Big Data Paper
Big Data Paper
Big Data Paper
The age of big data has come with voluminous, complex, noise and ever fast growing data from
technology driven multiple data sources. Big data encompasses the domains such as healthcare, biomedical,
government, research and commerce. Researchers from diverse fields have been focusing on the big data to obtain
quality knowledge of contribution in their field. The researchers has reported to use many modern tools and
techniques specific to big data in solving the big data decision making task. This paper is focused at (i) concepts
and features associated to big data, (ii) the state-of-the-art techniques and tools for big data decision making, and
(iii) to discover the challenges pertaining to big data so that future researchers can obtain the directions from it.
With the arrival of Hadoop in 2006, the first generation of big data processing started. Hadoop uses
MapReduce as its processing engine. The second generation of big data processing was started by S4 (a Yahoo
product of 2010). S4 dealt with both the static and big data. The hybrid processing can bring us to the third
generation. However, the enough development is this area is yet to happen to let us inter into the third generation.
Table 1 simplifies with its visualization regarding the three generations of technologies by the detailed processing
Table 1. Three Generations of Big Data Technologies
Paradigm Technology
Batch Processing MapReduce
Apache Mahout
Jaspersoft BI Suite
Skytree Server
Stream Processing Kafka
SAP Hana
Spark Streaming
Hybrid Processing Lambdoop
Batch processing takes care of the data which is stored in storage. The advantages associated with batch
processing are scalability and reliability. The scalability is achieved by parallel implementations like that of
MapReduce. The stream processing on the other hand process big data in real time. This paradigm takes diskless
processing approach to achieve low latency. The hybrid processing synthesizes both the batch and stream
processing based on Lambda architecture [48].
The ultimate target is to develop the big data solutions for decision making which were never before
available. In this section, we shall discuss the challenges in big data decision making and the future solutions to
it. There are many factors which influences the decision making process for big data. The literature reports and
studies show that the factors and its impacts changes over time. The big data and its analysis for decision making
is an ad-hoc process where the organizations changes are frequently altered for obtaining quality output. The
agreements are changed to obtain big data, new staff are hired and new departments are formed so as to obtain
advantages by discover features from big data and subsequent decision making in a short span of time. The factors
which affect the decision making from big data is listed in table 2.
The main challenges discovered in decision making can relate to the velocity, validity and veracity and
these are connected with the following:
1. Processing: The velocity of data sometimes let the application obtain and deal with just a part of data, leaving
another part behind. This makes the decision making poor as the entire picture of the dataset becomes not so clear.
For example, some part of the data which shows a behavior like fraudulent becomes unknown if that part of data
in unavailable.
2. Noise: The presence of noise creates a problems on data perception and to obtain key insight becomes a problem
in case of noise presence.
3. Error: In many cases the source only has the information on the context of the data. The data analytics have no
idea on data context in this cases. For example, a data may be collected two years back and it reflect the scenarios
of last two years but wrongly it was communicated that the data is of last years. This is an error of data context
and the decision making from this data would be wrong.
Big data is a popular domain which is still developing in an enormous speed. The big data decision
making is a new sub-domain of big data analysis which encompasses the techniques and technologies of many
other domains. The techniques and technologies of big data is presented in this paper while providing textual
details and also using few figures and tables also. The paper then provides the challenges associated with big data
processing and discovers factors which influences the big data decision making from the literature.
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