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Block I 2021

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Block I Previuos MCQs 2021

By Modular Medical Circle

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Q1. A 40-year-old patient died of a heart attack one hour after Q1. Ans: E,
the start of chest pain. His heart would reveal the following Reference: Ch 10: Robbins
changes: Pathology, Page: 380
a. Transmural coagulative necrosis with loss of nuclei and
b. Subendocrdial coagulation necrosis with loss of nuclei and
c. The disintegration of dead myofibers with phagocytosis by
d. Dense collagenous scar
e. Normal myocardium with slight waviness of myocardial
fibres at edges

Q2. Which of the following is most likely to cause hemoptysis?
a. Pneumothorax Q2. Ans: E
b. Asthma Reference:
c. COPD Robbins Pathology, Ch#13
d. Lung Cancer Page: 506
e. Bronchiectasis

Q3. The gag may be

a. A handkerchief
b. A piece of cloth
c. A piece of ope Q3. Ans: D
d. All of the above Reference: Jamiat, Ch: 9,
e. None of the above Page: 99

Q4. A sense of having connections between the patient and

physician is called:
a. Paraphrasing Q4. Ans: C
b. Summarizing Reference: Google
c. Rapport building
d. Focusing
e. Active listening

Page 1 of 18
Forensic Medicine
Q5. Death due to inhalation of H2S is instant because of:
a. Paralysis of respiratory center Q5. Ans: A
b. Failure of CVS center Reference: Parikh, Page: 682
c. Mechanical asphyxia
d. Edema of the respiratory tract
e. Anaphylactic shock

6. Blood level of which clotting factor will decline most rapidy after Q.6. Answer: B
the inhibition of Warfarin therapy?
A. factor 9
B. factor 7
C. factor 8
D. factor 10
E. prothrombin

7. The nurse is caring for postoperative patient. The nurse will Q.7. Correct option: D
anticipate administration of which of the following medication to Exp: ateplase is indicated Tx
help prevent thrombus formation due to slow venous flow? for recent thrombosis,
A. Ateplase (activator) Aspirin and Clopidogrel is
B. Aspirin used prophylactically for
C. Clopidogrel(plavix) arterial thrombosis. Warfarin
D. LMW heparin and LMW heparin both can
E. Warfarin be used in this scenario but
due to narrow therapeutic
(Med) window of warfarin and drug
8. What is the most common presentation of Acute Coronary interactions LMW heparin is
Syndrome? prefrd choice.
A. Chest pain
B. Shoulder pain Q.8. Correct option: A
C. Jaw pain
D. Neck pain
E. Arm pain

9. During the procedure of thoracocentesis, it is important to pass the Q.9. Correct option: E
needle immediately above the rib to prevent damage to which of the (contents of Subcostal
following structures in the subcostal groove? groove)
A. Intercostal Artery and Vein
B. Intercostal nerve
C. Intercostal nerve and artery
D. Intercostal nerve and vein
E. Intercostal artery, nerve and Vein

Page 2 of 18
(Med) .
10. What is the most common Cardiac Arrhythmia? 10. Correct option: D
A. Ventricular tachycardia
B. Mobitz type 1
C. 3rd degree block
D. Atrial fibrillation
E. Begimeny
Q.11. Correct option: E
Q.11.In a patient suffering from angina of effort, nitroglycerin may
Source: Kaplan
be given sublingually because this mode of administration
A Bypasses the coronary circulation
B. Causes less reflex tachycardia than oral administration
C. Improves patient compliance
D. Has a decreased tendency to cause methemoglobinemia
E. Avoid first-pass hepatic mechanism

Q. 12 Factors such as low health literacy or numeracy are examples

of Q.12. Correct option: C
A. Barriers and limitations
C. Patient's perspective
B. Clues
D. Establishing rapport
E. Support
Q. 13. Correct option: E
Q. 13. Which of the following is a broadly effective oral antibiotic
for Pseudomonas infection in cystic fibrosis?
A. Dicloxacillin
B. Linezolid
C. Cephalexin
D. Amoxicillin-clavulanate
E. Ciprofloxacin

Q. 14 Cyanotic congenital heart diseases include all of the following Q. 14. Correct option: B
except: Source: pathoma
A. Tetralogy of Fallot
B. Patent doctus arteriosus
C. Transposition of great arteries
D. Tricuspid atresia
E.Persistent truncus arteriosus

Q.15. A hypertensive patient comes to you in emergency with

headache and Drowsiness, his Bp was 200/120, Pulse 96/min, RR
16/min. he was afebrile, CT brain was done which was also Normal. Q.15. C
What Do You think He might have?
A. Meningitis
B. Encephalitis
C. Hypertensive Encephalopathy
D. hemorrhagic Strike
E. Subaruchnoid Hemorrhage (SAH)

Page 3 of 18
PHARMACOLOGY: 16. correct: A ( manhole have
16. The main source of CO2 poisoning are all except ? H2S no CO2 )
A. Manholes B. Wells C. Refrigerating Plants
D. Breathing In Overcrowded Open Spaces E. Coal Mines

17.A 45 year old man has recently been diagnosed with 17) Correct answer is A
hypertension and started on monotherapy designed to reduced Hints: losartan block
peripheral resistance and prevent sodium and water retention. He Angiotensin receptor so
has developed a persistent cough. Which of following drugs would vasoconstriction and
have the same benefits but would not cause cough? aldosterone release inhibited
A. Losartan B. Prazosin it has very little tendency to
C. Methyldopa D. Nifedipine cause cough as compared to
E. Propanolol ACE inhibitors Reference
lippincot page 211
18. The earliest lesion of atherosclerosis is 18. correct: A
a. fatty streak b. fibrofatty plaques c. fibrous plaques
d. atheroma e. endothelial injury

19. Reid index used as criteria of quantity in chronic bronchitis is the

ratio of thickness of
A. Bronchitis mucosa to that of bronchial wall
B. Submucosal glands to that of bronchial wall 19. correct: B
C. Bronchial cartilage to that of bronchial wall
D. Inflammatory infiltrate to that of bronchial wall
E. Supportive fibrosis to that of bronchial wall

20. According to WHO, multidrug resistance strain of tuberculosis is
the one that is resistance to at least; 20. correct: B
A. Isoniazid and pyrazinimide B. Isoniazid and rifampicin
C. Isoniazid alone D. Rifampicin alone
E. 1st line as well as 2nd line anti-tb drugs

21. The following expectorant acts both directly on the airways

mucosa as well as reflex
a. potassium iodide b. guaiphenesin 21. correct: A
c. ierpin hydrate d. bromohexine
e. codein

22. Abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery due
to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel is known as 22. correct: A
a. aneurysm b. dissection c. thrombosis
d. embolism e. atherosclerosis

Page 4 of 18
PHYSIOLOGY: 23. correct: A
23. The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused by
which of the following?
a. closure of aortic valve b. closure of mitral valve
c. closure of pulmonary valve d. closure of tricuspid valve
e. rapid filling of the left ventricle

24. The auscultation finding of machinery murmur is present in
patients with 24. correct: B
a. ventricular septal defect b. patent ductus arteriosus
c. transposition of great arteries d. fallot’s teratology
e. atrial septal defect

BIOCHEMISTRY: 25. correct: C

25. The cholesterol molecule is
a. benzene derivatives b.quinolones derivatives
c. steroid derivatives e. straight chain acid

Q.26 : The antihypertensive drug that is safely given in

26. B
A. Clonidine
Hint :
B. Methyldopa
The drug has lesser side
C. Phenoxybenzamine
effects and isn't
D. Propanolol
E. Resorpine

Q.27: sinoatrial node mostly received its blood supply from

27. A
A. Right coronary artery
Source :
B. Left coronary artery
Anatomy ; blood supply of
C. Right marginal artery
D. Left marginal artery
E. Left descending artery

Q. 28: which of the following doesn't occur in shock ?

28. D
A. Increase cardiac output
Source :
B. Tachycardia
Robbin chapter 4 page#
C. Muscle weakness
D. Increase urinary output
E. Bradycardia

Page 5 of 18
Q.29: The nurse is caring for postoperative patient. The nurse
will anticipate administrating which medication to this patient to 29. D
help preventing thrombus formation caused by slow venous Source:
blood flow ? Lippincott pharma ,
A. Alteplase (activase) chapter 21
B. Aspirin
C. Clopidogrel (plavix)
D. Low molecular weight heparin
E. Warfarin

(Paeds) Q.30: parents brought their 2 years old child to E/R 30. A
with the complaint of low grade fever, barking cough and
breathing difficulty. On examination, patient has having R/R of
45/mins with the chest in drawing and inspiratory stridor. The
patient was diagnosed as a case of viral croup. Regarding
management of this child all are correct except.
A. Acyclovir is the drug of choice
B. Recemic epinephrine nebulization will decrease respiratory
C. Sedatives are not indicated
D. Steroids are usually effective
E. Severe cases may require intubation and ventilation

Q.31: a 20 yr male has frequent left sided chest pain which is

31. E
unrelated to physical activity and rapidly relief by nitroglycerin.
Source: Robbin chapter 11
His coronary angiogram reveals no obstruction. His lipid profile
page #411
is also normal. He is most likely suffering from :
A. Stable angina
B. Unstable angina
C. Myocardial infarction
D. Atherosclerosis
E. Prinzmetal angina
Q. 31: A 60 years old business man with a mild hypertension, 31. C
experiences severe chest pain during exercise. In emergency,
ECG was done which show ST elevation in anterior leads
showing anterior wall myocardial infarction. Which one will the
best treatment for this patient:
A. Heparin
B. Leperudin
C. Streptokinase
D. Tranxenic acid
E. Warfarin

Page 6 of 18
Mcqs no 32: ( Micro biology) 32. Correct answer is A
Incubation period of influenza virus is Reference levenson page
A. 2 days B. 2 to 3 days C. One week 309 (24 to 48 hours )
D. 10 to 20 hours E. 18 to 72 hours

Mcq no 33: (pathology) 33. Correct Answer: A

Abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery due Reference pathoma page
to weakness in the wall of blood vessel is known as 70
A. Aneurysm
B. Dissection
C. Thrombosis
D. Embolism
E . Atherosclerosis

Mcq 34: ( Medicine ) 34. Correct answer A

What is the most common ECG findings in acute pericarditis Reference Google
A. Diffuse ST segment elevation
B. T wave inversion
C. Left bundle branch block
D. Right bundle branch block
E. Ventricular tachycardia

Mcq no35: ( pathology).

An occupational worker presented with complaint of shortness
of breath on exertion. He gives history of being in an industry
dealing with spare parts such as gas kit and brakes. He also 35. Correct answer is C
gave history of smoking for about 5 years his chest x ray
showed a ground appearance/ honeycomb in the lower two
third of the lung field the likely condition that he suffered from
A. Silicosis
B. Anthracosis
C. Asbestosis
D. Siderosis
E. Byssinossis.

Mcq no 36( pathology)

The classic gross phases of lobar pneumonia includes all of 36. Correct answer is D
the following except Referee pathoma page 87
A. Congestion
B. Red hepatization
C. Grey hepatization
D. Infraction
E. Resolution

Page 7 of 18
Mcq no 37: ( forensic medicine)
Chocking is....? 37. Correct answer is A.
A. Mechanical asphyxia accused by occlusion of the lumen of
air passage by solid object.
B. Mechanical asphyxia caused by the compression of the
lumen of air passage by a rope .
C. Mechanical asphyxia caused by applying weight on chest
D. Mechanical asphyxia caused by compression of the lumen
of air passage by hand.
E. Narrowing of the trachea.

Mcq no 38
In pediatric OPD the physician examined a 3 year old child 38. Correct answer is C
with low grade fever mild erythema in the throat and whitish
membrane on the left side tonsil the cervical lymph node was
palpable the doctor advised the mother to isolate the child for
7 days from other contacts of less than 5 years old the most
probable diagnosis is
A. Pharyngitis
B. Tonsillitis
C. Diphtheria
D. Acute laryngitis
E. Whooping cough.

Mcq no 39:
In venous thrombosis the following risk factors are paramount
A. Prolong bed rest with immobilization of legs 39. Correct answer is E.
B. Surgery especially orthopaedic surgery of knee and hip
C. Severe trauma (including burn or multiple fractures).
D. Congestive heart failure
E. All of these.

Mcq no 40:
Which of the following anti hypertensive agent if used for a 40. Correct answer is E
longer time result in positive comb's test
A. Clonidine
B. Doxazosin
C. Enalopril
D. Thiazine
E. Methyl dopa.

Mcq no 41: (pharma) 41. Correct answer is B

The antihypertensive drug that can safely be given during
pregnancy is
A. Clonidine B. Methyl dopa C. Phenoxybenzamine
D. Propranolol E. Reserpine.

Page 8 of 18
42.Which of the following is an Antitussive? 42. key:C Trimeprazine is
A.Albuterol a phenothiazene derivative
B.Theophyline which is an antipsychotic
C.Trimeprazine drug having antihistamine
D.Salbutamol property .

43.Which of the following is not a required component for 43. key:E

documentation of the informed consent?
A.The nature of the procedure
B.Risk and benefits of the procedure
C.Reasonable alternatives
D.Risk and benefits of the alternatives
E.problem solving
44.for lowering blood cholesterol level it is helpful to take diet 44. key:A
A.Unsaturated fat
B.Saturated fat
C.Vitamin enriched
D.Refined fat
E.Simple lipids
___________________________________ 44. key:D Source=>Tara-
44.which of the following is broadly effective oral antibiotic for >antibiotics
pseudomonas infection in cystic fibrosis. (flouroquinolones).
45. key:A Robbins
45.Identify thr source of H5N1 infection in humans? pathology page-524 10th
A.Birds ED
E.None of the above

46. .All of the following are included as major jones criteria for 46. key:E Robbins Heart
diagnosing rheumatic heart disease except ? pathology
A.Migratory polyarthritis
C.Subcutaneous nodules D.Sydenham's chorea E.elevated
acute phase proteins

Page 9 of 18
47.Brain death is certified when, 47. key:B Major control
A.ECG is straight for 6 hours areas are present in
B.Signs of brain stem death appears brainstem.source is jamiat
C.Respiration is ceased chapter 10..
D.Cardiovascular system is ceased
E.All of the above
48.What is the effect of digoxin on serum k+ level: 48. key:A since digoxin
A.Causes hyperkalemia blocks the NA-K channel
B.Causes hypokalemia and don't let the K into the
C.Causes no effect cell
D.The effect is variable
E.None of the above
. ________________________________ 49. key:C
49.Which of the following points are correct description of
A.Multicomponent evaluation
B.Concrete variables
C.Directly observe variable
D.Universal traits
E.Personality traits
50. key:C Trimeprazine is
50.Which of the following is an Antitussive? a phenothiazene derivative
A.Albuterol which is an antipsychotic
B.Theophyline drug having antihistamine
C.Trimeprazine property .
51.Which of the following is not a required component for 51. key:E
documentation of the informed consent?
A.The nature of the procedure
B.Risk and benefits of the procedure
C.Reasonable alternatives
D.Risk and benefits of the alternatives
E.problem solving
52.for lowering blood cholesterol level it is helpful to take diet 52, key:A
A.Unsaturated fat B.Saturated fat
C.Vitamin enriched D.Refined fat
E.Simple lipids

Page 10 of 18
53.which of the following is broadly effective oral antibiotic for 53. key:D Source=>Tara-
pseudomonas infection in cystic fibrosis. >antibiotics
A.Dicloxacillin (flouroquinolones).
54.Identify thr source of H5N1 infection in humans? 54. key:A Robbins
A.Birds pathology page-524 10th
B.Pigs ED
E.None of the above
55.All of the following are included as major jones criteria for 55. key:E Robbins Heart
diagnosing rheumatic heart disease except ? Pathology
A.Migratory polyarthritis
C.Subcutaneous nodules
D.Sydenham's chorea
E.elevated acute phase proteins

56.Brain death is certified when, 56. key:B Major control

A.ECG is straight for 6 hours areas are present in
B.Signs of brain stem death appears brainstem.source is jamiat
C.Respiration is ceased chapter 10..
D.Cardiovascular system is ceased
E.All of the above
57.What is the effect of digoxin on serum k+ level: 57. key:A since digoxin
A.Causes hyperkalemia blocks the NA-K channel
B.Causes hypokalemia and don't let the K into the
C.Causes no effect cell
D.The effect is variable
E.None of the above

58.Which of the following points are correct description of 58. key:C

A.Multicomponent evaluation
B.Concrete variables
C.Directly observe variable
D.Universal traits
E.Personality traits

Page 11 of 18
59. What is the most frequent initial symptom in pediatric systematic 59. Correct: D
A. Dyspepsia
B. Raynaud phenomenon
C. Dyspnea at rest
D. Dysphagia
E. Proximal muscle weakness
60. Correct : A
60.The most common bacteria involved in pathogenesis of
pneumonia is
A. Streptococcus pneumonia
B. H infleunzae
C. Staphylococcus Aureus
D. Listeria Monocytogens
E. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
61. Correct: A
61.Sternutators are war gases composed of
A. Organic compounds of Arsenic
B. Organic compounds of lead
C. Organic compounds of mercury
D. Organic compounds of phosphorus
E. Organic compounds of lithium

62.Which of the following is not characteristic of a recent pulmonary

infarcts? 62. Correct: C
A. Subpleural location
B. Increased frequency in patients with heart failure
C. Pale colour
D. Wedge shaped
E. Becoming abscesses when infected

63.Regarding vocal polyp:

A. It is unilateral
B. It is a premalignant lesion 63. Correct: A
C. Treatment is conservative
D. Causes respiratory obstruction
E. It is bilateral

64.Which of the following inhibits acetylcholine-mediated

brochospasm? 64. Correct: B
A. Ephedrine
B. Ipratropium
C. Salmeterol
D. Theophylline
E. Terbutaline

Page 12 of 18
Q.65 All are present in fresh water drowning except:
A) ... concentration
B) RBC hemolysis
C) hyperkalemia 65. Ans : A
D) ventricular fibrillation Ref : Jamait Page 103
E) hemodilution

Q. 66 A vasculitis that presents as heart attack like chest pain in

children with conjunctival and oral erythema, fever and enlarged
Cervical lymph nodes is : 66. Ans : c
A) Takayasu arteritis Ref : pathoma page 66
B) temporal arteritis
C ) Kawasaki arteritis
D ) Microscopic polyangitis
E ) wegeners granulomatosis

Q. 67 Which one of the following is not a required element for

documentation of the informed consent discussion:
A ) nature of the procedure 67.
B ) Risks and benefits and procedure
C ) reasonable alternatives
D ) risks and benefits of alternatives
E ) problem solving

Q.68 which of the following does not occur in shock :

A) Decreased cardiac output
B) tachycardia 68.
C ) Muscle weakness
D) decrease urine output
E) bradycardia

Q.69 steeple sign on X-ray is seen in :

A Epiglottitis
B) bronchitis 69. Ans : D
C ) Pneumonia
D ) laryngotracheobronchitis
E ) pharyngitis

Q 70 H2S is a colourless gas with a Smell of: 70. Ans : A

A) Rotten eggs Ref : Parikh page 682
B ) Garlic
F) Vinegar
G) burn toast
H) rubber burning

Page 13 of 18
Q 71 Emphysema associated most often with alpha1-antifrypsin
deficiency is : 71. Ans : A
A) Pan acinar Emphysema Ref : Pathoma page 90
B ) Centriacinar
C) irregular.
D) Distalacina
E) mixed emphysema

Q 72 The main difference between traumatic heart rupture and 72. Ans: C
spontaneous rupture is that in traumatic heart rupture :
A)Heart Is rupture on left side
B ) Heart is rupture in the middle
C ) Heart is rupture on right side
D) pulmonary wall side
E ) Aortic valve side

Q73 All are the methods of execution except: 73. Ans : E

A) Electrocution.
B ) Judicial hanging
C) garrotting.
D ) lynching.
E ) Bansdola

Q . 74 Which one of the following points are accurate description of 74. Ans : C
A) evaluation
B ) Concrete varibles
C ) Directly observable behaviour
D) Universal traits.
E) Personality traits

75. Bromhoxine act by: 75. C

A. inhibiting cough centres
B. irritating gastric mucosa and reflexly increasing bronchial
C. depolarizing mucopolysaccharides present in sputum
D. Desentisitizing the stretch receptors in the lung
E. inducing vomiting

76. parainflnza virus 1 and 2 cause:

76. C
a. meningitis Croup aka acute
b. pnuemonia laryngotracheobronchitis
c. croup HPIV 1 n 2: Croup
d. epiglottitis HPIV 2: pneumonia and
e. pharyngitis bronchitis

Page 14 of 18
77. In SWOT analysis, SWOT stands for:
a. Strength, weakness, opportunities, treatment 77. B
b. Strength, weakness, opportunities, threat
c. systemic, weakness, opportunities, threat
d. Strength, workplace, opportunities, threat
e. Strength, weakness, optimistic, threat

78. Which of the following is an antitussive:

a) Albuterol 78. ANS;C trimeprazine is
b) Theophyline an antiemetic and
c) Trimeprazine antitussive
d) Salbutamol
e) Yohambine

79)The chest X-rays and sputum analysis for the 79. ANS; B
earlydetection of tuberculosis constitutes;
a) Primary prevention
b) secondary prevention
c) tertiary prevention
d) medical treatment
e) primordial prevention

80) Which of the following is better predictor of coronary heart 80. ANS: D
a) Resting blood pressure
b) Diastolic blood pressure
c) Systolic blood pressure
d) Blood pressure after exercise
e) Blood pressure after taking meal

81) Common site of injury to spinal cord in judicial hanging is 81. ANS;B
in between:
a) C1&C2 b) C2&C3
c) C4&C5 d) C6&C7
e) All

82) A vasculitis that presents as heart attack like chest pain in 82. ANS: C kawasaki
children with conjuctival and oral erythema , fever and arteritis Most often occurs
enlarged cervical lymph nodes is: in children < 5 years of
a) Takayasu arteritis age "CRASH
b) Temporal arteritis (Conjunctivitis, Rash,
c) Kawasaki arteritis Adenopathy, Strawberry
d) Microscopic polyangitis tongue, Hand-foot
e) Wegeners granulomatosus changes) and BURN (≥ 5
days of fever)”

Page 15 of 18
83. ANS: A
83) H2S is a colorless gas with a smell of:
a) Rotten eggs
b) Garlic
c) Vinegar
d) Burnt toast
e) Rubber burning
84. ANS: D
84) Which of the following is a broadly effective oral antibiotic
for Pseudomonas infection in cystic fibrosis
a) Dicloxacillin
b) Linezolid
c) Cephalexin
d) Ciprofloxacin
e) Amoxicllin-clavulanate
85. ANS: A , Dicrotic
85) The dicrotic notch on the aortic pressure curve is caused notch: slight increase of
by which of the following: aortic pressure in the early
a) Closure of aortic valve diastole that corresponds
b) Closure of mitral valve to closure of the aortic
c) Closure of pulmonary valve valve
d) Closure of tricuspid valve
e) Rappid filling of left ventricle
86. ANS: E
86) All of the following are included in major criteria in Jones
criteria in diagnosis of rheumatic fever?
a) Migratory polyarthritis
b) Pancarditis
c) Subcutaneous nodules
d) Sydenhams chorea
e) Elevated level of acute phase reactants
87. ANS: B
87) A 14 year old male is found to have large pedunculated
lesion in the left atrium . on removal it was a gelatinous mass,
microscopy showed stellate cells embedded in abundant blue
myxoid matrix. What is likely diagnosis
a) Polyp
b) Myxoma
c) Rhabdomyoma
d) Leiomyoma
e) fibroclastoma

Page 16 of 18
88) which of these statements is false regarding laryngeal 88. ANS: B Multiple in
papillomatosis; children
a) They are commonest of all benign tumors
b) They ae solitary in very young children
c) They are associated with Human Papilloma Virus
d) Conservative approach is the best treatment
e) Carbondioxide laser can be used for excision

89. A 50 years old man admitted with suspected pulmonary 89. E

embolism. He has no past medical history of note. Blood
pressure is 120/80 mm of Hg with a pulse of 90/min. The chest
X ray is normal. Following treatment with low molecular weight
heparin what is the most appropriate initial lung imaging
investigation to perform
A. Echocardiogram
C. MRI thorax
D. Ventilation perfusion
E. Pulmonary angiography

90. The classic gross phases of lobar pneumonia includes all 90. B
of the following except
A. Congestion B. Infarction
C. Red hepatization D. Resolution
E. Grey hepatization
91. All of the following are selective B2 agonists except:
A. Isoprenaline
B. Formeterol
C. Salbutamol 91. A
D. Terbutaline E. None of the above
92. the cholesterol molecule is
A. benzene derivative
B. quinolone derivative
C. steroid derivative 92. C
D. nucleotide derivative

93. A forty years old lady died of heart attack one hour after
93. E
the start of chest pain her heart would reveal the following
changes Note: Gross features like
A. transmeural congestion necrosis with lots of nuclei and coagulative necrosis are
striations not apparent till 12 hours.
B. neuocardial couaglation necrosis with loss of nuclei and In this case the death is
striations most probably because of
C. disintegration of dead myofibrils with phagocytosis by fatal arryhtmia.
macrophages Reference: robbins ch#11
D. dense collagen scar P# 414
E. Normal myocardium with slight waviness of myocardial
fibres at edges

Page 17 of 18
93. IHD with or without MI feature is
A. stable angina
B. unstable angina 93. D (Not 100% sure)
D. prizmetal angina E. none of the above

94. the gag may be

A. a handkerchief
B. a piece of cloth
C. a piece of rope 94. Ans: D
D. all of above Reference: Jamiat, Ch: 9,
Page: 99
95. which of the following Points are accurate description of
A. multicomponent elevation
B. concrete variables 95. A (Source Google)
C. directly observable behavior
D. universal trait

96. Dipicolinic acid is constituent found in

A. bacterial capsule
B. bacterial spore 96. B
C. bacterial flagella Hint: Dipicolinic acid has a
D. bacterial fimbriae role in the heat resistence
of bacterial endospores.
97. in a patient suffering from angina of effort nitroglycerrin
may be given sublingually because of this mode of
A. by pass the coronary circulation
B. causes less reflex tachycardia than oral administration 97. E
C. improves patient compliance
D. has decrease deficiency to cause methamoglobins
E. avoid first pass hepatic metabolism

Note: Errors and

Written and Marked By: Omissions are possible,
1. Irfan Afridi 2. Talha rahman 4. Farhad Khan If you found any feel free
5.Saqib Islam 6. Ilyas MS 7. Shahsawar to inbox our
8. Mirbaaz khan 9. Usban khan 10. Usman Khalil facebook/Instagram
11. Zulfiqar 12. Aitizaz 13. Anwar Zeb page.
14. Anonymous
Modular Medical Circle
Compiled, Edited and Revised By: Farhad Khan

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