195 - CFED 1023 Christian Morality in Our Times - sw-1
195 - CFED 1023 Christian Morality in Our Times - sw-1
195 - CFED 1023 Christian Morality in Our Times - sw-1
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Week 15
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One would always wonder — why is it easier to err than to act rightly? Is it
human nature to commit sin? Even St. Paul, in his letter to the Galatians
exhorts Christians to make a conscious effort to direct their freedom and
actions in choosing to do the right thing since committing sin seems to
have been imbedded in human nature (Galatians 5:13-26).
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The Old Testament used three Common Hebrew terms pertaining to sin which are hatta,
pasha, and awon. Hatta literally means “missing the mark.” This stresses that sin is a willful
rejection of God’s known will. Pesha, meaning rebellion, shows how, in sinning, human
persons reject God and His love. Awon, iniquity or guilt, refers to the way sin twists and
distorts the sinner’s inner being.
In the New Testament, the principal Greek terms used to refer to sin are anomia, adikia
and skotos. Anomia or lawlessness stresses that sin consists in a spirit of rebellion and
contempt for God and His law. Adikia, meaning justice, emphasizes that sin is a refusal to
accept God and His reign revealed in Christ and to live in the justice that God has given.
Skotos, meaning darkness, shows that sin is an opposition to the truth of God, to Jesus
Christ --- who is the way, the truth and the life, to one’s fellowmen/women,
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Nature of Sin
Sin separates human beings from God. It is a person's failure to respond to God's invitation and
love. It breaks one’s relationship with Him. It traces itself from the abuse of human freedom. It is
through the act of turning away from God that sin exists and continually persists.
Action should always aim towards what is good; good for the one doing it and good for others
who will be affected by such act. Once the nature or the intention of an action lacks goodness
then sin enters into the scene. Such action can result to harming oneself, destroying nature and
even damaging human community which will all result to destroying the relationship between
human beings and God.
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Nature of Sin
2. Sin comes in various forms depending on its gravity. Traditionally, the Church
classified sin as either venial or mortal.
a. Venial sin
The following conditions must be considered for a certain behavior or action to be called
i. The action is not grave matter, or not serious in nature — in contrast to killing, adultery and
others. il. Action is impaired by ignorance, thus the lack of full knowledge of the circumstances
of a situation, ill. Action has been committed in the absence of deliberate and complete
lf often committed, venial sin weakens the will which eventually lessens one’s power to
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Nature of Sin
2. Sin comes in various forms depending on its gravity. Traditionally, the Church
classified sin as either venial or mortal.
b. Mortal sin refers to an action that is seriously bad/evil. An individual makes a decision to proceed
with the action despite the knowledge that it is a grave violation of God's law. The nature of the action
as seriously bad and the existence of full consent qualify it as mortal. The commission of a mortal sin,
when not properly addressed, continues to pile up, weakens the will of an individual, and eventually
darkens his/her intellect.
Three important features must necessarily surround a certain action to qualify it as mortal sin:
i. The nature of thoughts, desire or action must be seriously bad or grave. The action is morally bad
and not permissible. Examples are stealing, robbery, cheating, lustful actions, killing, and others.
il. The individual is fully aware of the gravity and seriousness of the action and decision.
ill. Despite the full knowledge, the person still consents to perform the action. One does it with freewill.
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Nature of Sin
3. Sin of Commission and Omission
sin is most often understood as bad actions being done without realizing that the non-
performance of a needed action that results to a damage of a thing, person or relationship is also
another dimension of sin. So, sin is either a bad action being committed or a good or needed
action which Is omitted or willfully not being done
The sin of commission is usually reflected in the negative precepts of the Ten Commandments
such as,
“You shall not kill” and “You shall not steal”, and the likes. The clue there is the word NOT.
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Nature of Sin
3. Sin of Commission and Omission
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Nature of Sin
4. The Three-Fold Dimension of Sin
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