Afp Case Investigation Form
Afp Case Investigation Form
Afp Case Investigation Form
Notified by___________________________________________ Date District Notified ____/_____/_____ Date Case Investigated: ____/____/______
Admitted to hospital: 1= Yes 2= No Date of Admission ____/____/____
WAS THIS TRUE AFP? 1 = Yes 2= No if "no", then the rest of the from does not need to be completed.
Mark "6" for final classification
Date 1st stool collected ____/_____/_____ Date 2nd stool collected ____/_____/______ Date stool sent from field to national level ____/____/____
STOOL SPECIMEN RESULTS: Primary isolation result
Date stool specimen Condition of stool Date result sent by Date result received by national P1 P2 P3 NP-
received by national 1=Adequate 2=Not adequate National Lab to National level Level:_____/_____/____
Lab: ____/____/_____ ____/____/_____
W1 W2 W3 V1 V2 V3 NP-Ent
Date isolate sent from Date differentiation result Date differentiation result
National Lab to Regional sent by Regional Lab: received by National Level
Lab. ___/___/___ ____/____/____ ____/____/___
1= Yes 2= No 1= Yes 2=No 1=Yes 2=No
Name _______________________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________
Residual paralysis is defined as the presence of some (minimal or major) motor weakness
during repeat examination (60 days after the onset of paralysis) in the limb(s) initially involved.
Contact Addresses:
MoH, Surveillance team:
159543 / 519798/ 09-219555
WHO Surveillance/EPI Unit:
EHNRI Polio lab: