Volumetric Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
Volumetric Analysis
A standard solution oi acid can be used to find the concentration of a solution of alkali. A
known vo lumt' of ,dbli is taken by pipette, a suitable indicator is added, and the alkali is
titrated against the standard acid until the equivalence point is reached. The number of
mo les of acid used ctn be calculated and the equation used to give the number of moles of
alkali neutralised .
Calculating the percentage of sodium carb onate m
· was h"mg so da crystals
· soda crysta Is are d.1ssoIve d an d ma d e u p to 250 cm 3 of solution.
5.125 g of washing . .A
25 .0 cm porrion of the solutton · 35 .8 cm 3 o f O•0500 m ol dm - 3 sulphunc acid for
· requires
neutralisa rion . Calculate rhc percentage of sodium carbonate in the cryS t als .
A sample containing ammonium sulphate was warmed with 250 cm 3 of 0.800 mo! dm- 3
sodium hydroxide solution. After the evolution of ammonia had ceased, the excess of
sodium hydroxide solution was neutralised by 85 .0 cm 3 of hydrochloric acid of
concentration 0.500 mol dm- 3 • What mass of ammonium sulphate did the sample contain?
When potassium manganate(V ll) ox idises an iron(ll) salt to an iron(ITI) sa lt, the equations
for the half-react ions are
MnO 4 - +8H'+5e- - Mn 2· +4H 2 O (3]
Fe 2
' - Fe 3 ' + c · (4]
One manganate(V II) ion needs 5 electrons, and one iron(II) ion gives only one.
Equation (4] must therefore be multiplied by 5:
5Fe2+ - SFc 1• + se· (51
Equations (3] and [5] can now be added to give
MnO 4 - +SH'+ 5Fc • -- Mn 2 • + 4H 2 O + 5Fe 3 •
<J11 c 11111111:,111r11l'(VII) ion 11ccd , 5c , n11 d unc crha ncdio a1c ion i-ivcs 2c · . Multiplyin g 3
cq11 :11io11 IJI by 2 1•,ivn
5C 2 O /· - I0 CO 2 + I0c ·
/\ddi11g the new cq ua1 ion~ 11ivc,
l'ora ,~i um di chrorn a tclVI) oxid i~<:~ iron(II) sa lt, 10 iro n( III ) s~lu . The equations for the two
h:,H -n ·aci io n, arc
O ne di chrnn inte ion wi ll oxidise ,ix imn( ll ) iom:
Yn11 may lik e IO fry 1hc problem on hnhncing equa 11o n, in Exerc, 1-e 8.4 befo re going o n 10
1:ick le 1hc m1111 cr ica l problcrm.
copper is oxidised and oxygen is reduced . It is ,a id th~t the ox «.Lm on numbe r ., , , u ppe r
incrca,cs fro m zero to +2 , and the oxi da ti o n number o f ox:-gcn dc,:-cc4~, from 1crr, w - 2.
T he followi ng rules arc fo ll owed in assigning ox ida tion nu m bco:
2 In ionic compounds, the oxidation number of each clement is th<: ch:.l 'b.c on •t~ 10 11. In
NaCl, the oxi dati o n number of Na = +I, a nd th :1 1 of Cl = - 1.
3 The sum of the oxidati o n numbers of all the clements in a com pound~ z.c10. In AICI ,. the
oxidation numbers arc : Al = +3; C l = -1, so th a t the sum of 1hr o xidanon num be r, "
+3+3 (-l) s 0.
4 T he sum of the ox id ation numbers of all the clemcncs in :in ion i., <""Gilli 10 the ch.irg c un
t he ion . In SO/- , the oxida tion numbers a rc S = +6 , 0 = -2. The sum o f the o x1d,1t1on
numbers fo r a ll the atoms is +6 + 4(-2) = -2, t he sa me :is the ch:irgc on the 50 ,:- 10 n .
5 In a cova lent compound, one clement must be given .1 posiriw oxidation n umber 3nJ di t·
other a negative ox idation number, such thnt the sum of the o xidation nu mbers fo r 3!1 the
arum ~ is zero . The fo ll ow ing clements a lw~ys have the s:i mc oxid a tion num bas in all rh cir
compou nd~. /\ knowledge of their oxidnrion number, helps l b to l s; ign o xid3ti o n num be r,
to 1hc other elcrncm s combined with tht•m:
Mg, Ca +l F - I
/\ L +J Cl - I, c-xccp1 in co mp o und s with O .1nd F
0 - l, cx,cpt in pao xiJc, Jnd rnrnpo unds with F
EXAMPLE 1 Wha1 i, rhe nxid :11io11 numbe r of gcr 111 ,1nium in Gt·C l,'
METHOD C hlorin e i, one o f the clemcnl s wi1h J comtant oxi dati o n num ber o f - 1.
Pota~sium dichromate(_VI) can be obtained in a high state of purity, and its aqueous
solut10ns are stable. It 1s used as a primary standard. The colour change when
chrom1um(VI) changes to chromium(III ) in the reaction
Cr2O/-(aq) + 14H •(aq) + 6e- - 2Cr 3•(aq) + 7H 2 O(1) ,
is from orange to blue. As it is not possible to see a sharp change in colour, an indicator is
used. Banum N-phenylphen ylamine-4-su lphonate gives a sharp colour change, from blue-
green to violet, when a slight excess of potassium dichromate has been added.
Phosphori~(V) acid_must be present to form a complex with the Fe 3• ions formed during
the ox1dat1on reaction; otherwise Fe 3• ions affect the colour change of the indicator.
Since_dichromate(V I) has a slightly lower redox potential than manganate(VII), it c~n be
used m the presence of chloride ions, without oxidising them to chlorine.
Standardisation of a sodium thiosulphatc solution, using iodine
. I · f potassium iodide
Iodine has a limited solubility in water. It dissolves m a so unon o
because it forms the very soluble complex ion, l3 - .
l (s) + 1-(aq) ~ ~ 1., -(aq)