Lec 6
Lec 6
Lec 6
Prof. S. P. Venkateshan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Module - 1
Lecture - 6
Regression Analysis (Continued)
So this will be lecture no. 6 on mechanical measurements. Towards the end of the last lecture, we
were talking about nonlinear fit and in particular, we talked about the polynomial fit. So what I
intend to do in the present lecture is shown in the slide.
Take an example of quadratic fit, and before taking the example through EXCEL, I will actually
work out a few steps on the board so that we understand what we are talking about. I will actually
derive or show how the normal equations are written and then I will follow it up with example 6,
which talks about the quadratic fit for a particular data set. Having discussed that, we will
consider the general nonlinear fit in some detail. As I mentioned in the previous lecture, it will not
be very detailed. It will only give us a sketchy description of how to go about doing a nonlinear
fit. And I will just discuss in brief the so-called method of steepest descent, which is one of the
optimization methods that can be used for nonlinear regression. Time permitting, I will give a
brief introduction to the experiment design, and of course, it will be taken up in more detail in the
subsequent lecture. So just to recapitulate what we have done (Refer Slide Time 4:40 min), we
were talking about a polynomial fit, which means that I have a nonlinear relationship between
variable y and variable x, I am just assuming one variable here, for the sake of simplicity. So I am
thinking in terms of y being given as a polynomial of x. A particularly simple example will be
quadratic, which will be given by a 0 plus a 1 x plus a 2 x square.
(Refer Slide Time: 5:45)
The three parameters which characterize this fit are: a 0 , a 1 , and a 2 . So the expression which I
have hired, y equal to p of x, will be used when it comes to the application of this model as y i
equal to p of x i . That means I can elaborate it and write as y i equal to a 0 plus a 1 x i plus a 2 x i
square. So the problem consists of determining the constants a 0 , a 1 , and a 2 , by using the method
of least squares because that is common for all regression models. So let us just elaborate on this
little more.
So what I will do is, I will try to minimize the sum of squares, which is given by sigma i equal to
1 to N y minus yi whole square. This will be data, comma i, and this will be yi , which is the fit.
This is the fit and all I have to do is to substitute for y i expression from the previous page. See
here. We have yi equal to a 0 plus a 1 x i plus a 2 x i square. I just have to substitute here into this one,
and will say this will be a 0 plus a 1 x i plus a 2 x i square. So the procedure is very similar to what we
did when we were doing the linear regression model. If you remember, we were taking the partial
derivative with respect to each parameter in succession and then writing the appropriate equation,
which makes the partial derivative 0.
For example, in the case of linear regression, we had two such equations. In this case we will
have three equations, which are required for finding out three parameters a 0 , a 1 and a 2 . Suppose I
call this quantity as some capital S, my requirement is doh S by doh a 0 equal to doh S by doh a 1
equal to doh S by doh a 2 equal to 0. That is the requirement for the minimization of this. That
means this minimization requires these steps. So if we do that, you can immediately see that
instead of two long normal equations, we are going to get three normal equations. Let us just see
what the normal equations are, by rating down the expressions for doh S by doh a 0 or any one of
For example, I can take doh S by doh a 2 ; this will be sigma i equal to 1 to N, 2 into ydi minus a 0
plus a 1 x i plus a 2 x i square multiplied by x i square. I am now going to differentiate with respect to
a 2 because I have taken differentiation with respect to a 2 here. That gives you x i square. If you
want you can put the whole thing in a flower bracket because the entire thing here is dependent
on x i . Of course negative sign can be introduced here. So you see that now if I rewrite in a simple
slightly different form, as is clear to us from earlier treatment, you will have a 0 sigma x i square.
From here to here, the product of these 2 plus a 1 sigma x i cube plus a 2 sigma x i to the power of 4,
this equal to sigma ydi multiplied by x i square. We will refer to this as equation no. 1. It is very
clear if you remember what we did earlier when we had only 2 equations. This equation was
absent in that case. You will also notice that the summation involves 4th power of x i , then the
cube of the x i and the square of the x i . This is the equation no. 1 in this case. So by recapitulating
what we did earlier,w e can simply write the next 2 equations and I would like the student to find
out how to get them. So the next equation will be a 0 sigma x i plus a 1 sigma x i square plus a 2
sigma x i cube equal to sigma ydi x i . I can call this as equation no. 2. You will notice that a 2 is
multiplied by instead of x i to the power of 4 with x i cube; so 1 power less than this, and this is
also 1 power less, and this is also 1 power less. So this is x i square; it becomes x i in the case of
the second equation, so this is x i square and this is x i .
So, similarly we can write down the third normal equation, which is obtained as a 0
into sigma 1 or is equal to N times a 0 plus a 1 sigma x i plus a 2 sigma x i square equal
to sigma y i . Actually, this equation has a simple meaning that, y bar x bar is again a
point on the regression curve. So x bar y bar is again a point lying on the regression
curve. This is a quadratic in this particular case. So we have 3 equations and 3
parameters, which are unknown, and we can easily solve for this, by using
Cramer’s rule or by successive elimination. We can do that, solve by any suitable
method. Of course, this is how one would get the answer by actually working out the
(Refer Slide Time 14:08 min)
However, in EXCEL, as we indicated in the last lecture, there is an option. When we go to the
chart option, one of the options is going to be—in fact we had large number of options—in fact to
recapitulate you can have a linear, polynomial. When I say polynomial, I can specify the highest
power or the degree of the polynomial. We can also have exponential moving average and so on.
So one just has to use this option and whatever calculation procedure I showed is automatically
performed by the EXCEL itself and I am going to get the answer straight away. So in order to
appreciate this, what I will do is I will go back to the slide which depicts some of these. So let me
look at the particular slide, which gives some information about that. I will just recapitulate
whatever I wrote on the board, so the polynomial fit is easily done using analytical method by
formulating the problem as an optimization problem, deriving the 3 normal equations. We can
obtain summation, which we worked out on the board or I can use EXCEL, which was the built-
in routine for this case. What I am going to do is in the next two or three slides, I am going to
show how this can be easily done by EXCEL.
(Refer Slide Time 15:21 min)
So let me take a typical example. The x, y data set is shown in the form of a table and we expect a
quadratic relation between x and y. We are expected to obtain the fit by least squares method and
discuss the goodness of the fit. And if you remember, in the last lecture when we were talking
about nonlinear fit, we said that the appropriate parameter which tells us about the goodness of
the fit is the index of correlation. In the case of linear fit, we call it the correlation coefficient and
we are able to derive it by looking at the slopes of the 2 regression lines and looking at how close
they are to each other by taking the ratio of these slopes. In the case of the nonlinear fit, such a
simple interpretation is not possible. So instead of that, what we are doing is compare the error or
the spread in the data with respect to regression line or regression curve and compare it with the
spread in the y with respect to its own mean. And in fact we come out with the index of
correlation as the appropriate parameter. So that is what I am going to show in this case. In fact
(Refer Slide Time 15:21 min) the index of correlation automatically comes out as an output of the
EXCEL calculation sheet.
(Refer Slide Time 17:04 min)
Let us look at the example in the EXCEL sheet. So I have just taken the EXCEL sheet, copied the
appropriate numbers on to the power point, so that we can see the numbers more clearly and more
legibly. So the data is given with x ranging from 0.2 to 3.5 here, and y is the data, which goes
from 2.55 to about 35.37 and already it has been made clear to us that we can expect the quadratic
relationship between x shown in the first column with y shown in the second column. So let us
look at the sketch before or plot before we go on to the goodness of the fit.
So in this case because the information was given that we are expecting a quadratic fit or a
polynomial of degree 2 we have directly chosen the polynomial. So the fit is given by the formula
2.2318x square plus 1.5232x plus 2.1807. This is a 0 , this is a 1 and this is a 2 . I have written in the
reverse order, and you see that the coefficients of all the terms a 0 , a 1 and a 2 are roughly of the
same order. That means all the terms are equally important in this particular example. This
quantity, this as well as this, and if you remember the maximum value of x is 5, say 3.5 and x
square will correspond to about a little more than 10. Therefore this will be a dominant term for a
large value of x, and for small value of x, of course the other 2 terms or in fact the first term is
going to be dominant and then slowly the second term becomes important and the third term is
going to be most important when you go to very large values of x along the x axis. I have also
plotted the error bars on this; before we do that, I will look at the how good the fit is and then
come back to that sketch.
So I have compared the data and fit, by actually evaluating the values of the fit, values at the
corresponding values of x given in the table, and I have made a table which gives you x values in
the first row. The second row consists of the data that has been given to us. Of course I have
rounded off the y values calculated by the fit again to 2 decimal points so that we have consistent
comparison between the 2 data and the fit and you can see that if you take a look at any of them
the difference between these 2, 2.57, 2.55, here 8.229, 8.07 and if you go here, 35.4, 34.8, the
difference between these 2 values, the one which is shown in green and data values shown in
brown color, these differences are small indicating that the fit must be a good fit. And in fact it is
further amplified by looking at the R squared value. As I indicated, the R squared value also
comes out from the EXCEL program. It directly gives you the index of correlation and that is
given by 0.998, which is a value very close to unity and therefore obviously it means that the fit is
sufficiently good for our purposes.
And in fact I have myself calculated the coefficient of correlation by using the definition given
earlier and the index of correlation is in fact nothing but a square root of the R squared value. And
the square root of the number which is less than 1 will always be more than the other, so this is
slightly bigger, we are getting almost 0.999 index of correlation. The other one was 0.998. And in
fact I can also calculate the standard error. How do I calculate the standard error? I am going to
calculate the difference.
If I go back to the previous slide, I am going to take the difference between these 2 quantities, the
green and the brown values, square them and add all the points which are given here and I am
going to divide it by n minus the total degrees of freedom, which is n minus 3 because there are 3
parameters, which have been determined by using the normal equations. Therefore I am going to
divide it by not 13. Instead of 13, I am going to use 13 − 3 is equal to10. Therefore that is going
to give me the expected error or the standard error and it comes to 1.0246, I can round it off to
1.03 and what I have done is in the plot, I have shown the plus or minus that value as the
appropriate error bar for the values. That means the fit values, which represent the data, if the
errors are within that region, which is shown by the error bar, will give you comparable results.
That means within that limit you can use the fit as a representation of the data. So this is
something about the quadratic and the polynomial fit. Now let us look at the general nonlinear fit
problems. The difficulty with respect to the general nonlinear fit problem is that it may be
represented by an equation which is difficult to handle. Of course any fit will have certain
parameters, which is going to characterize that and in fact, in a few minutes, I will show you
some of the nonlinear fit, which cannot be handled by actually deriving the normal equations and
so on.
So, only under such condition we need to go about solving, using some method that actually
optimizes or minimizes the sum of the squares of the error. That is what I mean by an
optimization problem. Let me just go to the board and try to look at some of these.
Let me just take general nonlinear fit, which is an expression that cannot be written in a form that
resembles the quadratic or a cubical form. It’s not a polynomial, so it cannot be a polynomial.
Because if it is polynomial, we do not need to worry about the general procedure. Let me just
give one or two simple examples: (1) y equal to A e to the power of Bx plus Cx plus D. This is an
exponential term, this is a linear term, the combination of exponential and linear. If I write down
the normal equation it will be difficult to do that. So this is one case which is not amenable to this
simple method. The second expression, for example, may be I should put one more constant here.
We can put d here, c here, so you see that in this case—let me just change it—I didn’t use 1 or 2
more constants, for example. So these 2 expressions are what we can classify as general nonlinear
fit and it is difficult to use the method which was used in the case of polynomial function. Just to
develop the method, let us look at what we are trying to do.
(Refer Slide Time 28:06 min)
So the general problem is that I have got the sum of squares as usual, i equal to 1 to whatever n
number of data. So y data minus yi I will say fit i whole square. So we want to minimize this, and
this is a general nonlinear function with p parameters where p may be 2, 3, 4; whatever the
number. So what I have to do is I have to find out the values, for example, if p is equal to 3, that
means I will have a, b, c, choose such that or find such that S is the smallest. So before we
proceed, let me just look at this quantity S here, because it is the sum of squares it is always
positive. So suppose I make a sketch of S for example, you remember that I have a, b, and c, I
have got a b and c, so if I use values that is a(0), b(0), c(0) arbitrarily; I am just doing a(0), b(0), c(0): 3
different constants, which describe the fit and therefore we call it the fit parameter.
So I can find out the slope or the gradient of this quantity. This will contain 3 components, which
are nothing but doh S by doh a, doh S by doh b, doh S by doh c and I will in fact write this along
this direction of a. So I will say unit vector along the direction here and here, so I will say this is
the gradient. So the requirement for a minimum is achieved when it is equal to 0. That is what we
are looking for. We will also look at this gradient in slightly more detail now. What does the
gradient indicate? It indicates the partial derivatives with respect to the 3 parameters, so I am
talking about the parameter space. May be I can even make a simple sketch to show that, which I
will do in the next time sheet.
(Refer Slide Time 36:14 min)
Suppose I plot a here, b here and c here. Each a, b, c combination is going to give one value of S
and let us put that as the value here. Now the gradient is giving me the slope of the variation of S
with respect to the 3 values a, b and c. So it will be a line which may be passing through these 2
points for example. The line is a transition to the surface, which is characterized by S(a, b, c). I
have the point, which is S, and the gradient is a vector which gives the direction in which it is
varying by the largest amount and therefore I can show the direction like this. Of course it can be
going in the direction along which it is going to change and the slope is given like this. The slope
of this line is the magnitude of the gradient. Slope equal to magnitude of gradient. We know that
the slope or the gradient is directed in the direction in which the maximum amount of change will
take place. What I will do is I will go in the direction of reducing value of S. So I will move along
the reducing value of S or in the direction opposite the gradient. Let me explain by showing what
is being done.
(Refer Slide Time 38:21 min)
We have already calculated the 3 components. Of course, there is a problem with more number of
parameters, there will be more number of this, and in fact I can calculate the sum of the squares of
these 3 and take the square root. This actually is the magnitude. From this magnitude, I can also
obtain the direction cosines of the components or we can construct a unit vector given by the
following: doh S by doh a divided by this magnitude, I will say magnitude of delta S.
We have the 3 components of the unit vector, which is parallel to the gradient vector. So if I take
the step I know that S is not a minimum because this magnitude should be 0. Because it is not 0, I
know that it is not the maximum. So I want to go to the next point by taking a step, which is
proportional to the component multiplied by certain small value, which I can choose and multiply
it with the negative number because I want to go in the direction of decreasing gradient; therefore
let us look at that.
(Refer Slide Time 40:04 min)
So what I will do is I start from a(0), b(0), c(0). Next I may take the step such that I will have a(1) is
equal to a(0) − some small quantity, I will call it δ, which is chosen by us, multiplied by the
component in the direction of unit vector component along a(0). This will be given by a(0) − δ into
doh S by doh a evaluated at a0, b0, c0 divided by magnitude of S. Of course these are also
evaluated at the same point.
If I do that I am going to expect the following. I have to write such expressions for the others
also. So a(1) similarly b(1); here I will have b(0) − δ times, same δ. δ is the same for the 3
increments because they have got to be parallel to that vector. You should not multiply by 3
different numbers. The delta might be the same for the 3 because I am going to move parallel to
those quantities. Let us just look at a one-dimensional line just to see what is happening. So this is
the point where the value of S is S (0) .I took a step in the direction of decreasing S(0) and therefore
next I will come here. I have just exaggerated and as the next step I would do the exact same
thing. This will be S ,it will go on like this. So it is approaching the minimum value. So what I
am doing is I am going in the direction exactly opposite to the gradient vector and therefore it is
moving along the steepest or the fastest chain as far as the value of S is concerned, and therefore
this is called the steepest descent method. I have indicated only for one parameter; this can be
done for any number of parameters. You are taking small steps each time and moving towards
smaller and smaller values of S and of course you stop somewhere when it doesn’t make sense to
do any more.
For example, if S doesn’t change by more than some epsilon chosen by us, then stop. Of course in
this method if you take too large a step, it may actually miss and it may start giving trouble as you
reach the minimum point. Therefore initially, we may have to do a little bit of experimentation,
find out the suitable value of the delta. Initially we may take slightly larger delta but once we
close in on the minimal value then we should start reducing the value of the delta and obtain this.
So the whole point of this discussion has been to indicate that the general optimization or general
regression using a nonlinear model is possible by using a simple technique of minimizing by
using an optimization technique like the steepest descent method. It may or may not work always
and therefore there are better methods and so on, but we just want to understand briefly what we
are trying to do. So in case you don’t want to spend too much time and effort in doing this, you
remember in linear regression and the polynomial exponential and so on, you are using EXCEL,
which has all the built-in programs.
We can also use other programs which have built-in routine for doing nonlinear regression. For
example, there is a program called Axum, which can do this, whatever I explained in the previous
slides, whatever I wrote down on the board; the procedure of steepest descent and so on. These
are built-in programs available in Axum and therefore you can use Axum for doing that or a
program like sigmaplot can be used. There you can specify any complicated expressions in the
regression model and then it will be able to do that. There is also a program called NLREG or
Non Linear Regression available as a free download from the Net.
You can go to the Net and freely download this particular program and use it for doing nonlinear
regression. So at this juncture, we will assume that we have learned enough about regression and
of course one learns regression by actually collecting data, making plots, fitting curves and so on,
which is an experience one has to learn by actually doing. Whatever we have given is only a sort
of an introduction to the area of regression. There is lot more to it and the amount of time we have
in this particular course is limited; therefore we have to stop here.
So what we will do is, now having understood something about measurement principles
something about errors and their characterization, we talked about the specific properties of the
error and then we proposed what we called the least squares principle and then based on that, we
have been able to do the regression analysis, either linear quadratic, or nonlinear and so on. So
this is the background, which is required by anybody who wants to do experiments and wants to
present data in a proper form acceptable to other people who are working in the same field or who
are going to be using your data; you must know all these things and use it carefully. So with this
background let us look at what other things we have to do in conducting experiments and I am
just going to give a brief introduction to the area of experimental design and in the next lecture
am going to cover it in more detail.
You remember? y equal to f(x); x is varied independently. x is a factor; so that means the
outcome of the experiments, which is the measured value y, is influenced by the value of the
factor x or the variable x, so we call it a factor. In an experiment, for example, temperature,
pressure, humidity and so many different things may play a role and each one of them becomes a
factor. This is just a terminology. The data collected systematically by varying the factors in a
proper systematic fashion over the range of values, which we have already decided, what is it
going to do? Is it going to help us to quantitatively describe the underlying phenomenon if there is
one phenomenon? Or may be several phenomena are taking place in the same time. May be they
are influencing each other. How to get the information about these underlying principles or
phenomena, is our goal.
So what we are going to do is to do several experiments. How do we decide some of these issues?
For that we have to look at what are the things we are doing. For example, in a manufacturing
process if we are trying to make some machine part, you will be interested in the machine
component and its quality and find out what all are the factors which are going to influence that.
For example, in a typical process we may be using the machine to either modify the shape or the
surface finish or whatever it is. In this process I am going to use some parameters like the speed
at which I am going to run the machine and the depth of cut. So each one of these becomes a
factor. The depth of cut, the speed at which the machine is running, becomes a factor. This
becomes a factor and the end product, the shape of the product or the size of the product or the
nature of the surface of the project depends on these factors. So what I would be interested in the
point of manufacturing would be to look at the best suitable values of the parameters of these
factors such that I am able to satisfy some requirements like the surface finish has to be within
certain limits of the experiment.
So it may be a single quantity that is estimated. Look at the slide; it is a single quantity that is
going to be estimated. That means I am interested only in one particular process in which the
outcome is one particular thing I am looking for and I want to find out how to choose the
parameters of the factors such that I am going to get that. That is one kind of experiment, which
is, of course, very important in mechanical engineering. Or I may be doing an experiment in fluid
mechanics, where I am not interested in one particular small bit of information. I want to get the
general understanding of what is happening, so I may be measuring one quantity which depends
on a certain other quantity, like we were talking about regression.
Regression is finding out what is the linking relationship between two things: one which is
measured or one factor which is kept constant or varied in a systematic fashion and the outcome
of that experiment will be some quantity, which is of interest to us. In the case of a fluid flow
problem, I may be interested in the pressure drop in a certain length of pipe, for example. It will
be determined by various factors including the velocity of flow, the diameter of the pipe and so
on. I would like to know what is the underlying relationship; I am not looking for one particular
information, I am looking for a global information about the variation with respect to various
So the experiments we are going to do and the type of experiments we have to do will depend on
some of these important things, whether you are interested in only one parameter: one quantity
which you want to measure or optimize or you want to get the trend. Then if you are looking at
the second kind of experiments where you want to find the trend, you would like to ask the
question whether the trend is linear or nonlinear. So depending on the variations, if it is linear we
can do very few experiments and get the information. If it is nonlinear, the relationship is not one
to one, one straight line variation. Therefore we would like to know how undulating is the curve;
how curved is the relationship, how nonlinear is the relationship. The more the nonlinearity, the
more number of data we have to collect to represent that nonlinearity in greater detail.
Of course, this will become clear as we go forward in the next lecture. Then we would like to
answer or ask the question how different are the coefficient influencing factors? That means, if
you have a relationship or the trend between 2 variables or more than 2 variables, we would like
to ask, what is the importance of each one of these? This can be important even in the case of
manufacturing problem. For example, the case I gave, the surface finish may be different on 2
parameters or 2 factors, that is, the speed of the machine and the depth of that may be more
influenced by one of them and less influenced by the other. So we would like to do the
experiment and from the experiment find out which is the factor which has got higher influence.
It also may be that there may be an interaction between these factors. If speed of the machine is
very high and the depth of cut is very small or depth of cut is very high and the speed of machine
is low, it may lead to different types of interactions. So the two factors may even interact at the
outcome of this experiment. It may be a thing which depends on both of them simultaneously.
Therefore to answer all these questions, we would like to do the following. What are the different
things available? I will just like to mention them, and in the next lecture we are going to take a
deeper look into this. For example, in the case of fluid flow problems we may do a dimensional
analysis and find out whether it can give some information regarding what we are looking for. So
can we identify for example the dimensionless group that influences the quantity or quantities
being measured. That is the question we would like to ask. We would like to find out whether it is
possible and then of course, the most important thing we would like to find out is how many
experiments we must perform to get the information we are looking for. This leads to the general
problem of design of experiments and this involves several steps. What I am going to do is, I am
going to address both the kinds of problems.
(Refer Slide Time 55:02 min)
You have one process and you want to optimize the process, find out what are the parameter
factor values you must choose by simple experiments. Or you may want to get the trend among
various factors and the quantity of interest to us to see how to design such experiments. Both the
questions will be taken up and possibly, it’s going to take two more lectures. The subsequent
lectures, 7 and 8, are going to deal with these things and that will bring us to the close of the first
module of this set of lectures on mechanical engineering. Thank You.