
ing order, and so that for all i, t_start[i]<=t_end[i].
n1 For method "uncertain_si" and "si_from_data"; positive integer giving the
size of the sample of SI distributions to be drawn (see details).
n2 For methods "uncertain_si", "si_from_data" and "si_from_sample"; positive
integer giving the size of the sample drawn from the posterior distribution
of R for each serial interval distribution considered (see details).
mean_si For method "parametric_si" and "uncertain_si" ; positive real giving
the mean serial interval (method "parametric_si") or the average mean serial
interval (method "uncertain_si", see details).
std_si For method "parametric_si" and "uncertain_si" ; non negative real giving
the standard deviation of the serial interval (method "parametric_si") or the
average standard deviation of the serial interval (method "uncertain_si", see
std_mean_si For method "uncertain_si" ; standard deviation of the distribution
from which mean serial intervals are drawn (see details).
min_mean_si For method "uncertain_si" ; lower bound of the distribution from
which mean serial intervals are drawn (see details).
max_mean_si For method "uncertain_si" ; upper bound of the distribution from
which mean serial intervals are drawn (see details).
std_std_si For method "uncertain_si" ; standard deviation of the distribution
from which standard deviations of the serial interval are drawn (see details).
min_std_si For method "uncertain_si" ; lower bound of the distribution from
which standard deviations of the serial interval are drawn (see details).
max_std_si For method "uncertain_si" ; upper bound of the distribution from
which standard deviations of the serial interval are drawn (see details).
si_distr For method "non_parametric_si" ; vector of probabilities giving the
discrete distribution of the serial interval, starting with si_distr[1] (prob-
ability that the serial interval is zero), which should be zero.
22 make_config

si_parametric_distr For method "si_from_data" ; the parametric distribution

to use when estimating the serial interval from data on dates of symptoms
of pairs of infector/infected individuals (see details). Should be one of "G"
(Gamma), "W" (Weibull), "L" (Lognormal), "off1G" (Gamma shifted by
1), "off1W" (Weibull shifted by 1), or "off1L" (Lognormal shifted by 1).
mcmc_control An object of class estimate_R_mcmc_control, as returned by
function make_mcmc_control.
seed An optional integer used as the seed for the random number generator at
the start of the function (then potentially reset within the MCMC for method
si_from_data); useful to get reproducible results.
mean_prior A positive number giving the mean of the common prior distribu-
tion for all reproduction numbers (see details).
std_prior A positive number giving the standard deviation of the common prior
distribution for all reproduction numbers (see details).
cv_posterior A positive number giving the aimed posterior coefficient of vari-
ation (see details).
incid As in functionestimate_R.
method As in functionestimate_R.

Analytical estimates of the reproduction number for an epidemic over predefined time windows
can be obtained using function estimate_R, for a given discrete distribution of the serial inter-
val. make_config allows to generate a configuration specifying the way the estimation will be
The more incident cases are observed over a time window, the smallest the posterior coefficient of
variation (CV, ratio of standard deviation over mean) of the reproduction number. An aimed CV
can be specified in the argument cv_posterior (default is 0.3), and a warning will be produced if
the incidence within one of the time windows considered is too low to get this CV.
The methods vary in the way the serial interval distribution is specified.
In short there are five methods to specify the serial interval distribution (see below for details on
each method). In the first two methods, a unique serial interval distribution is considered, whereas
in the last three, a range of serial interval distributions are integrated over:
• In method "non_parametric_si" the user specifies the discrete distribution of the serial interval
• In method "parametric_si" the user specifies the mean and sd of the serial interval
• In method "uncertain_si" the mean and sd of the serial interval are each drawn from truncated
normal distributions, with parameters specified by the user
• In method "si_from_data", the serial interval distribution is directly estimated, using MCMC,
from interval censored exposure data, with data provided by the user together with a choice of
parametric distribution for the serial interval
• In method "si_from_sample", the user directly provides the sample of serial interval distribu-
tion to use for estimation of R. This can be a useful alternative to the previous method, where
the MCMC estimation of the serial interval distribution could be run once, and the same es-
timated SI distribution then used in estimate_R in different contexts, e.g. with different time
windows, hence avoiding to rerun the MCMC everytime estimate_R is called.
make_config 23

———————– method "non_parametric_si" ——————-

The discrete distribution of the serial interval is directly specified in the argument si_distr.
———————– method "parametric_si" ———————–
The mean and standard deviation of the continuous distribution of the serial interval are given
in the arguments mean_si and std_si. The discrete distribution of the serial interval is derived
automatically using discr_si.
———————– method "uncertain_si" ———————–
Method "uncertain_si" allows accounting for uncertainty on the serial interval distribution as de-
scribed in Cori et al. AJE 2013. We allow the mean µ and standard deviation σ of the serial interval
to vary according to truncated normal distributions. We sample n1 pairs of mean and standard de-
viations, (µ(1) , σ (1) ), ..., (µ(n2 ) , σ (n2 ) ), by first sampling the mean µ(k) from its truncated normal
distribution (with mean mean_si, standard deviation std_mean_si, minimum min_mean_si and
maximum max_mean_si), and then sampling the standard deviation σ (k) from its truncated nor-
mal distribution (with mean std_si, standard deviation std_std_si, minimum min_std_si and
maximum max_std_si), but imposing that σ (k) < µ(k) . This constraint ensures that the Gamma
probability density function of the serial interval is null at t = 0. Warnings are produced when the
truncated normal distributions are not symmetric around the mean. For each pair (µ(k) , σ (k) ), we
then draw a sample of size n2 in the posterior distribution of the reproduction number over each time
window, conditionally on this serial interval distribution. After pooling, a sample of size n1 × n2
of the joint posterior distribution of the reproduction number over each time window is obtained.
The posterior mean, standard deviation, and 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975 quantiles of
the reproduction number for each time window are obtained from this sample.
———————– method "si_from_data" ———————–
Method "si_from_data" allows accounting for uncertainty on the serial interval distribution. Un-
like method "uncertain_si", where we arbitrarily vary the mean and std of the SI in truncated normal
distributions, here, the scope of serial interval distributions considered is directly informed by data
on the (potentially censored) dates of symptoms of pairs of infector/infected individuals. This data,
specified in argument si_data, should be a dataframe with 5 columns:
• EL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an integer)
• ER: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an integer). Should
be such that ER>=EL
• SL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual (given as an integer)
• SR: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual (given as an integer).
Should be such that SR>=SL
• type (optional): can have entries 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to doubly interval-censored, single
interval-censored or exact observations, respectively, see Reich et al. Statist. Med. 2009. If
not specified, this will be automatically computed from the dates
Assuming a given parametric distribution for the serial interval distribution (specified in si_parametric_distr),
the posterior distribution of the serial interval is estimated directly from these data using MCMC
methods implemented in the package coarsedatatools. The argument mcmc_control is a list
of characteristics which control the MCMC. The MCMC is run for a total number of iterations of
mcmc_control$burnin + n1*mcmc_control$thin; but the output is only recorded after the burnin,
and only 1 in every mcmc_control$thin iterations, so that the posterior sample size is n1. For each
element in the posterior sample of serial interval distribution, we then draw a sample of size n2 in
24 make_config

the posterior distribution of the reproduction number over each time window, conditionally on this
serial interval distribution. After pooling, a sample of size n1 × n2 of the joint posterior distribution
of the reproduction number over each time window is obtained. The posterior mean, standard de-
viation, and 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95, 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction number for each
time window are obtained from this sample.
———————– method "si_from_sample" ———————-
Method "si_from_sample" also allows accounting for uncertainty on the serial interval distribu-
tion. Unlike methods "uncertain_si" and "si_from_data", the user directly provides (in argument
si_sample) a sample of serial interval distribution to be explored.

An object of class estimate_R_config with components t_start, t_end, n1, n2, mean_si, std_si,
std_mean_si, min_mean_si, max_mean_si, std_std_si, min_std_si, max_std_si, si_distr, si_parametric_distr,
mcmc_control, seed, mean_prior, std_prior, cv_posterior, which can be used as an argument of
function estimate_R.

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus


## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")

## we are not specifying the time windows, so by defaults this will estimate
## R on sliding weekly windows
incid <- MockRotavirus$incidence
method <- "si_from_data"
config <- make_config(incid = incid,
method = method,
list(si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(burnin = 1000,
thin = 10, seed = 1),
n1 = 500,
n2 = 50,
seed = 2))

R_si_from_data <- estimate_R(incid,

method = method,
si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data,
config = config)

## you can also create the config straight within the estimate_R call,
## in that case incid and method are automatically used from the estimate_R
## arguments:
R_si_from_data <- estimate_R(incid,
make_mcmc_control 25

method = method,
si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data,
config = make_config(
list(si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(burnin = 1000,
thin = 10, seed = 1),
n1 = 500,
n2 = 50,
seed = 2)))

## End(Not run)

make_mcmc_control make_mcmc_control Creates a list of mcmc control parameters to be

used in config$mcmc_control, where config is an argument of the
estimate_R function. This is used to configure the MCMC chain
used to estimate the serial interval within estimate_R (with method

make_mcmc_control Creates a list of mcmc control parameters to be used in config$mcmc_control,
where config is an argument of the estimate_R function. This is used to configure the MCMC
chain used to estimate the serial interval within estimate_R (with method "si_from_data").

burnin = 3000,
thin = 10,
seed = as.integer(Sys.time()),
init_pars = NULL

burnin A positive integer giving the burnin used in the MCMC when estimating the
serial interval distribution.
thin A positive integer corresponding to thinning parameter; the MCMC will be run
for burnin+n1*thin iterations; 1 in thin iterations will be recorded, after
the burnin phase, so the posterior sample size is n1.
seed An integer used as the seed for the random number generator at the start of the
MCMC estimation; useful to get reproducible results.
init_pars vector of size 2 corresponding to the initial values of parameters to use for the
SI distribution. This is the shape and scale for all but the lognormal distribution,
for which it is the meanlog and sdlog.
26 make_mcmc_control

The argument si_data, should be a dataframe with 5 columns:

• EL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an integer)
• ER: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infector (given as an integer). Should
be such that ER>=EL
• SL: the lower bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual (given as an integer)
• SR: the upper bound of the symptom onset date of the infected individual (given as an integer).
Should be such that SR>=SL
• type (optional): can have entries 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to doubly interval-censored, single
interval-censored or exact observations, respectively, see Reich et al. Statist. Med. 2009. If
not specified, this will be automatically computed from the dates

Assuming a given parametric distribution for the serial interval distribution (specified in si_parametric_distr),
the posterior distribution of the serial interval is estimated directly fom these data using MCMC
methods implemented in the package

An object of class estimate_R_mcmc_control with components burnin, thin, seed, init_pars. This
can be used as an argument of function make_config.

## Not run:
## Note the following examples use an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so they may take a few minutes to run

## load data on rotavirus


## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")

mcmc_seed <- 1
burnin <- 1000
thin <- 10
mcmc_control <- make_mcmc_control(burnin = burnin, thin = thin,
seed = mcmc_seed)

incid <- MockRotavirus$incidence

method <- "si_from_data"
overall_seed <- 2
config <- make_config(incid = incid,
method = method,
si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = mcmc_control,
n1 = 500
n2 = 50,
seed = overall_seed)
Measles1861 27

R_si_from_data <- estimate_R(incid,

method = method,
si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data,
config = config)

## End(Not run)

Measles1861 Data on the 1861 measles epidemic in Hagelloch, Germany.

This data set gives:
1. the daily incidence of onset of symptoms in Hallegoch (Germany) during the 1861 measles
epidemic (see source and references),
2. the discrete daily distribution of the serial interval for measles, assuming a shifted Gamma
distribution with mean 14.9 days, standard deviation 3.9 days and shift 1 day (see references).

A list of two elements:
• incidence: a vector containing 48 days of observation,
• si_distr: a vector containing a set of 38 probabilities.

Groendyke C. et al. (2011) Bayesian Inference for Contact Networks Given Epidemic Data. Scan-
dinavian Journal of Statistics 38(3): 600-616.

Groendyke C. et al. (2011) Bayesian Inference for Contact Networks Given Epidemic Data. Scan-
dinavian Journal of Statistics 38(3): 600-616.

## load data on measles in Hallegoch in 1861

## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

res <- estimate_R(Measles1861$incidence, method="non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
t_start = seq(17, 42),
t_end = seq(23, 48),
si_distr = Measles1861$si_distr)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.
28 mers_2014_15

mers_2014_15 Data on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Saudi Arabia.

This data set gives:
1. the daily incidence of onset of symptoms of laboratory confirmed human infections with
MERS-CoV in Saudi Arabia between the beginning of July 2014 and the end of December
2015, and
2. estimates of the mean and standard deviation of the serial interval for MERS.

A list of two elements:
• incidence: a dataframe containing 495 days of observations with dates in the first column,
and number of local (2nd column) and imported (3rd column) cases of MERS,
• si: a list of estimates of the mean (mean_si) and standard deviation (std_si) of the serial
interval for MERS.

The incidence data was extracted from the EMPRES I system from FAO (Global Animal Disease
Information System - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2017). Note in-
cidence on the first day was originally made of one local case and zero imported cases; this has
been modified to zero local cases and one imported case in the dataset shown here so the reproduc-
tion number can be estimated from the start using the function estimate_R(). The serial interval
parameters were those estimated by Cauchemez et al. (2016).

Global Animal Disease Information System - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, 2017
Cauchemez S, Nouvellet P, Cori A, Jombart T, Garske T, Clapham H, Moore S, Linden Mills H,
Salje H, Collins C, et al. 2016. Unraveling the drivers of MERS-CoV transmission. Proc Natl Acad
Sci 113: 9081-9086.


## load data

## estimate the reproduction number (method "parametric_si")

bimonthly_R <- estimate_R(mers_2014_15$incidence[,c("local", "imported")],
method = "parametric_si",
config = make_config(
MockRotavirus 29

mean_si = mers_2014_15$si$mean_si,
std_si = mers_2014_15$si$std_si,
t_start = 2:(nrow(mers_2014_15$incidence)-8*7),
t_end = (2:(nrow(mers_2014_15$incidence)-8*7)) + 8*7))

plot(bimonthly_R, legend = FALSE, add_imported_cases = TRUE,

options_I = list(col = c("local" = "black",
"imported" = "red"),
interval = 7, # show weekly incidence
ylab = "Weekly incidence"),
options_R = list(ylab = "Bimonthly R"))
# The first plot shows the weekly incidence,
# with imported cases shown in red and local cases in black

MockRotavirus Mock data on a rotavirus epidemic.

This data set gives:

1. the daily incidence of onset of symptoms in a mock outbreak of rotavirus,

2. mock observations of symptom onset dates for 19 pairs of infector/infected individuals.

A list of two elements:

• incidence: a vector containing 53 days of observation,

• si_distr: a dataframe containing a set of 19 observations; each observation corresponds to a
pair of infector/infected individuals. EL and ER columns contain the lower an upper bounds
of the dates of symptoms onset in the infectors. SL and SR columns contain the lower an
upper bounds of the dates of symptoms onset in the infected individuals. The type column has
entries 0, 1, or 2, corresponding to doubly interval-censored, single interval-censored or exact
observations, respectively, see Reich et al. Statist. Med. 2009

## Not run:
## Note the following example uses an MCMC routine
## to estimate the serial interval distribution from data,
## so may take a few minutes to run

## load data

## estimate the reproduction number (method "si_from_data")

res <- estimate_R(MockRotavirus$incidence,
30 overall_infectivity

method = "si_from_data",
si_data = MockRotavirus$si_data,
config = make_config(list(
si_parametric_distr = "G",
mcmc_control = make_mcmc_control(list(burnin = 3000, thin = 10)),
n1 = 500, n2 = 50)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.

## End(Not run)

OverallInfectivity Function to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0


Please only use for compatibility; Prefer the new overall_infectivity function instead


OverallInfectivity(I, SI.Distr)


I see incid in overall_infectivity

SI.Distr see si_distr in overall_infectivity

overall_infectivity Overall Infectivity Due To Previously Infected Individuals


overall_infectivity computes the overall infectivity due to previously infected individuals.


overall_infectivity(incid, si_distr)
overall_infectivity 31

incid One of the following
• A vector (or a dataframe with a single column) of non-negative integers
containing an incidence time series
• A dataframe of non-negative integers with two columns, so that incid$local
contains the incidence of cases due to local transmission and incid$imported
contains the incidence of imported cases (with incid$local + incid$imported
the total incidence).
Note that the cases from the first time step are always all assumed to be imported
si_distr Vector of probabilities giving the discrete distribution of the serial interval.

The overall infectivity λt at time step t is equal to the sum of the previously infected individu-
als (given by the incidence vector I, with I = incid$local + incid$imported if I is a matrix),
weigthed by their infectivity at time t (given by the discrete serial interval distribution wk ). In
Pt−1 terms:
λt = k=1 It−k wk

A vector which contains the overall infectivity λt at each time step

Anne Cori <a.cori@imperial.ac.uk>

Cori, A. et al. A new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers
during epidemics (AJE 2013).

See Also
discr_si, estimate_R

## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009

## compute overall infectivity

lambda <- overall_infectivity(Flu2009$incidence, Flu2009$si_distr)
plot(Flu2009$incidence, type = "s", xlab = "time (days)", ylab = "incidence")
title(main = "Epidemic curve")
plot(lambda, type = "s", xlab = "time (days)", ylab = "Infectivity")
title(main = "Overall infectivity")
32 plot.estimate_R

plot.estimate_R Plot outputs of estimate_r

The plot method of estimate_r objects can be used to visualise three types of information. The
first one shows the epidemic curve. The second one shows the posterior mean and 95% credible
interval of the reproduction number. The estimate for a time window is plotted at the end of the
time window. The third plot shows the discrete distribution(s) of the serial interval.

## S3 method for class 'estimate_R'
what = c("all", "incid", "R", "SI"),
add_imported_cases = FALSE,
options_I = list(col = palette(), transp = 0.7, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, interval =
1L, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Incidence"),
options_R = list(col = palette(), transp = 0.2, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab =
"Time", ylab = "R"),
options_SI = list(prob_min = 0.001, col = "black", transp = 0.25, xlim = NULL, ylim =
NULL, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Frequency"),
legend = TRUE,

x The output of function estimate_R or function wallinga_teunis. To plot si-
multaneous outputs on the same plot use estimate_R_plots function
what A string specifying what to plot, namely the incidence time series (what='incid'),
the estimated reproduction number (what='R'), the serial interval distribution
(what='SI', or all three (what='all')).
A boolean to specify whether, on the incidence time series plot, to add the inci-
dence of imported cases.
options_I For what = "incid" or "all". A list of graphical options:
col A color or vector of colors used for plotting incid. By default uses the
default R colors.
transp A numeric value between 0 and 1 used to monitor transparency of the
bars plotted. Defaults to 0.7.
xlim A parameter similar to that in par, to monitor the limits of the horizontal
ylim A parameter similar to that in par, to monitor the limits of the vertical axis
plot.estimate_R 33

interval An integer or character indicating the (fixed) size of the time interval
used for plotting the incidence; defaults to 1 day.
xlab, ylab Labels for the axes of the incidence plot
options_R For what = "R" or "all". A list of graphical options:
col A color or vector of colors used for plotting R. By default uses the default
R colors.
transp A numeric value between 0 and 1 used to monitor transparency of the
95%CrI. Defaults to 0.2.
xlim A parameter similar to that in par, to monitor the limits of the horizontal
ylim A parameter similar to that in par, to monitor the limits of the vertical axis
xlab, ylab Labels for the axes of the R plot
options_SI For what = "SI" or "all". A list of graphical options:
prob_min A numeric value between 0 and 1. The SI distributions explored are
only shown from time 0 up to the time t so that each distribution explored
has probability < prob_min to be on any time step after t. Defaults to 0.001.
col A color or vector of colors used for plotting the SI. Defaults to black.
transp A numeric value between 0 and 1 used to monitor transparency of the
lines. Defaults to 0.25
xlim A parameter similar to that in par, to monitor the limits of the horizontal
ylim A parameter similar to that in par, to monitor the limits of the vertical axis
xlab, ylab Labels for the axes of the serial interval distribution plot
legend A boolean (TRUE by default) governing the presence / absence of legends on
the plots
... further arguments passed to other methods (currently unused).

a plot (if what = "incid", "R", or "SI") or a grob object (if what = "all").

Rolina van Gaalen <rolina.van.gaalen@rivm.nl> and Anne Cori <a.cori@imperial.ac.uk>;
S3 method by Thibaut Jombart

See Also
estimate_R, wallinga_teunis and estimate_R_plots

## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009

## estimate the instantaneous reproduction number

34 sample_posterior_R

## (method "non_parametric_si")
R_i <- estimate_R(Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26),
t_end = seq(8, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr

## visualise results
plot(R_i, legend = FALSE)

## estimate the instantaneous reproduction number

## (method "non_parametric_si")
R_c <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26),
t_end = seq(8, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr

## produce plot of the incidence

## (with, on top of total incidence, the incidence of imported cases),
## estimated instantaneous and case reproduction numbers
## and serial interval distribution used
p_I <- plot(R_i, "incid", add_imported_cases=TRUE) # plots the incidence
p_SI <- plot(R_i, "SI") # plots the serial interval distribution
p_Ri <- plot(R_i, "R",
options_R = list(ylim = c(0, 4)))
# plots the estimated instantaneous reproduction number
p_Rc <- plot(R_c, "R",
options_R = list(ylim = c(0, 4)))
# plots the estimated case reproduction number
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p_I, p_SI, p_Ri, p_Rc, ncol = 2)

sample_posterior_R sample from the posterior R distribution


sample from the posterior R distribution


sample_posterior_R(R, n = 1000, window = 1L)

SARS2003 35


R an estimate_R object from the estimate_r function function.

n an integer specifying the number of samples to be taken from the gamma distri-
window an integer (or sequence of integers) specifying the window(s) from which to
estimate R. Defaults to the first window. If multiple windows are specified, the
resulting samples will be drawn from several distributions.


n values of R from the posterior R distribution


Anne Cori


## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009


## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

## when not specifying t_start and t_end in config, they are set to estimate
## the reproduction number on sliding weekly windows
res <- estimate_R(incid = Flu2009$incidence,
method = "non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr)))

## Sample R from the first weekly window

win <- 1L
R_median <- res$R$`Median(R)`[win]
R_CrI <- c(res$R$`Quantile.0.025(R)`[win], res$R$`Quantile.0.975(R)`[win])

set.seed(2019-06-06) # fixing the random seed for reproducibility

R_sample <- sample_posterior_R(res, n = 1000, window = win)
hist(R_sample, col = "grey", main = "R sampled from the first weekly window")
abline(v = R_median, col = "red") # show the median estimated R
abline(v = R_CrI, col = "red", lty = 2) # show the 95%CrI of R

SARS2003 Data on the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong.

36 SARS2003


This data set gives:

1. the daily incidence of onset of symptoms in Hong Kong during the 2003 severe acute respira-
tory syndrome (SARS) epidemic (see source and references),
2. the discrete daily distribution of the serial interval for SARS, assuming a shifted Gamma
distribution with mean 8.4 days, standard deviation 3.8 days and shift 1 day (see references).


A list of two elements:

• incidence: a vector containing 107 days of observation,

• si_distr: a vector containing a set of 25 probabilities.


Cori A. et al. (2009) Temporal variability and social heterogeneity in disease transmission: the case
of SARS in Hong Kong. PLoS Comput Biol 5(8) : e1000471.


Cori A. et al. (2009) Temporal variability and social heterogeneity in disease transmission: the case
of SARS in Hong Kong. PLoS Comput Biol 5(8): e1000471.
Lipsitch M. et al. (2003) Transmission dynamics and control of severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Science 300(5627): 1966-1970.


## load data on SARS in Hong Kong in 2003


## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

res <- estimate_R(SARS2003$incidence, method="non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
t_start = seq(14, 101),
t_end = seq(20, 107),
si_distr = SARS2003$si_distr)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.
Smallpox1972 37

Smallpox1972 Data on the 1972 smallpox epidemic in Kosovo

This data set gives:

1. the daily incidence of onset of symptoms in Kosovo during the 1972 smallpox epidemic (see
source and references),
2. the discrete daily distribution of the serial interval for smallpox, assuming a shifted Gamma
distribution with mean 22.4 days, standard deviation 6.1 days and shift 1 day (see references).

A list of two elements:

• incidence: a vector containing 57 days of observation,

• si_distr: a vector containing a set of 46 probabilities.

Fenner F. et al. (1988) Smallpox and its Eradication. Geneva, World Health Organization.

Fenner F. et al. (1988) Smallpox and its Eradication. Geneva, World Health Organization.
Gani R. and S. Leach (2001) Transmission potential of smallpox in contemporary populations.
Nature 414(6865): 748-751.
Riley S. and N. M. Ferguson (2006) Smallpox transmission and control: spatial dynamics in Great
Britain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(33): 12637-12642.

## load data on smallpox in Kosovo in 1972

## estimate the reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

res <- estimate_R(Smallpox1972$incidence, method="non_parametric_si",
config = make_config(list(
t_start = seq(27, 51),
t_end = seq(33, 57),
si_distr = Smallpox1972$si_distr)))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the reproduction number
## over the 7-day window finishing on that day.
38 wallinga_teunis

wallinga_teunis Estimation of the case reproduction number using the Wallinga and
Teunis method

wallinga_teunis estimates the case reproduction number of an epidemic, given the incidence time
series and the serial interval distribution.

method = c("non_parametric_si", "parametric_si"),

incid One of the following
• Vector (or a dataframe with a column named ’incid’) of non-negative inte-
gers containing an incidence time series. If the dataframe contains a column
incid$dates, this is used for plotting. incid$dates must contains only
dates in a row.
• An object of class incidence
method the method used to estimate R, one of "non_parametric_si", "parametric_si",
"uncertain_si", "si_from_data" or "si_from_sample"
config a list with the following elements:
• t_start: Vector of positive integers giving the starting times of each window
over which the reproduction number will be estimated. These must be in
ascending order, and so that for all i, t_start[i]<=t_end[i]. t_start[1]
should be strictly after the first day with non null incidence.
• t_end: Vector of positive integers giving the ending times of each window
over which the reproduction number will be estimated. These must be in
ascending order, and so that for all i, t_start[i]<=t_end[i].
• method: One of "non_parametric_si" or "parametric_si" (see details).
• mean_si: For method "parametric_si" ; positive real giving the mean serial
• std_si: For method "parametric_si" ; non negative real giving the standard
deviation of the serial interval.
• si_distr: For method "non_parametric_si" ; vector of probabilities giving
the discrete distribution of the serial interval, starting with si_distr[1]
(probability that the serial interval is zero), which should be zero.
• n_sim: A positive integer giving the number of simulated epidemic trees
used for computation of the confidence intervals of the case reproduction
number (see details).
wallinga_teunis 39


Estimates of the case reproduction number for an epidemic over predefined time windows can be
obtained, for a given discrete distribution of the serial interval, as proposed by Wallinga and Teunis
(AJE, 2004). Confidence intervals are obtained by simulating a number (config$n_sim) of possible
transmission trees (only done if config$n_sim > 0).
The methods vary in the way the serial interval distribution is specified.
———————– method "non_parametric_si" ———————–
The discrete distribution of the serial interval is directly specified in the argument config$si_distr.
———————– method "parametric_si" ———————–
The mean and standard deviation of the continuous distribution of the serial interval are given in the
arguments config$mean_si and config$std_si. The discrete distribution of the serial interval is
derived automatically using discr_si.


a list with components:

• R: a dataframe containing: the times of start and end of each time window considered ; the
estimated mean, std, and 0.025 and 0.975 quantiles of the reproduction number for each time
• si_distr: a vector containing the discrete serial interval distribution used for estimation
• SI.Moments: a vector containing the mean and std of the discrete serial interval distribution(s)
used for estimation
• I: the time series of total incidence
• I_local: the time series of incidence of local cases (so that I_local + I_imported = I)
• I_imported: the time series of incidence of imported cases (so that I_local + I_imported =
• dates: a vector of dates corresponding to the incidence time series


Anne Cori <a.cori@imperial.ac.uk>


Cori, A. et al. A new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers
during epidemics (AJE 2013). Wallinga, J. and P. Teunis. Different epidemic curves for severe
acute respiratory syndrome reveal similar impacts of control measures (AJE 2004).

See Also

discr_si, estimate_R
40 WT

## load data on pandemic flu in a school in 2009

## estimate the case reproduction number (method "non_parametric_si")

res <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence,
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26), t_end = seq(8, 32),
si_distr = Flu2009$si_distr,
n_sim = 100))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the case reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

## estimate the case reproduction number (method "parametric_si")

res <- wallinga_teunis(Flu2009$incidence, method="parametric_si",
config = list(t_start = seq(2, 26), t_end = seq(8, 32),
mean_si = 2.6, std_si = 1.5,
n_sim = 100))
## the second plot produced shows, at each each day,
## the estimate of the case reproduction number over the 7-day window
## finishing on that day.

WT Function to ensure compatibility with EpiEstim versions <2.0


Please only use for compatibility; Prefer the new wallinga_teunis function instead


method = c("NonParametricSI", "ParametricSI"),
Mean.SI = NULL,
Std.SI = NULL,
SI.Distr = NULL,
nSim = 10,
plot = FALSE,
leg.pos = "topright"
WT 41

I see incid in wallinga_teunis
T.Start see config$t_start in wallinga_teunis
T.End see config$t_end in wallinga_teunis
method see method in wallinga_teunis (but WT uses CamelCase where wallinga_teunis
uses snake_case for the method names)
Mean.SI see config$mean_si in wallinga_teunis
Std.SI see config$std_si in wallinga_teunis
SI.Distr see config$si_distr in wallinga_teunis
nSim see config$n_sim in wallinga_teunis
plot Not used anymore, only there for compatibility
leg.pos Not used anymore, only there for compatibility

check_cdt_samples_convergence, 2
coarse2estim, 4

discr_si, 6, 10, 23, 31, 39

DiscrSI, 5

estimate_R, 3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 20, 31–33, 39

estimate_R(), 18, 28
estimate_R_plots, 13, 32, 33
EstimateR, 7

Flu1918, 15
Flu2009, 16
flu_2009_NYC_school, 17

grob, 13, 33

incidence, 9, 38
init_mcmc_params, 19

make_config, 10, 20
make_mcmc_control, 25
Measles1861, 27
mers_2014_15, 28
MockRotavirus, 29

overall_infectivity, 6, 30
OverallInfectivity, 30

plot.estimate_R, 13, 32

sample_posterior_R, 34
SARS2003, 35
Smallpox1972, 37

wallinga_teunis, 13, 32, 33, 38

WT, 40


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