Internal Rules JUNIA - 2022-2023
Internal Rules JUNIA - 2022-2023
Internal Rules JUNIA - 2022-2023
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
This document details the various rules within the premises of JUNIA, general school life and the ethical
behaviour that each student must observe, under penalty of sanction, throughout his curriculum at JUNIA.
The life of a community of several hundred students/apprentices, teachers and all other staff entails rights and
duties for everyone. These rules are intended for people registered in all JUNIA training courses. This regulation
specifies a few terms and conditions for living well together and it is important that everyone agrees to respect
it and ensure that it is respected. It is aimed at people who already know the basic principles of community life:
courtesy, politeness, good mood and respect for others.
All students must ensure that they adhere to the following rules:
• Tolerance and respect for others in their personality and beliefs.
• Behaviour adapted to the training context, whether vis-à-vis the educational teams and/or the
administration of JUNIA; the lecturer being responsible for discipline within his course, any attitude
disturbing the proper functioning of the latter will lead to investigation by the Direction of Academic
• Behaviour guaranteeing respect of good manners and living in community.
• No expressions or acts of a discriminatory nature.
• No expression or acts of harassment or assimilated, sexual or moral.
• Prohibition of the wearing of signs or outfits by which students ostensibly show a religious affiliation.
Nevertheless the wearing of the veil, if it does not conceal the face, is tolerated. Note that you may be
asked to remove it in certain cases: laboratory activities for security reasons, tests to allow identification
and avoid fraud problems.
Failure to comply with these provisions exposes the person to disciplinary sanctions, without this excluding
possible criminal proceedings provided for by law. The same applies to anyone who voluntarily refrains from
bringing to a person in danger the assistance that, without risk for him or for third parties, he could lend him
either by his personal action, or by causing help.
The following rules relating to general discipline aim to ensure behaviour on the part of each student that is both
adapted to the context of JUNIA training and respectful of the basic rules of good manners and living in
It is prohibited to express any distinction made between persons on the basis of their origin, their sex, their family
situation, their pregnancy, their physical appearance, the particular vulnerability resulting from their economic
situation apparent or known to its author, their surname, their place of residence, their state of health, their loss
of autonomy, their disability, their genetic characteristics, their mores, their sexual orientation, their gender
identity, their age, their political opinions, their union / syndicate activities, their ability to express themselves in
a language other than French, their membership or non-membership real or supposed of an ethnic group, a
nation, an alleged race or a specific religion (criteria of discrimination as defined and punished by law).
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
In accordance with the ethical values of JUNIA, which welcomes staff and students of all origins, the strictest
political, religious or ethnic neutrality must be observed by all. Any demonstration undermining the freedom of
thought and worship as well as the reputation of JUNIA is prohibited in the establishment. Everyone must respect
the opinion and origins of others in a spirit of tolerance. Any discrepancy in language and behaviour, political and
religious demonstrations are prohibited throughout the premises of JUNIA.
No one should be subjected to sexist and sexual violence such as rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual
exhibition or sexist or discriminatory acts. All actions are defined and punishable by law. Beyond the criminal
proceedings provided for by law, any student who has carried out the acts defined above is liable to disciplinary
sanctions specific to JUNIA.
Students who consider themselves to be victims of such facts and all persons who witness or are aware of such
facts must report them on and contact the Life on Campus service and
the Direction of Academic Operations of JUNIA.
No student should be subjected to repeated acts of moral harassment which have as their object or effect a
deterioration in working conditions likely to undermine their rights and dignity, to alter their physical or mental
health or to compromise their academic and professional future.
Is liable to a disciplinary sanction any student who has carried out the actions previously defined.
Students who believe they are victims of such acts contact the Life on Campus service and the Direction of
Academic Operations of JUNIA.
Inducing others, against their will or not, to undergo or commit humiliating and/or degrading acts during
demonstrations and/or meetings related to the academic environment, is an offense punishable under the
conditions provided for in the French Penal Code (article 225-16-1). The act of hazing may give rise to a
disciplinary sanction independent of the implementation of criminal proceedings. This prohibition of hazing is
taken up by article L. 511-3 of the education code. Hazing can be defined as: "Except in cases of violence, threats
or sexual assault, the fact that a person leads another, against their will or not, to undergo or commit humiliating
or degrading acts or consume alcohol excessively, during events or meetings related to school, sports and socio-
educational environment”.
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
Students who consider themselves to be victims of such facts and all persons who witness or are aware of such
facts must report them on and contact the Life on Campus service and
the Direction of Academic Operations of JUNIA.
Beyond the criminal proceedings provided for by law, any student who has carried out the acts defined above is
liable to disciplinary sanctions specific to JUNIA.
Every student has an email address. The use made of it engages the image of JUNIA and must be
strictly reserved for the communication and sharing of information concerning the training he/she is following
(courses, internships, etc.). Similarly, JUNIA may sanction any degrading use of its image on any medium
whatsoever, including digital.
In addition to the IT Charter and User Commitment document applicable to any student with access to JUNIA's
IT resources, the establishment pays particular attention to cases of cyber-violence, i.e. publication on social
networks, verbal abuse or violent images, likely to undermine the dignity of people or likely to hurt one (or more)
of its students.
Cyber-violence exposes its author to disciplinary but also criminal procedures when the facts constitute criminal
offenses such as harassment, insult, discrimination, incitement to racial hatred, incitement to discrimination,
hatred or violence, public insult, defamation and apology for crime, …
JUNIA may sanction, if necessary, within the framework of a disciplinary procedure, any act of cyber-violence
committed by one of its students, regardless of the media/network used, insofar as it is aware of it.
For the situations presented above, the sanctions imposed may be, depending on the seriousness of the facts, a
sanction which may go as far as definitive exclusion from the academic program.
Depending on the nature of the facts, the disciplinary procedure may be accompanied by a report made by JUNIA
to the judicial authorities.
Students who consider themselves to be victims of such facts and all persons who witness or are aware of such
facts must report them on and contact the Life on Campus service and
the Direction of Academic Operations of JUNIA.
The General Director of JUNIA is responsible for order and security in the premises and premises belonging to or
assigned to the establishment for which he is responsible. Its competence extends to the premises made
available to students and staff.
The General Director is competent to take, as a precautionary measure, any useful measure to ensure the
maintenance of order: prohibition of access, closure of premises, suspension of lessons, etc. The facts which led
to the pronouncement of such a measure may give rise to disciplinary proceedings, independently of any other
actions. He may grant delegation under the conditions set by the regulations in force to exercise this power.
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
Each student will receive a badge allowing them access to reserved areas.
The entry and exit of students is carried out in accordance with the specific provisions of each JUNIA site. Access
to the premises and their use are authorized for the purposes of training.
Wearing a student badge is compulsory on JUNIA premises. Badge that must be shown for any request from a
JUNIA staff member or member of a security service. Everyone is responsible for their badge and the use made
of it. The loss or theft of it must imperatively be reported as soon as possible in order to deactivate it. These
badges (the use of which systematically results in registration) engage the responsibility of their holder.
Everyone is called upon to make good use of the premises (in particular respect for their cleanliness) and
equipment and to be aware that any negligence, damage or theft are attacks on the JUNIA community. Any act,
and in particular any inscription (tag, graffiti, etc.) or any wild posting (communication), likely to damage the real
estate or real estate of JUNIA is prohibited. Certain damages can also affect the safety of people.
It is forbidden to eat and drink (except water) in the lecture halls and classrooms equipped with carpet.
It is forbidden to change the tables and chairs in the room unless authorized by the lecturer and on the condition
that they are returned to the room of origin at the end of the course.
Certain premises of the establishment, such as laboratories, are subject to specific regulations. Access to the roof
and any roof terraces of the buildings is prohibited without special authorization.
It is forbidden to ride a bicycle, roller skates, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards inside the buildings.
Learners who come to JUNIA by bicycle, motorcycle or scooter park them in the dedicated spaces of each JUNIA
building (the reception desk can provide information on the location of these spaces and the procedures for
accessing them) taking care not to obstruct emergency exits. The establishment declines all responsibility in the
event of damage or theft.
All students have the right to use the library (Colbert and Vauban building) which is a workspace. Each user has
the possibility of borrowing the works he/she needs, and undertakes to respect the deadline for returning them.
The theft of books will be heavily penalized. Documentalists initiate and guide users in their documentary
research. By coming to the library, each student chooses to respect a cultural environment in a calm and studious
With the aim of preventing harm to persons and property, video protection means are installed on JUNIA sites
and buildings. The images can be viewed, in the event of an incident, by authorized JUNIA personnel and by the
Outside working hours, the buildings are monitored by a security service and anti-intrusion and fire alarm
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
The course week is organized in principle from Monday 8:00 a.m. to Saturday 1:00 p.m. Each building has specific
opening hours and the conditions of access for certain rooms (e.g. computer rooms) are regulated. More
information is given in the year guides and available at the reception of each building.
The course week is organized from Monday 8:45 a.m. to Friday 5:30 p.m. The premises of the JUNIA campus in
Châteauroux are open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. However, to allow students to carry out
work related to their training, self-service rooms may be accessible until 9 p.m. subject to prior registration at
reception. An external company will close the premises at 9 p.m. after ensuring that all the rooms are free.
Each learner will receive a personal magnetic card allowing access to reserved areas. This magnetic card can be
credited at reception to allow the use of photocopiers and drink vending machines.
The course week is organized from Monday 8:30 a.m. to Friday 6:30 p.m. The premises of the JUNIA Bordeaux
campus are open Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. However, to allow students to carry out work
related to their training, self-service rooms may be accessible until 8 p.m. An external company will close the
premises at 8:30 p.m. after ensuring that all the rooms are free.
The specifics of the new Francis of Assise campus will not be known until early 2023. A communication will specify
all the elements when the campus opens.
Normally, one or more students can organize a non-academic activity within the premises of JUNIA after
informing the Life on Campus manager ( specifying the precise modalities (day, time, place,
identity of any participants exteriors) and obtained their agreement.
Unless expressly authorized by the management of JUNIA, it is strictly forbidden for students to:
• Entering or remaining on the premises for purposes other than training, or clubs and associative
activities under the control of JUNIA
• Introduce or facilitate the introduction of external people to school activities.
• Make commercial advertising, political, union or religious propaganda within the confines of the
establishment. Display on the panels is subject to prior authorization from the Life on Campus service
(HEI building – office T035) or the site director (Châteauroux and Bordeaux). Posters must only be affixed
to the panels provided for this purpose. They must be removed when the proposed activity is completed
or when the information is out of date. The Life on Campus service reserves the right to remove displays
that do not comply with the above requirements.
• Proceed with the sale of goods or services.
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
Animals are prohibited in JUNIA buildings except with the express authorization of its General Director or his
delegate. This can in particular cover cases where the animal would have the function of accompanying a person
with a handicap.
It is advised not to leave valuables on the premises. JUNIA is not responsible for thefts committed on its premises.
Lost or found objects must be declared or deposited at the reception desk of one of the JUNIA buildings.
The civil liability of everyone is engaged within the walls of the buildings for any damage (voluntary or
involuntary) caused to premises, equipment and people.
Criminal misconduct is the direct responsibility of the General Director of JUNIA, who is solely responsible to the
supervisory authorities.
When educational activities require travel in large groups, students are required to use the busses made available
to them. The student who does not respect this rule exposes him/herself (and, if necessary, his/her passengers)
to unnecessary risks of accident and engages his/her responsibility. Violations will be punished. For educational
activities carried out in small groups, the possible use of personal vehicles must be the subject of a mission sheet
established prior to the trip.
Unless specifically authorized by the management of JUNIA or the lecturers, the use of the training material is
done on the training sites and is exclusively reserved for the training activity. Use for personal purposes is
prohibited. Students are invited to take the greatest care of the premises and equipment made available to them.
They are required to keep the equipment entrusted to them for training in good condition. They must use it in
accordance with its purpose and according to the rules issued by the training. Any anomaly in the operation of
the equipment must be immediately reported to the lecturer present or at reception.
When leaving the room, you are asked to ensure that the doors and windows are closed and that the lights,
computers, screens and printers are switched off.
Mobile phones and connected watches must be put in silent mode and must not be consulted during lectures.
They must be switched off during exams of any type. Any sound or visual recording during lessons, tutorials,
practicals and tests is prohibited. The use of audio/video material for personal purposes, with or without
earphones, is strictly prohibited during lectures, written tutorials, practical tutorials and exams. In case of
emergency, the administrative services can take a message and send it to the student during the break.
When JUNIA provides a student with a laptop, it remains the property of the leasing organization or JUNIA during
the teaching module and is therefore reserved for educational use. The computer will be returned to JUNIA as
soon as possible or purchased by the student in the event of resignation or reorientation. The insurance of this
equipment is the responsibility of JUNIA. However, in the event of damage or theft, the student must pay the
excess paid by JUNIA. The leasing organisation or JUNIA are entitled to demand verification of the physical
existence and condition of this equipment throughout the student's academic program.
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
In accordance with our management system ISO14001 certified for JUNIA's Lille campus (J, HEI, ISA, ISEN
buildings), everyone is asked to actively participate in improving our environmental footprint, at all sites of work
and study, certified or not, belonging or not to JUNIA:
• By reducing our carbon footprint and improving the quality of our atmospheric emissions, in particular
by ensuring:
o To avoid solo driving and favour other alternatives (public transport, walking, cycling,
carpooling, etc.); to favour (for your purchases in associations or promotions) local suppliers;
Knowing what to do in the event of an emergency (evacuation in the event of a fire, spill kits available at reception
in the event of a chemical spill, etc.).
If you notice any anomalies, or wish to send us suggestions, ideas, good plans… you can contact the CSR team:
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
It is required that students have decent and neat clothing within JUNIA, during educational activities (lectures,
tutorials, practical work) or other activities related to training (internship, visit...). In particular, headgear (hats,
caps), flip-flops, Bermuda shorts, shorts and joggers are prohibited.
Anyone present on JUNIA sites must ensure their personal safety and that of others in general. The prevention
of the risks of accidents and illnesses requires everyone to comply with the general prescriptions and specific
instructions applicable in terms of health and safety, brought to their attention by posters, instructions, memos
or by any other means.
Anyone noticing a fire starting must set off the building's fire alarm (manual call point - broken glass). If the fire
alarm is triggered, it is absolutely necessary to follow the general safety instructions displayed in the building by
calmly evacuating to the assembly point located outside (see signs). The alert must be given immediately to the
reception desk of the building concerned or the nearest member of staff and to the emergency services in the
event of a proven fire.
Fire instructions, the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits are posted on all JUNIA sites, in all
buildings and on all floors, so that they are known to all students, staff and visitors. Evacuation drills are
scheduled periodically. Extinguishers are checked every year and it is strictly forbidden to handle them outside
their normal use.
Prevention :
• Read the safety instructions posted in the hallways.
• Locate stairs and emergency exits.
• Identify the position of fire extinguishers and fire alarms.
• Identify assembly areas.
• Respect the fire safety devices: fire extinguishers, compartment doors, emergency exits.
• Do not obstruct the areas around emergency exits.
• Report any discrepancies you notice to Reception or JUNIA Management.
In the event of a fire or during evacuation drills, the general instructions must be followed. Refusal to evacuate
and/or non-compliance with instructions will be considered as a breach of safety rules and treated as such.
In accordance with Decree No. 2006-1386 of November 15, 2006 setting the conditions for the application of the
ban on smoking in places assigned to collective and individual use, the sale of tobacco products is prohibited on
the site. To smoke :
• Cigarettes and using electronic cigarettes in indoor spaces
• Less than 7.5 meters from entrances, carpentry and air intakes
• On balconies, roofs, in patios
Cigarette butts will be thrown in the ashtrays provided for this purpose. The prohibitions relate to the products
defined in article L3511-1 of the Public Health Code.
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023
It is strictly forbidden to enter JUNIA sites while drunk or under the influence of drugs.
Under penalty of immediate exclusion from JUNIA, the introduction of alcoholic beverages and any other product
and object that is illicit, dangerous or likely to cause disorder, as well as their consumption on the premises of
JUNIA, is strictly prohibited. The introduction of weapons or dangerous objects that may take on the nature of a
weapon by destination is strictly prohibited within JUNIA premises.
The Management of JUNIA has full latitude to ask a competent authority (policeman, doctor, etc.) to observe
behaviour of this nature when the factual circumstances make such an observation necessary. The student has
the possibility of requesting the presence of a third party and/or can request a second opinion.
The drunkenness of an individual within the confines of the establishment may justify a disciplinary sanction.
This rule also applies to off-site training situations: internships, educational trips, etc. Furthermore, the
organizers are held criminally liable in the event of problems related to excessive alcohol consumption,
particularly when it comes to minors.
In the event of an accident or illness, even minor, within the JUNIA premises, you must immediately alert the
reception desk of the building concerned or the nearest staff member. A person authorized as an occupational
first aid worker (SST) must be notified as soon as possible and his/her intervention must be recorded in a
notebook provided for this purpose and available at the reception desk of the building concerned. In the event
of the absence of one of the persons mentioned beforehand, it will be necessary to seek medical advice by calling
15 or 112.
Internal rules JUNIA – 2022-2023