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Cryptography Report

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A Study of Various Cryptographic Techniques

A Seminar Report submitted

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Masters in Computer Applications in Computer Science and Engineering

Ashish Kumar Srivastava

Supervised by:
Prof. Deepti Sahu

April, 2021

This is to certify that the report entitled “A Study of Various Cryptographic Techniques” submitted by “Ashish srivastava”

having System ID’s “2019005372” to Sharda University, towards the fulfillment of requirements of the degree of MCA is

record of Bonafede final year Project work carried out by him/her in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University. The results/findings contained in this Project have not been

submitted in part or full to any other University/Institute for award of any other Degree/Diploma.

Signature of Supervisor


Signature of Head of Department

(Office seal)

Signature of External Examiner


This report and the research behind it would not have been possible without the exceptional support of our guide, Mrs.
Deepti Sahu Mam. Her enthusiasm, knowledge, and exacting attention to detail have been an inspiration and kept our work
on track. As our teacher and guide, she has taught us more than we could ever give her credit. We are also grateful to all of
those with whom we have had the pleasure to work during this and another related seminar.

Name and signature of Students: Ashish Srivastava

Appendix 1
Contents List

Chapter-1: Introduction ……………….……………….………………………………………

Chapter-2: Literature Survey ………………………………………………………………….

Chapter-3: Problem Statement……………………….……………………………………….

Chapter-4: Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………….

Chapter-5: Future Scope……………………………………………………………………….

Chapter-6: References……………………………………………………………………….
A Study of Various Cryptographic Techniques


Cryptography is stated as the craft of science, arrangement of procedures or devices acclimated safeguard information thought its
transference over the company. It includes cryptography of messages and encryption. Coding is a way toward changing fathomable
content inside figure text. Decoding is the strategy for recovering underlying text from scrambled content. It furthermore gives a
classification, moreover gives unification, validation, and Non-renouncement.

Biometrics are used by Cryptography in a touch for its progressions which shows new information. From few different types,
Cryptography comes in the most ideal approaches to manage to improve the course of action and all things considered safety for its data
structure encryption and interpreting parts. Different scientists worked in different fields and I likewise attempted to secure the substance
of my work in this exploration report.

As of now, daily's experts find procedures that are superior to the algorithm like T-DES and AES in a manner that, in the development
of these computations will moreover break to occur. From past years, RSA was solid with the progression in innovation, it was made
defenseless to various assaults. With years a few spirals and lopsided key computation are presented and is additionally a respectable
procedure. A few new methods are presented like circular bends which might be wont to execute encryption and is adaptable, for
example, it gets changed and converged with various methods for shaping the code text which is difficult to intrude.

1.1 Terms Used in Cryptography

Fig-1: General figure of a cryptographic system

➢ Plain text: The content which is indiscernible configuration is called plain content. For example, Y send a “How are you” message
for Z. Here, " How are you" is a simple text

➢ Cipher Text: Cipher Text - The unclear message is named code text. The message in cryptography is changed over into non-
coherent code. For example – "3Z8" is the code that is generated.

➢ Encryption-Process of transforming information from readable to unreadable format. Encryption algorithms are used to encrypt
the information. Encryption happens at the sender side means how is sending the msg.

➢ Decryption- Unscrambling Decoding is that the converse strategy for encryption any place it changes over text into plain content.
Unscrambling happens on the recipient side to get the underlying message from the Implementations void message. translating
technique needs decoding rules and the requirement of a key.

➢ Key –It is used during the occurrence of encryption on simple text. In cryptography, the key choice is fundamental since the
wellbeing of encoding calculation relies upon it
1.2 Features

The following point shows cryptography features.

• Secrecy: Assures that sent messages are open for examination by the endorsed party.

• Authentication: Assures that base of information is viably perceived, inside affirmation ensuring that character isn't fake.

• Integrity: Ensures that single affirmed social events can change the sent information. Change joins evolving, forming, eradicating of

• No revocation: Necessitates that neither sender nor the finder of the message ought to have the decision to deny the transmission.

• Access control: Information access may be compelled by or then again for the goal system.

• Availability: information requirements must be open to affirmed get-togethers when required.

1.3 Cryptography Types

1.3.1 Symmetric key cryptography

Moreover, it is named secret-key cryptography. For encrypting the msg Symmetric cryptography uses the same key moreover,
deciphering. Key expects a huge part in cryptography. a key must be scattered ahead of communication among two get-togethers. This
sort of cryptographic method is needed since it offers faster help without making use of various assets. The power of symmetric key
encryption relies upon the key size. Data could viably decode if a slight key is used in the estimation. DES, TDES, AES, Blowfish,
and 3DES are diverse symmetric-key computations.

Fig-2: Symmetric key cryptography

1.3.2 Asymmetric key cryptography

Additionally, it is named open key cryptology. Inside lopsided encipher, two indisputable keys are utilized for encryption for public
key and private key. The authorities' public key is utilized to scramble the simple substance and supported individuals that they may
have the choice to unscramble the code text from his key. The private key is kept a mystery. This strategy is beneficial which gives
better endorsement as protection stays flawless. There are particular symmetric key calculations like RSA, Diffie Hellman Key
Exchange Algorithm, Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC), and Digital Signature.

Fig-3: Asymmetric key cryptography


Susan et al. brought up that organizing and register security is another and quick innovation inside the software engineering
field, with PC security instructing to be an objective that moves constantly. Algorithmic and mathematic viewpoints, for
example, hashing methods and encryption, are the primary focal point of safety courses. As saltines discover approaches for
network hacking frameworks, new techniques are made to protect the most recent kind of assaults, however, every one of
these assaults becomes obsolete day by day because of the reactions from new security programming. With the consistent
development of safety phrasing, security methods and abilities keep on arising in the act of business, network improvement,
security design, and lawful establishment.

Othman O. Khalifa et al. exhibited the essential fundamental ideas, attributes, and objectives of cryptography. They talked
about that in our age, for example, the period of data, correspondence has added to the development of innovation and hence
has a significant job that expects security to be ensured and guaranteed when information is sent with the help of

Nitin Jirwan et al. alluded to information correspondence as relying primarily upon advanced information correspondence, in which
information security has the most elevated need when utilizing encryption calculations with the end goal for information to arrive at the
planned clients securely without being undermined. They additionally exhibited the different cryptographic strategies that are utilized in
a cycle of information correspondence, like symmetric and deviated techniques.
Sandeep Tayal et al. proposed that with the spread of informal communities and trade apps, an immense part of the information is
conveyed every day by associations across the world. This makes information security a tremendous problem as far as assuring that
exchange of information through the web is ensured. More clients associating with the internet further show the need for cryptography
procedures. This report gives an outline of different procedures utilized by organizations for improving security.

Anjula Gupta et al. exhibited roots and significance of cryptology just as how data security has become a difficult issue in the fields of
PCs and correspondences. As well as exhibiting cryptology is a way for guarantee and distinguishing proof, adaptability, respectability,
and user secrecy and their information by giving security. This report moreover gives distinctive disproportionate computations that have
empowered us to guarantee and get data.

There was nothing that turned out badly, yet what happened was that the need to get information more has emerged. The information
turned out to be increasingly significant and the need to secure it turned out to be to an ever-increasing extent. Several assessments that
show DES is truly consoling in beginning and showed that power it can consume around 1100 years to figure out the program in any case
as the dealing with a force of the framework stretched out an opportunity to break. DES lessened to around 10 hours which was feasible
and consequently moved the researcher society to grow the key size (which was only 56 in DES) to around 128 (in AES) or even 168 (in
TDES). These computations are been used nowadays in any case, they in like manner will without a doubt crash and burn in not-so-removed
future as the taking care of force is growing drastically and these methodologies will flop ultimately.
Similar happened simply in the event of topsy-turvy key calculations like RSA that were extremely encouraging in previous years anyway
they conjointly fizzling and would be broken with even ruthless 2016 first International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber
Security (ICICCS 2016) 209 power Associate in Nursing an astute wrongdoer will be broken in minutes or seconds because the situation
licenses the millions to work to be done and multiple times faster than the time once RSA was presented.

Fig-4: Types of Symmetric Key Algorithms

Table-1: Table of Different Symmetric Key Algorithm


Fig-5: Asymmetric Key Algorithms Types

Table-2: Table of Different Asymmetric Key Algorithm

Method Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

Features Common construction (d, e) where d tends to personal key and e tends to a public key.
Encryption and deciphering both use a comparative limit.
Advantages It’s hard for creating the personal key from the public key; hence which is exceptionally secure.
Registering the converse for e must hard for aggressors
Downsides The intricacy of producing the key. The interaction is very lethargic. It is not demonstrated the
factorization strategy and factorizing a huge number is troublesome.
Security Solutions The length of the key ought to be bigger than the 1024 pieces.

Method Dimple Hellman Algorithm

Features It depends on the distribution of the mystery cryptology key. This key form is used for
encryption as well as decoding. It depends on discrete logarithms.
Advantages As the symmetric key is a small length (256 pieces), hence calculation is very quick.
Downsides The more extended the symmetric key which is utilized more assaults it will confront and more
helpless against The Middle Attacks Guy
Security Solutions Regular Key to Change fundamental. Advancement of Station-to-Station convention routs The
Middle Attacks Guy assaults. The advancement of Biometric Authentication is an answer for

Method Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC)

Features It figures Elliptical properties of the keys bend.
Advantages It provides security utilizing a 164-piece key and also much beneficial compare to RSA and
Diffie Hellman calculations. It devours minimum force and gives better services for batteries.
Downsides It builds size for encoded information and is much perplexing and hard to carry out, contrasted
with RSA
Security Solutions Presentation of Elliptic Curve Computerised Signature Algorithm (ECDSA); The verified key
arrangement convention, ECMQV ensures against The Middle Attacks Guy assaults.

Method Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

Features DSA comprises a couple of enormous numbers, processed dependent upon certain calculations
for verifying information. The marks are created from private keys and gests confirmed utilizing
public keys.
Advantages It is speedy and produces nondenial and realness. It receives and is more profitable than data
against multiple threats like man-in-the-middle attacks various estimations lopsided key.
Downsides Advanced marks have a minimum life expectancy. Both are not viable with one another and
accordingly entangle sharing.
Security Solutions Affirmation writing computer programs is crucial. Modernized verifications should be bought
from trusted in trained professionals.

Table-3: Table of New Developed Symmetric Key Algorithms

Method Parallel hardware architecture for AES-GCM algorithm

Characteristics It upgrades various rationales entryways and afterward contrasts the exhibition for
S-Boxes and ASIC 65 nm CMOS innovation.

Advantages It gives realness and privacy both at the same time for touchy information

Pitfalls On the off chance that the territory exertion expands, the overhead postpones
increments If the basic way defer builds the sub pipelining of the framework can't
expand its Frequency
Implementations Different equipment and programming.

Method Instruction Set Extensions for Symmetric Key algorithms

Characteristics It incorporates the program sign of equipment and programming ideal models to
accomplish actual security, adaptability, convenience, and best execution with
equipment executions.
Advantages It decreases programing time, code size and assembles the throughput.
Pitfalls Installed frameworks with no adjusted processor build overhead, information moves
inertness, and different intricacies.
Implementations Clinical information bases, messages, internet business, e-banking, and so on.

Method Key transfer protocol for secret sharing applications

Characteristics It utilizes different edge and mystery transmitting plans for key trade. It features
information validation and restrictive access.
Advantages It permits age of various keys for distinctive arrangement of beneficiaries. It utilizes
the least computational necessities and doesn't rely upon any numerical suspicions.
Pitfalls The cycle burns through much time.
Implementations Satellite, web, link, and so on.

Method Instruction Level distributed Processor (COBRA)

Characteristics It gives adaptability from reconfiguration. It guides and carries out calculations
utilizing COBRA low-level computing construct. Information is assembled
utilizing cycle tallies.

Advantages It gives both high-velocity handling and security. It gives a proficient execution of
an assortment of square codes and can accomplish harsh of 622 Mbps
Pitfalls The square codes to be tried ought to be of differing productivity and execution.
Implementations Different organization encryption executions like ATM.
Method Compression and Encryption scheme based on arithmetic coding and coupled
chaotic systems
Characteristics It relies upon zero-request number juggling programming utilizing bitstreams
created by CCS PRBG.

Advantages It is exceptional safety and isn't powerless against assaults again number-crunching
coding and simple texts.
Pitfalls The zeroth request endures approx. 6% over different strategies.
Implementations Different specially appointed organizations.

Method Rekeying architecture based on Tree Parity Machine

Characteristics It utilizes TDMA with a solitary TPM unit. It executes both FPGA and ASIC
acknowledgment utilizing VHD
Advantages It is financially savvy, devours less time with a restricted data transfer capacity and
Pitfalls The key lifetime is short. It decreases the capacity region by expanding cycles for
creating the yield bit.
Implementations Inserted framework conditions.


Table-4: Table of Newly Developed Asymmetric Key Algorithms

Method Hardware/software codesign of ECC for Resource-constrained applications

Characteristics ECC helped in paired field increase in programming. It additionally provides
guidance set augmentations and introduced a processor for parallel increase.

Advantages It is exceptionally productive as far as execution and area.

Pitfalls Nothing is referenced about power utilization.
Implementations Brand insurances, and so on

Method Prime Number Generation

Characteristics Indivisible numbers are produced haphazardly from a huge arrangement utilizing
the distinctness tests.

Advantages Mixed messages utilizing two prime variables become hard to break. Thus,
information remains exceptionally got.
Pitfalls The piece length of the indivisible numbers ought to be pre-decided. Producing
large indivisible numbers is very troublesome.
Implementations Cash move, deals, political correspondences, books. sound, video, and so forth.
Method Image security through an asymmetric watermarking algorithm
Characteristics Inserting and location are done independently utilizing public key and private key separately. It depends
upon straight variable-based math.
Advantages This calculation exceptionally productive it gives a twofold layer safety level for ensuring advanced
information. It is straightforward and protects the expense.

Pitfalls On the off chance that a specific number is enormous, the watermark isn't identified to the first encoded
Implementations Duplicate assurance structures.

Method Generation of a multimode multiplier

Characteristics It comprises 4 stages and utilizes a progression of correct moving and increments.
Advantages It has 4 stages and utilizes a progression of correct moving and increases
Pitfalls It squanders power whenever worked in AES. The force utilization must be high.
Implementations It will in general applied to different areas of polynomial and assists in system vector expansions.

Method Asymmetric DNA algorithm

Characteristics It encodes the simple content utilizing current natural data from DNA public data sets. It is carried out in
MATLAB and Bio Java.
Advantages It doesn't need a few emphases for induction of keys and these keys could recovered. It’s more dependable
and amazing from OTP and DNA calculation.
Pitfalls The cycle is extensive and stops the execution time
Implementations Explores in DNA calculations

Method Master-key-encryption-based multiple group key management schemes (MKE MGKM)

Characteristics The MKE-MGKM utilizes handling different multicast bunches existing in a solitary organization.
Advantages The MKE-MGKM is straightforward and required minimum memory stockpiling for keys.
Pitfalls Correspondence overhead is more noteworthy than capacity overhead.
Implementations Different telecom like TV and remote versatile organizations.

Method Key assessment scheme for secure broadcasting

Characteristics The plan utilizes ECC cryptographic calculation. The quantity of encryption keys relies upon the entrance
control arrangements.
Advantages It’s profoundly productive. The capacity of unscrambling keys in alter opposition gadget is simpler.
Pitfalls Security arrangements particularly if there should arise an occurrence of brilliant cards are not clear.
Implementations Television frameworks, electronic membership, and so forth

Cryptography assumes an essential part in the development of advanced information stockpiling and correspondence. It is utilized
to accomplish the mains of safety objectives like classification, trustworthiness, validation, non-renouncement. To accomplish
these objectives, different cryptographic calculations are created. In which a portion of the calculations are succeeded and others
bombed because of an absence of safety. The calculation for encryption can be chosen dependent on the sort of information being
conveyed and the sort of channel through which information is being imparted. The fundamental reason for this report is to disperse
the fundamental information about the cryptographic calculations and examination of accessible symmetric key and asymmetric
key encryption strategies dependent on certain boundaries like weakness to assault, Uniqueness about the strategy, and so on.


In this report, we have observed that the method whose suggestion is to stop the existing not-so-distant future. Considering this
we will build up some unique cryptographic procedures which would be sufficiently smart to adjust itself through fake wise
calculations and with the headway of innovation it would likewise makes itself considerably harder to break. This innovation may
be difficult to be carried out in symmetric key cryptography yet we could be executed in asymmetric key cryptography with the
assistance of circular bend cryptography. The outcome could likewise converge with steganography so that figure text would be
pretty much outlandish (not computationally but rather in regard of convenient doable situation) to break.

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