GANDHI Wk14 Modules and Activity Worksheet
GANDHI Wk14 Modules and Activity Worksheet
GANDHI Wk14 Modules and Activity Worksheet
After this chapter, you should be able to:
Explain Data Analysis and Data Structure
Compare the Data structures, abstract data types and design patterns
Describe Operation on Data Structures
Explain algorithmic complexities and dynamic algorithms and their uses.
Explain the use of queues and sorting in handling data.
Value the importance of Data analysis and Data structure
Data Structures and Algorithms:
Study Chapter3, page 63-93 of the textbook
An Array is a type of user defined data structure that can be simple or multi-dimensional in form, which holds multiple
types of information that is related in some form or another. Study the example on page 70 of the book.
In computing, data are information that have been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing.
Relative to today's computers and transmission media, data are information converted into binary digital form. “Raw data”
is a term used to describe data in its most basic digital format.
Output/s to be submitted ACTIVITY WORKSHEET FOR ICT10
Deadline of Submission of Activities/Assessment
Mode of Submission Submit the activity worksheet at Clarendon College.
Element 0 1 2
1 Title and description No title or description Title and description are Title and description provided
provided incomplete
2 Description of sample No description of sample Description of sample not Sample is described accurately
3 Description of how bias No description provided Insufficient description. Bias control accurately described and
was controlled good reasoning provided
4 Survey questions (10 total) No performance tasks NA Includes eight total questions.
5 Two categorical questions. No categorical question Only 1 categorical question Includes 2 clear, categorical questions
6 Two open-ended, numeric No open-ended, numeric Only 1 open- ended numeric Includes 2 clear, open-ended numeric
response questions. response questions response question. response questions.
7 10 survey responses Five or less responses Between 5 and 9 responses Student obtained 10 responses.
8 Data entry is organized Data inaccurate and Data either inaccurate or Data accurate and organized
and accurate disorganized disorganized
9 Neatness of materials Materials are not neat Materials are lacking in neatness Materials are neat and easy to read.
10 The components of the No organization Some organization Materials are well- organized when
project are organized. handed in.
2. What is encapsulation?