2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan - Stark
2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan - Stark
2010-2011 Campus Improvement Plan - Stark
October 1, 2010
Name Jody Williams Karen Ritchie Glenda Blankenship Claudia Ramirez Daniel Vizcaio Ana Avendao Carol Adair Adriana Estrada Tamar Rosenbaum Jacqueline Brown Angela Bibry-Moya Jeffrey Malkowski Alan Caplin Alex Brown Kristen Alagood Wendi Lamb Position Principal Support Staff/Math Specialist Support Staff/Reading Specialist Pre Kindergarten Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Special Education Specials Classes Counselor DIC Member Parent Parent Years Served 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Signature
Needs Assessment
The Campus Improvement Council is composed of representative professional staff, parents of students enrolled at the campus, business representatives and community members. The Campus Improvement Council establishes and reviews campus educational plans, goals, performance objectives, and major classroom instructional programs. An annual Campus Improvement Plan guides this work. The Campus Improvement Plan is based on a comprehensive needs assessment which includes student achievement indicators, disaggregated by all student groups served by the campus. Additional factors such as school processes (e.g., attendance, graduation, tardies, discipline referrals, teacher absences), perception (e.g., staff, parent and community surveys), and demographics (e.g., enrollment trends, staff turnover) are to be considered. The Campus Improvement Plan is to include (TEC Chapter 11, subchapter F, section 11.253): 1. Assessment of academic achievement for each student using the student achievement indicator system. 2. Set campus performance objectives based on the student achievement indicator system, including objectives for special needs populations, including students in special education. 3. Identification of how campus goals will be met for each student. 4. Identification of resources needed to implement the plan. 5. Identification of staff needed to implement the plan. 6. Timelines for reaching goals. 7. Periodic, measureable progress toward the performance objectives. 8. Goals and methods for violence prevention and intervention on campus. 9. Program for encouraging parental involvement. 10. Goals and objectives for a coordinated health program (elementary and middle schools) which is based on student fitness data, student academic performance data, student attendance rates, percentage of students who are educationally disadvantaged that ensures that students participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity. Annual analysis of the plan and review of various assessment data are used to determine objectives that address campus goals. Specific strategies and action steps are developed to address these objectives. This process ensures a commitment to excellence and a resolve to provide the best instructional plan for every student.
Campuses receiving Title 1 funds must address Title 1 targets in campus plans and indicate where Title 1 funds will be spent.
Should identify what is desired in terms of performance after, or as a result of, putting new processes in place or improving existing processes.
Goal should be Strategic and specific, Measurable, Attainable, Resultsbased, and Time-bound.
Standards and objectives (weak areas for students) Tools well use to determine where students are now and whether they are improving.
The attainable performance level we would like to see.
Improve TAKS scores in math by increasing student performance in Objective 2Patterns, relationships and algebraic reasoning and Objective 6 Mathematical process and tools
100% of all subgroups will meet or exceed the standard for passing TAKS math with Commended Performance for All students Improving to 65%
Remember . . . The one accomplishment that would foster longer-range actions would be a goal worthy of commitment. - Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (1990)
Should identify what is desired in terms of performance after, or as a result of, putting new processes in place or improving existing processes.
Goal should be Strategic and specific, Measurable, Attainable, Resultsbased, and Time-bound.
Standards and objectives (weak areas for students) Tools well use to determine where students are now and whether they are improving.
The attainable performance level we would like to see.
Improve TAKS scores in Reading by increasing student performance in Objective 4Analysis using critical thinking skills and Objective 1 Basic Understanding
100% of all subgroups will meet or exceed the standard for passing TAKS Reading with Commended Performance for All students Improving to 65% or above
Remember . . . The one accomplishment that would foster longer-range actions would be a goal worthy of commitment. - Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline (1990)
All Students INDICATOR 2010 Data Reading/English Language Arts Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies All Tests Graduation 2009 Graduation 2010 Goal Participation: Reading/Language Arts Participation: Math Attendance 100 100 98 100 100 100 98 97 100 96 2011 Goal 100% 100% 100% 100%
African American 2010 Data 100 89 100 * 2011 Goal 100% 100% 100% 100%
Hispanic 2010 Data 99 99 100 97 2011 Goal 100% 100% 100% 100% 2010 Data 97 97 100 100
Special Ed 2010 Data 98 100 100 71 2011 Goal 100% 100% 100% 100%
Economically Disadvantaged 2010 Data 99 96 100 97 2011 Goal 100% 100% 100% 100% 2010 Data 95 96 100 100
100 100 97
100 100 98
100 100 98
100 100 96
100 100 98
100 100 97
0 +11 -1 +26
-1 +7 +39 +28
0 +34 -1 +41
Special Ed. INDICATOR Campus Reading/English Language Arts Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies 19 31 17 43 State 17 17 11 24
Diff. from state
2011 Goal 65 65 65 90
2011 Goal 65 65 65 90
+2 14 +6 +19
+2 +12 +1 +28
-6 -6
Janie Stark Elementary 2010-11 Campus Focus District Supporting Objective #1: Continuously increase student achievement
Campus Focus # 1
Improve student achievement
Performance Measure
1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1,F 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1,F 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1,F 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1,F 1A, 1B,
Campus Focus # 2
Increase teacher effectiveness through staff development and Professional Learning Communities
Performance Measure
1B, 1C, 1E 1B, 1C, 1E 1D, 1E 1D, 1E
District Supporting Objective #2: Continuously improve the learning environment for students and staff
Campus Focus # 3
Improve learning and school environment
Performance Measure
2C 2C 2A, 2B, 2C
Performance Measure
3B 3B 3D 3F
District Supporting Objective #4: Continuously increase stakeholder confidence and support of our school system
Campus Focus # 5
Improve parent involvement
Performance Measure
4A 4A 4A 4A
Students will learn social behavior and communication skills through weekly R-Time Lessons RTI levels will be identified and monitored. Additional personnel will be hired to assist classroom teachers The campus will remain safe, orderly and secure for students, teachers and parents Maintain appropriate documentation of HQ status of all teachers and paraprofessionals. All students will be taught by highly qualified staff members Utilize district initiatives such as COL, Marzanos Nine Identifying Similarities and Differences, Bakers Dozen Teach the learnings tested, Teach the learnings deeply, Content Literacy Strategies 3-2-1 Send off to target all students Teachers will continue to utilize technology in their classrooms, and student computers as instructional tools (BHI carts, Activboards, IPods, Palms, Laptops, Video Announcements, etc) All teachers will be trained in School Wires and update their web sites and use them as an instructional tool for parents and students to receive information A walk through team will conduct frequent walk through visits to monitor and focus on best practices
Teacher Lesson Plans and observations by Administrators, IFs, and Counselor Lesson Plans and walk throughs
August 2010-June 2011
Alan Caplin
R-Time Books Campus General Budget $500 $10,000 Title I Stimulus
Jody Williams
TS 1, 2 X TS.3, 5
Jody Williams
TS 2 X X
Jody Williams
TS 2 X X
Web pages
Linda Roach
TS 1, 2
Jody Williams
TS 1, 2, 3, 4
TS 1, 2, 3,4 TS 2, 10
TS 6
TS6, 7, 9 TS 1, 2, 9, 10 TS 10 X TS 6
TS 6,
TS 1, 2, 8, 9, 10
and exemplary teaching Teachers will attend Staff Development for Language Arts to improve teaching effectiveness OF Guided Reading instruction to impact reading Teachers will attend Staff Development for Mathematics to improve teaching effectiveness All PE class will incorporate fitnessgram into warm-up activities and teachers will incorporate at least 15 minutes per day of structured physical activity Parents will be recruited to serve on PTA Board and committees Staff members will work directly with PTA to increase membership Monitor Student Attendance, academic performance and conduct home visits Presentations will be conducted for all staff members on bullying and sexual abuse. Full time ESL facilitator will continue Field trips will be taken to enhance student performance including but not limited to Camp Grady Spruce, Farmers Branch Historical Park, and Austin Students will be given opportunities to be involved in community service projects including but not limited to Green Team, JS TV, Safety Patrol, and School Store Helpers Identify targeted students and conduct parent meetings to communicate to parents how they can help their children be successful in school
Sign in Sheets
Membership records
Attendance records and documentation from TEAMS student data Sign in Sheets
August 2010-June 2011 August 2010-June 2011 August 2010-June 2011 August 2010-June 2011
Jody Williams Susie Lopez Kaitlin McClain Alan Caplin Kaitlin McClain Jody Williams Jody Williams Jody Williams
Jody Williams
Jody Williams
$600 Title 1