Dang 2011 Adv. Nat. Sci Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 015009
Dang 2011 Adv. Nat. Sci Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 015009
Dang 2011 Adv. Nat. Sci Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 015009
Copper nanoparticles, due to their interesting properties, low cost preparation and many
potential applications in catalysis, cooling fluid or conductive inks, have attracted a lot of
interest in recent years. In this study, copper nanoparticles were synthesized through the
chemical reduction of copper sulfate with sodium borohydride in water without inert gas
protection. In our synthesis route, ascorbic acid (natural vitamin C) was employed as a
protective agent to prevent the nascent Cu nanoparticles from oxidation during the synthesis
process and in storage. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) was added and worked both as a size
controller and as a capping agent. Cu nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform
infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to investigate the coordination between Cu nanoparticles and
PEG. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV–vis spectrometry contributed to the
analysis of size and optical properties of the nanoparticles, respectively. The average crystal
sizes of the particles at room temperature were less than 10 nm. It was observed that the
surface plasmon resonance phenomenon can be controlled during synthesis by varying the
reaction time, pH, and relative ratio of copper sulfate to the surfactant. The surface plasmon
resonance peak shifts from 561 to 572 nm, while the apparent color changes from red to black,
which is partly related to the change in particle size. Upon oxidation, the color of the solution
changes from red to violet and ultimately a blue solution appears.
Keywords: copper nanoparticle, no inert gas protection, surface plasmon resonance, chemical
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Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 (2011) 015009 T M D Dang et al
these noble metals are too expensive to be used in large Finally, a solution of NaBH4 (0.1 M) in deionized water was
quantities. In this context, copper is a good candidate material prepared and added to the solution under continuous rapid
because it is highly conductive but significantly cheaper stirring. An instant color change occurred in the aqueous
than Au and Ag. However, copper nanoparticles synthesized phase from yellow to black/red. The appearance of this dark
in ambient atmospheric temperature and pressure inevitably color indicated that the reduction reaction had started. The
have surface oxide layers because the Cu oxide phases are source of electrons for the reaction was BH− 4 . The mixture
thermodynamically more stable than pure Cu. Further, copper was further stirred rapidly for around 10 min in ambient
particles are found to aggregate severely without proper atmosphere, to allow the reaction to complete.
protection. The problems of aggregation and oxidation can be
circumvented by the use of various protecting agents, such as
2.3. Characterization
polymers [6–8] and organic ligands [9, 10].
Currently developed synthesis methods for copper Synthesized samples were studied by use of UV–vis
nanoparticles include chemical reduction [7–11], thermal absorption spectroscopy from a double beam
decomposition [12, 13], polyol [5, 14], laser ablation [15], spectrophotometer (Jasco UV–vis V530) in the wavelength
electron beam irradiation [16] and an in situ chemical range from 190 to 1100 nm. Transmission electron
synthetic route [17]. Among these methods, chemical microscopy (TEM) was used to study particle size. Samples
reduction is the most preferred, because this method is for TEM measurements were suspended in ethanol and
simple and economical, and it can realize better size and ultrasonically dispersed. Drops of the suspensions were
size distribution control by optimizing the experimental placed on a copper grid coated with carbon. Finally
parameters, such as the molar ratio of the capping agent with FT-IR spectra were recorded (Brucker TENSOR 37 FT-IR
the precursor salt and the ratio of reducing agent with the spectrophotometer) between 400 and 4000 cm−1 both in
precursor salt. A chemical reduction method usually involves solution and after KBr pellets were formed.
the reduction of metal salts in some type of solvent and a
separate reducing agent.
We are working on a simple and rapid approach 3. Results and discussion
to pure copper nanoparticle preparation via a natural
3.1. Optical characterization
antioxidant—ascorbic acid, with no gas protection. Ascorbic
acid is essential to avoid the oxidation of copper nanoparticles Small metal nanoparticles exhibit the absorption of visible
during the synthesis process and in storage. The antioxidant electromagnetic waves by the collective oscillation of
properties of ascorbic acid come from its ability to conduction electrons at the surface [18]. This is known as the
scavenge free radicals and reactive oxygen molecules [11], surface plasmon resonance effect. The interest in this effect
accompanying the donation of electrons to give the is the possibility of using it as a tracer for the presence of
semi-dehydroascorbate radical and dehydroascorbic acid. metal nanoparticles with a simple UV-visible spectrometer.
The size dependence of the plasmon resonance for particles
2. Experimental smaller than 20 nm (for gold [18]) is a complex phenomenon.
One interesting feature is the increase in the bandwidth of the
2.1. Material resonance with the decrease in the size of the particles due
to electron scattering enhancement at the surface. The shift
All of the chemicals were analytical grade and used as
in the resonance and the variation in its bandwidth are thus
purchased without further purification. Copper (II) sulfate
interesting parameters to characterize the metal nanoparticles.
pentahydrate salt, CuSO4 · 5H2 O, of 98% purity (Merck),
Several samples were taken from the synthesis solution
was dissolved in high purity water. Polyethylene glycol 6000
over time: one just after pouring the ascorbic acid solution,
(PEG 6000—Merck) was used as the capping agent. Sodium
the second just before pouring the NaBH4 solution and then
borohydride (NaBH4 -Reagent Plus 99%, Sigma-Aldrich) was
at 5 and 10 min afterwards, as shown in figure 1. Plasmon
used as the main reducing agent, while ascorbic acid (99.7%,
Prolabo) was used as the antioxidant of colloidal copper. absorbance (562 nm) appears only when the solution is red
Sodium hydroxide NaOH (> 98%, China) was also used to (roughly 10 min after the strong reducing agent was added),
adjust the pH and accelerate the reduction reaction in water. although absorption already increased after 5 min, which
suggests the appearance of small clusters or nanoparticles.
Before the addition of NaBH4 , the yellow and orange
2.2. Synthesis of copper nanoparticles
solutions did not show plasmon resonance. Upon the addition
The four-step preparation scheme for copper nanoparticles of NaBH4 , a quick increase in the absorbance at low
starts with dissolving copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate salt, wavelengths occurred that probably indicated the onset of
CuSO4 · 5H2 O (0.01 M), in deionized water to obtain a blue particle formation (light red). The plasmon resonance of
solution. Next, polyethylene glycol 6000, PEG 6000 (0.02 M) the Cu nanoparticles appeared at 562 nm when the solution
was dissolved in water and added to the aqueous solution turned red. The reaction was allowed to proceed in air. After
containing the copper salt while vigorously stirring. In this the end of synthesis, the solution was kept under ambient
step, the solution changed from blue to white. In the third step, atmosphere and the oxidation was qualitatively monitored
ascorbic acid (0.02 M) and sodium hydroxide (0.1 M) were with time by observation its color change. Within 8 h, the
dissolved in water and added to the synthesis solution. Color solution turned black to violet and ultimately blue particles
change occurred in the aqueous phase from white to yellow. appeared (figure 2).
Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 (2011) 015009 T M D Dang et al
Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 (2011) 015009 T M D Dang et al
(a) 10
w=6:1 8
0 10 20 30 40 50
Particle size (nm)
(b) 10
0 10 20 30 40 50
Particle size (nm)
Size distribution (%)
(c) 15
0 10 20 30 40 50
Particle size (nm)
Figure 5. Transmission electron micrographs of Cu nanoparticles with variable PEG to copper mole ratios (w = 6 : 1, 7 : 1 and 9 : 1).
Figure 4 shows the UV–vis absorption spectra of five molecules around the copper particles as a consequence of the
colloidal solutions synthesized under otherwise the same variation in pH.
conditions except for the pH ranging from 6 to 14. The
plasmon absorption of copper colloids for each solution can 3.4. Effects of [PEG] to [Cu2+ ] molar ratio
be extracted from all spectra except at pH 6. This probably
indicates very small particles at this low pH. Plasmon PEG is frequently used as the surfactant to prepare
resonance is clearly visible for pHs from 8 to 12. At pH 14, nanomaterials and as the stabilizer of metal colloids, because
the peak is still detectable but much weaker. The measured of its availability, low cost and non toxicity. It has already
values are 566, 575, 573 and 554 nm for pHs from 8 to 14. been shown [9, 10] that the size and shape of nanomaterials
The decrease in the intensity of the peak around the maximum strongly depends on the solution concentration of PEG.
value at pH 10 could be attributed to the decrease in particle Once nuclei are formed, they tend to aggregate in order to
size [8], but the exact position of the plasmon absorption decrease the total surface energy. This aggregation, which can
may depend on several factors (including particle size, shape, be a consequence of attractive Van der Waals forces between
solvent type and capping agent) and, in this case, there crystals, should be inhibited or limited to restrict the final
might be some variation in the arrangement of the capping particle size at the nanometric scale. One way to prevent
Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2 (2011) 015009 T M D Dang et al
Table 2. Effects of PEG to Cu2+ molar ratio on the particle size. PEG-6000 PEG-6000 & Cu NPs
Transmittance (%)
a 6:1 28 572
b 7:1 18 564
c 9:1 4 561
Wavenumber (cm-1)
0,8 6:1
0,6 9:1
Figure 7. The FT-IR absorption spectra Cu nanoparticle dispersed
in (a) PEG 6000 aqueous solution (w = 9 : 1) and (b) PEG 6000
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 A coordination through the ester bond of PEG to
Wavelength (nm) the copper is expected [8] due to electrostatic attraction.
This tends to stabilize the copper nanoparticle and also
Figure 6. UV–vis spectra of the different samples with varying
PEG to copper molar ratios. prevent copper oxide formation. This ester bond is located at
1086 cm−1 and is expected to shift to a lower wavenumber
nanoparticles from aggregation is the use of substances that when coordinated to the copper nanoparticle surface. In our
lead to steric repulsion between individuals. PEG is an case, only a decrease in the bandwidth can be seen. This
example of this type of growth and aggregation inhibitors. Our means that it may not be the main mechanism of action
investigation shows that it depends on the molar ratio (PEG for our particular system. However, two absorption peaks
[mol]/Cu2+ [mol]), as shown in table 2 and figure 5. appear with copper nanoparticles at 1690 and 1760 cm−1 .
The shape and size distribution of colloidal particles were The corresponding bonds clearly seem to be involved in
characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the interaction with the copper nanoparticles. Further study
two days after preparation. Figure 5(a) illustrates a TEM is under way to understand their role and the possible way
image and the size distribution of colloidal copper particles to engineer this coordination for enhanced resistance to
with a PEG to copper ratio w = 6 : 1. With a size range oxidation.
between 14 and 50 nm we can say that those particles are
large and widely dispersed. The strong aggregation observed 4. Conclusion
on this figure may be partly a consequence of the oxidation
of colloidal copper in water, which enhances electrostatic In this paper, copper nanoparticles were successfully
attraction between particles. As shown in figures 5(b) and synthesized by a chemical reduction method in water. The
(c), the size distribution of colloidal copper particles tends to presence of non-oxidized metal nanoparticles is proved by
narrow while the mean diameter significantly decreases with the appearance of the surface plasmon resonance on these
the increase in PEG concentration. Furthermore, aggregation colloids. Synthesis parameters were shown to influence
seems to be diminished as well. Overall, it clearly shows that particle size and oxidation resistance like reaction time, pH
the influence of the capping molecule concentration is crucial of the solution and relative ratio of PEG 6000 to copper
to the control of mean diameter and particle size distribution sulfate. The particle size decreases with increasing reducing
of our copper nanoparticles. agent concentration and relative concentration of capping
Figure 6 shows the UV–vis spectra of copper colloids molecules. The smallest average diameter obtained is 4 nm,
of the previous solutions. The peak positions are reported in which is suitable for future use as the base of a conductive
table 2. For a molar ratio of 6 : 1 where particles are large, we ink. Future work will include increasing the resistance of
observe a peak position at a longer wavelength. However, for nanoparticles to oxidation.
higher molar ratios, the plasmon resonance seems stabilized
in between 561 and 564 nm. It is rather difficult to determine Acknowledgment
at this stage which part is due to the influence of the particle
size and which is linked to extrinsic phenomena, such as The authors appreciate the financial support of Vietnam
the arrangement of the capping layer around the smaller National University in Ho Chi Minh City.
particles [18].
3.5. Infrared spectroscopic studies
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