SG Salary Guide 2021-22
SG Salary Guide 2021-22
SG Salary Guide 2021-22
Salary &
PERSOLKELLY is a joint venture established in 2016 between PERSOL HOLDINGS (previously Temp Holdings) and
Kelly Services to cater to the rising workforce employment needs of the emerging Asia Pacific market. We are one
of the largest workforce solutions providers in the region, spanning over 45 offices across 13 markets including
Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan,
Thailand and Vietnam.
Our reach, scope, and scale of operations have set the industry standard for cross-border recruitment and holistic
workforce solutions. Since inception, PERSOLKELLY has placed over 59,000 positions across the region and
works together with 98% of Fortune 100™ companies for their workforce solution needs.
In Australia and New Zealand, the PERSOLKELLY brand is owned and operated by Programmed after they
acquired Kelly Services in April 2020.
A statutory board under the Ministry of Education (MOE) that drives and coordinates the national SkillsFuture
movement. The SkillsFuture movement supports the lifelong pursuit of skills mastery, to enable individuals to
achieve their potential throughout life and to support Singapore’s next phase of economic development.
Methodology: Salary figures included in the 2021/22 Singapore Salary Guide are derived by combining the
expert market knowledge of senior recruitment professionals within the PERSOLKELLY Singapore network,
as well as job placement data recorded on the PERSOLKELLY Singapore database.
Executive Overview
s COVID-19 vaccinations gain pace, the Singapore government
has raised its 2021 forecast for GDP growth to 6% to 7% from
its previous range of 4% to 6%, expecting economic activity to
pick up alongside demand for goods and services at home and in key
overseas markets.
Executive Overview
To prepare for its
next phase of growth
and emerge stronger
from the pandemic,
As the global economy recovers, outward- the government has
oriented sectors such as manufacturing and emphasised that
wholesale trade are expected to benefit from Singapore must lay
the rise in external demand. However, since
strong foundations for
international travel restrictions will take some
time to ease, tourism and aviation-related
the digital economy by
sectors may see further delays before their strengthening the digital
industries improve. Moreover, the construction capabilities of its people
and marine and offshore engineering sectors and businesses.
are also constrained by workforce shortages,
exacerbated by the border restrictions and safe
management measures.
A message from
SkillsFuture Singapore
and healthcare
ur experiences of the past year affirm the outcomes
Singapore Labour
Market Outlook
n view of economic uncertainties and COVID-19 The number of retrenchments had also fallen to 2,270. In the year ahead, skills training will be a top priority for
restrictions, which may slow the pace of labour Over half of the retrenchments in Q1 2021 were due to employers across all sectors, who may tap on external
market recovery, the government is taking a restructuring and re-organization. Retrenchments due support to assess skills gaps and map out training needs
cautiously optimistic view towards the labour market to recession or industry downturns formed a smaller for their employees. Essential skill sets that employers
situation. Although export-oriented sectors such as proportion compared to a quarter ago. are looking out for include adaptive, technology and
manufacturing are faring well, domestic sectors such technical skills.
as retail and F&B may continue to be impacted by As business activities picked up, the number of
restrictions. While unemployment rates eased further employees placed on short work-weeks or temporarily As businesses continue to transform and re-assess the
in June, they remained elevated compared with pre- laid off also halved from the fourth quarter of 2020 to core competencies that they require digitally, employers
pandemic levels. the first quarter of 2021. However, the level remains have to respond quickly. They have strategically
high compared to pre-pandemic quarters. restructured their workforce by re-assessing jobs and
As an optimistic sign for labour market recovery, the shifting work scopes. At the same time, the onus lies on
ratio of job vacancies to unemployed persons improved Fewer fresh graduates secured full-time jobs in 2020 employees to seize as many available opportunities to
from 0.75 in December 2020 to 0.96 in March 2021 compared to the year before, with only seven in 10 from upgrade their skills, and remain relevant and resilient in
– within pre-pandemic levels from 2018 to 2019. In four local universities securing permanent employment. an ever-changing industry landscape.
particular, jobs were widely available in manufacturing, Government programmes such as traineeships have
public administration and education, construction, helped ensure that most of the rest managed to secure
information and communications, and financial services. a form of work.
ith intermittent lockdowns weighing
on Singapore’s economic growth,
accounting firms are planning
cautiously for the year ahead, given that the
accounting sector runs on a delayed cycle
compared to the economy itself.
However, with the new Institute of Singapore At the mid-level, accountants will have to
TOP 10 In-demand Skills
Chartered Accountants (ISCA) Support Fund, adapt to key tasks being displaced and
smaller firms may soon get a leg up to support redesigned as a result of technology. On
their business transformation. With S$8 million the other hand, senior level employees may
set aside to accelerate individual accountants experience only incremental changes in
and small and medium-sized accounting firms’ their job functions, where they will continue
digital transformation and upskilling efforts, to deliver outcomes with increased
the package could also ease the sector’s efficiency due to technology – elevating the
Financial Reporting Liaison
manpower crunch and alleviate the business value-add they bring to their roles.
impact of disrupted project workflows.
To mitigate the challenges above, the
The pandemic has also accelerated the Singapore government has announced
pace of digital transformation; and the skill plans to launch blueprints for job
set required of the profession is constantly transformation in accountancy, and in-
evolving and expanding as well, with house finance and accounting functions Goods and Services Microsoft Office
Tax (GST) (Excel)
employees’ greater proficiency in a range of over the next two years. These blueprints
technology tools now deemed the standard. will provide job-level analysis of how
jobs and skills will be transformed by
Within the next three to five years, technology, and provide a frame of
technological enablers such as automation, reference for companies to invest in new
artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning technology tools and systems required to
(ML), advanced analytics, big data and reskill their staff. Time Management Financial
blockchain will increasingly become part Accounting
of the accounting world. Over half of 11 key Despite these changes to accounting roles,
finance roles are also likely to be significantly accountancy is expected to remain one of
changed by technology. For the next the most in-demand positions within the
generation of accounting professionals, finance sector in Singapore, with key roles
it is now crucial that they have not just including the likes of Senior Accountant,
the skill set specific to accounting and Senior Accounts Manager, Finance Director, Communication Regulatory
their industries, but also knowledge on Finance Manager and Treasury Executive. Compliance
the emerging technology tools that are By adapting and upskilling with in-demand
commonly utilized in their field, as well as skill sets such as Financial Reporting and
how it complements their work. Regulatory Compliance, accountancy
professionals can stay ahead of the
Machines may soon take over many knowledge curve and ensure that they stay
repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, relevant and prepare themselves to assume Business Finance Economics
diminishing certain junior accounting roles. next-level roles.
Accountant/ Assistant Accountant 1-3 Diploma/ Degree 2,600 4,800
Accounts Payable Officer/ Assistant 1-3 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 2,300 3,500
Senior Accounts Executive/ Accounts Executive 1-4 Diploma/ Degree 2,400 5,000
Senior Accounts Officer/ Accounts Officer 1-4 Diploma/ Degree 2,500 4,200
Chief Financial Officer >15 Degree/ Master 18,000 26,000
Senior Manager/ Manager, Financial Planning & Analysis 7-12 Degree 7,400 12,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 11
Audit Manager 5-8 Degree 7,800 12,000
Tax Associate 4-8 Degree 4,500 6,000
Senior Manager/ Manager Treasury 5-8 Degree 7,900 13,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 12
he COVID-19 outbreak and lockdowns
have helped businesses in Singapore
realize how their digital business
capabilities are falling short of expectations,
especially when it comes to offering seamless
customer service and experience. As such,
more companies are zeroing in on improving
customer experiences like never before.
Customer Service
In addition, around 83% of Singaporeans also Job seekers in this field should note that
TOP 10 In-demand Skills
claimed that they would consider purchasing businesses will be on the lookout for skilled
from competitors following a bad experience. customer service representatives who can
quickly grasp and meet the needs and
With a spike in customer activities via motivations of customers, albeit online.
digital channels, companies have also been
struggling to manage the uptick in support In Singapore and across the region,
enquiries – with more than half of them companies are also recognizing omnichannel
citing support enquiries as one of the top solutions as a means to better engage Customer Support Liaison
challenges faced in customer service. To customers and meet their changing demands.
gain a competitive edge, businesses must As businesses increasingly adopt unified,
figure out how to cater to this generation of collaborative platforms to enable employees
digital users, and start investing in capabilities to work seamlessly across functions and
that can enable them to respond to the geographies, it will be imperative for
increasingly demanding customers swiftly. customer services professionals to upskill
and adapt to continue delivering exceptional Interpersonal Microsoft Office Suite
customer service remotely.
Communication Follow-up
Customer Service Assistant/ Officer 1-3 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 1,900 3,150
Senior Customer Service Executive/ Customer Service Executive 1-3 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 2,200 4,000
ver the past year, the role of the
Human Resources (HR) professional
has undoubtedly taken on greater
importance amid the accelerated business
transformation among many organizations.
With the unpredictable lockdowns and
evolving COVID-19 situation in Singapore,
HR professionals have had to adapt and
respond quickly to adhere to fast-changing
workspace measures and restrictions
while ensuring employee wellbeing and
professional needs are looked after, even as
they work from home.
Human Resources
HR Assistant/ Officer 1-4 Diploma/ Degree 2,000 3,300
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 18
Learning & Development Senior Executive/ Executive 3-5 Diploma/ Degree 3,000 5,500
Recruiter/ Senior Recruiter 2-10 Diploma/Degree 3,500 8,800
he function of office support
professionals cannot be undermined
as they are responsible for keeping
an organization’s operations smooth on a
daily basis. From scheduling meetings and
organizing data bases, to implementing and
maintaining office administrative systems and
procedures, office support and administrative
staff undertake a wide variety of tasks;
their work serving as a foundational pillar in
ensuring operational continuity in the office.
Office Support
Office Support
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 22
Supply Chain
& Logistics
he COVID-19 outbreak has caused
an uneven impact on the logistics
sector. While companies providing
e-commerce and last-mile fulfilment services,
or serving critical sectors such as healthcare,
have experienced burgeoning demand,
industry players serving hard-hit sectors
such as aviation and aerospace have been
adversely affected.
Procurement, Supply Chain
& Logistics
TOP 10 In-demand Skills
By maintaining open trade lines even Retraining and reskilling are expected to be
as global supply chains were disrupted, top priorities for logistics companies over
Singapore has also enhanced its reputation as the next few years. As companies deploy
an international logistics hub. Moving forward, increased automation and make investments
the country’s logistics sector could be a in AI and ML, efforts must be made to enable
bright spot for the economy, as the sector is workers to leverage digital technologies, Supply Chain Time
and Logistics Management
expected to benefit from investment inflows and adapt to changing company strategies
that would create quality job opportunities. and ways of working such as virtual
This sector is also exceptionally unique
when it comes to driving inclusive Besides digital skill sets, job seekers who
career opportunities, as employers in the are experienced in Regulatory Compliance,
Procurement, Supply Chain & Logistics Procurement, Project Management and Project Budget
sector have been noted to look beyond Budget Management will have an edge Management Management
qualifications when hiring, and are more over their competition. Workers across
welcoming towards mid-career switchers. different industry segments, such as
Logistics Executives and Warehouse
In a bid to strengthen the sector’s growth Officers (Logistics/Warehouse), Operations
momentum, Enterprise Singapore (ESG) and Executives and Shipping Administrators
the Infocomm Media Development Authority (Operations/Shipping), Procurement Coordination Procurement
(IMDA) have also refreshed the Logistics Executives and Buyers (Procurement/
Industry Digital Plan (IDP) to provide a Purchasing), and Supply Chain Executives
clearer digital roadmap for businesses in the and Coordinators (Supply Chain), will be in
sector. Two digital roadmaps have laid out high demand in the coming year.
digital solutions for SMEs at different stages
of growth, and offer a corresponding training
Regulatory Strategic
pathway for workers and young or mid-career Compliance Thinking
professionals keen to join the sector. The
roadmap further identifies digital skills that
are becoming increasingly relevant as existing
jobs are redesigned, or new job functions
emerge as SMEs progressively transform.
Communication Leadership
Supply Chain & Logistics
Director/ Assistant Director, Logistics 10-16 Degree 11,000 18,000
Senior Logistics Executive/ Executive 1-5 A' Levels/ Diploma/ Degree 2,000 5,500
Documentation Coordinator 2-5 N'/ 'O' Levels 2,200 3,800
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 25
Supply Chain & Logistics
Export Executive 1-4 Diploma 2,100 3,400
Customer Service Officer/ Representative 1-3 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 2,000 3,500
Order Entry Support/ Analyst 1-3 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 2,400 2,900
Senior Supply Chain Executive/ Executive 1-5 Diploma/ Degree 2,200 4,600
Supply Chain Manager/ Assistant Manager 5-10 Diploma/ Degree 5,000 8,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 26
Sales &
outheast Asia has embarked on an
unprecedented and accelerated rate of
digital transformation. With brick-and-
mortar businesses disrupted by lockdowns,
e-commerce sales surged to US$62 billion in
2020, up from US$38 billion in 2019, and the
sector is now expected to grow to US$172
billion by 2025. All in all, the region’s Internet
economy is on track to exceed US$300 billion
by then.
Sales & Marketing
Communication Sales
Sales &
CAD Designer 2-5 Diploma/Degree 3,500 4,800
Events Executive 1-3 Diploma/Degree 2,100 2,600
Brand Executive 1-3 Diploma/ Degree 2,500 4,200
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 29
Sales &
Marketing Manager/ Assistant Manager 4-6 Diploma/ Degree 4,500 6,300
Project Administrator 1-2 Diploma/ Degree 2,000 2,500
Corporate Communications Senior Executive/ Executive 1-3 Diploma/ Degree 2,500 4,800
Manager/ Assistant Manager, Communications & Engagement 4-7 Degree 4,500 6,800
Public Relations Senior Executive/ Executive 2-3 Diploma/ Degree 3,000 4,200
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 30
Sales &
Merchandiser 1-5 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 1,800 2,600
Corporate Sales Manger/ Assistant Manager 2-3 Diploma/ Degree 3,700 5,700
General Manager/ Head of Sales/ Business Development Head >12 Degree 14,000 19,500
Sales/ Business Development Manager (Foreign Speaking) 3-5 Degree 6,500 10,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 31
& Finance
ingapore’s banking landscape is set
to change significantly in 2022, when
the country’s new digital banks launch.
In a highly anticipated move, the Monetary
Authority of Singapore (MAS announced in
December 2020 that they will be awarding
digital banking licences to four industry
players, after COVID-19 caused delays in the
selection process.
Banking & Finance
These newly created roles include leadership By deepening their skillsets in Financial
TOP 10 In-demand Skills
and managerial positions, as well as Statement Analysis, Financial Accounting
jobs across business units such as sales and Financial Reporting, job seekers will be
and marketing, business development, able to effectively capitalize on emerging
compliance and human resources. opportunities.
However, traditional retail banks are not While technology jobs are poised to
resting on their laurels either, as they continue leading hiring demand in the
Financial Financial Statement
are stepping up their digital capabilities. banking sector this year, there might be
Accounting Analysis
COVID-19 has brought about changes in a large mismatch between the demand
customer expectations, which have made it and supply of technology workers, which
imperative for banks to start exploring and may pose hiring challenges for employers.
extending their digital capabilities across At the same time, this hiring gap bodes
their financial services and products. well for Singaporean mid-career workers
with relevant but limited experience,
With banks offering a wider suite of digital who are looking to break into the field as Communication Analytical
services, physical branches will need to re- opportunities are ripe for the taking. Thinking
assess their services as well. Physical retail
banks will have to offer higher value services Besides tech-related skill sets, professionals
and provide customers with the personal who are able to converse in business-level
touch and experience that they desire. Mandarin Chinese are also viewed favourably
by companies.
Financial Reporting Accountancy
This year, several major industry players have
begun growing their workforce with staff With Chinese firms expanding their operations
who are specialized in digital, engineering and investing in Singapore, there is a stronger
and tech skills, while simultaneously demand for Mandarin skills as more jobs
deepening their investments in technology. require workers to regularly communicate with
Chinese clients and colleagues.
It is estimated that about 6,500 new Goods and Services Investment
financial sector jobs will be created in 2021, Furthermore, in response to the constantly Tax (GST)
half of which will be in technology and evolving COVID-19 situation, companies are
consumer banking. also keeping a lookout for talents with skill
sets encompassing process improvement
Some of the highly sought after roles management, strategic planning, problem
this year include positions for Internal solving and risk management to manage
Auditor, Head of Legal and Compliance, the variety of challenges that the pandemic Business Finance Time Management
Credit Analyst, and Investor Relations. has posed.
& Finance
Head of Legal & Compliance 15-20 Degree/ Master 18,000 25,000
AVP/VP Surveillance - Securities Trading/ Derivative Trading 6-8 Degree 7,000 9,000
Chief Financial Officer >15 Degree/ Master 19,000 24,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 35
& Finance
Claims Executive/ Senior Executive/ Assistant Manager 3-8 Degree 3,500 6,500
Bank Teller/ Service Executive 2-4 Diploma 2,200 3,500
Credit Analyst 2-4 Diploma/ Degree 3,500 5,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 36
& Finance
Bancassurance 1-5 Diploma/ Degree 2,100 4,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 37
& Technical
n the first quarter of 2021, the
manufacturing sector registered a
10.7% year on year growth, which
demonstrates that the industry remains
a strong engine for Singapore’s growth.
Through the past year, the biomedical
manufacturing and electronics sub-sectors
have shown significant growth, and they
continue to expand and hire.
Engineering & Technical
As such, companies in the sector are able to gain greater recognition for their TOP 10 In-demand Skills
pivoting to new growth areas to capture skills and work experience which will help
opportunities. While they undergo them to progress and chart their careers,
digitalization and business transformation, which is independent of their educational
they are likely to hire for new job roles in background.
areas such as automation and data analytics.
Meanwhile, the construction sector is
Maintenance Troubleshooting
As Singapore moves towards high-value experiencing acute manpower shortage
manufacturing, a strong base of local due to travel restrictions as precautionary
manufacturers with home-grown expertise measures against COVID-19, which has
and knowledge is necessary to help build created challenges for companies.
a resilient growth sector. There will also be
growing demand for workers who possess skill Despite adopting advanced technological
sets including Documentation, Maintenance tools, machines are unable to fully replace
Documentation Liaison
Management, and Quality Audit Management. skilled human labour, which remains essential
for specific roles such as electricians and air-
Although the manufacturing sector requires conditioning assistants.
higher skilled manpower, candidates keen
on joining the industry can tap on a range of At the same time, environmental
government initiatives, such as traineeships sustainability is another key focus which
and place-and-train programmes, to equip has been spotlighted by technology. The
Coordination Repair and
themselves and smoothen the transition as construction industry has benefited from Maintenance
they switch careers. digitalization and is increasingly adopting
advanced technologies to integrate work
Besides formal education, a new pathway processes for emerging areas such as design
has also been introduced to promote skills- for maintainability, design for manufacturing
based career progression in the engineering and assembly, and green building and
community. sustainability. With these new emerging
areas, project planning and design from start Communication Manufacturing
With the launch of the Chartered to finish is becoming more seamless.
Engineering Technologist and Technician
Certification Scheme in January 2021,
technologists and technicians are now
& Technical
BIM Manager 4-6 Diploma/Degree 6,500 8,000
& Technical
Machinist 1-3 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 1,800 3,000
Maintenance Engineer/ Assistant Engineer 2-4 N'/'O' Levels/ Diploma 3,000 6,200
& Technical
Chemical Process Technician 1-3 Diploma 1,500 3,500
Production Engineer 1-3 Diploma/ Degree 3,000 4,300
Senior Product Quality Engineer/ Engineer 4-6 Diploma/ Degree 5,400 7,000
Senior Supplier Quality Engineer/ Engineer 2-4 Diploma/ Degree 3,200 4,800
& Technical
Senior Environment, Health & Safety Engineer/ Engineer 3-6 Diploma/ Degree 3,400 6,000
& Retail
afe distancing restrictions and the
lack of international travellers from
COVID-19 have adversely affected
the local retail landscape. Businesses for
both major and smaller retail players were
badly hit due to the implementation of new
safety measures from social distancing
to controlled crowds in shopping malls.
Singaporeans were encouraged to stay
at home, which has significantly reduced
footfall to brick-and-mortar stores, even
after Singapore re-opened in phases post-
circuit breaker.
FMCG & Retail
The shift in Singapore consumers’ behaviour However, as much as businesses are quickly
TOP 10 In-demand Skills
towards e-commerce has spurred the developing their presence on e-commerce
country’s digital economy to earn an platforms, physical stores are still important
additional US$500 million annually, while since shoppers will eventually return to
some businesses saw up to three times their malls post-pandemic. This means that while
normal growth. retailers ought to grow their digital presence
and pivot during lockdowns, they have to
The outlook of the retail industry remains recognize that it is crucial for them to have
uncertain as the occasional tightening of strategies on how to sell on omni-channels. Marketing Negotiation
restrictions are likely to impact physical store During this period, retailers could consider
sales and footfall. However, companies are how they may continue to offer interesting
likely to cope better during these periods as shopping experiences in their physical stores
compared to the period during the circuit to drive their targeted footfall.
breaker. SMEs’ digital transformation efforts
are expected to cushion the impact of With e-commerce moving towards Customer Support Sales
further tightening measures, as many have maturation, retailers would have to map out
already adopted digital solutions such as an omni-channel strategy, and reconsider
cashless payment, online storefronts, and multi-dimensional and immersive retail
automated administrative processes as experiences to continually attract consumers.
payroll, accounting and invoicing. Professionals skilled in competencies such
as Marketing, Sales Strategies and Creative
Creative Thinking Interpersonal
Although some retailers have suffered due Thinking will be increasingly sought after to
to the pandemic, the changing needs of help companies acquire and retain customers
consumers stemming from the need to work in the year ahead.
and study from home present retailers with
fresh opportunities to cater to them. As
Singapore’s labour market is forecasted to
strengthen in the second half of 2021, retail Communication Presentation
sales are expected to recover along with an
increase in domestic demand.
Healthcare &
Life Sciences
ealthcare expenditure in Singapore
has been growing every year, and
is set to continue rising given the
country’s ageing population and rise in chronic
diseases among the elderly. As such, the
demand for healthcare services is expected to
increase in the longer term.
Healthcare & Life Sciences
Another 2,550 long-term job openings that the government has established for TOP 10 In-demand Skills
are support roles such as healthcare inexperienced healthcare entrants to enter
assistants, therapy assistants and patient the field. Job seekers may also look at filling
service associates. In 2021, Staff Nurses, roles that require in-demand skills such as
Senior Nurses, Patient Service Associates, Regulatory Compliance and Documentation.
Pharmacists and Radiographers are expected
to be highly sought after. Existing healthcare practitioners are also
presented with the chance to continually
Nursing Biopharmaceutical
To expand the country’s pool of healthcare retrain and redevelop their skills through
professionals, the government has been training grants to take on skills attachment or
working closely with educational institutions formal post-graduate education.
over the years. They have also increased the
intake of nursing courses by about 50 per Given a growing focus on moderating
cent from 1,500 in 2014 to 2,200 in 2019. healthcare spending and streamlining of
procedures, the job scope of healthcare Healthcare Patient Care
Fresh graduates and mid-career job seekers professionals may evolve and shift to
who are not trained in healthcare are also encompass a wider range of services. For
given ample opportunities to reskill. Career instance, nurses trained in diagnosing and
conversion programmes, as well as the managing common medical conditions might
redesigning of healthcare jobs to blend also be granted the autonomy to order tests
clinical support, administrative and operations and prescribe medicine, thus saving patients Creative Thinking Interpersonal
responsibilities are examples of pathways time and cost.
Communication Documentation
Microsoft Regulatory
Office (Word) Compliance
& Life Sciences
Nurse Clinician/ Nurse Manager 8-13 Degree /Advance Diploma 5,000 7,300
Senior Staff Nurse/ Staff Nurse 1-7 Diploma /Degree 2,200 5,300
Operating Theatre Technician 1-3 N'/ 'O' Levels/ Nitec 1,700 2,200
Patient Service Associate/ Clinic Assistant 1-4 N'/ 'O' /'A' Levels/Diploma 1,500 2,700
Care Coordinator Associate 1-5 N'/ 'O' /'A' Levels/Diploma 1,800 3,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 49
& Life Sciences
Laboratory Manager 6-10 Diploma/ Degree 5,000 7,800
Sales Manager (Pharmaceutical/ Medical Devices) 6-10 Diploma/ Degree 4,300 8,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 50
s more technology companies
look to enter or expand within the
local market, tech talent is in high
demand. Singapore’s aspirations of being a
regional technology hub are at risk of being
threatened by manpower crunch for this
sector. As such, there is an urgency to reskill
and transform the workforce to meet this
growing demand.
Over the next three years, the Information With firms attempting to address a
TOP 10 In-demand Skills
Communications Sector (ICT) is expected to variety of immediate challenges caused
need another 60,000 professionals across by the pandemic, such as the need to
a variety of roles. As of Nov 2020, more accelerate innovations in healthcare and
than 12,000 jobs – majority of them being communications, or adapt to shifting
professionals, managers, executives and consumer behaviours as more people
technicians (PMET) roles – were available in increasingly work, play and shop online,
the sector. A third of these roles are “tech- exciting career opportunities abound
lite” and suitable for applicants without ICT in the tech industry. In the coming year, Software General
|Development Programming
background or experience, such as customer Software Engineer, Cyber Security Manager,
success manager, digital marketing specialist Data Analyst and Data Scientist roles are
and pre-sales consultant roles. anticipated to be among the most sought-
after positions, with General Programming,
There is also strong demand for manpower Computer Science and Software
in functions such as digital marketing, Development skill sets in particularly high
software engineering and cyber security, demand. Computer Science Creative Thinking
as well as for leaders to drive digital
transformation across businesses.
Communication Java
Product Executive/Senior Product Executive 1-5 Diploma/ Degree 2,700 5,200
SOC Analyst/Senior SOC Analyst 1-3 Degree/ Masters 3,000 4,500
Data Analyst 2-6 Degree 4,500 6,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 53
Chief Technology Officer >15 Degree/ Masters 12,000 20,000
Project Administrator 2-4 Diploma/ Degree 3,000 4,500
Project Executive/ Senior Project Executive 1-4 Diploma/ Degree 3,000 4,800
Software Engineer/ Senior Software Engineer 3-6 Degree 6,000 9,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 55
Helpdesk Support Engineer 1-2 Diploma/ Degree 3,000 4,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 56
Japan Desk
he flow of Foreign Direct
Investments (FDI) into Singapore
has been disrupted by the
pandemic. According to data from the
Japan External Trade Organization
(JETRO), Japan’s investments in Singapore
fell from more than US$14 billion in 2019 to
under US$9 billion in 2020.
Japan Desk
Field Service Engineer 2-5 Diploma/ Degree 3,500 6,500
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 60
HR Executive 1-5 Diploma/ Degree 3,500 4,500
Business Analyst 5-8 Degree 7,000 10,000
Hot Job | Figures are base salary (Not inclusive of Benefits & Bonuses) 61
HR (Page 16-17)
IT (Page 51-52)
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