Analytic Factory
Analytic Factory
Analytic Factory
Offering — Software, standards and staff This year, the company has enjoyed lower overall spend for
The organization had undertaken a two-year global ERP BI. Using an efficient blend of onshore and offshore analytic
implementation that resulted in the generation of a vast talent, bill rates have been reduced by 55 percent for the
amount of business data that could be used for improved Analytics Factory team. Furthermore, the ability to retain top
decision making. Deloitte worked with the organization to talent on its “bench” (ETL developers, project managers, and
implement an enterprise business intelligence environment that architects), has allowed experienced teams to ramp up quickly
captured this new ERP data and additional data sources on new projects. This creates further economies of scale, as
moving forward. demonstrated and tested resources can migrate between
projects without excessive downtime. As a result, productivity
However, the real value came with the evolution of the delivery has improved. In 2013 alone, ten major projects have been
model from a project-based model to a factory model. The factory completed, compared to two or three in years past.
model offered an effective way for the organization to develop,
standardize, and disseminate its own analytics strategy and Contacts:
structure across the globe. Usable data is now consolidated and Scott Barnes Satish Gadiraju
standardized into formats that can be used to conduct analysis Director Specialist Leader
across supply chain, finance, transportation, patient metrics, spend Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP
analytics, bill of materials, and many other core business processes.
+1 214 840 7210 +1 312 486 5719
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