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Lab2Lab Brochure - AP-2022 (14-10-22) - Curved

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VWAYA ° DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE Special PRICE LIST Andhra Pradesh 5 4 Dedicated To Deliver The Best... VIJAYA DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE Thank You for Your Continued Support and Trust... Best Healthcare Brands - 2022 The conomic Times wie ‘Company of the Year - Healthcare -TV9 Network and SAP Indl Date 2 Dream ‘Award - 2021, wh India's Greatest Brands 2020-21 Research By: Unite Research Services wh Best Healthcare Brands - 2021 ‘The Economic Times Leading Imaging Centre (Multiple City) Leading Diagnostic Chain in Quality and Safety 20 Years Old of the Year : = Radiology & imaging = Diagnostics Leadership Diagnostic eadership Excellence Award - 2021 q ‘Summit 2021 Summit 2021 : i ek wh kik CIC With a vsion of providing comprehensive, imovative and state-of-the-art Aiagnostic services under one roo, in a reliable, affordable and customer- ceniric manner, Dr.S. Surendranath Reddy founded Vaya Diagnostic Cente in 1981. Inthe past 4 decades, Vjaya Diagnostic Centre has constantly worked ‘towards providing excellent quality throughoutallitscentes and has been the pioneer in using the latest technological tends to deliver best.n-cass healthcaretoits patents. CU Vijaya Diagnostic Centre helps facitate the provision of timely, affordable and state-of-art diagnostic care in a safe and secure environment. At Vijaya Diagnostic Centre, we understand that high quality and reliable diagnostic findings are critical for superior clinical ‘outcomes. Our Diagnostic space is equipped with instruments and devices of highest technical standards and managed bythe mast sklled Radiologists & Pathologists thereby meeting the needs ofthe physicians and patients. We keep track of the technological advancements and offer our customers access to the latest developments in diagnostic ‘medicare. To achieve consistent safety and quality, we comply with the ‘mast stingent quality and ethical norms. We continuously expand out value-added services to better serve patents with dignity, respect and compassion (Our Vision isto provide reliable and accurate diagnostic services o our customers, at affordable pices, na custemer-centiicmanner. We tive to provide the best service possible, We are continually raising our wn bar through the latest technology, continuous improvement and recruitment of high calibre technicians and professionals. (Our Mission is to make the patient's medical journey faster, more transparent and more accurate. We are committed to deliver exceptional iagnosticsoltions to every patient and physician MILESTONES Over the past 4 decades, our passion for quality and commitment in delivering the latest in technology to our customers, have translated into a number of First's whichinclude Fit cee to nrodceUtrasound & Echocardiography Fist ene to introduce Tytid Normal Testing Fist cee tf Nucla Mace facty Fist ene to offer aur Generation Sean Fist ene tafe Mammography Fist ene to fer one Denstometry Fast ene tafe Rel Tie RT CR Assays low Cytometry Fist ene toe ial Xay Fist ene tafe Automated Micobiagy Cute CTE Fist cee to offer Hankey Gamma Camera wit SPECT CT Fist Cente to fer Independent Crd CT Independent 3.0 Testa ist Cente fle Ingependen PET CT Fist cee tof HPV-ONAHC2 test n South nda Fist ete tf Atomated TO eniication & Ses in Sou Ina Fit cee to off gus Based Gag (Thin rep in AP Fist Cente to fers @200 Automat Une Analyzer wth Marscony & Semenis ‘eausn Eastagaphy Fist cee offer Droplet Dial PCR (PCR) Fist of snd and on af the Advance PE in Sout Ini Fist Cente to fe US6-£C40 for Carley by any dagosticcerr in Telangana Fit Cnt fer Latest ane mest Advanced CBCT nthe erie su egion Fist lags Cente a afer 3 Mommegraphy with Advanced Tecnology Fist Cente to fer ONA Hagmentatn Index DF tesin semen Fist Cente fer inegaed edu slain fr Innnoassy & Chemisty assays Fist ene tobe accreted hy NABL or Covi tesing by RT-PCRin AP Telangana Fist ene tof Rl wth bore Ambient Experience In AP Telangana Fit ee tf Dual Source CT Scan in A? & Telangana Fist ene tafe CUT ws 30 phase amass in AP 8 Telangana Fist cee to offer A100 Peripheral Sear Sannin AP & Telangana QUALITY AT VIJAYA ur connienert 0 quay i uncompromising ands acheed tough robust Quay anagemert Sten QMS} whihfoaser on raving abl andar, ‘uaty a Vaya warts it ullinet of cw misono fer eae ard acute Series at ardablepces By employing tedestecolgy we nae fier ages Andenaresth, every, [NABL Acreiation Certification * Nagnal Accretion Board for Testing and CalbationLaboratetes (NABLL hucat7a Walhaptnn + Nationa Acreation NCaP35 ame ad ft Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) NABH.ANS AcredtationCetfcation + Nation Acedia oad or Hosp Heaters - ASH) Cote Numer i$. 202-015,Relerece be MS 20°96) Karol) + Natonl Aceon adr spa Heathar Pedes- NABH MS MS 2022, (15, Mumbe Ms 2021 0272 Ysbaptnon) xtemal Quality Assurance Programs (EQAS): jo Rag OAS + CASO + cCVelreBaceralosyEOKS + tC Verecjogenets AS + CC VelreHenostass GAs + cere Tansfason AS + Cer logy EONS + Euro ewenEO8S + Hitopatlog/EQAS (ANS) + SHn- Ads eama Qual Asuarce Program + MedicaiyesagyEOAS PGIMER) + nasicoseans + Neaberg Quay surance Foran NeuOA?- Bengali + OAS: 8 + AML (Quay Asan Progam) + TWH EOASDagosicCpopatlogy © (wisava] VIJAYA DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE AUTOMATION AT EVERY LEVEL + Automated ABO Grouping, Typing and Antibody Screening * Bio-Rad Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) + Automated Chemistry Analyzers + Capillary Electrophoresis System + Automated FTIR Urine Stone Analyzer * Digital Microscope for FISH & Karyotyping + Automated HbA1c Analyzer + GeneXpert MTBIRIF Detection system + Automated Hematology Coulters with Automatic Slide Maker + Liquid Based Cytology - Ezi Prep and Stainer (SMS) + Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) + Automated Hb Electrophoresis Analyzer Analytical Chemistry System + Automated Immunoassay Analyzers * QIA Cube Automated Nucleic Acid Extractions + Automated Immunafluorescence Processor + QIA xcel Automated platform for assessing Quality of the + Automated Leica Multi Stainer Station Nudeic Acids + Automated M.TB Identification with Sensitivity (MGIT) * QIA xpert Automated platform for Quantifying Nucleic Acids and PCS Products, + A100 Peripheral Smear Scanner * Zybio and Kingfisher Automated Nucleic Acid Extractions (High Throughput) + Automated Semen Analyzer + Automated Urine Analyzer with Microscopy + Automated Vitek Mass Spectrometry Bacterial Identification system See eee ee eee) De es SPECIAL PRICE LIST Sh) es name | Pike, [Sample ype] conser For | vetnoa [emp] GtOM | Test | Reporing —— No| code] MRP (| Volume [Primary Sample] Method | Teme] Time | Schedule| (TAT) Gent rane 7-9 adn 100 | sermamo | Wem!) case on | Be | des] tle an ay moming specren pee Progesterone (17208 Rep sora [ede Zopear” [net adda T | 126 Abnormal Raemogibin | 1290 |WEEDIAG mi) Cavrderop | PRC F | zoe | _baiy | Someday [Ronde dial ion, Woes T [Tis Pana ata a Tpatantap | Eesronedanes | AF | evr | baiy | a |Oveminitintg peter bay Ae lar Fsona 27 ley. 4 ri0efadenasne osaminse | 200 | Seria nu | vito ip Ge] knnmatcxnee | aun | soniae/ | von ved] ctl ty oy Rep hivecory| ria | sant | 12 Adenosine Deamiase | 260 | AesicroaT2| Sens Conaner | Canmate te | AR | Soni Tany [Wan vd) Sty [a Ascent nu fnvecory| ria | saan 7 | 12 adenosine eominase | 260 [riven mo] Sons Conaner | Cannone | AR | SongTan, | Won ved] Stay [anes fnvecory| ret | Saori 7 | tam [adenosine oraminase | 260 Ponca oa] Sone Consaer | Fanmatennee | AR | Sind Tan) rte sy [at Peal rd ard nvecoru| aor 7 | 195 ]pdenonne oeamnase | 260 [Pineiro] Sone Conmaer | Fmnmatenee | AR | Sind Tan) Sete sy [ADR Penh riie ed ten cor 7 | 1380 |pdenonne romiave | 200 | Pniriod | Snse Conan | Fanmatennne | aR | Sind Tan) Ste ant eat rae ard tue cor 70 125% [Aderosne Deaminase | 200 |ynovalFa Se Conaawr | Female Rinne | AR | sri Tan) Tdi dy Antsy ra mu eo coor 17] Wes [Adreracrscronie | 700 | TA Fame | Laden a 7 [een | ony [8h [Ctecon hae peered br] ormone AT. ped [30a 10.00 ky medaton 17] ToT [apts raratin ar | 250 | Seon wd | law teptoar7] eA | aR | coore | boy | Toe Sample received ater 300 BM. shal be inuded in th fist bach of et dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be eleasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stars when the samples ech the abit arivesn 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 our we days: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TA cation Si) tex Price | Sample Type] Container For ‘catott | test | Reporting Test Name Method | Teme] en. instructions No] code uae | & Volume. |Pimary Sample Time | schedule] CAT) 14) r4osfawa aativtctonst | e80 | ssnimi2 av [tow iced] inter | | 1200ne0n] oniy | seme nto) esp | romatusescen 75 | iT Pave 150 | Seon al | voow eo Gai] nm ysew | wR | ooOAW | Only | Teh [poate caine sia marar ret op ides firs bar ein Te) a0 ime Fo B50 | fected | sari Gorame | GT ciyew | wR | GOAT | ony | Tobe [Poniecmeinaey ide 7 To ana 70 | seroma [tow epic] ares] _® | roaneonl bay | Teme Te] Tes aN ANCE cancAT] 000 | Soran? aD | Yaow miGadT] tae | _® | oaNeon] Only | Toe 15 101s [angnen Canvring | 520 | Soom | Yotow Top iT] Fanmnieknwie | AR | ondny | Tunssy | Sede cy Jeneyme ace ep Sora 500M Bo Tes fan Geo | seomiat [ow emicani] awe | aw | voor | ony | Teme | Tos [ames “50 | seroma | oow epicati] aes | _& | eaaneon] boy | Teme | er anna 0 | Sevan a | Vow Te aia | ae | araom | Seay [sete | Tait ana naoran Homose | 650 | Semi? wl [ow micah] eam | am | coor | boy | Teme a ep D4 Te [A Sperm Anbods | 350 | Som @ ml | Wow Top GT] eis | ww | Ta0PW | Tidy | Sede cy 3 | Toss [an TAT 0] Sram a | tow Tp aa [aw [emer | tay | teh ysl nba esp | a [a Troi 100 | Wa Grate) | Ugo Top | Gromopec hay] AF | 007A [Wee] Sted oO bing spore, uly a cred ens "oem ”|ceaglson eaten Fem’ Sample received ater 300 BM. shal be inuded in th fist bach of et dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be eleasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stars when the samples ech the abit arivesn 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 our we days: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TA cation Si) tex Price ] Sample Type] Container For Test Name Method [Temp] YOM | «est | Reporting Gen, Instructions Ne,| code Nap @)] Volume. |Pimary Sample Time | schedule] aT) 21] 10:37]ane womsro chris | 400 | scram ad | vow eoiceh} cua | am | 000m | ay | tens reroute antiboy) ret op et iaroma antoey Te] THe Jastma ansmeat | 1000 | Sorin al [Wow eich] area | ® | oaneon] Ooy | Tom side Ate) ed iop | roanctunescen 15 105 [anarned Mycobacera] WO | onda | Saris Corame |asemsd meta] A | EIOAT | day) | @ Fee [Ronde dna ey ond atmo Hecatwre-aa. aves age ececin sem and say tay ‘dents 36] 247 [aarned Myesbonerai] B00 | aay oar] Sern Corsne |asemsd medal] A | EG0AW | Baty | Peas [roe dal Roy ond mate scare ney sas, sr ececion sem nd soy tary ‘sets 31 Tete [Aatated wyeaboceral] too | GF | Serle antaow [asemand mcebal] A | €30AW [aly | wens [Revie dal Ro facture eetcion sem nd sty tary | Taos asared Mycobacerai] sco | 1S | Serie Carane Jasons mecba] A | E50A | oly | @ Ewes fronds dal Roy Hecatre-s ececton sem nd sey tar | ae pated nya Tea] Soak | Sark Grane |Actemaed meets) | e20AN | bay) | @- Owes [Nemec scare = spetem m0) ecto yam poids. Conaminton wh ala Ueda ctu ste wth ea. 3 125 [Aatomned wyccbacaral] WoO | Tauela Neal) See waar JAdematd cebu] —R | e30AW | —Baly | &-€ weak [Ronde daly and wane store -tesve ‘sine econ sem an cement. Tse called tesa ctu toma anna be aces. 35 | 1205 [astomned wycobacaral] —t00 | ine | See coaair [Actenatd mcebal] R | €3000 [aly] €-€ wea [lary norag haw vale tre Une econ ser ie ampieshoobe hn tesa cate Sample receiv ater 300 BM. shal be inudedin th fist bach of ext dy as pr the test schedule. Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: 1 stars when the samples eh then Wit averin 72 Ror, 3d tres ay Haren 8 hou, ad wo day: and aes a 24 boars, a6 ae ay othe TAT clesaton Si) tex name |, Pee |Sampletype] comtinerFor | aectoa [rem] tH | Test | Reporting a No] code] Te MRP (| Volume |Primarysample| Method | TEMP) Time | schedute| (TAT) Gens a6] rvvsfaetazmcogioouin | 150 | sersmiamu | ew ion tceh/} can | ae | snsay | onesy | setter ain ier. oie roy sonra aor [cna Rate | i aera We | seroma | Velen op el a top Be] [Ronsrnaretiares | S00 | Tene | Swanconane | Minoisy | A | coor] omy | wos ste) as 3] [Ronni oder] S00 | Tewe | SianConae | —Micossny | A | eo0re | omy | enna se) a TW] [Ronnie mat | 050 | Towe | Seanconsme | Micwisy | A | eo0rw | omy | Swontna ste) ae | Be [oo care ne 360 | wtesbod [satya ania] —Cobememe | A | B50AW | _Ony | Palmar [Cina tan aseqzed Cale Bond seastty (started) (waits 10-20] tAdusand | deco ne report [the pended ao cate betes Sr venetian nd dae seas Convertonad calkcssin ai] boter eto report ie proved bod eta ate wth ‘wah bate nal ep epic reauin. cats 10-2 an in en asa) ewe fans Ce top w]e fears 160] seroma | Wow op Gehv| UA | AR | Torey | Wed] Sl oy arma top oor cor 6) wa faas 1o | seroma | ww op cary] UA | aR | eo0rw | ony | Tone [fneratccnar mater op | 1H [Sarco oie “0 | Soom at | weap Ganv] RUA | am | coor] ony | Teae [rove banana antigen (eR op | Te |earstpin Aoaer ign] 300 | Soommd | wlowion Goby] ASA | aR | THUAN | Fay | Sond op or Sample received ater 300 BM. shal be inuded in th fist bach of et dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be eleasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stars when the samples ech the abit arivesn 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 our we days: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TA cation Si) tex Price | Sample Type] Container For ‘cao | test] Reporting Test Name Method | Teme| Gen. nstrucions No} code ume @)] a Volume. |Pimary Sample Time | schedule] aT) 18] r0729|cadotiin abodes ga] 300 | Sersma mu J vetow opted] ease — | an | adem | ey | sont ret op aor W] 107 [eatin oar | 300 | Soom ml [velo ho t@nT] wise | aw | vaorw | rity | sont as Rep aor 30 175 |cenopemin eo] seroma | tow Tp Ga ]inmnotinery] AR | Thay | Pay | Sere ay [Ceepnmn nan sane pov pon Rep Eno Co0ea [ads vans peer exper | 1% [Reopen 350 | seroma | Wtow emiGaT] Spemropesarey| AR | Thonaay | Fity | See ay Gntinom lodre oan ea op Enon o0ra” onan aes ben becaecwe trae ose | 189 [kore oeingy 350 | seam at [ow emi] Fam | ar | cooAT | Only | Tone [Sonphtabe gen boned SA ep eoierg ana vataton. Four hous | Tot [eon Waring) 360 | Seam ad | Wow epics] Fam aor | ay | Teas — fom tte gan beeen 7-9 A ep Jester dana aration Oven Ge] Taio [cont Random 350 | Seam aa | low eocehi] ——Eeum | wR | oor [nip | 18s Menten ange cancion Se | 10s |rerise 50 | Sem a | tow Tp Ge aa [aw [amor | bay | tone GE) T05 |eheacine tain RH | _W60 | Seam Pa | Yow Top Gal |irmonuriinery] aR | GaOAW | Day | ome 57 | 120s [Sakae And Sestviy | _W75 | Rind Say] Seri carez | wowiiwewer | an | oa0AN | Daly | W.72hs [roads daialninay oe ame automated -Aspted se ‘exe rene hry #0, *) E1200 [Gaae And Seay | ws | GF | Seren | wuiwwevick [a | Sa0RW | Buiy | Tate [novde dal Nina ad won iatomated “cS rene hry fy TH 202 [Gatare Ad Sentviy | WS | Semen | Serene | wurwwuvick | —m[ ea0RW | Baly | 72h [nove da nina wd wn iatomated Semen rem ry fy | TH [Gaae Ad Sentviy | WS | Spam | Seren | weiwravick | a | ea0rW | Baly | a 72h [novde da Nina ad won iaromated-Spctum rene ry #9 Sample received ater 300 BM. shal be inuded in th fist bach of et dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be eleasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stars when the samples ech the abit arivesn 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 our we days: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TA cation Si) tex Price | Sample ype] Container For ‘catomt | test | Reporting a ne] code] T*Nam* ayn fe) volume | imary Sample] MetMod Tem] Time | schedule] CAT) en. ns 61] 1201 feature andseneavty | ars | stxt | stenecomaner | amisiorevise | a | eaoem | only | et. 72h [nove ina ray ntact sutomated Stoo ences ay | 107 [cake Andsenetviy | a7 | Tretsvat | Saresmsnance] wawilouvek [ aR | a0 | bay | Tihs [aowte dvalnnary a manor atoms Trot Sua] eae ster ay | 1267 |cohaeAndSeetviy | 075 | Uretslows | Saresmsnance] WawiTouve [ AR | a0 | bay | @ Tihs [rowte dvalnnany a manor automated real racers ay sua | 16s [cai ArdSeeviy | o75 | Ueramd | SneConaae | SemsGusmawe | R | Sa0A0 | Day | @ Tihs [nowae dal nnary ad manne automated ene Sn ep seamen hy ary Calle es sericea 2-8 | 16s [Cokie And Sensviy | 200 | pwd say] Srse Conan” [Connie] an Sa0eM | Daly | 72 [Rove dna Rsay nd mor \convensonaAspated astm AST oy Gy | ce reamen hy ary. | TR [Ears And Sesviy | 200 | ronda | See Coane [Corenimatcace] AR | B00Pm [Bay | @-72h [hove dal Ray dw \comvenoa)"ronchal veshings TAS oy Ky etme ty. | 1359 [eau And Semvty | 200 | GFA | Sess Conse [Connie] ® | oa0r | Only | a. 72hs [rovae dal Nay od convenionad ct TAS oy ey semen sy #3 ed an | 186 [Gas And Seng | 00 | —Tuatl | See Constr [Corenimtcace] AR | B00 [ny | @8-72h [have dal ay iconvenion ud TAs oy ty | ten seamen hy any. ate da ato |e | Tats [aha And Senay | 200 | Ra | See Conse’ [Canentatance] AW | eG0pm | —Buiy | a2 Tah ave dial ay icomveniona = us. TAS opp vest ry# te de an 7 | 29 [GakaeAndSentviy | 200 | —Senen | See Cones [eanventoatance] At | ea0em |Buy | 7a [Ravde dana wd wan converona Semen (CS opty rete ty any ate de an 77 | aR [Guha And Senay 200 | — Spam | Sade Conse [eorentatatce] AW | ea0em | —buiy | Tah [Ravde dala wd won conversion sputim ‘aS oy mormon ty fa ae dec in Sample receiv ater 300 BM. shal be inudedin th fist bach of ext dy as pr the test schedule. Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: 1 stars when the samples eh then Wit averin 72 Ror, 3d tres ay Haren 8 hou, ad wo day: and aes a 24 boars, a6 ae ay othe TAT clesaton cr Price | Sample Type] Container For ‘ceo | Test | Reporting 3 Ne] code] T#*NAME —Lagmp fy] volume | rimary Sample] Med TEMP] Time | schedule] CAT) oc 12] 1236 feature aeasesavty | 200 | soot | sess! [comentestatie] an | toe | aly | 48-72% rie cal iar nf arite \csovetona sac onare | a as oy ty eames tat 77 13 |cohare And Sentviy | 260 | Swab | Sere Conarej|Continstcanee] AR | a0 | bay | @ Tihs [Rowte dvalnnary a mmo sovetona Sa Stes sex |S by ity eames tay 74| T23 |eaae An senty | 100 | Tht Smab | Sere swab [envi] aR | sa00W | bay | 72h ove dnalrnay and anne covenant st sty ty remerthay fy, swab tote da 75 | Tee care An sensty | 100 | Tones | ser Coane [Cnvniarcatie] aR | Sade | bay |. 7 [ravenna and ani taovetona Tass sue clea | 8 5 ¥y ity remerthoy fy, 76 | To cake And sensvty | 100 | UietisD | Sere Consner| —canwoand [| sa00w | oaiy | as 72h [rove cnalninay and ani envetona Une ses en reer any cle stare re svexm uci ste Sard op ecient? 7 Te cake And Senay | 208 | vga Sab | Sere smab 0 [neniatcanca] AR | SDR | aly |. TPRH [rove dna Noy ad caovetona ogi ‘sty ty vetmet sry# es ote dit 76 | Ti Cake And sensy | 700 | wowrdsaah | See mab i [cnvatarcanel aR | save | only] 72h [rove dnalnaay an [convener Woune ‘sry ty ree fa suab tote di 7 [THe leaks And seatty | 00 | Tp eT Tom | See conse [cnmamarcance| aR | saoRW | only | 72h [pave cnalnnay a convention pet rl tes ‘sty ty atest # bes renal nes. ate di 0 | 126 care ae seavy | 700 | tal Suab | Sere swab [cnmaarcance| AR | saoRW | only | @8- 72h ve dnalnay a envetona Urea ‘sy te reaterty #9), sna ate die a5 Ts eoiogy ta mear 350 | Meares | Sis wesscy [8 | aa0mw | only | Sane ay, [rovdedinalaaat Sd tesla csoventona! “heer aero [hag Siem, ‘toa Sample receiv ater 300 BM. shal be inudedin th fist bach of ext dy as pr the test schedule. Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: 1 stars when the samples eh then Wit averin 72 Ror, 3d tres ay Haren 8 hou, ad wo day: and aes a 24 boars, a6 ae ay othe TAT clesaton Si) tex name), Pee |Sampletype] containerFer | seesoa [romp] itOM | Test | Reporting a No] code] Te MRP (| Volume |PrimarySample| Neto | TemP! Time | schedule (TAT) Gens 12] 1036 fotogy earsmese-tac] 480 | aloities | ioe wosroy | x | rane | oaiy same aay, vse anal ats, ent dies ‘she sere et ough seas | ToT [bier Quatadve) | 550 | GrmeaFoara] an BonTop [iominowrimr] & | GooPW | Only | _Tehe Owmghinag peered Gu A ard Jsagulaton Regan ems | Tob [Dies ent 70 | Gin Posna] Ugh Bon Top [ac Agpraon| A | 00m | aly | —3hs Overs xt palord Ou el fount) Deu Jsagulaton Regan ems 1 Tas JbergveAmiboirigw 8] 550 | Seam ml | elo op ease [am | pom [only |e sas ae ate dara Pae ro op engine wn he aborts exeding | 1905 [Deraue Antibodies ga] 300 | Seam @ al | Wow on Goh] | mero | AW | 200m | bay | —3hm [Sela fete args Rene ges spet Tesiop | cvomsegaphy Jengre wt he sory ping | Ta Joergue Wt Amgen | 50 | Soom al | ew ep Tis [mm | oe | baly [8s sd a ale to darge Pa Jus esp Jena wt he sory api | Tan owas 0 | Soom Ca a Cr | T76 [eas 3c0 | Seam | low ep Gah7] sense | an | coor | tay | ane Go Tas fina 700] Seam al | elon op al can [am | ene | aly 18s [ay ta on ep pestis any en 3] Tis [eal Unosatea | 300 | Seam wD aa [am | eonrar |—iy |te os us | Tas [rein 750 | Seam a aa [aw | eonew | tay [ae | ae [ogee seo | weceaeG | Uensuetap | ceoneconas | AF | coor | tuiy | Tens lovwrgiiog spelen tum mj cred ‘order soot equine Hasna day Sample receiv ater 300 BM. shal be inudedin th fist bach of ext dy as pr the test schedule. Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stor when the samples each the ab Hit arvesin 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 ours a we day: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TAT cation Si) tex name), Pee |Sampletype] containerFer | seesoa [romp] itOM | Test | Reporting a No| code] Te MRP (| Volume |Primarysample| Neto | TemP) Time | sehedue| (TAT) Gen. 4 1219 |rbnnogen egradsion | 550 | necateo | usreeue op |atctonkteaton] xt | 620em | only | ane fowematctaeag i prefered uy es roduc 00 ny Cased exaust Regaston ms 35 1077 [Row Gromer cBacbs | wo | Wa-coTaIWa] Lawes | FowGromery | AR | S00 | Day | Somes [inet te cae ane dasa deren sure Hepat ma | opie op Tove fetequ om, 36 Ts [Foe ena 350 | Sem an [wow op Genz] Gia | aR | coop | ony | dem [imamate wes | 119 [ote Sang Wo | Soom at | tecToprvciow | cia | aR | coop | tay | ohm |avevotmennnl ge toate ormone SH re ever. | Tos [we BD We | seaman | wow eptean7] GR | aR] oO | only | She [Sample bow 12 Noon tema | Ts |e We | seem | wow eptean7] Ga] aR] OOP | only | dhe [Sampo bow 2 Neon peed 115] TT [re Toners 350 | Soom ma | wow ion Gon7] asa | AR | snap | wontny [Smt ay 75] 12055 [canepe TF PCR | 1950 | Sern | Velen Top Gali [rine ravamne] A | OOP | aly | To he ep Tre 7a] 1785 [eenepen aTeIF PCR. | 1950 | Ravan | Seiecormier [ratte ava] A | Toor | aly | Teme us Tre V0] 178 [eeneper MTBMIFPCR. | 1950 ]ipuam Smo) Secor [Rane ava] A | OORT | bly | Tehs [Sank onings fm Foy sputum feu Jesecontedsampes 704] 1785 [eenepet Tamar PeR- | 1950 | Tow | Se Contsw [Rime revcene] R | 00H | Doi | 18s [Sendtio m mal ae nate fiw ‘ain "ee pase sew cappes contre ene 115] 15759 [ceneper TOME PER. | 1950 | UseeDOAO ml) Sedecorier [Ratna RIG] A | TOORE | oly | Tobe flo. a0mi (Om Wnmoml cele ne Tee sere, ew ped omar Sen 11s] Tae [eenaper Tar PER | 1950 | tay Fuwsd | Seaecorier [rattine ara] —e | OORT | iy | Tene snap res ‘Sm Tea 7Gi] W785 [pated emogiabn | 200 | We euTAR | Uawslw tee | ome | aw | caoew | ty | one wae mu Sample receiv ater 300 BM. shal be inudedin th fist bach of ext dy as pr the test schedule. Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stor when the samples each the ab Hit arvesin 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 ours a we day: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TAT cation Si) tex name), Pee |Sampletype] containerFer | seesoa [romp] itOM | Test | Reporting a No] code] Te MRP (| Volume. |Primarysample| Neto | TemP) Time | schedule (TAT) Gent 103] 10235 forme tormone id | 450. | ssrimi2md fre icpicer/| ca | an) 600m | only | teh fecingsampi iss re op Wa] 10 |naSAg-epnticw® | 90 | Sermo | vew op tT] mira | ww | S00eW | oop | Je sic igen Aap Resiop | cuomsagaply To] T785[RcW-Repmtee Cv | 90 | Serim ml | Wetnu Top GIT] mre | aw | S00 | aly | Jw antibod: Rpit Resiop | cuomsagaphy Ti] i [Repate Avie way | S00 | Sorin md | el ep ear7] cam | aR | OORT | bawy | Teme 72] 10 [ReptewEmvlpe | 480 | Sorina | eeu ep Gar7] AR AW | ThO0AR Srudiy | Sante ay 73] 108 [Repair Envpe | 490 | Sorina | ew ep aT] GR | AW | TrO0AN | Soudiy | Saee y tien Rep ‘enor Ta] 10 [Rept sore We | seem aa | ww eptean7] awa | aw] voor | nip | Teme tigen Automated ep 75] 10359 |Repotir wr am | 2200 | WO-ROIAD | Laveen | falter | & | Toray | Thaw [Sctind a rovdeatual naan Bron cr uatatve nu) oor o0eM any 76] 15 [Reptrw ir am | 300 | WO RDIAD | Laverton | falter | R | Toray | Thon [Sceind a rovde tual eam Bron pcr Quaretatve nu) Toor o0eM any 77] 1255 [ReptteCviwr ve) | W600 | WORDT | Laverion | Alter |B | Toray | They [Scns a rovde tual oem Baer cr quatatve nu) toon o0eM any 7a] 15 [ReptnCvr ey | 2200 | WHRDIAD | Laverton | flume |B | Toray | They [Scns a rovde tual eam Br pcr uaretatve nu teow To0eM any 13] 15 [Rept Cae 350] Sem a | eo op ama | roe | bai) 8 pntibodes-tomates ep nti itt mu teow oveM any Ti] Tas [tg senaveCracive | 950] Soran wD | Veen TeptGarT| mea | AF | coor | oly | Teme etn sc) esiop | ttidomery 72a] Tae [ave Aniboden | veo | Seam ad | Wel Teptear7] cw | am | 700A | oly | Tome Sample received ater 800 BM. shal be inudedin th fist bach of ext dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be leased by 11:00AM. 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Note: TA stars when the samples ech the abit arivesn 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 our we days: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TA cation SI] =] seaname | Pee | Sample Type] Conainer For ‘catomt | test | Reporting me Ne] code] Tet MRP (| Volume. |Primary sample] Netod | TemP! 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Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: 1 stars when the samples eh then Wit averin 72 Ror, 3d tres ay Haren 8 hou, ad wo day: and aes a 24 boars, a6 ae ay othe TAT clesaton Si) tex Price | Sample ype] Contsine For Gaot | Tet | Reporing Test Name Method | Temp Gen, Instructions No] code MRP @)] Volume | primary Sample Time | Schedule] (TAT) 10] 1023 renga 500 | Sermo mu | Ree iop can | xe | trong | aly | tsi feotecten tsocinen stad be neyo one se ough eve ese eater ca ea 24s. ter mevenous 715] 1775 [Powphotps abode | 300 | Senin a | Wow ToptGa7] alsa | am | TOON | They | Sante oy ia mat op eon 15] 117% [Powrhotpt abode | 300 | Senin a | eeu top a7] Aisa | aR | TOO | They | Sante ay ie Rep wor 155] 117 [Powphops Abode | 300 | Seram ml | Welaw Top a7] Aisa | aR | TOON | They | Sane ay aw ep wor 735) TT [Popes 50 | Seam | ew ep Gans] GR | aR] OOP | nip | She [Specyage wrand meron ane rab op ene eae 7a] 9 frien RD To | seam ma | ww ep Gans] cia | ww | aaopw | only | ohm [Caterspcinen atmo ater rebp ta soem TH] Te [roma Spec aatgen | 520] Sorin rsa) -ree sa tain [am | Gor | _baiy [Tete [bo natae hele win ap igs Rea! aminaton SE or 154] Tan [roma Spec Aatigen | 250 | Sern | Wolow Top l Tain [awe] cone | oaiy [am [Bonet saale win 7 ap rsa raat esp ig Acs! amnaton Det 5] 1 [ten Cay 100 |W Gai | Ugh Boe Tap | Crmnogenc ky] AF | 00 [Wenn] Sted dy] Over ft peered Su el mmo) cased TroDeM |eaquaton egasien Fm 5 156] Tae [rtcn Gaceopboess | 1200 | Sern a) | Veen Tep(GalT| Copy | WwF| OOP [ Wonka | Sande ay [lala eu Tediop | Eecophorss ‘00r 75) Tate [Pen Say Too | Wa Gras | ghBoeTop | Pecronecancs | AF | G00 [Wendy] Studd] Oerghltg peered Sul mb) Grea ‘et decin Tro eM | eaputon Regain ms ana ona 153] Wars [Ptvomtintimewah | 200 | weGrax | ew ueTop | Cewonecancs | AF | GOO [Wednodiy| cuted cy] oerigh ling spelen Duy Al na rin mj cred ‘order "Ta0eW|camuston egoston Fermin, Hasna day Sample received ater 300 BM. shal be inuded in th fist bach of et dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be eleasd by 11:00AM. Note 1 stars when the samples eh then, Hit arverin 72 Ror. 3d tres ay Haren 8 hou, ad wo day: and aes n 24 boars, ad ae ay othe TAT cesaton Si) tex name), Pee |Sampletype] containerFer | seesoa [romp] itOM | Test | Reporting a No| code] Te MRP (| Volume. |Primarysample| Neto | TemP! 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Reports wil be elasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stor when the samples each the ab Hit arvesin 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 ours a we day: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TAT cation PROFILES Sh] Te Price] Sample Type | Container For GatoH | Test | Reporting no.| code | __T*Name Ire] volume [Primary sample| Method [TemP| Time _|sehedule| (AT) en. Instructions 7 | Fo |aesy oie 3500 | Sour? md | Wow op Gr] Immanobin | & | srODAN| won | Sani ay > | vis ana rie Tee | Seamitma | Wow ep(iv| emanosen | & | TOON] wor | Saaie oy 7 [Tee Joosie warring | eto | Summa | lew iopieu| GA | AW | Wooave] only | Team |ouyfievanclnacy om nop ‘econ reed wan up 7 [153 Jfoos ery bended | S500 | Semin | Wlowop(ou| immanstr | m | Tiaoaw | von | sataey 5 [ae [ipa ote Wo | Seam ird | wow ap Gv] faermawaim | Aw | oom” | Only | thw [J0-Ta hou ah foing es Top ct Jnsdnoy © [1st iver Fencion ea FIAT] —vw0 | Semin | Volow opie] Rearmaiea | an | amore | only | ohm es Top ca T | 16 PT Wentowasve | Tom00 [Wi ina Tbe] Sve Tber | Nea Genwaton | R[ aly [Bay | TOs tf an oc grcoons mana] igre tet ‘com Seenong 09 Prowse ss fndngs an able ae 7 [Tes |i rae GH | Seamed | Veen Topiea | Remroaieaar [an | aor | only | ohm es op ct 7 [Tis ioe age | eto | Seanad | low Topiea| owaveise | an | ora [Won nea] Soreay elon ‘cin | B00 6] Tass [foarte aig | eto | Sema | low Tope] owayeise | aR | WORM [Won ea] Soreay ha op ‘cin | BoM T| Tasi [fos retie-wigGe gn] G00 | Seummd | low Topi] owaveise | aR | WORM [Won ea] Soreay halon ‘cin | B00M | Tiss focretie topos | Ta00 | Seumfau | wlow opie] owaveise | aR | Worm [on ea] Srey ES ed Top ‘cin | B000W Sample received ater 300 BM. shal be inuded in th fist bach of et dy as pr the test schedule Reports wil be eleasd by 11:00AM. Note: TA stars when the samples ech the abit arivesn 72 ors tree as Hates in 8 our we days: and ares in 24 oars, addon ay othe TA cation Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes Notes ADVANCED EQUIPMENT + Becmancess 2 mmunoasay Auto Anaizers + Beceman AU 5800 Chemis Ato Aralyaer + Beckman AU 680 Chemistry Aut Arayer + Bo Rad D100 Hemosloin System + Bota Esa Reader + Bitad Elsa Washer, + Bl-Rad Vora Tuto Heregabin Sytem + Cobas £000 mmunassay Ae Anaet + Cobas et Immunoassay Aut Aralser + Gonoteh Osraneter LOS AP 320060 System = PRSCASftwae for mata seeing “Roche 9180 IE Bac ale: + Sebia Miia Cail Elecrophoress Stem + Siemens Ava Corau XT Immuncassay Ato Anaya + SerensBN-FrpecImunsasay Auto Anayer + Semensnmulte- 2000 Automated inmunoasay Araya + YD ash 1800 imunoasay anaheror Cond Aros Ss + agent Cary 630 FT Stone Arabaer + RSQ 200 SPRINT Fly Avorated negated tne aes withMzscopy + Siemens lintel Advamus Sp Reader * SQA son Auto Semen Aralaer Department of Cytogenetics + Acquis lee Digital Miroscope FH Sofware + Eppendr 02 inubstar + Lec Themobre ide Pocsing System + oyu 41 Fucrexent Mrscope th ‘Spetalagig Sofware + BeckranOxFexflow Gtomery Bacau! DXH 800 6 Fat Automated Col « BecrarUnice! OXHSlideWakeSainer + Bi RadIDCenetuge + Bio Rad nesbator + BioRad voor Tubo Henogibinstem + EurolatOnefaly automated stp processor * lmmuCOR GANAMA Clee NEO Automated Blood Gouping stems + lmmuracp Phas 100 mmuoassayArayer + PexMt muni stip Processor + Qc Fusreseneoscope + STACorpac hax Stage CoagulatonAalzet «Thee ser Anayzerfor Ales Testing + Stratego Coagulation Arajer + VesmaticCube 80 Automated ER Anayes Sy = BagenexE2 Reivers * EaPREP Liquid based etogy + Lie 1020Automatd Tesve Processor + Leia utorate Sng Station bia ryosat + Leia C5030 Automated ove Sper + Leia Embeddng tation + oie itocoe en Automated Tue Proesor + Lie Micotomes Thema cellpin Fly atomated sul ubeSortng System Ses BD BACTEC 3050 utamated lod Cue System * BDBACTECMGT Myo Bocteroogy CltueSstem + BomereurBoc ler 30 Automated + BomereuVick 60 Bacerlogy CutweSystem + Bomereu ek MS-(MALDITOR * CaelBiasafety Cabinets Department of Molecular Diagnosis + ABI7B00PCA Thermal yrs + Bomestod0axeanracions)tem * BioRad Droplet Digtal FR for Ura Sensitive Detection + BRadPCRTheral yer + Casstsiasafry Cabins + GenekpentDXSystem + Kngsherauoearactn system = FoRPaceSealer = FeRWorsttion = UA Cube Automated Nudie nractions “QIA xeel Automated platform for assessing ualty a tegey ofNudeicAcé QU apet Automated platform for Quantyrg of Nceeked + Ror Gene@ Tine nlicatan PCR incubator = tbioauoenraction system “ ARCATECT Pius [1000 SR Immunoassay Auto Boahess Bo Radha Reader * BovRadela Washer, + DynexDSzavionated EUSAsytem + VIS immunoassay ute Azer Contact Details of Processing Labs in Andhra Pradesh PMD Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited ‘Manas Hospital Rd, Danavai Peta, Rajahmundry -$33103 Phone: +91 81210 33802 Tt Wiaya Diagnostic Centre Limited nak Avenue, Near Childrens Pak, amj Nagar Nellore 524003 Phone: +91 63011 73087 Global Reference Lab in Hyderabad Vijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited Steet # 19, Lane Opposite Taishg, imayathnagar, Hyderabad - 500029 Phone: +91 98857 12303 PSone Viaya Diagnostic Centre Limited GH Up Road, Opposite Macca Masjid, Jagadamba ene, Visakhapatnam ~ 530020 Phone: +91 95021 69761 NANDYAL \ijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited [Near Nagarjuna Junior Callge, esi TOP offic, Padmavathi Nagar, Nandyal, Kurnool 518501, AP Phone: +-91 82470 91413 DUST Sey Cre EU ed Dn POs iaya Diagnostic Cente Limited ayatv sttes, Behind jaya Durga Cardiac Hospital, Kunoo!- 518001, Phone: +91 82470 91413 ne \ijaya Diagnostic Centre Limited Reddy and Redd’ Colony, Net to nda i Petrol Station, Trupati- 517501 Phone: +91 91212 42968 Ry ene Pt) quality @vijayadiagnostic.in Pn CT callcenter@vijayadiagnosticin WAYA ° DIAGNOSTIC wisnva) | CENTRE Our Centres Our Centres in Andhra Pradesh | in Telangana + Rajahmundry + Hyderabad a Secunderabad > + Vishakapatam hs Lote res sae hep 2 tana = Nandyal Tirupati esate + anmakonda at sare a cee pce i reer

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