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Kamis, 24 November 2022
Jam Ke 1
TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas : IX ( Sembilan )
Jumlah Soal : 45 Butir
Alokasi Waktu : 130 Menit


Choose your answer by sketching option a, b, c, or d on the computer answer sheet.

The following caution for question 1.

1. What does the notice mean?

A. Everyone has to smoke in this area.
B. Everyone is allowed to smoke in this area.
C. Everyone is not allowed to smoke in this area.
D. Everyone doesn’t have to smoke in this area.

Read the following greeting card for questions 2.

Dear Sarah,

A little get-well greeting

With warm thoughts
In every line
To hope that in no time at all
You’re feeling really fine
Get well soon….
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Hope to see you soon

Your brother

2. The writer sent this card because ….

A. he wants to get well soon.
B. he hopes to see Sarah.
C. Sarah is very healthy and happy.
D. he hopes Sarah recovered soon from her sickness.
Read the following notice for question 3.

Dear Mira,
I am sorry, I can’t come to your house to work on our English assignment as
we planned yesterday. My younger brother is sick. He is in hospitalized now
and I have to take care of him. So, I’ll inform you about our work plan later on.
Thanks. Dany.
3. What is the purpose of the message above?
A. To ask Mira to work on their project
B. To ask Mira to stay in the hospital with him
C. To tell about the work plan for his younger brother
D. To give information about the cancellation of an activity

Read the following invitation card for questions 4-5.

Dear Anita,
Please come to my 13th birthday party.
Date : Monday, 30 November 2010
Time : 4.00 p.m.
Place : My house
Jl. Propinsi PPU No. 2 RT 7a
Your presence will cheer up the party.

4. Lia hopes that Anita....

A. attends the party.
B. brings a present.
C. wears a new dress.
D. sings and dances.
5. In what year was Lia born?
A. 1994
B. 1995
C. 1996
D. 1997
Read the following announcement for questions 6 – 7.


For all seventh grader students:

Please go to the library and read English magazines. Find an article about school life
and write a summary about it . Submit your work next week.
See me in the teacher’s room for further information.
Mrs. Ratna

6. The announcement above is for students of….

A. year VII
B. year VIII
C. year IX
D. all students
7. According to the announcement, the students should do the following activity ….
A. going to the laboratory.
B. writing a summary.
C. reading a Physics magazine.
D. finding an article on family life.
Read the following text for questions 8-11

Vanessa Mae Vanakorn Nicholson is a musician. She is nineteen years old, but she
is world-famous violinist. When she plays classical violin concertos on her violin, the
world listens.
Vanessa Mae is Thai-Chinese. Her mother is Chinese and her father is Thai. She is
from Singapore, but now lives in London with her mother and her English stepfather.
She’s got cousin, aunt, uncle and grandparents in Thailand, Singapore, China and England.
(Adapted from Snapshot, Starter page 46)
8. What is the text tell about?
A. A musician
B. A model
C. A student
D. A singer
9. Vanessa plays a violin....
A. badly
B. wonderfully
C. classically
D. carefully
10. The main idea of paragraph 2 of the text is about ....
A. her song.
B. her career.
C. her family.
D. her future dream.
11. When she plays classical violin concertos on her electric violin, the world listens. The word “she”
refers to ....
A. Vanessa Mae
B. her mother
C. her father
D. her cousin
Read the following text for the questions 12 – 14


Surabaya is the capital of East Java Province. It is one of the big cities in
Indonesia, it is smaller than Jakarta but bigger than Medan.
Surabaya is located in northeastern of Java island. It is bounded by Madura
strait, Sidoarjo city and Gresik city. As a port city, Surabaya uses Tanjung Perak
harbor as a trading route.
This city is very popular because of its historical event. That is the bloody battle
in Surabaya on November 10, 1945. And until now, this event is commemorated as
our Heroes Day. It reminds us of our heroic courage in the battle and our sacrifice for
the country.

12. According to the text, what is Surabaya known as?

A. Harbour city.
B. Flower city.
C. Heroic city.
D. Crocodile city.
13. Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Surabaya is smaller than Jakarta.
B. Jakarta is smaller than Surabaya.
C. Jakarta is as big as Surabaya.
D. Surabaya is the biggest city.
14. “It reminds us of our heroic courage in the battle and our sacrifice to the country”.
The word “battle” has similar meaning to ….
A. war.
B. heroes.
C. courage.
D. sacrifice.
Read the following text for questions 15 - 17

After the movie was over, I left the cinema quickly. My watch showed 11.30
p.m. as I got on to my bicycle. I pedaled hard on my bicycle and was soon speeding
home. My thought went back to the movie I had just seen. It was a scary story. I
could remember clearly a woman screaming as she was being attacked by a
monster. Somehow that frightful scene stayed in my mind and I could not forget it.
The road was dark and quiet. I had to pass a graveyard on the way home. As I
approached the graveyard, I heard some sounds behind me. I was frightened and
began to cycle faster. The sound came nearer and nearer. Then I heard a familiar
voice calling me. I looked back and saw Hadi, my classmate. He had also seen the
movie and was frightened too. He had cycled after me so that he would not be
alone. Both of us laughed out loud over our behavior.
(adopted from English in Focus for Grade VIII, pp 56, 2008).

15. What time did the writer leave the cinema?

A. At 11.30 at night.
B. At 11.30 in the morning.
C. After 11.30 at night.
D. After 11.30 in the morning.
16. What kind of story was the movie?
A. A sad story.
B. A love story.
C. A frightful story.
D. A funny story.
17. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The writer heard some sound behind him.
B. The writer was frightened because he had to pass the graveyard.
C. The writer and his classmate Hadi laughed out over their behavior.
D. Hadi was frightened because he had just seen the movie.

Read the following text for questions 18 - 21!

My name is Andre. I’m fourteen years old. I have a little brother. His name is Andy.
He is four years younger than me.

Two weeks ago Andy had a fever. My mother tried to cure him by giving him some
medicines. The next day, Andy wasn’t getting better. So she took Andy to hospital.

In the hospital, the doctor examined Andy. Then, he said that Andy had a dengue
fever. My mother was very worried. My father tried to calm her down because Andy’s
illness was not very bad. “There is still hope”, said the doctor to my mother. Every day, the
doctor looked after Andy and gave him the best treatment and medicines.

At last, Andy got well after a week treatment. The doctor told us that the critical
time had passed and Andy could go home soon.

18. How old is Andy?

A. 16 years old.
B. 14 years old.
C. 12 years old.
D. 10 years old.
19. The text is about....
A. How to examine the patient.
B. How to overcome a dengue fever.
C. Andy’s physical appearance.
D. Andy’s experience of being sick.

20. “The doctor told us that the critical time ....” (last paragraph)
What does the word “critical” mean?
A. at a crisis.
B. criticism.
C. illogical.
D. important.

21. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. Andy got well.
B. Andy is hospitalized.
C. Andy had a dengue fever.
D. A little brother named Andy.

Read the following text for questions 22 – 23.

Making A Hat

Things you need:

- a half page of newspaper
What to do:
- first, fold the paper in half the long way, crease and unfold
- second, fold the sides up to the middle crease, keep folded
- next, fold the corners down to the middle
- after that, fold the corner down to the middle again
- then, fold the points down to the middle
- Finally, open the middle and flip it over and wear it as a hat.

22. How many times do we have to fold the news paper?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
23. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to tell how to make a hat.
B. to see the steps of make a hat.
C. to show the things of make a hat.
D. to prepare everything for making a hat.

Read the following text to answer questions 24 - 26

The Crow and the Oyster

One day, a hungry crow saw an oyster on the beach. He wanted to eat the tasty
meat inside the shell, so he tried to open the oyster.
First, he used his beak, but he could not open the shell. Then, he hit it with a
stone, but the shell stayed tightly shut. He even jumped up and down on the oyster, but
still he could not open it.
Then, another crafty crow came by. He saw what the first crow was trying to do
and said, “My friend, may I offer you some good advice? I suggest you pick up the oyster
in your beak, fly high into the air and then drop the oyster onto the rocks below. The
oyster shell will break open and you will be able to have your meal!”
The hungry crow thought that this was a very good idea. He picked up the
oyster with his beak and then he flew as high as he could. When he was sure that he was
high enough, he dropped the oyster onto the rocks far below.
The oyster shell broke wide open. However, the crafty crow was waiting behind
the rock nearby, and he reached the broken oyster first. He enjoyed a tasty meal while the
hungry crow had nothing to eat.

24. The hungry crow did the following things to open the shell, except ….
A. Jumping up and down on it.
B. Hitting it with a stone.
C. Using his beak.
D. Asking for help from another crow.

25. How did the crafty crow trick the hungry crow?
A. By giving suggestion of dropping the oyster onto the rocks.
B. By telling that he was so hungry and needed some food.
C. By saying that he had a nice and strong beak.
D. By saying that the oyster was harmful.

26. What is the moral value of the story?

A. Do not fly to high on the sky.
B. It is not easy to fool people.
C. Always trust people to offer help.
D. Do not be fooled by people who offer help.

Read the text to answer questions number 27 – 30

The Lamb and the Wolf

One day the wolf was slaking his thirst at a stream when he chanced to see a
lamb, also drinking, at some distance down the stream.
Outraged, he growled “You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall
eat you.”
The lamb protested, “But Sir, how can I be muddying your drinking water?
I am farther down the stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part
of the stream to where I am.”
“Upstream or downstream you drinking is muddying my water, and I shall
eat you.”
So saying the wolf leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.

27. Where did the story happen?

A. On the river.
B. In the forest.
C. In the jungle.
D. At the zoo.
28. “Outraged, he growled “You are muddying…” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word has the same meaning with ….
A. cruel
B. greedy
C. honest
D. generous
29. Why was the Wolf angry with the lamb?
A. He saw a lamb.
B. He was thirsty.
C. The stream is muddying
D. The stream is flowing

30. We can learn from the story that ….

A. never drink the river water.
B. never clean our body on the stream.
C. the bad will always beat the good.
D. the strong will always rule the weak.

Read the following label for questions 31-32

A Fever Syrup, HUFAGRIPP

Indication : Fever and headache lightering.

Composition : Every spoon (5 ml) contains ibuprofen : 100 mg.
Dosage : Infants 1-2 year : ½ teaspoon (2,5ml) 3-4X daily.
Children 3-7 year : 1 teaspoonful (5ml) 3-4X daily.
Children 8-12 year : 2 teaspoonful (10 ml) 3-4X daily or as
prescribed by the physician.
For further information, see the brochure.
Shake well before using
Reg. No. DTL 060780883341.

31. What does the text talk about?

A. How to buy Hufagripp.
B. How to sell Hufagripp.
C. How to take Hufagripp.
D. How to store Hufagripp.

32. “Every spoon (5 ml) contains ibuprofen”. The word ‘contains’ has similar meaning to ….
A. uses.
B. consists.
C. controls.
D. includes.

Read the following text for questions 33 – 36

Tobacco is a kind of plant of which people smoke the leaves. Tobacco’s leaves
contain tar and nicotine. Nicotine is a poison. Just a little nicotine can kill you.
People make tobacco into cigarettes and cigars. When you smoke cigarettes or
cigars, you are an active smoker. When someone is smoking and you are near him
or her and inhale the smoke into your lungs, then you are a passive smoker.
Smoking is not good for our health. It causes lung cancer and bronchitis.

33. The main idea of paragraph one is ….

A. tobacco’s leaves.
B. tobacco can kill you.
C. how people make tobacco.
D. how people smoke tobacco.
34. “It causes lung cancer and bronchitis”.
The word “it” in paragraph three
refers to ….
A. tobacco.
B. passive smoking.
C. smoking.
D. our health.

35. What is the text about?

A. Tobacco damages our health.
B. Tobacco is not a kind of poison.
C. Tobacco is good for our health.
D. Tobacco does not contain nicotine.

36. The purpose of text is ….

A. to inform people how to smoke.
B. to inform people how to make use of tobacco.
C. to advice people the danger of smoking.
D. to advice people the benefit of smoking.

Read the following text for questions 37 – 40.

Krakatau is one of the volcanoes of Sunda volcanic area. The volcano was
formed by the subduction of the Indian – Australian plate under the Eurasian plate.
Krakatau is located in Sunda Strait, 40 km of the West coast of Java on the
island of Rakata in Indonesia. The geographical coordinator of Krakatau are 16.7
South latitude and 105.4 East longitude.
At its peak, Krakatau reached a height of 790 m (2,600 ft) above sea level. Its
first known eruption occured in 416 A.D. However, this eruption destroyed the
volcano of Krakatau which collapsed and formed a four miles wide caldera. The
islands of Verlaten and Long are remnants of volcano. Subsequently, three volcanoes
combined to form the island of Krakatau.

37. What does the text tell us about?

A. Sunda volcanic.
B. Eurasian plate.
C. Krakatau volcanoes.
D. Volcanoes collapsed.

38. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Krakatau is located in Sunda Strait.
B. Krakatau is one of the volcanoes of Sunda volcanic areas.
C. Krakatau is one of the volcanoes of the Indian –Australian plate.
D. Three volcanoes combined to form the island of Krakatau.

39. Where is Krakatau located?

A. West Java.
B. Sunda strait.
C. South latitude.
D. Between Indian – Australian strait.
40. However, this eruption destroyed the volcano of Krakatau which .... (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Erupted.
B. broke.
C. damaged.
D. detached.
Read the text and answer questions 41 to 42

Last week, Mr. Ariyanto and his family had a picnic. They went to Sanur and Kuta
Beach. They left by car at four in the afternoon. Mr. Ariyanto drove his car
carefully. They arrive at Sanur at six in the evening. Then they went to a motel
near Sanur
Beach, They spent the night there. The next day they went to Sanur Beach. They
went there on foot because the motel is not more than a kilometer from the beach.
They started early in the morning because they wanted to see sun rise. After the
sun rose, they enjoyed other activities. Mr. Ariyanto and his wife looked at a tourist
painting in a small gallery. Their children enjoyed a boat trip. There were glad
because they had never done it before. At ten o’clock they went back to the motel.
They stayed and had lunch there. At four in the afternoon, they left for Kuta
Beach. They went there by car. Then they walked along the seashore. They saw
some foreign tourists lay on the sand and had a massage, other were surfing.
They spent two hour on Kuta Beach.

41. Why did they go to the beach early in the morning?

42. How long did it take to Mr. Aryanto’s family to Sanur Beach by car?

Read the text and answer questions 43 to 44

You are invited to a Birthday Party

BRIAN O’CORNOR is turning thirteen

Saturday, September 8th

Four o’clock in the afternoon

In Lezat Restaurant
Jl. Pahlawan No.2

43. What time will the party be held?

44. What is the purpose of the text above?
45. The correct arrangement of the sentences above to be a coherent paragraph is….
1. Samarinda is the capital city of east Kalimantan
2. People like to relax and enjoy the sunset in the places
3. It is located on the edge of Mahakam river
4. But now, the government has changed the area along the river into a city garden
and recreational placed.
5. People call it River city.
6. There are many houses along the bank of the river.

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