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IRTLevel1 3TrainingBrochure

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Infrared Thermography

CAT1A, Level 1-3

Advance your skills and knowledge in the field of infrared
Infrared Thermography Category 1A

Learn the 7 IRT CAT 1A, The 7 Measurement Rules©, is the best introduction for any beginner
Measurement Rules© of Infrared Thermographer. For instance have you ever noticed that temperatures
displayed by an infrared camera are sometimes obviously wrong? Do you understand
Infrared Thermography. the difference between radiation and temperature? That IR cameras measure radiation
and calculates temperature? Based on a number of variables controlled by the
thermographer? This course will teach you the basics of Infrared Thermography, giving
delegates a good theoretical and practical foundation to kick-start their understanding
and application of Infrared Thermography.

Course Detail
Tailored for the newcomer to the world of Thermography; the course focuses on the
seven basic rules to be followed when using a thermal camera in practice to measure
temperature accurately enough to base sound engineering decisions on the results.
On the first day, you’ll learn the essentials of using a thermal camera effectively. Day
two focuses on using the camera practically, taking images of real life equipment
measurement and including the creation of a thermal report from the images taken
with your own camera using the supplied software.

Who Should Attend This Course?

• First time Infrared Thermography Camera owners
• Basic training before attending Infrared Thermography Level 1 course

Course Benefits
This course accelerates the user’s ability to use the thermal camera and the software for
the purpose it was bought for - quickly and without fuss. It will enable you to put an
expensive instrument to immediate good use, minimising the start-up time to produce
the first thermal report correctly and with confidence.

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 2

7 Measurement Rules©
Course Outline

Bring your camera Day One (Theory) 5. Reflected Apparent Temperature –

Understand that everything always
and your laptop and
Introduction to the peculiarities and reflects something and that your
our experienced applications of infrared thermography. target is mostly a mirror! Learn the
thermographers will importance of Trefl and how to
get you, your camera 1. Focus - Learn the “How To” of a estimate it correctly.
thermal camera, and understand
and your software up 6. Emissivity – Learn the practical
why focussing sounds easier than it
and running in two really is, i.e. realising the difference craft of measuring and estimating
wonderfully interesting between IR and Visual. emissivity and the importance of
getting it right (Plus a few practical
and valuable days. tips for the field).
2. Composition – Understand the
concept of the identification of an
Object of Interest (OOI) and an Area 7. Data Capture – Learn the
of Interest (AOI); as well as collecting practicalities involved with saving
and presenting the thermal data and working with thermal data.
The remainder of the afternoon is spent
3. Thermal Contrast – Understand that discussing the interpretation and analysis
cameras are not intelligent and can of field case studies.
only display what it sees, and that
thermographers need to adjust every Day Two (Practical)
image to reveal the real thermal
patterns. 1. Practice the measurement rules by
performing thermal inspections.
4. Environment - Adjusting for, and 2. Produce and prepare a report
understanding the importance of, template in your software.
the influences of the atmosphere on 3. Managing thermal data and
your measurements. producing a thermal report.

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 3

Infrared Thermography Level 1 (ITC)

Become a Level 1 This course prepares you for qualification as a category 1 certified thermographer.
certified thermographer You will learn about the basics of infrared, how to operate the camera under different
conditions and for various purposes, how to do an appropriate judgement of the
and gain a competitive measurement situation in the field and identify potential error sources. You will be
advantage. able to do IR inspections following written guidelines and to report the result of this

Course Detail
After a short introduction to thermography you will have hands-on training. The theory
sections on heat and infrared will provide you with the basic knowledge needed to
use the IR camera in the field, and to recognize and interpret thermal patterns. Strong
emphasis will be put on the IR measurement techniques and the influence of emissivity
and reflectivity on the measurement results.

You will train the measurement on real-life lab equipment and you will also learn how
and when to use qualitative and quantitative thermography. A short introduction to
inspection routines and reporting principles will finalize the lecture. Now you will be
well prepared to create a short case study which you will present in front of the class.
The course ends with an exam including multiple choice questions and thermogram

The class includes exercises and our trainers work with images, sketches, and simple
diagrams to illustrate the theoretical parts in a descriptive way.

Who Should Attend This Course?

This course is designed for beginners in thermography with some experience in camera
handling and limited IR knowledge, who want to take their first step to become a
professional thermographer and want to qualify as a Level 1 certified thermographer.

Course Benefits
• The ITC is an Accredited Training applications. patterns in thermal images.
Organization in conformance to the • Benefit hugely from an extensive • See and experience the latest
British Institute of Non Destructive overview of practical applications of in infrared inspection report
Testing (BINDT) BS EN ISO Infrared Thermography. generation and database software.
9001:2000 with certificate issued • Collect quality data; make accurate • Avoid costly mistakes - learn to
25 May 2006. temperature measurements using distinguish between hot spots
• The ITC Infrared Thermography the infrared camera, and account and reflections, direct vs. indirect
Level 1 Course is validated against for external influencing effects such readings and qualitative vs.
the BINDT requirements for the as atmospheric conditions; (ambient quantitative thermography.
structured training of Condition temperature, distance & humidity) • Challenge yourself with field
Monitoring practitioners. as well as Reflected Apparent applications labs that closely
• Learn the basics of infrared camera Temperature and Emissivity using simulate real-world infrared
care and handling. infrared cameras. applications.
• Introduction to thermal imaging • Interpret thermograms and make • Learn the practical pitfalls and
and measurement systems informed decisions using heat receive tips for performing thermal
for predictive maintenance transfer concepts to analyse thermal inspections in the plant.

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 4

Infrared Thermography Level 1
Course Outline

No prior certification or 1. Introduction to Thermography: • Real life targets

• Introduction to infrared
experience is necessary
thermography 7. Thermal Image Interpretation
to attend this course, • Why is temperature important? • Camera principle
although ownership • Applications • Visual versus infrared
of an infrared camera, • The thermal image
2. IR Camera introduction: • Apparent temperature and
laptop and software • Controlling the image emissivity
would be beneficial • Measurement functions
(bring along if possible). • Capturing an image 8. Thermal Image Analysis Techniques
• The “Big Three” • Thermal gradient
• Temperature range • Camera tools for pattern
Typically the mornings • Optical focusing enhancement
are spent on theory • Image composition • Thermal tuning
lectures and the • Storage devices • Image analysis – misleading
• Practical tips patterns
afternoons on practical
exercises with cameras 3. Basic Thermal Science: 9. Qualitative and Quantitative
and props. • Heat and temperature • Qualitative
• Units for measuring temperature • Quantitative
• Rules in thermal science • Fault classification criteria
• Baseline data
4. Basic Heat Transfer
• Heat transfer modes 10. Infrared Measurement Techniques
• Conduction • Radiated energy and temperature
• Convection • Calibration
• Radiation heat transfer • Compensation for effects of the
5. The Electromagnetic Spectrum • Measurement conditions
• Waves
• The electromagnetic spectrum 11. Infrared Measurement Techniques
• Radiated energy and temperature
6. Radiation Energy Exchange • Calibration
• Radiation energy exchange • Compensation for effects of the
modes surroundings
• Incident radiation • Measurement conditions
• Exitant radiation
• Blackbodies 12. Thermography Guidelines

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 5

Infrared Thermography Level 2 (ITC)

Become a Level 2 This course prepares you for qualification as a category 2 certified thermographer. You
certified thermographer will learn about topics in infrared thermography to both deepen and broaden your
knowledge about infrared physics, heat science, infrared measurement equipment and
and increase your IR its application. As a Level 2 thermographer you shall provide guidance to category 1
knowledge. personnel in the areas of equipment selection, techniques, limitations, data analysis,
corrective actions and reporting.

Course Detail
After a short introduction to certification levels and procedures, and related standards,
you will take an initial test. During the course you will repeat and learn more about
thermal science and heat transfer as well as gain advanced knowledge on IR theory
and IR equipment. The course ends with a multiple choice exam.

The course includes advanced practical exercises and discussions about the participants’
professional experiences and cases from the field. Thermal and infrared science theory
are taught by using formulas, diagrams, and graphs. The focus is on steady-state
processes, but transient mechanisms are also included.

Who Should Attend This Course?

This course is designed for thermographers holding a Level 1 certificate, who want
to increase their knowledge about IR thermography and want to qualify as a Level 2
certified thermographer.

In order to attend a Level 2 Thermography Course

• You will hold a valid Level 1 thermography certificate,
• You will have the recommended experience within thermography according to
relevant standards,
• You will prepare a case study to be presented at the Level 2 course and submitted
towards qualification at course closing.

Course Benefits
• Reinforce Level I infrared training Excel-based application software standards, and the ASNT SNT-TC-1A
concepts with refresher material (included). Level II standard.
covering the latest infrared camera, • Refine your image analysis and • The course not only prepares
technology and thermal imaging interpretation proficiency with the thermographer to carry out
application developments. in-depth thermal imaging survey advanced thermal analyses and
• Expand your thermography and measurement techniques for compile professional reports, it
knowledge with new, more in-depth predictive maintenance applications. is also structured to prepare the
concepts in infrared theory, heat • Learn to measure emissivity of delegate for the final examination on
transfer and spatial resolution. common materials. day five.
• Learn the basics of predictive • Improve your thermal analysis skills • The course is vendor neutral and
maintenance thermography and with more challenging laboratory delegates are encouraged to attend
overall infrared inspection program and infrared field applications labs. with any thermal camera.
development. • The training course and exam
• Learn to calculate avoided costs with follows the ISO 18436-7 Category 2

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 6

Infrared Thermography Level 2
Course Outline

Bring: Certified copy 1. Principles of infrared thermography: thermal severity assessment

• Fourier’s Law, Newton’s Law of criteria
of valid Level 1 IRT
Certificate, Scientific • Atmospheric transmission, 4. General applications
calculator, Thermal Radiation reference sources
camera, laptop and • Planck’s Law, Wien’s Law, 5. Diagnostics and prognostics
Emissivity, and factors affecting
software, Practical emissivity 6. Condition monitoring applications:
field assignment for • Machinery engineering principles
presentation on day 2. Equipment and data acquisition: (components and construction)
one. • Infrared camera selection • Typical machinery failure modes
criteria, Spectral bands, Thermal and mechanisms and their
sensitivity (NETD), Lens selection, associated thermal signatures
Optical resolution, and Operation • Severity assessment and
of equipment acceptance criteria (engineering
• Image composition, Emissivity codes and standards)
determination, Error source
recognition, prevention or 7. Corrective actions
control, Waveband selection
criteria 8. Reporting and documentation (ISO
• Recognizing and dealing with International Standards)
radiation, convection, and
conduction 9. Condition monitoring programme
• Effects of incorrect emissivity, design
Camera calibration and • General principles, Technique
Environmental and operational selection, Measurement intervals
conditions • Reference temperatures, and
Baseline temperatures
3. Image processing: • Procedure development
• Temperature measurement, and
Comparative quantitative and 10. Condition monitoring programme
qualitative thermography implementation
• Camera measurement tools,
Measurement tools, Distance 11. Condition monitoring programme
(atmospheric) correction, management
Emissivity correction • Safety, Equipment and Procedure
• Statistical analysis , Image management
subtraction, Image montage and • Skills and competencies
Temperature trending management
• General image interpretation • Database management
guidelines, and General • Managing corrective action
guidelines for establishing implementation

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 7

Infrared Thermography Level 3

Become a Level 3 This course assumes the attending delegate to be an advanced, experienced user
certified thermographer of thermal cameras, already familiar with all theoretical and practical aspects of the
technology as taught in Levels 1 and 2. The delegate should preferably have in excess
with advanced IR skills of two years practical IRT experience.
and knowledge.

Course Benefits
• The training course and exam delegates), and then take these kits
follows the ISO 18436-7 Category 3 back to their workplace and show
standard, and the ASNT SNT-TC-1A off their newly acquired skills.
Level III standard. • The course not only prepares
• The course is unique in that it the thermographer to carry out
combines practical workshop advanced thermal analyses and
sessions with the relevant theory compile professional reports, it
required by ISO 18436-7. The is also structured to prepare the
level 3 demonstration kits that are delegate for the final examination on
included in the price of the course, day five.
allow delegates to conduct their • The course is vendor neutral and
own practical workshop exercises delegates are encouraged to attend
(without having to share with other with any thermal camera.

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 8

Infrared Thermography Level 3
Course Outline

Please bring along: The contents of this course closely follow • General image interpretation
the requirements of ISO 18436-7 and guidelines, and General
Valid Level 2 Certificate,
contain as minimum the following: guidelines for establishing
Thermal camera, Laptop thermal severity assessment
with installed reporting 1. Principles of infrared thermography criteria
and analysis software, (IRT) :
• Fourier’s Law, Newton’s Law of 4. General applications
scientific calculator, Cooling
open mind… • Atmospheric transmission, 5. Diagnostics and prognostics
Radiation reference sources
• Planck’s Law, Wien’s Law, 6. Condition monitoring applications:
Stephan-Bolzmann Law, • Machinery engineering principles
Emissivity and its influencing (components and construction)
factors. • Typical machinery failure modes
and mechanisms and their
2. Equipment and data acquisition: associated thermal signatures
• Infrared camera selection • Severity assessment and
criteria, Spectral bands, Thermal acceptance criteria (engineering
sensitivity (NETD), Lens selection, codes and standards)
Optical resolution, and Equipment
Operation. 7. Corrective actions
• Image composition, Emissivity
determination, Error source 8. Reporting and documentation (ISO
recognition, prevention and International Standards)
control, Wavelength selection
criteria. 9. Condition monitoring programme
• Recognizing and dealing with design:
radiation, convection, and • General principles, Technique
conduction. selection, Measurement intervals
• Effects of incorrect emissivity • Reference temperatures, and
settings, Camera calibration and Baseline temperatures
Environmental and operational • Procedure development
10. Condition monitoring programme
3. Image processing: implementation
• Temperature measurement,
Comparative quantitative 11. Condition monitoring programme
and qualitative thermography management:
techniques. • Safety, Equipment and Procedure
• Camera measurement tools, management
Advanced Software Measurement • Skills and competencies
tools, Distance (atmospheric) management
correction, Emissivity correction • Database management
• Statistical analysis , Image • Managing corrective action
subtraction, Image montage and implementation
Temperature trending

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 9

Training Opportunities

Yellotec offers a full Private Courses

complement of training
All our public training courses can also be conducted as an in-house private courses.
courses in Condition If you have 12 or more people attending, consider the benefits of an in-house session
Monitoring disciplines conducted in the privacy and conveniences of your facilities or a meeting site of your
as well product and choice. Please contact us so that we can understand your requirements, explore the
benefits and make it happen.
Reliability Engineering
specific courses. Courses
offered are either All Courses Offered By Yellotec
presented under license Infrared Thermography (IRT) Shaft Alignment
from International IRT Basics, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Level 1
Certification Bodies or
Vibration Analysis (Mobius) Ultrasound
are in accordance with Level 1 and 2
Category 1, 2 and 3
ISO requirements.
Field Lubricant Analysis Gearbox Maintenance
Noria Level 1, 2 and 3
Failure Analysis
Machinery Lubrication
Condition Monitoring for Engineers
Noria Level 1 and 2
Plant Management – Dr. Mike Vorster
Oil Analysis Series
Level 1, 2 and 3

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 10

Registration Form

Please register each delegate by completing the details below and return by fax to 011 656 9112, or
e-mail to training@yellotec.com. The company details are intended for accounting purposes and must
reflect the details required for the completion and delivery of tax invoice.

Invoice Details Company

VAT Number

Postal Address

Postal Code

Person Responsible for Payment

Contact Number

E-Mail Address

Fax Number

Payment Method Purchase Order Number

Cheque Number

Electronic Transfer Ref Number

Delegate Details Delegate Name

Contact Number

Fax Number

E-mail Address

Do you have Halaal requirements? Yes No

Course Details Course


Cost (Excl. VAT)

Terms and Conditions

1. All course fees are payable upon confirmation of booking and an invoice will be sent as per the details indicated
above. Bookings cannot be secured until payment of invoice or valid purchase order is received.
2. Only cancellations received in writing 10 days before the start of the course will be refunded in full.
3. There will be no charge if a substitute person wishes to replace the original delegate.
4. Yellotec reserves the right to cancel any course at any time without liability. In these circumstances, delegates will
be offered an alternative date, or a full refund.
5. All Halaal requirements will be charged at an extra cost.
6. Delegate no shows, partial attendance or late cancellations will be liable for full cost.

Infrared Thermography Level 1-3 | 11

Co. Name: Yellow Technical Services (Pty) Ltd.
Trading as: Yellotec

www.yellotec.com PO Box 31448 33 Taljaard Road Reg. No: 2013/231556/07

[t] +27 (0) 11 656 9111 Kyalami Bartlett VAT No.: 4020210219
[f] +27 (0) 11 656 9112 1685 Boksburg

Yellotec is a products, service and training provider in the

following specialist fields:
1. Complete solutions for the implementation and 6. Thermographic Analysis Services.
management of Condition Based Maintenance. 7. Laser Alignment & Balancing Services.
2. Remote Diagnosis of Vibration Analysis. 8. Training in all specialist areas of Condition Based
3. Full on-site CBM services, ranging from single Maintenance
individuals to complete department. 9. Direct agents for Flir Systems (Sweden) and
4. Oil Analysis Laboratory Services. Prüftechnik(Germany).
5. Vibration Analysis Services.
PUB-10-0027-04-IRT Level 1-3

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