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Colreg Questions

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Colregs OOW Questions

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1. You are drifting off a port None, your vessel is underway and stopped
awaiting a pilot, expected in and must exhibit the lights for a power-driven
one hour. What navigation vessel underway as in Rule 23.
lights would you switch off?

2. What is VHF channel 16 to be Distress, urgency brief safety communica-

used for? tions and for calling to establish communica-
tions, which should then be conducted on a
working channel.

3. In clear weather, your ves- No, these signals apply in restricted visibility.
sel is at anchor and anoth- As vessels are in sight of one another, sound
er vessel is approaching you five or more short and rapid blasts.
on a steady bearing. Can you
sound the warning signal for
a vessel at anchor consist-
ing of one short, one long,
one short blast as stated in
Rule 35?

4. Which sailing vessels may Sailing vessels of less than 20m in length.
carry the lights prescribed
combined in a lantern?

5. Is a vessel of less than 50m A vessel of less than 50m in length is not
in length required to show obliged to exhibit such lights but may do so.
two mast headlights?

6. You are in restricted vis- You would continue sounding one long blast
ibility, sounding one long every two minutes until the vessel has
blast every two minutes. To stopped in the water, and then begin sound-
avoid another vessel, you ing two long blasts every two minutes.
have stopped your engines.

What do you change your

whistle signal too?

7. How should an OOW keep a By sight and hearing as well as by all avail-
good lookout? able means, particularly those giving infor-

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mation about deep draught vessels and ves-
sels under tow.

8. As OOW, what would you ex- Any lights, vessels, or large floating objects
pect your lookout to report send and in restricted visibility, any fog sig-
to you? nals heard.

Although in congested waters every light

which is seen could not be reported, report
those which are likely to pose a collision risk,
especially small craft which may not be ob-
served easily from the bridge.

9. If a situation arose where Yes, if a situation arose which required a de-

a departure from the rules parture from the rules, a vessel, in addition to
may be necessary, are you being justified in makaing a departure, would
required to make a depar- have been expected to do so.

10. What is a signal to attract at- If it is necessary to attract the attention of

tention? another vessel, any vessel may make light
or sound signals that cannot be mistaken
for any signal authorised elsewhere in these
rules, or may direct the beam of her search-
light in the direction of danger, in such a way
as not to embarrass any vessel. Any light
to attract attention of another vessel shall
be such that it cannot be mistaken for any
aid to navigation. For the purpose of these
rules, the use of high intensity intermittent or
revolving lights such as strobe lights, shall be

11. A vessel NUC goes to an- Normal anchor lights for a vessel of her size.

What lights should she ex-


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You are being overtaken by a Stand on. The vessel that is overtaking keeps
deep draughted vessel. out of the way under Rule 13.

What action should you


13. You are being overtaken by a Stand on with caution. A vessel NUC must
vessel not under command. keep out of the way.

What action should you


14. At night you see a white light It is the light signal for a safe water mark,
flashing more 'A' indicating navigable water all round. It may
be used as a mid-channel or landfall buoy.
What does this signify?

15. At night you see a white It is the light signal for a safe water mark,
isophase light, indicating navigable water all round. It may
be used as a mid-channel or landfall buoy.
What does this signify?

16. In Rule 2, it mentions precau- A vessel underway keeping out of the way of
tions required by the 'ordi- a vessel at anchor.
nary practice of seamen'.
When a vessel anchors, she should not en-
What could these precau- danger any other vessel at anchor or anchor
tions include? too close to them.

In dense fog, a vessel without operational

radar may not be justified in being underway,
but should anchor if safe to do so.

When two vessels are approaching on anoth-

er in a narrow channel, it is customary for the
vessel with the tide against her to wait.

A TSS which has not yet received recognition

is therefore not mandatory, but it would be
good seamanship to comply with it.
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17. What are the main circum- The ship is disabled

stances where the use of the
urgency signal is justified? There has been a loss of person(s) over-

Requesting medical advice or assistance.

Requesting that a watch be kept for an over-

due ship or aircraft.

18. What does the term 'Pan Pan' It indicates that the calling station has a very
mean? urgent message to transmit concerning the
safety of the ship, aircraft, other vehicle or the
safety of a person. It shall have priority over
all other communications, except distress.

19. What does the term 'Mayday' It indicates that a ship, aircraft or the safety
mean? of life is threatened by grave and imminent
danger and requests immediate assistance.

20. What content information A distress alert should provide identification

should be contained in a dis- of the station in distress and its position. It
tress message? may also contain information regarding the
nature of the distress, the type of assistance
required, the course and speed of the vessel,
time of transmission and any further informa-
tion which may facilitate the rescue.

21. What VHF channels are avail- 6, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 72

able for inter-ship communi-

22. A vessel is fishing with sur- Stop engines when passing over the line of
face nets which you are nets.
forced to cross.
Cross the nets as near as practicable to 90
How should you cross the degrees, attempting to pass between the two
nets? buoys which normally support the net.

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Inform the Skipper of the fishing vessel.

23. A warship is navigating in It signifies that submarines are operating in

the area, exhibiting the code the area.
flags NE2.

What do these signify?

24. In restricted waters, a deep The safest action is to reduce own vessel's
draughted vessel exhibiting speed and allow the deep draughted vessel
NUC lights or shapes is on a to pass ahead.
steady bearing on your port

What is the safest action?

25. What would be your ac- Take the following action:

tion on sighting a vessel
aground, immediately ahead - Take all way off own vessel
of your vessel? - Inform the Master
- Echo sounder must be operating
- check the position of own vessel and vessel
- call up the vessel aground on VHF and
ascertain her draught, the time of grounding
and check the time against the height the
height of tide.

26. As OOW, what action would If fog is directly ahead,

you take when a fog bank is
observed directly ahead? - Engines to be placed on stand-by
- reduce to a safe speed
- inform the Master
- lookouts posted
- hand steering engaged
- radars operating
- commence radar plots of targets in the vicin-
- commence sounding the fog signal
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27. A vessel restricted in her Stand on with caution

ability to manoeuvre is over-
taking you.

What action should you


28. A vessel not under com- Stand on with caution

mand is overtaking you.

What action should you


29. What does the flag hoist 'YG'


30. What navigational lights are

on an oil installation?

31. What is the recommended

safe passing distance of
a vessel engaged in mine
clearing duties?

32. To whom do the collision

avoidance rules apply?

33. What is the safe passing dis-

tance from an oil installation
and where can this informa-
tion be found?

34. When searching for a life

raft, what would you tell look-
outs to watch for?

35. When joining a new ves-

sel, what checks would you
make to the radar set?
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36. If a magnetic compass is

'dead beat', what does this

37. What is contained in

the 'Weekly Notices to

38. You have a vessel approach-

ing from your starboard
beam on a steady bearing.

What avoiding action would

you take?

39. You have a vessel on a

steady bearing on your port

Can you take early action?

40. Does a vessel have a right

to take action early in an en-
counter to disengage from
what might become a dan-
gerous situation?

41. Where are vessels allowed

to fish in a narrow channel?

42. You are in a narrow chan-

nel and a vessel of less than
20m is crossing from the
starboard side.

What action would you take?

43. You are rounding a bend

in a narrow channel and
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have sounded a prolonged
blast, which has subse-
quently been answered by
another vessel.

What action would you take?

44. The term 'not to impede'

is used in several of the
collision regulations. What
do you understand by this
phrase, when is a departure
to be made from it and what
action is then to be taken?

45. In a narrow channel, you are

overtaking a vessel of less
than 20m in length.

What action would you take?

46. Are you permitted to cross to

the opposite side of a narrow

47. In a narrow channel, how are

you required to proceed?

48. When would you postpone

handover of the navigation

49. You see a fishing vessel with

a man on deck, slowly and
repeatedly raising and low-
ering his arms outstretched
to each side.

What does this signify?

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50. You see a vessel flying an In-
ternational flag hoist 'N' over

What does this signify?

51. You hear the continuos

sounding of a fog-signalling

What does this signify?

52. How do the 'International

Collision Regulations' affect
local rules made by a port or
harbour and pertinent to that
port only?

53. Define the word 'vessel'.

54. Define 'vessel engaged in


55. Define the term 'sailing ves-


56. Define the term 'power-dri-

ven vessel'.

57. The term 'vessel engaged

in fishing' does not include
vessels fishing with trolling
lines. What are trolling lines?

58. Define the term 'underway'.

59. Define the term 'vessel con-

strained by her draught'.

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You are on a vessel a dis-
tance of some 10' from a
point off land, rendezvous-
ing with a launch for
crew change and receiving

What signals would you


61. What type of vessels are

covered by the term 'vessel
restricted in her ability to

62. Define the term 'vessel re-

stricted in her ability to ma-

63. Define the term 'not under


64. Define the term 'seaplane'

65. How should you overtake a

vessel in a narrow channel
or fairway?

66. A vessel of less than 20m in

length is proceeding along a
narrow channel. Who should
not impede his passage?

67. A sailing vessel is proceed-

ing along a narrow channel.
Are there any vessels who
should not impede his pas-

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When proceeding along the
course of a narrow channel
or fairway on a power-driven
vessel, who should not im-
pede your passage?

69. How should you proceed

(conduct your passage) in a
narrow channel or fairway?

70. When you have taken action

to avoid collision with anoth-
er vessel, what should you
continue to monitor?

71. Which Annex concerns sig-

nals for fishing vessels of
20m or more in length en-
gaged in pair trawling?

72. What is the minimum diame-

ter of a bell or gong on a ves-
sel of 20m or more in length?

73. If more than one whistle is

fitted on a vessel, what crite-
ria determines if they are al-
lowed to be sounded simul-

74. What is the minimum audi-

ble range of a whistle on a
vessel greater than 20m in
length but less than 75m?

75. What is the minimum audi-

ble range of a whistle on a
vessel greater than 75m in
length but less than 200m in
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76. What is the minimum audible

range of a whistle fitted to a
vessel greater than 200m or
more in length?

77. Fishing vessels greater than

20m in length, when en-
gaged in trawling, shall ex-
hibit lights to indicate which
operation they are conduct-
ing. What operations do the
night and day lights indi-

78. fishing vessels are allowed

to show additional lights to
indicate the operation they
are conducting. What are
the requirements for spac-
ing and minimum visibility of
these additional lights?

79. What are the requirements

regarding positioning of a
manoeuvring light as de-
scribed in the Rules?

80. With regard to a sailing

vessel, what are the re-
quirements regarding verti-
cal sectors/minimum inten-
sity of navigational lights as

81. In the case of a power-driven

vessel, what are the require-
ments with regard to the ver-
tical sectors/minimum inten-

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sity of navigational lights as

82. What are the requirements

regarding siting of all-round

83. What are the requirements

with regard to horizontal
sectors of sidelights and
practical cut-offs?

84. What are the requirements

for shape signals on a vessel
of less than 20m in length?

85. What is the vertical distance

between shape signals?

86. What size is the shape used

to indicate a diamond?

87. What is the minimum size

of the shape which indicates
a vessel constrained by her

88. What size is the shape used

to indicate a cone?

89. What size is the shape used

as a ball?

90. Lights carried on a `Christ-

mas tree` which indicate
a vessel not under com-
mand, restricted in her abil-
ity to manoeuvre or a vessel
constrained by her draught,
should be placed at a mini-
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mum distance away from the
fore and aft centreline. What
is this distance?

91. What are the requirements

for the horizontal position-
ing of masthead lights on a
vessel of greater than 50m in

92. On a vessel of 20m or more

in length, when the rules re-
quire the carriage of two or
three lights in a vertical line,
what are the requirements
for spacing of such lights?

93. What are the requirements

for the positioning of side-
lights on a vessel?

94. When two masthead lights

are carried on a vessel, what
are the requirements for ver-
tical positioning/separation
and visibility?

95. On a power-driven vessel

of 20m or more in length,
what are the requirements
for the positioning of mast-
head lights?

96. With respect to position-

ing of lights, define `height
above the hull`.

97. A pilot vessel when on duty

may, in addition to the re-
quired sound signals as pre-
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scribed in Rule 35, sound an
identity signal immediately
after. What does this identity
signal consist of?

98. A vessel greater than 100m

in length is engaged in fish-
ing at anchor in restrict-
ed visibility. What fog signal
should she sound?

99. In restricted visibility, you

hear rite fog signal one pro-
longed blast followed by two
short blasts. What or which
type of vessels would sound
this signal?

100. What is the fog signal for a

power-driven vessel under-
way but stopped and making
no way through the water?

101. What is the fog signal for a

power-driven vessel making
way through the water?

102. A vessel is fitted with a fore

and aft whistle which may be
operated together. If the dis-
tance between such whistles
is 110m, can both whistles
be used for giving manoeu-
vring and warning signals?

103. In addition to the manoeu-

vring signals which are
made on the ship`s whistle
which may be supplemented
by light signals, what is the
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minimum visibility (in miles)
of this manoeuvring light?

104. What is the manoeuvring

signal to indicate `I am oper-
ating astern propulsion`?

105. What is the manoeuvring

signal for `I am altering my
course to port`?

106. What is the manoeuvring

signal for `I am altering my
course to starboard`?

107. What does the term `pro-

longed blast` mean?

108. What does the term 'short

blast' mean?

109. What does the term 'whistle'


110. Which vessels at anchor are

required to illuminate their

111. You are on watch in the pres-

ence of a pilot on a lengthy
river transit when the ves-
sels blacks out. What actions
should you take?

112. In the open sea, in the pres-

ence of other vessels, the
steering fails. What actions
should you take?

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As the relieving OOW, there
is an instruction in the Mas-
ter's orders that you do
not understand. What action
should you take?

114. What lights should a pilot

vessel exhibit when not en-
gaged in pilotage duty?

115. A small vessel is engaged in

diving operations. What sig-
nal should she exhibit?

116. A vessel is engaged in fish-

ing at a choir. What lights
should she exhibit?

117. What shape would a vessel

exhibit when proceeding un-
der sail also being propelled
by machinery?

118. What lights should a vessel

under oars exhibit?

119. What lights would a sailing

vessel of less than 7m in
length exhibit?

120. What additional identity

lights may a sailing vessel

121. Which sailing vessels may

carry their navigation lights
in one combined lantern at
or near the top of the mast?

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A vessel is towing a part-
ly submerged object with
length greater than 100m
and breadth greater than
25m. How should it be lit?

123. A vessel is towing a part-

ly submerged object whose
breadth is greater than 25m.
How should it be lit?

124. A vessel is towing a partly

submerged object less than
25m in breadth. How should
it be lit?

125. How should an inconspicu-

ous, partly submerged ves-
sel or object be lit?

126. A vessel is towing two ves-

sels on her starboard side.
How should these vessels
be lit?

127. When a pushing vessel and

the vessel being pushed
are rigidly connected, what
lights should they exhibit?

128. Where a tow exceeds 200m

in length, what shapes would
be exhibited?

129. When may the masthead

light or all-round white light
on a power-driven vessel of
less than 12m be displaced
from the fore and aft centre-
line of the vessel?
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130. What lights should a pow-

er-driven vessel exhibit
which is of less than 7m
in length and whose speed
does not exceed 7 knots?

131. Instead of the lights pre-

scribed for a power-driven
vessel underway, what may
a vessel of less than 12m in
length exhibit in lieu of those

132. When does an air cushioned

vessel exhibit an all-round
flashing yellow light?

133. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of an all-round white light
on an inconspicuous, partly
submerged vessel or object
being towed?

134. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of all the navigation lights
on a vessel of less than 12m
in length?

135. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of an all-round light on a
vessel of 20m in length?

136. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of a towing light on a ves-
sel of 20m in length?

137. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of a sternlight on a vessel
of 20m in length?
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138. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of a sidelight on a vessel
of 20m in length?

139. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of a masthead light on a
vessel of 15m in length?

140. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of a masthead light on a
vessel of 25m in length?

141. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of all lights on a vessel
of 12m or more in length but
less than 50m in length?

142. What is the minimum visibil-

ity of all lights on a vessel of
50m or more in length?

143. Define 'Flashing light'.

144. Define 'All-round light'.

145. Define 'Towing light'.

146. Define 'Sternlight'.

147. Define 'Sidelights'. 'Sidelights'

148. Define 'Masthead light'. 'Masthead light' means a white light placed
over the fore and aft centreline of the vessel
showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as
to show the light from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on either side of the

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149. When should the rules con- The rules concerning lights shall be com-
cerning lights be complied plied with from sunset to sunrise and, during
with? such times, no other lights shall be exhibited,
except lights as cannot be mistaken for the
lights specified in these rules r do not impair
the visibility or distinctive character, or inter-
fere with the keeping of a proper lookout.

150. What is the content of the Rule 19

rule concerning the 'Con-
duct of vessels in restricted

151. How should a seaplane on A seaplane on the water shall, in gener-

the water conduct her pas- al, keep well clear of all vessels and avoid
sage? impeding their navigation. In circumstances,
however, where risk of collision exists, she
shall comply with the rules in this part.

152. How should a vessel con- She should navigate with particular caution
strained by her draught con- having full regard to er special condition.
duct her passage?

153. Which vessels should avoid Any vessel other then a vessel not under
impeding the safe passage command or a vessel restricted in her abili-
of a vessel, constrained by ty to manoeuvre should avoid impeding the
her draught, exhibiting the passage of a vessel constrained by her
signals prescribed in Rule draught.

154. When a fishing vessel is un- A fishing vessel should keep out of the way
derway, which other vessels of:
should it keep out of the way
of, so far as possible? - A vessel not under command.
- A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeu-

155. A sailing vessel underway A sailing vessel should keep out of the way
shall keep out of the way of of:
which vessels?
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- A vessel not under command.
- A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeu-
- A vessel engaged in fishing.

156. Which vessels should pow- A power-driven vessel underway should keep
er-driven vessel underway out of the way of:
keep out of the way of?
- A vessel not under command.
- A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeu-
- A vessel engaged in fishing.
- A sailing vessel.

157. When a vessel is directed to Every vessel which is directed to keep out
keep out of the way of anoth- of the way of another vessel shall, so far as
er vessel within the meaning possible, take early and substantial action to
of these rules, how should keep well clear.
she act?

158. When is a head-on situation A head-on situation shall be deemed to ex-

deemed to exist? ist when a vessel sees the other ahead or
nearly ahead and by night she could see the
masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly
in a line and/or both sidelights and by day
she observes the corresponding aspect of
the other vessel.

159. When shall a vessel be A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking

deemed to be overtaking? when coming up with another vessel from a
direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her
beam, that is in such a position with reference
to the vessel she is overtaking, that at night
she would be able to see only the sternlight
of that vessel but neither of her sidelights.

160. Who do these rules apply to? These rules shall apply to all vessels upon
the high seas and in all waters connected
therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.

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161. What does the term WIG craft The term 'Wing-In-Ground (WIG) craft'
mean? means a multi-modal craft which, in its main
operational mode, flies in close proximity to
the surface by utilising surface-effect action.

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