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Samrat Chowk, Solapur

This is to certify that the SOLAPUR EDUCATION SOCIETY’S Polytechnic, solapur
Following students of Computer Department
1. Vaishnavi Dharmasale Roll No – 3555
2. Yash Upare Roll No -3528
3. Chetan Gortyal Roll No - 3514
4. Soham maybhate Roll No - 3510

has satisfactorily completed micro-project titled Air pollution Facts and the
effects in subject Environmental Studies(22447) as prescribed by Maharashtra
State Board Of Technical Education, Mumbai. For the Fifth semester (I-Scheme)
of Diploma in Computer Technology in Academic Year 2022 - 2023
Date: / 12 / 2022

Staff Incharge Head of Dept Principal

(Mr.Kawathe A.R.) (Mr.Patil M.C) (Mr.Bhavtankar A.A.)
Title:- Air pollution Facts and the Effects
Introduction: Environmental studies are the study of human interaction with
the environment and in the interests of solving complex problems. Environment
includes which we are directly or indirectly dependent for our survival, whether it
is living component like animals, plants or nonliving component like soil, air and
Importance of environmental studies are (a) People have to clarify modern
environmental concept like how to conserve biodiversity. (b) Usage of natural
resources more efficiently. (c) Try to know the sustainable way of living. The field
encompasses study in basic principles of ecology and environmental science, as
well as associated subjects such as ethics, geography, policy, politics, law,
economics, philosophy, environmental sociology and environmental justice,
planning, pollution control and natural resource management.

Air Pollution: Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor

environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the
natural characteristics of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor
vehicles, industrial facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution

Air pollution occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes (or smoke) or odor are
introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it harmful to humans,
animals and plant. Air pollution threatens the health of humans and other living
beings in our planet. It creates smog and acid rain, causes cancer and respiratory
diseases, reduces the ozone layer atmosphere and contributes to global warming.

In this industrial age, air pollution cannot be eliminated completely, but steps can
be taken to reduce it. The government has developed, and continues to develop,
guidelines for air quality and ordinances to restrict emissions in an effort to
control air pollution. On an individual level, we can reduce our contribution to the
pollution problem by carpooling or using public transportation. Additionally,
buying energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances or otherwise reducing our
electricity use will reduce the pollutants released in the production of electricity,
which creates the majority of industrial air pollution

Microproject – Course Outcome matrix

Course Outcomes :
1 Name of Microproject ✓ ✓ ✓
a. Develop Public awareness about environment
b. Select alternative energy resources for Engineering Practice
Sr. Microproject Co Co Co Co Co
no. a b c d e

1 Air pollution ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Facts and the

Conserve Ecosystem and Biodiversity

d. Apply techniques to reduce Environmental Pollution
e. Manage social issues and Environmental Ethics as lifelong learning
□Real Time Problem:
Taking on a burning problem: Mumbai’s air
While much focus is given to North India’s air pollution crisis, Mumbai
must now wait till there is a health emergency to act on its rising air
pollution levels. It is a major problem which is faced by people in
Mumbai. It causes a major disease in city and their sub-cities in Mumbai

Emissions and pollution have been more of a burning concern in recent
years, especially in the wake of the pandemic, which saw a large
number of people succumb to a virus because their compromised
respiratory systems couldn’t handle the strain. Furthermore, during the
second wave, studies found a strong link between district-level air
pollution statistics and COVID-19 cases, with locations using more
fossil fuels falling prey to more cases. While we assume that
infections and dubious lifestyle choices were at the root of respiratory
illnesses, toxic particulate matter found in today’s air pose greater
harm than a cigarette . Air pollution can no longer be dismissed as
a localized concern, particularly in the landlocked north Indian cities,
which accounts for the majority of information indicating the problem’s
significance. Instead, the problem must be handled before it turns into
a public health emergency.
Owing to its industrial expanse and strong fossil fuel reliance, the
Mumbai region constitutes a large airshed for western India. The city’s
financial clout, accessible resources, and vast population build a strong
impetus for Maharashtra’s government to bear a large share of the
burden of reducing emissions for Mumbai.

Air pollution causes 13 deaths per minute worldwide, and poses a

severe threat to Mumbai’s health, with a Swiss air quality organization
IQAir highlighting US $2.9 billion in losses and 20,000 fatalities due to
ambient air pollution in 2020-21. 

Variability in pollutant concentrations, hotspots 

A startling comparison came to light in 2019 when the Union Earth
Sciences Ministry’s System of Air Quality Weather Forecasting and
Research revealed that the concentration of finer PM2.5 particles in the
overall PM10 concentration was much higher in Mumbai than in Delhi,
implying that while the air in Mumbai may not be as polluted, the
impact on human health may be greater.

During a vulnerability assessment for the Mumbai Climate Action

Plan during the previous two years, the World Resources Institute India
found that Deonar, Govandi, Mankhurd, and Trombay areas in M
(East) ward consistently recorded the highest pollution levels,
followed by Mahul, Chembur in M (West) ward, and F (North),
including Antop Hill, Sion, and Ghatkopar. While particulate matter
(PM2.5 and PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were identified as
primary pollutants, much above national and international safety
standards, these showed fluctuations.

Four key sectoral challenges and potential solutions

In Mumbai, traffic emissions, construction operations, paved and
unpaved road dust, landfills, open rubbish burning, and industrial
emissions are among the major sources of pollution.

□Traffic and industry Emissions 

*Factories and Industries

Factories and industries are the main source of carbon monoxide, organic
compounds, hydrocarbons and chemicals. These are released into the air,
degrading its quality.

*Mining Activities
In the mining process, the minerals below the earth are extracted using
large pieces of equipment. The dust and chemicals released during the
process not only pollute the air, but also deteriorate the health of the
workers and people living in the nearby areas.

*Domestic Sources
The household cleaning products and paints contain toxic chemicals that
are released in the air. The smell from the newly painted walls is the smell
of the chemicals present in the paints.It not only pollutes the air but also
affects breathing.
Road travel accounts for 80 percent of Mumbai’s fossil fuel emissions. More
pollution under control (PUC) centers must inspect automobiles every six to
seven months. Ideally, a scrappage policy of older vehicles will ensure a shift
towards cleaner fuels, increased use of non-motorized transport and electric
vehicles through the state’s new robust policy powered by renewable energy.
Industries, with the power sector contributing to 71 percent of Mumbai’s
greenhouse gas emissions, should also make the shift to cleaner fuel by phasing out
older powerplants, and treating their emissions as per standards laid down by the

Rampant realty and road construction activities as a result of the population
boom account for over 71 percent of particulate matter in Mumbai’s air, up from
28 percent in 2010. To mitigate this ever-growing problem, the first step could be
stringent enforcement of the Construction & Demolition Waste Management
Rules, 2016, which mandates a safe and effective construction waste
disposal system. For spreading information on bad air quality, a
construction site-specific Air Quality Monitoring Plan is required.

Waste Management 
Dumping grounds are a massive problem for Mumbai, especially because there is
rampant burning of waste, which pollutes the air. While there have been site-
specific drives at the ward. There is a lot of waste collected daily in Mumbai. It
includes all types like Domestic waste, industrial waste, etc. It is very important
mange the waste. We need to classify our domestic waste wet and dry. It helps to
control the pollution. Due to unawareness of people it causes a land pollution .
when it catches fire unexpectedly so it burns plastic, rubber, etc. it causes a heavy
air pollution in this area . so rate of pollution increases in city.

Advantages of study about air pollution cases:

Impact of Air Pollution in Environment:

Health & Environmental Effects of Air Pollution
Health Effects Air pollution can harm us when it accumulates in the air in high
enough concentrations. Millions of Americans live in areas where urban smog,
particle pollution, and toxic pollutants pose serious health concerns. People
exposed to high enough levels of certain air pollutants may experience:
·Irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat
· Wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and breathing difficulties
· Worsening of existing lung and heart problems, such as asthma
·Increased risk of heart attack
In addition, long-term exposure to air pollution can cause cancer and damage to
the immune, neurological, reproductive, and respiratory systems. In extreme
cases, it can even cause death.

Air pollution is a problem for all of us. However, some groups of people are
especially sensitive to common air pollutants such as particulates and ground-
level ozone. Sensitive populations include children, older adults, people who are
active outdoors, and people with heart or lung diseases, such as asthma. If you
are sensitive to air pollution, you need to be aware of steps you can take to
protect your health.

HReal time Effects of air pollution in Mumbai :

Epidemiological studies in cities like Mumbai have revealed that with raised
pollution levels, there was an increased occurrence of dyspnoea, chronic and
intermittent cough, frequent colds, chronic bronchitis, cardiac disorders, high
blood pressure and deaths due to non-tuberculosis respiratory and ischemic
How we prevent the air pollution:
 Conserve energy - at home, at work, everywhere.
 Look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying home or office equipment.
 Carpool, use public transportation, bike, or walk whenever possible.
 Follow gasoline refuelling instructions for efficient vapor recovery, being
careful not to spill fuel and always tightening your gas cap securely.
 Consider purchasing portable gasoline containers labelled “spill-proof,” where
 Keep car, boat, and other engines properly tuned.
 Be sure your tires are properly inflated.
 Use environmentally safe paints and cleaning products whenever possible.
 Mulch or compost leaves and yard waste.
 Consider using gas logs instead of wood.
 The conclusion 

Reduced levels of pollutants in the atmosphere would improve the health of most

city residents, but the impact would be greatest among low-income people,
informal communities (residents and workers), migrant labourers, and outdoor
workers, who are most exposed to the harmful effects of ambient air pollution.

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