Industrial Toxicology Module
Industrial Toxicology Module
Industrial Toxicology Module
Industrial Toxicology
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
Dr Ashima Srivastara
Dr Pratibha Singh
Harimah Hamdan
3.1 Toxicants 43
3.1.1 Concentration Range 43
3.2 Smog 46
3.2.1 Physical Description of Smog 46
3.2.2 Automobiles 47
3.2.3 Smog and Health 48
3.3 Smoke 49
3.3.1 Smoke from Fire 51
3.3.2 How Smoke Inhalation Damages the Body 52
3.3.3 Diagnosis of Smoke Inhalation Damage 53
3.3.4 Treatment 54
3.4 Offensive Odours 54
3.4.1 Sources of Environmental Odours 56
3.4.2 How Do You Measure Odour? 57
3.4.3 Odours and Health 58
3.4.4 Odour Control 59
3.4.5 Absorption 60
3.4.6 Liquid Scrubbing 61
3.4.7 Biofiltration 61
3.4.8 Bioscrubbers 62
3.4.9 Confirmation of Odour Removal Efficiency 62
XBET3103 Industrial Toxicology is one of the courses offered at Open University
Malaysia (OUM). This course is worth 3 credit hours and should be covered over
8 to 15 weeks.
This course is offered to all learners taking the Bachelor of Occupational Health
and Safety Management programme. It aims to impart knowledge on the
principles of environmental and occupational toxicology.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for
every credit hour. As such, for a 3 credit hour course, you are expected to
spend 120 study hours. Figure 1 shows the student learning time (SLT).
This course is divided into 8 topics. The synopsis for each topic listed is as follows
(refer to Table 1):
Topic Description
5 Discusses the toxic action of pollutants. The toxic chemicals are discharged into
the air, water, and soil, and get into human food chain via the environment.
7 Explores toxicants and how our bodies are exposed to them. It elaborates on the
effects of toxicants on the respiratory system, integumentary system, circulatory
system, liver, kidneys, and reproductive system.
(b) Self-Check
This component of the module is included in strategic locations throughout
the module. It may be located after one subtopic or a few subtopics.
It usually comes in the form of a question. When you come across this
component, reflect on what you have already learnt thus far. By attempting
to answer the question, you should be able to gauge how well you have
understood the subtopic(s). Most of the time, the answers to the questions
can be found directly in the module itself.
(c) Activity
Similar to Self-Check, the Activity component is also placed at various
locations or junctures throughout the module. This component may
require you to answer questions, explore short case studies, or conduct
an observation or research. It may even require you to evaluate a given
scenario. When you come across an Activity, you should try to reflect
on what you have gathered from the module and apply it to real situations.
You should, at the same time, engage in Higher Order Thinking skills
(HOTs) i.e. analysing, synthesising, and evaluating instead of only recalling
and defining.
(d) Summary
You will find this component at the end of each topic. It summarises various
important parts of each topic and helps you to recap the whole topic.
By going through the summary, you should be able to gauge your knowledge
retention level. Should you find points in the summary that
you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to revisit the
details in the module.
(f) References
A list of relevant and useful textbooks, journals, articles, electronic contents,
and sources can be found in this section. The list may appear in a few
locations such as in the Course Guide (in the References section), at the end
of every topic, or at the back of the module. You are encouraged to read or
refer to the suggested references to obtain additional information and
enhance your overall understanding of the course.
No prior knowledge is required.
Please refer to .
Boron, W. F., & Boulpaep, E. L. (2009). Medical physiology: A cellular and
molecular approach (2nd ed.). Elsevier/Saunders.
Griffiths, A. J. F., Miller, J. H., Suzuki, D. T., Lewontin, R. C., & Gelbart, W. M.
(1999). An introduction to genetic analysis (6th ed.). W. H. Freeman.
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., LaHart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
Seager, S. L., & Slabaugh, M. R. (2004). Chemistry for today: General, organic
and biochemistry. Thomson Brooks/Cole.
Stenerson, J. (2004). Chemical pesticides: Mode of action and toxicology. CRC Press.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2016). Dioxins and their effect on human
As part of the progressive world today, Malaysia has also experienced major
industrial and social changes leading to more poisonous substances in the
environment; and this have resulted in growing health problems and disorders in
Malaysia. During the early years of industrialisation in our country from 1983 to
1997, little attention was given towards environmental issues, and the nation had to
go through some of the most harmful consequences arising from pollution.
The poisonous substances in the air were causing respiratory disease, chronic heart
disease, and also weakening of the immune system and lungs. All such forms of
diseases were being encountered and the government chose to formulate a
blueprint that comprised programmes like the Malaysian Air Quality Guidelines,
Haze Action Plan and Air Pollution Index. All of these programmes were goal
oriented, but the common intention was to deal with the growing environmental
Let us get to know more on the environmental and occupational toxicology in this
first topic. Happy reading!
Realising the potential for toxicity of agents found in nature has been a
requirement for human survival. One of the first acknowledged instances of the
unwanted toxicity of a fabricated product was lead intoxication in Roman times,
due to the prevalence of lead plumbing and lead dishware.
Environmental toxicology is a young field that has developed rapidly over the past
40 years. It involves the studying of sources, pathways, transformations, and
effects of chemicals that are harmful in the environment. The study of these
harmful effects extends from individuals and population of organisms to the
ecosystem level.
Time Description
1499 to 1541 Physicians and alchemists were the first students of toxicology.
Paracelsus, the Swiss physician was well-known mostly for the
formulation of the dose-response relationship. Paracelsus observed that
some chemicals administered to patients at low concentrations had a
therapeutic effect, while high concentrations produced toxic effects.
1787 to 1853 The Spanish physician, Mattieu Orfila, brought in the major advances in
toxicology. Orfila published a complete paper on the toxicity of natural
substances. He acknowledged a relationship between the toxic
symptoms of the patients (pathology) and the chemical content of the
1813 to 1878 The French physiologist, Claude Bernard, introduced a more strategic
approach to toxicology by performing several experiments on animals.
The conclusion and theories produced by Orfila and Bernard over a
100-year span became the foundation of toxicology as a science.
19th century The Chemical Revolution started with a rapid expansion in the
extraction of natural chemicals and the production of new synthetic
In addition, environmental toxicology covers more than just chemicals passed into
the environment; it also includes examining and interpreting the harmful
outcomes induced by these chemicals on living systems such as wildlife, marine
species, pets, humans, and the ecological systems.
There are several divisions of toxicology. These divisions are shown in Figure 1.2.
As you can see in Figure 1.3, the interdisciplinary core of environment toxicology
borrows heavily from a variety of disciplines such as:
• environmental science
• chemistry
• biology
• toxicology
There are many applications when it comes to toxicology. Among them are listed
in Figure 1.4.
• Pathology deals with disease and its diagnosis through the examination of
tissues and bodily fluids.
Take note that the legal outcome of the toxicological investigation is not the
primary concern for forensic toxicology.
There are various kinds of samples that can be analysed through toxicology. A
forensic toxicologist must consider the situation of an investigation such as any
physical symptoms recorded or any evidence collected at a crime scene that may
be of great help like pill bottles, powders, trace residue, and any available
Given all information needed and samples to work on, the forensic toxicologist
concludes which toxic substances are present, in what concentrations, and the
possible effect of those chemicals on the individual. Verifying the substance
ingested is made complicated by the body's natural processes, because it is
unusual for a chemical to remain in its original form once it is in the body.
• chemistry
• biology
• pharmacology
• physiology
• pathology
People are motivated to learn this topic because human beings are constantly
exposed to the environment and need to understand the health of our ecosystem.
It is used to identify:
• evaluation of full toxic potential of chemicals destined for drug use; and
There are many case studies which indicate that chemicals being used in food and
drugs are harmful, and the environment may have a direct impact on reproductive
health. It studies:
• certain birth defects and disorders due to the direct result of certain chemicals
used in many households; and
• identify adverse health effects that arise out of workers' exposure to these
toxicants; and
In many countries, workers are asked to work – with little or no protection – with
chemicals that are recognised to be dangerous to human health. In fact, workers in
many developing countries are frequently asked to work with toxic chemicals that
have been banned in developed countries because of their dangerous consequences.
Likewise, agriculture workers in developing countries (and in non-union agriculture
occupations in some developed countries) frequently spray herbicides and
pesticides without any kind of protection.
Occupational toxicology, and the risk assessments, control standards, and auditing
of those standards have provided many of the early warnings about wider
environmental problems through illnesses detected in production workers and
other users of toxic substances. The working environment is often the frontline and
source of wider environmental pollution. Workers are the „canaries‰ for
populations outside the workplace.
There are 10 million known chemical substances in the world and around
1,000 new chemicals introduced each year. Working out the interactions between
the two substances in the workplace is still beyond the capacity of advanced
industrial society.
Working out the uptake, distribution, storage, metabolism, excretion, and effect of
even a single substance on this list in a vast range of working conditions is a
mammoth task. Working out the interactions between these substances in the
workplace is still beyond our capacity as advanced industrial societies. Trying to
assess the long-term low level effects of workersÊ exposures to such substances is
not possible, even with the use of sophisticated toxicological and epidemiological
techniques. Some consideration is needed on how exposures outside the
workplace may affect workers within the company and vice versa.
The inter-relationship between toxic substances inside and outside the workplace
has been increasingly recognised in recent decades. The capacity of toxicology to
predict the likely human effects of workplace exposures to toxic substances may
be better than for some areas of environmental exposure but it is limited. The limits
Now, let us discuss the exposure of toxic substance at the workplace. The routes
of entry into the body of substances found in the workplace are through inhalation,
ingestion, and skin absorption. Substances in the workplace may take the shape of
dusts, fumes, mists, vapour, and gases.
There is, therefore, a need to weigh the significance of routes of entry in terms of a
particular occupation. We must also consider the total dose of substance a worker
may be exposed to by a combination of routes of entry. Much of this research is
still relatively speculative as indeed there have been studies in the past which can
accurately assess exposures from multiple routes of entry or even the effectiveness
of personal protective equipment (PPE), especially gloves, in reducing
contamination at the workplace.
Toxic substances may have local or systemic effects, or both. The former is often
easier to identify than the latter in the workplace. Likewise, the acute effects of
exposure to a substance may be relatively easily recognised at the workplace,
whereas the chronic effects may not.
What are the problems with occupational toxicology? Human beings have always
been intuitive toxicologists, relying on their senses of sight, taste, and smell to
detect harmful or unsafe food, water, and air. As we have come to recognise that
our senses are not adequate to assess the dangers inherent in exposure to a
chemical substance, we have created the sciences of toxicology and risk assessment
to perform this function.
Yet, despite this great effort to overcome the limitations of intuitive toxicology, it
has become evident that even our best scientific methods still depend heavily on
extrapolations and judgements in order to infer human health risks from animal
The latest emphasis among many toxicologists has been to claim a detailed
understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity of particular chemicals and to avoid
quantitative risk assessments used by agencies like the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and the „Qstar‰ (Q*) system found in the US as too speculative and
reliant on statistical methods with flawed inputs. What is a Q* system?
The slope describes the change in tumour incidence over the change in dose. The
assumptions are that mechanistic assessments do not fall into the same traps as
exclusively statistical methods and that somehow individual risk assessments so
derived will allow us to assess the many thousands of substances to which workers
are exposed to in a wide range of occupational activities and conditions. This is
fallacious and the risk assessments with the greater margins for error – along the
lines of the EPA – are the ones which offer the greatest protection to workers.
Indeed, Kraus and her colleagues, in a large study by the US and Scandinavian
toxicologists found that „controversies over chemical risks may be fuelled as much
by limitations of risk assessment and disagreements among experts as by public
misconceptions‰ (Watterson, 2005).
Some formulae, based on the toxicity data, were provided for calculating safe
limits over a longer working week and also for mixtures. The validity and value of
the thresholds require careful scrutiny and there may be debates about the toxicity
data generated, the toxicity models developed, the specific mechanisms of toxicity
at work, and the significance of the data gaps which exist on a particular substance.
Toxicologists typically attempt to establish data for the following levels (see
Table 1.2).
Level Description
No observed adverse This is the highest dose level at which no biological adverse
effect level (NOAEL) effects occur.
Lowest observed This operates to set exposure levels when data are lacking to
adverse effect level set the NOAEL.
• to secure the safety, health, and welfare of persons at work against risks to
safety or health arising out of the activities of persons at work;
• to protect persons at a place of work other than persons at work against the
risks to safety or health arising out of the activities of persons at work;
• to provide the means whereby the associated occupational safety and health
legislations may be progressively replaced by a system of regulations and
approved industry codes of practice operating in combination with the
provisions of this act designed to maintain or improve the standards of safety
and health.
Exposure to harmful chemicals can result in higher rates of accidents at work. Look
at Figure 1.5 which shows you an example.
Figure 1.5: Working Around Chemicals Without Proper Protection Can Lead to
Serious Accidents
For instance, chemicals such as solvents and asphyxiants might slow your reaction
time by impacting your nervous system or restraining the quantity of oxygen that
gets to your lungs. A slow reaction can be very dangerous (or even fatal) if you are
in a serious situation that demands a quick reaction.
List down some industrial accidents due to chemicals you have heard or
seen happened. What were the after effects on the workers? Discuss the
answers with your coursemates in the myINSPIRE forum.
A mutation can in theory take place by a single chemical particle bringing about a
particular alteration in the chemical structure of a DNA particle, thereby changing
the genetic code from that of a normal cell to that of a mutated cell.
There are several critical issues which make the interpretation of toxicological data
often controversial. Among them the most important ones are species-to-species
extrapolation and high-to-low dose extrapolation. The critical issue here is the
existence or lack of existence of a threshold dose below which no adverse effect
will occur. The other critical issue is the evaluation of the toxicity of mixtures
particularly in light of potential synergistic interactions.
Route Description
Skin Chemicals can enter the body through the skin, hair follicles, sebaceous
absorption glands, sweat glands, and cuts or abrasions of the skin. Direct contact
effects and absorption of chemicals through the skin depend on a number
of factors.
Type Description
Acute The effects may be acute; subsequent to a short exposure, a quick effect
effects may be experienced.
Chronic Chronic effects generally call for repeated exposure and a delay is
effects observed between the first exposure and visual aspect of harmful health
Take note that both acute and chronic circumstances can result in lasting injury.
A „release‰ may take place by spilling, leaking out, emitting toxic vapours, or some
other method that enables the material to break away from its container, come in
the environment and produce a likely hazard. Hazards are classed in many
different ways. The following brings out some more common terms (see Table 1.5).
Category Description
Explosive Release pressure, gas, and heat suddenly when they are subjected to
substances shock, heat, or high pressure. Some festivals use many types of explosive
substances that require careful storage and handling to avoid injury.
Flammable These substances are easy to ignite. Paint thinners, charcoal lighter fluid,
and and silver polish liquid are all highly flammable. Oxidisers, which will
combustible lend oxygen readily to support a fire, and reactive materials, which are
substances unstable and may react violently if mishandled, pose related hazards.
Poisons (or These can cause injury or death when they enter the bodies of living
toxic things. Such substances can be classified by chemical nature (for example,
materials) heavy metals and cyanides) or by toxic action (such as irritants, which
inflame living tissue, and corrosives, which destroy or irreversibly
change it). One special group of poisons includes etiological (biological)
agents. These are live micro-organisms or toxins produced by these
micro-organisms that are capable of producing a disease.
Take note that these categories are not mutually exclusive. For example, acids and
bases are listed as corrosive materials, but can also act as poisons.
Category Description
Heavy metals Metals that differ from other toxic substances are neither created nor
destroyed by humans. Their use by humans plays an important role
in determining their potential to be detrimental to oneÊs health. Their
effect on health could occur through at least two mechanisms:
• by increasing the presence of heavy metals in air, water, soil, and
food; and
• by changing the structure of the chemical.
Radiation Radiation is the release and propagation of energy in space in the form
of waves, the transfer of heat or light by waves of energy, or the stream
of particles from a nuclear reactor.
Animal toxins These toxins can result from venomous or poisonous animal releases.
Venomous animals are those that are capable of producing a poison
in a highly developed gland or group of cells and can pass that toxin
through biting or stinging. Poisonous animals are generally those
whose tissues, either as a whole or in part, are toxic.
Category Description
Asphyxiants They exert their effects through a depletion of oxygen to the tissues.
Examples of simple asphyxiants are carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane,
and hydrogen; while some examples of chemical asphyxiants are carbon
monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and hydrogen sulphide.
Narcotics or The main toxic action is that it has a depressant effect upon the central
anaesthetics nervous system. Many organic solvents are either narcotics or
anaesthetics, for instance chloroform and xylene.
Systemic The main toxic action includes the production of internal damage.
poisons Examples are hepatotoxic agents (toxic effects that cause liver damage,
such as carbon tetrachloride) and nephrotoxic agents (toxic effects that
cause kidney damage, such as some halogenated hydrocarbons).
Mutagens They are agents that affect the cells of the exposed person in such a way
that they may cause cancer or an undesirable mutation to occur in some
later generation. Radiation and selected chemical agents can be
Teratogens Teratogens are agents or compounds that generate defects in the foetus
when taken by a pregnant woman. An example of teratogen is
Sensitisers These agents that may cause allergic or allergic-like responses to occur.
After an initial exposure to this substance, an individual may become
sensitised to it. Frequent exposure to the same substance, at a much lower
concentration than before, can trigger an allergic response. This response
can be a skin rash (dermatitis) or an asthmatic-like attack, depending on
the route of exposure. Examples of sensitisers are cutting oils, isocyanates
in polyurethane foam operations and paint spraying operations, as well
as some laboratory solvents.
The following are health hazard classes as defined by the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), USA:
• carcinogens
• corrosives
• irritants
• mutagens
• sensitisers
• teratogens
As for target organ effects, these are further classified into eight categories (see
Table 1.8).
Category Effect
Category Description
Corrosive Substances and preparations which may, on contact with living tissues,
destroy them.
• Chemicals are the basic elements of life and the world around us. Materials
made from chemicals can be found in cars, clothing, furniture, tools, and many
other things we come in contact with daily.
• Environmental toxicology started from 1499 and it has evolved until today.
• There are many applications when it comes to toxicology. Among them are
clinical toxicology, forensic toxicology, industrial toxicology, environmental
toxicology, and biochemical and molecular toxicology.
• Among the health hazards related to toxicology are cancer, skin rashes,
nervous system damage, and development problems in children.
• Some of the health hazard classes are carcinogens, corrosives, irritants, and
Cotton, F. A., & Wilkinson, G. (1988). Advanced inorganic chemistry (5th ed.).
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., LaHart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
Seager, S. L., & Slabaugh, M. R. (2004). Chemistry for today: General, organic
and biochemistry. Thomson Brooks/Cole.
Stenerson, J. (2004). Chemical pesticides: Mode of action and toxicology. CRC Press.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2016). Dioxins and their effect on human
This has led to an extensive change in the environment such as the opening of new
industrial areas, extensive usage of various types of chemicals, as well as dumping
of industrial wastes which are directly affecting the ecosystem and our current living
standard. How do these changes affect our health? Let us find out the answer in this
topic. Happy reading!
• „The sustainability of many vital ecosystems has been strained on many fronts,
with varying health impacts – some direct, but mostly indirect and involving
complex ecological mechanisms. These global changes are synergistic. They
constitute a new type of health challenge; one that transcends the traditional
definitions of environmental health issues and that demands a recognition that
the foundations of long-term good health – at the personal, community, and
population level – rely on the continued stability of life-supporting
Through the profound change of the world today, we can see the pros and cons of
industrialisation in our daily life. This significantly affects our environment and
occupation, thus affecting our health as well.
Next, let us discuss the epidemiological transition of the modern era from the
perspective of human activity, climate instability, socioeconomic inequities and
disparities, and higher change of incidence in disease in the following subtopics.
Through the changing nature of our environment and occupation facilitated by the
industrial and technological revolution, we can see clear effects to our health
today, to the extent of a change in epidemiological transition.
(b) Check your family background. Do you have relatives who do not
suffer from NCD? Observe their lifestyle and eating habit. In your
opinion, do lifestyle and eating habit prevent a person from
contracting NCD?
Let us look at the following infographic of chemical usage in the US as for July 2021
(see Figure 2.2).
Type Description
Toxic metals Some metals are toxic to humans and other living organisms when
they accumulate to sufficiently high concentration in body tissues,
such as blood or adipose (fat) tissue. For example, the accumulation of:
• lead – osteomalacia;
• cadmium – kidney problem; and
• arsenic – dermatological problem.
Persistent POCs are a type of toxic chemical compounds that can go through the
organic process of bioaccumulation and they are persistent in the tissues of
chemicals organisms, including humans. POCs are regulated under the Stockholm
(POCs) Convention worldwide. Some toxic POCs commonly available include:
• PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
• dioxin
• lindane
• PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
• benzene
• DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
• phenols
• xylene
• environmental perspective
• occupational perspective
• occupational diseases
Source Description
Point sources This is a single identifiable localised source of something. These are
waste-producing facilities that can be identified as a discrete input of
contaminants. Examples are waste from factories and industrial
production facilities, wastewater treatment plants, and power plants.
Non-point Here, there is no specific source of pollutants. They occur over a broad
sources area and are associated with particular land uses, as opposed to
individual point source discharges. Examples include pollution due to
storm water run-off, pesticide and herbicide application, and vehicle
Give three examples for point source and non-point source of pollutant
Discuss the following questions in the myINSPIRE forum:
(a) Which one of the source is much more difficult to be treated before
being released into the environment?
(b) What would you suggest as treatment or controlling the amount of
the pollutants released?
There are many hazards which can be commonly found in the workplace, such as:
• biological hazards
• physical hazards
• chemical hazards
• psychosocial hazards
• ergonomic hazards
These hazards, without proper control and preventive methods, can cause harmful
consequences such as occupational diseases or even catastrophic events.
Occupational diseases are any chronic ailments that occur as a result of work
or occupational activity.
• Chemical usage has been around since the 20th century. Therefore, rapid
industrialisation has led to contamination of air, soil and water with hazardous
waste, by-products of resource extraction, fossil fuel combustion, and synthetic
• There are four types of toxicants: pesticides, toxic metals, persistent organic
chemicals (POCs), and environmental toxins.
• Pollutants sources from the environmental perspective are point sources and
non-point sources.
• Occupational diseases are any chronic ailments that occur as a result of work
or occupational activity.
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
In Asia, the concept of air pollution has changed significantly during the past
several decades. Thirty or fifty years ago, air pollution was only associated with
smoke, soot, and odour.
However, in present times, air pollution is the presence of any substance in the
atmosphere at a concentration high enough to produce an objectionable effect on
humans, animals, vegetation or materials, or to alter the natural biogeochemical
cycling of various elements and their mass balance. These substances can be in the
form of solid, liquid, or gas and can be produced by anthropogenic activities or
natural sources. Air quality is worsening in virtually all cities in the Asian region.
Air pollutants, mainly in the forms of suspended particulate and sulphur dioxide
are most common in the cities of the developing countries.
Let us learn more on toxicant, smog, smoke and offensive odours, and agriculture
damage, and how Malaysian government handles these pollutions in the next
subtopics. Happy reading!
Toxicants are typically introduced into the environment by human activity.
A distinction can be drawn between „toxic‰ and toxin, with the latter being a
subcategory of the former. Many toxicants are pesticides or are unwanted by-
products of some production process, or accidental spoils.
Category Description
Too little The metabolic behaviour deviates more from the natural behaviour for
decreasing concentrations.
Too much The metabolic behaviour deviates more from the natural behaviour for
increasing concentrations.
Classification Characteristics
Next, let us look at Table 3.3 that explains two types of toxic responses.
Type Characteristics
3.2 SMOG
What is smog?
The word „smog‰ is a combination of smoke and fog. Visible smoke or smog
is a type of air pollution.
There are four conditions needed before smog can develop. These conditions are:
• sunlight
• hydrocarbons
• nitrogen oxides
3.2.2 Automobiles
Did you know that automobiles are identified as the leading contributor to smog?
Car engines, especially diesel engines are huge contributors to the smog problem.
This is because diesel engines emit particles that enter the atmosphere.
Lead is also a major problem, especially when found in gasoline that is combusted
in automobiles. Asian countries are more dependent on lead as compared to
European countries. Smog problems created by cars are becoming increasingly
severe as there is a rise in the number of vehicles. Let us take Malaysia for example.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
Every year, the number of motorcycles and cars in Malaysia are increasing as
shown in Figure 3.4.
However, anyone after both short- and long-term exposure can suffer from its
harmful health effects. Health problems such as shortness of breath, coughing,
wheezing, bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of pulmonary tissues, heart
attacks, lung cancer, increased asthma-related symptoms, fatigue, heart
palpitations, and even premature ageing of the lungs and death can happen.
The major reason of cause of death related to fire is smoke inhalation (airway or
pulmonary parenchymal injury). Smoke inhalation occurs when you breathe in the
products of combustion during a fire, such as harmful gases, vapour, and
particulate matter (soot, etc.) contained in smoke. Figure 3.5 shows you how smoke
inhalation affects your lung.
Combustion produces these gases, vapour, and particles of matter that result from
burning or the rapid breakdown of a substance by heat. The exact composition of
smoke produced by any individual fire cannot be predicted because of the varying
temperatures, the products being burned in the fire, and the amount of oxygen
available to each individual fire.
The harmful materials given off by combustion injure the airways and lung by:
• heat damage;
Smoke inhalation victims do not show injury symptoms until 24 to 48 hours after
the inhalation event. Also, children under 11 years of age and adults over 70 years
of age are most vulnerable. The degree of heat involved in the fire creating the
smoke is directly related to the seriousness of potential damage from smoke
According to Clark, Jr. (1992), „The mortality rate of smoke inhalation victims
without a burn is less than 10 per cent. With a burn, the mortality rate is 30 to 50
per cent, suggesting that thermal injury or its treatment is responsible for further
lung damage.‰
The primary source of injury in the upper respiratory tract is heat, but the thermal
injury does not usually extend beyond the bifurcation or forking of the trachea
(commonly known as the windpipe). Within the lung the particulate, or particles
of matter resulting from the combustion, combined with the toxic gases, cause the
majority of damage in what appears to be a response to the stimulation of
inflammatory response.
Smog particulate can create a similar irritation, but is derived from other
environmental particles of matter such as auto emissions and industry pollutants.
Unless this particulate matter is removed, the continued presence may lead to
damage and an impaired respiratory function.
Smoke from different sources may look the same to the human eye; however, it is
quite different in terms of its chemical and physical properties (see Table 3.4).
Property Description
Carbon dioxide These are the major components in completing the combustion
and water during fire.
Carbon monoxide This is the most abundant emission product from wildlife fire. Its
(CO) negative effect on human health depends on the duration of
exposure, CO concentration, and level of physical activity during
the exposure.
Smoke inhalation typically occurs in residential or forest fires. Note that cigarette
smoking causes similar damage on a smaller scale over an extended period. The
primary source of injury in the upper respiratory tract is heat, but within the lungs,
it is the deposition of particles, derived from the products burning, together with
toxic gases given off by the fire.
Plantation open burning has been the major cause of haze in the South
East Asia region. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, this activity
has ceased. How long do you think this will last? Discuss this issue of
plantation open burning in the myINSPIRE forum.
Chemical asphyxiants from a fire can produce compounds that damage the body
by interfering with the oxygen use at the cellular level. Carbon monoxide,
hydrogen cyanide, and hydrogen sulphide are all examples of such chemicals.
Why is it important for macrophage cells be in peak condition? If either the
delivery of oxygen or use of oxygen is inhibited, then the cells will die. In fact,
carbon monoxide is the leading cause of death in smoke inhalation for this reason.
Simple asphyxiation refers to combustion using up all oxygen near a fire, which
then leaves no oxygen to breathe. When you have no oxygen to breathe for even a
brief period, then lung and respiratory damage can occur and, if for an extended
period, you will die. Asphyxiation is recognised by shortness of breath, blue grey
or bright-red skin colouration, and in extreme cases by loss of consciousness or
After smoke inhalation, a blood test is also needed. It should include the following,
if possible:
• Complete blood count to determine if there are enough red blood cells to carry
oxygen, enough white blood cells (including alveolar macrophages) to fight
infection, and enough platelets to assure clotting can occur.
• A basic metabolic profile to reveal the change of pH in the blood that occurs
because of interference with oxygen diffusion, transport, or use. Serum
electrolytes in the form of sodium, potassium, and chloride can be monitored,
along with renal (kidney) function test involving creatinine and blood urea
• An arterial blood gas test is indicated for victims with significant respiratory
distress, acute mental status changes, or shock. This test helps in determining
the degree of oxygen shortage.
3.3.4 Treatment
The primary objective of treatment is to provide an adequate level of oxygen while
re-establishing and maintaining an open airway. If the airway is open and stable,
high-flow humidified oxygen may be applied with a mask, nose tube, or tube
down the throat. If signs and symptoms of upper airway problems such as
hoarseness are observed, a doctor will incubate a tube down the patient's throat to
keep the airway free from closing due to swelling.
In the case of respiratory distress or mental status changes, intubations will often
be done to ease breathing, mucous will be suction off and steps will be taken to
ensure the patient does not breathe in the content of the stomach. Patients with a
wheezing cough (bronchospasm) indicating the bronchial airways are constricted
or blocked will often be given a bronchodilator to relax the muscles and increase
Odours are light, volatile (easy to evaporate) chemicals that float through the
air into receptors in the nose.
The receptors send messages to the brain for processing which results in the
sensation of smell. It is thought that there are hundreds of different receptors
within the human nose and this differs from one person to another. Each receptor
is coded by different DNA to detect different odours. This is one of the reasons
why different people will have dissimilar sensitivity and reactions to smell.
Reactions to odours can be very subjective. A smell may be pleasant to one person
and unpleasant to another, making objective assessment of odour difficult to
achieve. Scientists also suggest that the sense of smell is intimately associated with
the formation of memories.
Odours and smells are an unfortunate part of living in any major city. Bad smell
such as blocked drains, fumes, compost, and rubbish can be a nuisance to the
neighbours and in severe cases, can also affect people's health.
The Environment Protection Act 1970 does not define the term „offensive to the
senses of human beings‰. People experience odours differently, so offensiveness
can only be determined by the individual being affected. Look at Figure 3.7. The
Act can therefore, only trigger an investigation into an odour complaint when the
odour is reported by a community member as being offensive.
Offensive odour affects the general life, health, and well-being of an individual, as
a result of the intensity, character, frequency, and duration of the odour. The basis
for acting against offensive odours may vary according to where the odour occurs.
As an example, the normal agricultural odours present in a rural environment may
not be considered offensive in an open paddock, but may be considered offensive
in a residential area.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
The Environment Protection Authority or EPA will become involved when the
offensive odour is generated from industrial processes. Most odours from
domestic sources and commercial premises, such as shops and restaurants, will be
addressed by the local council officers.
Odours can smell worse on hot days. Odour can also be more obvious during
colder months or at night when the amount of mixing is reduced, or odour is
trapped by colder air coming in over the warm earth. Wind can carry odour a long
way from its source, as well as disperse the odour before it can be investigated.
Nevertheless, when odours are persistent or strong, they can have a significant
effect on the lifestyle and amenity of residents. Calls to the EPA's Pollution Watch
Line shows odour to be among the most disruptive issue individuals and local
communities face.
The range between the annoyance criteria applied for the most offensive and least
offensive odours is typically in the region of a factor 10. For example, in the
Netherlands, the most stringent criterion is 0.5 to 1 OU E / m 3 (for extremely
offensive odours generated from rendering operations) and least stringent is
around 8 to 10 OU E / m 3 (for relatively pleasant odours generated by bakeries,
etc.) It should be noted that even pleasant odours (bakeries, perfumeries) can cause
irritation to people if the concentration, frequency, and duration of exposure is
great enough.
Technique Description
Sensory This technique utilises human assessors to assess odour. The most
techniques commonly applied sensory technique is olfactometry, which is used to
measure the concentration of an odour in terms of European Odour
Units ( OU E / m ). Techniques also exist for the assessment of odour
character (e.g. triangular testing and odour mapping), intensity and/or
relative pleasantness/unpleasantness (e.g. hedonic tone analysis).
Hence, chemical techniques are not suitable for measuring odours for
impact assessment purposes. These techniques are commonly used for:
• defining the design criteria for odour abatement plant;
• evaluating compliance to specific chemical emission limits; and
• measurement of surrogate compounds that can be used to predict
odour impact.
• mucous membranes
• the brain
• general well-being
Odours have been recognised as signs of potential risks to human health as well
as the direct cause of some symptoms of diseases in humans.
• benzene from gasoline released when the gas tank is filled; and
Technology Method
Physical • Dilution
• Physical absorption
• Coverage
• Masking
Chemical • Scrubbing
• Oxidation
• Incineration
Biological • Biofiltration
Combined • Bioscrubbers
Besides the technologies mentioned in Table 3.6, some other technologies may be
used to reduce odour generation such as:
• Replacing the raw material to control the generation of less odorous emissions.
Other ‰innovative„ techniques are also available, including the use of:
• odour counteracts
• masking agents
• plasma technology
3.4.5 Absorption
Absorbers commonly use empty activated carbon or alumina pellets impregnated
with permanganate. These materials are highly porous and consequently there is a
large surface area upon which absorption of odorous compounds may occur.
Activated carbon is generally considered for organic gases and vapour, some
inorganic gases and some metallic vapour.
The mechanism which attracts and attaches the molecules to the surface of the pores
is known as Van der Waals forces. It is generally accepted that compounds with a
molecular weight of at least 45 g/mol per mole or with a boiling point of over 0ÀC
will be well absorbed on activated carbon.
Liquid scrubbing of gases involves bringing the odorous gas stream to initiate
contact with the scrubbing liquid. Liquid scrubber needs to be well designed to
ensure adequate contact between the gas and liquid phases. The treatment ability
should be sufficient enough to treat the odorous gases generated.
The principal types of gas absorption equipment include packed towers, plate or
tray towers, spray towers, venturi, and fluidised bed scrubbers.
Solution Description
3.4.7 Biofiltration
For biological odour control, the odour is removed by biological processes –
bacterial action. The bacteria grow on inert supports, allowing intimate contact
between the odorous gases and the bacteria. The process is self-sustaining.
However, biofilters require careful attention to ensure continued operation.
3.4.8 Bioscrubbers
Bioscrubbers use the combined principles of liquid scrubbing and biofiltration in
order to remove vapour pollutions from waste gases. Bioscrubbers can only be
used successfully if the contaminants can be removed from the waste gas by
absorption in a water/activated sludge mixture. Furthermore, the contaminants
must be biologically degradable.
Pesticides are now available in the remotest regions of the world. Farmers can see
their short-term effect – killing insects, weeds and diseases, and thus allowing the
crops and animals to flourish.
Yet, there is a hidden cost to pay. Harm to the environments and human health
has accompanied some of these fundamental changes in the food production
systems. For far too long, we have accepted these costs as the unfortunate but
necessary side-effects of progress.
Yet in the last decade of the 20th century, many communities around the world
have begun to see some remarkable revivals. The pesticides that harm
environments and human health are increasingly being identified, and
alternatives, providing cheaper and safer management methods, have been
developed and now adopted by several million farmers around the world. An
example of pesticide application can be seen in Figure 3.9.
However, the risks differ greatly from pesticide to pesticide. Some are acutely toxic
but produce no long-term effects, whilst others have long-term health or
environmental concern.
Respiratory disease is one of the main chronic conditions among farmers and also
affects those in the agricultural-related industries. For example, respiratory
symptoms have been reported in as many as 93 per cent of veterinarians treating
Inorganic dusts are also prevalent but there are less clinically significant. Exposure
to each of these toxicant classes or to a combination of these toxicants constitutes a
risk of respiratory injury.
3.5.2 Dust
As stated earlier, dust is one of the hazards of agricultural damage (see Figure 3.10).
Feature Description
Inorganic A tractor tilling a field trailed by large plumes of dust is a common sight
throughout the rural landscape, but that is not the only method of
exposure to inorganic dusts. Diatomaceous earth containing respirable
silica is not an uncommon source of respiratory exposure in different
agricultural settings and may be a cause of bronchitis in workers
processing sugar beets and potatoes in enclosed workspaces. Very high
concentrations of inorganic dusts are generated by field activities such
as ploughing, tilling, haying, and harvesting.
Endotoxins Endotoxins are found where organic dust is produced and raised by
and animal and human activities. These conditions are found in animal
inflammation confinement structures (swine and poultry), livestock farming, grain
elevators, cotton industry, potato processing, flax industry, and the
animal feed industry.
Fermentation occurs within hours of filling a silo and NOx may reach lethal levels
within 12 hours; these dangerous levels can persist for two weeks afterward. Silos
should not be entered during this time without proper respiratory protection and
only after running blowers for at least 30 minutes. Measurement of the NOx prior
to entry of the silo is recommended, even after ventilation.
Unlike H2S, carbon dioxide and methane are simple asphyxiants and generally are
not the primary causes of adverse health effects. Carbon dioxide, produced by
animal respiration, serves as an indirect indicator of ventilation.
• ventilation with proper mixing of air improves air quality by decreasing dust
and gas levels;
• harvesting and storing hay, straw, and grains with moisture content below 30
to 35 per cent and adding urea as a preservative decreases mould and bacteria
growth; and
• adding a quart of water to a bale of hay before chopping decreases dust release
by as much as 85 per cent.
• maintain the quality of the environment relative to the needs of the growing
• minimise the impact of the growing population and human activities relating
to mineral exploration, deforestation, agriculture, urbanisation, tourism, and
the development of other environmental resources;
• balance the goal for socio-economic development and the need to bring the
benefits of development to a wide spectrum of the population, keeping in mind
the maintenance of sound environmental conditions;
Strategy Description
• Toxicants can be classified into two categories namely toxicants I and toxicants
• As for toxic responses, there are two categories of them: toxic responses I and
toxic responses II.
• Modern smog is a type of air pollution derived from vehicular emission from
internal combustion engines and industrial fumes that react in the atmosphere
with sunlight to form secondary pollutants that also combine with the primary
emissions to form photochemical smog.
• The major reason of cause of death related to fire is smoke inhalation (airway
or pulmonary parenchymal injury).
• Odours are light, volatile (easy to evaporate) chemicals that float through the
air into receptors in the nose.
• Offensive odour affects the general life, health and well-being of an individual,
as a result of the intensity, character, frequency, and duration of the odour.
• The main objective of this Act is to prevent, abate and control pollution, and
further enhancing the quality of the environment in this country.
Clark Jr., W. R. (1992). Smoke inhalation: Diagnosis and treatment. World Journal
of Surgery, 16, 24–29.
Data Terbuka. (2018). Private vehicles, goods vehicles and others registered
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Stenerson, J. (2004). Chemical pesticides: Mode of action and toxicology. CRC Press.
The initial interaction starts a set of chemical processes that may result in a toxic
effect. The degree of effect is directly related to the concentration of the toxic
substance at the target site.
In addition, toxic effects depend on the physical and chemical properties of the
chemical, such as solubility, vapour pressure, molecular weights, physical state,
the concentration, the duration, exposure situation, and susceptibility of the
biological system or subject. In this topic, we will further discuss on its effect and
damage process on living organisms. Let us continue with the lesson!
Interaction is the effect that one chemical has on the toxic effect of another
To exert damage to an exposed organism, a pollutant must first enter the host and
reach its target site. A complex pathway exists between the time of initial toxicant
exposure and the manifestation of damage by the organism.
Toxicants can chemically bind to target molecules through covalent and non-
covalent reactions. These reactions can change the target molecules by causing
radical formation or electron transfer, or they can change them enzymatically.
Let us look at Table 4.1 which explains the general mechanisms of toxicity.
Mechanism Description
Interference with the Toxic substances can interfere with the action of enzyme
action of enzyme systems systems by inhibiting and inducing the enzyme.
Removal of metallic co- Certain chemicals are potentially toxic because they can
factors bind necessary metal ions making them unavailable to
Direct chemical irritation Unlike sensitisers, chemical irritants react directly with the
of tissues components of various tissues leading, in most cases, to
immediate local effects.
Direct cellular toxicity Toxic substances can cause direct damage to cellular
Discuss in the myINSPIRE forum why combinations of toxicants may
cause effect greater than the sum of their individual.
For example, a recent epidemiological study showed that in the area of Kuitan, a
city situated in the western part of China, many residents suffer from arsenism, a
disease caused by arsenic poisoning, after consuming well water containing high
levels of the mineral. Residents who had consumed well water containing 0.12mg
As/l for 10 years manifested arsenism with a prevalence rate of 1.4 per cent of the
city population. However, among residents who had consumed water containing
0.6mg As/l for only six months, the prevalence rate increased to 47 per cent, and
the patients showed more severe symptoms (Wang et al., 1997).
For example, continuous exposure of rats to ozone for a sufficient period of time
may result in pulmonary oedema.
However, when the animals were exposed to ozone at the same concentration
intermittently, no pulmonary oedema was observed. Hence, the mode of exposure
(such as continuous or intermittent) is an important influence on pollutant toxicity
because living organisms often can, to a certain degree, repair injuries caused by
environmental agents. In addition, organisms may be able to develop tolerance so
that they will be able to withstand the otherwise toxic doses of chemical
4.2.4 Environmental
Temperature changes in a volume of water can affect the amount of dissolved
oxygen (DO) available in aquatic systems. The amount of DO present at saturation
in water decreases with increasing temperature.
On the other hand, the rate at which chemical reactions occur increases with
increased temperatures. This leads to faster assimilation of waste and therefore
faster depletion of oxygen.
Fish and other aquatic life can live only within certain temperature ranges, and the
range in which well-being exists is narrower than the range in which survival is
possible. Subtle behaviour changes in fish are known to result from temperature
changes but it is too small to cause injury or death.
Metabolism is defined as the sum of all chemical reactions that occur within a
living cell.
Category Description
Anabolism It is the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller ones. The synthesis of
a protein from its amino acid building blocks is an example. Anabolism
generally requires input of energy from an energy source, such as
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Catabolism This refers to the degradation of larger molecules to smaller ones, such as
the breakdown of starch to glucose. In higher organisms, catabolism of
carbohydrates and fats results in the production of ATP.
Biotransformation may occur in any of several body tissues and organs, including
skin, lungs, intestine, liver, and kidney. The liver carries out the majority of the
chemical reactions because it contains a large number of non-specific enzymes
capable of biotransformation of xenobiotics.
If bacteria, viruses or other toxic enemies invade the body, white blood cells come
to the body's defence and kill the invaders. This intricate system of protection is
increasingly under attack. The invaders, which can be odourless and invisible, ride
quietly on the most essential element in the human environment. Toxicants such
as toxins, particulate matter, and ozone are the invaders that can break down the
body's defences, or at least contribute to burden this elegant defence system.
The main route for air pollutants is through the nose, mouth, and throat (see
Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.3: Nose, Mouth, and Throat are the Main Routes for Air Pollutants
The nose is very efficient at trapping and holding some inhaled pollutants.
Concentrations of chemicals build up in the nose as the air is cleaned. The cell
damage caused by exposure to chemical pollutants puts the body's defence system
on alert and initiates an inflammatory response, similar to an allergic response.
Besides, toxicants may dissolve from the surface and be removed via bloodstreams
or lymphatic drainage. They may be phagocytised by macrophage and removed
through the lymphatic drainage.
The skin and the mucous membranes which cover the openings of our bodies to
the external environment (such as in the nose and mouth) form protective barriers
which keep water inside the body, and keep external environment (filled with
bacteria, fungi, dust, dirt, etc.) from coming in. The skin is really an organ of the
body and a large one at that. The skin is much more than just a simple covering. It
is multi-layered and underneath the surface (which is composed of dead cells), are
other layers composed of living cells which react to irritants when they get
When an irritant reaches these sensitive live skin cells, they can only respond in a
limited number of ways; the first of which is a general response to any irritating
chemical or physical agent (like sunlight), which is inflammation. Inflammation
has four components:
• redness
• pain
• heat
• swelling
• The effect that one chemical has on the toxic effect of another chemical is
known as interaction.
• There are many factors that can affect toxicity of xenobiotics. Some of them are
physicochemical properties of toxicants, dose or concentration, time and mode
of exposure, and environmental.
• Metabolism is defined as the sum of all chemical reactions that occur within a
living cell.
• Different parts of our body react differently when it comes to defending itself
against invaders.
• For example, our body has its own fight-or-flight mechanism that engages
quickly when danger is near.
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., LaHart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
Stenerson, J. (2004). Chemical pesticides: Mode of action and toxicology. CRC Press.
Wang, G. Q., Huang, Y. Z., Xiao, B. Y., Qian, X. C., Yao, H., Hu, Y., Gu, Y. L., Zhang,
C., & Liu, K. T. (1997). Toxicity from water containing arsenic and fluoride in
Xingjiang. Fluoride, 30(2), 81–84.
The earth has undergone massive changes due to human activities. For example,
the concentration of carbon monoxide has increased by 30 per cent since the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution, more than half of fresh water has been
used, and many animals and species are either extinct or on the verge of extinction.
Furthermore, trees are being cut down, which is one of the major causes of the
increase in pollution. This is a cause for concern as trees provide shade which cools
urban areas; they have an aesthetic value as well; and they trap polluted storm
water runoff via the soil held by their roots. Trees also trap air pollutants, trap
gaseous pollutants by the stomata in their leaves; sticky or hairy leaves also filter
particulate matters from air.
What is pollutant?
For instance, oil enclosed within a water tanker is not a pollutant but if it spills in
the environment it can cause major health effects. Almost any chemical, any
substance, any material, whether generated by human beings or nature can
There are numerous chemicals in the environment. Some of these are toxic and the
rest are non-toxic. The toxic chemicals are discharged into air, water, and soil. They
get into the human food chain via the environment. Once they enter our biological
system at a sufficiently high concentration, they disturb the biochemical processes
in our body and occasionally this may lead to fatality. A complex pathway exists
between the time of initial toxicant exposure and the manifestation of damage by
the organism. Thus, this topic discusses the general ways in which the
environmental pollutants exert their action on plants, animals, and human beings.
Let us continue with the lesson!
Many metals listed as environmental hazards are essential dietary trace elements
required for the normal growth and development of animals and human beings.
These elements are aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, bismuth,
cadmium, cobalt, copper, cerium, indium, lead, mercury, molybdenum, silver,
tellurium, thallium, tin, titanium, and zinc.
Schwartz (1977) used the term „concentration window‰ to draw the arbitrary lines
of demarcation which are as follows:
Even the well-known toxic elements (arsenic, lead, and cadmium) are required in
trace quantities for animals to grow. Conversely, the so-called biologically inert
aluminium causes brain damage, bone disease, and anaemia in patients subjected
to haemodialysis using water containing 100 to 1,000 parts per billion of
Pollutants are generally distributed in the environment through water and air
movements. There are many types of pollutants and their effects. Table 5.1 explains
the effects of environmental toxicants on human reproductive outcomes.
Chlorinated compounds Eye, ear and oral cleft defects, central nervous system
(CNS) disorders, perinatal deaths, childhood leukaemia.
5.3.1 Metals
Did you know that metals fall under the major category of globally distributed
pollutants? This is because they have a tendency to accumulate in selected tissues
of the body. Metals like copper and iron are essential for life as they contribute
towards the functioning of critical enzyme systems.
However, they can be detrimental to health if the level of exposure is high. For
example, through inhalation or food as shown in Figure 5.2.
Xenobiotics, like mercury and lead, can be toxic to human health even at the lowest
levels of exposure. These toxic substances affect the kidneys, digestive tract, liver,
bones, brain, and other organs in the body causing diseases like cancer and
breathing problems. The toxic action of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and
nickel are further explained as follows:
(a) Lead
Lead is widely used in industrial and household products. It is found in air,
soil, food, drinking water, and paint. It affects human health because the
body cannot break it down. Ingesting or inhaling lead particles found in the
air and the environment causes lead poisoning.
Major sources of the toxic heavy metal include leaded paint, leaded gasoline,
recycled oil, ceramics, contaminated soils, and smelters. Dietary sources of
lead include contamination of agricultural crops, lead in food containers, and
contaminated drinking water.
When high levels of lead are present, the entire body is affected, especially
the nervous system and kidneys (see Figure 5.3).
Did you know that normal daily activities give enough opportunities for
children to come in contact with lead toxicity? Even small doses of lead can
cause irreversible adverse effect on children's intelligence. Lead is especially
harmful to children ages three and under whose brains and nervous systems
are still in the developmental stage.
There was a case in South China where a battery factory was closed due to
lead poisoning. Forty four children living in the area near to the factory were
found to have excessive levels of lead in their blood before the cityÊs
environmental bureau took over the battery plant to conduct tests on the
factoryÊs water discharge.
Level Description
(b) Mercury
Mercury is a natural and very poisonous substance. It is used in many
different forms in our society, such as in paint, batteries and many other
industrial, and household uses. Mercury is also well known to be used in
How does mercury affect us? Mercury damages the central nervous system,
endocrine system, kidneys, and other organs, and adversely affects the
mouth, gums, and teeth. Women who have been exposed to mercury during
pregnancy have sometimes given birth to children with serious birth defects.
The inhalation of elemental mercury vapour can cause neurological and
behavioural disorders, such as tremors, emotional instability, insomnia,
memory loss, neuromuscular changes, and headaches. Mercury poisoning
occurs when a person inhales or ingests or the skin or eye comes into contact
with mercury.
What are the sources of mercury? Mercury is widely found in water, soil, and
air in various forms. Fish and shellfish are the major sources of mercury
poisoning in humans.
Type Description
Chronic and Causes cutaneous and neurological symptoms. The classic triad
intense acute found in chronic toxicity comprises tremors, gingivitis, and
exposure erethism (i.e., a constellation of neuropsychiatric findings that
includes insomnia, shyness, memory loss, emotional instability,
depression, anorexia, vasomotor disturbance, uncontrolled
perspiration, and blushing).
(c) Arsenic
Both inorganic and organic forms of arsenic may cause adverse effects in
laboratory animals. The effects induced by arsenic range from acute lethality
to chronic effects such as cancer. The degree of toxicity of arsenic is basically
dependent on the form (inorganic or organic) and the oxidation state of the
arsenic object.
Several different organ systems are affected by arsenic, including the skin,
respiratory, cardiovascular, immune system, genitourinary, reproductive,
gastrointestinal, and nervous system.
Now, let us discuss its effects on human health and our bodyÊs mechanism of
Different parts of the body can be affected by arsenic, including the skin,
lungs, heart, blood vessels, immune system, kidneys, reproductive
system, gut, and nervous system. Chronic arsenic exposure in human
beings has been shown to cause Black Foot disease, a severe form of
peripheral vascular disease (PVD), which leads to gangrenous changes.
(d) Cadmium
Acute cadmium intoxication is caused by inhalation of high concentrations
of cadmium, usually as fume. There may be no immediate warning signs
(symptoms) of irritation. More typically, the first symptoms may appear
within 4 to 10 hours, although coughing and breathing difficulties may
progress rapidly to pulmonary oedema. The dust of cadmium can also be
ingested, resulting in abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Chronic
cadmium toxicity tends to be progressive.
Repeated exposure to lower levels of cadmium dust in the air may result in
chronic poisoning characterised by irreversible lung injury. Renal tubular
damage is also likely to occur because of the inability of the kidneys to
effectively filter cadmium. Cadmium in the kidneys, causing excess calcium
to be excreted instead of absorbed, may affect the mineralisation of bones.
A major portion of cadmium ingested into our body is trapped in the kidneys
and eliminated. A small fraction is bound effectively by the body proteins,
metallothionein, present in the kidneys, while the rest are stored in the body
and gradually accumulate with age.
(e) Nickel
Pure nickel is a hard, silvery-white metal (see Figure 5.5).
Nickel has properties that make it very desirable for combining with other
metals to form mixtures called alloys. There are also compounds consisting
of nickel combined with many other elements, including chlorine, sulphur,
and oxygen. Many of these nickel compounds are water soluble (dissolve
fairly easily in water) and have a characteristic green colour. Nickel and its
compounds have no characteristic odour or taste.
Nickel combined with other elements occurs naturally in the earthÊs crust. It
is found in all soil, and is also emitted from volcanoes. In the environment, it
is primarily found combined with oxygen or sulphur as oxides or sulphides.
How does nickel get into the atmosphere? Nickel is released into the
atmosphere during nickel mining and by industries that make or use nickel,
nickel alloys, or nickel compounds. These industries also might discharge
nickel in waste water. Nickel is also released into the atmosphere by
oil-burning power plants, coal-burning power plants, and trash incinerators.
It will than settle to the ground or fall down after reactions with raindrops.
It usually takes a long time for nickel to be removed from air. Nickel can also
end up in surface water when it is a part of the wastewater streams.
The larger part of all nickel compounds that is released into the environment
will adsorb to sediment or soil particles and consequently become immobile.
In acidic ground, however, nickel is bound to become more mobile and it will
often rinse out to the groundwater.
Microorganisms can also suffer from growth decline due to the presence of
nickel, but they usually develop resistance to nickel after a while. For
animals, nickel is an essential mineral in small amounts.
Describe the toxic effects of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and nickel
on human beings.
Collect three case studies related with mercury poisoning and make a
chart of all of them. Discuss your findings in the myINSPIRE forum with
your coursemates.
Exposure to high industrial levels of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide can
cause death. It can lead to collapse, rapid burning and swelling of tissues in
the throat and upper respiratory tract, difficulty in breathing, throat spasms,
and fluid build-up in the lungs. It can also interfere with the blood's ability
to carry oxygen through the body, causing headache, fatigue, dizziness, and
a blue colour to the skin and lips.
During the warm, sunny days of spring, summer, and early fall, NOx and
VOC are more likely to combine with oxygen and form ozone. During those
seasons, high concentrations of ozone are often formed during the heat of the
afternoon and early evening, and are likely to dissipate later in the evening
as the air cools.
There is risk to health because lead, pesticides, and chemicals are found in public
water supplies. Contaminants can enter drinking water by a variety of ways, the
major sources being animal wastes, industrial wastes, and household wastes.
In response to the need for a realistic and appropriate set of guidelines regarding
safe and potable water supply throughout Malaysia, the Drinking Water Quality
Surveillance Unit, Engineering Services Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia
prepared a set of standard. This was done under the guidance of experts from the
World Health Organization. You can read the standard at
If neither of these events happens, the destroyed cell may stay on to split and
develop, making more broken-down duplicates of it. A cell that has sustained
impairment once to its DNA, particularly cells which first lose the power to repair
themselves, will frequently carry on to accumulate more impairment. If the
impairment does not kill the cells it will cause the cells to appear and behave
differently from normal healthy cells.
• benzene • treosulphan
• benzidine • triethylenethiophosphoramide
• coal tars
A typical confirmed human carcinogen is vinyl chloride. This is used for the
production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which in turn is mainly used in the
production of plastic pipes. PVC pipes are widely used in plumbing. Vinyl
chloride has been associated with tumours of the liver, brain, lungs, and lymphatic
In 1974, more than 40 years after the introduction of vinyl chloride into the
industry, an association of exposure to this chemical with human cancer was
reported. Three cases of liver cancer were reported in men who were employed in
the manufacture of PVC resins in a single plant in the US. By reviewing medical
records, the relationship between exposure to vinyl chloride and tumours of the
liver was confirmed. Once a chemical is recognised as a human carcinogen, many
countries set strict limits for its use in the workplace and its release into the
Many carcinogens come from natural sources. Different types of carcinogens are
produced by plants. The best known of these, accounting for at least 30 per cent of
all cancers in the US, are agents found in the tobacco plant. Tobacco contains
certain carcinogens such as nitrosonornicotine. Tobacco smoke is a complex
chemical mixture and contains many different types of carcinogens, including
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
5.3.5 Cyanide
Cyanide is a rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that can exist in various
forms. The extent of poisoning caused by cyanide depends on the amount of
cyanide a person is exposed to, the route of exposure, and the length of time that
a person is exposed to it.
Breathing cyanide gas causes the most harm, but ingesting (swallowing) cyanide
can be toxic as well. Cyanide gas is most dangerous in enclosed places where gas
will be trapped. It prevents the cells of the body from using oxygen. When this
happens, the cells die. Cyanide is more harmful to the heart and brain than to other
organs because the heart and brain use a lot of oxygen.
Exposure to a large amount of cyanide by any route may cause other health effects
such as:
• convulsions
• loss of consciousness
• lung injury
Cyanide has been used as a chemical weapon since World War I. Do you
agree with this practice? Discuss this issue in the myINSPIRE forum.
How does MIC affect us? Acute inhalation exposure to MIC in humans results in
respiratory tract irritation, difficulty breathing, blindness, nausea, gastritis,
sweating, fever, chills, and liver and kidney damage. Damage to the lungs (e.g.
bronchoalveolar lesions and decreased lung function) and the eyes (e.g. loss of
vision, loss of visual acuity, and cataract) continue to happen to the survivor.
Animal studies have reported increased incidence of foetal deaths and decreased
fertility, live litter size, foetal body weight, and neonatal survival following
inhalation exposure to methyl isocyanate during pregnancy.
We have discussed toxic action of metals, toxic chemicals in the air and water,
carcinogens, cyanide, and MIC. Take note that there are other pollutants that are
harmful to human beings. These pollutants are summarised in Table 5.4.
Pollutant Effect
Copper If the level of contamination is above the MCL in water or food supply,
people exposed to it can be affected by stomach and intestinal distress,
liver and kidney damage, and anaemia.
Selenium Selenium is an essential nutrient at low levels but above MCL even
for relatively short period of time, can lead to hair and fingernail
changes, damage to the peripheral nervous system and fatigue cum
irritability. Long-term exposure can cause hair and fingernail loss,
damage to the kidney and liver tissues, as well as the nervous and
circulatory systems.
Asbestos When the level of asbestos in drinking water is above MCL and this
continues for a long period of time, it can cause cancer and lung
Barium Consumption of water above MCL for relatively short period of time
can cause gastrointestinal disturbances and muscular weakness,
whereas long-term exposure can lead to the occurrence of high blood
Find out the worst environmental disaster on record of MIC. What were
the toxic effects of MIC on the people over a period of time? Share your
findings for discussion in the myINSPIRE forum.
(a) Arsenic
Arsenic could be an essential element for plant growth, but it has not been
proven. It is chemically similar to phosphorous, an essential plant nutrient
that can substitute phosphorous in plant nutrition. When arsenic in a
solution penetrates the cuticle and enters the apoplast system (the non-living
cell wall phase), it bathes the external surface of the plasmalemma of the
symplast. This is the location of at least some of the enzymes of a living plant.
One of the first symptoms of injury due to sodium arsenite is wilting (see
Figure 5.7).
Wilting causes the loss of turgor, and this immediately suggests the change
in the membrane integrity. Reaction of trivalent arsenic with sulfhydryl
enzymes could well explain the effects of membrane degradation injury and
eventually death.
(b) Cadmium
Cadmium is a non-essential element that negatively affects plant growth and
development. Cadmium can alter the uptake of minerals by plants through
its effects on the availability of minerals from the soil, or through a reduction
in the population of soil microbes. Stomatal opening, transpiration, and
photosynthesis have been reported to be affected by cadmium in nutrient
solutions, but the metal is taken up into plants more readily from nutrient
solutions than from soil.
(c) Lead
Lead is considered a general protoplasmic poison, which is cumulative, slow
acting, and subtle. Soils contaminated with lead will see a sharp decrease in
crop productivity, thereby posing a serious problem for agriculture.
The visual non-specific symptoms of lead toxicity are rapid inhibition of root
growth, stunted growth of the plant, and chlorosis. When lead enters inside
the cells even in small amounts, it produces a wide range of adverse effects
on the plant's physiological processes.
(d) Mercury
Mercury affects both light and dark reactions of photosynthesis. The most
noticeable and consistent effect is the induction of c-mitosis through
disturbance of the spindle activity, resulting in the formation of polyploid
and aneuploid cells, and c-tumours. Organomercurials have been reported
to be 200 times more potent than inorganic mercury. Exposure to inorganic
mercury reduces mitotic index in the root-tip cells and increases the
frequency of chromosomal aberrations in degrees directly proportional to the
concentrations used and to the duration of exposure.
Nitric acid is formed from the reaction of water with NO2. Both natural
vegetation and crops are affected by acid rain. Soil nutrients are destroyed
by acid, while plant germination is hampered by acid rain.
Ground-level ozone also kills many seedlings and damages foliage, making
trees more susceptible to diseases, pests, and harsh weather. Ozone and PAN
inhibit the primary process of photosynthesis in plants which can stop or
reduce growth in plants. In fact, PAN is more toxic to plants than ozone.
1. What are the effects of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury to plant?
Read the following case study and answer the given questions. Share
your answers for discussion in the myINSPIRE forum.
At the time of the accident, this type of reactor was one of 14 such
reactors in the USSR, comprising more than half of the nuclear-
powered electricity generation capacity of the country. The accident
followed a dramatic and cumulative series of errors incurred while
conducting a series of tests and included a blatant disregard of safety
procedures, which were exacerbated by design faults of the RMBK
reactor itself. Several safety systems were deliberately disabled.
The single most important design problem was that steam generation
in the fuel channels caused an increased number of neutrons to collide
with the graphite leading to an increased rate of fission.
Nine days following the initial explosion, the daily release rate of
radioactive material was nearly as high as it was at the time of the
initial release. As an immediate result of the accident, 31 people were
killed, and another 65 of the original staff of the reactor had died by
1991. As a group, they experienced a death rate more than 100 times
that of a comparable, unexposed population.
In the months following the explosion, more than half a million people
were involved with the construction of a sarcophagus around the
melted core. In some areas, the radiation fields were as high as
66 rad/min.
Due to the prevailing weather patterns at the time of the accident, the
spread of the fission product plume from Chernobyl was sustained for
11 days and affected many countries including Finland, Sweden,
Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Poland, the United
Kingdom, and Czechoslovakia. Japan, the United States, and Canada
were slightly affected.
In Poland, the closest country to Ukraine, the government banned the sale
of milk from cows on pasture, and children were treated with potassium
iodide to reduce their uptake of 131 I. In parts of Sweden, where rain or
snow had fallen since the accident, people were advised not to drink water,
which might be 100 times more radioactive than normal.
Although no acute effects occurred outside the USSR, the risk for
lifetime expectation of fatal radiogenic cancer increased from 0 to 0.02
per cent in Europe and 0 to 0.003 per cent in the northern hemisphere.
During the years following the Chernobyl accident, there have been
numerous clinical studies of human populations exposed to radiation,
some of which continue today.
The small radiation doses in Kiev, 80km away from the accident, had
a significant impact on the humoral immunity of the population. It
was predicted a 1.4-fold increase in thyroid cancer morbidity (relative
to spontaneous incidence) in children who lived in the heavily
contaminated region of Ukraine in 1986.
• Pollutants are generally distributed in the environment through water and air
• Metals fall under the major category of globally distributed pollutants; they
have a tendency to accumulate in selected tissues of the body.
• Both inorganic and organic forms of arsenic may cause adverse effects ranging
from acute lethality to chronic effects such as cancer.
• Repeated exposure to lower levels of cadmium dust in the air may result in
chronic poisoning characterised by irreversible lung injury.
• Nickel can be dangerous when the maximum tolerable amounts are exceeded.
This can cause various kinds of cancer on different sites within the bodies of
animals, mainly of those that live near refineries.
• Toxic chemicals in the air include carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
• The safe drinking water is affected by water pollution. There is a risk to health
because lead, pesticides, and other chemicals are found in public water
• Plants may absorb toxicants either directly from the atmosphere, through the
leaves or from the soil, or water through the roots.
• The usual pathway is through the leaves, as with gaseous chemicals including
principally sulphur and nitrogen oxides, photochemical pollutants, fluoride,
chlorine, and ammonia.
• Other metals that are harmful to plants are arsenic, cadmium, lead, and
• One of the first symptoms of injury to plant due to sodium arsenite is wilting.
• Chlorosis, leaf rolls, and stunting are the main and easily visible symptoms of
cadmium toxicity in plants.
Arsenic Nickel
Cadmium Plant
Drinking water Poisoning
Effects Pollutants
Human Sources
Lead Toxic action
Mercury Toxin
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., LaHart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century saw the rapid growth of factories
especially in Western countries. The high demand for raw materials and growing
use of chemicals became a phenomenon in the industrial process.
The Industrial Revolution started in the West and quickly spread to Europe, the
US, and Japan. Exploration for new resources became a significant activity for
modern countries. During World War I and World War II, exploration for new
countries and resources became one of the most significant objectives. Of course,
along with the Industrial Revolution comes industrial toxicants too.
Thus, this topic explores what are the industrial toxicants, their properties, sources,
contamination incident, and effects. Let us get started!
Find out when the Industrial Revolution started in Malaysia. Identify its
implications to the development rate of industry as well as usage of
chemical and raw materials. Discuss your findings in the myINSPIRE
For example, we can see many factories set up in order to achieve the objective of
producing something through industrial processes. These processes can be
categorised into four types as explained in Table 6.1.
Type Definition
Cyanide process An industrial process for extracting gold and silver by treating ore
with a sodium cyanide solution.
Haber process Industrial process for producing ammonia from nitrogen and
hydrogen by combining them under high pressure in the presence of
an iron catalyst.
PCBs have been used in many different products, including electrical equipment,
surface coatings, inks, adhesives, flame-retardants, and paints. PCBs may be
released into the environment, for instance when waste that contains PCBs is
incinerated or stored in landfills.
Due to the possible impacts on human health and the environment, the use and
production of PCBs are now banned or severely restricted in many countries.
PCBs were manufactured and sold under a variety of trade names, including:
• Aroclor
• Pyranol
• Pyroclor (US)
• Phenochlor
• Pyralene (France)
• Clophen
• Elaol (Germany)
• Kanechlor
• Santotherm (Japan)
• Fenchlor
• Apirolio (Italy)
• Sovol (USSR)
Take note, that some PCBs are more harmful than others. Each PCB molecule
contains two phenyl rings. Each phenyl ring consists of a ring of six carbon atoms
to which hydrogen atoms are attached. In PCBs, chlorine atoms replace some of
these hydrogen atoms.
Generally, PCBs are very stable which explains their persistence in the
environment. However, at high temperatures, PCBs can burn and generate
dangerous by-products such as dioxins.
PCBs tend not to evaporate or dissolve easily in water. However, they are
very soluble in fat and similar a substances, which explains why PCBs can build
up in animal fat and along the food chain.
• The incineration of municipal waste may lead to PCBs pollution and produce
dangerous by-products, such as hydrogen chloride (HCl) and dioxins
(polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans).
The „Yusho case‰ and other PCB's incidents along with studies conducted by
many people prompted the EPA to ban the manufacture and processing of PCBs
after 2 July, 1979. Although the hazard exists, economic consideration prompted
the EPA to allow older industrial equipment containing PCBs to continue their
Once in the gastrointestinal tract, ingested PCBs diffuse across cell membranes and
enter into blood vessels and the lymphatic system. PCBs, especially those that
contain a greater number of chlorine atoms, are readily soluble in fats and thus,
tend to accumulate in fat-rich tissues such as the liver, brain, and skin.
PCBs can undergo different transformations in the body and then either be stored
in certain tissues or excreted. These two transformations are further explained in
Table 6.2.
Transformation Definition
Transformations PCBs can easily be transformed into persistent metabolites that are
that lead not readily excreted and that can accumulate in specific tissues and
to accumulation body fluids. The biological half-life of these persistent metabolites
depends on the structure of the original PCBs.
Transformations PCBs can leave the blood and enter tissues very rapidly; and be
that lead to transformed into water-soluble substances. They can combine with
excretion glutathione and glucuronic acid, that are naturally present in the
body, forming a substance that is then excreted in urine and faeces.
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) are man-made chemicals that were used as fire
retardants in plastics in a variety of consumer products.
In 1973 and 1974, several thousand pounds of FireMaster BP-6 were accidentally
mixed with livestock feed that was later distributed to farms in Michigan, in the
US. Michigan residents were exposed to meat, milk, butter, cheese, and eggs
contaminated with PBBs.
However, it could not clearly be established that PBBs were the cause of these
health problems. There is stronger evidence that PBBs may have caused skin
problems, such as acne, in some people who ate the contaminated food. Some
workers exposed to PBBs by breathing and skin contact for days to months also
developed acne.
Recent studies have suggested that PBBs and other related chemicals, such as PCBs
and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), may interact with the endocrine
system and disrupt its natural balance.
Let us get to know dioxins.
Some dioxins have harmful properties, depending on the number and position
of chlorine atoms in their chemical structure. One of the most harmful dioxin is
known as tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or TCDD. Some PCBs, which have similar
properties, are considered „dioxin-like‰ too.
Unlike PCBs which were used in several industrial applications, dioxins have no
uses. They are formed unintentionally and predominantly released as by-products
of human activities such as incineration and fuel combustion. They are also formed
in minor quantities by natural processes such as forest fires and volcanoes.
Dioxins travel through the air and deposit on water or land. In water, dioxins
initially bind to small particles or plankton. On land, dioxins deposit on plants or
bind to the soil, most often without contaminating groundwater. Animals
accumulate dioxins in fat through their food and concentrations increase at each
step in the food chain.
Chlorine atoms can be attached to eight different places on the molecule, numbered
from 1 to 8. Dioxins can have varying harmful health effects depending on the
number and position of the chlorine atoms. 2,3,7,8-TCDD or simply TCDD, a
molecule with four chlorine atoms, is one of the two most toxic dioxins. Only dioxins
having more chlorine atoms added to the 2,3,7,8-TCDD structure are also toxic, but
to a lesser extent. Other dioxins do not show this dioxin-type toxicity.
Extensive studies in the affected population are ongoing to determine the long-
term human health effects from this incident. These investigations, however, are
facing a setback due the lack of appropriate exposure assessments. A slight
increase in certain cancers and effects on reproduction has been detected and are
being further investigated. The possible effects on children of exposed people are
currently being studied.
TCDD has also been extensively studied for health effects linked to its presence as
a contaminant in some batches of the herbicide „Agent Orange‰, which was used
as a defoliant during the Vietnam War. A link to certain types of cancers and also
to diabetes is still being investigated.
In 1999, high levels of dioxins were found in poultry and eggs from Belgium.
Subsequently, dioxin-contaminated animal-based food (poultry, eggs, pork), were
detected in several other countries. The cause was traced to animal feed
contaminated with illegally disposed PCB-based waste industrial oil.
In July 2007, the European Commission issued a health warning to its member
states after high levels of dioxins were detected in a food additive – guar gum –
used as thickener in small quantities in meat, dairy, dessert or delicatessen
products. The source was traced to guar gum from India that was contaminated
with pentachlorophenol (PCP), a pesticide no longer in use. PCP contains dioxins
as contamination.
In late 2008, Ireland recalled many tonnes of pork meat and pork products when
up to 200 times more dioxins than the safe limit were detected in samples of pork.
This finding led to one of the largest food recalls related to a chemical
contamination. Risk assessments performed by Ireland indicated no public health
concern. The contamination was traced back to contaminated feed.
However, TCDD does not affect genetic material and there is a level of exposure
below which cancer risk would be negligible.
Due to the presence of dioxins, all people have background exposure and a certain
level of dioxins in their body, leading to the so-called "body burden." Current
normal background exposure is not expected to affect human health on average.
However, due to the high toxic potential of this class of compounds, efforts need
to be undertaken to reduce the current background exposure.
Whereas for an unborn child, the effects are through the placenta rather than
through breast feeding. These effects even occurred at background levels, but only
affected the infants with the highest exposure.
Lasty, let us learn about fluoride.
Fluorine is the lightest element in Group VII of the periodic table, with the
atomic number 9 and the atomic weight 18.998. It has a single isotope, and its
valence in all naturally occurring compounds is one.
Although fluoride is not listed as one of the „Criteria Air Pollutants‰ regulated by
US EPA, it is nevertheless a very important gaseous air pollutant. Indeed, fluoride
is the most phytotoxic air pollutant because it can damage plants at extremely low
Additionally, adverse effects are not limited to those affected by airborne fluoride.
High levels of waterborne fluoride are also hazardous to both human and animal
health. For example, in China and India, millions of people are suffering from
dental and skeletal fluorosis mainly due to the consumption of high levels of
fluoride in the drinking water.
What are the sources of fluoride? Fluoride is ubiquitous. It occurs naturally in the
atmosphere through volcanic eruption and in the earthÊs crust. It rarely occurs
freely in nature but combines with a variety of elements to form fluorides that exist
in minute amounts in air, water, minerals and soils, vegetation, and body tissues.
Fluoride emissions into the atmosphere are derived mainly from modern day
anthropogenic sources, particularly industrial sources. They include the steel
industry, phosphate fertiliser industry, aluminium industry, ceramics industry
(brick, tile, glass), non-ferrous metal foundries, welding operations, and coal-
burning power plants. Fluorides are emitted into the atmosphere from different
sources including both gaseous and particulate forms.
What are the effects of fluoride? Absorption of fluoride from the gastrointestinal
tract occurs through a passive process; it does not involve active transport.
Absorption is rapid and probably occurs in the lumen. Once taken up, about
50 per cent of the absorbed fluoride is excreted by the kidneys, while the remainder
is stored primarily in calcified tissues. Almost all of the remaining 50 per cent of
absorbed fluoride is fixed in bones. The effectiveness of low levels of fluoride
intake in reducing dental caries in humans, rats, and some other species of animals
has been well recognised.
Fluorides are released into the air in both a gaseous state (as hydrogen fluoride
and silicon tetrafluoride) and in solid particles. The particles fall on, and the gases
are absorbed by, vegetation near the polluting industry. If this vegetation includes
forage crops which are fed to cattle, sheep, horses or pigs, serious problems may
ensue, since these animals, particularly cattle, are vulnerable to fluoride.
Ninety six per cent of the ingested fluoride that accumulates in the bodies of
animals is incorporated into the crystal structure of bone and tooth mineral. When
fluoride is ingested with food or water, most of that which is not deposited in the
bones, teeth, and other calcified tissue is excreted in the urine within hours of
ingestion. Thus, it is not surprising that fluoride mainly affects the bones and teeth.
Airborne fluoride can damage either the foliage or the fruit of a wide range of
plants, and the amount of fluoride necessary for this depends on the species
involved. The most characteristic type of lesion is „tip burn‰, in which the tips and
edges of leaves turn brown in a characteristic pattern. The dead tissue may
separate from the rest of the leaf and fall off, decreasing the rate at which the whole
plant grows.
• PCBs alter the major systems in the body (immune, hormone, nervous, and
enzyme systems). Therefore, PCBs affect a wide variety of body organs and
• It is not known whether PBBs can cause cancer in humans, but it is known that
they can cause liver cancer in rats and mice.
• Dioxins are mainly by-products of industrial processes but can also result from
natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
• Dioxins are highly toxic and can cause reproductive and developmental
problems, damage to the immune system, interfere with hormones and also
cause cancer.
• Fluoride is found naturally in water, food, soil, and several minerals such as
fluorite and fluorapatite.
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., LaHart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
Seager, S. L., & Slabaugh, M. R. (2004). Chemistry for today: General, organic
and biochemistry. Thomson Brooks/Cole.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2016). Dioxins and their effect on human
Gandhi once quoted, „It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and
silver.‰ This is indeed true; having a lot of wealth is meaningless without good
However, because the world has changed so much, we are facing many types of
toxicants, both natural and man-made, which disrupt our health. Even though the
medical field has evolved and many good medicines have been created, we still
succumb to many chronic diseases caused by exposure to toxicants which disrupt
our bodyÊs physiological functions. How do we recognise the toxicants that cause
us harm? Let us find out the answer in this topic.
Looking at the world today, we can find a myriad of chemicals in our daily life.
The big questions are:
Stage Aspect
Excretion of toxicant • How will the toxicant be excreted from our body?
Name one toxicant and its common effect to your health that you can
observe in your daily life. Share your answer for discussion in the
myINSPIRE forum.
How are we going to relate our body to the toxicants that are present in our
surrounding? Basically, as we have stressed earlier, we are exposed to many
chemicals nowadays. Just imagine the excessive amounts of preservatives and
flavouring substances in our food that we eat today which might become
hazardous to our body. The exposure also might come from our occupation
specifically or our work environment, generally. Now, let us discover our body
system briefly and the common effects of toxicants to it.
• respiratory system
• integumentary system
• circulatory system
• liver
• kidneys
• reproductive system
The respiratory system is the system responsible for inhaling and exhaling of
air in our body.
We might ask ourselves the purpose of inhaling and exhaling in our body. This
can be explained through five basic functions of the respiratory system. They are
as follows:
• providing an extensive area for gas exchange between the air and the
circulating blood;
Basically, the components of the human respiratory system consist of two parts as
explained in Table 7.2.
Part Component
Upper respiratory system Nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinus, and pharynx.
Lower respiratory system Bronchioles, alveoli of the larynx (voice box), trachea
(windpipe), bronchi, and lungs.
Lungs and alveoli are part of the lower respiratory system. They are further
explained in Table 7.3.
Organ Description
Lung • It is a paired organs located in the thoracic cavity; enclosed and protected
by the pleural membrane (two layers). These layers are:
− Parietal pleura (outer layer): Attached to the wall of the thoracic cavity.
− Visceral pleural (inner layer): Covering the lungs.
• The lungs are between the pleurae – the pleural cavity – which are filled
with lubricating fluid.
• Each lung is a blunt cone, with the tip, or apex, pointing superiorly.
• The right lung has three lobes and the lobes are separated by two fissures.
• The left lung has two lobes and the lobes are separated by one fissure.
Alveoli • Alveoli are tiny thin-walled sacs where gas exchange occurs.
• Each lung contains about 150 million alveoli, and their abundance gives
the lung an open, spongy appearance.
Many respiratory problems arise from its exposure toward a variety of chemicals
in our daily life. Among these problems include:
• pneumonia
• emphysema
• bronchitis
1. What are the basic components of the respiratory system and the
main functions of it?
It makes up 16 per cent of our total body weight and its 1.5 to 2m2 surface is
continuously abused, abraded, attacked by microorganisms, irradiated by
sunlight, and exposed to environmental chemicals.
• cutaneous membrane
• accessory structure
What are the general functions of the integumentary system? General functions of
the integumentary system are:
• protection
• excretion
• temperature regulation
• synthesis of vitamin D
• cutaneous sensation
Our skin is undeniably the primary defence to any exposure. It reacts against
injuries, biological microorganisms, chemicals, and many other occurrences and
substances. We can see many effects that commonly affect the skin due to exposure
to chemicals such as skin burn, irritation, and skin cancer.
Blood is actually one of the main parts of the circulatory system. If there is a lack
of it, the circulatory system might not function well or not even work at all and can
be fatal. That is the reason why excessive bleeding could pose a serious risk to the
The circulatory system is an organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino
acids, electrolytes, and lymph), gases, hormones, and blood cells to and from
cells in the body to help fight diseases, stabilise body temperature and pH,
and to maintain homeostasis.
There are three important components of the circulatory system which are:
• heart
• blood
• blood vessel
Organ Description
Heart Our heart is like a muscular pump that pushes blood to all parts of our body.
It provides the force that powers the cardiovascular system and is able to
pump approximately five to six litres (about 1.5 gallons) of blood per minute,
even when we are at rest.
The size of the heart is that of a personÊs clenched fist, and it weighs
280 to 340 grams. It is hollow and roughly conical in shape, the narrow end
pointing downward to the left, situated between the lungs. An illustration of
the heart can be seen in the following Figure 7.3.
Blood Did you know that blood is actually a type of connective tissue in the form
of fluid? It is a part of extracellular fluid within the cardiovascular system.
The average adult has approximately five litres (about 10 pints) of blood.
Blood is made up of both liquid and solid components:
• the liquid portion is called plasma; and
• the solid portion consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and
Basically, the blood consists of 55 per cent plasma and 45 per cent blood cells
(which include erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes). The basic
components of blood can be divided into the following:
• plasma ‒ the liquid portion;
• platelets ‒ the clot forming components;
• white blood cells ‒ the infection fighters; and
• red blood cells ‒ the oxygen transporters.
What is the function of the blood? The function of the blood is for
transportation, regulation, and protection.
Blood The blood vessels are part of the circulatory system that transport blood
vessel throughout the body. There are three major types of blood vessels:
• the arteries – carry the blood away from the heart;
• the capillaries – enable the actual exchange of water and chemicals
between the blood and tissue; and
• the veins – carry blood from the capillaries back to the heart.
What are the common effects of toxicants on the circulatory system? The common
effects of toxicants on the circulatory system include:
• methemoglobinemia
• anaemia
• aplastic anaemia
• leukaemia (benzene)
• heart cancer
So, in this subtopic, the structure of the liver and the effects of toxicants on it will
be explained through the following questions:
• glucuronidation
• sulfation
• glutathione-S-transferase
• Intrahepatic cholestasis:
− bilestasis; and
− dilatation of the canaliculi with subsequent loss of microvilli.
• Focal necrosis.
• Unclassified.
• Hepatocarcinogen.
There are a few factors involved in liver injury as explained in Table 7.5.
Factor Description
Biotransformation of • More active metabolite (such as chloroform
toxicant phosgene) lead to depletion of hepatic glutathione
and alkylation of macromolecules.
Alteration of hepatic • Haemorrhagic necrosis by dimethylnitrosamine.
blood flow • Coagulative necrosis by carbon tetrachloride.
Potentiation of • Ethanol increases damaging properties of
hepatotoxicity haloalkanes.
• Acetone and other form of ketones potentiate carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4) hepatotoxicity.
• n-hexane intermediate potentiates chloroform
• Diabetic state enhances hepatotoxicity of carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4), chloroform.
Mechanism Description
Those affected by kidney failure will have to depend on artificial machines which
replace the functions of their malfunctioned kidney; and this treatment can be very
costly. Thus, to prevent it from happening to us, it is wise to really understand
how our kidneyÊs function and the possible threat of toxicants to our kidneys.
Firstly, what is the structure of our kidney? Three primary components of our
kidney are:
• the glomerulus
A general overview of the kidney and its other sections and parts can be seen in
Figure 7.7.
(a) General overview of the kidney (b) Basic functional unit in our kidney
(tubular – tubule and glomerulus)
What are the functions of our kidney? The functions of our kidney are:
• excretion of waste
• acid-base homeostasis
• osmolality regulation
• hormone secretion
Now, what are the common effects of toxicants on our kidney? There are many
types of nephrotoxicants that can threaten our kidney. These include:
• heavy metals
• halogenated hydrocarbons
• petroleum hydrocarbons
• therapeutic agents
Common heavy metal such as mercury, cadmium, chromium, arsenic, gold, lead,
iron, antimony, uranium, and thallium could pose risk to our liver. The effects can
be broken down into the following categories:
• most-potent nephrotoxicants;
We will now take a look at how mercury affects the kidney. Mercury is recognised
in many forms such as Hg°, Hg+, Hg++, MeHg, and PhHg. The toxicity it causes
varies with the types. The kidney and the GI tract are targets of suicide using Hg
salts. This will cause proximal tubule damage and renal failure. One can see the
effects within 24 to 48 hours after receiving a large dose of 1 to 4g of mercury.
Chronic effects can also be seen in the proximal tubule, though the onset is longer.
Primary toxicity is neurological. Renal toxicity is most likely due to dealkylation
or dearylation back to the Hg salt.
The initial stage of the effects of this toxicant in the kidney starts with low renal
blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Tubular dysfunction will then set
in, where there are sodium and glucose excretion and loss of secretory function.
In the ultrastructural alterations, there will be loss of proximal tubular. The brush
border enzymes decrease within 15 minutes; and within eight hours, the
membrane clumps in cytoplasm which will be followed by vacuolisation of plasma
membrane. This will ultimately lead to mitochondrial rupture (necrosis). The
progression to disease can be seen through the following:
The function the male reproductive system is for the production of spermatozoa
after puberty for fertilisation with the ovum from the female, coitus process, and
the production of androgens. The basic components of this system include:
• testis
• penis
• urethra
• prostate gland
• seminal vesicle
• vas deferens
The sperm production (as in Figure 7.9) in the testis originates from indifferent
gonads during the embryonic phase.
It contains 200 to 300 lobules which are separated by septum. Each lobule has four
seminiferous tubules. Blood is supplied from the testicular artery and drains
through the pampiniform plexus into the testicular vein. The seminiferous
epithelium contains sertoli cells (sustentacular cells) and germ cells.
Meanwhile, the Leydig cells exist in between tubules and produce spermatozoa
and androgens. This is divided into two compartments:
The effects of toxicants on the male reproductive system through lead, EDB, carbon
disulphide, and drug abuse are explained in Table 7.7.
Table 7.7: The Effects of Toxicants on the Male Reproductive System Through Lead, EDB,
Carbon Disulphide, and Drug Abuse
Toxicant Description
Lead The effect begins at 40 øg/dL of blood lead level. The occupational
exposure will decrease sperm count totals and increase abnormal
sperm frequencies. In long-term exposure, sperm concentrations,
total sperm counts, and total sperm motility may diminish. There
is also a decrease in the function of prostate and seminal vesicles
as well as in sexual drive and impotence. These effects could be the
result of direct testicular toxicity of lead but as the duration of
exposure increases, the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis
could be disturbed. However, it is unclear how long these effects
may last in humans after lead exposure ceases.
Drug abuse This affects the three stages of male sexual function which are
erection, ejaculation, and orgasm. Anti-depressants, testosterone
antagonists, and stimulants of prolactin reduce libido in men.
Anti-hypertensive drugs which act on the sympathetic nervous
system-induce impotence in some men. Cocaine, heroin, and high
doses of cannabinoids also reduce the libido, while opiates may
delay or impair ejaculation.
The basic components of female reproductive system include the ovary, oviduct,
uterus, cervix, and vagina.
The ovary developed from gonadal cortex. During foetal development, oogonia
are formed by mitosis followed by meiosis with the production of millions of
oocytes. Atresia occurs due to hypoxia resulting in less number of oocytes. Women
are born with a fix number of oocytes. Its function is to produce ova as well as two
hormones; progesterone and oestrogen.
The oviduct floats in mesosalpinx. It consists of four segments (see Table 7.8).
Segment Description
The uterus is a simplex form in human. There are three layers which are the serous
membrane (perimetrium), myometrium (thickest), and endometrium. Its function
is for embryo implantation and to support and house the foetus throughout
The cervix is the sphincter muscle situated between the uterus and vagina. Most
cervixes have an annular ring structure. It contains goblet cells that secrete mucous
and consistency varies with menstrual cycle. Mucous consistency can be used to
detect fertility. It functions to stop the entry of bacteria into the uterine cavity. The
cervical canal usually closes and only opens during parturition. The cervix also
functions to form a cervical plug during pregnancy.
The vagina is divided into two parts which are the vestibule (external) and
posterior vagina (internal). The hymen is a thin connective tissue which forms a
transverse fold to partially close vaginal opening in virgins. It functions to accept
ejaculated semen from penis during coitus. It also has an acidic environment to kill
bacteria and foreign bodies.
The effects of toxicants on the female reproductive system include exposure to the
common reproductive toxicants such as heavy metal, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon (PAH), halogenated polycyclic hydrocarbons, organic solvents, and
pharmacological agents. Four of these toxicants are further explained in Table 7.9.
Table 7.9: Toxicants and Their Effects on the Female Reproductive System
Segment Description
• There are many chronic diseases caused by exposure toward toxicants and this
leads to the disruption of our bodyÊs physiological functions.
• The organisation of the human body starts from the cellular level, followed by
the organ, system, and lastly the human body.
• Our skin is part of the integumentary system and it is undeniably the primary
defence to any exposure. Exposure of chemicals to skin results in skin burn,
irritation, and skin cancer.
• Common heavy metal could pose risk to our liver such as renal necrosis,
anuria, and death.
• Some of the effects of toxicants on the male reproductive system are testicular
atrophy (exposure to EDB), and decrease in the function of prostate and
seminal vesicles (exposure to lead).
• Some of the effects of toxicants on the female reproductive system are ovarian
toxicity and oocyte destruction (exposure to PAH), and direct toxic effect on
the ovary (exposure to pharmacology agents).
Absorption Liver
Cellular level Metabolism
Circulatory system Organ
Distribution Physiological system
Excretion Reproductive system
Exposure Respiratory system
Human body System
Integumentary system Toxicant
Cotton, F. A., & Wilkinson, G. (1988). Advanced inorganic chemistry (5th ed.).
Griffiths, A. J. F., Miller, J. H., Suzuki, D. T., Lewontin, R. C., & Gelbart, W. M.
(1999). An introduction to genetic analysis (6th ed.). W. H. Freeman.
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., LaHart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
What is the endocrine system? Although we rarely think about them, the glands
of the endocrine system and the hormones they release influence almost every cell,
organ, and function of our bodies. The endocrine system is instrumental in
regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, and metabolism, as
well as sexual function and reproductive processes.
In general, the endocrine system is in charge of body processes that happen slowly,
such as cell growth. Faster processes like breathing and body movement are
controlled by the nervous system.
However, even though the nervous system and endocrine system are separate
systems, they often work together to help the body function properly. In this last
topic, you will learn how endocrine disruption happened and what are mutagenic
pollutants. Let us wrap this lesson!
• stress
• infection
What is a gland?
A gland is a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off, chemicals.
A gland selects and removes materials from the blood, processes them, and
secretes the finished chemical product for use somewhere in the body. Certain
types of glands release their secretions in specific areas.
For instance, exocrine glands, such as the sweat and salivary glands, release
secretions in the skin or inside of the mouth. Endocrine glands, on the other hand,
release more than 20 major hormones directly into the bloodstream where they can
be transported to cells in other parts of the body.
The major glands that make up the human endocrine system are the hypothalamus,
pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pineal body, and the reproductive glands,
which include the ovaries and testes (see Figure 8.1).
Figure 8.1: Major Glands and Non-endocrine Organs of the Endocrine System
The pancreas is also part of this hormone-secreting system, even though it is also
associated with the digestive system because it also produces and secretes digestive
Although the endocrine glands are the body's main hormone producers, some
non-endocrine organs – such as the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, thymus,
skin, and placenta – also produce and release hormones. Can you identify the
major glands and non-endocrine organs in Figure 8.1?
Once a hormone is secreted, it travels from the endocrine gland through the
bloodstream to target cells designed to receive its message. Along the way to the
target cells, special proteins bind to some of the hormones. The special proteins act
as carriers that control the amount of hormone that is available to interact with and
affect the target cells.
Also, the target cells have receptors that latch onto only specific hormones, and
each hormone has its own receptor, so that each hormone will communicate only
with specific target cells that possess receptors for that hormone. When the
hormone reaches its target cell, it locks onto the cell's specific receptors and these
hormone-receptor combinations transmit chemical instructions to the inner
workings of the cell.
For example, if the thyroid gland has secreted adequate amounts of thyroid
hormones into the blood, the pituitary gland senses the normal levels of thyroid
hormone in the bloodstream and adjusts its release of thyrotropin, the pituitary
hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones.
Another example is the parathyroid hormone, which increases the level of calcium
in the blood. When the blood calcium level rises, the parathyroid glands sense the
change and decrease their secretion of parathyroid hormone. This turnoff process
is called the negative feedback system.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the bodyÊs
endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive,
neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife.
What are the sources of endocrine disruption? A wide range of substances, both
natural and man-made, are thought to cause endocrine disruption, including:
• pharmaceuticals
• dioxins and dioxin-like compounds
• polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
• DDT and other pesticides
• plasticisers, such as bisphenol A
Endocrine disruptors may be found in many every day products such as plastic
bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and
A few researches and studies have been carried out to determine whether exposure
to endocrine disruptors may result in human health effects including lowered
fertility, an increased incidence of endometriosis, and some cancers. Research
shows that endocrine disruptors may pose the greatest risk during prenatal and
early post-natal development when organ and neural systems are forming.
Over the recent years, a number of coincident observations have led scientists to
the conclusion that chemical substances in the environment may be interfering
with the endocrine systems of humans and various animals.
Now, let us identify the chemical structures of EDCs. Interestingly, the chemical
structures between natural hormones and environmental hormones are most often
very different. It is not possible to determine whether a chemical is an endocrine
disruptor or not by merely looking at its chemical structure. This is because the
structures of endocrine disruptors are so varied and unpredictable; sometimes
they are synthesised unintentionally.
Examples include the pesticide DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), both
of which have oestrogenic activity, but were originally synthesised for a
completely unrelated purpose.
• plants (phytoestrogens are chemicals naturally found in plants that can act as
endocrine disruptors and are present in fruits, veggies, beans, and grasses);
The endocrine system is composed of ductless glands that secrete hormones into
the blood stream to act at distant sites. Together with the nervous system, the
endocrine system is responsible for the integration of many different processes
which allow complicated organisms to function as a unit (maintaining
Other hormones include thyroxin, produced in the thyroid, and insulin, produced
in the pancreas. The pituitary and hypothalamus in the brain release a variety of
hormones that affect other organs, including the sex glands.
From the blood, hormones interact with cells by binding to special proteins called
receptors. The binding is specific, like a key in a lock. When enough binding sites
are occupied, then a message is passed on to the target cell nucleus unmasking
genetic information which results in physiological reactions; these are ultimately
responsible for stimulating or regulating proper metabolism, development,
growth, reproduction, and behaviour of a particular person.
For example, in women, oestrogen works in this way to control the menstrual
cycle, and in men, testosterone controls sperm production. Hormones are released
into the blood in very small amounts. Their levels are controlled by the rate of
release, and the rate of degradation, usually by the liver or kidneys.
The timing of hormone release is often critical for normal human function. This is
especially true during foetal development. Precise hormone control is important,
as too much or too little at the wrong time can result in dysfunction of one or
several body systems.
From the blood, how do hormones send messages to the target cells?
Discuss this process with your coursemates in the myINSPIRE forum.
Nevertheless, the effects of some EDs may be life-threatening because they may
interfere with the normal functions of organs or cause malignancies of these organs.
Let us look at Figure 8.2 which shows you the mechanism of action of endocrine
Most scientists do not believe that hormones cause or initiate cancer, but some
hormones may promote cancer growth. This promotion may result in cancer that
appears at a younger age than expected, or in a cancer that grows at a faster rate.
These findings suggest that chemicals that act like hormones may also promote
However, more recent studies provide strong evidence that there is no relationship
between DDE exposure and breast cancer. Meanwhile, other studies suggest that
specific phytoestrogens and certain PCBs and dioxins can block oestrogen from
promoting some forms of breast cancer.
• cancer
• heart disease
• cognitive disorders
• sex reversal
• premature puberty
Does our lifestyle today (eating habits, physical activities, stress, and
others) affect our hormones and thus lead to cancer? What is your
opinion? Discuss this matter in the myINSPIRE forum.
However, ensuring proper oestrogen levels is also important for other reasons.
Altered levels in women can signal pregnancy or menopause or more serious
medical problems in men.
Oestrogen tests can be conducted at the doctor's office, but many kits are also
available for at-home testing. Oestrogen can be either:
Type Description
Why do we need oestrogen tests? Oestrogen tests may be used for a variety of
(b) Oestradiol levels are used in evaluating ovarian function. Oestradiol levels
are increased in cases of early (precocious) puberty in girls and gynecomastia
in men. Its main use has been in the differential diagnosis of amenorrhea, for
example, to determine whether the cause is menopause, pregnancy, or a
medical problem. In assisted reproductive technology (ART), serial
measurements are used to monitor follicle development in the ovary in the
What is a mutagen?
• Physical mutagens:
− High-energy ionising radiation.
− X-rays and γ-rays causing strand breaks and base/sugar destruction.
− Non-ionising radiation.
− UV light which is pyrimidine dimers.
• Chemical mutagens:
− Base analogues causing direct mutagenesis.
− Nitrous acid causing deaminates C to produce U.
− Alkylating agents and rylating agents causing indirect-lesion mutagenesis.
− Intercalators such as EB.
Type Effect
Viruses and These integrate into human chromosome, upset genes, and can
microorganisms trigger cancer.
Alcohol and High alcohol intake increases the risk of some cancers. Diet high in
diet fat and containing burned or highly preserved meat.
Different mutagens act on the DNA differently. Powerful mutagens may result in
chromosomal instability, causing chromosomal breakages, and rearrangement of
the chromosomes such as translocation, deletion, and inversion. Such mutagens
are called clastogens.
Mutagens may also modify the DNA sequence. The changes in nucleic acid
sequences by mutations include substitution of nucleotide base-pairs, and
insertions and deletions of one or more nucleotides in DNA sequences.
Although some of these mutations are lethal or can cause serious disease, many
have minor effects as they do not result in residue changes that have significant
effect on the structure and function of the proteins. Many mutations are silent
mutations, causing no visible effects at all, either because they occur in non-coding
or non-functional sequences, or they do not change the amino-acid sequence due
to the redundancy of codons. Some mutagens can cause aneuploidy and change
the number of chromosomes in the cell.
However, some propose that low levels of some mutagens may stimulate the DNA
repair processes and therefore may not necessarily be harmful.
Generally, a mutation is a process by which the heredity constitution of a cell is
altered, ultimately resulting in a genetically altered population of cells or
organism. Although mutations can occur in the RNA of viruses and the DNA of
cytoplasmic organelles, the mutations of greatest interest occur within genes in the
nucleus of the cell. So, what can you summarise to define mutation?
The human body is estimated to contain more than 10 trillion cells, and at some
stage in its life cycle contains a full complement of the genes needed by the entire
Figure 8.3: The Structures of the Five Bases in DNA and RNA
DNA clearly plays a pivotal role in the expression and perpetuation of life.
However, it is also a critical target for the action of many mutagenic environmental
chemicals; lesions in DNA may occur through the action of physical or chemical
agents found in the environment. The occurrence of mutation, however, depends
on the nature of the initial lesion and the response of cells to the DNA damage.
Why does mutation happen? Mutation happens due to several reasons. Two of the
reasons are described in Table 8.3.
Reason Description
DNA fails to copy Most of the mutations that people think matter to evolution are
accurately „naturally occurring‰. For example, when a cell divides, it makes
a copy of its DNA; sometimes the copy is not quite perfect. That
small difference from the original DNA sequence is a mutation.
Take note that mutation rates vary across species. Evolutionary biologists have
theorised that higher mutation rates are beneficial in some situations, because they
allow organisms to evolve and therefore, adapt more quickly to their
(a) Substitution
A substitution is a mutation that exchanges one base for another (e.g., a
change in a single „chemical letter‰ such as switching an A to a G, as in
Figure 8.4.
(b) Insertion
Insertion is „the addition of one or more bases in a DNA region‰. Insertions
are mutations in which extra base pairs are inserted into a new place in the
DNA (as in Figure 8.6).
(c) Deletion
Deletion is „the loss of one or more bases in a DNA region‰. Deletions are
mutations in which a section of the DNA is either lost or deleted (as in
Figure 8.7).
These changes are called frame shifts. For example, consider the sentence,
„The fat cat sat.‰ Each word represents a codon. If we delete the first letter
and analyse the sentence in the same way, it does not make sense.
In frame shifts, a similar error occurs at the DNA level, causing the codons
to be analysed incorrectly. This usually generates shortened proteins that are
as useless as „hef atc ats at‰ is uninformative (see Figure 8.8).
• survival advantage;
• most common among bacteria and viruses but also seen in insects; and
Simply, we can say that the effects of mutation can be categorised as harmful,
beneficial, and neutral. These three are further explained as follows:
• dysfunctional proteins
RNA viruses Such as HIV – mutate its protein coat so that the host human
is unable to make antibodies quick enough against it.
Mutations which are artificially induced with the help of mutagenic agents are
called induced mutations.
Remember that the previous notes had mentioned that some mutations arise as
natural errors in DNA replication (or as a result of unknown chemical reactions);
these are known as spontaneous mutations. The rates of such mutations have been
determined for many species. For instance, E. coli has a spontaneous mutation rate
of 1/108 (one error in every 108 nucleotides replicated). Humans have a higher
spontaneous mutation rate; between 1/106 and 1/105 (probably as a result of the
higher complexity of human replication).
Mutations can also be caused by agents in the environment; these are induced
mutations. Induced mutations increase the mutation rate over the spontaneous
rate. Looking at a single mutation in an individual, one cannot tell if the mutation
is spontaneous or induced. Induced mutations can only be discerned by looking at
the mutation rate in a population, and comparing it to the spontaneous mutation
rate for the species. If the observed mutation rate is higher, then induced mutations
can be assumed. Agents in the environment that cause an increase in the mutation
rate are called mutagens.
Cause Description
Chemicals Consist of two major classes: base analogues (e.g. BrdU) and alkylating
agents (e.g. N-ethyl-nitrosourea). Alkylating agents can mutate both
replicating and non-replicating DNA.
In contrast, a base analogue can only mutate the DNA when the
analogue is incorporated in replicating the DNA. Each of these classes
of chemical mutagens has certain effects that then lead to transitions,
transversions, or deletions. Other effects are:
• DNA adducts (e.g. ochratoxin metabolites)
• DNA intercalating agents (e.g. ethidium bromide)
• DNA crosslinkers
• oxidative damage
• The endocrine system is a widespread group of glands and organs that acts as
the bodyÊs control system for producing, storing and secreting chemical
substances called hormones.
• The endocrine system helps support cells, organs, and functions of our bodies,
and is in control of our hormones.
• The endocrine system controls processes in the body such as cellular growth
and uses hormones and glands to send messages to different parts of the body.
• Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that may interfere with the bodyÊs
endocrine system and produce adverse developmental, reproductive,
neurological, and immune effects in both humans and wildlife.
• The factors that define the characteristics of an endocrine disruptor are the
chemical structures and the sources of endocrine disruptor.
• Oestrogen and testosterone are also produced in the adrenal glands of both
sexes. Other hormones include thyroxin, produced in the thyroid, and insulin,
produced in the pancreas. The pituitary and hypothalamus in the brain release
a variety of hormones that affect other organs, including the sex glands.
• Most scientists do not believe that hormones cause or initiate cancer, but some
hormones may indeed promote cancer growth.
• There are four types of mutagens, namely ionising radiation, viruses and
microorganisms, environmental poisons, and alcohol and diet.
• Mutagens cause changes to the DNA that can affect the transcription and
replication of the DNA, which in severe cases can lead to cell death.
• Four types of mutations are substitution, insertion, deletion, and frame shift.
• Mutations which are artificially induced with the help of mutagenic agents are
called induced mutations.
Cotton, F. A., & Wilkinson, G. (1988). Advanced inorganic chemistry (5th ed.).
Griffiths, A. J. F., Miller, J. H., Suzuki, D. T., Lewontin, R. C., & Gelbart, W. M.
(1999). An introduction to genetic analysis (6th ed.). W. H. Freeman.
Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)
Hodgson, E. (2010). A textbook of modern toxicology (4th ed.). John Wiley and
Luttrell, W. E., Jederberg, W. W., & Still, K. R. (2008). Toxicology principles for the
industrial hygienist. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Maton, A., Hopkins, J., McLaughlin, C. W., Johnson, S., Warner, M. Q., La Hart, D.,
& Wright, J. D. (1993). Human biology and health. Prentice Hall.
Thank you.