Trying Test
Trying Test
Trying Test
of Questions: 45
Only Periodic Table is allowed.
Knew that Ka1, Ka2 of H2S are 1.10-7,2 and 1.10-14, Kb of NH4OH is 1.10-4,76 , and Kw of water
is 10-14.
Question 8: Which oxide of Manganese can be reacted easier to hydrocloric acid as acid-
base reaction?
a) MnO b) Mn2O3 c) MnO2 d) Mn2O7
Question 9: Choose the correct answers (with solvent is water)
1. CH3NH2, CO32-, CH3COO-, Cl- are bases according to Bronsted-Lawry’s theory.
2. The strength of acids BF3, BCl3, BBr3 will be decreased.
3. HCN, H3O+, Na+, C6H5OH, N2H5+ are acid according to Bronsted-Lawry’s theory.
4. The base strength is increased in series: anilin<3,5 dinitroanilin<2,6 dinitroanilin
5. Higher value pKa of an acid leads to weaker of its conjugated base.
a) 1,2,3,5 b) 1,5 c) 2,3,4 d) 3,5
Question 10: There are cations: (1) NH4 , (2) CH3NH3 , (3) (CH3)2NH2 , (4) CH3COOH2+.
+ + +
a) (4) < (3) < (1) < (2) b) (3) < (4) < (1) < (2)
c) (4) < (3) < (2) < (1) d) No result above is correct
Question 11: There is the reaction: NH2-(k) + HBr(k) = NH3(k) + Br-(k)
Q ( KJ/ mol) 1689 1354
Choose the wrong statements:
1. Br- has stronger basic than that of NH2- because of lower of Q value.
2. NH2- has stronger basic than that of Br- because of higher of Q value
3. When NH2- react with H+ will has ∆H higher than that of Br-
4. Conjugated acid of NH2- has weaker acidic than that of Br-
a) 1,3 b) 2,3 c) 2,3,4 d) 2,4
Question 12: Choose the right statement:
1. Bronsted - Lawry’s theory can be used in gas as well liquid phases.
2. In Usanovic’s theory, every reactions can be considered as acid-base reaction,
including redox reactions.
3. Strength of acid- base according to Lewis’s theory just can be compared by using the
general standard the same to Bronsted-Lawry’s theory.
a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 1, 3 d) 1, 2, 3
Question 13: Choose the right statement: What substances impulse the hydrolysis reaction of
NaCN in water?
a. NaOH, Ba(OH)2 b. HCl, H2SO4
c. NH4NO3, CH3COONa c. There is no.
Question 14: What are amphoteric substances base on Bronsted-Lawry’s theory:
a. HS- ,Ag+aq ,Fe2+aq , H2O, HCl, NH3
b. HS-, H2O, HCl, SO42-
c. F- , S2-, HS-, H2O, HCl, NH3
d. HS-, H2O, HCl, HCO3-
Question 15: There is difference from crystal and amorphous state in term of:
a) Structure b) Shape c) Isotropic d) a and c
Question 16: What are molecule lattice structures among below substances (in solid state):
COCl2, NO, Al2S3, BaO, SO2
a) COCl2, NO, SO2 b) COCl2, NO, Al2S3
c) COCl2 , BaO, SO2 d) NO, As2S3
Question 17: What are ion lattice structures among below substances (in solid state):
K3[Fe(CN)6], Fe(CO)5 , As2O3, BaO, Na2S
a) K3[Fe(CN)6], Fe(CO)5 b) As2O3, BaO
c) As2O3, BaO, K3[Fe(CN)6] d) BaO, K3[Fe(CN)6], Na2S.
Question 18: Which is strongest acid among these acids below?
a) HClO b) HBrO c) HMnO4 d) HClO4
Question 19: Which is strongest base among below substances?
a) Ba(OH)2 b) Al(OH)3 c) Mg(OH)2 d) Fe(OH)3
Question 20: Which substance has highest valence bonding among below substances?
a) Co(OH)3 b) FeCl3 c) C10H22 d) NiSO4
Question 21: Choose the right statement:
a.In Pauling’s rule for acids HaXOn(OH)m , value of n decides strenght of acid.
b. Base on Kartletch’s rule, the rate of q/r of center ion higher leads to stronger acidic
of a substance.
c. Cations that have pKtp lower then their acidic also stronger.
d. Alls are correct.
Question 22: Choose the incorrect statement.
1) The conjugate base of a strong acid is weak base.
2) In conjugated acid-base pair NH4+ / NH3 (with water is solvent) we have:
KNH4+ xKNH3 =10-14 , exactly at all temperature.
3) HCl is strong acid.
a) 1 b) 2,3 c) 3 d) Alls are correct.
Question 23: Plase calculate the pH value of solution on H2SO4 10-9 M:
a) 5 b) 9 c) 7 d) 14
Question 24: In octahedral complex compounds, if numbers of electrons are lower than 3 or
higher than 8, then:
a) If ∆ > P is low spin complex. b) If ∆ > P is high spin complex.
c) If ∆ < P is high spin complex. d) All are wrong
Question 25: Base on Latimer series of Chlorine in acid solution below:
1,201 1,181 1,701 1,630
ClO4- ClO3- HClO2 HClO Cl2 1,358 Cl-
Standard Redox Potential of ClO / Cl2 is:
(1) 0.500
Question 28: Please calculate the values of Redox Potentials at positions (1), (2), (3), (4) in
these Latimer’s diagram.
a. (1): 0.158 V, (2): 0.400 V, (3)0.386 V, (4) -0.2806 V
b. (1): 0.411 V, (2): -0.400 V, (3)0.006 V, (4)0.2806 V
c. (1): 0.158 V, (2):-0.218 V, (3) 0.176 V, (4)-0.2608 V
d. There is no correct answer.
Question 29: Base on Latimer’s diagram of S, please determine what are compound of S that
can be disproportionated in corresponding solution:
a. Acid: , Base:
b. Acid: , Base:
SO 2− , S
c. Acid: , Base: 3
a. Acid: , Base:
b. Acid: , Base:
c. Acid: , Base:
d. There is no compound can be comproportionated.
Question 31: Base on Latimer’s diagram of S, please determine the values of redox potential
at 1,2,3,4 positions below in solution with pH = 6:
What compound(s) of Cl can not be stable in solution at pH = 1?
a)HClO b) ClO2- c) Cl- d) ClO4- & Cl2.
Question 39: Choose the wrong statement:
a) In tetrahedral complex compounds orbital dxy, dyz, dxz have higher energy than that
of dx2-y2 and dz2.
b) Complex compounds that have no π bonding if they have higher Δ lead to high
spin complex compound and more stable.
c) In octahedral complex compounds orbital dx2-y2 & dz2 have higher energy than that
of dxy, dyz, dxz..
d) Crystal Field Theory can explain why complex compounds of d and f elements
have many case of color.
Question 40: Knew standard reduction potential of the semi-reaction Fe3+(aq) + e− → Fe2+
(aq) is +0,77V. Please determine changing of its potential when CN- is added into solution,
where stable constant of Fe(CN)63- is 1031 and Fe(CN)64- is 1024.
a. Increase b. No change c. Decrease d. Can’t determine.
Question 41: The complex ion hexacyanoferate(III) (Fe: 3d 4s , and CN- is strong field
6 2
ligand) has:
a) Octahedral structure, paramagnetic, low spin
b) Formula is [Fe(CN)6]3-
c) Lattice stable energy is E= -2+2P
d) Alls are correct.
Question 42: Knew:
Au3+ + 3e Au φ = 1,50 V
Where overall unstable constant of [AuCl4 ] is Kus = 2.10-21,3