Soal PTS
Soal PTS
Soal PTS
The Hen with the Silver Eggs Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every
One day, in an Arabian city, a woman morning and every morning, he ploughed his
went to the market and bought a beautiful field with his buffalo.
A few days later to her surprise the hen One day, a tiger saw the farmer and his
she bought laid a silver egg. If the hen buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very
could only be persuaded to lay more than surprised to see a big animal listening to a
one egg each day, the woman was sure small animal. The tiger wanted to know more
she would never have to work again. about the big animal and the small animal.
So, the woman decided to make the After the man went home, the tiger spoke
hen ate more, so that it could lay more to the buffalo.
eggs. But the only result was the hen died
of indigestion and did not lay more eggs at The Tiger : You are so big and strong.
all. Why do you do everything the
1. Paragraph 3 mostly discusses about … man tells you?
a. The hen’s and eggs The Buffalo : Oh, the is very intelligent.
b. What the woman did to her hen The Tiger : can you tell me how intelligent
c. What the hen eats to lay ore eggs he is?
d. Why the woman wanted to get The Tiger : No, I cannot tell you. But, you
more eggs can ask him.
2. The hen died because it … So the next day the tiger asked the man.
a. Ate too much The Tiger : can I see your intelligence?
b. Laid more eggs The Man : It is at home.
c. Was badly injured The Tiger :can you go and get it?
d. Was forced to lay eggs The Man : Yes. But Iam afraid you will kill
3. From the text we may conclude that the my buffalo when I am gone.
woman was ... Can I tie you to a tree?
a. Active After the man tied the tiger to the tree,
b. Miserly he didn’t go home to get his intelligence.
c. Greedy He took his plough and hit the tiger.
d. Furious The man : Now you know about my
4. “If the hen could be persuaded …” intelligence even if you
The bold word means …. haven’t seen it.
a. Commanded 5. What is the text about?
b. Influenced a. A smart tiger
c. Brought b. A diligent buffalo
d. Told c. An intelligent farmer
d. An energetic animal
6. “Can you go and get it?”
What does the word “it” refer to?
a. The tree
b. The tiger
c. The plough The passive form of the sentence is …
d. The intelligence a. A lot of cars are produced by them
7. What can we learn from the story? in Japan
a. Do not underestimate to the inferior b. A lot of cars is produced by them in
b. Be diligent to get your dreams Japan
c. Respect to the superior c. A lot of cars were produced by
d. Do not be too brave them in Jepan
8. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a d. A lot of cars will be produced by
good narrative text. them in Japan
1. His short bill could not reach the 16. “My friend will pick me up at the bus
water. station”
2. He looked everywhere for some The passive form of the sentence is …
water, but there was none. a. I will be pick up by my friend at the
3. Then, he found a tall jar with very bus station
little water it. b. Me will be pick up by my friend at
4. At last, he drank the water as much the bus station
as he liked c. I will be picked my friend up at the
5. One day, a cow was very tired and bus station
thirsty. d. I pick up my friend at the bus
6. Soon, he filled the jar with stones station
so the water came up higher. 17. “She saw the mouse In the Kitchen.”
The best arrangement is … The Passive form of the sentence is …
a. 5-2-3-1-6-4 a. The mouse were seen by her in the
b. 5-2-1-4-6-3 kitchen
c. 5-2-4-3-6-1 b. The mouse was seen by she in the
d. 5-2-6-1-3-4 kitchen
9. “Our friend comes on Tuesdays” c. The mouse is seen by her I the
The adverbial phrase in the sentence is … kitchen
a. Our firend d. The mouse was seen by her in the
b. On Tuesday kitchen
c. Comes 18. ”The news has been told to us by the
d. Comes neighbor.”
10. The following are some adverbial phrases The active form of the sentence is …
of time, except … a. The neighbor has told us the news
a. One day b. The neighbor has told the news by
b. A long time ago us
c. Almost as much as you do c. The news has told the neighbor to
d. Along day us
11. Our plan … next week. d. We have told the news by the
a. Was discussed neighbor
b. Is discussed 19. “Where was the book found by them.”
c. Will be discussed The active form of the sentence is …
d. Has been discussed a. Where did they found the book?
12. The telephone … in 1876. b. Where was they find the book?
a. Is invented c. Where are they find the book?
b. Was invented d. Where did they find the book?
c. Will be invented 20. “Have they watered the plants?”
d. Has been invented The passive form of the sentence is …
13. A lot of guests … every year. a. Have the plannts watered by them?
a. Is invited b. Have they been watered the
b. Was invited plants?
c. Have been invited c. Have the plants watered been by
d. Are invited them?
14. This room … by her when I came. d. Have the plants been watered by
a. Hasn’t clean them?
b. Hasn’t been cleaned
c. Isn’t cleaned
d. Haven’t cleaned The text for questins number 21 to 24
15. “They produce a lot of cars in Japan”. The Wolf and The Goat
A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of high c. Taken
cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the though of d. Been taken
a fine goat dinner. “My dear friend” said the 28. “The boys have been told the good news.”
wolf in his sweetest voice, “ aren’t you afraid It means ….
you will fall down from that cliff? Come down a. The good news was told to the boys
here and graze on this fine grass beside me on b. Somebody has told the boys the
safe, level ground.” “No, thank you,” said the good news
goat. “well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold c. The good news has been told bye
up there in the wind? You would be warmer the boys
grazing down here beside me in this sheltered d. The boys have told the good news
are.” “No, Thank you,” said the goat. “But the 29. The meeting was supposed to be held
grass tastes better down here!”said the yesterday, but it has been …. To next
exasperated wolf,”Why dine alone?”. “My Dear Thursday.
wolf,” the goat finally said,”are you quite sure a. Taken off
that it ismy dinner you are worrying about and b. Worn off
not your own?” c. Put off
21. What did the wolf ask when he saw the d. Called of
goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff? 30. The proposal … discussed when I called
a. To be his friend the office this morning.
b. To graze on the level ground a. Was being
c. To climb up higher b. Been
d. To be his dinner c. Being
22. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?” d. Have been
The word “There” refers to …
a. A high cliff The text for questions number 31 to 33.
b. Sheltered area Jellyfish
c. Grass
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are
d. Ground invertebrate animals. This means that unlike
23. What can we learn from the story above? fish or people, they have no backbones. In
a. Don’t look down to other creatures fact, they have no bones at all.
b. Don’t easy believe in well behaved Jellyfish have stomach and mouths, but no
creatures heads. They have nervous systems for sensing
c. Don’t judge others by their the world around them, but no brains. They are
appearance made almost entirely of water, which is why
d. Don’t easily beat other creatures you can look through them.
24. From the story we know … Some Jellyfish can glow in darkness by
a. The goat was very hungry making their own light. The light is made by a
b. The wolf was a helpful animal chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists
c. The wolf was eager to eat the goat believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. Most
e The wolf was going to fight with the Jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few
wolf types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are
found in oceans and seas all over the world.
25. “Bambang Looks very happy today.” They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy
“Don’t you know he …. To general waters near the north and south poles.
manager.” 31. Which one creates Jellyfish’s light?
a. Has promoted a. Ocean
b. To be promoted b. Stomach and mouths
c. Being promoted c. Chemical reaction
d. Has been promoted d. Fresh water
26. Why are the students staying outside? 32. Based on the text, we know that …
Their classroom … a. They don’t have brain, only
a. Is being cleaned stomach and mouths
b. Being cleaned b. They live in the lake
c. Was cleaned c. They are vertebrate animals
d. Cleans d. They glow when they sleep
27. The picture is not here anymore. It must
have … away. 33. What is the text about?
a. Being taken a. Kinds of all really not fish
b. Took b. Jellyfish
c. Salt water animal 36. –
d. Some kinds of sea animals a. Stays
Question for number 34 and 35 b. Leaves
Whales are sea-living mammals. They c. Lives
therefore breathe air but cannot survive or d. Flies
land. Some species are very large indeed and 37. –
the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meter a. Under
length, is the largest animal which lives on b. High
earth. c. Low
Superficially, the whale looks rather like a d. Just
fish, but there are important difference in its The advertisement below is for questions
external structure; its tail consists of a pair of number 38 to 40.
broad, flad horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish Team Leader is required to work in a busy
is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top oof team in a lively, young company.
its breadth, broad head. The skin is smooth
and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of flat Previous experience essential.
(blubber). This up to 30 meter in thickness and
serves to conserve heat and body fluids. Flexible hours. Use of car.
34. What is the text about?
a. Sea-living mammals Salary negotiable.
b. The description of mammals
c. The difference between whales and For an application form call
fish 020 794 600 606
d. Whales 38. What is the vacant post?
35. The length of a whales is … a. Manager area
a. Is generally more than 30 meter b. Head of the team
b. May be more than 30 meter c. The recruitment staff
c. Is less than 30 meter d. Director of company
d. Ranges from 30 meter to more than 39. Which of the qualification is required the
30 meter most?
The text below is for number 36 and 37. a. Young and energetic are important
The sugar glider is a marsupial, just like many b. Working experience is preferable
other Australian animals, for example, the c. Possession of a car is needed
kangaroo and koala. It is very similar to “tupai” d. Willing to work overtime
in Indonesia. The sugar glider is a possum. It 40. How is the salary offered?
basically … (36) in trees. It eats leaves and a. Full bonus is negotiabe
fruit. However, the Australian sugar glider has b. The salary is interesting
a very special character. It can jump from tree c. It can be settled by discussion
to tree … (37) like the “tupai” but it can also d. Pay rise will be after a year contract
sort of fly. In fact, it glides.