Edward Feser - Politics of Chastity-St. Paul Center (2021)
Edward Feser - Politics of Chastity-St. Paul Center (2021)
Edward Feser - Politics of Chastity-St. Paul Center (2021)
Pasadena City College
Pasadena, CA
and psychology of female human beings exists for the sake of making them
mothers. Of course, not all men and women actually become fathers and
mothers, but the point is that that is what their being either men or women
in the first place is for. If we did not reproduce in a way that required
fathers and mothers, there would be no males and no females. Hence there
would be no sex organs, no sexual arousal, and no sexual act.
Now, the most obvious respect in which sex has this teleology is that
male sexual physiology and arousal have the biological function of getting
semen into the vagina, whereas female sexual physiology and arousal have
the biological function of facilitating reception of the semen, so as to get
the sperm it contains into proximity with an ovum, so that pregnancy
will result. It is often assumed that getting this plumbing right is the main
concern of the natural law theorist. Nothing could be further from the
truth. To be sure, the natural law theorist does insist on getting the plumb-
ing right, but that is because the plumbing w/timately exists for the sake of
a larger and more important end—just like a beaver’s teeth u/timately exist
for the sake of building shelters for beaver families, their function of gnaw-
ing trees so as to provide materials for beaver dams (which in turn provide
the setting for the shelters) being merely an essential means to that end.?
The locus classicus for Aquinas’s treatment of these matters is the discus-
sion in Summa contra gentiles III, ch. 2, nos. 122-26. There is a little bit
there about emissions of semen and the like, but there is much, much more
about what children and mothers need in order for family life to be possi-
ble, and how fathers have to provide it. That is to say, Aquinas’s treatment
of what it is to be a man or a woman goes well beyond having sex organs of
a certain kind and using them in a certain way, and that is exactly what we
should expect given that we are social animals, and rational social animals.
Sex is for making you a father or a mother, with a// that that entails given
our social and rational nature, and any deliberate use of sex that positively
frustrates that end (with a// that it entails given our rational and social
nature) is as contrary to what is good for us as breaking off teeth or gnaw-
ing only rocks rather than trees is contrary to what is good for beavers.
Now, one way this might happen is when a man sleeps with a woman to
whom he has not committed himself in the way definitive of marriage. For
any children that result from such acts, and the woman too who becomes
a mother as a result, will be left helpless by such a man. Aquinas empha-
sizes several respects in which this is so. First, mother and children are
in need of material provision, yet especially when the children are young
2 I borrow this example from Steven J. Jensen, Knowing the Natural Law
(Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2015), 72-73.
The Politics of Chastity 1259
it is very difficult for the mother to supply this herself. Second, it is not
only material provision children need, for they are rational animals and
thus need education as well, which takes a long time. Third, they need not
only maternal nurturing but paternal discipline. All of this is the work of
many years, and thus requires the stable commitment of being a husband.
Providing all of these things is no less part of the role of father than emit-
ting semen is, and thus it is toward the fulfillment of this whole paternal/
husbandly function that a man’s sexual faculties point. A woman’s sexual
faculties point toward the fulfillment of the whole maternal/wifely function
that complements the paternal one. In this way, there is for the natural
law theorist a natural teleological connection between sex, marriage, and
child-rearing, rather than a merely conventional one.
When natural law theorists say that sex has a procreative function,
then, they do not mean merely that it has the function of generating new
animals, but that it has the function of generating new animals of the social
and rational type, with the long-term commitment that that entails. The
making of a new rational social animal is not completed with birth, but
only when children have matured to the point that they are capable of leav-
ing home and beginning families of their own. To have sex is to carry out
an action that has a// of that as its teleology, just as for a beaver to gnaw ata
tree is to carry out an action that has the sheltering of the beaver’s family as
its teleology. And in both cases, this larger teleological context determines
what counts as healthy or dysfunctional (and thus good or bad) behavior.
Of course, sex is pleasurable, but the pleasure of sex has its own teleol-
ogy, just as the pleasure the beaver takes in gnawing trees or eating nuts
and the like does. In both cases, the end or point of the pleasure is to draw
the animal toward carrying out the action with which the pleasure is asso-
ciated. But here too, it is the whole teleological picture that must be kept
in view, not just the sexual act considered in isolation. And here as in every
other aspect of our animal nature, our social and rational nature gives new
significance to what in a non-human animal might be mere pleasurable
sensations. Hence the pleasure of sex has as its natural end the drawing of
the rational animal toward fatherhood or motherhood and the family life
that that entails. And that is why, in rational animals, sexual desire comes
to be associated with romantic fantasy, idealization of the sexual partner,
a disposition toward playfulness and affection, and so on. What cognitive
scientists call “theory of mind” plays a crucial role as well, insofar as sexual
desire typically involves not just a desire to sleep with another person but
also the desire that the other person wants the same and feels a similar
attraction. The pleasure looked forward to is not the mere release of one’s
own bodily tension but rather a shared pleasure in an essentially interper-
1260 Edward Feser
Unnatural Sexuality
Now, it is for the purpose of facilitating this unitive end, so that the procre-
ative end might in turn be fulfilled, that sex involves “the greatest of plea-
sures ... [which] absorb the mind more than any others.”* The upside of
this is that sexual pleasure can function as a kind of superglue that bonds a
man and woman together long enough for a new family to get started, and
retains enough strength to help maintain a stable bond even after the initial
intensity of romantic passion has subsided. The downside is that, precisely
because sexual pleasure is the most intense of pleasures, it has the greatest
tendency to cloud reason. In particular, when we take pleasure in what is
contrary to the teleology of sex, and especially when we become habituated
in doing so, it becomes harder for us to acknowledge that teleology, and
easier to engage in rationalizations that blind us to it. And this can corrupt
3 Thomas Aquinas, On Love and Charity: Readings from the “Commentary on the
Sentences of Peter Lombard,’ trans. Peter A. Kwasniewski, Thomas Bolin, O.S.B.,
and Joseph Bolin (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2008),
4 Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra gentiles Ill, ch. 123, in Summa Contra Gentiles,
Book Three: Providence, Part II, trans. Vernon J. Bourke (Notre Dame, IN: Univer-
sity of Notre Dame Press, 1975), 148.
5 Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae [ST] IVI, q. 46. a. 3, in Summa Theologica,
trans. the Fathers of the English Dominican Province, 5 vols. (New York: Benziger,
1948); emphasis added.
The Politics of ‘Chastity 1261
reason in general, insofar as the very idea of a natural order of things that
implies that indulgence of some pleasures is dysfunctional, and therefore
bad, becomes hateful to us. Accordingly, Aquinas identifies what he calls
“blindness of mind” as the chief of the “daughters” of lust or sexual vice,
and argues that sexual vices more than any other tend to erode “prudence”
or the capacity for practical reason.°
Hence, consider some of the behaviors and habits that natural law
theory condemns as contrary to the natural teleology of sex. Fornication
tends to bring children into the world outside of the stable two-parent
family unit they need for their full maturation. Hence while an act of
fornication is not per se contrary to the proximate end of the sexual act
(the climax which brings both insemination and emotional bonding), it is
contrary to its “/timate end (the creation and maintenance of a stable mari-
tal-cum-family unit). You might say that such an act is directed toward the
right sort of object, but in the wrong sort of context. Homosexual acts,
though, are not even directed toward the right sort of object, and are on
the natural law analysis contrary to the proximate end as well as the remote
end. If the fornicator is like a beaver who gnaws on trees but does not build
dams, the person acting on homosexual desire is like the beaver who gnaws
on rocks instead of trees.
Now, repeated indulgence in and rationalization of fornication dulls
the intellect’s capacity to see the natural end of sex and the will’s capacity
to pursue it, making sexual pleasure an end in itself rather than a facilitator
of a larger purpose. Repeated indulgence in and rationalization of homo-
sexual desire has an even greater tendency to dull the intellect and will in
these ways, since it is not even directed toward the right sort of object. The
intense pleasure associated with such behaviors “superglues” the mind onto
ends other than the natural one, hardening one’s orientation in an unnat-
ural direction, like a kind of psychological crippling. Aristotle compares
habituated homosexual desire to the compulsion to eat dirt or other
nonnutritive substances, a disorder known as pica.’ Just as pica would be
no less dysfunctional even if it turned out to have a genetic basis, so too,
for the natural law theorist, homosexual desire would be no less dysfunc-
tional even if it turned out to have a genetic basis. That would entail, not
the absence of psychological dysfunction, but rather the presence of both
psychological and genetic dysfunction.
As habituated and rationalized sexual vice becomes more widespread,
it inevitably takes a toll on the stability of the family, as individuals no
longer see it as the end for which sexual desire exists. Instead of seeking to
restrain and reform disordered sexual desire in a way that will be conducive
to strengthening the institution of the family, they seek to alter the insti-
tution of the family in a way that will be conducive to indulging whatever
disordered sexual desires they happen to have. The tail comes to wag the
dog. The natural order of things becomes harder to see and people become
less willing to see it. Increasing numbers of children come to lack the
stability and discipline provided by parents who sacrifice their short-term
desires for the good of the family, and are neither encouraged nor prepared
to form such stable and self-sacrificing unions themselves. In these ways,
sexual vice strikes deep at both our rational nature and our social nature.
person, and the intensity of the pleasure of climax is intended to bond the
person emotionally to that other. By contrast, the fantasy world of the
pornography user is izternal to himself, and the pleasure of his mastur-
batory climax locks him into this private fantasy realm and increasingly
unable to find similar satisfaction in a real human being. Worse, the need
to find ever more extreme subject matter in order to achieve the same levels
of titillation entails that the pleasure he takes in the associated mastur-
batory climax will “superglue” him onto ever more disordered habits of
thought and feeling where sex is concerned.
This is all bad enough, though so far the damage I have been describ-
ing directly affects individual users and their immediate relationships to
other human beings. But insofar as the use of pornography undermines
the stability of the relationships between men and women, and thus the
stability of the family, it naturally has a ripple effect on society at large.
Moreover, the use of pornography is known to affect users’ opinions
about matters of sex at a more philosophical level, and where they touch
on public policy. For example, social scientists have noted a correlation
between a tendency to use pornography and a tendency to support same-
sex marriage.®
Now, as Aquinas notes, disordered sexual pleasures “above all debauch
a man's mind” and “more than anything else work the greatest havoc in a
man’s mind.”? With pornography use, they do so in an especially insidious
way, because the costs are not as immediate or dramatic as they are with
fornication (where an unintended pregnancy can result), adultery (where
a jealous spouse can cause one harm), or promiscuity (where venereal
disease and jilted lovers can cause harm). Moreover, unlike other sexual
sins, pornography use is now extremely easy to indulge in and in a way that
can be kept secret indefinitely. One need not convince another person to
participate in a sexual act or even to sell one the materials, thereby risking
embarrassment and exposure. All one needs is a cell phone, and portrayals
of the most debauched acts imaginable are seconds away.
Now, as Aquinas teaches, it is not possible to suppress all immorality
through human law, and governments ought not to try to do so. He writes:
8 See Mark Regnerus, “Porn Use and Supporting Same-Sex Marriage,” Public
Discourse, December 20, 2012.
9 Aquinas, ST II-II, q. 153, a. 1.
1266 Edward Feser
If the state were to try to extirpate all sexual immorality, it would in the
nature of the case have to extend its reach as far as possible into the private
sphere, and would not succeed even then, given the very strong tempta-
tions associated with sex. Hence, it would be a very bad idea literally to
send police into bedrooms to hunt down those engaging in adultery, forni-
cation, homosexual acts, and so on. Such draconian policies would do far
more harm than good.
However, the immediate harm of such immoral behavior is localized,
and things are very different where what is in view are policies and actions
that have a tendency to undermine the stability of the family as an insti-
tution—and thus “without the prohibition of which human society could
not be maintained,” to borrow Aquinas’s words. Examples would include
practices, like those mentioned above, that were once illegal but are now
supported by the state—abortion, same-sex marriage, easy divorce, and so
on. These things can and ought once again to be forbidden by law.
The same goes for pornography, which does to the moral character of
individuals and societies what heroin does to bodies, and I would argue
that its distribution should be punished with a severity comparable to the
severity with which drug kingpins are punished. The legality of pornogra-
phy is often defended, even by those who disapprove of it, in the name of
free speech. But such a defense is fallacious. From a natural law perspec-
tive, the right to free speech is grounded in our nature as fallible rational
animals. Because we are rational creatures, we ought as far as possible to
try to persuade each other through rational argumentation rather than
force, and because we are fallible we need to be open to rational criticism.
Freedom of speech is thus a safeguard on the proper exercise of our intel-
lectual powers. But pornography does not appeal to the intellect. Rather,
it appeals to our passions, and has an inherent tendency to disorder them.
Moreover, as Aquinas’s analysis of the “daughters of lust” implies, it does
so precisely in a manner that positively impairs rather than facilitates our
intellectual powers. Properly understood, then, the rationale for freedom
of speech points if anything away from rather than toward a right to the
use of pornography.
The duty of offering God genuine worship concerns man both indi-
vidually and socially. This is “the traditional Catholic teaching on
the moral duty of individuals and societies toward the true religion
and the one Church of Christ.” By constantly evangelizing men, the
Church works toward enabling them “to infuse the Christian spirit
into the mentality and mores, laws and structures of the communities
in which [they] live.” The social duty of Christians is to respect and
awaken in each man the love of the true and the good. It requires
them to make known the worship of the one true religion which
subsists in the Catholic and apostolic Church. Christians are called
to be the light of the world. Thus, the Church shows forth the
kingship of Christ over all creation and in particular over human
societies. (§2105; emphasis added)
The Politics of Chastity 1269
And against the idea that a state can somehow instead be neutral about the
Catholic Faith—hostile to it, but not affirming it either—the Catechism
13 See, e.g., Thomas Pink, “In Defense of Catholic Integralism,.” Public Discourse,
August 12, 2018, and Thomas Crean and Alan Fimister, Integralism: A Manual of
Political Philosophy (Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones Scholasticae, 2020).
1270 Edward Feser