Crime Deviance Model Answers
Crime Deviance Model Answers
Crime Deviance Model Answers
Page 2 AQA A Level Sociology topic TEN MARKERS: crime & Deviance
People are set goals by society, but not everyone has an equal chance of achieving those goals by
legitimate means. Barriers to achievement might include where people live, as well as educational
attainment. There are a variety of ways in which subcultures can respond to this.
Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which deviant subcultures
respond to blocked opportunities. (10 marks)
Subcultures are groups within mainstream society that have
their own, different, norms and values. Functionalists suggest There is no requirement for an
these subcultures are often formed when opportunities are introduction for 10‐mark
blocked. Inversion of mainstream norms and values or total questions. However, it’s a good
retreat from society are two of the ways in which subcultures opportunity to make your “2
may respond to a lack of opportunity. ways” fully clear.
Albert Cohen developed his theory of status frustration. He
notes that young working class boys are often low achievers One of the “hooks” in the item
at school; this means that opportunities to succeed on (educational achievement) has
mainstream terms are blocked. The boys respond by forming been picked up here and linked
a subculture which inverts the norms and values of to Cohen. Cohen’s theory is
mainstream society. What is considered good or praiseworthy briefly outlined. This is picking
by the majority is seen as negative and deserving of censure up AO1 marks (knowledge)
in the subculture, and vice versa. Because they are unable to and AO2 (application of
attain high status by conforming to societal values, members material from the Item).
of the subculture carry out anti‐social acts and commit crimes,
thereby garnering high status within their group. What Cohen
notes is not dissimilar to the anti‐school subcultures
recognised by Paul Willis in his “Learning to Labour” study. Some analysis begins with the
However, Cohen has been criticised for concentrating on comparison with Paul Willis
working‐class boys without seriously engaging with social (and it’s good to be synoptic).
class or gender. Some sociologists have questioned whether
members of delinquent subcultures consciously invert the Here is some evaluation. The
norms and values of mainstream society rather than mark scheme asks for
committing criminal acts out of boredom and a desire for “appropriate
excitement. analysis/evaluation”.
Cloward and Ohlin, on the other hand, considered how the
area in which someone lives might affect the sort of deviant Another “hook” is taken up
subculture they join and how that subculture responds to here with the idea that locality
blocked opportunities. A lack of socio‐economic opportunity might link to blocked
through education does not automatically mean that an opportunities.
individual will either embark on a criminal career or succeed
as a criminal. The locality in which people live can block Cloward and Ohlin explained
opportunities for success through crime, too, depending on succinctly with a focus on one
whether organised criminal networks already exist in the specific response (retreatism).
neighbourhood. Where no such network exists, a criminal
Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which society’s response
to crime and deviance benefits the ruling class. (10 marks)
Traditional Marxist ideas about crime emphasise how the real An introduction is not
purpose of the law is to protect the interests of the essential for 10‐mark answers
bourgeoisie and to control the proletariat in order to prevent but can help. Here it explains
revolution. The ruling class, and the institutions that serve an overall Marxist approach to
them, respond to crime only to benefit themselves. One way in the issues raised in the
which they do this is by turning a blind eye to white‐collar question and clearly identifies
and corporate crime. Another is by treating proletarian the two “ways” that will be
crimes more seriously, giving harsher punishments. pursued. These do emerge
from the Item, but the “hooks”
Chambliss found, in his study of Seattle, that the serious are less clear in this item than
criminals were often businessmen and politicians who used some.
their connections and wealth to avoid punishment, while the
police concentrated on the street crime and anti‐social Demonstrates some clear
behaviour perpetrated by the working class. Chambliss knowledge and understanding
argued this was because the laws and the police were not of Marxist views on class and
there to prevent crime, only to control the working class and crime and gains some AO3
protect the rich. This is supported by the work of Graham, analysis marks by finding
who found that the USA’s “war on drugs” did not extend to parallels between different
those drugs that made a profit for bourgeois pharmaceutical studies.
companies. However, this research is from the 1970s and in
recent years there have been high‐profile criminal
investigations into corporate crime (such as the Enron
scandal). Rather than the authorities choosing only to pursue
working‐class offenders, it may be that it is simply easier for
white‐collar criminals to escape detection because of the Some clear evaluation of the
nature of their crimes (often hiding in plain sight, with diffuse first “way” for AO3. Also keeps
victims). using examples and key terms.
However, Marxists note how, when they are pursued, white‐ The second way is introduced
collar and corporate criminals usually receive lesser partly in analysis of the first
punishments compared with working‐class criminals, even way (which is quite an
though their offences might involve much larger sums of effective way of maintaining a
money. Fraudsters sometimes avoid imprisonment or are in good chain of reasoning).
open prisons, whereas a burglar will be locked up. Sometimes
corporate crime is not dealt with through the criminal justice
system at all; for instance in high‐profile tax evasion cases Again the “way” is evaluated
where companies are able to reach arrangements with the quite strongly and ultimately
Applying material from Item A, analyse two reasons why right realist
approaches to crime and deviance might 'achieve control but not justice.'
(10 marks)
James Q. Wilson’s right realist “broken windows” theory A brief introduction that
inspired zero tolerance policing in New York that appeared to clearly puts the question into
have an astonishing impact on the city’s crime levels. context and identifies the two
However, two criticisms, suggesting that it achieved control reasons to be analysed. These
but not justice, are: some people were unfairly sent to prison very clearly emerge from
for minor crimes; the approach was inconsistently applied, hooks in the item (i.e. the
depending on particular social characteristics. references to severe
punishments and police
The idea of broken windows was that a community tolerating interpretation).
minor misdemeanours (such as vandals breaking windows)
falls foul of serious crime. To prevent the latter, there should This is a classic PEEEL
be zero tolerance of anti‐social behaviour and minor crime. paragraph. There is a chain of
One example of this was the “three strikes and you’re out” reasoning in the paragraph
approach: a serious custodial sentence would be given to allowing for some counter‐
people who had offended three times, regardless of what that evaluation at times and there
third offence was. This meant that people could be serving is a very clear link back to the
long custodial sentences for crimes as minor as jay‐walking, question at the end.
public drunkenness or washing people’s cars at junctions.
This led to a reduction in such behaviour, but could certainly
be viewed as being unjust, not to mention inefficient. At the
same time the broken windows approach reduced anti‐social
behaviour and minor crime, there was a dramatic decrease in
serious crime, too, with the homicide rate falling by over 50%.
Critics maintain that other factors, beyond zero tolerance
policing, accounted for the fall, for instance, a reduction in
poverty in the city. However, the correlation of the police
tactic and the fall in crime is impressive. Nevertheless, people
serving significant sentences for minor crimes is an example
of control without justice.
Another way in which the control achieved through right
realist approaches might be considered unjust is how it
impacts on some social groups more than on others. After all, The same approach is taken
freshman students engaging in public drunkenness or with this paragraph: a classic
jaywalking are very unlikely to find themselves accused of a PEEEL, plenty of detail and a
For sociologists, the purposes of punishment can be summed A very clear introduction
up as prevention, compensation and retribution. Two ways in which essentially “decodes” the
which punishment can perform the role of prevention are hooks in the item to identify
deterrence and rehabilitation. two ways to consider.
The idea that punishment can act as a deterrent to further A classic PEEEL paragraph
crime is based on rational choice theory. As stated in the item, that includes plenty of key
if offenders weigh up the benefits and costs of criminality concepts and some theory.
rationally, then the more severe the punishment the more This is the sort of question
likely they are to choose not to offend. This view is supported where it would be easy to miss
by right realists who favour tough sentences even for minor out any sociological theory, so
offences, in order to prevent more serious crime. However, including postmodernism and
some postmodern sociologists like Lyng (1990) argue that right realism makes it
part of the reason why crime is seductive is because of the sufficiently sociological.
thrill of taking risks. Therefore, arguably the risk could
increase the “buzz”. Also some crime is not rational but is
instead committed out of frustration or when under the
influence of alcohol or drugs. However, it seems likely that Linked back to the question
tough sentences do deter some types of crime. within the chain of reasoning.
Punishment can also prevent further crime through the The second way is addressed in
rehabilitation of offenders. The purpose of punishment is not the same way, with a PEEL
just to deter others from committing crime but to correct the paragraph.
flawed values of offenders so they can return to society as
reformed citizens and not commit future crimes. If this is a
key purpose of punishment, its lack of effectiveness can be
criticised: reoffending rates are high for those who have
served custodial sentences. Indeed, prisons can act as a form
of subculture where criminals only socialise with other
criminals, normalising and reinforcing crime and deviance Again this is made more
even more. This is partly due to what Sutherland called sociological by linking an
differential association: prisoners associate with criminals, otherwise “common sense”
and therefore learn deviant values. New Right sociologists, point to relevant sociological
who support prison as the best form of punishment, argue theory.
that reoffending rates are due to prison reforms having made
prisons less unpleasant; that the best way to rehabilitate
offenders is to deter them from future crime through their
The idea that the social context of an act influences how it is A succinct and useful
labelled and therefore how the criminal justice system might introduction that establishes a
respond to it has been raised by both Howard Becker and theoretical framework and
Aaron Cicourel. Two ways the context might influence identifies the two ways which
perception: who is performing the act, and where they are are to be developed.
performing the act.
Cicourel argued that the label of delinquency was placed on This is the stronger of the two
juveniles from low income backgrounds but not on better‐off ‘ways’, in terms of linking to
youths doing exactly the same things. He identified two stages sociological theory (although
of what he called the ‘negotiation of justice.’ First, the police both can relate to Becker or
will be influenced by their stereotypes of the typical criminal. Cicourel). It is a clear PEEEL
Therefore, they will view drunk and disorderly behaviour by a paragraph with plenty of
middle‐class student differently to the same behaviour by a theory and useful examples.
homeless youth. The former will be seen as normal student
high‐jinx, the latter as deviance. The actions of the Bullingdon
Club (a notorious student society for the very rich at Oxford
University) has always been interpreted differently from that
of an inner‐city youth gang, even though some of the activities
would be very similar. Yet there are examples of the opposite
happening, with a millionaire’s daughter who drove looters
around London in the 2011 riots receiving a higher sentence Working through this example
because of her privileged background. However, even if the provides some useful
negotiation of justice sometimes works against the rich, it is development. The evaluation
still an example of the social context influencing the comes through a contrasting
application of the label. example.
As well as who is committing the act, the place in which it Linked back to the question,
happens is also a factor. Drunk and disorderly behaviour in a clearly.
town centre is treated differently from the same in a quiet
residential area, for example. When radical Muslims travelled The second paragraph is
from Britain and elsewhere to Libya to fight against General arguably less sociological than
Ghadafi, they were allowed to travel and were praised for the first. The theoretical
fighting against a presumed tyrannical regime. When people framework is really the same
made similar journeys to Syria, the label switched from as the first way, and it would
“freedom fighter” to terrorist. In both countries, some people waste time in the exam to
joined groups like ISIS, but different attitudes to the conflicts repeat the point. However, the
2. Using Item A analyse two ways in which society’s response to crime and deviance benefits the
ruling class. (10 marks)
3. Applying material from Item A, analyse two reasons why right realist approaches to crime and
deviance might ‘achieve control but not justice.’ (10 marks)
4. Applying material from Item A, analyse two reasons why some ethnic groups are much more
likely to be stopped and searched by the police than others. (10 marks)
5. Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which gender socialisation might lead to
gender differences in rates of offending. (10 marks)
6. Applying material from Item A, analyse two reasons why members of an “underclass” might be
more likely to commit crimes. (10 marks)
7. Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which globalisation might be causing an
increase in crime. (10 marks)
8. Applying material from Item A, analyse two reasons why a minority of green crimes are pros-
ecuted by the criminal justice system. (10 marks)
9. Applying material from Item A, analyse two reasons why situational crime prevention strategies
may not be effective in reducing crime. (10 marks)
10. Applying material from Item A, analyse two ways in which people’s characteristics or behaviour
might contribute to being a victim of crime. (10 marks)