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FOCGB3 AK Utest VG 4

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Vocabulary and Grammar

Group A Grammar
Vocabulary Exercise 4
Exercise 1 1 as soon as: If something happens as soon as something
else happens, it happens immediately after it.
1 carrots: Carrots are a long orange vegetable.
2 before: If something happens before something else
2 garlic: Garlic is a vegetable with a strong flavour, added
happens, it happens first.
to food to give it flavour.
3 unless: If something will happen unless something else
3 grapefruit: A grapefruit is a large yellow fruit, similar to an
happens, it will only happen if the other thing does not
4 melon: A melon is a very large sweet fruit.
4 when: If something happens when something else
5 sardines: Sardines are small fish that you usually eat
happens, it happens at the same time.
5 as long as: If something will happen as long as
6 prawns: Prawns are small sea creatures that are pink
something else happens, it will happen only if the other
when cooked.
thing happens.
6 are: We use present tenses in future time clauses.
Exercise 2 7 cook: We use present tenses in future time clauses.
1 rotten: Food that is rotten has gone bad and is not good 8 eat: We use present tenses in future time clauses.
to eat.
2 sour: Food that is sour has a bitter taste. Exercise 5
3 delicious: Food that is delicious tastes very good.
1 as soon as I get: If something happens as soon as
4 fattening: Food that is fattening will make you put on
something else happens, it happens immediately after it.
2 put on weight unless you exercise: Unless means ‘if not’.
5 salty: Food that is salty tastes of salt.
3 as long as it isn’t: If something happens as long as
6 fresh: Food that is fresh was made or picked recently.
something else happens, it happens only if the other
7 raw: Food that is raw has not been cooked.
thing happens.
4 when the others arrive: If something happens when
Exercise 3 something else happens, it happens at the same time.
1 Boil: When you boil food, you cook it in hot water. 5 won’t eat until we get: If something won’t happen until
2 Pour: When you pour a liquid, you allow it to flow into something else happens, it will only happen when the
something. other thing happens.
3 Mix: When you mix things together, you put them
together and turn them around with a spoon so they join Exercise 6
1 will have finished: We use the future perfect to talk about
4 Add: When you add something to a mixture, you put it
an action that will be completed before a certain time in
into the mixture.
the future.
5 Fry: When you fry food, you cook it in hot oil.
2 will be eating: We use the future continuous to talk about
6 Roast: When you roast meat, you cook it in an oven.
an action in progress at a time in the future.
7 Chop: When you chop food up, you cut it into pieces.
3 will you have achieved: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed before a certain
time in the future.
4 won’t be doing: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress at a time in the future.
5 will be sleeping: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress at a time in the future.
6 won’t have arrived: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed before a certain
time in the future.
7 will you be doing: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress at a time in the future.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Vocabulary and Grammar

Group B Grammar
Vocabulary Exercise 4
Exercise 1 1 before: If something happens before something else
happens, it happens first.
1 onion: An onion is a small round vegetable with a strong
2 unless: If something will happen unless something else
happens, it will only happen if the other thing does not
2 cabbage: A cabbage is a large green leafy vegetable.
3 avocado: An avocado is a dark green fruit with a thick
3 after: If something will happen after another thing, it will
skin and a creamy edible part.
happen later.
4 kiwi: A kiwi is a small fruit with a brown skin and a sweet
4 as long as: If something will happen as long as
green edible part.
something else happens, it will happen only if the other
5 salmon: Salmon is a large fish that looks pink when you
thing happens.
cook it.
5 until: If something will happen until something else
6 chicken: Chicken is white meat from a bird.
happens, it will continue happening, and then stop when
the other thing happens.
Exercise 2 6 add: We use present tenses in future time clauses.
1 sweet: Food that is sweet has a pleasant flavour, like 7 arrive: We use present tenses in future time clauses.
sugar. 8 is: We use present tenses in future time clauses.
2 smelly: Food that is smelly has a bad smell.
3 strong: A strong flavour is one that is very noticeable. Exercise 5
4 edible: If food is edible, you can eat it.
1 unless you take them: Unless means ‘if not’.
5 spicy: Food that is spicy has a strong, hot taste.
2 when the waiter comes: If something happens when
6 crispy: Food that is crispy is pleasantly hard on the
something else happens, it happens at the same time.
3 as soon as I finish: If something happens as soon as
7 tasty: Food that is tasty has a pleasant taste.
something else happens, it happens immediately after it.
4 as long as you pay: If something happens as long as
Exercise 3
something else happens, it happens only if the other
1 Mix: When you mix things together, you put them thing happens.
together and turn them around with a spoon so they join 5 won’t enjoy stronger flavours until they are: If something
together. won’t happen until something else happens, it will only
2 Taste: When you taste food, you eat a small amount to begin when the other thing happens.
see if it has a good flavour.
3 Peel: When you peel a fruit or vegetable, you cut the skin
Exercise 6
4 Heat: When you heat food, you make it hot. 1 will have closed: We use the future perfect to talk about
5 Chop: When you chop food up, you cut it into pieces. an action that will be completed before a certain time in
6 Add: When you add something to food, you put it into the the future.
food. 2 will be having: We use the future continuous to talk about
7 Serve: When you serve food, you put it on plates for an action in progress at a time in the future.
people to eat. 3 will have eaten: We use the future perfect to talk about
an action that will be completed before a certain time in
the future.
4 will you be doing: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress at a time in the future.
5 will have finished: We use the future perfect to talk about
an action that will be completed before a certain time in
the future.
6 won’t be waiting: We use the future continuous to talk
about an action in progress at a time in the future.
7 won’t have finished: We use the future perfect to talk
about an action that will be completed before a certain
time in the future.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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